Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires/Weapons

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

The weapon system from Dynasty Warriors 8 is kept intact, but the methods of obtaining weapons have changed. They may be bought from the blacksmith, given by close allies, or acquired by defeating enemy officers using Musou, Rage Musou, or Stratagems that cause damage. Superior weapons are made available by building weapon forges in each conquered region. Previous attributes return with the renaming of Aggression (2) to Harmony and the removal of Greed due to the game's currency system.

Weapon List


Iron Spear Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Cyclone: 4 Gale: 4
Empty Roar: 3 Spurt: 3
Battle Spear Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Cyclone: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Flurry: 4 Battleaxe
Silver Stallion Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 3 Gale: 6 Roar: 4
Empty Spurt: 4 Jolt: 4
Cavalry Spear Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Flurry: 6
Aggression (1): 2 Battleaxe Awareness
Emerald Spear Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Cyclone: 7 Gale: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Roar: 6 Spurt: 6
Awareness Empty Jolt: 6 Rakshasa
Radiant Flash Spear Rare Version
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 21
Rank: 6 Cyclone: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Flurry: 10 Battleaxe
Awareness Flurry: 6 Awareness Fury
Beam Longspear Thunder Piercer
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 30
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Flurry: 6 Fury Flurry: 8 Fury
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Roar: 8


Iron Glaive Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Chain: 4
Empty Jubilation: 3 Rakshasa
Steel Glaive Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Awareness Efflorescence: 4
Rainmaker Rare Version
Base Attack: 19 Base Attack: 13 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Chain: 6 Jubilation: 4
Empty Rakshasa Resolve
Golden Glory Rare Version
Base Attack: 24 Base Attack: 17 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Awareness
Aggression (1): 2 Efflorescence: 6 Flurry: 6
Crimson Fury Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Chain: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Jubilation: 6 Rakshasa
Awareness Empty Resolve Whirlwind: 6
Dragon's Jaw Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Awareness Efflorescence: 10
Awareness Flurry: 6 Flurry: 10 Fury
Excavator Shovel Divine Phoenix
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 35
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Flurry: 6 Fury Flurry: 8 Fury
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Roar: 8

Double Voulge

Curved Voulge Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Slash: 4 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Rigidity Induction: 3
Master Voulge Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11
Rank: 2 Slash: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Awareness Shining Warrior
Sky Voulge Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Slash: 6
Rank: 3 Enlightenment: 6 Rigidity
Empty Induction: 4 Thorns: 4
Wicked Voulge Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18 Slash: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Awareness
Aggression (1): 2 Shining Warrior Flurry: 6
Hellish Voulge Rare Version
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Slash: 7 Enlightenment: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Rigidity Induction: 6
Awareness Empty Thorns: 6 Harmony: 6
Double Demon Flash Rare Version
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Slash: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Awareness Shining Warrior
Awareness Flurry: 6 Flurry: 10 Triumph: 10
Combat Slicer Twilight Flash
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 37
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Flurry: 6 Fury Flurry: 8 Fury
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Roar: 8

Great Sword

Horse Cleaver Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Swiftness Awe: 3
Stallion Cleaver Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Frenzy: 4 Roar: 4
Tiger Splitter Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Velocity: 6 Swiftness
Empty Awe: 4 Chain: 4
Rune Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Survival: 6 Frenzy: 6
Survival: 2 Roar: 6 Thorns: 6
Soaring Dragon Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Velocity: 7
Survival: 4 Swiftness Awe: 6
Frenzy: 4 Empty Chain: 6 Armor Sleeve
Wing of Mortality Rare Version
Base Attack: 41 Base Attack: 29
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Survival: 10
Survival: 6 Frenzy: 10 Roar: 10
Frenzy: 6 Thorns: 6 Thorns: 10 Fury
Suitcase Thunder Slicer
Base Attack: 41 Base Attack: 41
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Velocity: 8
Chain: 6 Triumph: 6 Chain: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty War Shoes Conflagration: 8


Hex Club Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Explosive: 3 Rigidity
Studded Club Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Frenzy: 4 Flash: 4
Stone Crusher Rare Version
Base Attack: 19 Base Attack: 13 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Velocity: 6 Explosive: 4
Empty Rigidity Rakshasa
Holy Comet Rare Version
Base Attack: 24 Base Attack: 17 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Survival: 6 Frenzy: 6
Survival: 2 Flash: 6 Thorns: 6
Bull Club Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Velocity: 7
Survival: 4 Explosive: 6 Rigidity
Frenzy: 4 Empty Rakshasa Harmony: 6
Crystal Cleaver Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Survival: 10
Survival: 6 Frenzy: 10 Flash: 10
Frenzy: 6 Thorns: 6 Thorns: 10 Shining Warrior
Roast Chicken Demonic Club
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 35
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Velocity: 8
Chain: 6 Triumph: 6 Chain: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty War Shoes Conflagration: 8


Battle Gloves Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Resolve Velocity: 3
Iron Gloves Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Inferno: 4
Badger Gauntlets Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Resolve
Empty Velocity: 4 Jubilation: 4
Royal Gloves Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 6
Enlightenment: 2 Inferno: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Shaman's Gloves Rare Version
Base Attack: 33 Base Attack: 23
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Frenzy: 7
Enlightenment: 4 Resolve Velocity: 6
Chain: 4 Empty Jubilation: 6 Agility
Manic Thunder Gloves Rare Version
Base Attack: 39 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Enlightenment: 10
Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 10 Inferno: 10
Chain: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Rigidity
Alien Gauntlets Chieftain Gauntlets
Base Attack: 39 Base Attack: 39
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Battleaxe Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Flurry: 8
Empty Empty Conflagration: 8 Velocity: 8


Light Halberd Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Barricade: 3 Conflagration: 3
Sturdy Halberd Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Flurry: 4 Gale: 4
Sky Piercer Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Velocity: 6 Barricade: 4
Empty Conflagration: 4 Roar: 4
Royal Halberd Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Flurry: 6
Aggression (1): 2 Gale: 6 Awareness
Soul Crusher Rare Version
Base Attack: 41 Base Attack: 29
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Velocity: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Barricade: 6 Conflagration: 6
Awareness Empty Roar: 6 Fury
Explosive Halberd Rare Version
Base Attack: 48 Base Attack: 34
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Flurry: 10 Gale: 10
Awareness Flurry: 6 Awareness Flash: 10
Skewer Halberd Unearthly Halberd
Base Attack: 48 Base Attack: 48
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Flurry: 6 Fury Flurry: 8 Fury
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Roar: 8

Twin Axes

Twin Axes Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Cyclone: 4 Chain: 4
Empty Armor Sleeve Roar: 3
Heavy Twin Axes Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Cyclone: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Awareness Triumph: 4
Wind Axes Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 3 Chain: 6 Armor Sleeve
Empty Roar: 4 Desperation
Sun & Moon Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Awareness
Aggression (1): 2 Triumph: 6 Flurry: 6
Dragon Axes Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 5 Cyclone: 7 Chain: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Armor Sleeve Roar: 6
Awareness Empty Desperation Efflorescence: 6
Shadow Slayers Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Cyclone: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Awareness Triumph: 10
Awareness Flurry: 6 Flurry: 10 Fury
Emergency Lights Twin Sirius Axes
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 35
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Flurry: 6 Fury Flurry: 8 Fury
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Roar: 8


Iron Lance Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Explosive: 4
Empty Battleaxe Awareness
Battle Lance Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Frenzy: 4 Jubilation: 4
Wasp Sting Rare Version
Base Attack: 19 Base Attack: 13 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Explosive: 6 Battleaxe
Empty Awareness Whirlwind: 4
Qilin Horn Rare Version
Base Attack: 24 Base Attack: 17 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Survival: 6 Frenzy: 6
Survival: 2 Jubilation: 6 Thorns: 6
Spear of Armageddon Rare Version
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 21
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Explosive: 7
Survival: 4 Battleaxe Awareness
Frenzy: 4 Empty Whirlwind: 6 Uplift: 6
Spiral Thunder Lance Rare Version
Base Attack: 36 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Survival: 10
Survival: 6 Frenzy: 10 Jubilation: 10
Frenzy: 6 Thorns: 6 Thorns: 10 Shining Warrior
Ice Cream Cone Spiral Blast
Base Attack: 36 Base Attack: 36
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Velocity: 8
Chain: 6 Triumph: 6 Chain: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty War Shoes Conflagration: 8

Twin Rods

Twin Rods Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Rigidity Induction: 3
Chaos Rods Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Jubilation: 4
Tiger & Wolf Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Survival: 6 Rigidity
Empty Induction: 4 Armor Sleeve
Imperial Rods Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Jubilation: 6 Chain: 6
Demon Rods Rare Version
Base Attack: 33 Base Attack: 23
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Survival: 7
Flurry: 4 Rigidity Induction: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Armor Sleeve Fury
Frozen Demon Rods Rare Version
Base Attack: 39 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Jubilation: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Shining Warrior
Hot Dog Wailing Rods
Base Attack: 39 Base Attack: 39
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8


Iron Axe Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Slash: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Spurt: 3 Conflagration: 3
Battle Axe Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11
Rank: 2 Slash: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Jubilation: 4
Beast Slayer Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Slash: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Spurt: 4
Empty Conflagration: 4 Rigidity
Royal Axe Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18 Slash: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Chain: 6
Flurry: 2 Jubilation: 6 Velocity: 6
Roaring Axe Rare Version
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Slash: 7 Frenzy: 7
Flurry: 4 Spurt: 6 Conflagration: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Rigidity Jolt: 6
Thunder Axe Rare Version
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Slash: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Chain: 10 Jubilation: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Velocity: 10 Resolve
Battle God's Axe Verdant Axe
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 37
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8


Oak Tonfa Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Uplift: 4
Empty Vigor: 3 Gale: 3
Studded Tonfa Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Triumph: 4
Goblin Fist Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Uplift: 6 Vigor: 4
Empty Gale: 4 Desperation
Infernal Tiger Rare Version
Base Attack: 19 Base Attack: 13 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Triumph: 6 Chain: 6
Conqueror's Roar Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Uplift: 7
Flurry: 4 Vigor: 6 Gale: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Desperation Agility
Icicle Tonfa Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Triumph: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Inferno: 10
Unicycle Demon Tonfa
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8


Wood Crossbow Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Explosive: 3 Comet: 3
War Crossbow Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Battleaxe
Hornet Sting Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Survival: 6 Explosive: 4
Empty Comet: 4 Armor Sleeve
Eagle Claw Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 6
Aggression (1): 2 Battleaxe Whirlwind: 6
Falcon Strike Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Survival: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Explosive: 6 Comet: 6
Recovery: 4 Empty Armor Sleeve Awe: 6
Peng Crossbow Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Enlightenment: 10
Aggression (1): 6 Chain: 10 Battleaxe
Recovery: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Fury
Harpoon Gun Grand Crossbow
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 32
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Chain: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Conflagration: 6 Induction: 6 Recovery: 8 Gale: 8
Empty Empty Armor Sleeve Enlightenment: 8

Arm Cannon

Battle Cannon Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Battleaxe Rigidity
War Cannon Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Frenzy: 4 Gale: 4
Boomstick Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Velocity: 6 Battleaxe
Empty Rigidity Vigor: 4
Explosive Fury Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Survival: 6 Frenzy: 6
Survival: 2 Gale: 6 Resolve
Earthshaker Rare Version
Base Attack: 33 Base Attack: 23
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Velocity: 7
Survival: 4 Battleaxe Rigidity
Frenzy: 4 Empty Vigor: 6 Flash: 6
Spark Cannon Rare Version
Base Attack: 39 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Survival: 10
Survival: 6 Frenzy: 10 Gale: 10
Frenzy: 6 Thorns: 6 Resolve Inferno: 10
Submarine Nayuta Cannon
Base Attack: 39 Base Attack: 39
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Velocity: 8
Chain: 6 Triumph: 6 Chain: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty War Shoes Conflagration: 8


Bamboo Brush Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Enlightenment: 3 Battleaxe
Cedar Brush Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Fear: 4
Empty Uplift: 4 Efflorescence: 4
Tiger Brush Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Velocity: 6 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Battleaxe Jolt: 4
Emperor Brush Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Fear: 6 Uplift: 6
Fear: 2 Efflorescence: 6 Chain: 6
Heavenly Brush Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Velocity: 7
Fear: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Battleaxe
Uplift: 4 Empty Jolt: 6 War Shoes
Precious Frost Brush Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Fear: 10
Fear: 6 Uplift: 10 Efflorescence: 10
Uplift: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Fury
Kiseru Pipe Kingfisher Brush
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Frenzy: 6 Fear: 8
Morass: 6 Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Chain: 8
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Uplift: 8

Dagger Axe

Iron Ge Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Explosive: 4
Empty Whirlwind: 3 Armor Sleeve
Battle Ge Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Awareness Jubilation: 4
Moonlight Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Explosive: 6 Whirlwind: 4
Empty Armor Sleeve Triumph: 4
Oblivion Rare Version
Base Attack: 19 Base Attack: 13 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Awareness
Aggression (1): 2 Jubilation: 6 Flurry: 6
Destruction Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Explosive: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Whirlwind: 6 Armor Sleeve
Awareness Empty Triumph: 6 Resolve
Holy Light Striker Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Awareness Jubilation: 10
Awareness Flurry: 6 Flurry: 10 Fury
Three Wood Shadow's Tear
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Flurry: 6 Fury Flurry: 8 Fury
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Roar: 8


Clay Bomb Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Flash: 4 Comet: 4
Empty Awe: 3 Gale: 3
Shard Bomb Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11
Rank: 2 Flash: 4 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Inferno: 4
Typhoon Grenade Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Flash: 6
Rank: 3 Comet: 6 Awe: 4
Empty Gale: 4 Explosive: 4
Heavenly Star Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18 Flash: 6
Rank: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 6
Enlightenment: 2 Inferno: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Demon Bomb Rare Version
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Flash: 7 Comet: 7
Enlightenment: 4 Awe: 6 Gale: 6
Chain: 4 Empty Explosive: 6 Rigidity
Unavoidable Bomb Rare Version
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Flash: 10 Enlightenment: 10
Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 10 Inferno: 10
Chain: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Fury
Field Goal Destruction Bomb
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 37
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Battleaxe Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Flurry: 8
Empty Empty Conflagration: 8 Velocity: 8

Short Pike

Iron Ko Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Triumph: 3 Battleaxe
Battle Ko Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Awareness
Empty Flurry: 4 Induction: 4
Spring Striker Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Velocity: 6 Triumph: 4
Empty Battleaxe Recovery: 4
Roaring Pike Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Awareness Flurry: 6
Aggression (1): 2 Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 6
Stormy Pike Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Velocity: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Triumph: 6 Battleaxe
Awareness Empty Recovery: 6 Rigidity
Thunderbolt Pike Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Awareness
Aggression (1): 6 Flurry: 10 Induction: 10
Awareness Flurry: 6 Aggression (1): 10 Fury
Pick Axe Fiery Ko
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 35
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Flurry: 6 Fury Flurry: 8 Fury
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Roar: 8

Great Axe

Mighty Axe Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Slash: 4 Chain: 4
Empty Awe: 3 Gale: 3
Destructive Axe Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11
Rank: 2 Slash: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Awareness Desperation
Fangcrusher Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Slash: 6
Rank: 3 Chain: 6 Awe: 4
Empty Gale: 4 Rakshasa
White Fang Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18 Slash: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Awareness
Aggression (1): 2 Desperation Flurry: 6
Soulcleaver Rare Version
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Slash: 7 Chain: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Awe: 6 Gale: 6
Awareness Empty Rakshasa Protection: 6
Sharp Destruction Rare Version
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Slash: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Awareness Desperation
Awareness Flurry: 6 Flurry: 10 Battleaxe
Matoi Smoldering Cleaver
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 37
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Flurry: 6 Fury Flurry: 8 Fury
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Roar: 8


Iron Mace Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Explosive: 3 Fear: 3
Battle Mace Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Frenzy: 4 Uplift: 4
Rock Crusher Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Velocity: 6 Explosive: 4
Empty Fear: 4 Comet: 4
Earthquake Rare Version
Base Attack: 24 Base Attack: 17 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Survival: 6 Frenzy: 6
Survival: 2 Uplift: 6 Thorns: 6
World Smasher Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Velocity: 7
Survival: 4 Explosive: 6 Fear: 6
Frenzy: 4 Empty Comet: 6 Rigidity
Dream Wrecker Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Survival: 10
Survival: 6 Frenzy: 10 Uplift: 10
Frenzy: 6 Thorns: 6 Thorns: 10 Battleaxe
Emergency Ladder Wave Breaker
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 35
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Velocity: 8
Chain: 6 Triumph: 6 Chain: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty War Shoes Conflagration: 8

Spiked Shield

Bronze Wall Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Cyclone: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Efflorescence: 3 Swiftness
Fang Wall Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Cyclone: 4 Awareness
Empty Barricade: 4 Battleaxe
Crimson Wall Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Efflorescence: 4
Empty Swiftness Triumph: 4
Phoenix Wall Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 4 Awareness Barricade: 6
Awareness Battleaxe Rigidity
Talon Wall Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Cyclone: 7 Frenzy: 7
Awareness Efflorescence: 6 Swiftness
Barricade: 4 Empty Triumph: 6 Thunderclap: 6
Steel Fang and Scale Rare Version
Base Attack: 38 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Cyclone: 10 Awareness
Awareness Barricade: 10 Battleaxe
Barricade: 6 Rigidity Rigidity Jubilation: 10
Notebook Crystal Scales
Base Attack: 38 Base Attack: 38
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Aggression (1): 6 Awareness
Explosive: 6 Battleaxe Flurry: 8 Chain: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Recovery: 8

Arm Blade

Feudal Edge Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Roar: 3 Desperation
Bronze Edge Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Jubilation: 4
Darkness Edge Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Survival: 6 Roar: 4
Empty Desperation Spurt: 4
Azure Edge Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 6
Enlightenment: 2 Jubilation: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Tiger's Edge Rare Version
Base Attack: 33 Base Attack: 23
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Survival: 7
Enlightenment: 4 Roar: 6 Desperation
Chain: 4 Empty Spurt: 6 Vigor: 6
Imperial Warship Rare Version
Base Attack: 41 Base Attack: 29
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Enlightenment: 10
Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 10 Jubilation: 10
Chain: 6 Recovery: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Flash: 10
Snowboard Tortoise Edge
Base Attack: 41 Base Attack: 41
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Battleaxe Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Flurry: 8
Empty Empty Conflagration: 8 Velocity: 8

Circle Blade

Iron Chakram Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Cyclone: 4 Jubilation: 4
Empty Survival: 3 Agility
Steel Chakram Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12
Rank: 2 Cyclone: 4 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Gale: 4
Shredding Chakram Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 3 Jubilation: 6 Survival: 4
Empty Agility Battleaxe
Demon Chakram Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 6
Enlightenment: 2 Gale: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Goblin Chakram Rare Version
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Cyclone: 7 Jubilation: 7
Enlightenment: 4 Survival: 6 Agility
Chain: 4 Empty Battleaxe Vigor: 6
Flashing Wind God Rare Version
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Cyclone: 10 Enlightenment: 10
Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 10 Gale: 10
Chain: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Rigidity
Hazard Triangle Dragon Slicer
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 37
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Battleaxe Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Flurry: 8
Empty Empty Conflagration: 8 Velocity: 8

Siege Spear

Destructive Spear Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Chain: 4
Empty Velocity: 3 War Shoes
Stonecrushing Spear Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Frenzy: 4 Armor Sleeve
Ironshredder Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Chain: 6 Velocity: 4
Empty War Shoes Roar: 4
Sky Piercer Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Survival: 6 Frenzy: 6
Survival: 2 Armor Sleeve Thorns: 6
Spear of Conquest Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Chain: 7
Survival: 4 Velocity: 6 War Shoes
Frenzy: 4 Empty Roar: 6 Comet: 6
Frost Breaker Rare Version
Base Attack: 41 Base Attack: 29
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Survival: 10
Survival: 6 Frenzy: 10 Armor Sleeve
Frenzy: 6 Thorns: 6 Thorns: 10 Conflagration: 10
Speedboat Blazing Lance
Base Attack: 41 Base Attack: 41
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Velocity: 8
Chain: 6 Triumph: 6 Chain: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty War Shoes Conflagration: 8

Bow & Rod

Iron Bow Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Flash: 4 Chain: 4
Empty Induction: 3 Armor Sleeve
Steel Bow Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Flash: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Whirlwind: 4 Conflagration: 4
Spiked Bow Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Flash: 6
Rank: 3 Chain: 6 Induction: 4
Empty Armor Sleeve Frenzy: 4
Heavenly Bow Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Flash: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Whirlwind: 6
Aggression (1): 2 Conflagration: 6 Recovery: 6
Bow of Destruction Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Flash: 7 Chain: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Induction: 6 Armor Sleeve
Recovery: 4 Empty Frenzy: 6 Harmony: 6
Dawn Bringer Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 6 Flash: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Whirlwind: 10 Conflagration: 10
Recovery: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Recovery: 10 Comet: 10
Penknife Sacred Lion Bow
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 32
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Chain: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Conflagration: 6 Induction: 6 Recovery: 8 Gale: 8
Empty Empty Armor Sleeve Enlightenment: 8

Wheeled Halberd

Studded Wheel Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Cyclone: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Battleaxe Spurt: 3
Spiked Ring Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13
Rank: 2 Cyclone: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Awareness Triumph: 4
Roaring Wheel Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 3 Velocity: 6 Battleaxe
Empty Spurt: 4 Uplift: 4
Flash Wheel Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Awareness
Aggression (1): 2 Triumph: 6 Flurry: 6
Heavenly Destruction Rare Version
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Cyclone: 7 Velocity: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Battleaxe Spurt: 6
Awareness Empty Uplift: 6 Agility
Sirius Wind Rare Version
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Cyclone: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Awareness Triumph: 10
Awareness Flurry: 6 Flurry: 10 Fury
Pizza Peel Demonic Chaos
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 37
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Flurry: 6 Fury Flurry: 8 Fury
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Roar: 8


Iron Teeth Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Thorns: 3 Vigor: 3
Steel Incisors Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Awareness Jubilation: 4
Armored Fangs Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Thorns: 4
Empty Vigor: 4 Armor Sleeve
Majestic Fangs Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Awareness
Aggression (1): 2 Jubilation: 6 Flurry: 6
Deadly Incisors Rare Version
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Frenzy: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Thorns: 6 Vigor: 6
Awareness Empty Armor Sleeve Fury
Suzaku's Claws Rare Version
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Awareness Jubilation: 10
Awareness Flurry: 6 Flurry: 10 Comet: 10
Wooden Cutlery Ice Wolf Fangs
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 37
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Flurry: 6 Fury Flurry: 8 Fury
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Roar: 8

Dual-Headed Mace

Dualstone Mace Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Flash: 4 Vigor: 4
Empty Shining Warrior Velocity: 3
Twin Studded Mace Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12
Rank: 2 Flash: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Thorns: 4 Efflorescence: 4
Destructive Mace Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16 Flash: 6
Rank: 3 Vigor: 6 Shining Warrior
Empty Velocity: 4 Swiftness
Shocking Mace Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20 Flash: 6
Rank: 4 Survival: 6 Thorns: 6
Survival: 2 Efflorescence: 6 Frenzy: 6
Dragon Smasher Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 5 Flash: 7 Vigor: 7
Survival: 4 Shining Warrior Velocity: 6
Frenzy: 4 Empty Swiftness Whirlwind: 6
Violet Storm Rare Version
Base Attack: 42 Base Attack: 29
Rank: 6 Flash: 10 Survival: 10
Survival: 6 Thorns: 10 Efflorescence: 10
Frenzy: 6 Thorns: 6 Frenzy: 10 War Shoes
Shogi Staff Chimera Mace
Base Attack: 42 Base Attack: 42
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Velocity: 8
Chain: 6 Triumph: 6 Chain: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty War Shoes Conflagration: 8

Revolving Crossbow

Rotating Crossbow Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Flash: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Conflagration: 3 Explosive: 3
Spinning Crossbow Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Flash: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Frenzy: 4 Thorns: 4
Orbital Crossbow Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11 Flash: 6
Rank: 3 Survival: 6 Frenzy: 6
Empty Thorns: 6 Thunder: 6
Thunder Crossbow Rare Version
Base Attack: 19 Base Attack: 13
Rank: 4 Flash: 7 Velocity: 7
Survival: 2 Conflagration: 6 Explosive: 6
Empty Empty Resolve Aggression (1): 6
Blinding Crossbow Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Flash: 10 Survival: 10
Survival: 4 Frenzy: 10 Thorns: 10
Frenzy: 4 Empty Thunder: 10 Gale: 10
Telescope Heavenly Tempest
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 5 Rank: 5
Velocity: 6 Velocity: 8
Chain: 6 Triumph: 6 Chain: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty War Shoes Conflagration: 8

War Trident

Trident Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Desperation
Empty Barricade: 3 Comet: 3
Judgement Trident Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Awareness Flurry: 4
Rupture Trident Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Desperation Barricade: 4
Empty Comet: 4 Battleaxe
Mincing Trident Rare Version
Base Attack: 24 Base Attack: 17 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Awareness
Aggression (1): 2 Flurry: 6 Efflorescence: 6
Hades Judgement Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Desperation
Aggression (1): 4 Barricade: 6 Comet: 6
Awareness Empty Battleaxe Awe: 6
Heaven Conqueror Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Awareness Flurry: 10
Awareness Flurry: 6 Efflorescence: 10 Triumph: 10


Stone Pillar Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Flash: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Velocity: 3 Vigor: 3
Giant Toadstool Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12
Rank: 2 Flash: 4 Chain: 4
Empty Whirlwind: 4 Awe: 4
Viper's Venom Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Flash: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Velocity: 4
Empty Vigor: 4 Roar: 4
Pillar of Pain Rare Version
Base Attack: 24 Base Attack: 17 Flash: 6
Rank: 4 Chain: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Enlightenment: 2 Awe: 6 Enlightenment: 6
Basilisk's Bane Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 5 Flash: 7 Frenzy: 7
Enlightenment: 4 Velocity: 6 Vigor: 6
Chain: 4 Empty Roar: 6 Rigidity
Brimstone Wrath Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Flash: 10 Chain: 10
Enlightenment: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Awe: 10
Chain: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Enlightenment: 10 Fury


Iron Sword Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Roar: 3 Armor Sleeve
Wolf's Fang Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Jubilation: 4
Cloudburst Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Roar: 4
Empty Armor Sleeve Jolt: 4
Sword of Judgment Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Jubilation: 6 Chain: 6
Emperor's Might Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Frenzy: 7
Flurry: 4 Roar: 6 Armor Sleeve
Velocity: 4 Empty Jolt: 6 Fury
Blazing Wolf Rare Version
Base Attack: 38 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Jubilation: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Conflagration: 10
Winner's Trophy Turquoise Blade
Base Attack: 38 Base Attack: 38
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8


Iron Needle Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Venom: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Morass: 3 Efflorescence: 3
Steel Needle Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Venom: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Conflagration: 4
Apex Rapier Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Venom: 6
Rank: 3 Survival: 6 Morass: 4
Empty Efflorescence: 4 Swiftness
Scarlet Fury Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Venom: 6
Rank: 4 Velocity: 6 Chain: 6
Flurry: 2 Conflagration: 6 Flurry: 6
Verdant Thrust Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Venom: 7 Survival: 7
Flurry: 4 Morass: 6 Efflorescence: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Swiftness Enlightenment: 6
Destiny Ender Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 6 Venom: 10 Velocity: 10
Flurry: 6 Chain: 10 Conflagration: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Flurry: 10 Resolve
Skewered Fish Lightning Rapier
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

War Fan

Sparrow Wing Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Cyclone: 4 Spurt: 4
Empty Enlightenment: 3 Shining Warrior
Swallow Wing Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 2 Cyclone: 4 Fear: 4
Empty Uplift: 4 Recovery: 4
Raven Wing Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 3 Spurt: 6 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Shining Warrior Whirlwind: 4
Crimson Wing Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 4 Fear: 6 Uplift: 6
Fear: 2 Recovery: 6 Chain: 6
Emerald Wing Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Cyclone: 7 Spurt: 7
Fear: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Shining Warrior
Uplift: 4 Empty Whirlwind: 6 Aggression (1): 6
Black Faerie Fan Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 6 Cyclone: 10 Fear: 10
Fear: 6 Uplift: 10 Recovery: 10
Uplift: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Frost: 10
Mechanical Fan Crystal Fan
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Frenzy: 6 Fear: 8
Morass: 6 Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Chain: 8
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Uplift: 8

Twin Swords

Twin Swords Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Jolt: 4
Empty Survival: 3 Resolve
Splendid Swords Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Jubilation: 4
Azure Swords Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Jolt: 6 Survival: 4
Empty Resolve Gale: 4
Exquisite Swords Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Chain: 6
Flurry: 2 Jubilation: 6 Velocity: 6
Heavenly Swords Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Jolt: 7
Flurry: 4 Survival: 6 Resolve
Velocity: 4 Empty Gale: 6 Harmony: 6
Frozen Blossoms Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Chain: 10 Jubilation: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Velocity: 10 Battleaxe
Commander's Swords Heavenly Sabers
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Throwing Knives

Throwing Blades Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Enlightenment: 3 Jolt: 3
Combat Blades Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Recovery: 4 Gale: 4
Rose Thorns Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Jolt: 4 Thunderclap: 4
Thunder Blades Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Recovery: 6
Aggression (1): 2 Gale: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Rain Blades Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Frenzy: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Enlightenment: 6 Jolt: 6
Recovery: 4 Empty Thunderclap: 6 Resolve
Mercurial Rain Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Recovery: 10 Gale: 10
Recovery: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Roar: 10
Bromide Violet Shower
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Chain: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Conflagration: 6 Induction: 6 Recovery: 8 Gale: 8
Empty Empty Armor Sleeve Enlightenment: 8

Chain & Sickle

Harvest Sickle Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Efflorescence: 3 Morass: 3
Hunting Sickle Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Barricade: 4
Dark Thresher Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Survival: 6 Efflorescence: 4
Empty Morass: 4 War Shoes
Shadow Sickle Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 6
Enlightenment: 2 Barricade: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Heavenly Sickle Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Survival: 7
Enlightenment: 4 Efflorescence: 6 Morass: 6
Chain: 4 Empty War Shoes Vigor: 6
Aqua Cutter Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Enlightenment: 10
Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 10 Barricade: 10
Chain: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Fury
Gas Pump Gloom Sickle
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Battleaxe Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Flurry: 8
Empty Empty Conflagration: 8 Velocity: 8


Wood Nunchaku Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Gale: 4
Empty Spurt: 3 Conflagration: 3
Iron Nunchaku Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Jubilation: 4
Rising Phoenix Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Gale: 6 Spurt: 4
Empty Conflagration: 4 Agility
Crimson Wave Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Jubilation: 6 Chain: 6
Storm Wave Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Gale: 7
Flurry: 4 Spurt: 6 Conflagration: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Agility Armor Sleeve
Wave Sealer Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Jubilation: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Fury
Child's Cutlery Thunder Nunchaku
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 32
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8


Oaken Staff Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Cyclone: 4 Induction: 4
Empty Rigidity Efflorescence: 3
Teak Staff Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 2 Cyclone: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Conflagration: 4
Bronze-Studded Staff Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 3 Induction: 6 Rigidity
Empty Efflorescence: 4 Comet: 4
Yellow Dragon Staff Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Chain: 6
Flurry: 2 Conflagration: 6 Velocity: 6
Crimson Cloud Rare Version
Base Attack: 24 Base Attack: 17
Rank: 5 Cyclone: 7 Induction: 7
Flurry: 4 Rigidity Efflorescence: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Comet: 6 Harmony: 6
Light-Breaking Staff Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 6 Cyclone: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Chain: 10 Conflagration: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Velocity: 10 Armor Sleeve
Limousine Cane Orange Phoenix Staff
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 29
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8


Long Bow Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Cyclone: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Chain: 3 Explosive: 3
Recurve Bow Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Cyclone: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Whirlwind: 4 Roar: 4
Wind Shooter Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Chain: 4
Empty Explosive: 4 Desperation
Qilin Bow Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Whirlwind: 6
Aggression (1): 2 Roar: 6 Recovery: 6
Demon Hunter Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Cyclone: 7 Frenzy: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Chain: 6 Explosive: 6
Recovery: 4 Empty Desperation Protection: 6
Violet Dragon Bow Rare Version
Base Attack: 38 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Cyclone: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Whirlwind: 10 Roar: 10
Recovery: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Recovery: 10 Fury
Beam Bow Jeweled Dragon Bow
Base Attack: 38 Base Attack: 38
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Chain: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Conflagration: 6 Induction: 6 Recovery: 8 Gale: 8
Empty Empty Armor Sleeve Enlightenment: 8

Shaman Rod

Shaman Rod Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Venom: 4 Vigor: 4
Empty Swiftness Morass: 3
Conjurer Wand Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Venom: 4 Fear: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Battleaxe
Turquoise Wand Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Venom: 6
Rank: 3 Vigor: 6 Swiftness
Empty Morass: 4 Conflagration: 4
Divine Rod Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Venom: 6
Rank: 4 Fear: 6 Chain: 6
Fear: 2 Battleaxe Whirlwind: 6
Heavenly Scepter Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 5 Venom: 7 Vigor: 7
Fear: 4 Swiftness Morass: 6
Uplift: 4 Empty Conflagration: 6 Fury
Possessed Staff Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Venom: 10 Fear: 10
Fear: 6 Chain: 10 Battleaxe
Uplift: 6 Chain: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Recovery: 10
Asparagus Phantom Rod
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 35
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Frenzy: 6 Fear: 8
Morass: 6 Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Chain: 8
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Uplift: 8

Iron Fan

Iron Fan Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Efflorescence: 4
Empty Battleaxe Thorns: 3
Battle Fan Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Gale: 4
Sparkling Draft Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Efflorescence: 6 Battleaxe
Empty Thorns: 4 Swiftness
Nine Heavens Fan Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Gale: 6 Chain: 6
Illusion Fan Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Efflorescence: 7
Flurry: 4 Battleaxe Thorns: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Swiftness Harmony: 6
Incense Fan Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Gale: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Recovery: 10
Restaurant Menu Aquamarine Fan
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Sword & Shield

Guard Set Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Spurt: 4
Empty Battleaxe Efflorescence: 3
Soldier Set Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Barricade: 4
Empty Rigidity Slash: 4
Mercenary Set Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Spurt: 6 Battleaxe
Empty Efflorescence: 4 Whirlwind: 4
Imperial Set Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Barricade: 6 Rigidity
Awareness Slash: 6 Awareness
Heavenly Set Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Spurt: 7
Awareness Battleaxe Efflorescence: 6
Barricade: 4 Empty Whirlwind: 6 Recovery: 6
Thunderclap Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Barricade: 10
Awareness Rigidity Slash: 10
Barricade: 6 Rigidity Awareness Flurry: 10
Fish Dinner Godly Set
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 35
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Aggression (1): 6 Awareness
Explosive: 6 Battleaxe Flurry: 8 Chain: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Recovery: 8

Flying Swords

Razor Dance Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Morass: 3 Armor Sleeve
Razor Wind Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Recovery: 4 Venom: 4
Gliding Cobra Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Survival: 6 Morass: 4
Empty Armor Sleeve Vigor: 4
Flying Dragon Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Recovery: 6
Flurry: 2 Venom: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Aerial Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Survival: 7
Flurry: 4 Morass: 6 Armor Sleeve
Velocity: 4 Empty Vigor: 6 Thorns: 6
Flying Light Swords Rare Version
Base Attack: 38 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Flurry: 6 Recovery: 10 Venom: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Fury
Satellite Immortal Blade
Base Attack: 38 Base Attack: 38
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Curved Sword

Claw Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Slash: 4 Efflorescence: 4
Empty Enlightenment: 3 Fury
Swift Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Slash: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Battleaxe
Dawn Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11 Slash: 6
Rank: 3 Efflorescence: 6 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Fury Comet: 4
Twilight Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 19 Base Attack: 13 Slash: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Battleaxe Chain: 6
Void Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Slash: 7 Efflorescence: 7
Flurry: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Fury
Velocity: 4 Empty Comet: 6 Induction: 6
Dazzler Rare Version
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 21
Rank: 6 Slash: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Battleaxe
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Cyclone: 10
Sword Cane Faerie
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 30
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8


Iron Claws Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Cyclone: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Thunderclap: 3 Enlightenment: 3
Steel Claws Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Cyclone: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 War Shoes
Leopard Claws Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 3 Survival: 6 Thunderclap: 4
Empty Enlightenment: 4 Vigor: 4
Ghostly Claws Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 War Shoes Chain: 6
Elegant Claws Rare Version
Base Attack: 19 Base Attack: 13
Rank: 5 Cyclone: 7 Survival: 7
Flurry: 4 Thunderclap: 6 Enlightenment: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Vigor: 6 Explosive: 6
Demon Summoners Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 6 Cyclone: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 War Shoes
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Inferno: 10
Digger Jade Claws
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 23
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8


Iron Hoops Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Cyclone: 4 Gale: 4
Empty Thunderclap: 3 Awe: 3
Battle Hoops Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Cyclone: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Spurt: 4
Wind & Fire Wheels Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 3 Gale: 6 Thunderclap: 4
Empty Awe: 4 Uplift: 4
Astral Wheels Rare Version
Base Attack: 19 Base Attack: 13 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 4 Velocity: 6 Chain: 6
Flurry: 2 Spurt: 6 Flurry: 6
Princess Wheels Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Cyclone: 7 Gale: 7
Flurry: 4 Thunderclap: 6 Awe: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Uplift: 6 Swiftness
Brilliant Flower Chakram Rare Version
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 21
Rank: 6 Cyclone: 10 Velocity: 10
Flurry: 6 Chain: 10 Spurt: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Flurry: 10 Battleaxe
Life Saver Mystical Wheels
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 30
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Chain Whip

Iron Whip Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Thorns: 4
Empty Efflorescence: 3 Morass: 3
Steel Whip Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Venom: 4
Jeweled Whip Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Thorns: 6 Efflorescence: 4
Empty Morass: 4 Frenzy: 4
Dragon Bone Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Velocity: 6 Chain: 6
Flurry: 2 Venom: 6 Flurry: 6
Phoenix Spine Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Thorns: 7
Flurry: 4 Efflorescence: 6 Morass: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Frenzy: 6 Enlightenment: 6
Graceful Aster Rare Version
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 21
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Velocity: 10
Flurry: 6 Chain: 10 Venom: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Flurry: 10 Uplift: 10
Toy Serpents Alluring Thorns
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 30
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8


Chopper Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Slash: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Explosive: 3 Gale: 3
Slasher Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Slash: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Battleaxe
Bloodspray Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Slash: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Explosive: 4
Empty Gale: 4 Shining Warrior
Spinning Inferno Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Slash: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Battleaxe Chain: 6
Deadly Gale Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Slash: 7 Frenzy: 7
Flurry: 4 Explosive: 6 Gale: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Shining Warrior Conflagration: 6
Sky Cutter Rare Version
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 6 Slash: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Battleaxe
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Fury
Hamburger Flail Aqua Slash
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 31
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8


Iron Flute Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Gale: 4
Empty Jolt: 3 Thunderclap: 3
Battle Flute Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Thorns: 4
Spirit Song Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Gale: 6 Jolt: 4
Empty Thunderclap: 4 Uplift: 4
Crimson Flute Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 6
Enlightenment: 2 Thorns: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Pearl Flute Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Gale: 7
Enlightenment: 4 Jolt: 6 Thunderclap: 6
Chain: 4 Empty Uplift: 6 Resolve
Spring Thunder Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Enlightenment: 10
Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 10 Thorns: 10
Chain: 6 Recovery: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Fury
Harmonica Crimson Lotus
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Battleaxe Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Flurry: 8
Empty Empty Conflagration: 8 Velocity: 8


Simple Harp Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Cyclone: 4 Comet: 4
Empty Battleaxe Thorns: 3
Battle Harp Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 2 Cyclone: 4 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Thunder: 4
Combat Harp Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 3 Comet: 6 Battleaxe
Empty Thorns: 4 Recovery: 4
Royal Harp Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 6
Enlightenment: 2 Thunder: 6 Morass: 6
Heavenly Harp Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14
Rank: 5 Cyclone: 7 Comet: 7
Enlightenment: 4 Battleaxe Thorns: 6
Chain: 4 Empty Recovery: 6 Protection: 6
Heaven's Banquet Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 6 Cyclone: 10 Enlightenment: 10
Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 10 Thunder: 10
Chain: 6 Recovery: 6 Morass: 10 Swiftness
Accordion Crystal Harp
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Battleaxe Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Flurry: 8
Empty Empty Conflagration: 8 Velocity: 8

Orb & Scepter

Battle Staff Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Gale: 4
Empty Chain: 3 War Shoes
Darkness Staff Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Recovery: 4 Flash: 4
Dapeng Rod Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Gale: 6 Chain: 4
Empty War Shoes Explosive: 4
Winged Grace Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Recovery: 6
Aggression (1): 2 Flash: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Heavenly Phoenix Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Gale: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Chain: 6 War Shoes
Recovery: 4 Empty Explosive: 6 Awe: 6
Dazzling Lapis Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Recovery: 10 Flash: 10
Recovery: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Conflagration: 10
Hustler's Cue Faerie Moon
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Chain: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Conflagration: 6 Induction: 6 Recovery: 8 Gale: 8
Empty Empty Armor Sleeve Enlightenment: 8


Trifork Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Cyclone: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Resolve Uplift: 3
Bronze Trifork Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 2 Cyclone: 4 Awareness
Empty Barricade: 4 Gale: 4
Peacock's Talons Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 3 Survival: 6 Resolve
Empty Uplift: 4 Conflagration: 4
Silver Trifork Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 4 Awareness Barricade: 6
Awareness Gale: 6 Rigidity
Azure Tip Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15
Rank: 5 Cyclone: 7 Survival: 7
Awareness Resolve Uplift: 6
Barricade: 4 Empty Conflagration: 6 Vigor: 6
Surging Rebellion Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 6 Cyclone: 10 Awareness
Awareness Barricade: 10 Gale: 10
Barricade: 6 Rigidity Rigidity Frost: 10
Model Fighter Jet Crystal Spikes
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Aggression (1): 6 Awareness
Explosive: 6 Battleaxe Flurry: 8 Chain: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Recovery: 8

Pugil Stick

Budding Staff Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Spurt: 3 Recovery: 3
Elegant Staff Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Uplift: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Induction: 4
Staff of Hearts Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Spurt: 4
Empty Recovery: 4 Shining Warrior
Staff of Dreams Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Uplift: 6 Chain: 6
Fear: 2 Induction: 6 Fear: 6
Butterfly Staff Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Frenzy: 7
Fear: 4 Spurt: 7 Recovery: 6
Uplift: 4 Empty Shining Warrior Thunderclap: 6
Misery Sticks Rare Version
Base Attack: 24 Base Attack: 17
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Uplift: 10
Fear: 6 Chain: 10 Induction: 10
Uplift: 6 Chain: 6 Fear: 10 Cyclone: 10
Karaoke Mics Malign Staff
Base Attack: 24 Base Attack: 24
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Frenzy: 6 Fear: 8
Morass: 6 Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Chain: 8
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Uplift: 8

Lightning Sword

Flashpoint Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Enlightenment: 3 War Shoes
Blinkblade Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Induction: 4
Imperial Flame Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Survival: 6 Enlightenment: 4
Empty War Shoes Awe: 4
Winged Glory Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Induction: 6 Chain: 6
Emperor's Light Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Survival: 7
Flurry: 4 Enlightenment: 6 War Shoes
Velocity: 4 Empty Awe: 6 Fury
Hail Slicer Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Induction: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Jolt: 10
Marking Pin Scarlet Rapier
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8


Iron Boomerang Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Chain: 3 Armor Sleeve
Flying Shadow Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Recovery: 4 Roar: 4
Triple Edge Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Survival: 6 Chain: 4
Empty Armor Sleeve Triumph: 4
Trident Tusk Rare Version
Base Attack: 19 Base Attack: 13 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Recovery: 6
Aggression (1): 2 Roar: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Heaven's Return Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Survival: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Chain: 6 Armor Sleeve
Recovery: 4 Empty Triumph: 6 Spurt: 6
Enchanted Lotus Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Recovery: 10 Roar: 10
Recovery: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Slash: 10
Travel Bag Shard Boomerang
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Chain: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Conflagration: 6 Induction: 6 Recovery: 8 Gale: 8
Empty Empty Armor Sleeve Enlightenment: 8

Sword & Hook

Piercing Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Slash: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Vigor: 3 Agility
Kan Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11
Rank: 2 Slash: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Enlightenment: 4
Soaring Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Slash: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Vigor: 4
Empty Agility Roar: 4
Sapphire Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16 Slash: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Chain: 6
Flurry: 2 Enlightenment: 6 Velocity: 6
Dispersion Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Slash: 7 Frenzy: 7
Flurry: 4 Vigor: 6 Agility
Velocity: 4 Empty Roar: 6 Spurt: 6
Flashing Arrow Sword Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 6 Slash: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Chain: 10 Enlightenment: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Velocity: 10 Battleaxe
Whip Crop Etch Blade
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 32
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Swallow Swords

Aerial Blades Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Flash: 4 Vigor: 4
Empty Triumph: 3 Survival: 3
Swallow's Edge Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Flash: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Jolt: 4
Petrel Blades Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10 Flash: 6
Rank: 3 Vigor: 6 Triumph: 4
Empty Survival: 4 Efflorescence: 4
Swallow's Fury Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Flash: 6
Rank: 4 Velocity: 6 Chain: 6
Flurry: 2 Jolt: 6 Flurry: 6
Crimson Swallow Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Flash: 7 Vigor: 7
Flurry: 4 Triumph: 6 Survival: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Efflorescence: 6 War Shoes
Glass Dart Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 6 Flash: 10 Velocity: 10
Flurry: 6 Chain: 10 Jolt: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Flurry: 10 Desperation
Medical Swords Tiger Swallow Blades
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Three Sectional Staff

Sanjiegun Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Spurt: 3 Enlightenment: 3
Triple Iron Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Resolve
Rising Clouds Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Spurt: 4
Empty Enlightenment: 4 Efflorescence: 4
Raging Hail Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Chain: 6
Flurry: 2 Resolve Velocity: 6
Raging Winds Rare Version
Base Attack: 24 Base Attack: 17
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Frenzy: 7
Flurry: 4 Spurt: 6 Enlightenment: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Efflorescence: 6 Agility
Steel Tempest Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Chain: 10 Resolve
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Velocity: 10 Rakshasa
Pain Train Violent Storm
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 29
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Shadow Fan

Floral Fan Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Conflagration: 4
Empty Battleaxe Swiftness
Winged Fan Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Fear: 4
Empty Uplift: 4 Gale: 4
Emerald Fan Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Conflagration: 6 Battleaxe
Empty Swiftness Enlightenment: 4
Stormy Fan Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Fear: 6 Uplift: 6
Fear: 2 Gale: 6 Chain: 6
Leader's Fan Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Conflagration: 7
Fear: 4 Battleaxe Swiftness
Uplift: 4 Empty Enlightenment: 6 Morass: 6
Phoenix Fan Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Fear: 10
Fear: 6 Uplift: 10 Gale: 10
Uplift: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Cyclone: 10
Intravenous Drip Night Moth Fan
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Frenzy: 6 Fear: 8
Morass: 6 Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Chain: 8
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Uplift: 8

Extension Blade

Distant Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Uplift: 4
Empty Triumph: 3 Battleaxe
Distant Bronze Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Thunder: 4
Thorny Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Uplift: 6 Triumph: 4
Empty Battleaxe War Shoes
Echo Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Thunder: 6 Chain: 6
Heaven's Reach Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Uplift: 7
Flurry: 4 Triumph: 6 Battleaxe
Velocity: 4 Empty War Shoes Harmony: 6
Twisted Crystal Spiker Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Thunder: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Armor Sleeve
Full Bloom Storm Thrust
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Dual Hookblades

Twin Hook Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Cyclone: 4 Induction: 4
Empty Rakshasa Triumph: 3
Wicked Hook Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11
Rank: 2 Cyclone: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Gale: 4
Fury Hook Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 3 Induction: 6 Rakshasa
Empty Triumph: 4 Comet: 4
Conical Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 4 Velocity: 6 Chain: 6
Flurry: 2 Gale: 6 Flurry: 6
Talons of Conquest Rare Version
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 21
Rank: 5 Cyclone: 7 Induction: 7
Flurry: 4 Rakshasa Triumph: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Comet: 6 Rigidity
Frosty Wind Hooks Rare Version
Base Attack: 36 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Cyclone: 10 Velocity: 10
Flurry: 6 Chain: 10 Gale: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Flurry: 10 Harmony: 10
Wrench Celestial Talon
Base Attack: 36 Base Attack: 36
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8


Swooping Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Gale: 4
Empty Agility Thorns: 3
Sturdy Wingblade Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Armor Sleeve
Steel Wingblade Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Gale: 6 Agility
Empty Thorns: 4 Triumph: 4
Mighty Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Armor Sleeve Chain: 6
Golden Dragon Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Gale: 7
Flurry: 4 Agility Thorns: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Triumph: 6 Comet: 6
Imprisoned Dragonwings Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Armor Sleeve
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Fury
Jumbo Wing Storm Phoenix
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Throwing Axes

Dancing Shadows Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Conflagration: 3 Rigidity
Dancing Darkness Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Whirlwind: 4 Battleaxe
Dancing Enigma Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Conflagration: 4
Empty Rigidity Enlightenment: 4
Dancing Peng Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Whirlwind: 6
Aggression (1): 2 Battleaxe Recovery: 6
Hidden Essence Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Frenzy: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Conflagration: 6 Rigidity
Recovery: 4 Empty Enlightenment: 6 Morass: 6
Minefield Blades Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Whirlwind: 10 Battleaxe
Recovery: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Recovery: 10 Fury
Bowling Pin Demonic Edge
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Chain: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Conflagration: 6 Induction: 6 Recovery: 8 Gale: 8
Empty Empty Armor Sleeve Enlightenment: 8

Wired Gloves

Sturdy Claws Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Vigor: 3 Efflorescence: 3
Threaded Claws Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Gale: 4
Razor Claws Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Vigor: 4
Empty Efflorescence: 4 Venom: 4
Stinger Claws Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 6
Enlightenment: 2 Gale: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Purple Fury Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Frenzy: 7
Enlightenment: 4 Vigor: 6 Efflorescence: 6
Chain: 4 Empty Venom: 6 Resolve
Death Shroud Claws Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Enlightenment: 10
Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 10 Gale: 10
Chain: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Jubilation: 10
Octopus Claw Wailing Claws
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Battleaxe Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Flurry: 8
Empty Empty Conflagration: 8 Velocity: 8


Sparrow Foot Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Desperation
Empty Jubilation: 3 Gale: 3
Swallow Foot Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Chain: 4
Lion Foot Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Empty Chain: 6 Swiftness
Tiger Foot Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15
Rank: 4 Thunder: 7 Desperation
Flurry: 2 Jubilation: 6 Gale: 6
Empty Empty Agility Morass: 6
Dragon Foot Rare Version
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Thunder: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 4 Velocity: 10 Chain: 10
Velocity: 4 Empty Swiftness Cyclone: 10
Skanda Foot Darting Phoenix
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 31
Rank: 5 Rank: 5
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Emei Piercers

Iron Piercer Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Induction: 4
Empty Jubilation: 3 Efflorescence: 3
Ornate Piercer Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Chain: 4
Phantom Piercer Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Empty Chain: 6 Gale: 6
Dark Piercer Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13
Rank: 4 Frost: 7 Induction: 7
Flurry: 2 Jubilation: 6 Efflorescence: 6
Empty Empty Armor Sleeve Triumph: 6
Immortal Piercer Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Frost: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 4 Velocity: 10 Chain: 10
Velocity: 4 Empty Gale: 10 Uplift: 10
Brush Piercer Viridian Thorn
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 23
Rank: 5 Rank: 5
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Paired Fans

Performance Fan Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Cyclone: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Jolt: 3 Enlightenment: 3
Peach Fan Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 2 Cyclone: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Recovery: 4
Elegant Beauty Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10 Cyclone: 6
Rank: 3 Flurry: 6 Chain: 6
Empty Recovery: 6 Velocity: 6
Stately Beauty Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11
Rank: 4 Cyclone: 7 Aggression (1): 7
Flurry: 2 Jolt: 6 Enlightenment: 6
Empty Empty Comet: 6 Battleaxe
Soaring Dance Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Cyclone: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 4 Chain: 10 Recovery: 10
Velocity: 4 Empty Velocity: 10 War Shoes
Protractor Kingfisher Fan
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 23
Rank: 5 Rank: 5
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Flame Bow

Torch Bow Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Velocity: 3 Battleaxe
Temple Flame Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Recovery: 4 Chain: 4
Soaring Blaze Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Survival: 6 Velocity: 4
Empty Battleaxe Thunderclap: 4
Eternal Conflagration Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Recovery: 6
Aggression (1): 2 Chain: 6 Gale: 6
Firebird Shredder Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Survival: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Velocity: 6 Battleaxe
Recovery: 4 Empty Thunderclap: 6 Enlightenment: 6
Dragon King's Wave Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Recovery: 10 Chain: 10
Recovery: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Gale: 10 Fury

Art of War Scroll

Bamboo Scroll Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Spurt: 4
Empty Enlightenment: 3 Conflagration: 3
Refined Bamboo Scroll Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Fear: 4
Empty Uplift: 4 Gale: 4
General's Command Scroll Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Spurt: 6 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Conflagration: 4 Morass: 4
Imperial Edict Scroll Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Fear: 6 Uplift: 6
Fear: 2 Gale: 6 Chain: 6
God's Decree Scroll Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Spurt: 7
Fear: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Conflagration: 6
Uplift: 4 Empty Morass: 6 Fury
Divine Oracle Scroll Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Fear: 10
Fear: 6 Uplift: 10 Gale: 10
Uplift: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Shining Warrior

Formation Wand

Iron Cane Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Explosive: 3 Awareness
Violet Cane Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Fear: 4
Empty Uplift: 4 Gale: 4
Blue Spirit Cane Rare Version
Base Attack: 19 Base Attack: 13 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Flurry: 6 Explosive: 4
Empty Awareness Battleaxe
Rondel Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 24 Base Attack: 17 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Fear: 6 Uplift: 6
Fear: 2 Gale: 6 Fury
Royal Cane Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Flurry: 7
Fear: 4 Explosive: 6 Awareness
Uplift: 4 Empty Battleaxe Protection: 6
Ash Purple Cane Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Fear: 10
Fear: 6 Uplift: 10 Gale: 10
Uplift: 6 Chain: 6 Fury Flash: 10


Chain Flail Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Flash: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Desperation Flurry: 3
Snake Flail Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 2 Flash: 4 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Roar: 4
Adder Flail Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Flash: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Desperation
Empty Flurry: 4 Comet: 4
Demon Chain Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Flash: 6
Rank: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 6
Enlightenment: 2 Roar: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Godly Flail Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Flash: 7 Frenzy: 7
Enlightenment: 4 Desperation Flurry: 6
Chain: 4 Empty Comet: 6 Rakshasa
Scorching Chain Rare Version
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 21
Rank: 6 Flash: 10 Enlightenment: 10
Enlightenment: 6 Chain: 10 Roar: 10
Chain: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Fury
Leg Iron Dragonstone Flail
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 30
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Battleaxe Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Flurry: 8
Empty Empty Conflagration: 8 Velocity: 8


Cutlass Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Explosive: 3 Enlightenment: 3
Rebel's Cutlass Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Agility
Qilin Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Aggression (1): 6 Explosive: 4
Empty Enlightenment: 4 Battleaxe
Blade of Darkness Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Agility Chain: 6
Demon Slayer Rare Version
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 21
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Aggression (1): 7
Flurry: 4 Explosive: 6 Enlightenment: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Battleaxe Harmony: 6
Frozen Fang Rare Version
Base Attack: 36 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Agility
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Awe: 10
Vintage Wine Violent Tusk
Base Attack: 36 Base Attack: 36
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Twin Pike

Cobra Pike Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Flash: 4 Thorns: 4
Empty Whirlwind: 3 Awe: 3
Twin Serpents Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12
Rank: 2 Flash: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Awareness Jolt: 4
Serpent Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16 Flash: 6
Rank: 3 Thorns: 6 Whirlwind: 4
Empty Awe: 4 Frenzy: 4
Crushing Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20 Flash: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Awareness
Aggression (1): 2 Jolt: 6 Aggression (1): 6
Heaven's Venom Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 5 Flash: 7 Thorns: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Whirlwind: 6 Awe: 6
Awareness Empty Frenzy: 6 Desperation
Miraculous Serpent Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 41 Base Attack: 29
Rank: 6 Flash: 10 Flurry: 10
Aggression (1): 6 Awareness Jolt: 10
Awareness Flurry: 6 Aggression (1): 10 Fury
Beam Blade Wave Slicer
Base Attack: 41 Base Attack: 41
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Flurry: 6 Fury Flurry: 8 Fury
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Roar: 8

General's Sword

Iron Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Shining Warrior Fury
General's Glory Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Gale: 4
Blade of Light Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Aggression (1): 6 Shining Warrior
Empty Fury Jubilation: 4
Sword of Heaven Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Gale: 6 Chain: 6
Conqueror's Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Aggression (1): 7
Flurry: 4 Shining Warrior Fury
Velocity: 4 Empty Jubilation: 6 Resolve
Storm Sword Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Gale: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Agility
Daikon Purgatory Blade
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 32
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Nine Rings Blade

Ringed Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Battleaxe Fear: 3
Steel Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Triumph: 4
Tiger's Strike Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Battleaxe
Empty Fear: 4 Uplift: 4
Tiger's Fury Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Chain: 6
Flurry: 2 Triumph: 6 Velocity: 6
Imperial Tiger Rare Version
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 21
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Frenzy: 7
Flurry: 4 Battleaxe Fear: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Uplift: 6 Fury
Falcon Flash Rare Version
Base Attack: 36 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Chain: 10 Triumph: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Velocity: 10 Slash: 10
Saw Radiant Tiger Blade
Base Attack: 36 Base Attack: 36
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Double-Edge Trident

Iron Trident Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Gale: 4
Empty Resolve Triumph: 3
Bronze Trident Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Awareness Roar: 4
Dual Fangs Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Gale: 6 Resolve
Empty Triumph: 4 Comet: 4
Dragonthroat Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Awareness
Aggression (1): 2 Roar: 6 Flurry: 6
Qilin Trident Rare Version
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Gale: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Resolve Triumph: 6
Awareness Empty Comet: 6 Vigor: 6
Rising Flash Rare Version
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Awareness Roar: 10
Awareness Flurry: 6 Flurry: 10 Fury
Sasumata Violet Flash
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 37
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Flurry: 6 Fury Flurry: 8 Fury
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Roar: 8

Short Rod

Iron Baton Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Flash: 4 Awareness
Empty Resolve Spurt: 3
Deadly Baton Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10
Rank: 2 Flash: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Barricade: 4
Ebony Baton Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Flash: 6
Rank: 3 Awareness Resolve
Empty Spurt: 4 Jolt: 4
Quivering Blow Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Flash: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Barricade: 6 Chain: 6
Golden Might Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 5 Flash: 7 Awareness
Flurry: 4 Resolve Spurt: 6
Velocity: 4 Empty Jolt: 6 Harmony: 6
Piercing Beams Rare Version
Base Attack: 33 Base Attack: 23
Rank: 6 Flash: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Barricade: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Rakshasa
Pointer Firestrike
Base Attack: 33 Base Attack: 33
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8


Iron Javelin Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Slash: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Roar: 3 Rigidity
Bronze Javelin Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13
Rank: 2 Slash: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Recovery: 4 Gale: 4
Smashing Javelin Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Slash: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Roar: 4
Empty Rigidity Enlightenment: 4
Heavenly Javelin Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19 Slash: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Recovery: 6
Aggression (1): 2 Gale: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Skycrusher Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Slash: 7 Frenzy: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Roar: 6 Rigidity
Recovery: 4 Empty Enlightenment: 6 Awareness
Funeral Bringer Rare Version
Base Attack: 38 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Slash: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Recovery: 10 Gale: 10
Recovery: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Fury
Harpoon Eclipse Spear
Base Attack: 38 Base Attack: 38
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Chain: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Conflagration: 6 Induction: 6 Recovery: 8 Gale: 8
Empty Empty Armor Sleeve Enlightenment: 8

Flaming Sword

Fire Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Vigor: 3 Triumph: 3
Searing Fire Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Jubilation: 4
Wolf Fire Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Flurry: 6 Chain: 6
Empty Jubilation: 6 Velocity: 6
Imperial Fire Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15
Rank: 4 Inferno: 7 Frenzy: 7
Flurry: 2 Vigor: 6 Triumph: 6
Empty Empty Awe: 6 Armor Sleeve
Phoenix Fire Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Inferno: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 4 Chain: 10 Jubilation: 10
Velocity: 4 Empty Velocity: 10 Whirlwind: 10
Matchstick Triumphant Blade
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 31
Rank: 5 Rank: 5
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Crossed Pike

Iron Pike Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Whirlwind: 4
Empty Induction: 3 Agility
Swift Pike Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Desperation
Spinning Pike Rare Version
Base Attack: 19 Base Attack: 13 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Whirlwind: 6 Induction: 4
Empty Agility Efflorescence: 4
Soaring Pike Rare Version
Base Attack: 24 Base Attack: 17 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Desperation Chain: 6
Ultimate Collapse Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Whirlwind: 7
Flurry: 4 Induction: 6 Agility
Velocity: 4 Empty Efflorescence: 6 Battleaxe
Soaring Wings Rare Version
Base Attack: 35 Base Attack: 25
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Desperation
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Fury

Mandarin Duck Hooks

Deer Horn Blades Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Thunderclap: 3 Desperation
Steel Antlers Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Conflagration: 4
Royal Antlers Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Aggression (1): 6 Thunderclap: 4
Empty Desperation Venom: 4
Mystical Blades Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Chain: 6
Flurry: 2 Conflagration: 6 Velocity: 6
Golden Spikes Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Aggression (1): 7
Flurry: 4 Thunderclap: 6 Desperation
Velocity: 4 Empty Venom: 6 Harmony: 6
Jade Destiny Rare Version
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Chain: 10 Conflagration: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Velocity: 10 Recovery: 10

Dragon Spear

Dragon Fang Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Slash: 4 Chain: 4
Empty Frenzy: 3 Induction: 3
Dragon's Tail Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Slash: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Flurry: 4 Gale: 4
Dragon Spike Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Slash: 6
Rank: 3 Chain: 6 Frenzy: 4
Empty Induction: 4 Rigidity
Rising Dragon Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Slash: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Flurry: 6
Aggression (1): 2 Gale: 6 Awareness
Heavenly Dragon Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Slash: 7 Chain: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Frenzy: 6 Induction: 6
Awareness Empty Rigidity Efflorescence: 6
Dark Dragon Spear Rare Version
Base Attack: 38 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Slash: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Flurry: 10 Gale: 10
Awareness Flurry: 6 Awareness Protection: 10
Beam Spear Dragon Piercer
Base Attack: 38 Base Attack: 38
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Flurry: 6 Fury Flurry: 8 Fury
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Roar: 8

Crescent Blade

Long Halberd Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 1 Slash: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Vigor: 3 Armor Sleeve
Steel Halberd Rare Version
Base Attack: 15 Base Attack: 11
Rank: 2 Slash: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Flurry: 4 斧鉞: 4
Green Dragon Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Slash: 6
Rank: 3 Velocity: 6 Vigor: 4
Empty Armor Sleeve Agility
Dragon Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18 Slash: 6
Rank: 4 Aggression (1): 6 Flurry: 6
Aggression (1): 2 Battleaxe Awareness
Godly Dragon Rare Version
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Slash: 7 Velocity: 7
Aggression (1): 4 Vigor: 6 Armor Sleeve
Awareness Empty Agility Conflagration: 6
Heavenly Dragon Rare Version
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Slash: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 6 Flurry: 10 Battleaxe
Awareness Flurry: 6 Awareness Jubilation: 10
Beam Slicer Twilight Dragon
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 37
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Induction: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Flurry: 6 Fury Flurry: 8 Fury
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Roar: 8

Dual Blade

Iron Edge Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Roar: 4
Empty Explosive: 3 Fury
Clarity Spike Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Chain: 4 Awe: 4
Ice Storm Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Roar: 6 Explosive: 4
Empty Fury Frenzy: 4
Royal Storm Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Chain: 6
Flurry: 2 Awe: 6 Velocity: 6
Azure Storm Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Roar: 7
Flurry: 4 Explosive: 6 Fury
Velocity: 4 Empty Frenzy: 6 Protection: 6
Swallow Blades Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Chain: 10 Awe: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Velocity: 10 Cyclone: 10
Scalpel Dazzling Storm
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 32
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Horsehair Whip

White Whip Rare Version
Base Attack: 7 Base Attack: 5
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Recovery: 4
Empty Battleaxe Aggression (1): 3
Shadow Whip Rare Version
Base Attack: 11 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Fear: 4
Empty Uplift: 4 Gale: 4
Peacock Whip Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Recovery: 6 Battleaxe
Empty Aggression (1): 4 Explosive: 4
Dragon Whip Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Fear: 6 Uplift: 6
Fear: 2 Gale: 6 Chain: 6
Royal Whip Rare Version
Base Attack: 24 Base Attack: 17
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Recovery: 7
Fear: 4 Battleaxe Aggression (1): 6
Uplift: 4 Empty Explosive: 6 Comet: 6
Demon Beard Rare Version
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 20
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Fear: 10
Fear: 6 Uplift: 10 Gale: 10
Uplift: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Cyclone: 10
Conjurer's Ribbons Demon Whip
Base Attack: 29 Base Attack: 29
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Frenzy: 6 Fear: 8
Morass: 6 Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Chain: 8
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Uplift: 8

Striking Sword

Rampant Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Battleaxe Desperation
Momentous Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Flurry: 4
Empty Velocity: 4 Efflorescence: 4
Skysplitter Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Enlightenment: 6 Battleaxe
Empty Desperation Thunderclap: 4
Skymaster Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Flurry: 6 Velocity: 6
Flurry: 2 Efflorescence: 6 Chain: 6
Sealant Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Enlightenment: 7
Flurry: 4 Battleaxe Desperation
Velocity: 4 Empty Thunderclap: 6 Protection: 6
Strike Sealing Sword Rare Version
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 21
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Flurry: 10
Flurry: 6 Velocity: 10 Efflorescence: 10
Velocity: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Venom: 10
Checkered Flag Crystal Blade
Base Attack: 30 Base Attack: 30
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Flurry: 6 Flurry: 8
Conflagration: 6 Gale: 6 Velocity: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty Gale: 8 Enlightenment: 8

Talisman Cards

Taoist Deck Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Inferno: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Fury Gale: 3
Cursed Deck Rare Version
Base Attack: 17 Base Attack: 12
Rank: 2 Inferno: 4 Fear: 4
Empty Uplift: 4 Armor Sleeve
Spirit Deck Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15 Inferno: 6
Rank: 3 Survival: 6 Fury
Empty Gale: 4 Velocity: 4
Mystic Deck Rare Version
Base Attack: 25 Base Attack: 18 Inferno: 6
Rank: 4 Fear: 6 Uplift: 6
Fear: 2 Armor Sleeve Chain: 6
Heavenly Deck Rare Version
Base Attack: 31 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 5 Inferno: 7 Survival: 7
Fear: 4 Fury Gale: 6
Uplift: 4 Empty Velocity: 6 Protection: 6
Reality Destroyers Rare Version
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 26
Rank: 6 Inferno: 10 Fear: 10
Fear: 6 Uplift: 10 Armor Sleeve
Uplift: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Jubilation: 10
Business Card Toxic Shroud
Base Attack: 37 Base Attack: 37
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Frenzy: 6 Fear: 8
Morass: 6 Roar: 6 Jubilation: 8 Chain: 8
Empty Empty Velocity: 8 Uplift: 8

Flail Sword

Iron Flailblade Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Venom: 4 Uplift: 4
Empty Whirlwind: 3 Desperation
Elite Edge Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Venom: 4 Survival: 4
Empty Frenzy: 4 Battleaxe
Gravity Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10 Venom: 6
Rank: 3 Uplift: 6 Whirlwind: 4
Empty Desperation Awe: 4
Crushing Blade Rare Version
Base Attack: 19 Base Attack: 13 Venom: 6
Rank: 4 Survival: 6 Frenzy: 6
Survival: 2 Battleaxe Thorns: 6
Dragonspeak Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Venom: 7 Uplift: 7
Survival: 4 Whirlwind: 6 Desperation
Frenzy: 4 Empty Awe: 6 Swiftness
Demon Flailblade Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 6 Venom: 10 Survival: 10
Survival: 6 Frenzy: 10 Battleaxe
Frenzy: 6 Thorns: 6 Thorns: 10 Conflagration: 10
Chameleon Tongue Purgatory Flailblade
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 6 Rank: 6
Velocity: 6 Velocity: 8
Chain: 6 Triumph: 6 Chain: 8 Jubilation: 8
Empty Empty War Shoes Conflagration: 8


Steel Crossbow Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Slash: 4 Velocity: 4
Empty Survival: 3 Roar: 3
Steel Flash Crossbow Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Slash: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Empty Recovery: 4 Whirlwind: 4
Emerald Crossbow Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Slash: 6
Rank: 3 Aggression (1): 6 Recovery: 6
Empty Whirlwind: 6 Flurry: 6
Peng Wing Rare Version
Base Attack: 21 Base Attack: 15
Rank: 4 Slash: 7 Velocity: 7
Aggression (1): 2 Survival: 6 Roar: 6
Empty Empty Fury Thunderclap: 6
Phoenix Wing Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 5 Slash: 10 Aggression (1): 10
Aggression (1): 4 Recovery: 10 Whirlwind: 10
Recovery: 4 Empty Flurry: 10 Gale: 10
Corkscrew Crossbow Demon Nightwing
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 27
Rank: 5 Rank: 5
Chain: 6 Aggression (1): 8
Conflagration: 6 Induction: 6 Recovery: 8 Gale: 8
Empty Empty Armor Sleeve Enlightenment: 8

Woven Cloth

White Cloth Rare Version
Base Attack: 8 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Thunder: 4 Triumph: 4
Empty Rakshasa Spurt: 3
Eccentric Cloth Rare Version
Base Attack: 12 Base Attack: 8
Rank: 2 Thunder: 4 Fear: 4
Empty Uplift: 4 Cyclone: 4
Hazy Reality Cloth Rare Version
Base Attack: 14 Base Attack: 10 Thunder: 6
Rank: 3 Triumph: 6 Rakshasa
Empty Spurt: 4 Aggression (1): 4
Flickering Reality Cloth Rare Version
Base Attack: 19 Base Attack: 13 Thunder: 6
Rank: 4 Fear: 6 Uplift: 6
Fear: 2 Cyclone: 6 Chain: 6
Apparition Cloth Rare Version
Base Attack: 23 Base Attack: 16
Rank: 5 Thunder: 7 Triumph: 7
Fear: 4 Rakshasa Spurt: 6
Uplift: 4 Empty Aggression (1): 6 Rigidity
Endless Void Cloth Rare Version
Base Attack: 27 Base Attack: 19
Rank: 6 Thunder: 10 Fear: 10
Fear: 6 Uplift: 10 Cyclone: 10
Uplift: 6 Chain: 6 Chain: 10 Roar: 10

Dragon Column

Wooden Bench Rare Version
Base Attack: 9 Base Attack: 6
Rank: 1 Frost: 4 Frenzy: 4
Empty Morass: 3 Explosive: 3
Reinforced Bench Rare Version
Base Attack: 13 Base Attack: 9
Rank: 2 Frost: 4 Enlightenment: 4
Empty Whirlwind: 4 Venom: 4
Ornate Bench Rare Version
Base Attack: 18 Base Attack: 13 Frost: 6
Rank: 3 Frenzy: 6 Morass: 4
Empty Explosive: 4 Fury
Stone Bench Rare Version
Base Attack: 20 Base Attack: 14 Frost: 6
Rank: 4 Enlightenment: 6 Whirlwind: 6
Enlightenment: 2 Venom: 6 Chain: 6
Golden Jade Bench Rare Version
Base Attack: 26 Base Attack: 18
Rank: 5 Frost: 7 Frenzy: 7
Enlightenment: 4 Morass: 6 Explosive: 6
Chain: 4 Empty Fury Protection: 6
Obsidian Bench Rare Version
Base Attack: 32 Base Attack: 22
Rank: 6 Frost: 10 Enlightenment: 10
Enlightenment: 6 Whirlwind: 10 Venom: 10
Chain: 6 Whirlwind: 6 Chain: 10 Swiftness

Dynasty Warriors
Main Titles Dynasty WarriorsDynasty Warriors 2Dynasty Warriors 3Dynasty Warriors 4Dynasty Warriors 5Dynasty Warriors 6Dynasty Warriors 7Dynasty Warriors 8Dynasty Warriors 9
Expansions Empires (4)Empires (5)Empires (6)Empires (7)Empires (8)Empires (9)Special (6)Special (7)Xtreme Legends (3)Xtreme Legends (4)Xtreme Legends (5)Xtreme Legends (7)Xtreme Legends (8)
Spin-Offs 100man-ninAdvanceApuriBlastBlazing BattlesDS: Fighter's BattleGodseekersMahjongNextOnlineOverlordsPSP PortPSP Port Vol. 2SLASHStrikeforceStrikeforce 2UnleashedVersus
Wei Characters
Cai WenjiCao CaoCao PiCao RenCao XiuDian WeiGuo JiaJia XuLi DianMan ChongPang DeWang YiXiahou DunXiahou YuanXu HuangXu ZhuXun YouXun YuYu JinYue JinZhang HeZhang LiaoZhenji
Wu Characters
Cheng PuDaqiaoDing FengGan NingHan DangHuang GaiLianshiLing TongLu MengLu SuLu XunSun CeSun JianSun QuanSun ShangxiangTaishi CiXiaoqiaoXu ShengZhou TaiZhou YuZhu Ran
Shu Characters
Bao SanniangFa ZhengGuan PingGuan SuoGuan XingGuan YinpingGuan YuHuang ZhongJiang WeiLiu BeiLiu ShanMa ChaoMa DaiPang TongWei YanXiahoujiXingcaiXu ShuYueyingZhang BaoZhang FeiZhao YunZhou CangZhuge Liang
Jin Characters
Deng AiGuo HuaiJia ChongSima ShiSima YiSima ZhaoWang YuanjiWen YangXiahou BaXin XianyingZhang ChunhuaZhong HuiZhuge Dan
Other Characters
Chen GongDiaochanDong BaiDong ZhuoHua XiongLu BuLu LingqiMeng HuoYuan ShaoYuan ShuZhang JiaoZhurongZuo Ci
Miscellaneous Characters
NPC Shu NPCsWei NPCsWu NPCsJin NPCsOther NPCsBodyguardsUnit TypesLixia
Playable Edit CharactersPhoenix, Dragon, ChimeraShin Sangoku Musou Blast OfficersBeauty YuFu XiKing MuLei BinNuwaSanzangSun WukongXi WangmuXiang Yu
Various Factions
Allied ForcesDong Zhuo's ForcesFive Bushel SectForces in XiliangGongsun Zan's ForcesHan DynastyHeishan BanditsLiu Biao's ForcesLiu Yao's ForcesLiu Zhang's ForcesLu Bu's ForcesNanmanTen EunuchsWuwanYellow TurbansYuan Shao's ForcesYuan Shu's Forces