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Link (リンク, Rinku) is the main protagonist of Hyrule Warriors. He is the main hero of every major Legend of Zelda title. His fairy companion in this title, Proxi (プロクシィ, Purokushii), often speaks on his behalf to preserve his silent protagonist role.

Koei first used his likeliness for a collaboration costume in Shin Sangoku Musou VS based off his Skyward Sword appearance. They then used his Hyrule Warriors version as a costume in Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3.

Role in Game

Hyrule Warriors

This incarnation of Link fights for the Royal Army of Hyrule, starting out as a soldier trainee. He is revealed to be the bearer of the Triforce of Courage during his first encounter with Volga.

Age of Calamity

The Link present in this game is the same from Breath of the Wild. He begins as a soldier of the Hyrule army, quickly proving his mettle against the growing forces of Calamity Ganon. Due to his brave efforts, Rhoam, the king of Hyrule, takes note of Link's ability. He decides to promote Link to a full knight and assigns him the task of protecting Princess Zelda. During an ambush by the Yiga clan, Link's bravery leads some to wonder if he might be the knight needed to wield the bane of darkness, the master sword.

During the mission to reclaim the Great Hyrule Forest, where the master sword resides under the care of the Great Deku Tree, Link duels with Astor, a fortune teller in the service of Calamity Ganon. As they dueled, Link was able to draw forth the Master Sword and confirm his status as the knight who is prophesized to help stop the Calamity. With this revelation, Link is told to prioritize Zelda above all else, even when Hyrule Castle falls, and their king seemingly with it.

With Calamity spreading across the land and their allies pinned down, Link helps Zelda and their future allies, who came at Terrako's summon, to rescue the four champions. Afterwards, Link leads the ground force efforts alongside Zelda to stem the tide of Calamity at fort Hanato. When Astor appears and summons the four blight Ganons back from the dead, they converge on Zelda, who is caught out in the open. Link steps in and fights all four blights at once, signally Impa to get Zelda safe with a single head nod. Unable to face all four at once and win, Link is saved when Zelda returns and activates her divine power.

Link fights his way through the rescue mission of the still alive King Rhoam and helps retake Hyrule castle from Ganon. Right before their final showdown, Terrako is corrupted and Link is forced to fight the tiny guardian, as it is trying to kill Zelda against its will. Link helps to avenge this loss by resealing Ganon with Zelda.

Character Information


Link is a kind individual with an affinity for fairies. He has a strong sense of justice that empowers him to stand against any evil, which marks him as the bearer of the Triforce of Courage. He is also a quiet person, preferring to let his actions (and his fairy companion) speak for him.

After claiming the Master Sword, Link gained a sense of pride that quickly evolved into overconfidence and a feeling of invincibility, which Cia quickly exploited to create an unending army of Dark Links against the Hyrulean Army. After his friends assisted him against the doppelgangers, Link overcame these flaws by understanding that he could not do everything by himself, dispelling the Dark Links and unlocking the true power of the Master Sword.



Link himself has no spoken dialogue; his "lines" are provided by his fairy companion Proxi.

  • "Yes, just like that!"
  • "Great work, Link! You made that look easy!"
  • "Good job, Link!"
  • "That went well, yeah? Great job, Link!"
  • "Link took the keep!"


Keys: Y Normal Attack ▲ X Charge Attack A Special Technique B Evade

Hyrule Warriors

Pressing and/or holding down X after any of Link's charge attacks causes him to quickly charge a spin attack until X is released, after which Link will rapidly spin forwards while striking down anything in his path. Link can still move while charging a spin attack like this, and will move at his normal running speed while doing so. Link is also capable of following up a guard or dodge with a counterattack using this moveset by pressing X immediately after guarding against an attack or performing a dodge.

As Link continuously attacks enemies, the Triforce of Courage will eventually begin to shine brightly on the back of his left hand. While the Triforce is shining, Link's attacks will apply the Light status effect. The light will fade if Link does not keep attacking enemies while it is active.

Master Sword Variation: The Master Sword shares the exact same moveset as the Hylian Sword, but comes with a unique ability: some of Link's combo attacks, the last attack of his light string and all attacks during his aerial light string will generate additional sword beams that essentially extend the range of his attacks greatly. This feature is unlocked during the player's confrontation with Cia at the Temple of Souls. The extra energy waves only appear when Link has full health. If Link has sustained any damage, the Master Sword's attacks will function like the standard Hylian Sword moveset.
X: Link does a clockwise 540° spin slash with his sword. This move is chargeable by holding down the button. Holding X allows Link to charge the spin slash for later use, and releasing it makes him perform a counter-clockwise 360° spin slash. Link can still move around while holding a charge for this attack, but he cannot run or dash while doing so.
Y, X: Link performs an upward vertical rising slash that launches his enemies as well as himself into the air. He can then either perform his Y aerial string with up to 3 inputs, descend to the ground with X by stabbing his sword hard into the ground to create a shockwave, or do both in quick succession. If Link is at full health and is wielding the Master Sword after confronting Cia at the Temple of Souls, this attack's vertical slash will launch 3 thin, tall waves of energy in a fixed fan-like arc in front of Link.
Y, Y, X: Link performs a back flip while reversing his grip on his sword before performing an upward diagonal slash to the right that launches a pale blue disc of energy towards any enemies in front of him. If Link is at full health and is wielding the Master Sword after confronting Cia at the Temple of Souls, this attack will launch an additional 2 waves of energy in a fan-like arc, with the original sword beam being flanked by the added waves.
Y, Y, Y, X: Link performs a spin attack as he rises into the air (known as Cyclone Attack in Soulcalibur II). He can then follow up with his Y or X aerial inputs until he touches the ground.
Y, Y, Y, Y, X (Hold): Link charges forward while performing a powerful shield bash that drags enemies along with him before knocking any of his foes away with a quick thrust of his sword. Holding down X extends the duration of the shield bash.
Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y: Link performs a series of slashes with the sword, ending in a series of front flips holding the sword out in front of him, striking once per flip. The final strike has him slam his sword into the ground to knock his enemies away. If Link is at full health and is wielding the Master Sword after confronting Cia at the Temple of Souls, the final attack from this light string will launch 3 thin, tall waves of energy in a fixed fan-like arc in front of Link.
Y, Y, Y (Aerial): Link slashes up to 3 times at the air in front of him. Link can only perform up to 3 Y inputs each time he ends up airborne after one of his attacks. If Link is at full health and is wielding the Master Sword after confronting Cia at the Temple of Souls, each attack from this aerial string will generate a sword beam that travels towards the ground.
X (Aerial): Link dives towards the ground and plunges his blade into the floor, creating a shockwave on impact. Link can perform this attack after performing his aerial light string, but can instead opt to immediately perform this attack and skip his light string entirely.
A: Link points his sword skyward, causing a beam of cyan light to manifest on his sword and extend the reach of his blade. He then leans forward and pulls his sword under his right arm before performing a 2160° counter-clockwise horizontal spin slash while slightly moving forward, which drags enemies along and deals heavy damage to anything that gets caught within its range. Link then shakes his tired sword arm downward diagonally to the left, which removes the cyan light.
Focus Spirit + A: Link cartwheels back in the air (off of his left side) and pulls his sword back, the tip of blade pointing directly in front of him. A beam of light cyan energy extends the reach of the blade of his sword before Link lunges forward with a strong one-handed thrust. Link then steps back with his left leg as he shakes his tired sword arm downward diagonally to the left, which removes the cyan light.
Focus Spirit Finisher: Link spins his sword around before charging up. His blade begins to glow cyan before he thrusts his sword into the air, creating a huge burst of light energy that sends enemies flying.
Weak Point Smash: Link steps forward with his left leg and does a downward diagonal slash to the left, a horizontal slash to the right, then an upward vertical slash to the left, after which he steps back as he pulls his sword back and then steps forward into a forward thrust.
Guarding an Attack + X: After guarding Link jumps up as he swings his shield diagonally upward to the right, generating a field of energy to stun enemies, then does a strong two-handed downward diagonal slash to the left, knocking back enemies.
Guarding + Back Dodge + X: Link steps forward with his left leg into a straight thrust (Same as the ending hit of his Weak Point Smash).
Guarding + Side Dodge + X: Link steps forward with his left leg into a straight thrust (Same as the ending hit of his Weak Point Smash).
Guarding + Forward Dodge + X: A discus jump-through upward slash to the right (Same as his Y, X).

This moveset allows for quick strikes, decent defense, and average mobility. It is a very balanced fighting style that is easy for anyone to use. Eventually Link can unlock the Master Sword. It uses the same moveset as the Hylian Sword, but players are unable to upgrade it until they obtain most of the weapons in the game, at which point they can unlock its skills and severely boost its strength, turning it into one of the strongest weapons in the game in terms of attack power.

:X: Tapping X creates a medium-sized flaming pillar that persists and will slowly move forward. Pressing and holding X will cause an explosion when released.

Y, X, X, X: Link slams the rod into the ground creating a vertical pillar of fire in front of him, which launches enemies into the air. He then summons another pillar of fire floating horizontally in front of him. He then raises the rod above his head and twirls it, which causes the horizontal pilla of fire to split into two and gyrate, mimicking the movements of the rod.
Y, Y, X, X, X: The rod transforms into a large axe as he performs an upward diagonal forward slash to knock enemies into the air; he then performs a series of spinning slashes, then throws the axe to cause it to orbit around him to damage all surrounding enemies like a boomerang, and then catches it as it returns to him.
Y, Y, Y, X, X, X: The rod transforms into a flame thrower and spews out 6 simultaneous spouts of flames towards enemies directly in front of Link. The flames then turn into a single fiery spiral tornado that vacuums in enemies and launches them. Link then holds the rod over his head and a large flame pillar erupts upwards.
Y, Y, Y, Y, X: Link slams the rod into the ground creating a fiery magic circle. A small fiery eastern dragon emerges from the circle and twirls around him before flying into the sky, damaging any enemies in its path.
Y, Y, Y, Y, Y: Fires a series of magical bullets from the tip of the staff, does some spinning slashes. The staff then becomes larger and resembles a cannon, with Link shooting a large blast from it that travels straight forward.
A: Link holds the rod with both hands points the rod over head and summons a large flaming eastern dragon that flies forward in a spiraling motion, damaging enemies in front of him.
Focus Spirit + A: Link points the rod skyward as the end of the rod ignites. He then swings it downward in front of him, which summons a large flaming rock to fall from the sky, harming enemies directly in front of him.
Focus Spirit Finisher: Link presses the base of the rod into the ground as it transforms into a large pillar, forming shields around Link as the orb in the rod creates a large fiery blast to ignite nearby foes.
Weak Point Smash: The rod transforms into a cannon with a large Triforce symbol at the end of the barrel. It then shoots out a large fire ball.
The magic rod relies on offense, and has an explosive fighting style that is decent at handling crowds. Its attacks can be used to combo and juggle enemies at a distance. Due to its poor defensive capabilities, players are encouraged to dodge frequently while using it.

:X: The Great Fairy spins around summoning energy into her self. This gives her a glowing pink aura that temporarily boosts her attack power, while lowering her defense.

Y, X: The Great Fairy releases Link from her bottle and takes his sword, and performs a series of large energy slashes in his direction, causing him to dodge left and right to avoid them while they damage enemies.
Y, Y, X: The Great Fairy releases Link from her bottle and shoots an orb of light at him. Link smacks it back towards her with his sword and they repeat this a few more times, while enemies caught in the middle are constantly taking damage. The attack ends with her slamming a larger orb of light into the ground, knocking surrounding enemies away.
Y, Y, Y, X: The Great Fairy releases Link from her bottle and summons several large magic bombs to rain from the sky onto the ground, damaging all enemies around them. She flies up into the air as they're falling, and when the last bomb drops, she falls to the ground (while striking a pose) on her butt to knock back enemies.
Y, Y, Y, Y, X: The Great Fairy releases Link from her bottle and flies into the air. Shortly after, a whirlpool of water forms on the ground in front of link, forming a Great Fairy fountain. The Great Fair leaps out from the fountain, the water splashing the surrounding enemies dealing damage.
Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, X: The Great Fairy releases Link from her bottle and flies over him, as dark thunder clouds form over head as a divine sky beast (Levias) appears and makes lightning bolts rain down from the clouds all around Link. The attack ends with a dome of lightning forming around link and exploding, sending all enemies flying.
Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y: The Great Fairy performs a series of kicking attacks as well as sweeping motions with her body, finishing off the attack with a heal raising kick to knock enemies into the air, performs a series of slashes, then a roundhouse kick that causes water to splash enemies and knock them back.
A: The Great Fairy flies high into the air, and commands the moon (from Majora's Mask) to fall down onto the ground and create a large explosion.
Focus Spirit + A: The Great Fairy creates a summoning circle under her feet, summoning many fairies. She then blows a kiss towards enemies charged with fairy magic.
Focus Spirit Finisher: The Great Fairy releases Link from her bottle and flies over head causing large orbs of water to fall from the sky as she flies over him.
Weak Point Smash: The Great Fairy strikes a pose, sending out energy waves all around her to send enemies flying.

The Great Fairy is all about hard-hitting range attacks. She hits fast, floats away from counterattacks, and can juggle crowds with multiple hits. The moveset is extremely easy to exploit. She also moves slowly and her attack animations have relatively long durations. She does not take damage during attack animations.

  • Her act of placing Link in a bottle is a reversal of the latter capturing fairies in the Zelda series.
  • Her C3 references the Dead Man's Volley boss battle strategy in the Zelda series.
  • Levias in her C6 originated from Skyward Sword.
  • The Moon from Majora's Mask is her Special Technique.

:X: Link picks up enemies, boulders, or bomb flowers. Press X again to throw them.

Y, X, X, X: Lifts up a clump of earth and throws it at enemies. Then burrows underground, only to erupt out of it while performing a powerful uppercut punch.
Y, Y, X, X, X: Link bumps his fists together, creating an electrical burst of energy. He then fist-pounds the ground, sending three electric bursts forward. He then does a large swipe with his left hand.
Y, Y, Y, X, X, X: Pulls out a giant stone pillar from the ground and flips it over his head, suplexing it into the ground behind him. He then grabs it by the end and spins it around him, before tossing it into the air. Link then jumps up to grab hold of it, and then slams it down into the ground, shattering it.
Y, Y, Y, Y, X: The gauntlets become electrified as Link slams his hands into the ground. He then lifts a portion of the ground up as he does a backflip, exploding it with electrical energy.
Y, Y, Y, Y, Y: Swings the ball and chain horizontally three times in a sweeping motion, then slings the ball in front of him twice, with the last hit dealing knockback.
A: Slams the ball into the ground then jumps into the air, yanking on the chain. Players are given a visual representation of Link flipping the landscape around in a circle, the attack ending with a burst of rocks shooting up from the ground as the ball is pulled out of the ground.
Focus Spirit + A: Link tosses the ball up into the air, then yanks the chain to sling it back to him. He then punches the spiked ball forward, causing it to fly straight out in front of him and damage all enemies within range.
Focus Spirit Finisher: Link pounds his knuckles together before jumping up and punching the ground, causing electrical energy to form a dome around him and sending enemies flying.
Weak Point Smash: Lifts up a huge slab of solid rock then slams it down onto the enemy.

Gauntlets emphasize brute strength over speed. Link may be open to punishment if it is used too recklessly. Use good timing and distances to make the best of its one hit strikes.

DLC only.
X: Epona charges forward using one carrot from the gauge. Using X when there is no carrot has Epona rear up. Using X while dashing has Link do a quick upward vertical slash to the right.
Y, X, X, X: Epona turns around 180° clockwise and mule kicks upward. Link sheathes his sword and fires three arrows from out of Epona's rearside. Link then draws his sword and does an upward diagonal slash to the right while Epona turns back 180° clockwise, releasing out a diagonal ring-shaped shockwave, hitting nearby enemies.
Y, Y, X, X, X: Epona rears up and kicks forward with her right foreleg, then her left, then her right. Epona then stomps down forlegs down, causing a quake. Link then swings his sword overhead in a clockwise circular motion twice before pulling it over his right shoulder as Epona leaps forward, causing it to glow before doing a wide horizontally slash to the left, releasing a spin-slash effect.
Y, Y, Y, X, X, X: Epona jumps up briefly before stomping her hind legs onto the ground, generating a quake. Epona then, jumps up and slams her forelegs onto the ground, generating another quake. Epona then gallops forward as Link then slashes upward vertical to the left then right, repeating the two slashes three times before executing a wide horizontal slash to the left, releasing a ring-shaped shockwave, hitting nearby enemies..
Y, Y, Y, Y, X: Epona rushes forward then Link does two slashes. Epona leaps forward. Link then slashes three times as Epona jumps in a zig-zag pattern before thrusting forward.
Y, Y, Y, Y, Y: Epona tucks her head downward to the left as she gallops forward into swinging her head diagonally upward to the right. She then gallops forward as Link then does an upward diagonal slash to the right from out of Epona's left, then an upward vertical slash to the left out of her right side. Epona then leaps forward, then ended by Link pulling his sword back, holding it over his right shoulder, having it glow before slashing horizontally to the left, sending forward a disc-shaped spinning wave of energy.
A: Link raises his sword skyward, causing a beam of light cyan to extend the reach of his blade. Epona then rushes forward for approximately one second. Epona then turns right 90° as Link raises his sword overhead. Link then does a strong downward vertical slash to the left, sending forth a vertical blade beam before having Epona turn back.
Focus Spirit + A: Epona rears up as Link does an upward vertical slash to the right. Epona then stomps her forelegs three times before rearing up once more and doing a delayed final stomp.
Focus Spirit Finisher: Link sways his sword diagonally upward to the right then left before having Epona charge forward with his forward sword-thrust. At the end of Epona's charge, Link pulls his sword briskly over his right shoulder as Epona rears up, sending out a quake, knocking away nearby enemies. Afterwards, Link poses by swinging his sword horizontally to the left.
Weak Point Smash: Epona rears up before stomping its forelegs onto the ground, knocking the enemy up slightly. Link then pulls his sword back over his right shoulder, causing it to glow before hitting the enemy with a strong horizontal slash to the left, sending out a quake, hitting surrounding enemies. Afterwards, Link poses by thrusting his sword skyward.
  • Uses a carrot gauge like in Ocarina of Time.
Amiibo gift only.
X: Kicks a spinner forward, setting it in front of him. If he hits another set spinner, it will be sent flying forward.
Y, X: Rides on the spinner as it charges forward damaging enemies, before jumping off and setting it in front of him. If he hits another set spinner, it will be sent flying forward while generating a tornado.
Y, Y, X: Jumps into the air and uses his spinner like a lance, slamming it down into the ground creating a shockwave, setting the spinner there. If the shockwave hits a set spinner, it will be sent flying forward and a 90 degree angle, visibly drilling through the ground.
Y, Y, Y, X: The spinner grows as it generates an electric field around it, culminating in an explosion. If the explosion hits any set spinners, they will be electrified and begin spinning around in circles, damaging enemies.
Y, Y, Y, Y, X: Link jumps off of the spinner which grows to a large size, and then he strikes it to send it flying forward. The startup to this move creates a shockwave that will cause any set spinners to explode, launching enemies toward the attack.
Y, Y, Y, Y, Y
A: Link sets two spinners in front of him, and then rams into them with his spinner.
Focus Spirit + A: Link converts his spinner into a lance, and then slams it down.
Focus Spirit Finisher: A pillar with a spinner rail pops out of the ground, which Link rides to the top, and then slams the pillar back into the ground.
Weak Point Smash:

Age of Calamity

:ZR: Link takes out a bow and aims it before loosing a volley of arrows.

:ZR: Link concentrates, powering up an attack at the cost of his health.


Hylian Swords

Weapon Information (Element: Light)
Description: A sword-and-shield combo modified for use by left-handed warriors. Charge energy by holding down the Strong Attack button, and then release for a powerful Spin Attack.
Knight's Sword Skill Slots: 1~2
Base Attack: 80 1Attack: 88
2Attack: 96 3Attack: 104
4Attack: 112 5Attack: 120
White Sword Skill Slots: 3~4
Base Attack: 150 1Attack: 165
2Attack: 180 3Attack: 195
4Attack: 210 5Attack: 225
Magical Sword Skill Slots: 6~8
Base Attack: 280 1Attack: 308
2Attack: 336 3Attack: 364
4Attack: 392 5Attack: 420
8-Bit Wooden Sword (HW) Skill Slots: 6~8
Base Attack: 280 1Attack: 308
2Attack: 336 3Attack: 364
4Attack: 392 5Attack: 420
Magical Sword + (Legends) Skill Slots: 7~8
Base Attack: 500 1Attack: 550
2Attack: 600 3Attack: 650
4Attack: 700 5Attack: 750
Darkmagic Sword (Legends) Skill Slots: 7~8
Base Attack: 500 1Attack: 550
2Attack: 600 3Attack: 650
4Attack: 700 5Attack: 750
Secondary Element: Darkness

Master Sword

Base Game Legends
Base Attack: 300
Skill Slots: 1 Skill Slots: 2 **
Max Attack: 500 * Max Attack: 900 **

* - Can go up to 500 with its unique ability unlocked. This is accomplished by acquiring all variations of the first three ranks of the characters's non-DLC weapons.
** - Exclusive to Legends. Can go up to 900 with a unique ability unlocked. This is accomplished by acquiring all Rank 4 weapons.

Weapon Information (Element: Fire)
Description: A magical rod that summons fire. It attacks over a wide area, so it's perfect for bringing the heat on large groups of enemies.
Fire Rod Skill Slots: 1~2
Base Attack: 80 1Attack: 88
2Attack: 96 3Attack: 104
4Attack: 112 5Attack: 120
Prism Rod Skill Slots: 3~4
Base Attack: 150 1Attack: 165
2Attack: 180 3Attack: 195
4Attack: 210 5Attack: 225
Magical Rod Skill Slots: 6~8
Base Attack: 280 1Attack: 308
2Attack: 336 3Attack: 364
4Attack: 392 5Attack: 420
8-Bit Candle (HW) Skill Slots: 6~8
Base Attack: 280 1Attack: 308
2Attack: 336 3Attack: 364
4Attack: 392 5Attack: 420
Magical Rod + (Legends) Skill Slots: 7~8
Base Attack: 500 1Attack: 550
2Attack: 600 3Attack: 650
4Attack: 700 5Attack: 750
Crackling Rod (Legends) Skill Slots: 7~8
Base Attack: 500 1Attack: 550
2Attack: 600 3Attack: 650
4Attack: 700 5Attack: 750
Secondary Element: Lightning

Weapon Information (Element: Water)
Description: A Great Fairy follows you, attacking enemies as she goes. Coordinate Combo Attacks with her, or use a Strong Attack to increase your attack strength... at the cost of some defense.
Great Fountain Fairy Skill Slots: 1~2
Base Attack: 80 1Attack: 88
2Attack: 96 3Attack: 104
4Attack: 112 5Attack: 120
Great Forest Fairy Skill Slots: 3~4
Base Attack: 150 1Attack: 165
2Attack: 180 3Attack: 195
4Attack: 210 5Attack: 225
Great Sky Fairy Skill Slots: 6~8
Base Attack: 280 1Attack: 308
2Attack: 336 3Attack: 364
4Attack: 392 5Attack: 420
8-Bit Fairy (HW) Skill Slots: 6~8
Base Attack: 280 1Attack: 308
2Attack: 336 3Attack: 364
4Attack: 392 5Attack: 420
Great Sky Fairy + (Legends) Skill Slots: 7~8
Base Attack: 500 1Attack: 550
2Attack: 600 3Attack: 650
4Attack: 700 5Attack: 750
Great Fairy of Tempest (Legends) Skill Slots: 7~8
Base Attack: 500 1Attack: 550
2Attack: 600 3Attack: 650
4Attack: 700 5Attack: 750
Secondary Element: Lightning

  • Second weapon references the Good Bee from A Link to the Past.
  • Third weapon references the Crimson Loftwing from Skyward Sword.

Weapon Information (Element: Lightning)
Description: A power-gauntlet-and-flail-combo set, perfect for devastating attacks. Pressing the Strong Attack button allows you to pick up and throw enemies.
Silver Gauntlets Skill Slots: 1~2
Base Attack: 80 1Attack: 88
2Attack: 96 3Attack: 104
4Attack: 112 5Attack: 120
Golden Gauntlets Skill Slots: 3~4
Base Attack: 150 1Attack: 165
2Attack: 180 3Attack: 195
4Attack: 210 5Attack: 225
Power Gloves Skill Slots: 6~8
Base Attack: 280 1Attack: 308
2Attack: 336 3Attack: 364
4Attack: 392 5Attack: 420
8-Bit Power Bracelet (HW) Skill Slots: 6~8
Base Attack: 280 1Attack: 308
2Attack: 336 3Attack: 364
4Attack: 392 5Attack: 420
Power Gloves + (Legends) Skill Slots: 7~8
Base Attack: 500 1Attack: 550
2Attack: 600 3Attack: 650
4Attack: 700 5Attack: 750
Burning Gloves (Legends) Skill Slots: 7~8
Base Attack: 500 1Attack: 550
2Attack: 600 3Attack: 650
4Attack: 700 5Attack: 750
Secondary Element: Fire

DLC only.
Weapon Information (Element: Light)
Description: Link's beloved steed and most faithful companion. When the gauge is full, charge ahead with a Strong Attack. You can also charge by holding X at the end of a Combo Attack.
Epona Skill Slots: 1~2
Base Attack: 80 1Attack: 88
2Attack: 96 3Attack: 104
4Attack: 112 5Attack: 120
Twilight Epona Skill Slots: 3~4
Base Attack: 150 1Attack: 165
2Attack: 180 3Attack: 195
4Attack: 210 5Attack: 225
Epona of Time Skill Slots: 6~8
Base Attack: 280 1Attack: 308
2Attack: 336 3Attack: 364
4Attack: 392 5Attack: 420
Epona of Time + (Legends) Skill Slots: 7~8
Base Attack: 500 1Attack: 550
2Attack: 600 3Attack: 650
4Attack: 700 5Attack: 750
Stormy-Eyed Epona (Legends) Skill Slots: 7~8
Base Attack: 500 1Attack: 550
2Attack: 600 3Attack: 650
4Attack: 700 5Attack: 750
Secondary Element: Lightning

  • The second variation of Epona is from Twilight Princess whereas the third one is from Ocarina of Time.
  • Epona's fifth variation bears a striking resemblance to Red Hare.
Amiibo gift only.
Weapon Information (Element: Lightning)
Description: An ancient machine designed to float over land. Use a Strong Attack to deploy the Spinner, and then follow up with various types of combos to turn your enemies' worlds upside down!
Ancient Spinner Skill Slots: 1~2
Base Attack: 80 1Attack: 88
2Attack: 96 3Attack: 104
4Attack: 112 5Attack: 120
Enhanced Spinner Skill Slots: 3~4
Base Attack: 150 1Attack: 165
2Attack: 180 3Attack: 195
4Attack: 210 5Attack: 225
Triforce Spinner Skill Slots: 6~8
Base Attack: 280 1Attack: 308
2Attack: 336 3Attack: 364
4Attack: 392 5Attack: 420
Triforce Spinner + (Legends) Skill Slots: 7~8
Base Attack: 500 1Attack: 550
2Attack: 600 3Attack: 650
4Attack: 700 5Attack: 750
Hydro-Spinner (Legends) Skill Slots: 7~8
Base Attack: 500 1Attack: 550
2Attack: 600 3Attack: 650
4Attack: 700 5Attack: 750
Secondary Element: Water

Badge Materials

See also: Hyrule Warriors/Badges
Badge Materials
Kokiri Sword I Monster Tooth (1x)
Kokiri Sword II Piece of Darknut Armor (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Kokiri Sword III Moblin Flank (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Kokiri Sword IV Stalmaster Wrist Bone (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Wooden Sword I Monster Tooth (1x)
Wooden Sword II Piece of Darknut Armor (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Wooden Sword III Moblin Flank (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Wooden Sword IV Hylian Captain Gauntlet (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Great Fairy Sword I Monster Tooth (1x)
Great Fairy Sword II Goron Armor Breastplate (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Great Fairy Sword III Lizalfos Scale (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Great Fairy Sword IV Fiery Aeralfos Leather (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Giant's Knife I Monster Tooth (1x)
Giant's Knife II Aeralfos Leather (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Giant's Knife III Piece of Darknut Armor (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Giant's Knife IV ReDead Bandage (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Razor Sword I Monster Tooth (1x)
Razor Sword II Dinolfos Fang (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Razor Sword III Shield-Moblin Helmet (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Razor Sword IV Goron Armor Breastplate (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Gilded Sword I Monster Tooth (1x)
Gilded Sword II Fiery Aeralfoes Leather (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Gilded Sword III ReDead Bandage (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Gilded Sword IV Shield-Moblin Helmet (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Stamina Fruit I Lizalfos Scale (1x)
Stamina Fruit II Ganondorf's Gauntlets (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (1x) Lizalfos Scale (3x)
Stamina Fruit III Ganondorf's Jewel (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Digging Mitts I Lizalfos Scale (3x)
Digging Mitts II Ganondorf's Gauntlets (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (1x) Lizalfos Scale (3x)
Digging Mitts III Ganondorf's Jewel (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Din's Fire I Moblin Flank (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Din's Fire II Stalmaster Wrist Bone (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Din's Fire III Ganon's Fang (1x) Ganon's Mane (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Hover Boots I Lizalfos Scale (2x)
Hover Boots II Ganondorf's Gauntlets (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (1x) Lizalfos Scale (3x)
Hover Boots III Ganondorf's Jewel (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Fierce Deity's Mask I Dinolfos Fang (1x) Monster Tooth (1x)
Fierce Deity's Mask II Ganondorf's Jewel (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Badge Materials
Empty Bottle I Old Rag (1x)
Empty Bottle II Stalmaster Wrist Bone (1x) Old Rag (1x)
Empty Bottle III King Dodongo's Crystal (1x) Ganondorf's Gauntlets (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Hornet Larvae I Lizalfos Scale (1x)
Hornet Larvae II Ganondorf's Gauntlets (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (1x) Lizalfos Scale (3x)
Hornet Larvae III King Dodongo's Crystal (1x) Ganondorf's Gauntlets (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Nayru's Love I Lizalfos Scale (3x)
Nayru's Love II Ganondorf's Gauntlets (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (1x) Lizalfos Scale (3x)
Nayru's Love III Ganon's Fang (1x) Ganon's Mane (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Goron Tunic I Lizalfos Scale (2x)
Goron Tunic II Ganondorf's Gauntlets (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (1x) Lizalfos Scale (3x)
Goron Tunic III King Dodongo's Crystal (1x) Ganondorf's Gauntlets (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Zora Tunic I Lizalfos Scale (2x)
Zora Tunic II Ganondorf's Gauntlets (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (1x) Lizalfos Scale (3x)
Zora Tunic III King Dodongo's Crystal (1x) Ganondorf's Gauntlets (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Magic Armor I Lizalfos Scale (2x)
Magic Armor II Ganondorf's Gauntlets (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (1x) Lizalfos Scale (3x)
Magic Armor III King Dodongo's Crystal (1x) Ganondorf's Gauntlets (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Sacred Shield I Lizalfos Scale (2x)
Sacred Shield II Ganondorf's Gauntlets (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (1x) Lizalfos Scale (3x)
Sacred Shield III King Dodongo's Crystal (1x) Ganondorf's Gauntlets (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Mirror Shield I Lizalfos Scale (2x)
Mirror Shield II Ganondorf's Gauntlets (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (1x) Lizalfos Scale (3x)
Mirror Shield III King Dodongo's Crystal (1x) Ganondorf's Gauntlets (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Badge Materials
Farore's Wind I Metal Plate (1x)
Farore's Wind II Ganondorf's Gauntlets (1x) King Dodongo's Claws (1x) Lizalfos Scale (3x)
Farore's Wind III Ganon's Fang (1x) Ganon's Mane (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Goron's Bracelet I Lizalfos Scale (2x)
Goron's Bracelet II Ganondorf's Jewel (1x) Ganondorf's Gauntlets (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Hawkeye I Lizalfos Scale (2x)
Hawkeye II Ganondorf's Jewel (1x) Ganondorf's Gauntlets (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Beetle I Lizalfos Scale (2x)
Beetle II Ganondorf's Jewel (1x) Ganondorf's Gauntlets (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)
Whip I Lizalfos Scale (2x)
Whip II Ganondorf's Jewel (1x) Ganondorf's Gauntlets (2x) Lizalfos Gauntlet (2x)


External Links


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