Vinsmoke Ichiji (ヴィンスモーク・イチジ, Vinsumōku Reiju), also better known as "Electric Blue" (デンゲキブルー, Dengeki Burū; literally meaning "Electric Shock Blue"), is the second son and third child of the Vinsmoke Family. He is a prince of the Germa Kingdom and a commander in its military arm, Germa 66. Due to his actions, role and intentions, he is a neutral of the Whole Cake Island Arc of the Four Emperor Saga.
He can be unlocked in the fourth game by defeating a total of 30,000 enemies.
- "There's no way we can lose with me here!"
- "Weaklings! The very sight of you offends me!"
- "I'd laugh at your feebleness if it weren't so tragic!"
- "How dare you show yourself before me, weakling!"
- "You think defeating a thousand foes will impress me? Ha! Even those pieces of trash could do that!"
- "It doesn't matter how many weaklings we face... They're all powerless before our scientific might!"
- "Leave this to me! I'll kill every last one of them!"
- "Poison... What a dirty way to fight...!"
- "That cocky bastard..."
- "Heh, you want to take me on?"
- "Hey, failure! Let's play together like old times!"
- "Damn it, this is so disgraceful..."
- "It's not ending here...!"
Basic Controls:
: Normal Attack,
: Charge Attack,
: Dash,
: Jump
Type: Sky
: While rushing forwards, Niji strikes with his elbow, then punches to the right twice and down once. He then finishes with a forward kick.
: Niji rushes forward while channeling electricity.
: Niji swipes his arm to the side, knocking foes away with a shockwave.
: Yonji lands in front of Niji and throws a large rock forwards.
: Niji punches forward, releasing a burst of electricity.
: Yonji appears next to Niji, then the two jump in the air and dive back to the ground.
: Niji jumps into the air while launching enemies with a horizontal spin.
: Niji swipes diagonally with both hands, then once to the right. He then does an elbow bash, swipes right again, and kicks forwards.
: Niji dives to the ground with a surge of lightning.
: Niji darts forward and strikes with a series of lightning bolts. Meanwhile, Ichiji appears and blasts enemies with a series of energy bolts. Niji then finishes with a powerful stomp to the ground.
: Niji surges forward, fists extended, before rapidly punching for a few seconds. He then darts from left to right while striking with a lightning sword before finishing with a downward strike.
: Niji flies forwards for a long distance, then emits a large burst of lightning around himself. He then dives to the ground with a powerful electric kick.
: Yonji appears and punches at enemies quickly, then spins his winch arm around himself. Meanwhile, Niji dashes around and zaps the area he's hitting with lightning. The two then convene in the air and dive to the ground.
Special Skills Note: These skills are placed in order of the "Special Move Set" menu.
- Dengeki Blue: Niji's Full-Force Burst
- Black Bug: Musou attack. All three brothers appear and fly into the air, gathering energy in their fists. They then dive fist-first to the ground, convening in a powerful explosion.
- Henry Blazer: Musou attack. Niji draws a lightning blade and strikes repeatedly in a wide area, before finishing with an electrified downward slash.
- Henry Needle: Niji rushes forwards knee-first. If he makes contact with an enemy, he blasts them with electricity.
- Henry Cracker: Niji darts rapidly around a wide area.
- Sparking Figure: Ichiji appears and rushes forwards, delivering a powerful punch.
- Sparking Blast: Ichiji appears and blasts enemies with a wide burst of light bullets.
- Winch Hurricane: Yonji appears and swings his winch repeatedly, creating a cyclone.
- Winch Bomber: Yonji appears and punches in rapid succession while drifting forwards.
Fighting Style
External Links
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