Fujitora (藤虎, real name Issho イッショウ) is a blind Marine Admiral. One of his main goals upon being promoted to admiral was to abolish the Seven Warlord system. He works alongside the Donquixote Pirates in order to close in on his targets: Luffy and Law. During his first confrontation with Law, he demonstrates his Devil Fruit powers to manipulate gravity.
Players can unlock him in the third game's Dream Log Mode.
Fujitora is usually calm and trusting of people. There was a time when swindlers took advantage of his blindness and cheated him out of his money, and he responded by taking his revenge mercilessly. He is more reasonable than most marines and is able to see the good qualities in pirates, despite being enemies. He also loves to gamble, and often makes references to gambling as part of his character.
"I will not let you do as you please..."
"Leave this to us, the Marines."
"I said leave it to me."
"My justice does not bend."
"Prepare yourselves to go."
"I am terribly sorry for the toruble, but could I ask for your help?
"Heavenly Yaksha, you should get out of here."
"Is the World Government like some god?"
"You allowed me to defeat you...!"
"You're one of the seven Warlords of the Sea's underlings. Let's leave it at that."
"You won't last with that sort of power."
"What I can see now is only my unshakable justice!"
"This is our work."
"This is divine justice."
"Go to hell...!"
"You do well, foe."
"We shall defend here."
"Well done driving the enemy out."
"My eyes may not see, but I can clearly see your strength."
"I cannot see the form of my enemies."
"I cannot leave them like that."
"This territory will not be lost."
"It is not the number defeated that is important, but the number protected!"
"It's because I cannot see that there are things I can do. It is not surprising."
"Hmm... Would you like to go a round with an admiral?"
"As a newcomer, I apologized."
"You are quite dependable."
"Your success has raised morale, Saka."
"You are as strong as the rumors say."
"I wonder if this is the end of it all."
"This is also destiny... Allow me to arrest you now."
"So, you're forcing an admiral to get serious."
"My exit is quite the sleight."
"Oh ho... This was not intended to be a sincere test of skills."
, , , , : Fujitora does four diagonal quick-draw slashes in front oi him (1, then 2, then 1 more). He then does a flailing flurry of lightning-fast slashes, then sheathes his blade and performs an instantaneous iai slash, which dizzies enemies.
, , , : A circular purple gravity well appears on the ground, and Fujitora uses his gravity powers to launch enemies into the air with a wave of his sword. He then slams them back down using gravity, and then re-sheathes his sword to drop a meteor in front of him onto the enemies.
, , , , : Fujitora brings up several pieces of rubble from the ground and hops on one and rides them forward, bulldozing enemies. He then hops off and launches the boulders to slam them into the enemies. He then ends by dropping a meteor on them.
, , , : Fujitora uses his Devil Fruit powers to create a circular purple gravity well on the ground that sucks enemies in towards its center for several seconds.
, , , , : Fujitora creates a purple tractor beam that extends into the sky, and then disappears through the enemies while performing lightning-fast sword slashes on them, putting them in the fall-back state. When he reappears, he sheathes his sword and five meteors will drop onto the ground around him.
, , : Fujitora uses his gravity powers to bring up rock rubble up from the ground, which also launches enemies upwards. He then swings them around in a vortex motion to attack enemies. He finishes by slamming the rubble downwards, along with the enemies.
, , , : Fujitora slams the rubble into the ground while pinning enemies to the ground with gravity. A purple tractor beam appears and several small meteors rain down onto the pinned enemies.
, , , , : Fujitora uses the rubble to slam the enemies in mid-air and knock them upwards. He then unleashes a flurry of sword slashes on the airborne enemies. He then uses his gravity powers to slam them back down.
: Level 1 Musou: "Trip to Hell": Fujitora does a quick iai slash while rushing forward, then uses his gravity powers to open a large hole behind him.
: Level 2 Musou: "Festival of Furious Flames": Fujitora hops onto a floating rock and rises into the air, and then rains down a very large barrage of meteors in his wake.
R1 (Special Skill): Fujitora drops a single meteor. This effect can be charged, with 3 varying meteor sizes, with the longest charge dropping the largest meteor.
Taunt: Issho will either strike a pose while looking flustered, or he will tap his walking stick on the ground a few times.
, , , , : Fujitora does four diagonal quick-draw slashes in front oi him (1, then 2, then 1 more). He then does a flailing flurry of lightning-fast slashes, then sheathes his blade and performs an instantaneous iai slash, which launches enemies.
: Fujitora drops a single meteor. This effect can be charged, with 3 varying meteor sizes, with the longest charge dropping the largest meteor. The drop zone can be controlled by moving the control stick.
, , , : Fujitora launches a large rock upward from the ground to launch enemies up, then uses gravity to slam them down. He then uses a gravity beam to bring down a meteor.
, , , , : Fujitora summons some rocks from the ground and hops onto a rock and flies forward to ram enemies. He does a quick slash, then when he lands on the ground, he finishes with a dashing quickdraw slash forward.
, , , , , : Fujitora pins enemies to the ground using gravity, and then summons a large barrage of small meteors to fall onto them. Finishes with a final large meteor.
, , , , , , : Fujitora lifts up a bunch of rocks from the ground and makes them fly around in a vortex motion. He then slams the rocks onto the ground and creates a gravity beam to summon a large meteor above him. He does several quick slashes on the meteor to break it into smaller meteors that then crash down around him.
, : He rises upward with a vertical cross slash, launching enemies upwards in the process.
, , , , : Fujitora performs the same group of slashes as his ground string, jumping on a rock with the second hit.
: He shoots forward an orb of gravity energy.
, : Fujitora uses gravity to launch enemies upwards, then slams them back down with his sword.
, , : He flies forward on his rock, ramming enemies.
, , , : He summons a single large meteor to drop down onto the ground in front.
, , , , : He summons a large meteor and breaks it with his sword, causing several small meteors to crash down.
Special Skills
Note: These skills are placed in order of the "Special Move Set" menu.
Solitary Journey: Fujitora's Full-Force Burst
Trip to Hell: Musou attack. Fujitora does a quick iai slash while rushing forward, then uses his gravity powers to open a large hole behind him.
Festival of Furious Flames: Musou attack. Fujitora hops onto a floating rock and rises into the air, and then rains down a very large barrage of meteors in his wake.
Gravity Blade Raging Tiger: Musou attack. Fujitora charges his sword with gravity energy before delivering a devastating slash around himself.
War Drums: Fujitora uses gravity to drop a series of small meteors around himself.
Path of Blood and Smoke: Fujitora rushes forward while slashing his sword rapidly, finishing with an iai slash.
Barrier Break: Fujitora creates a circular gravity well on the ground that sucks enemies in towards its center for several seconds, before dropping a meteor onto them.
Fighting Style
Fujitora ate the Press-Press Fruit (Zushi Zushi no Mi), which is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to manipulate gravitational forces at will.
Unlike his fellow Navy Admirals who rely heavily on their Devil Fruit abilities in battle, Fujitora combines his Devil Fruit abilities with his exceptional swordsmanship. He wields a cane sword, his shikomizue, which doubles as his walking cane outside of battle. He combines his swordplay with his gravity powers for a variety of different techniques. He can move and lift objects, he can attract objects towards him (such as summoning meteors to the ground), or forcefully repel objects away from him. His swordplay heavily revolves around iaijutsu strikes, before using his gravity powers to deal wide area damage. Part of his fighting style involves immobilizing his enemies or otherwise restricting their movements with his gravity powers, allowing him to unleash a variety of different attacks on them. He performs exceptionally in duels against a single enemy, and possesses one of the best crowd control potential in the game, due to his ability to drop meteors. He is also proficient in Observation and Armament Haki, the former of which he uses to help him navigate the world as he is blind.