Shin Sangoku Musou Blast/Officer Cards

From Koei Tecmo Wiki
Gacha roulette: normal version (above) and rare version (below).

Officer Cards in Shin Sangoku Musou Blast are used to form decks for combat. Up to four characters can be deployed at a time, and one card serves as the player's active avatar in battle. 5 different squads can also be created in advance for further convenience. Players cannot customize their decks during the combat phase.

Each card's efficiency is reliant on its rarity and level. Officers gain experience and levels by fusing with other cards. The higher the card's level is, the more experience the recipient acquires. Rarity determines each card's maximum possible level. Normal cards (N) are max at level 15, level 20 with rare (R), and level 30 with super rare (SR). The only exceptions are the Shuijing cards; these special cards are mostly meant to strengthen other characters.

The most common method of obtaining cards is winning battles or fulfilling special missions. Completing every mission within a given scenario may reward the player with R cards.

Another method is through three possible gacha roulettes. The first offers a single officer while the second yields 10 different ones. Both require orbs found in battle. Early versions of the game allowed players to see a preview of their prize once per day, giving them the option to cancel if the results proved undesirable. The third version is similar to the first one except that tickets are spent instead of orbs.

SR cards can be obtained from all three roulettes but they live up to their rarity. The surest way to collect these cards is to purchase them at the card shop using in-game points earned from battles and discarded cards. Some also have costs in the form of gold coins. Here are the ones up for sale.

Officer Points Coins
Cao Pi 28,000 P None
"Skillful Heir" Cao Pi 28,000 P None
Guo Jia 8,000 P None
Wang Yi 28,000 P None
Xiahou Dun 8,000 P None
"Supporter of Rulers" Xun Yu 28,000 P None
Zhang Liao 8,000 P None
"Daredevil" Zhang Liao 5,500 P 28
Zhenji 8,000 P None
"Elegant Ice Flower" Zhenji 12,000 P None
"Bewitching Flower" Zhenji 11,400 P 122
Officer Points Coins
Daqiao 28,000 P None
Gan Ning 28,000 P None
"Storm Blast" Gan Ning 8,000 P 75
Lu Xun 8,000 P None
Sun Ce 28,000 P None
Sun Shangxiang 8,000 P None
"Ferocious Whirlwind" Taishi Ci 28,000 P None
Xiaoqiao 28,000 P None
Zhu Ran 8,000 P None
Officer Points Coins
Guan Yinping 8,000 P None
Guan Yu 8,000 P None
"Beautiful Beard" Guan Yu 18,000 P None
"War God" Guan Yu 11,400 P 122
Jiang Wei 28,000 P None
Ma Chao 28,000 P None
"Sheltered Maiden" Xiahouji 28,000 P None
Xingcai 26,000 P None
Zhang Bao 8,000 P None
Zhao Yun 8,000 P None
Officer Points Coins
Wang Yuanji 28,000 P None
Wen Yang 28,000 P None
Zhong Hui 28,000 P None
Officer Points Coins
Seal 2,000 P None
Diaochan 28,000 P None
Lu Bu 8,000 P None
"Demon God" Lu Bu 21,000 P None
"Flying General" Lu Bu 14,400 P 170
Lu Lingqi 8,000 P None
Yuan Shao 28,000 P None

The following cards listed below are obtainable via special gold tickets gained from time-limited events.

Cao Cao "Soaring Baton" Cao Pi "One-Eyed Commander" Xiahou Dun
Lianshi "Gallant Swallow" Lu Xun "Fires of Wisdom & Courage" Lu Xun
Sun Quan "Lively War Maid" Sun Shangxiang "Daughter of War" Sun Shangxiang
Liu Bei "Epitome of Benevolence" Liu Bei "Sheltered Maiden" Xiahouji
Zhang Fei "Flying Dragon" Zhao Yun "Silver Dragon" Zhao Yun
Sima Zhao "Insightful Beauty" Wang Yuanji Wen Yang

Players cannot obtain cards unless they have enough space in their inventory. Space can be made by fusing and selling cards or using digital currency to purchase orbs.

Awakening Method

Maximum leveled officers can unlock their true potential by accessing battles in the Special Chapters section. Challenges change daily and must match the character's day of choice for them to awaken. Completing the process successfully modifies a card's border and doubles their level cap, giving them another opportunity to gain stat bonuses. Version 1.1.4 introduces seal cards that allow players to participate in any of the battles listed below without energy costs after one use. When combined with a maxed out character, he or she will receive 3 additional levels; Up to 10 of these cards can be used per officer.

Rank Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
N Monday - Low
Tuesday - Low
Wednesday - Low
Thursday - Low
Friday - Low
R Monday - Middle
Tuesday - Middle
Wednesday - Middle
Thursday - Middle
Friday - Middle
SR Monday - High
Tuesday - High
Wednesday - High
Thursday - High
Friday - High

In addition to leveling up, the game allows players to "awaken" SR cards in the truest sense via reincarnation which requires a number of seal cards and specific officers with maxed-out levels. Reincarnated characters are brought back to level 1, but they end up gaining better skills, improved stats, and a new appearance.

Musou Attacks

Musou attacks function the same but undergo a cooldown period after one use. The range of each Musou varies between weapons and is only visible when used by the AI, giving players time to avoid incoming attacks or coordinate with allies. Some attacks last longer than others, while others have higher damage values or additional properties to compensate.

The usage cost is the required number of Musou levels needed to use it.

Musou Attack Effect Range Usage Debuff
Alchemy Staff
A-Full Heart Aフルハート Large Circle (Frontal) 4 None
Description: Bombards nearby foes with corrosive bubbles.
Speeding Butterfly 飛翔蝶神行陣 None 3 None
Description: Fires an explosive projectile. Increases movement speed for 60 seconds.
Scattering Bomb 壊陣弾 Medium Circle (Frontal) 4 None
Murderous Bomber 爆裂殺 Very Large
Description: Tosses a potent bomb to produce a more concentrated explosion.
Inkbomb Graffiti 疾風弾連画陣 Small Rectangle (Medium) 3 None
Iceberg Stroke 一筆氷山 Small Freeze
Inkbomb Graffiti Description: Creates a large orb of ink and bats it forward, sending nearby foes flying to the air. Cooldown time before reusing this attack is short.
Iceberg Stroke Description: Encases nearby enemies in ice.
Chain Whip
Lunar Blossoms 月李繚乱 Small Circle (Central) 3 None
Lunar Millennium Dance 月李千舞陣 Medium
Description: Performs a spinning dance while surrounded by swirling petals, harming foes while healing the user.
Revolving Claws 回転爪牙 Very Small Circle (Central) 3 None
Phoenix Flourish 鳳翼旋 Small
Description: Spins around at high speed while surrounded by images of butterflies.
Crescent Blade
Tempest Fang 剛嵐牙 Very Small Rectangle (Long) 3 None
Stormy Rage 天空轟断破 Medium
Tempest Blade 大嵐刃 Very Small 2
Description: Swings once to produce a violent whirlwind moving fiercely. Tempest Blade also increases attack speed for 20 seconds.
Depth Charge 波濤射 Small Circle (Frontal) 3 None
Description: Leaps into the air and shoots water-propelled shots downward in a fan formation.
Crossed Pike
Rotating Slicer 刻斬波 Medium Rectangle (Long) 4 None
Cross Tempest 十字嵐 Very Large
Description: Tosses pike like a shuriken, causing it to erupt in flames and travel at a considerable distance.
Demon Sword
Volt ヴォルト Medium Rectangle (Central) 3 None
Description: Conjures a small sphere of electricity that travels around the user repeatedly before causing lightning bolts to strike the affected area.
Double-Edge Trident
Chain Lightning 雷計殲滅陣 Small Circle (Frontal) 4 Stun
Thunder Retribution 天雷反計陣 Small 2
Description: Showers the enemy with an array of lightning bolts. Thunder Retribution also causes weather effects and enemy tactics to stop for 10 seconds.
Dragon Spear
Spiraling Spear 旋回槍 Very Small Rectangle (Medium) 2 None
Dragon King Flash 龍王閃 Small
Description: Performs a fierce charge while emanating with raw energy.
Dual Blade
Icicle Riot 乱起氷 Very Small Circle (Frontal) 3 Freeze
Glacier Pierce 氷角 Small
Description: Produces large columns of ice in front of the user and slices it apart.
Dual Hookblades
Instant Charge 瞬身鋭鉤 Small Rectangle (Medium) 2 None
Description: Performs two alternating slashes, two sweeping strikes, and ends the assault with a wide energy wave. Increases movement speed for 60 seconds.
Dual-Headed Mace
Raging Spin 強嵐旋 Very Small Circle (Central) 2 None
Full Fighting Spirit 気合十分 Small
Sincerest of Sincere 本気の本気 Medium
Description: Spins around with enough force to produce a tornado, sending affected foes into the air.
Extension Blade
Splendid Blade 麗華刃 Medium Circle (Central) 4 None
Slash of Glory 栄光閃 Very Large
Description: Emits a radial shockwave before stabbing the ground to produce a devastating fissure.
Whirling Inferno 旋風火炎 Very Small Rectangle (Medium) 2 None
Hellfire Swing 業火大車輪 Small
Description: Dashes forward while twirling flail about, ending the assault with a fiery swing.
Flail Sword
Volatile Storm 炸裂嵐撃 Very Small Rectangle (Medium) 2 None
Fixated Shockwave 不動烈波 Small
Fixated Twin Stars Shockwave 不動双星烈波 Medium
Description: Extends blade outward, causing it to release a sudden blast of energy.
Flame Bow
Fire Shot 起炎弓 Very Small Circle (Frontal) 2 None
Explosive Archery 爆散射法 Small
Description: Launches a ball of fire and scatters it via single shot.
Frigid Tune 凍結奏 Very Small Circle (Central) 3 Freeze
Blizzard Melody 氷嵐曲 Small
Description: Releases multiple sound waves at all directions, then conjures large icicles from the ground.
Flying Swords
Quake Blades 激震剣 Large Circle (Frontal) 5 None
Quake Silhouette Blades 激震万影剣 Almighty
Description: Creates a medium fissure from which multiple dark blades come rising up.
Formation Wand
Cobalt Formation 蒼流煌陣 Large Circle (Central) 4 None
Description: Conjures blue projectiles falling from the sky before unleashing an instant wall trap around the user.
General's Sword
Glacier Columns 氷計凍牙陣 Small Circle (Frontal) 4 Freeze
Wei Frost 魏武大氷計 Medium
Description: Hits enemies with a barrage of giant icicles.
Loud Bellow 大音声 Very Small Circle (Central) 2 Stun
Roar 咆哮 Very Small
Description: Punches violently before releasing a gale-inducing cry to knock nearby opponents away.
Spirit Bomb 無双天武掌 Almighty Rectangle (Long) 5 None
Description: Unleashes a massive whirlwind in front of the user.
Horsehair Whip
Annihilation 重滅陣 Large Circle (Frontal) 4 None
Description: Engulfs enemies within a powerful gravity field. Has an additional effect of increasing amount of Musou gained by 3.
Iron Fan
Whirling Fists 天空拳 Medium Circle (Central) 3 None
Description: Performs an ascending spin attack to send foes airborne, leaving behind a trail of petals before landing.
Eighty-One Scales 牙撃八十一鱗 Small Rectangle (Long) 3 None
Soaring Eighty-One Scales 天翔八十一鱗 Medium
Description: Hurls javelin in a wide arc, damaging enemies caught within its path. Has an additional effect of increasing amount of Musou gained by 2.
Target Obliterated 対象看破 Small Circle (Frontal) 3 None
Description: Throws three bombs in an arc and stab the ground as they land. Causes weather effects and enemy tactics to stop for 10 seconds.
Lightning Sword
Black Spiral 漆黒千舞刃 Medium Circle (Frontal) 3 None
Description: Sends enemies airborne and impales them with a barrage of sharp rising projectiles.
Pulverizing Horns 粉砕双角 None Rectangle (Medium) 3 None
Description: Bludgeons nearby opponents on the ground twice in a row, causing tremors to erupt with each hit.
Maiden Spear
Saintly Flash 聖なる一閃 None Circle (Frontal) 2 None
Wicked Flash 邪悪なる一閃 None
Saintly Flash Description: Releases a petal whirlwind followed by a shower of holy bolts, mildly damaging surrounding enemies while replenishing health and base points.
Wicked Flash Description: Releases a violent whirlwind followed by a rain of black lightning, severely damaging surrounding enemies while reducing 1/3 of health.
Orb & Scepter
Chilling Play 凍結打法 Small Circle (Frontal) 4 Freeze
Fatal Glacier 凍打殲滅氷河 Medium
Description: Causes two orbs to bounce up and down before creating rows of icicles in their wake.
Paired Fans
Floral Storm 嵐花陣 None Rectangle (Medium) 3 None
Description: Tosses fans forward before unleashing a tornado. Restores health and base points.
Burning Pike 火炎戟走 Very Small Rectangle (Medium) 3 None
Chaotic Conflagration 乱陣猛火
Pay Attention! 刮目せよ!
Phantom Crusher 砕幻斬
Description: Charges towards the enemy with pike held forward while being coated in flames; Phantom Crusher causes blue flames to erupt instead. Chaotic Conflagration also causes weather effects and enemy tactics to stop for 10 seconds, Pay Attention! lasts for 20 seconds, and Phantom Crusher has an effect of 30 seconds.
Air Slicer 嵐気斬 Very Small Circle (Central) 3 None
Blue Fang 蒼牙 Medium
Description: Juggles enemies with several slashes before striking the ground to produce a damaging fissure.
Pugil Stick
Spirit Wave 断絶波 Medium Rectangle (Long) 3 None
Description: Releases a fierce funnel of wind in front of the opponent.
Destroyer 鬼千切 Medium Circle (Frontal) 3 None
Destroyer: Extreme 鬼千切・極 Large
Description: Releases a blue fiery blast at close-range, triggering an explosion damaging those within its radius.
Short Rod
Firefly Bomb 飛雷弾 Medium Circle (Frontal) 3 None
Ultimate Explosion 超・大爆破 Large
Firefly Bomb Description: Manipulates a ball of lightning to pummel the enemy at different directions.
Ultimate Explosion Description: Tosses a potent bomb to produce a more concentrated explosion.
Siege Spear
Roaring Thunder 轟雷連槍 Medium Rectangle (Long) 4 None
Description: Charges forward with weapon at full power. Has an additional effect of increasing amount of Musou gained by 3.
Thunderslice 轟雷斬 Very Large Rectangle (Long) 4 None
Description: Slashes the opponent before striking the ground to conjure lightning traveling across the affected area.
Spiked Club
Destroyer: Plunder 鬼千切・壊 None Circle (Frontal) 3 None
Description: Unleashes a wide and powerful swing done clockwise. Increases attack speed for 20 seconds.
Spiked Shield
Sudden Assault 強襲突 Very Small Rectangle (Medium) 2 None
Demolishing Bull 廬山堅牢撃 Small
Description: Charges forward at a steady pace before slamming the ground to trigger an explosion. Demolishing Bull provides a defense boost for 20 seconds.
Striking Sword
Searing Barrage 豪炎砲 Small Rectangle (Long) 4 None
Purple Fireball 紫炎爆走 Medium
Description: Launches a ball of blue-colored fire right at the opponent.
Swallow Swords
Crimson Flames 火計紅蓮陣 Small Circle (Frontal) 4 None
Blazing Swallow 大火計飛燕陣 Large
Description: Immolates enemies within a wall of fire.
Fiery Hurricane 疾風火斬 Very Small Rectangle (Long) 2 None
Flaming Tornado 豪炎旋風斬 Small
Description: Spins around several times before unleashing a fire-coated whirlwind towards the opponent.
Sword & Shield
Double Assault 二段突撃 Very Small Rectangle (Medium) 3 None
Dual Moonlight 両旋月光突 Medium
Description: Charges forward and rams opponents with shield before swatting them away at the end of the assault.
Throwing Axes
Darkness Blade: Destruction 闇刃・滅 Medium Circle (Frontal) 4 None
Description: Throws both axes forward, causing them to fly in circles and eviscerate nearby foes repeatedly. Has an additional effect of increasing amount of Musou gained by 2.
Throwing Knives
Stardust 天狼七星陣 Small Rectangle (Medium) 2 None
Description: Launches a continuous array of knives thrown in a fan-shaped formation.
Exploding Offense 爆炎撃 Very Small Rectangle (Short) 3 None
Tiger Fists 猛虎連掌 Medium
Description: Applies blunt force unto the nearest foe several times, then releases a powerful burst of energy.
Slicing Fangs 斬牙 Medium Circle (Central) 3 None
Description: Launches enemies into the air via tornado and performs a wide aerial slash with both weapons.
Twin Axes
Razor Wave 斬空波 Very Small Rectangle (Medium) 3 Stun
Gale Rush 風迅閃 Small
Description: Dashes forward while twirling both axes around.
Twin Pike
Violent Vortex 豪快大旋風 Small Circle (Central) 3 None
Titan Whirlwind 双星羅漢撃 Large
Description: Juggles nearby foes within a massive whirlwind, then knocks them away with a single swipe.
Twin Rods
Air Cannon 旋風砲 Medium Rectangle (Long) 4 None
Description: Generates violent gusts of wind using both rods.
Twin Swords
Thunderblade Dance 双剣雷舞 Very Small Circle (Central) 2 None
Electric Fang 雷牙連弾 Small
Description: Performs wide arcing slashes in one place, then causes bolts of lightning to strike the earth.
War Fan
Sleeping Dragon Thunderbolt 臥龍豪雷 Almighty Circle (Central) 4 None
Description: Conjures a wide shower of lightning bolts to smite surrounding enemies.
Ascending Thrust 大突曲射 Very Small Rectangle (Medium) 3 None
Skyarrow 旋環天衝弓 Small
Description: Uses both wheels to send enemies airborne before firing arrows at them.


Skills are special abilities used by reserve officers within the player's own attack team. Like Musou attacks, they undergo a cooldown period after one use and have their own Musou consumption rate.

Skill Effect Usage Description
Invigorate 鼓舞 Small 1 Restores health and base points.
Morale Boost 士気高揚 Medium 1 Restores health and base points.
H-Salve Hサルヴ Medium 0 Restores health and base points.
Homemade Dim Sum 手作り点心 Large 1 Restores health and base points.
Special Meat Bun 特性肉まん Large 1 Restores health and base points.
Homemade Cake お手製ケーキ Large 1 Restores health and base points.
Guiding Light 導きの光 Large 1 Restores health and base points.
Elixir Agent エリキシル剤 Large 0 Restores health and base points.
Opportunity 好機 Medium 2 Restores health and base points. Increases Musou recovery by 2.
Small Cheer 小さな声援 None 2 Restores a small amount of health and base points while increasing attack for 60 seconds.
Encouragement 激励 Small 1 Restores health and base points while increasing attack for 60 seconds.
Moment of Advance 進軍の時 Medium 1 Restores health and base points while increasing attack for 60 seconds.
Brave Cheer 勇気の声援 None 2 Restores health and base points while increasing attack for 60 seconds.
Violence Incarnate 修羅となる None 2 Restores a large amount of health and base points while increasing attack for 60 seconds.
Small Prayer 小さな祈り None 2 Restores minimal health and base points while increasing defense for 60 seconds.
Secret Motivator 陰の立役者 None 2 Restores minimal health and base points while increasing defense for 60 seconds.
Protective Prayer 守護の祈り None 2 Restores health and base points while increasing defense for 60 seconds.
Tenacity 不撓不屈 None 1 Restores health and base points while increasing defense for 60 seconds.
Great Virtue 大徳 Large 5 Restores health and base points while increasing defense for 40 seconds.
Healing Reversal Dance 回復反計の舞 None 2 Restores health and base points while disabling weather effects and enemy tactics for 10 seconds.
Skill Effect Usage Description
Fire Attack 火計 Medium 4 Unleashes a fire attack to damage enemies within range.
Great Fire Attack 大火計 Large 4 Unleashes a fire attack to damage enemies within range.
Great Fire Attack - Mandarin Duck Formation 大火計鴛鴦陣 Very Large 4 Unleashes a fire attack to damage enemies within range.
Refreshing Flame 再生の炎 Medium 3 Inflicts damage against enemies while restoring health and base points.
Annihilating Flame 殲滅の炎 Large 4 Inflicts damage against enemies while increasing Musou recovery by 1.
Fiery Rally 業炎奮起 Medium 3 Inflicts damage against enemies while increasing attack for 60 seconds.
Eternal Flame 久遠の炎 Medium 3 Inflicts damage against enemies. Has short cooldown time.
Spirit 気迫 None 0 Inflicts minimal damage against enemies while stunning them.
Trembling Assault 鳴動撃 None 2 Inflicts minimal damage against enemies while stunning them.
Tiger Impact 猛虎激震破 None 0 Inflicts minimal damage against enemies while stunning them.
Raid 襲撃 None 2 Inflicts minimal damage against enemies while increasing movement for 60 seconds.
Illusionary Dance 幻感の舞 Small 1 Inflicts regular damage against enemies while stunning them.
Lightning Attack 雷計 Small 4 Sends out lightning to damage and stun enemies within range.
Great Lightning Attack 大雷計 Medium 4 Sends out lightning to damage and stun enemies within range.
Heavenly Bolt 天雷 Medium 3 Sends out lightning to damage and stun enemies within range.
Rumbling Thunder 天空轟雷閃 Large 4 Sends out lightning to damage and stun enemies within range.
Divine Lightning 神雷 Almighty 3 Sends out lightning to damage and stun enemies within range.
Icy Gaze 凍てつく眼光 None 3 Inflicts minimal damage against enemies while freezing them. Increases Musou recovery by 2.
Ice Attack 氷計 Small 4 Conjures a block of ice to damage and freeze enemies within range.
Great Ice Attack 大氷計 Medium 4 Conjures a block of ice to damage and freeze enemies within range.
Sculpted Hail 流打雪華道 Large 4 Conjures a block of ice to damage and freeze enemies within range.
Blizzard Barricade 氷嵐封鎖陣 Medium 4 Conjures a block of ice to damage and freeze enemies within range. Disables weather effects and enemy tactics for 10 seconds.
Cavalry Freeze 典打千騎凍結 Medium 4 Conjures a block of ice to damage and freeze enemies within range. Restores health and base points.
Improvised Plan 快策披露 Medium 5 Conjures a block of ice to damage and freeze enemies within range. Increases Musou recovery by 3.
Vengeful Settlement 報仇雪恨 Large 4 Conjures a block of ice to damage and freeze enemies within range. Disables weather effects and enemy tactics for 10 seconds.
Fierce Cry 裂帛の気合 None 1 Launches a tornado that pulls in multiple enemies. Increases Musou recovery by 1.
Dragon Breath 龍の息吹 None 1 Pulls in all enemies on screen. Increases Musou recovery by 1.
Tornado Attack 竜巻計 Very Small 1 Hurls a tornado to damage enemies while destroying obstacles and siege weapons.
Blue Crusher 蒼砕 Small 1 Hurls a tornado to damage enemies while destroying obstacles and siege weapons.
Blue Crusher Storm 蒼砕嵐 Medium 1 Hurls a tornado to damage enemies while destroying obstacles and siege weapons.
Destructive Tactic 破砕戦法 Medium 3 Increases attack for 60 seconds while destroying obstacles and siege weapons.
Liao is Coming 遼来々 Large 3 Increases attack for 60 seconds while destroying obstacles and siege weapons.
Dire Situation 決死態勢 Almighty 3 Increases attack for 60 seconds while destroying obstacles and siege weapons.
Full Preparations 準備万端 Medium 2 Increases defense for 20 seconds while destroying obstacles and siege weapons.
Butterfly Tempest 幻蝶嵐 Small 2 Increases defense for 60 seconds while destroying obstacles and siege weapons.
Destructive Butterfly 破陣蝶 Medium 3 Increases defense for 60 seconds while destroying obstacles and siege weapons.
Dark Aura 闇の波動 None 3 Severely damages surrounding enemies while reducing 1/3 of health.
Skill Effect Usage Description
Awakening Power 目覚めし力 Small 2 Increases attack for 60 seconds.
Rage レイジ Large 1 Increases attack for 30 seconds.
Hunting Preparations 狩りの準備 Large 2 Increases attack for 60 seconds.
Rage 2 レイジ2 Almighty 1 Increases attack for 30 seconds.
Divine Fire Tactic 神火戦法 Almighty 1 Increases attack for 60 seconds.
Eternal Cheer 久遠の声援 Large 4 Increases attack for 30 seconds. Has short cooldown time.
Extermination Squad 修羅の軍勢 Large 4 Increases attack for 60 seconds. Disables weather effects and enemy tactics for 30 seconds.
Hero's Pride 英雄の意地 Large 2 Increases attack for 60 seconds. Disables weather effects and enemy tactics for 10 seconds.
Complete Solution 完全なる策 Large 5 Increases attack and disables weather effects and enemy tactics for 60 seconds.
All-Out Attack 総攻撃 Large 4 Increases attack for 60 seconds. Increases Musou recovery by 2.
Insatiable Offense 飽くなき攻勢 Large 2 Increases attack for 60 seconds. Increases Musou recovery by 2.
Will of the Next Generation 次代への意志 Almighty 4 Increases attack for 60 seconds. Increases Musou recovery by 2.
Lightning Speed 疾風迅雷 Large 2 Increases attack and movement for 60 seconds.
Splendid Ma Chao's Flight 錦馬超飛翔 Almighty 4 Increases attack and movement for 60 seconds.
Cheer 応援 Small 1 Increases attack and defense for 60 seconds.
Devotion 献身 Medium 1 Increases attack and defense for 60 seconds.
Flawless Preparations 万全の備え Large 1 Increases attack more and defense for 30 seconds.
Conqueror's Command 覇王の号令 Almighty 1 Increases attack greatly and defense slightly for 30 seconds.
Ten Thousand Foes 万人の敵 Almighty 4 Increases attack and defense for 40 seconds.
Battle Maiden's Flight 戦姫飛翔 Small 1 Increases attack and hit speed for 60 seconds.
Wind Claw 風迅爪 Large 2 Increases attack and hit speed for 60 seconds.
Godspeed Assault 神速突撃 Medium 2 Increases attack and movement for 60 seconds.
Sovereign's Command 王者の号令 Large 2 Increases attack and movement for 60 seconds.
High Spirits 意気軒昂 Medium 2 Increases attack while resisting stun and freeze for 60 seconds.
Last Resort 苦肉の策 Almighty 1 Increases attack for 60 seconds while halving own health.
Hellfire Tactic 業火戦法 Almighty 1 Increases attack for 60 seconds while reducing 1/3 of health.
Godspeed Tactic 神速戦法 Small 2 Increases attack speed for 60 seconds.
Forced March 強行軍 None 1 Resists stun and freeze for 60 seconds.
Dragon Stance 昇龍の構え None 1 Slightly restores health and base points. Also resists stun and freeze for 60 seconds.
Great Shield Formation 大盾陣形 Small 1 Increases defense while resisting stun and freeze for 60 seconds.
Brilliant Plan 神算鬼謀 Small 0 Increases defense for 60 seconds. Increases Musou recovery by 1.
Disguised March 偽装行軍 Small 1 Increases defense and movement for 60 seconds.
Restrained Spirit 猛る闘志 Small 1 Increases defense for 3 minutes while reducing 1/3 of health.
Noble Ambition 雄々しき覇気 Large 1 Increases defense for 20 seconds.
Gold Pheasant Shield 金鶏盾 Large 3 Increases defense for 30 seconds.
Emperor's Command 大皇帝の号令 Large 3 Increases defense for 30 seconds.
Skill Effect Usage Description
Indomitable Spirit 不屈の闘志 None 1 Eliminates cooldown time for Musou attacks and other skills.
Demon Awakening 鬼神覚醒 None 1 Eliminates cooldown time for Musou attacks and other skills.
Sharp Wit 機転 None 0 Increases Musou recovery by 1.
Musou Dance 無双の舞 Medium 1 Gradually fills Musou gauge while moving.
Meditation 瞑想 None 1 Fills Musou gauge by 2 levels.
Beautiful Smile 艶やかな笑み None 1 Fills Musou gauge by 3 levels.
Summon Catapult 投石車召喚 None 3 Summons catapults on the battlefield.
Bow Princess's Support 弓腰姫の来援 Medium 3 Summons catapults while restoring health and base points.
Summon Juggernaut 虎戦車召喚 None 3 Summons tiger tanks on the battlefield.
Valiant Assistance 勇敢なる来援 Medium 3 Summons tiger tanks while increasing attack.
Land Mine 地雷計 None 4 Drops a mine that explodes when touched by an enemy officer. Effective for 5 seconds.
Explosive Mine 爆雷計 None 4 Drops a mine that explodes when touched by an enemy officer. Effective for 5 seconds.
Storm Attack 暴風計 None 1 Summons a storm beneath enemies, increasing Musou based on number of foes defeated.
Dragon Turbulence 昇龍乱気陣 None 1 Summons a storm beneath enemies, increasing Musou based on number of foes defeated.
Protective Wind 守りの風 None 2 Summons a defensive storm while restoring health and base points. Also increases Musou based on the number of foes defeated.
Sabotage 破陣計 None 3 Destroys all obstacles and siege weapons.
Tiger Trap 埋伏捕虎の計 None 4 Destroys all obstacles and siege weapons while increasing Musou recovery by 3.
Counterploy 反計 None 2 Causes weather effects and enemy tactics to stop for 5 seconds.
True Sight 真眼 None 1 Causes weather effects and enemy tactics to stop for 10 seconds.
Purge Blockade 粛清封鎖 None 1 Increases Musou recovery by 2 while causing enemy tactics to stop for 10 seconds.
Punishment 折檻 None 2 Gradually loses health for 3 minutes while causing enemy tactics to stop for 30 seconds.

Team Effects

Team effects are passive abilities players can benefit from depending on faction affiliation.

Skill Description
Wei Attacking Formation 魏連猛攻陣 Increases effectiveness of Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Wei officers on the team.
Wei Endurance Formation 魏連頑強陣 Regenerates health via Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Wei officers on the team.
Wei Godspeed Formation 魏連神速陣 Reduces cooldown time for Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Wei officers on the team.
Wu Attacking Formation 呉連猛攻陣 Increases effectiveness of Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Wu officers on the team.
Wu Endurance Formation 呉連頑強陣 Regenerates health via Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Wu officers on the team.
Wu Godspeed Formation 呉連神速陣 Reduces cooldown time for Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Wu officers on the team.
Shu Attacking Formation 蜀連猛攻陣 Increases effectiveness of Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Shu officers on the team.
Shu Endurance Formation 蜀連頑強陣 Regenerates health via Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Shu officers on the team.
Shu Godspeed Formation 蜀連神速陣 Reduces cooldown time for Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Shu officers on the team.
Jin Attacking Formation 晋連猛攻陣 Increases effectiveness of Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Jin officers on the team.
Jin Endurance Formation 晋連頑強陣 Regenerates health via Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Jin officers on the team.
Jin Godspeed Formation 晋連神速陣 Reduces cooldown time for Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Jin officers on the team.
Other Attacking Formation 群雄猛攻陣 Increases effectiveness of Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Other officers on the team.
Other Endurance Formation 群雄頑強陣 Regenerates health via Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Other officers on the team.
Other Godspeed Formation 群雄神速陣 Reduces cooldown time for Musou attacks and skills in proportion to the amount of Other officers on the team.

Officer List

The stat values of each officer are listed in this order: initial stats ▶ max level stats ▶ max level stats after awakening.

Portrait Card Stats
Cao Shuang Normal
Cost: 4
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 500 ▶ 1025 ▶ 1578
Attack: 32 ▶ 84 ▶ 140
Defense: 44 ▶ 96 ▶ 152
Musou: Scattering Bomb
Skill: Awakening Power
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Low
"Sangokushi Royale" Cao Shuang Normal
Cost: 5
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 450 ▶ 975 ▶ 1528
Attack: 39 ▶ 91 ▶ 147
Defense: 51 ▶ 103 ▶ 159
Musou: Scattering Bomb
Skill: Awakening Power
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Low
Cao Xiu Normal
Cost: 1
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 341 ▶ 866 ▶ 1419
Attack: 39 ▶ 91 ▶ 147
Defense: 31 ▶ 83 ▶ 139
Musou: Fire Shot
Skill: Meditation
Team Effect: Wei Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Low
Cao Zhen Normal
Cost: 2
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 348 ▶ 873 ▶ 1426
Attack: 32 ▶ 84 ▶ 140
Defense: 37 ▶ 89 ▶ 145
Musou: Scattering Bomb
Skill: Awakening Power
Team Effect: Wei Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Low
Guanqiu Jian Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type:
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 340 ▶ 865 ▶ 1418
Attack: 28 ▶ 80 ▶ 136
Defense: 28 ▶ 80 ▶ 136
Musou: Razor Wave
Skill: Indomitable Spirit
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Low
He Yan
Cost: 1
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 230 ▶ 755 ▶ 1308
Attack: 32 ▶ 84 ▶ 140
Defense: 44 ▶ 96 ▶ 152
Musou: Chilling Play
Skill: Ice Attack
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Low
Ma Zun
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 305 ▶ 830 ▶ 1383
Attack: 25 ▶ 77 ▶ 133
Defense: 38 ▶ 90 ▶ 146
Musou: Splendid Blade
Skill: Awakening Power
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Low
Wang Jing
Cost: 1
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 310 ▶ 835 ▶ 1388
Attack: 35 ▶ 87 ▶ 143
Defense: 34 ▶ 86 ▶ 142
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Godspeed Tactic
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Low
Wang Lang Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 290 ▶ 815 ▶ 1368
Attack: 22 ▶ 74 ▶ 130
Defense: 38 ▶ 90 ▶ 146
Musou: Icicle Riot
Skill: Ice Attack
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Low
Zhao E Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Lady Guard
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 300 ▶ 825 ▶ 1378
Attack: 21 ▶ 73 ▶ 129
Defense: 38 ▶ 90 ▶ 146
Musou: Double Assault
Skill: Ice Attack
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Low
Zhu Ling Normal
Cost: 1
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 319 ▶ 844 ▶ 1397
Attack: 36 ▶ 88 ▶ 144
Defense: 33 ▶ 85 ▶ 141
Musou: Glacier Columns
Skill: Tornado Attack
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Low
Bianshi Rare
Cost: 3
Officer Type: Maiden
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 650 ▶ 1362 ▶ 2112
Attack: 75 ▶ 146 ▶ 221
Defense: 66 ▶ 137 ▶ 212
Musou: Frigid Tune
Skill: Invigorate
Team Effect: Wei Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Middle
Cao Hong Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 900 ▶ 1612 ▶ 2362
Attack: 87 ▶ 158 ▶ 233
Defense: 80 ▶ 151 ▶ 226
Musou: Razor Wave
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Middle
Cao Jie Rare
Cost: 6
Officer Type: Maiden
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 700 ▶ 1412 ▶ 2162
Attack: 73 ▶ 144 ▶ 219
Defense: 109 ▶ 180 ▶ 255
Musou: Ascending Thrust
Skill: Invigorate
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Middle
Cao Mao Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 863 ▶ 1575 ▶ 2325
Attack: 85 ▶ 156 ▶ 231
Defense: 90 ▶ 161 ▶ 236
Musou: Icicle Riot
Skill: Indomitable Spirit
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Middle
Cao Zhi Rare
Cost: 13
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1103 ▶ 1815 ▶ 2565
Attack: 92 ▶ 163 ▶ 238
Defense: 122 ▶ 193 ▶ 268
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Counterploy
Team Effect: Wei Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Cuishi Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Maiden
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 952 ▶ 1674 ▶ 2424
Attack: 81 ▶ 152 ▶ 227
Defense: 105 ▶ 176 ▶ 251
Musou: Frigid Tune
Skill: Opportunity
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
Hua Tuo Rare
Cost: 3
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 700 ▶ 1412 ▶ 2162
Attack: 60 ▶ 131 ▶ 206
Defense: 70 ▶ 141 ▶ 216
Musou: Revolving Claws
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Wei Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Middle
Man Chong Rare
Cost: 3
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 660 ▶ 1372 ▶ 2122
Attack: 66 ▶ 137 ▶ 212
Defense: 74 ▶ 145 ▶ 220
Musou: Chilling Play
Skill: Destructive Tactic
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
"Sangokushi Royale" Man Chong Rare
Cost: 6
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 840 ▶ 1552 ▶ 2302
Attack: 78 ▶ 149 ▶ 224
Defense: 90 ▶ 161 ▶ 236
Musou: Chilling Play
Skill: Destructive Tactic
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
Wen Pin Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 852 ▶ 1564 ▶ 2314
Attack: 92 ▶ 163 ▶ 238
Defense: 74 ▶ 145 ▶ 220
Musou: Tempest Fang
Skill: Tornado Attack
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Wen Qin Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 980 ▶ 1692 ▶ 2442
Attack: 91 ▶ 162 ▶ 237
Defense: 92 ▶ 163 ▶ 238
Musou: Burning Pike
Skill: Tornado Attack
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Middle
"Sapphire Daughter" Xiahouji Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Young Girl
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 962 ▶ 1674 ▶ 2424
Attack: 85 ▶ 156 ▶ 231
Defense: 91 ▶ 162 ▶ 237
Musou: Frigid Tune
Skill: Storm Attack
Team Effect: Wei Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
Xun Yu Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 832 ▶ 1544 ▶ 2294
Attack: 80 ▶ 151 ▶ 226
Defense: 101 ▶ 172 ▶ 247
Musou: Glacier Columns
Skill: Great Ice Attack
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Middle
Zhang Changpu Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Lady Guard
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 975 ▶ 1687 ▶ 2437
Attack: 87 ▶ 158 ▶ 233
Defense: 92 ▶ 163 ▶ 238
Musou: Frigid Tune
Skill: Tornado Attack
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Middle
Cao Cao Super Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 930 ▶ 2017 ▶ 3142
Attack: 100 ▶ 208 ▶ 321
Defense: 105 ▶ 213 ▶ 326
Musou: Wei Frost
Skill: Blizzard Barricade
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
Reincarnation Materials
Seal (1x), Cao Mao (1x), Cao Jie (1x), Cao Zhi (1x), "Soaring Baton" Cao Pi (1x)
"Young Lord" Cao Cao Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1705 ▶ 2792 ▶ 3917
Attack: 177 ▶ 285 ▶ 398
Defense: 163 ▶ 271 ▶ 384
Musou: Wei Frost
Skill: Vengeful Settlement
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
Cao Pi Super Rare
Cost: 20
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1223 ▶ 2310 ▶ 3435
Attack: 136 ▶ 244 ▶ 357
Defense: 130 ▶ 238 ▶ 351
Musou: Glacier Pierce
Skill: Moment of Advance
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Soaring Baton" Cao Pi Super Rare
Cost: 22
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1310 ▶ 2397 ▶ 3522
Attack: 142 ▶ 250 ▶ 363
Defense: 150 ▶ 258 ▶ 371
Musou: Glacier Pierce
Skill: Full Preparations
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Skillful Heir" Cao Pi Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1594 ▶ 2681 ▶ 3806
Attack: 179 ▶ 287 ▶ 400
Defense: 172 ▶ 280 ▶ 393
Musou: Glacier Pierce
Skill: Moment of Advance
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Emperor" Cao Pi Super Rare
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
Cao Ren Super Rare
Cost: 35
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1774 ▶ 2861 ▶ 3986
Attack: 159 ▶ 267 ▶ 380
Defense: 213 ▶ 321 ▶ 434
Musou: Demolishing Bull
Skill: Gold Pheasant Shield
Team Effect: Wei Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Guo Jia Super Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 910 ▶ 1997 ▶ 3122
Attack: 91 ▶ 199 ▶ 312
Defense: 109 ▶ 217 ▶ 330
Musou: Fatal Glacier
Skill: Sculpted Hail
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"Holy Night" Guo Jia Super Rare
Cost: 19
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1183 ▶ 2270 ▶ 3395
Attack: 118 ▶ 226 ▶ 339
Defense: 141 ▶ 249 ▶ 362
Musou: Fatal Glacier
Skill: Sculpted Hail
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Guo Jia Super Rare
Officer Type:
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
"Composed Strategist" Guo Jia Super Rare
Cost: 34
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1659 ▶ 2746 ▶ 3871
Attack: 182 ▶ 290 ▶ 403
Defense: 193 ▶ 301 ▶ 414
Musou: Fatal Glacier
Skill: Cavalry Freeze
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Jia Xu Super Rare
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
"Ever Flexible" Man Chong Super Rare
Cost: 27
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1633 ▶ 2720 ▶ 3845
Attack: 158 ▶ 266 ▶ 379
Defense: 151 ▶ 259 ▶ 372
Musou: Iceberg Stroke
Skill: Improvised Plan
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Wang Yi Super Rare
Cost: 32
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1659 ▶ 2746 ▶ 3871
Attack: 182 ▶ 290 ▶ 403
Defense: 172 ▶ 280 ▶ 393
Musou: Slicing Fangs
Skill: Raid
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Faithful Vassal" Wen Pin Super Rare
Cost: 33
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1611 ▶ 2698 ▶ 3823
Attack: 190 ▶ 298 ▶ 411
Defense: 180 ▶ 288 ▶ 401
Musou: Pulverizing Horns
Skill: Violence Incarnate
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
Xiahou Dun Super Rare
Cost: 16
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1260 ▶ 2347 ▶ 3472
Attack: 121 ▶ 229 ▶ 342
Defense: 117 ▶ 225 ▶ 338
Musou: Blue Fang
Skill: Blue Crusher
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Veteran General" Xiahou Dun Super Rare
Cost: 18
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1323 ▶ 2410 ▶ 3535
Attack: 127 ▶ 235 ▶ 348
Defense: 123 ▶ 231 ▶ 344
Musou: Blue Fang
Skill: Blue Crusher
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Sangokushi Royale" Xiahou Dun Super Rare
Cost: 20
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1322 ▶ 2409 ▶ 3534
Attack: 140 ▶ 248 ▶ 361
Defense: 128 ▶ 236 ▶ 349
Musou: Blue Fang
Skill: Blue Crusher
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"One-Eyed Commander" Xiahou Dun Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1690 ▶ 2777 ▶ 3902
Attack: 177 ▶ 285 ▶ 398
Defense: 165 ▶ 273 ▶ 386
Musou: Blue Fang
Skill: Blue Crusher
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Blue Inferno" Xiahou Dun Super Rare
Cost: 34
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1750 ▶ 2837 ▶ 3962
Attack: 191 ▶ 299 ▶ 412
Defense: 174 ▶ 282 ▶ 395
Musou: Blue Fang
Skill: Blue Crusher Storm
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Supporter of Rulers" Xun Yu Super Rare
Cost: 19
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1277 ▶ 2364 ▶ 3489
Attack: 108 ▶ 216 ▶ 329
Defense: 136 ▶ 244 ▶ 357
Musou: Cobalt Formation
Skill: Sabotage
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
"Holy Night" Xun Yu Super Rare
Cost: 34
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1866 ▶ 2953 ▶ 4078
Attack: 159 ▶ 267 ▶ 380
Defense: 195 ▶ 303 ▶ 416
Musou: Cobalt Formation
Skill: Tiger Trap
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
Yue Jin Super Rare
Cost: 25
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1480 ▶ 2567 ▶ 3692
Attack: 158 ▶ 266 ▶ 379
Defense: 146 ▶ 254 ▶ 367
Musou: Instant Charge
Skill: Godspeed Assault
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Zhang He Super Rare
Cost: 27
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1493 ▶ 2580 ▶ 3705
Attack: 163 ▶ 271 ▶ 384
Defense: 160 ▶ 268 ▶ 381
Musou: Phoenix Flourish
Skill: Butterfly Tempest
Team Effect: Wei Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Zhang Liao Super Rare
Cost: 13
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1122 ▶ 2209 ▶ 3334
Attack: 115 ▶ 223 ▶ 336
Defense: 101 ▶ 209 ▶ 322
Musou: Gale Rush
Skill: Liao is Coming
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
Reincarnation Materials
Seal (3x), Zhang He (1x), "One-Eyed Commander" Xiahou Dun (1x)
"Pinnacle of Might" Zhang Liao Super Rare
Cost: 21
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1387 ▶ 2474 ▶ 3599
Attack: 142 ▶ 250 ▶ 363
Defense: 125 ▶ 233 ▶ 346
Musou: Gale Rush
Skill: Liao is Coming
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
"Daredevil" Zhang Liao Super Rare
Cost: 28
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1632 ▶ 2719 ▶ 3844
Attack: 168 ▶ 276 ▶ 389
Defense: 147 ▶ 255 ▶ 368
Musou: Gale Rush
Skill: Liao is Coming
Team Effect: Wei Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
Zhang Liao Super Rare
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
Zhenji Super Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 920 ▶ 2007 ▶ 3132
Attack: 93 ▶ 201 ▶ 314
Defense: 107 ▶ 215 ▶ 328
Musou: Blizzard Melody
Skill: Beautiful Smile
Team Effect: Wei Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
"Elegant Ice Flower" Zhenji Super Rare
Cost: 12
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1067 ▶ 2154 ▶ 3279
Attack: 107 ▶ 215 ▶ 328
Defense: 124 ▶ 232 ▶ 345
Musou: Blizzard Melody
Skill: Beautiful Smile
Team Effect: Wei Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
"Bewitching Flower" Zhenji Super Rare
Cost: 28
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1472 ▶ 2559 ▶ 3684
Attack: 148 ▶ 256 ▶ 369
Defense: 171 ▶ 279 ▶ 392
Musou: Blizzard Melody
Skill: Beautiful Smile
Team Effect: Wei Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
Portrait Card Stats
He Qi Normal
Cost: 1
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 319 ▶ 844 ▶ 1397
Attack: 39 ▶ 91 ▶ 147
Defense: 26 ▶ 78 ▶ 134
Musou: Exploding Offense
Skill: Fire Attack
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Low
Lu Dai Normal
Cost: 2
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 366 ▶ 891 ▶ 1444
Attack: 31 ▶ 83 ▶ 139
Defense: 39 ▶ 91 ▶ 147
Musou: Fiery Hurricane
Skill: Last Resort
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Low
Yu Fan Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 280 ▶ 805 ▶ 1358
Attack: 27 ▶ 79 ▶ 135
Defense: 37 ▶ 89 ▶ 145
Musou: Fiery Hurricane
Skill: Fire Attack
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Low
Yuanji Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Maiden
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 280 ▶ 805 ▶ 1358
Attack: 27 ▶ 79 ▶ 135
Defense: 34 ▶ 86 ▶ 142
Musou: Ascending Thrust
Skill: Invigorate
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Low
Zhu Zhi Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 310 ▶ 835 ▶ 1388
Attack: 30 ▶ 82 ▶ 138
Defense: 29 ▶ 81 ▶ 137
Musou: Burning Pike
Skill: Invigorate
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Low
"Sangokushi Royale" Zhu Zhi Normal
Cost: 4
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 416 ▶ 941 ▶ 1494
Attack: 46 ▶ 98 ▶ 154
Defense: 40 ▶ 92 ▶ 148
Musou: Burning Pike
Skill: Invigorate
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Low
Zhuge Ke Normal
Cost: 3
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 350 ▶ 875 ▶ 1428
Attack: 35 ▶ 87 ▶ 143
Defense: 47 ▶ 99 ▶ 155
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Land Mine
Team Effect: Wu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Low
Bu Chan Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 628 ▶ 1340 ▶ 2090
Attack: 92 ▶ 163 ▶ 238
Defense: 91 ▶ 162 ▶ 237
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Wu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
Cheng Pu Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 876 ▶ 1588 ▶ 2338
Attack: 81 ▶ 152 ▶ 227
Defense: 81 ▶ 152 ▶ 227
Musou: Violent Vortex
Skill: Summon Catapult
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
"Sangokushi Royale" Cheng Pu Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 945 ▶ 1657 ▶ 2407
Attack: 94 ▶ 165 ▶ 240
Defense: 94 ▶ 165 ▶ 240
Musou: Violent Vortex
Skill: Summon Catapult
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
Gu Yong Rare
Cost: 3
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 650 ▶ 1362 ▶ 2112
Attack: 65 ▶ 136 ▶ 211
Defense: 75 ▶ 146 ▶ 221
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Land Mine
Team Effect: Wu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
Jiang Qin Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 852 ▶ 1564 ▶ 2314
Attack: 93 ▶ 164 ▶ 239
Defense: 74 ▶ 145 ▶ 220
Musou: Whirling Inferno
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
Ling Cao Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 828 ▶ 1540 ▶ 2290
Attack: 84 ▶ 155 ▶ 230
Defense: 82 ▶ 153 ▶ 228
Musou: Burning Pike
Skill: Encouragement
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
Liushi Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type:
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 800 ▶ 1512 ▶ 2262
Attack: 111 ▶ 182 ▶ 257
Defense: 91 ▶ 162 ▶ 237
Musou: Ascending Thrust
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Wu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
Lu Kang Rare
Cost: 8
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 810 ▶ 1522 ▶ 2272
Attack: 85 ▶ 156 ▶ 231
Defense: 107 ▶ 178 ▶ 253
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Land Mine
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Sun Luban Rare
Cost: 6
Officer Type: Young Girl
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 799 ▶ 1511 ▶ 2261
Attack: 84 ▶ 155 ▶ 230
Defense: 78 ▶ 149 ▶ 224
Musou: Raging Spin
Skill: Trembling Assault
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Middle
"First Aim" Sun Luban Rare
Cost: 14
Officer Type: Young Girl
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1050 ▶ 1762 ▶ 2512
Attack: 122 ▶ 193 ▶ 268
Defense: 109 ▶ 180 ▶ 255
Musou: Raging Spin
Skill: Trembling Assault
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Middle
Sun Luyu Rare
Cost: 6
Officer Type: Young Girl
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 799 ▶ 1511 ▶ 2261
Attack: 78 ▶ 149 ▶ 224
Defense: 84 ▶ 155 ▶ 230
Musou: Frigid Tune
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Wu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
Sun Yi Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 852 ▶ 1564 ▶ 2314
Attack: 93 ▶ 164 ▶ 239
Defense: 74 ▶ 145 ▶ 220
Musou: Burning Pike
Skill: Spirit
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
Wu Guotai Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Lady Guard
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 792 ▶ 1504 ▶ 2254
Attack: 76 ▶ 147 ▶ 222
Defense: 91 ▶ 162 ▶ 237
Musou: Raging Spin
Skill: Great Fire Attack
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Xu Sheng Rare
Cost: 3
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 740 ▶ 1452 ▶ 2202
Attack: 69 ▶ 140 ▶ 215
Defense: 66 ▶ 137 ▶ 212
Musou: Burning Pike
Skill: Awakening Power
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Xushi Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Maiden
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 834 ▶ 1546 ▶ 2296
Attack: 85 ▶ 156 ▶ 231
Defense: 78 ▶ 149 ▶ 224
Musou: Frigid Tune
Skill: Last Resort
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Middle
Zhu Huan Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 949 ▶ 1661 ▶ 2411
Attack: 91 ▶ 162 ▶ 237
Defense: 92 ▶ 163 ▶ 238
Musou: Spiraling Spear
Skill: Spirit
Team Effect: Wu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
Zhu Yi Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type:
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 890 ▶ 1602 ▶ 2352
Attack: 80 ▶ 151 ▶ 226
Defense: 125 ▶ 196 ▶ 271
Musou: Spiraling Spear
Skill: Spirit
Team Effect: Wu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Middle
Zhuge Jin Rare
Cost: 12
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1123 ▶ 1835 ▶ 2585
Attack: 97 ▶ 168 ▶ 243
Defense: 106 ▶ 177 ▶ 252
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Counterploy
Team Effect: Wu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Daqiao Super Rare
Cost: 22
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1302 ▶ 2389 ▶ 3514
Attack: 130 ▶ 238 ▶ 351
Defense: 162 ▶ 270 ▶ 383
Musou: Spirit Wave
Skill: Small Prayer
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Reincarnation Materials
Seal (2x), Liushi (1x), Yuanji (1x), Xushi (1x)
"Two Flowers of Jiangdong" Daqiao Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1498 ▶ 2585 ▶ 3710
Attack: 169 ▶ 277 ▶ 390
Defense: 192 ▶ 300 ▶ 413
Musou: Spirit Wave
Skill: Protective Prayer
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Server" Daqiao Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1650 ▶ 2737 ▶ 3862
Attack: 161 ▶ 269 ▶ 382
Defense: 185 ▶ 293 ▶ 406
Musou: Spirit Wave
Skill: Small Prayer
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Ding Feng Super Rare
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
Gan Ning Super Rare
Cost: 16
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1236 ▶ 2323 ▶ 3448
Attack: 127 ▶ 235 ▶ 348
Defense: 108 ▶ 216 ▶ 329
Musou: Hellfire Swing
Skill: Hellfire Tactic
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
"Storm Blast" Gan Ning Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1751 ▶ 2838 ▶ 3963
Attack: 180 ▶ 288 ▶ 401
Defense: 153 ▶ 261 ▶ 374
Musou: Hellfire Swing
Skill: Hellfire Tactic
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
"Open-Hearted Hero" Gan Ning Super Rare
Cost: 34
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1685 ▶ 2772 ▶ 3897
Attack: 202 ▶ 310 ▶ 423
Defense: 170 ▶ 278 ▶ 391
Musou: Hellfire Swing
Skill: Divine Fire Tactic
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
Lianshi Super Rare
Cost: 23
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1355 ▶ 2442 ▶ 3567
Attack: 139 ▶ 247 ▶ 360
Defense: 182 ▶ 290 ▶ 403
Musou: Depth Charge
Skill: Eternal Flame
Team Effect: Wu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Ling Tong Super Rare
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
Lu Meng Super Rare
Cost: 33
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1623 ▶ 2710 ▶ 3835
Attack: 182 ▶ 290 ▶ 403
Defense: 187 ▶ 295 ▶ 408
Musou: Chaotic Conflagration
Skill: Disguised March
Team Effect: Wu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
Reincarnation Materials
Seal (2x), Sun Quan (1x), "Daughter of War" Sun Shangxiang (1x)
Zhuge Jin (1x)
"Studying Days" Lu Meng Super Rare
Cost: 35
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1692 ▶ 2779 ▶ 3904
Attack: 190 ▶ 298 ▶ 411
Defense: 191 ▶ 299 ▶ 412
Musou: Pay Attention!
Skill: Disguised March
Team Effect: Wu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
Lu Xun Super Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 920 ▶ 2007 ▶ 3132
Attack: 93 ▶ 201 ▶ 314
Defense: 108 ▶ 216 ▶ 329
Musou: Blazing Swallow
Skill: Great Fire Attack - Mandarin Duck Formation
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"Everlasting Flame" Lu Xun Super Rare
Cost: 15
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1040 ▶ 2127 ▶ 3252
Attack: 124 ▶ 232 ▶ 345
Defense: 126 ▶ 234 ▶ 347
Musou: Blazing Swallow
Skill: Great Fire Attack - Mandarin Duck Formation
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"Gallant Swallow" Lu Xun Super Rare
Cost: 20
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1240 ▶ 2327 ▶ 3452
Attack: 146 ▶ 254 ▶ 367
Defense: 128 ▶ 236 ▶ 349
Musou: Blazing Swallow
Skill: Fiery Rally
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"Server" Lu Xun Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1748 ▶ 2835 ▶ 3960
Attack: 161 ▶ 269 ▶ 382
Defense: 175 ▶ 283 ▶ 396
Musou: Blazing Swallow
Skill: Great Fire Attack - Mandarin Duck Formation
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"Fires of Wisdom & Courage" Lu Xun Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1698 ▶ 2785 ▶ 3910
Attack: 165 ▶ 273 ▶ 386
Defense: 176 ▶ 284 ▶ 397
Musou: Blazing Swallow
Skill: Great Fire Attack - Mandarin Duck Formation
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Rorona Super Rare
Cost: 14
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1053 ▶ 2140 ▶ 3265
Attack: 114 ▶ 222 ▶ 335
Defense: 123 ▶ 231 ▶ 344
Musou: A-Full Heart
Skill: H-Salve
Team Effect: Wu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
Reincarnation Materials
Seal (4x), Rorona (1x)
"A-Full Heart" Rorona Super Rare
Cost: 35
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1695 ▶ 2782 ▶ 3907
Attack: 187 ▶ 295 ▶ 408
Defense: 193 ▶ 301 ▶ 414
Musou: A-Full Heart
Skill: Elixir Agent
Team Effect: Wu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
Sun Ce Super Rare
Cost: 22
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1470 ▶ 2557 ▶ 3682
Attack: 147 ▶ 255 ▶ 368
Defense: 130 ▶ 238 ▶ 351
Musou: Tiger Fists
Skill: Tiger Impact
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
"Little Conqueror" Sun Ce Super Rare
Cost: 25
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1463 ▶ 2550 ▶ 3675
Attack: 156 ▶ 264 ▶ 377
Defense: 142 ▶ 250 ▶ 363
Musou: Tiger Fists
Skill: Tiger Impact
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
"Conqueror" Sun Ce Super Rare
Cost: 35
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1793 ▶ 2880 ▶ 4005
Attack: 191 ▶ 299 ▶ 412
Defense: 179 ▶ 287 ▶ 400
Musou: Tiger Fists
Skill: Conqueror's Command
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
Sun Quan Super Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 850 ▶ 1937 ▶ 3062
Attack: 96 ▶ 204 ▶ 317
Defense: 111 ▶ 219 ▶ 332
Musou: Flaming Tornado
Skill: Noble Ambition
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"Emperor" Sun Quan Super Rare
Cost: 35
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1820 ▶ 2907 ▶ 4032
Attack: 179 ▶ 287 ▶ 400
Defense: 189 ▶ 297 ▶ 410
Musou: Flaming Tornado
Skill: Emperor's Command
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Sun Shangxiang Super Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 990 ▶ 2077 ▶ 3202
Attack: 86 ▶ 194 ▶ 307
Defense: 95 ▶ 203 ▶ 316
Musou: Skyarrow
Skill: Bow Princess's Support
Team Effect: Wu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Lively War Maid" Sun Shangxiang Super Rare
Cost: 13
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1089 ▶ 2176 ▶ 3301
Attack: 94 ▶ 202 ▶ 315
Defense: 104 ▶ 212 ▶ 325
Musou: Skyarrow
Skill: Refreshing Flame
Team Effect: Wu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Bow Princess" Sun Shangxiang Super Rare
Cost: 21
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1296 ▶ 2383 ▶ 3508
Attack: 138 ▶ 246 ▶ 359
Defense: 129 ▶ 237 ▶ 350
Musou: Skyarrow
Skill: Bow Princess's Support
Team Effect: Wu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Sangokushi Royale" Sun Shangxiang Super Rare
Cost: 21
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1296 ▶ 2383 ▶ 3508
Attack: 138 ▶ 246 ▶ 359
Defense: 129 ▶ 237 ▶ 350
Musou: Skyarrow
Skill: Bow Princess's Support
Team Effect: Wu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Graduation" Sun Shangxiang Super Rare
Cost: 24
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1565 ▶ 2652 ▶ 3777
Attack: 133 ▶ 241 ▶ 354
Defense: 153 ▶ 261 ▶ 374
Musou: Skyarrow
Skill: Bow Princess's Support
Team Effect: Wu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Daughter of War" Sun Shangxiang Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1710 ▶ 2797 ▶ 3922
Attack: 166 ▶ 274 ▶ 387
Defense: 174 ▶ 282 ▶ 395
Musou: Skyarrow
Skill: Bow Princess's Support
Team Effect: Wu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
Taishi Ci Super Rare
Cost: 22
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1274 ▶ 2361 ▶ 3486
Attack: 149 ▶ 257 ▶ 370
Defense: 141 ▶ 249 ▶ 362
Musou: Air Cannon
Skill: Restrained Spirit
Team Effect: Wu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Ferocious Whirlwind" Taishi Ci Super Rare
Cost: 29
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1424 ▶ 2511 ▶ 3636
Attack: 176 ▶ 284 ▶ 397
Defense: 172 ▶ 280 ▶ 393
Musou: Air Cannon
Skill: Restrained Spirit
Team Effect: Wu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
Taishi Ci Super Rare
Officer Type:
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
Xiaoqiao Super Rare
Cost: 22
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1302 ▶ 2389 ▶ 3514
Attack: 160 ▶ 268 ▶ 381
Defense: 132 ▶ 240 ▶ 353
Musou: Whirling Fists
Skill: Small Cheer
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Reincarnation Materials
Seal (2x), Lianshi (1x), Sun Luyu (1x), Xushi (1x)
"Two Flowers of Jiangdong" Xiaoqiao Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1498 ▶ 2585 ▶ 3710
Attack: 194 ▶ 302 ▶ 415
Defense: 167 ▶ 275 ▶ 388
Musou: Whirling Fists
Skill: Brave Cheer
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Butterfly Lover" Xiaoqiao Super Rare
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
"Holy Night" Xiaoqiao Super Rare
Cost: 34
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1652 ▶ 2739 ▶ 3864
Attack: 208 ▶ 316 ▶ 429
Defense: 167 ▶ 275 ▶ 388
Musou: Whirling Fists
Skill: Eternal Cheer
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"All-Seeing General" Zhu Huan Super Rare
Cost: 20
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1311 ▶ 2398 ▶ 3523
Attack: 129 ▶ 237 ▶ 350
Defense: 142 ▶ 250 ▶ 363
Musou: Phantom Crusher
Skill: True Sight
Team Effect: Wu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
Zhu Ran Super Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 960 ▶ 2047 ▶ 3172
Attack: 86 ▶ 194 ▶ 307
Defense: 100 ▶ 208 ▶ 321
Musou: Explosive Archery
Skill: Explosive Mine
Team Effect: Wu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
Portrait Card Stats
Fu Shiren Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 305 ▶ 830 ▶ 1383
Attack: 31 ▶ 83 ▶ 139
Defense: 25 ▶ 77 ▶ 133
Musou: Splendid Blade
Skill: Awakening Power
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Low
Huang Hao Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 820 ▶ 1345 ▶ 1898
Attack: 3 ▶ 55 ▶ 111
Defense: 5 ▶ 57 ▶ 113
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Awakening Power
Team Effect: Shu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Low
Jian Yong Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 280 ▶ 805 ▶ 1358
Attack: 24 ▶ 76 ▶ 132
Defense: 37 ▶ 89 ▶ 145
Musou: Revolving Claws
Skill: Lightning Attack
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Low
Liao Hua Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 320 ▶ 845 ▶ 1398
Attack: 31 ▶ 83 ▶ 139
Defense: 27 ▶ 79 ▶ 135
Musou: Searing Barrage
Skill: Forced March
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Low
"Sangokushi Royale" Liao Hua Normal
Cost: 3
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 390 ▶ 915 ▶ 1468
Attack: 42 ▶ 94 ▶ 150
Defense: 34 ▶ 86 ▶ 142
Musou: Searing Barrage
Skill: Forced March
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Low
Mi Fang Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 302 ▶ 827 ▶ 1380
Attack: 28 ▶ 80 ▶ 136
Defense: 29 ▶ 81 ▶ 137
Musou: Thunderblade Dance
Skill: Invigorate
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Low
Xishi Normal
Cost: 1
Officer Type: Lady Guard
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 324 ▶ 849 ▶ 1402
Attack: 31 ▶ 83 ▶ 139
Defense: 37 ▶ 89 ▶ 145
Musou: Rotating Slicer
Skill: Invigorate
Team Effect: Shu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Low
Zhang Yi Normal
Cost: 2
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 372 ▶ 897 ▶ 1450
Attack: 39 ▶ 91 ▶ 147
Defense: 34 ▶ 86 ▶ 142
Musou: Double Assault
Skill: Summon Juggernaut
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Low
Fei Yi Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1030 ▶ 1742 ▶ 2492
Attack: 76 ▶ 147 ▶ 222
Defense: 103 ▶ 174 ▶ 249
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Counterploy
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Middle
Hu Ji Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 890 ▶ 1602 ▶ 2352
Attack: 92 ▶ 163 ▶ 238
Defense: 100 ▶ 171 ▶ 246
Musou: Spiraling Spear
Skill: Great Lightning Attack
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Middle
"Disciplined Mind" Liao Hua Rare
Cost: 19
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1713 ▶ 2425 ▶ 3175
Attack: 118 ▶ 189 ▶ 264
Defense: 110 ▶ 181 ▶ 256
Musou: Searing Barrage
Skill: Forced March
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Lishi Rare
Cost: 12
Officer Type: Maiden
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 940 ▶ 1652 ▶ 2402
Attack: 85 ▶ 156 ▶ 231
Defense: 136 ▶ 207 ▶ 282
Musou: Raging Spin
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
Ma Liang Rare
Cost: 12
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1150 ▶ 1862 ▶ 2612
Attack: 88 ▶ 159 ▶ 234
Defense: 112 ▶ 183 ▶ 258
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Shu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
Ma Su Rare
Cost: 12
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 970 ▶ 1682 ▶ 2432
Attack: 105 ▶ 176 ▶ 251
Defense: 113 ▶ 184 ▶ 259
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Counterploy
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Middle
Midang Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1050 ▶ 1762 ▶ 2512
Attack: 101 ▶ 172 ▶ 247
Defense: 98 ▶ 169 ▶ 244
Musou: Violent Vortex
Skill: Encouragement
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
Wang Ping Rare
Cost: 5
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 792 ▶ 1504 ▶ 2254
Attack: 77 ▶ 148 ▶ 223
Defense: 78 ▶ 149 ▶ 224
Musou: Chain Lightning
Skill: Awakening Power
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Middle
Wang Tao Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Lady Guard
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 950 ▶ 1662 ▶ 2412
Attack: 105 ▶ 176 ▶ 251
Defense: 88 ▶ 159 ▶ 234
Musou: Chain Lightning
Skill: High Spirits
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Wang Yue Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Young Girl
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1280 ▶ 1992 ▶ 2742
Attack: 81 ▶ 152 ▶ 227
Defense: 85 ▶ 156 ▶ 231
Musou: Raging Spin
Skill: Homemade Dim Sum
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Xiahouji Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Young Girl
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 962 ▶ 1674 ▶ 2424
Attack: 85 ▶ 156 ▶ 231
Defense: 91 ▶ 162 ▶ 237
Musou: Frigid Tune
Skill: Storm Attack
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
Yan Yan Rare
Cost: 5
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 767 ▶ 1479 ▶ 2229
Attack: 80 ▶ 151 ▶ 226
Defense: 73 ▶ 144 ▶ 219
Musou: Air Slicer
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Middle
"Sangokushi Royale" Yan Yan Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 865 ▶ 1577 ▶ 2327
Attack: 90 ▶ 161 ▶ 236
Defense: 82 ▶ 153 ▶ 228
Musou: Air Slicer
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Middle
Zhou Cang Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 828 ▶ 1540 ▶ 2290
Attack: 92 ▶ 163 ▶ 238
Defense: 74 ▶ 145 ▶ 220
Musou: Loud Bellow
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
"Sangokushi Royale" Zhou Cang Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 955 ▶ 1667 ▶ 2417
Attack: 96 ▶ 167 ▶ 242
Defense: 90 ▶ 161 ▶ 236
Musou: Loud Bellow
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
Zhugeshi Rare
Cost: 3
Officer Type: Maiden
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 735 ▶ 1447 ▶ 2197
Attack: 41 ▶ 112 ▶ 187
Defense: 78 ▶ 149 ▶ 224
Musou: Double Assault
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Guan Suo Super Rare
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
Guan Yinping Super Rare
Cost: 13
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1100 ▶ 2187 ▶ 3312
Attack: 111 ▶ 219 ▶ 332
Defense: 104 ▶ 212 ▶ 325
Musou: Full Fighting Spirit
Skill: Special Meat Bun
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Holy Night" Guan Yinping Super Rare
Cost: 22
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1400 ▶ 2487 ▶ 3612
Attack: 141 ▶ 249 ▶ 362
Defense: 133 ▶ 241 ▶ 354
Musou: Full Fighting Spirit
Skill: Homemade Cake
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Festival" Guan Yinping Super Rare
Cost: 13
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1113 ▶ 2200 ▶ 3325
Attack: 121 ▶ 229 ▶ 342
Defense: 101 ▶ 209 ▶ 322
Musou: Full Fighting Spirit
Skill: Special Meat Bun
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
Reincarnation Materials
Seal (4x), "Festival" Guan Yinping (1x)
"Grand Festival" Guan Yinping Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1700 ▶ 2787 ▶ 3912
Attack: 179 ▶ 287 ▶ 400
Defense: 162 ▶ 270 ▶ 383
Musou: Sincerest of Sincere
Skill: Special Meat Bun
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Vivacious Girl" Guan Yinping Super Rare
Cost: 14
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 978 ▶ 2065 ▶ 3190
Attack: 152 ▶ 260 ▶ 373
Defense: 93 ▶ 201 ▶ 314
Musou: Full Fighting Spirit
Skill: Hunting Preparations
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
Guan Yu Super Rare
Cost: 16
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1296 ▶ 2383 ▶ 3508
Attack: 123 ▶ 231 ▶ 344
Defense: 117 ▶ 225 ▶ 338
Musou: Stormy Rage
Skill: Rumbling Thunder
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"Beautiful Beard" Guan Yu Super Rare
Cost: 18
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1360 ▶ 2447 ▶ 3572
Attack: 129 ▶ 237 ▶ 350
Defense: 123 ▶ 231 ▶ 344
Musou: Stormy Rage
Skill: Rumbling Thunder
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"War God" Guan Yu Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1836 ▶ 2923 ▶ 4048
Attack: 175 ▶ 283 ▶ 396
Defense: 166 ▶ 274 ▶ 387
Musou: Stormy Rage
Skill: Rumbling Thunder
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Jiang Wei Super Rare
Cost: 27
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1561 ▶ 2648 ▶ 3773
Attack: 159 ▶ 267 ▶ 380
Defense: 157 ▶ 265 ▶ 378
Musou: Thunder Retribution
Skill: Heavenly Bolt
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
Liu Bei Super Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 930 ▶ 2017 ▶ 3142
Attack: 93 ▶ 201 ▶ 314
Defense: 105 ▶ 213 ▶ 326
Musou: Electric Fang
Skill: Great Virtue
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
"Epitome of Benevolence" Liu Bei Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1652 ▶ 2739 ▶ 3864
Attack: 169 ▶ 277 ▶ 390
Defense: 176 ▶ 284 ▶ 397
Musou: Electric Fang
Skill: Great Virtue
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
Liu Shan Super Rare
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
Ma Chao Super Rare
Cost: 32
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1512 ▶ 2599 ▶ 3724
Attack: 190 ▶ 298 ▶ 411
Defense: 178 ▶ 286 ▶ 399
Musou: Thunderslice
Skill: Splendid Ma Chao's Flight
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
Ma Dai Super Rare
Cost: 32
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1717 ▶ 2804 ▶ 3929
Attack: 173 ▶ 281 ▶ 394
Defense: 175 ▶ 283 ▶ 396
Musou: Inkbomb Graffiti
Skill: Secret Motivator
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Sheltered Maiden" Xiahouji Super Rare
Cost: 23
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1464 ▶ 2551 ▶ 3676
Attack: 128 ▶ 236 ▶ 349
Defense: 157 ▶ 265 ▶ 378
Musou: Floral Storm
Skill: Protective Wind
Team Effect: Shu Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
Xingcai Super Rare
Cost: 13
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1166 ▶ 2253 ▶ 3378
Attack: 105 ▶ 213 ▶ 326
Defense: 111 ▶ 219 ▶ 332
Musou: Dual Moonlight
Skill: Great Shield Formation
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
"Protective Hand" Xingcai Super Rare
Cost: 22
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1484 ▶ 2571 ▶ 3696
Attack: 134 ▶ 242 ▶ 355
Defense: 141 ▶ 249 ▶ 362
Musou: Dual Moonlight
Skill: Great Shield Formation
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
Zhang Bao Super Rare
Cost: 16
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1224 ▶ 2311 ▶ 3436
Attack: 120 ▶ 228 ▶ 341
Defense: 116 ▶ 224 ▶ 337
Musou: Fixated Shockwave
Skill: Valiant Assistance
Team Effect: Shu Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
Reincarnation Materials
Seal (3x), Zhang Fei (1x), "Great Benevolent" Liu Bei (1x)
"Ten Thousand Foes" Zhang Bao Super Rare
Cost: 35
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1920 ▶ 3007 ▶ 4132
Attack: 219 ▶ 327 ▶ 440
Defense: 162 ▶ 270 ▶ 383
Musou: Fixated Twin Stars Shockwave
Skill: Ten Thousand Foes
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
Zhang Fei Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1708 ▶ 2795 ▶ 3920
Attack: 188 ▶ 296 ▶ 409
Defense: 152 ▶ 260 ▶ 373
Musou: Titan Whirlwind
Skill: Ten Thousand Foes
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Drinker" Zhang Fei Super Rare
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
Zhao Yun Super Rare
Cost: 13
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1166 ▶ 2253 ▶ 3378
Attack: 110 ▶ 218 ▶ 331
Defense: 110 ▶ 218 ▶ 331
Musou: Dragon King Flash
Skill: Dragon Turbulence
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
"Flying Dragon" Zhao Yun Super Rare
Cost: 13
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1166 ▶ 2465 ▶ 3590
Attack: 110 ▶ 238 ▶ 351
Defense: 110 ▶ 238 ▶ 351
Musou: Dragon King Flash
Skill: Dragon Stance
Team Effect: Shu Attack Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Young Dragon" Zhao Yun Super Rare
Cost: 22
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1484 ▶ 2571 ▶ 3696
Attack: 139 ▶ 247 ▶ 360
Defense: 139 ▶ 247 ▶ 360
Musou: Dragon King Flash
Skill: Dragon Turbulence
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
"Sangokushi Royale" Zhao Yun Super Rare
Cost: 22
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1380 ▶ 2467 ▶ 3592
Attack: 141 ▶ 249 ▶ 362
Defense: 139 ▶ 247 ▶ 360
Musou: Dragon King Flash
Skill: Dragon Turbulence
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
"Silver Dragon" Zhao Yun Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1705 ▶ 2792 ▶ 3917
Attack: 171 ▶ 279 ▶ 392
Defense: 170 ▶ 278 ▶ 391
Musou: Dragon King Flash
Skill: Dragon Turbulence
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
Zhuge Liang Super Rare
Cost: 20
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1328 ▶ 2415 ▶ 3540
Attack: 129 ▶ 237 ▶ 350
Defense: 140 ▶ 248 ▶ 361
Musou: Sleeping Dragon Thunderbolt
Skill: Divine Lightning
Team Effect: Shu Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
Portrait Card Stats
Xin Chang Normal
Cost: 1
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 290 ▶ 815 ▶ 1368
Attack: 42 ▶ 94 ▶ 150
Defense: 35 ▶ 87 ▶ 143
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Ice Attack
Team Effect: Jin Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Low
Du Yu Rare
Cost: 12
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 980 ▶ 1692 ▶ 2442
Attack: 110 ▶ 181 ▶ 256
Defense: 112 ▶ 183 ▶ 258
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Encouragement
Team Effect: Jin Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
Hu Lie Rare
Cost: 11
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1035 ▶ 1747 ▶ 2497
Attack: 98 ▶ 169 ▶ 244
Defense: 102 ▶ 173 ▶ 248
Musou: Burning Pike
Skill: All-Out Attack
Team Effect: Jin Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Jia Nanfeng Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Maiden
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1105 ▶ 1817 ▶ 2567
Attack: 89 ▶ 160 ▶ 235
Defense: 83 ▶ 154 ▶ 229
Musou: Revolving Claws
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Jin Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
Jiang Ban Rare
Cost: 8
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 810 ▶ 1522 ▶ 2272
Attack: 82 ▶ 153 ▶ 228
Defense: 110 ▶ 181 ▶ 256
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Sharp Wit
Team Effect: Jin Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Jiao Yi Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 915 ▶ 1627 ▶ 2377
Attack: 101 ▶ 172 ▶ 247
Defense: 90 ▶ 161 ▶ 236
Musou: Burning Pike
Skill: Opportunity
Team Effect: Jin Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Wen Hu Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 980 ▶ 1692 ▶ 2442
Attack: 107 ▶ 178 ▶ 253
Defense: 89 ▶ 160 ▶ 235
Musou: Spiraling Spear
Skill: Fierce Cry
Team Effect: Jin Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Xin Xianying Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Maiden
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 920 ▶ 1632 ▶ 2382
Attack: 89 ▶ 160 ▶ 235
Defense: 102 ▶ 173 ▶ 248
Musou: Double Assault
Skill: Opportunity
Team Effect: Jin Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
Yang Hu Rare
Cost: 8
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 820 ▶ 1532 ▶ 2282
Attack: 91 ▶ 162 ▶ 237
Defense: 98 ▶ 169 ▶ 244
Musou: Revolving Claws
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Jin Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
Deng Ai Super Rare
Cost: 24
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1582 ▶ 2669 ▶ 3794
Attack: 150 ▶ 258 ▶ 371
Defense: 135 ▶ 243 ▶ 356
Musou: Target Obliterated
Skill: Flawless Preparations
Team Effect: Jin Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
Jia Chong Super Rare
Cost: 33
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1659 ▶ 2746 ▶ 3871
Attack: 190 ▶ 298 ▶ 411
Defense: 175 ▶ 283 ▶ 396
Musou: Darkness Blade: Destruction
Skill: Annihilating Flame
Team Effect: Jin Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
Sima Shi Super Rare
Cost: 28
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1521 ▶ 2608 ▶ 3733
Attack: 169 ▶ 277 ▶ 390
Defense: 160 ▶ 268 ▶ 381
Musou: Black Spiral
Skill: Insatiable Offense
Team Effect: Jin Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Sima Yi Super Rare
Cost: 20
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1330 ▶ 2417 ▶ 3542
Attack: 131 ▶ 239 ▶ 352
Defense: 138 ▶ 246 ▶ 359
Musou: Annihilation
Skill: Complete Solution
Team Effect: Jin Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
Sima Zhao Super Rare
Cost: 19
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1302 ▶ 2389 ▶ 3514
Attack: 140 ▶ 248 ▶ 361
Defense: 145 ▶ 253 ▶ 366
Musou: Purple Fireball
Skill: Will of the Next Generation
Team Effect: Jin Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"Graduation" Sima Zhao Super Rare
Cost: 24
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1355 ▶ 2442 ▶ 3567
Attack: 152 ▶ 260 ▶ 373
Defense: 156 ▶ 264 ▶ 377
Musou: Purple Fireball
Skill: Will of the Next Generation
Team Effect: Jin Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Wang Yuanji Super Rare
Cost: 20
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1196 ▶ 2283 ▶ 3408
Attack: 143 ▶ 251 ▶ 364
Defense: 123 ▶ 231 ▶ 344
Musou: Stardust
Skill: Musou Dance
Team Effect: Jin Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Insightful Beauty" Wang Yuanji Super Rare
Cost: 24
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1389 ▶ 2476 ▶ 3501
Attack: 150 ▶ 258 ▶ 371
Defense: 132 ▶ 240 ▶ 353
Musou: Stardust
Skill: Icy Gaze
Team Effect: Jin Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Piercing Eyes" Wang Yuanji Super Rare
Officer Type:
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
Wen Yang Super Rare
Cost: 25
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1530 ▶ 2617 ▶ 3742
Attack: 147 ▶ 255 ▶ 368
Defense: 152 ▶ 260 ▶ 373
Musou: Eighty-One Scales
Skill: Dragon Breath
Team Effect: Jin Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
Reincarnation Materials
Seal (1x), Wen Yang (1x), Zhong Hui (1x), Wang Yuanji (1x), Jia Nanfeng (1x)
"Pillar of Bravery" Wen Yang Super Rare
Cost: 35
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1865 ▶ 2952 ▶ 4077
Attack: 179 ▶ 287 ▶ 400
Defense: 184 ▶ 292 ▶ 405
Musou: Soaring Eighty-One Scales
Skill: Dragon Breath
Team Effect: Jin Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
Xiahou Ba Super Rare
Cost: 29
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1554 ▶ 2641 ▶ 3766
Attack: 167 ▶ 275 ▶ 388
Defense: 168 ▶ 276 ▶ 389
Musou: Roaring Thunder
Skill: Lightning Speed
Team Effect: Jin Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
Zhong Hui Super Rare
Cost: 22
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1302 ▶ 2389 ▶ 3514
Attack: 140 ▶ 248 ▶ 361
Defense: 145 ▶ 253 ▶ 366
Musou: Quake Blades
Skill: Brilliant Plan
Team Effect: Jin Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
"Precocious Schemer" Zhong Hui Super Rare
Cost: 13
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1223 ▶ 2310 ▶ 3435
Attack: 118 ▶ 226 ▶ 339
Defense: 93 ▶ 201 ▶ 314
Musou: Quake Blades
Skill: Brilliant Plan
Team Effect: Jin Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
Reincarnation Materials
Seal (4x), "Precocious Schemer" Zhong Hui
"Pompous Schemer" Zhong Hui Super Rare
Cost: 28
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1730 ▶ 2817 ▶ 3942
Attack: 167 ▶ 275 ▶ 388
Defense: 141 ▶ 249 ▶ 362
Musou: Quake Silhouette Blades
Skill: Brilliant Plan
Team Effect: Jin Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - High
Zhuge Dan Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1700 ▶ 2787 ▶ 3912
Attack: 172 ▶ 280 ▶ 393
Defense: 169 ▶ 277 ▶ 390
Musou: Firefly Bomb
Skill: Purge Blockade
Team Effect: Jin Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Portrait Card Stats
Dong Bai Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Young Girl
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 290 ▶ 815 ▶ 1368
Attack: 30 ▶ 82 ▶ 138
Defense: 29 ▶ 81 ▶ 137
Musou: Rotating Slicer
Skill: Indomitable Spirit
Team Effect: Other Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Low
Guo Si Normal
Cost: 2
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 360 ▶ 885 ▶ 1447
Attack: 12 ▶ 64 ▶ 120
Defense: 60 ▶ 112 ▶ 168
Musou: Burning Pike
Skill: Invigorate
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Low
Huang Zu Normal
Cost: 1
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 319 ▶ 844 ▶ 1397
Attack: 29 ▶ 81 ▶ 137
Defense: 34 ▶ 86 ▶ 142
Musou: Sudden Assault
Skill: Awakening Power
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Low
Li Jue Normal
Cost: 1
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 304 ▶ 829 ▶ 1382
Attack: 33 ▶ 85 ▶ 141
Defense: 31 ▶ 83 ▶ 139
Musou: Air Slicer
Skill: Awakening Power
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Low
Liu Biao Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 275 ▶ 800 ▶ 1353
Attack: 22 ▶ 74 ▶ 130
Defense: 34 ▶ 86 ▶ 142
Musou: Revolving Claws
Skill: Lightning Attack
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Low
Shuijing Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 270
Attack: 24
Defense: 23
Musou: Thunderblade Dance
Skill: Invigorate
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: None
Wang Yun Normal
Cost: 2
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 380 ▶ 905 ▶ 1458
Attack: 10 ▶ 62 ▶ 118
Defense: 41 ▶ 93 ▶ 149
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Ice Attack
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Low
Yan Baihu Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 330 ▶ 855 ▶ 1408
Attack: 23 ▶ 75 ▶ 131
Defense: 34 ▶ 86 ▶ 142
Musou: Whirling Inferno
Skill: Fire Attack
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Low
"Sangokushi Royale" Yan Baihu Normal
Cost: 4
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 422 ▶ 947 ▶ 1500
Attack: 34 ▶ 86 ▶ 142
Defense: 50 ▶ 102 ▶ 158
Musou: Whirling Inferno
Skill: Fire Attack
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Low
Yuan Shu Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 270 ▶ 795 ▶ 1348
Attack: 30 ▶ 82 ▶ 138
Defense: 27 ▶ 79 ▶ 135
Musou: Splendid Blade
Skill: Awakening Power
Team Effect: Other Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Low
Zang Ba Normal
Cost: 2
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 342 ▶ 867 ▶ 1420
Attack: 45 ▶ 97 ▶ 153
Defense: 24 ▶ 76 ▶ 132
Musou: Tempest Fang
Skill: Godspeed Tactic
Team Effect: Other Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Low
Zhang Lu Normal
Cost: 0
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 356 ▶ 881 ▶ 1434
Attack: 27 ▶ 79 ▶ 135
Defense: 29 ▶ 81 ▶ 137
Musou: Fiery Hurricane
Skill: Fire Attack
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Low
Zhang Xiu Normal
Cost: 1
Officer Type:
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 300 ▶ 825 ▶ 1378
Attack: 43 ▶ 95 ▶ 151
Defense: 26 ▶ 78 ▶ 134
Musou: Crimson Flames
Skill: Godspeed Tactic
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Low
Zoushi Normal
Cost: 1
Officer Type: Maiden
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 308 ▶ 833 ▶ 1386
Attack: 23 ▶ 75 ▶ 131
Defense: 38 ▶ 90 ▶ 146
Musou: Frigid Tune
Skill: Invigorate
Team Effect: Other Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Low
Empress He Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Maiden
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 832 ▶ 1544 ▶ 2294
Attack: 88 ▶ 159 ▶ 234
Defense: 96 ▶ 167 ▶ 242
Musou: Revolving Claws
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
Fan Yufeng Rare
Cost: 5
Officer Type: Maiden
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 704 ▶ 1416 ▶ 2166
Attack: 74 ▶ 145 ▶ 220
Defense: 81 ▶ 152 ▶ 227
Musou: Ascending Thrust
Skill: Tornado Attack
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Middle
Reincarnation Materials
Seal (2x), "Lady in Black" Diaochan (1x), Jia Nanfeng (1x), Ma Teng (1x)
Fengshi Rare
Cost: 8
Officer Type: Maiden
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1120 ▶ 1832 ▶ 2582
Attack: 80 ▶ 151 ▶ 226
Defense: 81 ▶ 152 ▶ 227
Musou: Ascending Thrust
Skill: Cheer
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Gan Ji Rare
Cost: 3
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 680 ▶ 1392 ▶ 2142
Attack: 64 ▶ 135 ▶ 210
Defense: 74 ▶ 145 ▶ 220
Musou: Scattering Bomb
Skill: Indomitable Spirit
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Middle
Gao Shun Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 871 ▶ 1583 ▶ 2333
Attack: 100 ▶ 171 ▶ 246
Defense: 81 ▶ 152 ▶ 227
Musou: Air Slicer
Skill: Godspeed Tactic
Team Effect: Other Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - Middle
Han Sui Rare
Cost: 12
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 850 ▶ 1562 ▶ 2312
Attack: 105 ▶ 176 ▶ 251
Defense: 124 ▶ 195 ▶ 270
Musou: Razor Wave
Skill: Encouragement
Team Effect: Other Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
Hua Xiong Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 816 ▶ 1528 ▶ 2278
Attack: 93 ▶ 164 ▶ 239
Defense: 72 ▶ 143 ▶ 218
Musou: Burning Pike
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
Huaman Rare
Cost: 3
Officer Type: Young Girl
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 690 ▶ 1402 ▶ 2152
Attack: 77 ▶ 148 ▶ 223
Defense: 60 ▶ 131 ▶ 206
Musou: Loud Bellow
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Other Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Tuesday - Middle
Ji Ling Rare
Cost: 9
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 897 ▶ 1609 ▶ 2359
Attack: 100 ▶ 171 ▶ 246
Defense: 79 ▶ 150 ▶ 225
Musou: Violent Vortex
Skill: Godspeed Tactic
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Middle
"Sangokushi Royale" Ji Ling Rare
Cost: 11
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1015 ▶ 1727 ▶ 2477
Attack: 110 ▶ 181 ▶ 256
Defense: 96 ▶ 167 ▶ 242
Musou: Violent Vortex
Skill: Godspeed Tactic
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Middle
Ma Teng Rare
Cost: 12
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 880 ▶ 1592 ▶ 2342
Attack: 126 ▶ 197 ▶ 272
Defense: 101 ▶ 172 ▶ 247
Musou: Burning Pike
Skill: Encouragement
Team Effect: Other Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - Middle
"All-Knowing" Shuijing Rare
Cost: 3
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 630
Attack: 60
Defense: 71
Musou: Thunderblade Dance
Skill: Invigorate
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: None
Wen Chou Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 819 ▶ 1531 ▶ 2281
Attack: 93 ▶ 164 ▶ 239
Defense: 73 ▶ 144 ▶ 219
Musou: Sudden Assault
Skill: Morale Boost
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
Yan Liang Rare
Cost: 7
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 824 ▶ 1536 ▶ 2286
Attack: 92 ▶ 163 ▶ 238
Defense: 75 ▶ 146 ▶ 221
Musou: Volatile Storm
Skill: Indomitable Spirit
Team Effect: Other Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - Middle
"Sangokushi Royale" Zang Ba Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Warrior
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1000 ▶ 1712 ▶ 2462
Attack: 98 ▶ 169 ▶ 244
Defense: 89 ▶ 160 ▶ 235
Musou: Tempest Fang
Skill: Godspeed Tactic
Team Effect: Other Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - Middle
Arnice Super Rare
Cost: 18
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1156 ▶ 2243 ▶ 3368
Attack: 140 ▶ 248 ▶ 361
Defense: 129 ▶ 237 ▶ 350
Musou: Volt
Skill: Rage
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
Reincarnation Materials
Seal (4x), Arnas (1x)
"Half-Demon Girl" Arnice Super Rare
Cost: 35
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1689 ▶ 2776 ▶ 3901
Attack: 201 ▶ 309 ▶ 422
Defense: 180 ▶ 288 ▶ 401
Musou: Volt
Skill: Rage 2
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
Diaochan Super Rare
Cost: 16
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1104 ▶ 2191 ▶ 3316
Attack: 108 ▶ 216 ▶ 329
Defense: 133 ▶ 241 ▶ 354
Musou: Lunar Blossoms
Skill: Illusionary Dance
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"Peach Blossom Dancer" Diaochan Super Rare
Cost: 19
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1196 ▶ 2283 ▶ 3408
Attack: 117 ▶ 225 ▶ 338
Defense: 144 ▶ 252 ▶ 365
Musou: Lunar Blossoms
Skill: Illusionary Dance
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"Sangokushi Royale" Diaochan Super Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 924 ▶ 2011 ▶ 3136
Attack: 89 ▶ 197 ▶ 310
Defense: 107 ▶ 215 ▶ 328
Musou: Lunar Blossoms
Skill: Illusionary Dance
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"Lady in Black" Diaochan Super Rare
Cost: 27
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1602 ▶ 2689 ▶ 3814
Attack: 150 ▶ 258 ▶ 371
Defense: 162 ▶ 270 ▶ 383
Musou: Lunar Blossoms
Skill: Healing Reversal Dance
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"Festival" Diaochan Super Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 896 ▶ 1983 ▶ 3108
Attack: 94 ▶ 202 ▶ 315
Defense: 121 ▶ 229 ▶ 342
Musou: Lunar Blossoms
Skill: Illusionary Dance
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
Reincarnation Materials
Seal (4x), "Festival" Diaochan (1x)
"Grand Festival" Diaochan Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1475 ▶ 2562 ▶ 3687
Attack: 171 ▶ 279 ▶ 392
Defense: 192 ▶ 300 ▶ 413
Musou: Lunar Millennium Dance
Skill: Illusionary Dance
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"Rosy Cheeks" Diaochan Super Rare
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
"Chain Strategy" Diaochan Super Rare
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
"Innocent Tyrant" Dong Bai Super Rare
Cost: 33
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1604 ▶ 2691 ▶ 3816
Attack: 202 ▶ 310 ▶ 423
Defense: 168 ▶ 276 ▶ 389
Musou: Ultimate Explosion
Skill: Punishment
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
Dong Zhuo Super Rare
Cost: 13
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1056 ▶ 2143 ▶ 3268
Attack: 120 ▶ 228 ▶ 341
Defense: 108 ▶ 216 ▶ 329
Musou: Murderous Bomber
Skill: Extermination Squad
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Enchanting Butterfly" Fan Yufeng Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1605 ▶ 2692 ▶ 3817
Attack: 171 ▶ 279 ▶ 392
Defense: 180 ▶ 288 ▶ 401
Musou: Speeding Butterfly
Skill: Destructive Butterfly
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
Horō Super Rare
Cost: 19
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1207 ▶ 2294 ▶ 3419
Attack: 140 ▶ 248 ▶ 361
Defense: 132 ▶ 240 ▶ 353
Musou: Destroyer
Skill: Devotion
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
Reincarnation Materials
Seal (3x), Horō (1x), Sōma (1x)
"Extreme" Horō Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 1430 ▶ 2517 ▶ 3642
Attack: 206 ▶ 314 ▶ 427
Defense: 162 ▶ 270 ▶ 383
Musou: Destroyer: Extreme
Skill: Devotion
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
Joan Super Rare
Cost: 22
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1192 ▶ 2279 ▶ 3404
Attack: 162 ▶ 270 ▶ 383
Defense: 141 ▶ 249 ▶ 362
Musou: Saintly Flash
Skill: Guiding Light
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Nightmare" Joan Super Rare
Cost: 22
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1192 ▶ 2279 ▶ 3404
Attack: 162 ▶ 270 ▶ 383
Defense: 141 ▶ 249 ▶ 362
Musou: Wicked Flash
Skill: Dark Aura
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
Lu Bu Super Rare
Cost: 19
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1326 ▶ 2413 ▶ 3538
Attack: 143 ▶ 251 ▶ 364
Defense: 117 ▶ 225 ▶ 338
Musou: Spirit Bomb
Skill: Demon Awakening
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Demon God" Lu Bu Super Rare
Cost: 21
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1387 ▶ 2474 ▶ 3599
Attack: 149 ▶ 257 ▶ 370
Defense: 122 ▶ 230 ▶ 343
Musou: Spirit Bomb
Skill: Demon Awakening
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Flying General" Lu Bu Super Rare
Cost: 34
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1836 ▶ 2923 ▶ 4048
Attack: 198 ▶ 306 ▶ 419
Defense: 162 ▶ 270 ▶ 383
Musou: Spirit Bomb
Skill: Demon Awakening
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Sangokushi Royale" Lu Bu Super Rare
Cost: 31
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1696 ▶ 2783 ▶ 3908
Attack: 182 ▶ 290 ▶ 403
Defense: 156 ▶ 264 ▶ 377
Musou: Spirit Bomb
Skill: Demon Awakening
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Heavenly Striker" Lu Bu Super Rare
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
Lu Bu Super Rare
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type:
Team Effect:
Awakening Day:
Lu Lingqi Super Rare
Cost: 13
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1111 ▶ 2198 ▶ 3323
Attack: 113 ▶ 221 ▶ 334
Defense: 101 ▶ 209 ▶ 322
Musou: Cross Tempest
Skill: Battle Maiden's Flight
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
Meng Huo Super Rare
Cost: 16
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Infantry
Life: 1456 ▶ 2543 ▶ 3668
Attack: 103 ▶ 211 ▶ 324
Defense: 115 ▶ 223 ▶ 336
Musou: Roar
Skill: Tenacity
Team Effect: Other Endurance Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
Sōma Super Rare
Cost: 24
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1485 ▶ 2572 ▶ 3697
Attack: 172 ▶ 280 ▶ 393
Defense: 122 ▶ 230 ▶ 343
Musou: Destroyer: Plunder
Skill: Hero's Pride
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Friday - High
"Discerning Eye" Shuijing Super Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Strategist
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 910
Attack: 90
Defense: 92
Musou: Thunderblade Dance
Skill: Invigorate
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: None
Yuan Shao Super Rare
Cost: 10
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Archer
Life: 910 ▶ 1997 ▶ 3122
Attack: 91 ▶ 199 ▶ 312
Defense: 107 ▶ 215 ▶ 328
Musou: Slash of Glory
Skill: Sovereign's Command
Team Effect: Other Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Wednesday - High
"Inscrutable Warrior" Zang Ba Super Rare
Cost: 35
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1835 ▶ 2922 ▶ 4047
Attack: 186 ▶ 294 ▶ 407
Defense: 180 ▶ 288 ▶ 401
Musou: Tempest Blade
Skill: Wind Claw
Team Effect: Other Attacking Formation
Awakening Day: Monday - High
"Deep Black Terror" Zhang Liao Super Rare
Cost: 35
Officer Type: Unique
Unit Type: Cavalry
Life: 1654 ▶ 2741 ▶ 3866
Attack: 196 ▶ 304 ▶ 417
Defense: 188 ▶ 296 ▶ 409
Musou: Gale Rush
Skill: Dire Situation
Team Effect: Other Godspeed Formation
Awakening Day: Thursday - High
Seal Super Rare
Cost: 99
Officer Type: None
Unit Type: None
Life: None
Attack: None
Defense: None
Musou: None
Skill: None
Team Effect: None
Awakening Day: None

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Dynasty Warriors
Main Titles Dynasty WarriorsDynasty Warriors 2Dynasty Warriors 3Dynasty Warriors 4Dynasty Warriors 5Dynasty Warriors 6Dynasty Warriors 7Dynasty Warriors 8Dynasty Warriors 9
Expansions Empires (4)Empires (5)Empires (6)Empires (7)Empires (8)Empires (9)Special (6)Special (7)Xtreme Legends (3)Xtreme Legends (4)Xtreme Legends (5)Xtreme Legends (7)Xtreme Legends (8)
Spin-Offs 100man-ninAdvanceApuriBlastBlazing BattlesDS: Fighter's BattleGodseekersMahjongNextOnlineOriginsOverlordsPSP PortPSP Port Vol. 2SLASHStrikeforceStrikeforce 2UnleashedVersus
Wei Characters
Cai WenjiCao CaoCao PiCao RenCao XiuDian WeiGuo JiaJia XuLi DianMan ChongPang DeWang YiXiahou DunXiahou YuanXu HuangXu ZhuXun YouXun YuYu JinYue JinZhang HeZhang LiaoZhenji
Wu Characters
Cheng PuDaqiaoDing FengGan NingHan DangHuang GaiLianshiLing TongLu MengLu SuLu XunSun CeSun JianSun QuanSun ShangxiangTaishi CiXiaoqiaoXu ShengZhou TaiZhou YuZhu Ran
Shu Characters
Bao SanniangFa ZhengGuan PingGuan SuoGuan XingGuan YinpingGuan YuHuang ZhongJiang WeiLiu BeiLiu ShanMa ChaoMa DaiPang TongWei YanXiahoujiXingcaiXu ShuYueyingZhang BaoZhang FeiZhao YunZhou CangZhuge Liang
Jin Characters
Deng AiGuo HuaiJia ChongSima ShiSima YiSima ZhaoWang YuanjiWen YangXiahou BaXin XianyingZhang ChunhuaZhong HuiZhuge Dan
Other Characters
Chen GongDiaochanDong BaiDong ZhuoHua XiongLu BuLu LingqiMeng HuoYuan ShaoYuan ShuZhang JiaoZhurongZuo Ci
Miscellaneous Characters
NPC Shu NPCsWei NPCsWu NPCsJin NPCsOther NPCsBodyguardsUnit TypesLixia
Playable Edit CharactersPhoenix, Dragon, ChimeraShin Sangoku Musou Blast OfficersBeauty YuFu XiKing MuLei BinNameless HeroNuwaSanzangSun WukongXi WangmuXiang Yu
Various Factions
Allied ForcesDong Zhuo's ForcesFive Bushel SectForces in XiliangGongsun Zan's ForcesHan DynastyHeishan BanditsLiu Biao's ForcesLiu Yao's ForcesLiu Zhang's ForcesLu Bu's ForcesNanmanTen EunuchsWuwanYellow TurbansYuan Shao's ForcesYuan Shu's Forces