Monkey D. Luffy (モンキー・D・ルフィ) is a young adventurous pirate and the main protagonist of One Piece. Aspiring since childhood to live as a pirate, Luffy began his life at sea by following his idol and famous pirate, Shanks. After he unknowingly ate his trademark Devil Fruit when he was seven years old, Luffy gained his signature rubber powers, as well as lost the ability to swim (not that he knew how in the first place). Shanks rescued him from drowning, but his idol lost his left arm to save the boy. The incident cut his time with Shanks short.
Before their parting, Luffy proclaimed that he would someday become the almighty Pirate King -a pirate who possesses the legendary treasure "One Piece"- to surpass Shanks. Impressed by Luffy's bold claim, Shanks gave him his straw hat as a memento, and asked him to return it to him after he becomes a great pirate.
Wearing the straw hat ever since, Luffy eventually leaves his home and becomes the pirate captain to his own self-founded pirate crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, named after his signature hat. Together with his treasured comrades, Luffy has experienced several adventures, gained precious friends, and has created an infamous reputation for himself.
Enthusiastic about living life to the fullest, Luffy would love to spend his every waking moment partying with his crew, eating good food, and satisfying his endless curiosity with a goofy laugh and smile. He may humorously resort to trickery and honestly ignores anything that doesn't interest him. Luffy's childish enthusiasm and attitude may make him seem like a hopeless fool yet Luffy always keeps his sights set on whatever drives him. His willingness to fight for his vision and his innate sense of fairness is what truly breaks many people's first impressions of him. At times, his daring desire to beat and overcome the odds against him earns him undeniable respect from onlookers.
As a true lover of adventure, Luffy feels he will never fear death as long he has dreams, trust, and his comrades. He treasures his friends more than his own family, placing absolute faith in them and sacrificing his entire being to keep them safe. Luffy is the glue who binds his motley crew together, as he believes he would never have had started his adventure if he was by himself. He never blames his comrades for their misgivings and accepts them wholeheartedly through thick and thin.
, , , , : Gum Gum Cannon: Luffy punches forward once, then does two sweeping leftward kicks. He then runs forward a bit while punching rapidly, before finishing with an outstretched double palm thrust. This attack can be made stronger by holding the first press.
, : Luffy kicks upward with a stretched leg.
, , : Luffy flips forward and delivers another kick to the ground.
, , , : Gum Gum Gatling - Gum Gum Bazooka: Luffy jumps and punches forward rapidly for a second, then swings both his hands forward.
, , , : Gum Gum Gatling - Gum Gum Spear: Luffy jumps and punches forward rapidly for a second, then leaps upward and slams both feet into the ground.
, , : Gum Gum Flail: Luffy swings his fist around above his head.
, , , : Luffy delivers one more stretched punch.
, , , : Luffy twists his body, then spins with his arms outstretched, attacking in a wide tornado-like manner.
, , , : Gum Gum Rocket: Luffy stretches his arms forward while pulling back, then releases to launch his body like a sling. Holding will increase the power of this attack.
, , , , : Gum Gum Stamp Gatling: Luffy jumps into the air and repeatedly stamps his feet onto the ground in front.
, , : Gum Gum Whip: Luffy performs a group of three stretched sweep kicks, two to the left and one to the right. By holding the first press, his range and strength will be increased.
, : Luffy stretches him arm out to grab an enemy. If he succeeds, he slams them into the ground.
, , : Gum Gum Windmill: Luffy grabs the enemy and spins them around himself with both hands
, , , : Gum Gum Bell: Luffy does a stretched uppercut, then grabs the foe in the air again and launches himself to them, delivering a powerful headbutt.
, , , : Luffy does a stretched uppercut, them jumps into the air and does a circular sweep kick.
, , : Gum Gum Bullet: Luffy stretches his fist behind him, then smashes the ground with it. This attack can be made stronger by holding .
+ Special Ability Gauge Lvl. 1: Gum Gum Rifle: Luffy stretches his arm behind him while twisting it, then releases it forward with a powerful drilling punch, hitting enemies in front of him.
+ Special Ability Gauge Lvl. 2: Gum Gum Storm: Luffy inflates and twists his body, then flies forward with a flurry of punches.
+ Special Ability Gauge Lvl. 3: Gear 2nd: Luffy enters his Gear 2nd form, making his attacks stronger and faster for a short while
: Gum Gum Jet Gatling: Luffy hops into the air then does a flurry of rapid punches. This attack is automatically done when Gear 2nd runs out.
+ Special Ability Gauge Lvl. 4: Gear 3rd (Gum Gum Giant Pistol - Whip - Axe): Luffy inflates his right fist, jumps into the air, then punches the ground. He then shifts the air into his right foot and does a sweep kick, before transferring to his left foot and finishing with a powerful stomp. This attack will cause Luffy to be shrunken for a short time.
, , (shrunken): Luffy does two hopping punches, then jumps up with a headbutt.
R1 (Special Skill): Luffy uses one of the following abilities listed below. They can be selected using left and right on the D-Pad.
Gum Gum Pistol - Luffy does a stretched forward punch. (known by default)
Gum Gum Balloon - Luffy inflates his torso for a short time. This can be used to reflect cannonballs. (Unlocked during the first stage of Main Log)
Gum Gum Bazooka - Luffy stretches his arms back then launches them forward in a powerful double palm strike. This attack is most effective against enemies with shields. (Unlocked after the first stage of Main Log)
Gum Gum Big Mallet - Luffy jumps and tries to grab an enemy with his feet. If successful, he lifts them into the air, before bringing them down hard. (Unlocked after the second stage of Main Log)
Gum Gum Battle Axe - Luffy stretches his leg straight up, then brings it back down fiercely. This attack knocks enemies with heavy armor off their feet. (Unlocked after the third stage of Main Log)
R2 (Special Action): Luffy gets into a stable position as the view shifts to over his shoulder. The right stick aims a crosshair, while makes Luffy stretch an arm out to grab something. This skill is mainly used in action stages to grab parts of the environment, allowing Luffy to launch himself or pull objects.
Gum Gum Sickle: If Luffy grabs an enemy, he will pull himself towards them, then launch himself forward with his arms outstretched.
Luffy's first special attack (as well as his Gear 2nd finisher) changes when using wearing his Post Timeskip outfit.
: Gum Gum Elephant Gun: Luffy inflates his fist while coating it with Armament Haki, then throws a devastating forward punch.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Cannon": Luffy punches forward with his elongated right arm, then does 2 right-to-left sweeping kicks with his elongated left and right legs respectively. He then does a flurry of fast punches with elongated arms while running forward, giving him the illusion of having multiple arms. He then finishes by pulling both hands backward, stretching them, then thrusting them forward with a forceful double open-palm thrust. Can be charged by holding down the button on the first input, increasing the string's range.
, , , : "Gum Gum Battle Axe~Gum Gum Gatling~Gum Gum Bazooka": Luffy elongates his left leg upwards and slams it down with an axe kick, which launches enemies into the air. He then leaps upwards to the enemies, and then unleashes a flurry of fast punches on them. He finishes by stretching both arms back and hurling them forward with an open-palm strike to knock the airborne enemies away.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Rain~Gum Gum Spear~Gum Gum Flail": Luffy leaps into the air and rains down a flurry of lightning-fast punches to the enemies below him. He then puts his soles of both feet together and kicks downward with his toes, launching enemies up. He then twirls his stretched rubber arm above his head as if winding up for a punch, and then punches forward at the enemies as he's falling.
, , , : "Gum Gum Rocket": Luffy grabs hold of the ground with both hands, and pulls himself back like a slingshot. He then launches himself forward at enemies. This move can be charged by holding down the button before fully unleashing the move. Luffy's direction can be aimed with the control stick during the charging.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Storm": Luffy inflates his torso like a balloon, which deals knockback. He then charges forward with a flurry of gatling punches by exhaling hair to propel himself forward in a spiraling motion. His movement can be directed with the control stick during the flurry.
, , : "Gum Gum Whip": Luffy does three wide-area, circular sweeps with his elongated rubbery legs. Can be charged by holding down on the first input, elongating his legs even further, extending the range.
, , , : "Gum Gum Windmill~Gum Gum Bell": Luffy grabs a single enemy in front of him, and throws him hard onto the ground, which launches that enemies plus surrounding enemies upwards. He then reaches upward with both elongated hands to grab a single enemy, then spins him around in circles, which also damages surrounding enemies. He then launches himself at the enemy in his grasp with a forceful headbutt, knocking the enemies away.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Bullet~Gum Gum Balloon~Gum Gum Mallet": Luffy does a hard downward punch to the ground, which pops enemies upwards. He then inflates his torso into a balloon, which also launches enemies upwards. Luffy then stretches out his legs while twisting them, then takes hold of a single opponent using his feet. He then untwists them, rapidly spinning his opponent, while bringing him crashing to the floor, dealing knockback to nearby enemies. The first input can be charged for a stronger blow.
: Level 1 Musou: "Gum Gum Rifle": Luffy stretches his arm behind him while twisting it, then releases it forward with a powerful drilling punch, hitting enemies in front of him.
: Level 2 Musou: "Gear Third": Luffy inflates his right arm to gigantic proportions using Gear 3rd, then uses it to punch downwards to the ground. He then inflates his leg and does a large stomp to the ground. Luffy then deflates as the air escapes through his mouth, leaving him in a shrunken "chibi" state for 10 seconds, during which he can still move and attack, though their effects are greatly decreased. This form has a higher chance of stunning enemies.
R1 (Special Skill): "Gum Gum Pistol": Luffy punches forward with his left fist while simultaneously elongating the arm. The charged version elongates further, while giving him a charge.
Taunt: Luffy takes his hat off or puts it on.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Giant Pistol": Luffy punches forward with his right fist, then does 2 right-to-left sweeping kicks with his elongated left and right legs respectively. He then does a flurry of fast punches while running forward, giving him the illusion of having multiple arms. He then finishes by inflating his arm using Gear 3rd and does a forward punch. The first input can be charged by holding the first input of the string, charging the rest of the string.
, , , : "Gum Gum Battle Axe~Gum Gum Gatling~Gum Gum Jet Pistol": Luffy elongates his left leg upwards and slams it down with an axe kick, which launches enemies into the air. He then leaps upwards to the enemies, and then unleashes a flurry of gatling punches on them. He finishes by punching straight downwards at the ground with a fast and powerful strike.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Rain~Gum Gum Jet Spear~Gum Gum Hawk Rifle": Luffy leaps into the air and rains down a flurry of lightning fast punches to the enemies below him. He then puts his soles of both feet together and kicks downward with his toes, giving the appearance of an actual spear. He then winds back his elongated rubbery arm and unleashes a punch as he's falling, which releases a forward-traveling shockwave. This move is similar to his pre-timeskip form, but enhanced with Gear 2nd.
, , , : "Gum Gum Grizzly Magnum": Luffy stretches both arms behind him while inflating his fists into large spherical balls and coating them with Haki. He then pushes forward with great force.
, , , , : "Gum Gum UFO": Luffy twists his lower body and then lets go, causing his legs to spin around similar to a helicopter, as he hovers forward and bulldozes enemies with his spinning legs. His movements can be directed with the control stick while he's hovering.
, , : "Gum Gum Whip": Luffy does three wide-area, circular sweeps with his elongated rubbery legs. Charged version elongates his legs even further, extending the range.
, , , : "Gum Gum Windmill~Gum Gum Bell": Luffy grabs a single enemy in front of him, and throws him hard onto the ground, which launches surrounding enemies upwards. He then reaches upward with both elongated hands to grab a single enemy, then spins him around in circles, which also damages surrounding enemies. He then launches himself at the enemy in his grasp with a forceful headbutt, knocking the enemies away. This is identical to his pre-timeskip version.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Bullet~Gum Gum Balloon~Gum Gum Jet Hammer": Luffy does a hard downward punch to the ground, which pops enemies upwards. He then inflates his torso into a balloon, which also launches enemies upwards. Luffy then stretches out his legs and takes hold of his opponent using his feet. He then brings him crashing to the floor, dealing knockback to nearby enemies. The first punch can be charged for a stronger blow.
: Level 1 Musou: "Gum Gum Red Hawk": Luffy stretches his arm behind him while coating it with Haki. His arm then ignites on fire, and he punches forward, releasing a forward-traveling fiery shockwave.
: Level 2 Musou: "Gum Gum Elephant Gatling": Luffy inflates both arms using Gear 3rd and coats them with Haki. He then unleashes a flurry of lightning-fast punches on the area in front of him, dealing great damage over a wide area.
R1 (Special Skill): "Gum Gum Jet Pistol": Luffy punches forward while elongating his arm, with greater speed due to Gear 2nd. The charged version has him punching 3 times in 3 directions in front of him, greatly extending the attack's range.
Taunt: Luffy takes his hat off or puts it on.
Basic Controls:
: Normal Attack, : Charge Attack, : Dash, : Jump
R1+///: Special Skill
Type: Power
: "Gum Gum Rocket": Luffy turns himself into a projectile instantly, propelling himself forward taking nearby enemies with him. Can propel himself further by holding the button. In combat, primarily used to chain combos into one another. Consumes some Stamina.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Rifle": Luffy performs a quick stretched punch, into a Gum Gum Bullet, then perform a stretched slap with both hands, then a short Gum Gum Rocket leaping forward, and finally sends enemies flying with a Gum Gum Rifle.
: "Gum Gum Pistol": Luffy punches forward while elongating his arm forward. Can be charged to perform a Gum Gum Shotgun, which works like a Gum Gum Gatling from a distance.
, , , : "Gum Gum Gatling~Gum Gum Whip": Luffy unleashes a flurry of punches in front of him dealing rapid damage, then sends enemies flying with a hard hitting Whip.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Bell~Gum Gum Buzzsaw~Gum Gum Rocket": Luffy stretches his head backwards to smash the enemy in front of him, then catapults himself forward spinning vertically, puffs himself, then catapults forward again with Gum Gum Rocket.
, , , , , : "Gum Gum Balloon~Gum Gum Flail": Luffy puffs himself into a balloon, knocking nearby enemies upward, then spins his arm above him hitting enemies rapidly, before eventually unleashing an elongated punch forward, knocking enemies away.
, , , , , , : "Gum Gum Gatling~Gum Gum Cannon": Luffy unleashes a flurry of punches in front of him dealing rapid damage, then sends enemies flying with a Gum Gum Cannon. Works similarly to his C2.
during : "Gum Gum Axe": Luffy flings himself and nearby enemies into the air with a quick stomp to the ground.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Bazooka": Luffy performs a wide sweep with his elongated leg (Whip), then kicks forward with Stamp, then smashes enemies with his head flipping himself forward, unleashes a flurry of punches, before finally knocking them away with an elongated slap with both of his hands, then backflips to the recoil before landing.
: "Gum Gum Fireworks": Luffy leaps upwards to perform an omnidirectional flurry of attacks using both his arms and legs, hitting enemies multiple times before knocking them away. Holding the button delays the attack while Luffy is affected by gravity until released or touching the ground.
, : "Gum Gum Storm": Luffy puffs himself, knocking enemies upwards, then unleashes a flurry of punches as he propels himself and his enemies forward.
, , : "Gum Gum Rain": Luffy propels himself forward, then unleashes a flurry of punches below him, knocking them away in the end.
, , , : "Gum Gum Rocket": Luffy grabs hold onto the ground and launches himself and his enemies diagonally to the ground, allowing Luffy to go back to Ground Combos instantly.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Spear": Luffy propels himself forward, then slams his enemies to the ground, and / or enemies on the ground, with both of his legs elongated.
Special Skills
Note: These skills are placed in order of the "Special Move Set" menu.
Note 2: Skills that are usable while airborne will be mentioned. Otherwise, it can only be performed on the ground.
"I'm gonna become the King of the Pirates!": Full-force Burst. Increases Luffy's Attack and Attack Speed dramatically for a set duration.
"Gear 2nd": Special Full-force Burst. Pre-Timeskip only. Transforms Luffy into a Speed type and enhances all of Luffy's moveset with Jet power and changes his specials completely for a set duration.
Gear 2nd Skills
"Gum Gum Jet Gatling": Musou Attack. Luffy inhales deeply before unleashing a tremendous amount of hard-hitting punches in front of him, knocking them away in the end dealing massive damage.
"Gum Gum Jet Stamp Gatling": Available while Airborne. Jumps into the air / launches himself upward, then unleashes a stream of Jet kicks to enemies below him, knocking them upwards in the end.
"Gum Gum Giant Jet Shell": Musou Attack. Using both Gear 2nd and Gear 3rd, puffs his arm to huge proportions, transfers it to his torso, then sends all enemies in front of him flying dealing massive damage. Will turn him tiny for around 8 seconds. Exits Gear 2nd upon use.
"Gum Gum Bazooka": Musou Attack. Luffy streches his arms far behind him, then unleashes a shockwave projectile forward, dealing massive damage to enemies in front of him on a long distance.
"Gum Gum Giant Pistol": Musou Attack. Using Gear 3rd, Luffy inflates one of his arm to huge proportions, then punches forward, dealing massive damage in front of him. Will turn him tiny for around 8 seconds.
"Gum Gum Giant Bazooka": Musou Attack. Using Gear 3rd, Luffy inflates both of his arms to huge proportions, then launches himself to the air and slams his hands to the ground, dealing massive damage to nearby enemies. Will turn him tiny for around 8 seconds.
"Gum Gum Giant Thor Axe": Musou Attack. Using Gear 3rd, Luffy inflates his arm, then transfers it to one of his leg, turning it to huge proportions, imbues that leg with electricity, then slams his feet to the ground, dealing massive damage to enemies nearby and in front of him in a cone. Will turn him tiny for around 8 seconds.
"Gum Gum Storm": Luffy puffs himself, launches enemies up into the air, then unleashes a flurry of punches upward, launching himself into an Airborne state.
"Gum Gum Axe": Luffy kicks high up to the sky, hitting nearby enemies, before slamming it hard to the ground, knocking them away.
"Gum Gum Giant Scythe": Available while Airborne. Charges forward with both arms spread wide.
"Gum Gum Windmill": Grab Attack. Luffy grabs an enemy with his hands, spins them around, sends them upward, then catapults himself towards them with a headbutt, knocking them away dealing massive damage.
"Gum Gum Giant Gavel": Grab Attack. Luffy grabs an enemy with his feet, spins them around by twisting his body, then slams them to the ground, sending nearby enemies away.
Type: Power
: "Gum Gum Rocket": Luffy turns himself into a projectile instantly, propelling himself forward taking nearby enemies with him. Can propel himself further by holding the button. In combat, primarily used to chain combos into one another. Consumes some Stamina.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Red Hawk": Luffy performs a quick stretched jet punch, into a Gum Gum Jet Bullet, then perform a stretched jet slap with both hands, then a short Gum Gum Rocket leaping forward, and finally sends enemies flying with a haki-enhanced Gum Gum Red Hawk, dealing fire damage.
: "Gum Gum Jet Pistol": Luffy punches forward in a flash while elongating his arm forward, sending enemies in the distance flying. Can be charged to perform three punches in a row.
, , , : "Gum Gum Jet Gatling~Gum Gum Whip": Luffy unleashes a flurry of jet punches in front of him dealing rapid damage, then sends enemies flying with a haki-enhanced Whip.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Hawk Rifle~Gum Gum Stamp~Gum Gum Eagle Bazooka": Luffy stretches and twists his arm backwards, imbuing it with Haki to smash the enemy in front of him, then performs a haki-enhanced kick with Gum Gum Stamp, and finishes off by stretching both of his arms backwards and striking them with tremendous power and speed.
, , , , , : "Gum Gum Balloon~Gum Gum Elephant Gun~Gum Gum Giant Thor Axe": Luffy puffs himself into a balloon, knocking nearby enemies upward, then winds up a huge haki-imbued Elephant punch to the ground, then puffs his leg imbued with electricity to strike the ground, knocking them away.
, , , , , , : "Gum Gum Elephant Gun~Gum Gum Elephant Gatling~Gum Gum Grizzly Magnum": Luffy winds up a haki-imbued huge punch forward, performs a short flurry of Elephant punches, then knocks them away with both hands.
during : "Gum Gum Axe": Luffy flings himself and nearby enemies into the air with a quick stomp to the ground.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Jet Bazooka": Luffy performs a wide sweep with his elongated leg (Whip), then kicks forward with a Jet Stamp, then Jet smashes enemies with his head flipping himself forward, unleashes a flurry of Jet punches, before finally knocking them away with an elongated Jet slap with both of his hands, then backflips to the recoil before landing.
: "Gum Gum Fireworks": Luffy leaps upwards to perform an omnidirectional flurry of attacks using both his arms and legs, hitting enemies multiple times before knocking them away. Holding the button delays the attack while Luffy is affected by gravity until released or touching the ground.
, : "Gum Gum Storm": Luffy puffs himself, knocking enemies upwards, then unleashes a flurry of Jet punches as he propels himself and his enemies forward.
, , : "Gum Gum Rain": Luffy propels himself forward, then unleashes a flurry of Jet punches below him, knocking them away in the end.
, , , : "Gum Gum Jet Missile": Luffy grabs hold onto the ground and Jet launches himself and his enemies diagonally to the ground, allowing Luffy to go back to Ground Combos instantly.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Jet Spear": Luffy propels himself forward, then Jet slams his enemies to the ground and / or enemies on the ground with both of his legs.
Special Skills
Note: These skills are placed in order of the "Special Move Set" menu.
Note 2: Skills that are usable while airborne will be mentioned. Otherwise, it can only be performed on the ground.
"I'm gonna become the King of the Pirates!": Full-force Burst. Increases Luffy's Attack and Attack Speed dramatically for a set duration.
"Gear 4th: Bounce-man": Special Full-force Burst. Transforms Luffy into a Sky type and changes his moveset and specials completely.
Gear 4th: Bounce-man Moveset
Type: Sky
: Spreads Luffy's arms to his sides as he flies through the battlefield propelling with his springy legs, knocking nearby enemies to the air for as long as the Stamina bar allows. Can fly to an enemy by not pressing a directional button.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Kong Gun": Luffy sweeps the enemies in front of him with left and right punches four times, before knocking them away with a quick Kong Gun.
: "Gum Gum Culverin / Python": Luffy unleashes a homing attack zig-zagging around enemies from a distance with one arm, then returns to him. Hold the button to extend duration.
, , , : "Gum Gum Culverin / Python~Gum Gum Double Culverin": Luffy brings his arms forward in a horizontal zig-zag pattern in front of him, then does the same with his other arm, then with both of his arms, knocking enemies upward and then knocking them away.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Kong Organ": Luffy unleashes a series of rapid punches with seemingly six arms to his side to the ground, dealing massive damage as he moves forward, then knocks them away with a snap punch with both of his arms.
, , , , , : "Gum Gum Rhino Schneider~Gum Gum Leo Bazooka": Luffy covers a great distance forward delivering a double flying kick, then does a strong headbutt, before knocking them away with a strong Bazooka.
, , , , , , : "Gum Gum King Kong Gun": Luffy winds up a massive punch to the ground, knocking nearby enemies away. Tap rapidly to inflate the arm further, also knocking enemies upward up to three times as it grows larger.
Gear 4th: Bounce-man Special Skills
"Gum Gum King Kong Gun": Luffy unleashes a massive punch in front of him, sending a shockwave forward knocking enemies away.
"Gum Gum Double Culverin": Luffy knocks nearby enemies up before unleashing both of his arms on a zig zag patterned like a star below him, covering a wide area below him hitting enemies repeatedly.
"Gum Gum Leo Rex Bazooka": Musou Attack. Luffy inflates both of his arms to massive proportions then unleashes a huge snap Bazooka to enemies in front of him dealing massive damage.
"Gear 4th: Snake-man": Special Full-force Burst. Post-Timeskip only. Transforms Luffy into a Speed type and changes his moveset and specials completely.
Gear 4th: Snake-man Moveset
: Turns himself into a projectile and dashes forward.
, , , , , , , : Luffy performs a series of lightning fast punches focused on a single enemy as he moves forward, then unleashes a short flurry of punches on the seventh input, then finally knocking them away.
: "Gum Gum Jet Culverin / Python": Luffy unleashes a homing attack on enemies with his arm. Hold to extend duration.
, : "Gum Gum Jet Culverin / Python": Luffy stretches one arm forward in a zig-zag pattern covers the entire vertical space on a straight line.
, , : "Gum Gum Jet Culverin / Python": Same as , .
, , , : "Gum Gum Jet Culverin / Python": Luffy stretches one arm forward in a zig-zag pattern that covers a large amount of ground space in front of him knocking enemies away repeatedly.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Jet Culverin / Python": Same as , , , .
, , , , , : "Gum Gum Jet Culverin / Python": Luffy winds up a zig-zag punch with both hands covering the entire screen in front of him knocking them away repeatedly.
, , , , , , , : "Gum Gum Black Mamba": Luffy winds up rapid, devastating punches that cover a moderate space and the entire vertical space around Luffy.
Gear 4th: Snake-man Special Skills
"Gum Gum King Cobra": Musou Attack. Luffy stretches his arm across great distances going about in many directions, before eventually hitting the enemy around the right side of Luffy, dealing massive damage.
"Gum Gum Rhino Stampede": Luffy leaps upward, then unleashes a huge flurry of kicks in a huge space below him, knocking them away in the end.
"Gum Gum Dragon Culverin": Musou Attack. Luffy puts his hands up to twirl both his hands into a giant screw, then drills down below him dealing massive damage.
"Gum Gum Giant Jet Shell": Musou Attack. Puffs his arm to huge proportions, transfers it to his torso, then sends all enemies in front of him flying dealing massive damage.
"Conqueror's Haki": Musou Attack. Luffy focuses himself to unleash a blast of Conqueror's Haki, knocking out all enemies around him and dealing damage to stronger enemies.
"Gum Gum Bazooka": Musou Attack. Luffy stretches his arms far behind him, then unleashes a shockwave projectile forward, dealing massive damage to enemies in front of him on a long distance.
"Gum Gum Giant Pistol": Musou Attack. Using Gear 3rd, Luffy inflates one of his arm to huge proportions, then punches forward, dealing massive damage in front of him.
"Gum Gum Giant Bazooka": Musou Attack. Using Gear 3rd, Luffy inflates both of his arms to huge proportions, then launches himself to the air and slams his hands to the ground, dealing massive damage to nearby enemies.
"Gum Gum Giant Thor Axe": Musou Attack. Using Gear 3rd, Luffy inflates his arm, then transfers it to one of his leg, turning it to huge proportions, imbues that leg with electricity, then slams his feet to the ground, dealing massive damage to enemies nearby and in front of him in a cone.
"Gum Gum UFO": Available while Airborne. Luffy turns his legs into a helicopter, then moves forward while hitting nearby enemies rapidly, then ends by knocking them away.
"Gum Gum Jet Stamp Gatling": Available while Airborne. Luffy jumps into the air / launches himself upward, then rains down flurry of kicks below him.
"Gum Gum Storm": Luffy puffs himself, launches enemies up into the air, then unleashes a flurry of punches upward, launching himself into an Airborne state.
"Gum Gum Axe": Luffy kicks high up to the sky, hitting nearby enemies, before slamming it hard to the ground, knocking them away.
"Gum Gum Giant Scythe": Available while Airborne. Charges forward with both arms spread wide.
"Gum Gum Windmill": Grab Attack. Luffy grabs an enemy with his hands, spins them around, sends them upward, then catapults himself towards them with a headbutt, knocking them away dealing massive damage.
"Gum Gum Giant Gavel": Grab Attack. Luffy grabs an enemy with his feet, spins them around by twisting his body, then slams them to the ground, sending nearby enemies away.
Basic Controls:
: Normal Attack, : Charge Attack, : Dash, : Jump
R1+///: Special Skill
Type: Power
: "Gum Gum Rocket": Luffy turns himself into a projectile instantly, propelling himself forward taking nearby enemies with him. Can propel himself further by holding the button. In combat, primarily used to chain combos into one another. Consumes some Stamina.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Red Hawk": Luffy performs a quick stretched jet punch, into a Gum Gum Jet Bullet, then perform a stretched jet slap with both hands, then a short Gum Gum Rocket leaping forward, and finally sends enemies flying with a haki-enhanced Gum Gum Red Hawk, dealing fire damage.
: "Gum Gum Jet Pistol": Luffy punches forward in a flash while elongating his arm forward, sending enemies in the distance flying. Can be charged to perform three punches in a row.
, , , : "Gum Gum Jet Gatling~Gum Gum Whip": Luffy unleashes a flurry of jet punches in front of him dealing rapid damage, then sends enemies flying with a haki-enhanced Whip.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Hawk Rifle~Gum Gum Stamp~Gum Gum Eagle Bazooka": Luffy stretches and twists his arm backwards, imbuing it with Haki to smash the enemy in front of him, then performs a haki-enhanced kick with Gum Gum Stamp, and finishes off by stretching both of his arms backwards and striking them with tremendous power and speed.
, , , , , : "Gum Gum Balloon~Gum Gum Elephant Gun~Gum Gum Giant Thor Axe": Luffy puffs himself into a balloon, knocking nearby enemies upward, then winds up a huge haki-imbued Elephant punch to the ground, then puffs his leg imbued with electricity to strike the ground, knocking them away.
, , , , , , : "Gum Gum Elephant Gun~Gum Gum Elephant Gatling~Gum Gum Grizzly Magnum": Luffy winds up a haki-imbued huge punch forward, performs a short flurry of Elephant punches, then knocks them away with both hands.
, : "Gum Gum Axe": Luffy flings himself and nearby enemies into the air with a quick stomp to the ground.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Jet Bazooka": Luffy performs a wide sweep with his elongated leg (Whip), then kicks forward with a Jet Stamp, then Jet smashes enemies with his head flipping himself forward, unleashes a flurry of Jet punches, before finally knocking them away with an elongated Jet slap with both of his hands, then backflips to the recoil before landing.
: "Gum Gum Fireworks": Luffy leaps upwards to perform an omnidirectional flurry of attacks using both his arms and legs, hitting enemies multiple times before knocking them away. Holding the button delays the attack while Luffy is affected by gravity until released or touching the ground.
, : "Gum Gum Storm": Luffy puffs himself, knocking enemies upwards, then unleashes a flurry of Jet punches as he propels himself and his enemies forward.
, , : "Gum Gum Rain": Luffy propels himself forward, then unleashes a flurry of Jet punches below him, knocking them away in the end.
, , , : "Gum Gum Jet Missile": Luffy grabs hold onto the ground and Jet launches himself and his enemies diagonally to the ground, allowing Luffy to go back to Ground Combos instantly.
, , , , : "Gum Gum Jet Spear": Luffy propels himself forward, then Jet slams his enemies to the ground and / or enemies on the ground with both of his legs.
Special Skills
Note: These skills are placed in order of the "Special Move Set" menu.
I'm gonna become the King of the Pirates!: Full-force Burst. Increases Luffy's Attack and Attack Speed dramatically for a set duration.
Gear Five: Transformation. Luffy transforms into his Awakened Zoan form, emitting several waves of Haki in the process. This form uses a Sky-type moveset.
, , , , : Luffy kicks upward, then in a circle, before rapidly punching forward. He then expands one fist and punches downward, before expanding both hands and striking with both palms.
: Luffy grabs a lightning bolt and spins around it for a while, before knocking enemies away with a forward kick. If the button is held, he spins longer and draws enemies in.
, , , : Gum-Gum Giant: Luffy grows in size and stomps the ground, then flip kicks upwards before performing a body slam.
, , , , : Gum-Gum Rocket ~ Gum-Gum Storm: Luffy grabs the ground and propels himself down, then spins forward while punching rapidly. He finishes by growing both of his hands and swinging them downwards.
, , , , , : Gum-Gum Giant: Luffy grows in size and slams his body to the ground, then punches rapidly briefly. He then grabs the ground and whips it, causing a large tremor to travel forwards and launch foes.
, , , , , , : Gum-Gum Giant Scythe: Luffy flies forward while spinning his arms, then forms a large tornado that sucks in opponents. He then slams his feet to the ground and launches himself with his arms outstretched.
Special Skills:
Gum-Gum Lightning: Luffy grabs a bolt of lightning and throws it to the ground, striking a wide range of enemies below.
Gum-Gum Bajrang Gun: Musou Attack. Luffy leaps higher, expanding his fist dramatically and coating it in Haki. He then brings it to the ground, doing immense damage to all enemies below.
I've reached my peak!: Musou Attack. Luffy coats his arm in advanced Haki and compresses it. He then punches forward, releasing a ball of fire.
Gum Gum Giant Jet Shell: Musou Attack. Luffy puffs his arm to huge proportions, transfers it to his torso, then rushes forward, sending all enemies in front of him flying and dealing massive damage.
Conqueror's Haki: Musou Attack. Luffy focuses himself to unleash a blast of Conqueror's Haki, knocking out all enemies around him and dealing damage to stronger enemies.
Gum Gum Bazooka: Musou Attack. Luffy stretches his arms far behind him, then unleashes a shockwave projectile forward, dealing massive damage to enemies in front of him on a long distance.
Gum Gum Giant Pistol: Musou Attack. Using Gear 3rd, Luffy inflates one of his arm to huge proportions, then punches forward, dealing massive damage in front of him.
Gum Gum Giant Bazooka: Musou Attack. Using Gear 3rd, Luffy inflates both of his arms to huge proportions, then launches himself to the air and slams his hands to the ground, dealing massive damage to nearby enemies.
Gum Gum Giant Thor Axe: Musou Attack. Using Gear 3rd, Luffy inflates his arm, then transfers it to one of his leg, turning it to huge proportions, imbues that leg with electricity, then slams his feet to the ground, dealing massive damage to enemies nearby and in front of him in a cone.
Gum-Gum Red Roc: Musou Attack. Luffy jumps into the air, expands his fist, and coats it in advanced Armament Haki. He then slams it to the ground, damaging enemies in a burst of fire and Haki lightning.
Gum-Gum Roc Gatling: Musou Attack. Luffy expands his fist and coats it in Haki, then punches rapidly in front of himself.
Gum Gum UFO: Luffy turns his legs into a helicopter, then moves forward while hitting nearby enemies rapidly, then ends by knocking them away.
Gum Gum Jet Stamp Gatling: Luffy jumps into the air (or launches himself upward while airborne), then rains down flurry of kicks below him.
Gum Gum Storm: Luffy puffs himself, launches enemies up into the air, then unleashes a flurry of punches upward, launching himself into an Airborne state.
Gum Gum Axe: Luffy kicks high up to the sky, hitting nearby enemies, before slamming it hard to the ground, knocking them away.
Gum Gum Giant Scythe: Luffy charges forward with both arms spread wide.
Gum Gum Windmill: Grab Attack. Luffy grabs an enemy with his hands, spins them around, sends them upward, then catapults himself towards them with a headbutt, knocking them away dealing massive damage.
Gum Gum Giant Gavel: Grab Attack. Luffy grabs an enemy with his feet, spins them around by twisting his body, then slams them to the ground, sending nearby enemies away.
Fighting Style
Luffy fights primarily using the rubber body he gained after eating a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit, the Gum-Gum Fruit. He can extend his limbs and skin to exponential lengths and can inflate himself like a balloon. With his flexible and durable body, he can stretch, twirl, and snap himself into various uncanny positions to hit foes from a myriad of directions. His body is rubbery enough to grant him an extreme amount of resistance to cannonballs and blunt attacks, though he is still vulnerable to lacerations or ailments.
To strengthen himself, Luffy has developed different "gears" that he can shift into, which are different forms that offer him new abilities. In Gear Two, he circulate the blood within his body at an inhumanly fast rate, made possible by his rubber blood vessels; his skin adopts a reddish appearance and evaporated bodily fluids may rise as steam from his body. His body temporarily gains extraordinary strength and speed, at the cost of weakening his stamina. He can also pump air into his bones to enlarge various body parts to gigantic proportions, which is called "Gear Three". Luffy incorporates these different Gears into his fighting style and moveset.
After a two year training period, Luffy has also awakened and is proficient in all three forms of Haki. This allows him to cover his skin in a black hardening that makes his offensive and defensive capabilities even greater than before. Additionally, he can unleash a burst of Conqueror's Haki to knock out weaker foes.
While at Wano, Luffy enhanced his abilities further, allowing him to use an advanced form of Armament Haki to strike without making contact with a foe.
During the timeskip, he develops a new form to deal with even more dangerous foes, which he calls Gear Four. This new gear combines the abilities of his previous gears (enhanced speed and enlarged body parts) with his newly acquired Haki abilities. Unlike his other gears, Luffy's Gear 4th can be further categorized into different sub-forms, which he utilizes depending on what the situation demands of him.
Gear Four: Boundman - In this form, Luffy coats his limbs with Armament Haki, and he inflates his muscles by blowing into them. He grows physically larger, and because his body is so elastic, he cannot stand still and has to constantly bounce in place. His strength and speed are enhanced, and he can use the elasticity of his body to kick off of the air and fly.
Gear Four: Snakeman - This form resembles his Boundman form, except it is smaller and closer to his ordinary appearance. His limbs are still coated in Armament Haki, and his speed is greatly enhanced.
During the battle at Onigashima, Luffy awakened his Devil Fruit, revealed to actually be a mythical Zoan fruit of a sun god. This form manifests as a new Gear form.
Gear Five: Nika - When Luffy enters this form, his outfit and hair turn white, as though he is covered in clouds. As this form, Luffy's rubber physique is enhanced significantly, increasing his strength and durability. He is also able to transform the environment around him like rubber.