Dynasty Warriors Next/Stratagems

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Stratagems are beneficial effects used by players to gain favorable advantages in Dynasty Warriors Next. They come in the form of cards representing a playable officer. Gold is necessary in order to carry out one or more of these stratagems. Up to 4 can be used per turn. Players are limited to 16 different stratagems at a time, though they have the option of replacing one with another during Conquest Mode. An officer's current condition is also a factor that affects their stratagem cost and performance in battle.

50% reduction in stratagem cost. Greatly increases officers' battle parameters.
25% reduction in stratagem cost. Increases officers' battle parameters.
No changes in stratagem cost and officers' battle parameters.
25% increase in stratagem cost. Decreases officers' battle parameters.
50% increase in stratagem cost. Greatly decreases officers' battle parameters.

The game divides stratagems into three separate categories: Battle, Tactic, and Policy.

Battle-type stratagems enhance particular aspects of an officer or army in varying degrees during combat. Some provide useful effects while others may sacrifice one trait in exchange for improving another. Often considered the most common among the three categories and should be used to make combat much easier.

Tactic-type stratagems employ the use of tactical maneuvers that change the flow of battle to the player's advantage. While most of them can supplement any course of action, a select few are capable of promoting character growth and development. Note that similar stratagems of this type cannot be compounded together for additional effect.

Policy-type stratagems differ from the two aforementioned categories in that they function outside of battle. Although small in number, their effects range from territorial development to political influence. With one or two exceptions, these stratagems usually require the most amount of gold to carry out.

Stratagem Card List

Stratagem Character Card Type Cost
Roar of the Cyclops 隻眼の咆哮 Xiahou Dun Battle 300
Effects: Increases player's attack and defense.
Shield of Loyalty 忠義の盾 Dian Wei Battle 600
Effects: Increases player's attack and provides immunity to damage while doing strong attacks.
Fearsome Tale 遼来々 Zhang Liao Battle 500
Effects: Greatly decreases enemy army's defense.
Source of Ambition 覇軍の本営 Cao Cao Tactic 400
Effects: Greatly increases defense of allied main camp.
Mighty Advance 全力突進 Xu Zhu Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack, but greatly decreases defense in turn.
Daring Raid 闘将の急襲 Xiahou Yuan Battle 400
Effects: Increases player's speed and attack speed.
Pinnacle of Might 武の頂 Xu Huang Battle 500
Effects: Increases player's attack every time 100 enemies are defeated.
Beautiful Advance 華麗なる進軍 Zhang He Battle 500
Effects: Greatly increases allied army's speed.
Ironclad Defense 金城鉄壁 Cao Ren Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's defense, but greatly decreases speed in turn.
Cool Decisiveness 冷徹なる決断 Cao Pi Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack, but greatly decreases allied army's defense in turn.
Enchanting Flower 妖艶なる華 Zhenji Battle 500
Effects: Causes allied officers to fight more aggressively.
Unusual Request 妙なる調べ Cai Wenji Battle 600
Effects: Enables player to jump while doing strong attacks.
Brilliant Tactician 謀士の打算 Jia Xu Policy 600
Effects: Decreases stratagem cost by 25%.
Unwavering Spirit 揺るがぬ士魂 Pang De Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack, but decreases attack speed in turn.
Blade of Vengeance 復讐の妖刃 Wang Yi Battle 500
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack speed.
Inspiring Talent 才子の鼓吹 Guo Jia Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases the attack of allied units near the player.
Crimson Spark 紅蓮の業火 Zhou Yu Tactic 800
Effects: Imbues player's attacks with the element of fire.
Brilliant Fire Arrows 俊英の火矢 Lu Xun Tactic 300
Effects: Launches a fire attack on the first enemy base the player walks into.
Princess' Training 弓腰姫の訓練 Sun Shangxiang Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases attack of allied bow troops.
Surging Gales 疾風怒濤 Gan Ning Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases player's speed.
Tiger's Claws 猛虎の鋭牙 Sun Jian Policy 1,500
Effects: Increases the level of one player-owned territory.
Trusting Soul 信義の魂 Taishi Ci Tactic 600
Effects: Causes a volunteer unit to arrive as reinforcements.
Fires of Wisdom 知勇の炎 Lu Meng Tactic 300
Effects: Launches a fire attack on one random enemy base.
False Defection 苦肉の計 Huang Gai Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases player's defense when near death.
Loyal to the End 忠士の挺身 Zhou Tai Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's defense, but greatly decreases attack in turn.
Sudden Strike 電光石火 Ling Tong Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases player's speed for 5 minutes until the effects reverse.
Conqueror's Path 小覇王の進撃 Sun Ce Battle 500
Effects: Increases allied army's attack and speed.
Total Invasion 堅実な侵攻 Sun Quan Tactic 600
Effects: Provides player with more bases at the start of a battle.
Voice of Innocence 無垢な声援 Xiaoqiao Battle 600
Effects: Causes allied infantry troops to fight more aggressively.
Spirited Response 健気な献身 Daqiao Battle 500
Effects: Greatly increases allied officers' attack.
Stalwart Defense 堅強なる守護 Ding Feng Battle 500
Effects: Increases player's speed and allied army's defense.
Undying Affection 隔てなき慈愛 Lianshi Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases the attack of both allied and enemy armies.
Bold Determination 一身全て胆 Zhao Yun Battle 300
Effects: Increases player's attack and speed.
God of War Teachings 軍神の教え Guan Yu Battle 500
Effects: Increases player's attack and attack speed.
Strength of 10,000 万人の敵 Zhang Fei Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack.
Dragon's Plan 臥龍の神算 Zhuge Liang Tactic 1,500
Effects: Gradually refills player's Break gauge.
Guardian of Virtue 大徳の庇護 Liu Bei Battle 500
Effects: Greatly increases allied army's defense.
Splendid Cavalry 錦の騎馬 Ma Chao Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases player's mounted attack.
Master Archer 神弓乱舞 Huang Zhong Battle 500
Effects: Imbues the attacks of allied bow troops with the element of ice.
Frenzied Approach 狂戦士の宴 Wei Yan Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack, but greatly decreases speed in turn.
Spirit of Blue Dragon 青龍の志 Guan Ping Battle 500
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack speed.
Phoenix's Tactics 鳳雛の奇策 Pang Tong Tactic 400
Effects: Increases the rate of allied troops arriving in battle.
Woman of Talent 才媛の研鑽 Yueying Tactic 500
Effects: Prolongs the effects of ability-boosting items.
Autumn of Survival 危急存亡の秋 Jiang Wei Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases allied army's attack, but greatly decreases defense in turn.
Lavish Feast 大宴会 Liu Shan Policy 1,000
Effects: Increases player's governance rating.
Devoted Protector 次代の盾 Xingcai Battle 600
Effects: Increases player's speed and provides immunity to damage while doing strong attacks.
Winds of Xiliang 西涼の風 Ma Dai Battle 600
Effects: Increases player's attack range.
Unyielding Strength たゆまぬ努力 Guan Suo Tactic 300
Effects: Doubles the amount of experience earned in battle.
Unique Style あたし流 Bao Sanniang Tactic 700
Effects: Increases the quality of weapons and items found in battle.
Calculating Genius 鬼才の知謀 Sima Yi Tactic 1,000
Effects: Gradually refills player's Musou gauge.
Mandate of Heaven 天命流転 Sima Shi Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack for 5 minutes until the effects reverse.
Man of Latent Talent 大器の責務 Sima Zhao Battle 400
Effects: Greatly decreases player's attack for 8 minutes until the effects reverse.
Firm Response 磐石の構え Deng Ai Tactic 600
Effects: Provides player with more bases at the start of a battle.
Eye for Talent 才女の活眼 Wang Yuanji Policy 600
Effects: Increases the income of two player-owned territories by 50.
Genius' Pride 英才の誉れ Zhong Hui Tactic 300
Effects: Launches a fire attack on the first enemy base the player walks into.
One of Solemn Thought 謹厳なる献策 Zhuge Dan Battle 600
Effects: Imbues player's attacks with the element of lightning.
Armored Response 重装配備 Xiahou Ba Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's defense, but decreases attack speed in turn.
Any Means Necessary 捨て身の行軍 Guo Huai Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's speed, but greatly decreases defense in turn.
Secret Dance 秘伝の舞 Diaochan Policy 1,000
Effects: Maximizes the condition of allied officers.
Unparalleled Might 無双の一撃 Lu Bu Battle 2,000
Effects: Causes player's attacks to break through the enemy's guard.
Incessant Taxation 臨時徴税 Dong Zhuo Policy 0
Effects: Provides 1,000 gold, but decreases player's governance rating in turn.
Glory of Nobility 名族の威光 Yuan Shao Policy 1,500
Effects: Prevents enemies from invading the player until the next turn.
Divine Miracle 黄天の奇跡 Zhang Jiao Policy 600
Effects: Increases the level of two random territories regardless of affiliation.
Indomitable Spirit 不屈の魂 Meng Huo Battle 500
Effects: Increases the attack and defense of allied officers upon their return to battle.
God of Fire 火神召還 Zhurong Battle 800
Effects: Imbues player's attacks with the element of fire.
Stratagem Character Card Type Cost
Ambition's Vanguard 覇道の先陣 Xiahou Dun Battle 300
Effects: Increases player's attack and speed.
Roar of Evil 悪来咆哮 Dian Wei Battle 500
Effects: Increases player's defense and decreases enemy army's defense.
Might Without Equal 比類なき刃 Zhang Liao Battle 2,000
Effects: Causes player's attacks to break through the enemy's guard.
Hero of Chaos 乱世の奸雄 Cao Cao Policy 1,500
Effects: Increases the level of one player-owned territory.
Latent Strength 虎痴の怪力 Xu Zhu Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack.
Way of the Arrow 弓兵指南 Xiahou Yuan Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases attack of allied bow troops.
Devoted Training 修行の身 Xu Huang Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack, but greatly decreases attack speed in turn.
Lovely Manner 麗しき拳措 Zhang He Battle 500
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack speed.
Fortress of a Man 一身の砦 Cao Ren Battle 300
Effects: Increases player's attack and defense.
Path to Annihilation 殲滅指示 Cao Pi Battle 500
Effects: Increases player's attack and decreases enemy army's defense.
Battlefield Flower 戦場の徒花 Zhenji Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack, but greatly decreases defense in turn.
Defensive Melody 守護の旋律 Cai Wenji Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's defense, but greatly decreases attack in turn.
Crafty Approach 巧妙な一手 Jia Xu Battle 600
Effects: Increases player's attack range.
Spirit of Xiliang 西涼の魂 Pang De Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases player's mounted attack.
Crazed Determination 狂おしき思い Wang Yi Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack, but greatly decreases defense in turn.
Key to Victory 十勝十敗の説 Guo Jia Tactic 600
Effects: Provides player with more bases at the start of a battle.
Master Motivator 将師の督戦 Zhou Yu Battle 600
Effects: Causes allied infantry troops to fight more aggressively.
Fires of Ambition 炎の志 Lu Xun Battle 800
Effects: Imbues player's attacks with the element of fire.
Gallant March 凛々しき行軍 Sun Shangxiang Battle 500
Effects: Increases allied army's attack and speed.
Boiling Rage 滾る侠気 Gan Ning Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack for 5 minutes until the effects reverse.
Pride of the Warrior 武門の誇り Sun Jian Battle 500
Effects: Greatly increases allied army's attack.
Immovable Stance 不動の構え Taishi Ci Battle 600
Effects: Increases player's defense and provides immunity to damage while doing strong attacks.
Fool No More 阿蒙に非ず Lu Meng Tactic 300
Effects: Doubles the amount of experience earned in battle.
Passionate Thought 燃える思い Huang Gai Tactic 300
Effects: Launches a fire attack on the first enemy base the player walks into.
Swiftness in Battle 神速抜刀 Zhou Tai Battle 500
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack speed.
Graceful Motion 涼やかなる武 Ling Tong Battle 400
Effects: Increases player's speed and attack speed.
Ambition Personified 溢れる覇気 Sun Ce Battle 500
Effects: Causes allied officers to fight more aggressively.
Focus on Defense 防衛優先 Sun Quan Tactic 400
Effects: Greatly increases defense of allied main camp.
Full of Vigor 元気いっぱい Xiaoqiao Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases player's speed.
Courageous Intent 内助の功 Daqiao Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's defense, but greatly decreases speed in turn.
Brute Force 豪腕剛打 Ding Feng Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack, but decreases attack speed in turn.
Beautiful Guardian 麗しき守人 Lianshi Battle 500
Effects: Greatly increases allied army's defense.
One Worth a Thousand 一騎当千 Zhao Yun Battle 400
Effects: Increases player's attack and attack speed.
God of War's Cry 軍神の鼓舞 Guan Yu Battle 500
Effects: Increases allied army's attack and defense.
Rising Dominance 万夫不当 Zhang Fei Battle 500
Effects: Increases player's attack every time 100 enemies are defeated.
Dragon's Brilliance 臥龍覚醒 Zhuge Liang Tactic 1,000
Effects: Gradually refills player's Musou gauge.
Benevolent Ruler 仁の政 Liu Bei Policy 1,000
Effects: Increases player's governance rating.
Blade of Passion 熱き魂の刃 Ma Chao Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack when near death.
Will of the Aged 老将の意地 Huang Zhong Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack speed, but greatly decreases defense in turn.
Signs of Rebellion 反骨の相 Wei Yan Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack for 5 minutes until the effects reverse.
All One's Might 全身全霊 Guan Ping Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack, but greatly decreases speed in turn.
Phoenix in Flight 鳳凰天駆 Pang Tong Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases player's speed.
The Wood Oxen 木牛流馬 Yueying Tactic 400
Effects: Increases the rate of allied troops arriving in battle.
Prodigious Talent 麒麟児の才 Jiang Wei Battle 300
Effects: Increases player's attack and defense.
Fool and Thinker 愚者と賢者 Liu Shan Policy 600
Effects: Increases the level of two random territories regardless of affiliation.
Blade of the Future 次代の剣 Xingcai Battle 300
Effects: Increases player's attack and speed.
Defensive Rush 疾風の守り Ma Dai Battle 500
Effects: Increases player's speed and allied army's defense.
Storm of Swords 飛翔烈脚 Guan Suo Battle 600
Effects: Enables player to jump while doing strong attacks.
Helping Hand 猫々拳 Bao Sanniang Battle 600
Effects: Imbues player's attacks with the element of lightning.
Peerless Brilliance 狼顧の相 Sima Yi Policy 1,500
Effects: Prevents enemies from invading the player until the next turn.
Battle of Conviction 断罪の攻勢 Sima Shi Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases allied army's attack, but greatly decreases defense in turn.
Hidden Talent 秘めたる才 Sima Zhao Tactic 600
Effects: Provides player with more bases at the start of a battle.
Focused Supply Line 補給路確保 Deng Ai Tactic 400
Effects: Increases the rate of allied troops arriving in battle.
Halt the Advance 足止め策 Wang Yuanji Battle 500
Effects: Imbues the attacks of allied bow troops with the element of ice.
Brilliant Genius 英才の献策 Zhong Hui Policy 600
Effects: Decreases stratagem cost by 25%.
Clan's Pride 一族の誇り Zhuge Dan Battle 400
Effects: Increases player's attack and attack speed.
Unbending Spirit 折れない心 Xiahou Ba Battle 600
Effects: Increases player's attack and provides immunity to damage while doing strong attacks.
Health Above All 健康第一 Guo Huai Policy 1,000
Effects: Maximizes the condition of allied officers.
Heavenly Dance 天上の舞 Diaochan Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases the attack of allied units near the player.
Unstoppable Force 鬼神の闘気 Lu Bu Tactic 1,500
Effects: Gradually refills player's Break gauge.
Dreams of Paradise 酒池肉林 Dong Zhuo Tactic 500
Effects: Prolongs the effects of ability-boosting items.
Noble Judgment 名品鑑定 Yuan Shao Tactic 700
Effects: Increases the quality of weapons and items found in battle.
Wrath of the Heavens 天の怒り Zhang Jiao Tactic 300
Effects: Launches a fire attack on one random enemy base.
Great King's Strength 大王の威厳 Meng Huo Policy 600
Effects: Increases the income of two player-owned territories by 50.
God of Fire's Dance 火神の舞 Zhurong Tactic 300
Effects: Launches a fire attack on the first enemy base the player walks into.
Stratagem Character Card Type Cost
Smoldering Rage 主任教師の激 Xiahou Dun Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack when near death.
Immovable Object 押さえ込み Dian Wei Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's defense, but greatly decreases speed in turn.
Heart and Soul 一球入魂 Zhang Liao Battle 400
Effects: Increases player's attack and attack speed.
Stern Leadership 冷厳なる経営 Cao Cao Tactic 600
Effects: Provides player with more bases at the start of a battle.
Slow and Steady 絶対捕球 Xu Zhu Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's defense, but greatly decreases speed in turn.
Value of Experience 体育教師の激 Xiahou Yuan Tactic 300
Effects: Doubles the amount of experience earned in battle.
Quick End to Battle 素振り百本 Xu Huang Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack for 5 minutes until the effects reverse.
Pursuit of Beauty 美の探求 Zhang He Battle 400
Effects: Increases player's attack and attack speed.
Total Security 万全の警備 Cao Ren Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases player's defense.
Convincing Leader 怜悧なる演説 Cao Pi Tactic 600
Effects: Provides player with more bases at the start of a battle.
Woman's Wiles 大人の色香 Zhenji Battle 500
Effects: Increases allied army's attack and defense.
Clear of Thought 頭脳明晰 Cai Wenji Battle 400
Effects: Imbues the attacks of allied bow troops with the element of ice.
Brilliant Plan 用務員の企み Jia Xu Tactic 500
Effects: Prolongs the effects of ability-boosting items.
Icy Protector 氷上の守護神 Pang De Tactic 400
Effects: Greatly increases defense of allied main camp.
Dance of Emotion 情念の舞踏 Wang Yi Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases allied officers' attack.
Princely Smile 王子の微笑 Guo Jia Battle 600
Effects: Causes allied infantry troops to fight more aggressively.
Skilled Orator 熱い演説 Zhou Yu Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases the attack of allied units near the player.
Eager for the Future 未来への熱意 Lu Xun Battle 600
Effects: Enables player to jump while doing strong attacks.
Princess' Smile 姫の笑顔 Sun Shangxiang Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases the attack of both allied and enemy armies.
Born Brawler 喧嘩上等 Gan Ning Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack, but greatly decreases defense in turn.
Wise Leadership 余裕ある経営 Sun Jian Policy 600
Effects: Increases the income of two player-owned territories by 50.
Martial Technician 実直なる拳 Taishi Ci Battle 600
Effects: Imbues player's attacks with the element of lightning.
Leader of People ためになる話 Lu Meng Policy 1,000
Effects: Increases player's governance rating.
Battle Ready 配膳準備 Huang Gai Tactic 400
Effects: Increases the rate of allied troops arriving in battle.
Silent Strength 無言の威圧 Zhou Tai Battle 500
Effects: Greatly decreases enemy army's defense.
Endurance Training 遠泳鍛錬 Ling Tong Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack for 5 minutes until the effects reverse.
Fists of Fire 熱き拳 Sun Ce Battle 800
Effects: Imbues player's attacks with the element of fire.
Last Line of Defense 絶対守護神 Sun Quan Battle 600
Effects: Increases player's defense and provides immunity to damage while doing strong attacks.
Playing with Fire 無邪気な遊び Xiaoqiao Tactic 300
Effects: Launches a fire attack on the first enemy base the player walks into.
Sweet Encouragement 可憐な応援 Daqiao Battle 500
Effects: Greatly increases player's attack speed.
Lovely Heart 愛でる心 Ding Feng Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases allied army's defense, but greatly decreases attack in turn.
Soothing White Robes 白衣の癒し Lianshi Policy 1,000
Effects: Maximizes the condition of allied officers.
Determined Effort 尽力の決意 Zhao Yun Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases player's defense when near death.
Father's Voice 父兄の声 Guan Yu Battle 500
Effects: Causes allied officers to fight more aggressively.
I'm in Charge 俺が番長 Zhang Fei Battle 2,000
Effects: Causes player's attacks to break through the enemy's guard.
Eloquent Speaker 理知的な演説 Zhuge Liang Tactic 400
Effects: Increases the rate of allied troops arriving in battle.
Path of Virtue 仁徳の経営 Liu Bei Tactic 600
Effects: Causes a volunteer unit to arrive as reinforcements.
Spirit of Swiftness 魂の疾駆 Ma Chao Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases player's speed.
Passionate Speech 熱血抗議 Huang Zhong Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases allied army's attack, but greatly decreases defense in turn.
Mask of Pride 仮面の矜持 Wei Yan Battle 600
Effects: Enables player to jump while doing strong attacks.
Passionate Response 熱き応援 Guan Ping Battle 400
Effects: Greatly increases the attack of both allied and enemy armies.
Worthy Official 用務員の午睡 Pang Tong Policy 600
Effects: Increases the level of two random territories regardless of affiliation.
Mother of Invention 発明女王 Yueying Battle 600
Effects: Increases player's attack range.
Give It One's All 一生懸命 Jiang Wei Battle 500
Effects: Increases player's speed and allied army's defense.
Flash of Hope 希望の光 Liu Shan Tactic 400
Effects: Increases the rate of allied troops arriving in battle.
Defender of Hope 希望の守り手 Xingcai Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's defense, but greatly decreases attack in turn.
Mounted Fury 銀輪の旋風 Ma Dai Battle 300
Effects: Greatly increases player's mounted attack.
Refreshing Assistance 爽やかな応援 Guan Suo Battle 600
Effects: Increases player's speed and provides immunity to damage while doing strong attacks.
Lovely Maiden 恋せよ乙女 Bao Sanniang Battle 500
Effects: Increases player's attack every time 100 enemies are defeated.
Ruthless Ambition 野心的な経営 Sima Yi Policy 1,000
Effects: Increases the level of one player-owned territory.
Radical Speech 急進的な演説 Sima Shi Tactic 1,500
Effects: Gradually refills player's Break gauge.
Hidden Motivation 怠惰の裏側 Sima Zhao Battle 400
Effects: Increases player's speed and attack speed.
Responsible Leader 番長の責任 Deng Ai Battle 600
Effects: Increases player's attack and provides immunity to damage while doing strong attacks.
Eyes That See All 真を見抜く目 Wang Yuanji Tactic 700
Effects: Increases the quality of weapons and items found in battle.
Man of Confidence 自身と矜持 Zhong Hui Battle 300
Effects: Increases player's attack and defense.
Serious Determination 真面目一筋 Zhuge Dan Battle 200
Effects: Greatly increases player's defense, but greatly decreases speed in turn.
All-Out Assault 全力の突撃 Xiahou Ba Battle 300
Effects: Increases player's defense and speed.
Spark of Conflict 薬品調合 Guo Huai Tactic 300
Effects: Launches a fire attack on the first enemy base the player walks into.
Inspiring Performance 華麗な逮捕劇 Diaochan Battle 500
Effects: Increases allied army's attack and speed.
Powerful Deterrent 最強の取締り Lu Bu Policy 1,500
Effects: Prevents enemies from invading the player until the next turn.
取り立て Dong Zhuo Policy 0
Effects: Provides 1,000 gold, but decreases player's governance rating in turn.
名士の威厳 Yuan Shao Tactic 300
Effects: Doubles the amount of experience earned in battle.
天の歌声 Zhang Jiao Policy 1,000
Effects: Increases player's governance rating.
南国風混合酒 Meng Huo Tactic 1,000
Effects: Gradually refills player's Musou gauge.
できたて熱々 Zhurong Tactic 300
Effects: Launches a fire attack on one random enemy base.
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Dynasty Warriors
Main Titles Dynasty WarriorsDynasty Warriors 2Dynasty Warriors 3Dynasty Warriors 4Dynasty Warriors 5Dynasty Warriors 6Dynasty Warriors 7Dynasty Warriors 8Dynasty Warriors 9
Expansions Empires (4)Empires (5)Empires (6)Empires (7)Empires (8)Empires (9)Special (6)Special (7)Xtreme Legends (3)Xtreme Legends (4)Xtreme Legends (5)Xtreme Legends (7)Xtreme Legends (8)
Spin-Offs 100man-ninAdvanceApuriBlastBlazing BattlesDS: Fighter's BattleGodseekersMahjongNextOnlineOverlordsPSP PortPSP Port Vol. 2SLASHStrikeforceStrikeforce 2UnleashedVersus
Wei Characters
Cai WenjiCao CaoCao PiCao RenCao XiuDian WeiGuo JiaJia XuLi DianMan ChongPang DeWang YiXiahou DunXiahou YuanXu HuangXu ZhuXun YouXun YuYu JinYue JinZhang HeZhang LiaoZhenji
Wu Characters
Cheng PuDaqiaoDing FengGan NingHan DangHuang GaiLianshiLing TongLu MengLu SuLu XunSun CeSun JianSun QuanSun ShangxiangTaishi CiXiaoqiaoXu ShengZhou TaiZhou YuZhu Ran
Shu Characters
Bao SanniangFa ZhengGuan PingGuan SuoGuan XingGuan YinpingGuan YuHuang ZhongJiang WeiLiu BeiLiu ShanMa ChaoMa DaiPang TongWei YanXiahoujiXingcaiXu ShuYueyingZhang BaoZhang FeiZhao YunZhou CangZhuge Liang
Jin Characters
Deng AiGuo HuaiJia ChongSima ShiSima YiSima ZhaoWang YuanjiWen YangXiahou BaXin XianyingZhang ChunhuaZhong HuiZhuge Dan
Other Characters
Chen GongDiaochanDong BaiDong ZhuoHua XiongLu BuLu LingqiMeng HuoYuan ShaoYuan ShuZhang JiaoZhurongZuo Ci
Miscellaneous Characters
NPC Shu NPCsWei NPCsWu NPCsJin NPCsOther NPCsBodyguardsUnit TypesLixia
Playable Edit CharactersPhoenix, Dragon, ChimeraShin Sangoku Musou Blast OfficersBeauty YuFu XiKing MuLei BinNuwaSanzangSun WukongXi WangmuXiang Yu
Various Factions
Allied ForcesDong Zhuo's ForcesFive Bushel SectForces in XiliangGongsun Zan's ForcesHan DynastyHeishan BanditsLiu Biao's ForcesLiu Yao's ForcesLiu Zhang's ForcesLu Bu's ForcesNanmanTen EunuchsWuwanYellow TurbansYuan Shao's ForcesYuan Shu's Forces