Dynasty Warriors Advance

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

Dynasty Warriors Advance (真・三國無双 Advance) is an installment in the Dynasty Warriors series released on the Game Boy Advance. It is a port of Dynasty Warriors 4 featuring the same cast, but with numerous gameplay differences as it was released when Dynasty Warriors 4 was still in development.


The largest difference in this portable installment is the reduced number of playable characters, 13 in comparison to the 42 character roster boasted by the fourth title. To counteract this, a new weapon system was implemented. There are now over a hundred weapons to choose from that each fall under a certain category of weapon that have appeared in the series. Each character can use 3 out of 22 different weapon types. Though unique in appearance, most of these weapons vary from one another in terms of stat bonuses and special abilities.

Another difference is the implementation of the grid battlefield system seen in Dynasty Warriors PSP, with a timer running on each mini-battle. This timer changes color as time passes. When the battle is won, it is ranked as either a triumph, which allows the player to make an extra move, a victory, or a close call, which forces the player to lose a turn. Some strategy is added with unit weaknesses, where certain types of enemies are vulnerable to specific charge attacks. Archers are vulnerable to basic charge attacks, spearmen to C3, and swordsmen to C4. The game also features a new power-up system that enables characters to become stronger at a gradual pace throughout each stage.


This is a list of characters that appear in the game and have unique models, whether or not they are playable. Other characters from the series make cameos, but have generic officer models with unique portraits.



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Dynasty Warriors
Main Titles Dynasty WarriorsDynasty Warriors 2Dynasty Warriors 3Dynasty Warriors 4Dynasty Warriors 5Dynasty Warriors 6Dynasty Warriors 7Dynasty Warriors 8Dynasty Warriors 9
Expansions Empires (4)Empires (5)Empires (6)Empires (7)Empires (8)Empires (9)Special (6)Special (7)Xtreme Legends (3)Xtreme Legends (4)Xtreme Legends (5)Xtreme Legends (7)Xtreme Legends (8)
Spin-Offs 100man-ninAdvanceApuriBlastBlazing BattlesDS: Fighter's BattleGodseekersMahjongNextOnlineOriginsOverlordsPSP PortPSP Port Vol. 2SLASHStrikeforceStrikeforce 2UnleashedVersus
Wei Characters
Cai WenjiCao CaoCao PiCao RenCao XiuDian WeiGuo JiaJia XuLi DianMan ChongPang DeWang YiXiahou DunXiahou YuanXu HuangXu ZhuXun YouXun YuYu JinYue JinZhang HeZhang LiaoZhenji
Wu Characters
Cheng PuDaqiaoDing FengGan NingHan DangHuang GaiLianshiLing TongLu MengLu SuLu XunSun CeSun JianSun QuanSun ShangxiangTaishi CiXiaoqiaoXu ShengZhou TaiZhou YuZhu Ran
Shu Characters
Bao SanniangFa ZhengGuan PingGuan SuoGuan XingGuan YinpingGuan YuHuang ZhongJiang WeiLiu BeiLiu ShanMa ChaoMa DaiPang TongWei YanXiahoujiXingcaiXu ShuYueyingZhang BaoZhang FeiZhao YunZhou CangZhuge Liang
Jin Characters
Deng AiGuo HuaiJia ChongSima ShiSima YiSima ZhaoWang YuanjiWen YangXiahou BaXin XianyingZhang ChunhuaZhong HuiZhuge Dan
Other Characters
Chen GongDiaochanDong BaiDong ZhuoHua XiongLu BuLu LingqiMeng HuoYuan ShaoYuan ShuZhang JiaoZhurongZuo Ci
Miscellaneous Characters
NPC Shu NPCsWei NPCsWu NPCsJin NPCsOther NPCsBodyguardsUnit TypesLixia
Playable Edit CharactersPhoenix, Dragon, ChimeraShin Sangoku Musou Blast OfficersBeauty YuFu XiKing MuLei BinNameless HeroNuwaSanzangSun WukongXi WangmuXiang Yu
Various Factions
Allied ForcesDong Zhuo's ForcesFive Bushel SectForces in XiliangGongsun Zan's ForcesHan DynastyHeishan BanditsLiu Biao's ForcesLiu Yao's ForcesLiu Zhang's ForcesLu Bu's ForcesNanmanTen EunuchsWuwanYellow TurbansYuan Shao's ForcesYuan Shu's Forces