Warriors Orochi 3/Miscellaneous Weapons: Difference between revisions

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| '''Character:''' Nō || '''Attack:''' 60
| '''Character:''' Nō || '''Attack:''' 60
|rowspan="2"| [[Image:4-Star Weapon - Chained Dragon.png|80px|]] ||colspan="2" style="text-align:center"| True Chained Dragon (真・闇牙黄泉津) ||rowspan="2" style="text-align:center"| Iga Ninjitsu Scroll (2x)<br>Brocade Fabric (1x)
|rowspan="2"| [[Image:4-Star Weapon - Chained Dragon.png|80px|]] ||colspan="2" style="text-align:center"| True Chained Dragon (真・闇牙黄泉津) ||rowspan="2" style="text-align:center"| Iga Ninjutsu Scroll (2x)<br>Brocade Fabric (1x)
| '''Character:''' Hanzō Hattori || '''Attack:''' 60
| '''Character:''' Hanzō Hattori || '''Attack:''' 60

Revision as of 22:35, 21 March 2014

This page contains a compiled list of miscellaneous weapons found in Warriors Orochi 3 and its expansion titles. Most of these include special or previous weapons from the Dynasty Warriors series, fifth weapons from Sengoku Musou 3: Moushouden, and even those from other Koei titles. Others are merely replicas of four star weapons only with unique visual effects to distinguish them in battle. A large number of gems and some crystals are required to buy these weapons from the weapon dealer. They are always available for purchase so long as the player has enough crystals to make a transaction.

Unlike their numbered counterparts, big star weapons initially start out with very low attack power and are about as strong as one star weapons at best. However, if these are wielded by a character with maximum weapon compatibility, they are automatically given a huge bonus of 54 attack points. This large boost in power makes them stronger than most four star weapons by comparison (though there may be some exceptions). Big star weapons can also be upgraded with various attributes to enhance their overall potency. Furthermore, each one has a unique effect that varies depending on the user. For example, one character wielding a particular big star weapon may receive a temporary buff by hitting foes while another using exactly the same armament is granted extra range in all of their attacks.

Shared Weapons

The following weapons listed below can be used by two or more characters who share the same weapon type.

Weapon List

Blade Arsenal
King's Rapier (翠玉剣) Areus's Sword (アレウスの剣)
Attack: 9 Attack: 8
Amethyst Sword (水晶の剣) Radiant Sword (緋炎の宝剣)
Attack: 8 Attack: 9
Lord of Hell (第六天玻璃) Slugger (罰刀)
Attack: 10 Attack: 10
Twin Sword Arsenal
Wisdom and Power (神仙双舞) Jade Warbler (翠鶯)
Attack: 9 Attack: 9
Heavy Sword Arsenal
Light Carver (光断) Heaven's Destroyer (九天破)
Attack: 11 Attack: 11
Immortal Blade (黄仙盤刀) Guardian's Pride (護法竹刀)
Attack: 12 Attack: 10
Bishamonten's Blade (円光毘沙門天) Blade of Blood (明丘居士刀)
Attack: 12 Attack: 12
Measure of a Man (定規) Mystic Energy (蒼綺大剣)
Attack: 10 Attack: 11
Spear Arsenal
Ether Piercer (光斬方天戟) Savage Trident (三叉烈槍)
Attack: 8 Attack: 8
Mystery (幽玄) Dragon Slayer (滅龍槍)
Attack: 8 Attack: 10
Draconian Might (青龍鉤鎌刀) Virtuous Agony (神槍五十猛尊)
Attack: 10 Attack: 8
Dragon's Maw (天之広矛) Merciless Might (烈鎗降閻魔)
Attack: 9 Attack: 10
Club Arsenal
Hammer of Destruction (武甕槌) Puncturer (千刺)
Attack: 11 Attack: 9
Kiritanpo (霧丹甫) Disintegrator (剛拳砕)
Attack: 10 Attack: 11
Small Blade Arsenal
Avian Avengers (宝鳥心眼太刀) Exquisite Death (壊閃黒闇天女)
Attack: 8 Attack: 9
Great Axe Arsenal
Monster Cleaver (獣王牙断) Uncaged Tiger (三跋羅猛虎刃)
Attack: 10 Attack: 12
Hand Axe Arsenal
Frost Axe (烈氷斧) Golden Ko (金剛戟)
Attack: 11 Attack: 11
Golden Axes (金剛双鉞) Devil's Bane (雷公武神斧)
Attack: 12 Attack: 10
Rock God (英麗器)
Attack: 11
Large Scythe Arsenal
Dirt Scrapers (地掃) Perpetual Horror (永劫)
Attack: 10 Attack: 12
Feather Fan Arsenal
Peacock Wing (雀羽扇) Distinction (黒慧扇)
Attack: 5 Attack: 5
Enlightenment (不生不滅) Cool Breeze (団扇)
Attack: 7 Attack: 7
Iron Fan Arsenal
Divine Fan (麗雀扇) Full House (手札扇)
Attack: 7 Attack: 7
Bow Arsenal
Swan Bow (白鳥弓) Graceful Dove (清麗愛弓)
Attack: 10 Attack: 9
Lance Arsenal
Oichi's Guardian (御伽騎士・市) War God's Lance (鬼神回転槍)
Attack: 9 Attack: 11
Glove Arsenal
Beast King (百獣王) Gauntlets of Fate (招福手甲)
Attack: 11 Attack: 12
Staff Arsenal
Staff of Refinement (皇杖訶梨帝母) Staff of Wisdom (仙桃杖)
Attack: 8 Attack: 9
Double Voulge Arsenal
Frozen Star (双氷星) Paddle (王留)
Attack: 11 Attack: 11
Sickle Arsenal
Frog's Tongue (蛙舌) Zhong Hui's Dryer (銅鑼威矢)
Attack: 7 Attack: 6
Nunchaku Arsenal
Shockwave (電刃波) Tinker (連池)
Attack: 10 Attack: 9
Throwing Knife Arsenal
Joker in the Pack (王牌) Alluring Blades (釣魚)
Attack: 6 Attack: 8
Gauntlet Arsenal
Million Eyes (風雷双頭) Oni Gauntlets (神裂篭手)
Attack: 8 Attack: 7

Character-Specific Weapons

This section contains weapons unique to one particular character. Some of these are duplicates or palette-swapped versions of other weapons under a different name.

Zhang He's Arsenal
Hand of Fate (魔神鈎) Demon Claws (鬼骨爪)
Attack: 6 Attack: 7
Cao Ren's Arsenal
Azure Flail (青鎧分銅) Ball on a String (蹴球分銅)
Attack: 8 Attack: 10
Zhenji's Arsenal
Peach Flower (桃花) Bloomer (一輪花)
Attack: 6 Attack: 7
Cai Wenji's Arsenal
Floral Echo (花香響) Bean Counter (算盤)
Attack: 7 Attack: 6
Wang Yi's Arsenal
Vampire Bat (蝙蝠叉) Minirakes (園芸叉)
Attack: 5 Attack: 6
Guo Jia's Arsenal
Summer Beach (盛夏砂浜) Summer Beech (避暑白樺)
Attack: 5 Attack: 5
Zhou Yu's Arsenal
Radiant Staff (光芒粉砕棍) Two Write (双頭鉛筆棍)
Attack: 7 Attack: 8
Sun Shangxiang's Arsenal
Circles of Evil (闇爪圏) Tambourine (丹馬輪)
Attack: 9 Attack: 8
Taishi Ci's Arsenal
Killer Crop (焼玉蜀黍) Ebony and Ivory (黒点白毛)
Attack: 10 Attack: 11
Zhou Tai's Arsenal
Dead of Night (冥) Doctor Death (計)
Attack: 8 Attack: 9
Sun Ce's Arsenal
Giant's Tonfa (剛殻旋棍) Arm of the Law (警棒)
Attack: 8 Attack: 9
Lianshi's Arsenal
Flying Fox (狐蝠弩) Futuristic Crossbow (不思議弩)
Attack: 8 Attack: 10
Yueying's Arsenal
Thunder Strike (雷啼) Mochi Maker (杵)
Attack: 10 Attack: 12
Xingcai's Arsenal
Overlord Set (帝盾討滅剣) Calculator (角盾円描剣)
Attack: 10 Attack: 9
Ma Dai's Arsenal
Celestial Brush (雷龍筆) Might is Write (片)
Attack: 6 Attack: 6
Bao Sanniang's Arsenal
Jade Spinner (翡翠盤) Enforcer (警察盤)
Attack: 9 Attack: 8
Xu Shu's Arsenal
Sapphire Blade (蒼流剣) Turbid Waters Blade (濁流剣)
Attack: 6 Attack: 8
Zhong Hui's Arsenal
Silver Slicers (連銭剣) Three Kingdoms (無双全集)
Attack: 8 Attack: 10
Guo Huai's Arsenal
Holy Cannon (外輪砲) Night Nurse (注射器)
Attack: 10 Attack: 10
Diaochan's Arsenal
Jade Tail (翠尾) Whipcrack (漆黒鞭)
Attack: 9 Attack: 7
Dong Zhuo's Arsenal
Destructive Blast (裂潰弾) Dumpling Bomb (饅頭弾)
Attack: 7 Attack: 9
Zuo Ci's Arsenal
Sweet Treat (煉瓦甘符) White Treat (白煉瓦甘符)
Attack: 10 Attack: 11
Triumphant Deck (常天磐符)
Attack: 10
Da Ji's Arsenal
Poisoned Dumplings (傾国の饅頭) Plague of Worlds (亡国)
Attack: 11 Attack: 10
Taigong Wang's Arsenal
Conjurer's Rod (緑風雷光鞭) Celestial Rod (青天雷光鞭)
Attack: 7 Attack: 8
Sun Wukong's Arsenal
Staff of Victory (闘戦勝) Celestial Simian (快天大聖)
Attack: 7 Attack: 8
Nuwa's Arsenal
Jade Rapier (翠玉の細剣) Ruby Rapier (紅麗細剣)
Attack: 9 Attack: 9
Yoshitsune Minamoto's Arsenal
Bug Gauntlet (鍬形の小手) Sacred Scarab (玉虫甲の小手)
Attack: 12 Attack: 11
Celestial Gauntlet (迅雷の小手)
Attack: 10
Kiyomori Taira's Arsenal
Autumn Harvest (青篭盛) Spring Harvest (篭盛)
Attack: 10 Attack: 12
Brutality (鬼盛)
Attack: 11
Himiko's Arsenal
Okdogū (多幸) Golden Okdogū (金照多幸)
Attack: 9 Attack: 7
Cerulean Goddess (翠玉偶)
Attack: 8
Gyūki's Arsenal
Choco Swirl (氷菓錘) Strawberry Swirl (桃色氷菓錘)
Attack: 8 Attack: 9
Skull Smasher (黄泉八重餓鬼)
Attack: 10
Sanzang's Arsenal
Rising Carp (緋昇鯉) Butterfly Koi (藍昇鯉)
Attack: 5 Attack: 6
Benkei's Arsenal
Bug Killer (蚊遣りの小手) Bug Slayer (虫追いの小手)
Attack: 12 Attack: 10
Wild Fist (荒法師の小手)
Attack: 11
Kaguya's Arsenal
Moon Viewer (望月団子) Moon Rabbit (玉兎月影)
Attack: 7 Attack: 9
Nezha's (Cyborg) Arsenal
Universe Donuts (導夏圏) Wind Fire Donuts (苺導夏圏)
Attack: 9 Attack: 10
Shuten Dōji's Arsenal
Snowman (雪達磨) Iceman (氷雪達磨)
Attack: 8 Attack: 12
Joan of Arc's Arsenal
Sacred Lily (白百合の聖槍) Hallowed Creed (訶梨帝槍)
Attack: 8 Attack: 10
Achilles's Arsenal
Dragon's Might (皇竜剣) Sweet Spot (斬天罰)
Attack: 10 Attack: 9
Seimei Abe's Arsenal
Red Paper Kite (赤紙鳶) Blue Paper Kite (青紙鳶)
Attack: 8 Attack: 7
Shennong's Arsenal
Red Pointer (赤遊尾) White Pointer (白遊尾)
Attack: 10 Attack: 9
Mae Tamamo's Arsenal
Fortune Roll (恵方巻) Golden Cherry Roll (金包桜花巻)
Attack: 7 Attack: 8
Yinglong's Arsenal
Red Shears (緋鋏双龍剣) Blue Shears (青鋏双龍剣)
Attack: 10 Attack: 10
Nezha's (Human) Arsenal
Orange Street Lamp (橙街灯槍) Green Street Lamp (緑街灯槍)
Attack: 8 Attack: 9
Kyubi no Kitsune's Arsenal
Purple Ribbon (天鵞絨青蝶結) Red Ribbon (天鵞絨紅蝶結)
Attack: 11 Attack: 12
Hundun's Arsenal
Dinnerware (美食四神器) Cookware (調理四神器)
Attack: 11 Attack: 12
Sophitia Alexandra's Arsenal
Soul Calibur (ソウルキャリバー) Soul Edge (ソウルエッジ)
Attack: 12 Attack: 12
Mitsuhide Akechi's Arsenal
Pacific Blade (神剣平国) Halcyon Blade (倭刀平国)
Attack: 7 Attack: 8
Oichi's Arsenal
Nagamasa's Faith (瑠璃弁天・長) Nagamasa's Love (瑠璃弁天・政)
Attack: 9 Attack: 7
Okuni's Arsenal
Treasured Grace (宝蔵吉花天) Beach Parasol (桜紋日照浜傘)
Attack: 8 Attack: 9
Magoichi Saika's Arsenal
Eagle Eye (輝焔火具土) Devil's Shotgun (閻銃天尾羽張)
Attack: 8 Attack: 9
Masamune Date's Arsenal
Twin Dragons (双龍阿修羅) Dragonfire (双龍神剣)
Attack: 9 Attack: 7
Nō's Arsenal
Sudden Death (淡島) Viper's Bite (蝮蛇)
Attack: 6 Attack: 7
Hanzō Hattori's Arsenal
Rampant Bull (冥穿黒牛天) Silent Assassin (無言怨嗟鎌)
Attack: 7 Attack: 9
Hideyoshi Toyotomi's Arsenal
Simian Trinity (三界金猿文殊) Bendy Straw (三曲清涼細管)
Attack: 9 Attack: 7
Yoshimoto Imagawa's Arsenal
Scarlet Slicer (紅雷刀) Eye of the Phoenix (鳳眼光明遍照)
Attack: 8 Attack: 9
Ieyasu Tokugawa's Arsenal
Apocalyptic Prayer (東照葵火祭) Triple Leaf (三葉葵纏)
Attack: 9 Attack: 8
Mitsunari Ishida's Arsenal
Golden Zephyr (神遊扇) Peacock Tail (嘉瑞招福・麗)
Attack: 7 Attack: 6
Kanetsugu Naoe's Arsenal
Military Guardian (護法夜叉羅刹) Sacred Sword (水晶の御剣)
Attack: 8 Attack: 10
Toshiie Maeda's Arsenal
Abyssal Misery (虚空津日高) Jaws of Victory (正勝々速日)
Attack: 10 Attack: 9
Motochika Chōsokabe's Arsenal
Death Metal (蝙蝠髑髏) Six-String (六弦吾子戯)
Attack: 8 Attack: 8
Gracia's Arsenal
Filial Piety (神皇産釧) Rebellion (黒革鋲輪)
Attack: 8 Attack: 7
Kanbei Kuroda's Arsenal
Sanguine Orb (天冥妖球) Demon's Breath (鬼哭泉門塞)
Attack: 9 Attack: 8
Muneshige Tachibana's Arsenal
Divine Wind (風刃神風) God of Thunder (雷刃鳴神)
Attack: 10 Attack: 9
Kai's Arsenal
Adder (神刃甲斐弁羅) Python (炎刃甲斐弁羅)
Attack: 8 Attack: 9
Ujiyasu Hōjō's Arsenal
Rod of Retribution (滅杖刀国常立) Pretty Power (魔法翔杖)
Attack: 9 Attack: 8
Hanbei Takenaka's Arsenal
Orion (神針娑竭羅) Galactic Lord (神針雲娑竭羅)
Attack: 7 Attack: 9
Motonari Mōri's Arsenal
Firehawk (金仙鵄天狗) Goldenhawk (招雷金糸雀)
Attack: 7 Attack: 8
Masanori Fukushima's Arsenal
Undying Loyalty (雷鳴憤怒棍) Paladin's Faith (闘棍天手力雄)
Attack: 11 Attack: 9
Goemon Ishikawa's Arsenal
Lightning Strike (青雷嶽崩し) Lightning Basara (赤雷魁伐折羅)
Attack: 11 Attack: 10
Kojirō Sasaki's Arsenal
Sword of Kings (王道剣) Dark Fire (緋炎の闇刀)
Attack: 9 Attack: 10

Synthesized Weapons

Introduced in Ultimate, synthesized weapons have high attack power and take on the appearance of fourth weapons. These are crafted from rare and high-grade materials found exclusively in Unlimited Mode. Aside from gathering the right materials, players must also pay the blacksmith a hefty amount of 20,000 gems and 2 crystals in order to produce a single synthesized weapon.

Image Weapon Stats Materials
True Blade of Darkness (真・滅麒麟牙) Loyalist's Dagger (2x)
Emerald (1x)
Character: Xiahou Dun Attack: 62
True Royal Axe (真・天断斧) Serrated Flag (2x)
Amber (1x)
Character: Dian Wei Attack: 77
True Sun and Moon (真・獅吼双鉞) Warrior Teachings (2x)
Lapis Lazuli (1x)
Character: Zhang Liao Attack: 62
True Sword of Heaven (真・倚天の剣) Helmet of Wei (2x)
Zhuque's Tail (1x)
Character: Cao Cao Attack: 63
True Holy Comet (真・蚩尤瀑布砕) Ox Tail Headscarf (2x)
Amber (1x)
Character: Xu Zhu Attack: 72
True Phoenix Bow (真・雀翼烈迅弓) Aiming Arrow (2x)
Pearl (1x)
Character: Xiahou Yuan Attack: 63
True Marauder (真・白虎牙断) Seeker's White Hood (2x)
Lapis Lazuli (1x)
Character: Xu Huang Attack: 77
True Cursed Claws (真・鬼神憑忌爪) Beautiful Waistcloth (2x)
Zhuque's Tail (1x)
Character: Zhang He Attack: 60
True Devil's Tail (真・氷雪神鎖) Diamond Shield (2x)
Qinglong's Fang (1x)
Character: Cao Ren Attack: 67
True Heaven and Hell Swords (真・干将莫耶) Literary Works (2x)
Xuanwu's Fang (1x)
Character: Cao Pi Attack: 60
True Demon Breath (真・氷雪花) Alluring Incense (2x)
Xuanwu's Fang (1x)
Character: Zhenji Attack: 60
True Royal Harp (真・朱轟) Xiongnu Memento (2x)
Apricot Blossom (1x)
Character: Cai Wenji Attack: 60
True Soul Reaver (真・暴風刈) Wu Qi's Strategies (2x)
Brocade Fabric (1x)
Character: Jia Xu Attack: 60
True Earthquake (真・断浪) Customized Coffin (2x)
Brocade Fabric (1x)
Character: Pang De Attack: 82
True Frostbite (真・氷雪叉) Lapis Lazuli Goblet (2x)
Silk Fabric (1x)
Character: Wang Yi Attack: 60
True Majestic Allure (真・比翼鳥) Luxurious Wine (2x)
Emerald (1x)
Character: Guo Jia Attack: 60
Image Weapon Stats Materials
True Dragonhead Staff (真・狼咀灼哮棍) Two Kingdoms Scrolls (2x)
Qinglong's Fang (1x)
Character: Zhou Yu Attack: 60
True Silver Swallow (真・飛燕) Grand Viceroy's Seal (2x)
Xuanwu's Fang (1x)
Character: Lu Xun Attack: 60
True Royal Hoops (真・火炎神圏) Princess Bowstring (2x)
Baihu's Bone (1x)
Character: Sun Shangxiang Attack: 60
True Inferno Sickle (真・火炎刈) Youxia's Bell (2x)
Peach Blossom (1x)
Character: Gan Ning Attack: 60
True Sword of Judgment (真・天断刀) Imperial Seal (2x)
Iris Blossom (1x)
Character: Sun Jian Attack: 67
True Imperial Rods (真・虎煌潰双鞭) Sixty Day Pledge (2x)
Baihu's Bone (1x)
Character: Taishi Ci Attack: 82
True Golden Glory (真・風龍顎) Zhan Guo Ce (2x)
Peach Blossom (1x)
Character: Lu Meng Attack: 72
True Soul Scepter (真・抉叉煉錨砕) Veteran's Pouch (2x)
Iris Blossom (1x)
Character: Huang Gai Attack: 69
True Twilight Blade (真・宵) Bodyguard Ointment (2x)
Apricot Blossom (1x)
Character: Zhou Tai Attack: 60
True Phantom Nunchaku (真・暴嵐波) Sun Quan's Coat (2x)
Plum Blossom (1x)
Character: Ling Tong Attack: 63
True Royal Tonfa (真・暁灼紅旋棍) Little Conqueror's Crown (2x)
Hemp Fabric (1x)
Character: Sun Ce Attack: 60
True Sword of Judgment (真・天断刀) Treatise of Diplomacy (2x)
Brocade Fabric (1x)
Character: Sun Quan Attack: 67
True Dragon Fan (真・雷光天扇) Panda Statue (2x)
Baihu's Bone (1x)
Character: Xiaoqiao Attack: 60
True Phoenix Fan (真・氷雪天扇) Sweets (2x)
Plum Blossom (1x)
Character: Daqiao Attack: 60
True Divine Gloves (真・迦楼羅手甲) Ironstone (2x)
Xuanwu's Fang (1x)
Character: Ding Feng Attack: 79
True Dragoon Crossbow (真・氷龍弩) Ruby Earrings (2x)
Iris Blossom (1x)
Character: Lianshi Attack: 67
Image Weapon Stats Materials
True Rising Dragon (真・昇龍槍) Zhuge Liang's Silk Bags (2x)
Apricot Blossom (1x)
Character: Zhao Yun Attack: 67
True Gold Dragon (真・黄龍偃月刀) Chunqiu Zuo Zhuan (2x)
Plum Blossom (1x)
Character: Guan Yu Attack: 77
True Bringer of Chaos (真・破軍蛇矛) Peach Orchard Wine (2x)
Hemp Fabric (1x)
Character: Zhang Fei Attack: 82
True Swan Wing (真・白羽龍扇) Chu Shi Biao (2x)
Brocade Fabric (1x)
Character: Zhuge Liang Attack: 60
True Exquisite Swords (真・黄龍双牙) Cup of Ambition (2x)
Brocade Fabric (1x)
Character: Liu Bei Attack: 60
True Silver Spear (真・鉄騎尖) Brocade Rein (2x)
Cotton Fabric (1x)
Character: Ma Chao Attack: 60
True Qilin Bow (真・鳳霓翔刹弓) Huang Zhong's Bow (2x)
Silk Fabric (1x)
Character: Huang Zhong Attack: 67
True Royal Voulge (真・双雷星) Exotic Animal Bones (2x)
Emerald (1x)
Character: Wei Yan Attack: 77
True Rune Blade (真・神龍昇天刀) Family Headband (2x)
Amber (1x)
Character: Guan Ping Attack: 82
True Wizard Staff (真・氷雪輝杖) Linked Chains (2x)
Pearl (1x)
Character: Pang Tong Attack: 62
True Oblivion (真・湖底蒼月) Wooden Ox Figurine (2x)
Peach Blossom (1x)
Character: Yueying Attack: 60
True Angel Spear (真・蒼竜煌閃槍) Twenty-Four Scrolls (2x)
Hemp Fabric (1x)
Character: Jiang Wei Attack: 60
True Qinggang Sword (真・青釭の剣) Ruler's Twin Swords (2x)
Baihu's Bone (1x)
Character: Liu Shan Attack: 60
True Warlord Set (真・皇盾神聖剣) Fermented Tincture (2x)
Peach Blossom (1x)
Character: Xingcai Attack: 62
True Emperor Brush (真・哮天犬筆) Xi Liang Hat (2x)
Apricot Blossom (1x)
Character: Ma Dai Attack: 60
True Dragon Nunchaku (真・火炎波) Peach Blossom Petals (2x)
Hemp Fabric (1x)
Character: Guan Suo Attack: 67
True Doomspinner (真・雷光盤) Ordinary Bangles (2x)
Brocade Fabric (1x)
Character: Bao Sanniang Attack: 60
True Emerald Blade (真・翠流剣) Forged Letter (2x)
Peach Blossom (1x)
Character: Xu Shu Attack: 60
Image Weapon Stats Materials
True Fenghuang Wing (真・疾風羽扇) Schemer's Garment (2x)
Pearl (1x)
Character: Sima Yi Attack: 60
True Steel Anguish (真・棘牙剣) Prodigy's Mask (2x)
Cotton Fabric (1x)
Character: Sima Shi Attack: 60
True Celestial Fang (真・天龍牙刀) Good Luck Charm (2x)
Silk Fabric (1x)
Character: Sima Zhao Attack: 67
True Qilin Horn (真・烈羅襲嵐槍) Jihe Lun (2x)
Emerald (1x)
Character: Deng Ai Attack: 72
True Lightning Blades (真・翠雨霈霽) Princess Barrette (2x)
Amber (1x)
Character: Wang Yuanji Attack: 60
True Imperial Dynasty (真・雷光飛龍剣) Schemer's Hair Tie (2x)
Pearl (1x)
Character: Zhong Hui Attack: 67
True Phoenix Wing (真・雷光羽扇) Canine Gloves (2x)
Lapis Lazuli (1x)
Character: Zhuge Dan Attack: 60
True Dragon Tongue (真・龍舌) Rejuvenating Remedy (2x)
Zhuque's Tail (1x)
Character: Xiahou Ba Attack: 79
True Flame Cannon (真・火炎連砲) Wife's Herbal Bath (2x)
Qinglong's Fang (1x)
Character: Guo Huai Attack: 82
Image Weapon Stats Materials
True Dragon Bone (真・麗雀) Dancing Maiden's Erhu (2x)
Silk Fabric (1x)
Character: Diaochan Attack: 60
True Royal Halberd (真・無双方天戟) Flying General's Plume (2x)
Emerald (1x)
Character: Lu Bu Attack: 95
True Apocalyptic Blast (真・壊滅弾) Forbidden Wine (2x)
Lapis Lazuli (1x)
Character: Dong Zhuo Attack: 77
True Soul Piercer (真・氷刃剣) Golden Crown of Nobility (2x)
Zhuque's Tail (1x)
Character: Yuan Shao Attack: 60
True Staff of the Gods (真・雷光輝杖) Taiping Yaoshu (2x)
Qinglong's Fang (1x)
Character: Zhang Jiao Attack: 60
True Royal Gloves (真・阿修羅手甲) Bird-of-Paradise Feathers (2x)
Iris Blossom (1x)
Character: Meng Huo Attack: 82
True Blades of Destiny (真・三叉驟雨) Phoenix Feathers (2x)
Plum Blossom (1x)
Character: Zhurong Attack: 60
True Trump Deck (真・冥天照符) Dun Jia Tian Shu (2x)
Hemp Fabric (1x)
Character: Zuo Ci Attack: 90
True Eternal Agony (真・無間) Fangs of Doom (2x)
Brocade Fabric (1x)
Character: Orochi Attack: 90
True Orbs of Ruin (真・崩国) Mastermind's Drapery (2x)
Cotton Fabric (1x)
Character: Da Ji Attack: 60
True Lightning Rod (真・雷公鞭) Book of Omniscience (2x)
Silk Fabric (1x)
Character: Taigong Wang Attack: 60
True Jingu Staff (真・齊天大聖) Palm Leaf Fan (2x)
Emerald (1x)
Character: Sun Wukong Attack: 60
True Fu Xi's Sword (真・伏犠の大剣) Universal Laws (2x)
Amber (1x)
Character: Fu Xi Attack: 86
True Nuwa's Rapier (真・女媧の細剣) Embroidered Bagua (2x)
Pearl (1x)
Character: Nuwa Attack: 60
True Sun Gauntlet (真・武雷の小手) Genji Warrior's Flute (2x)
Lapis Lazuli (1x)
Character: Yoshitsune Minamoto Attack: 77
True Tyranny (真・重盛) Evil Monk's Geta (2x)
Zhuque's Tail (1x)
Character: Kiyomori Taira Attack: 83
Image Weapon Stats Materials
True Amaterasu (真・天照) Lapis Kudatama (2x)
Qinglong's Fang (1x)
Character: Himiko Attack: 60
True Eternal Agony (真・無間) Tome of Hachi-Dai Jigoku (2x)
Xuanwu's Fang (1x)
Character: Orochi X Attack: 96
True Midnight Essence (真・神夜良比) Demon Headgear (2x)
Baihu's Bone (1x)
Character: Dodomeki Attack: 60
True Spiked Fury (真・黄泉都牟刈) Fur Clothing (2x)
Peach Blossom (1x)
Character: Gyūki Attack: 86
True Violet Glory (真・飛天) Blessed Attire (2x)
Iris Blossom (1x)
Character: Sanzang Attack: 60
True Winged Fist (真・手力雄小手) Seven Tools (2x)
Apricot Blossom (1x)
Character: Benkei Attack: 86
True Temporal Traveler (真・五百津真賢木) Shining Bamboo Stalk (2x)
Plum Blossom (1x)
Character: Kaguya Attack: 60
True Orochi Slayer (真・三叉陽炎) Seven Flames Regalia (2x)
Hemp Fabric (1x)
Character: Susano'o Attack: 95
True Demon Rings (真・斬魔四象圏) Wind and Fire Wheels (2x)
Brocade Fabric (1x)
Character: Nezha (Cyborg) Attack: 60
True Devil's Brew (真・鬼面鬼棘) Vermilion Cup (2x)
Cotton Fabric (1x)
Character: Shuten Dōji Attack: 79
True Demon Dragon Sword (真・魔神龍頭剣) Hayabusa Crest (2x)
Silk Fabric (1x)
Character: Ryu Hayabusa Attack: 60
True Midnight Butterfly (真・夜光蝶小太刀) Floral Kunai (2x)
Emerald (1x)
Character: Ayane Attack: 60
True Fleur-de-lis (真・白百合の槍) White Lily (2x)
Amber (1x)
Character: Joan of Arc Attack: 60
True Lance of Ruin (真・破魔の槍) Artifact of Darkness (2x)
Pearl (1x)
Character: Nemea Attack: 70
True Lionheart (真・獅子剛刃) Lion Statue (2x)
Lapis Lazuli (1x)
Character: Achilles Attack: 92
True Viper Fan (真・桔梗蝙蝠) Yin Yang Calligraphy (2x)
Zhuque's Tail (1x)
Character: Seimei Abe Attack: 60
True Cobalt Hammer (真・蒼晶槌) Fiend's Keepsake (2x)
Qinglong's Fang (1x)
Character: Rachel Attack: 86
True Bountiful Harvest (真・麦浪赭鞭) Yagen (2x)
Xuanwu's Fang (1x)
Character: Shennong Attack: 60
True Divine Dragon Naginata (真・神龍薙刀) Priestess Magatama (2x)
Baihu's Bone (1x)
Character: Momiji Attack: 86
True Golden Orchid (真・金蘭巻) Picture Scroll (2x)
Iris Blossom (1x)
Character: Mae Tamamo Attack: 60
True Twin Dragon Fang (真・双龍神牙剣) Four Dragons Chief Mark (2x)
Apricot Blossom (1x)
Character: Yinglong Attack: 86
True Demon Slicer (真・斬魔火尖槍) Lotus Flower (2x)
Plum Blossom (1x)
Character: Nezha (Human) Attack: 60
True Buttercup Raiment (真・金鳳花羽衣) Golden Hairpins (2x)
Hemp Fabric (1x)
Character: Kyubi no Kitsune Attack: 86
True Universal Conqueror (真・天地纏統) Jet Black Remiges (2x)
Brocade Fabric (1x)
Character: Hundun Attack: 99
True Scattering Blossom (真・神桜散月刀) Cherry Blossom Petals (2x)
Brocade Fabric (1x)
Character: Kasumi Attack: 60
True Claíomh Solais (真・クラウ・ソラス) Pigeon Feed (2x)
Silk Fabric (1x)
Character: Sterkenburg Cranach Attack: 86
True Flametongue (真・フレイムタン) Daughter's Ribbon (2x)
Emerald (1x)
Character: Sophitia Alexandra Attack: 79
Image Weapon Stats Materials
True Dragon Tail (真・炎槍索戔嗚) Six Coins (2x)
Amber (1x)
Character: Yukimura Sanada Attack: 67
True Divinity Blade (真・天之瓊鉾) Keiji's Journal (2x)
Pearl (1x)
Character: Keiji Maeda Attack: 90
True Demon Slayer (真・蛇之麁正) Tenka Fubu Seal (2x)
Lapis Lazuli (1x)
Character: Nobunaga Oda Attack: 67
True Gilded Talon (真・霊剣布都御魂) Atago Hyakuin (2x)
Zhuque's Tail (1x)
Character: Mitsuhide Akechi Attack: 67
True Frozen Flame (真・天叢雲) Mounted Chalice (2x)
Qinglong's Fang (1x)
Character: Kenshin Uesugi Attack: 77
True Rising Sun (真・木花開耶・簪) Bag of Red Beans (2x)
Xuanwu's Fang (1x)
Character: Oichi Attack: 60
True Heaven's Glory (真・日向天鈿女) Kanjinchō (2x)
Baihu's Bone (1x)
Character: Okuni Attack: 60
True Shiranui (真・絶不知火) Ninja Secrets (2x)
Peach Blossom (1x)
Character: Kunoichi Attack: 60
True Marksman's Pride (真・獄焔火具土) Saika Dōfuku (2x)
Iris Blossom (1x)
Character: Magoichi Saika Attack: 67
True Divine Inspiration (真・天孫降臨) Fūrin Kazan Banner (2x)
Apricot Blossom (1x)
Character: Shingen Takeda Attack: 83
True Dragonhunters (真・大覇狩) White Outfit (2x)
Plum Blossom (1x)
Character: Masamune Date Attack: 60
True Leech of Life (真・蛭虸) Dōsan's Dagger (2x)
Hemp Fabric (1x)
Character: Attack: 60
True Chained Dragon (真・闇牙黄泉津) Iga Ninjutsu Scroll (2x)
Brocade Fabric (1x)
Character: Hanzō Hattori Attack: 60
True Steel Vengeance (真・神剣カムド) Gilded Armor (2x)
Brocade Fabric (1x)
Character: Ranmaru Mori Attack: 67
True Serpent Trinity (真・三貴宇津皇子) Sennari Gourd (2x)
Silk Fabric (1x)
Character: Hideyoshi Toyotomi Attack: 60
Image Weapon Stats Materials
True Meteor (真・意富加牟豆美) Imagawa Kana Mokuroku (2x)
Emerald (1x)
Character: Yoshimoto Imagawa Attack: 60
True Tonbo-giri (真・闘尖荒覇吐) Deerhorn Helmet (2x)
Amber (1x)
Character: Tadakatsu Honda Attack: 96
True Enigma (真・天之麻迦古弓) Nadeshiko Hairpin (2x)
Pearl (1x)
Character: Ina Attack: 60
True Earthshaker (真・煌刃獲加武) Hatsuhana Tea Canister (2x)
Lapis Lazuli (1x)
Character: Ieyasu Tokugawa Attack: 60
True Golden Splendor (真・志那都神扇) Three Cups of Tea (2x)
Zhuque's Tail (1x)
Character: Mitsunari Ishida Attack: 60
True Impaler (真・倭王八千戟) Azai Ichimonji (2x)
Qinglong's Fang (1x)
Character: Nagamasa Azai Attack: 70
True Armageddon Blade (真・猛壬那刀) Kiku-Kiri Haori (2x)
Xuanwu's Fang (1x)
Character: Sakon Shima Attack: 72
True Earthsplitter (真・大槌伊武岐) Cat God Ema (2x)
Baihu's Bone (1x)
Character: Yoshihiro Shimazu Attack: 83
True Raging Tempest (真・天雷磐長) Dōsetsu's Armor (2x)
Peach Blossom (1x)
Character: Ginchiyo Tachibana Attack: 60
True Evil's Bane (真・神直毘御剣) Naoe's Letter (2x)
Iris Blossom (1x)
Character: Kanetsugu Naoe Attack: 60
True Soaring Dragons (真・豊玉翔小太刀) The Taikōki (2x)
Apricot Blossom (1x)
Character: Nene Attack: 60
True Soulstealer (真・闇御津破) Fūma Blood Pact (2x)
Plum Blossom (1x)
Character: Kotarō Fūma Attack: 67
True Dragon's Bite (真・葦原火遠理命) Ōtenta-Mitsuyo (2x)
Hemp Fabric (1x)
Character: Toshiie Maeda Attack: 67
True Golden Melody (真・天津甕三味星) Ushimaru (2x)
Brocade Fabric (1x)
Character: Motochika Chōsokabe Attack: 60
Image Weapon Stats Materials
True Sacred Grace (真・神直毘釧) Konpeitō (2x)
Cotton Fabric (1x)
Character: Gracia Attack: 60
True Iron Supremacy (真・金剛武斧) Oto-Gozen Kettle (2x)
Silk Fabric (1x)
Character: Katsuie Shibata Attack: 77
True Demon's Maw (真・虎刃火廣金) Shoulder Armor (2x)
Emerald (1x)
Character: Kiyomasa Katō Attack: 69
True Demonstone (真・黄泉戸大神) Silver White Helmet (2x)
Amber (1x)
Character: Kanbei Kuroda Attack: 60
True Roaring Lion (真・天御柱神咆哮) Kōdō Mixture (2x)
Pearl (1x)
Character: Muneshige Tachibana Attack: 63
True Orochi (真・龍刃八岐大蛇) Broken Hairpin (2x)
Lapis Lazuli (1x)
Character: Kai Attack: 60
True Punisher (真・戒杖刀天常立) Hōjō Tiger Print (2x)
Zhuque's Tail (1x)
Character: Ujiyasu Hōjō Attack: 67
True Astral Conqueror (真・十二方八将針) Kagami Mochi (2x)
Qinglong's Fang (1x)
Character: Hanbei Takenaka Attack: 60
True Blackhawk (真・陽神八咫烏) Hyakuman Isshin Slab (2x)
Xuanwu's Fang (1x)
Character: Motonari Mōri Attack: 60
True Divine Justice (真・天輪聖巫杖) Uesugi Clan Archives (2x)
Baihu's Bone (1x)
Character: Aya Attack: 60
True Guardian's Truth (真・執金剛神杵) Nihongo (2x)
Peach Blossom (1x)
Character: Masanori Fukushima Attack: 77
True Kai-Basara (真・魁伐折羅) Chidori Kōro (2x)
Iris Blossom (1x)
Character: Goemon Ishikawa Attack: 80
True Mastery & Vision (真・石裂岩刀剣) Book of Five Rings (2x)
Apricot Blossom (1x)
Character: Musashi Miyamoto Attack: 90
True Deathly Shadow (真・田道間守刀) Kanemaki's Teachings (2x)
Plum Blossom (1x)
Character: Kojirō Sasaki Attack: 67

DLC Weapons

This part of the page is dedicated to weapons available via downloadable content. A few of these weapons are considered four star weapons due to having a compatibility bonus of 18 attack points instead of 54.

* only available in Ultimate.
Image Weapon Stats Unlock Method
Dandyman (素敵) Attack: 8 Download and clear "Manhunt".
Type/Owner: Blades Bonus: 54
Patrician Sword (血脈の剣) Attack: 10 Download and clear "Every Snake Has Its Day".
Type/Owner: Blades Bonus: 54
Flags (紅白旗) Attack: 9 Download and clear "The Art of War".
Type/Owner: Twin Swords Bonus: 54
Bug Catcher (捕虫網) Attack: 8 Download and clear "In Vino Veritas".
Type/Owner: Spears Bonus: 54
Clean Sweeper (甲板掃除槍) Attack: 9 Download and clear "Virtue's Burden".
Type/Owner: Spears Bonus: 54
Moptop (床掃方天戟) Attack: 10 Download and clear "Lu Bu's Revenge".
Type/Owner: Spears Bonus: 54
Scooper (王太魔) Attack: 10 Download and clear "True Love".
Type/Owner: Clubs Bonus: 54
Lollipop (兵牢飴) Attack: 11 Download and clear "Warriors of Purity".
Type/Owner: Great Axes Bonus: 54
Squeaky Hammer (飛虎反) Attack: 11 Download and clear "Demons vs. Mystics".
Type/Owner: Hand Axes Bonus: 54
Soul Harvester (斬神) Attack: 11 Download and clear "Domestic Disputes".
Type/Owner: Large Scythes Bonus: 54
Cupid's Bow (愛天使弓) Attack: 10 Download and clear "Memories of Vyashion".
Type/Owner: Bows Bonus: 54
Shishkebab (菜肉螺旋) Attack: 10 Download and clear "Stop, Thief!".
Type/Owner: Lances Bonus: 54
Knockout Blow (具牢武) Attack: 11 Download and clear "Phantoms of Nanzhong".
Type/Owner: Gloves Bonus: 54
Crooner (魔育) Attack: 9 Download and clear "Keiji's Theme".
Type/Owner: Staves Bonus: 54
Scratcher (黒猫爪) Attack: 7 Download and clear "Animal Rescue".
Type/Owner: Zhang He Bonus: 54
Azure Swallow (蒼飛燕) Attack: 20 Download Famitsu bonus. (JP only)
Type/Owner: Lu Xun Bonus: 18
Epiphany (耀) Attack: 9 Download and clear "Ninjas United".
Type/Owner: Zhou Tai Bonus: 54
V-Dragon Spear (武威龍の槍) * Attack: 42 Download V-Jump bonus. (JP only)
Type/Owner: Zhao Yun Bonus: 18
Echo of Justice (錦槍轟雷) Attack: 11 Download serial code from Treasure Box edition (JP) or weapon pack (US/EU).
Type/Owner: Ma Chao Bonus: 18
Takoyaki (太古八気) Attack: 8 Download and clear "Dong Zhuo's Ambition".
Type/Owner: Dong Zhuo Bonus: 54
Electric Bear Ball (電撃熊球) Attack: 41 Download Dengeki PlayStation bonus. (JP only)
Type/Owner: Da Ji Bonus: 18
Balmung (バルムンク) * Attack: 69 Download Boukoku no Siegfried bonus. (JP only)
Type/Owner: Fu Xi Bonus: 18
Emerald Eminence (翔天) Attack: 6 Download and clear "The Rescue of Da Ji".
Type/Owner: Sanzang Bonus: 54
Rain of Blossoms (桜花爛漫) Attack: 28 Download serial code from second game guidebook (JP) or weapon pack (US/EU).
Type/Owner: Kaguya Bonus: 18
Jack and Black (南瓜黒猫) * Attack: 29 Download Famitsu bonus. (JP only)
Type/Owner: Kaguya Bonus: 18
Kusanagi no Tsurugi (クサナギノツルギ) * Attack: 62 Download VS EARTH bonus. (JP only)
Type/Owner: Susano'o Bonus: 18
Snakeskin Gourd (蛇紋鱗瓠瓢) Attack: 43 Download serial code from official data book (JP) or weapon pack (US/EU).
Type/Owner: Shuten Dōji Bonus: 18
Lepidoptera (レピドプテラ) Attack: 28 Download and clear "Duelling Heroes".
Type/Owner: Ayane Bonus: 18
Hektor's Sword (ヘクトルの剣) Attack: 9 Download and clear "Best of Both Worlds".
Type/Owner: Achilles Bonus: 54
Giant Saw (ジャイアント・ソウ) * Attack: 62 Download Dengeki PlayStation bonus. (JP only)
Type/Owner: Sterkenburg Bonus: 18
Winter Bloom (雪待花釧) Attack: 31 Download Famitsu bonus. (JP only)
Type/Owner: Gracia Bonus: 18
Wintry Sky (忍冬招春針) Attack: 10 Download serial code from first game guidebook (JP) or weapon pack (US/EU).
Type/Owner: Hanbei Takenaka Bonus: 18

Warriors Orochi
Warriors OrochiWarriors Orochi 2Musou OROCHI ZWarriors Orochi 3Musou OROCHI 2 SpecialWarriors Orochi 3 HyperWarriors Orochi 3 Ultimate100man-nin no Musou OROCHIWarriors Orochi 4Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate
Warriors Orochi
Da JiOrochi
Warriors Orochi 2
BenkeiDodomekiFu XiGyūkiHimikoKiyomori TairaNuwaOrochi XSanzangSun WukongTaigong WangYoshitsune Minamoto
Warriors Orochi 3
Added Characters
HundunKaguyaKyūbiNezhaSeimei AbeShennongShuten DōjiSusano'oTamamoYinglong
Guest Characters
AchillesAyaneJoan of ArcKasumiMomijiNemeaRachelRyu HayabusaSophitia AlexandraSterkenburg Cranach
Warriors Orochi 4
AthenaAresDiamondbackGaiaHadesLokiOdinPerseusYang JianZeus
Unique NPCs
Heavenly EmperorHydra
Series Game Elements
PowerSpeedTechniqueWonderWeapon FusionTeam AbilitiesTeam CombinationsStrategiesPersonal ItemsTreasure GuideMusou BattlefieldsYashio'oriDivine MirrorSacred TreasuresOuroboros Bracelets