Big Mom

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Charlotte Linlin (シャーロット・リンリン, Shārotto Rinrin), also better known as "Big Mom" (ビッグ・マム, Biggu Mamu), is the captain of the Big Mom Pirates and one of the Four Emperors. She is the matriarch of the very large Charlotte Family, which makes up the infrastructure of her crew. She also rules over Totto Land as its queen, seeking to form it into a utopia where all the world's races can live together in peace without experiencing discrimination or segregation. Due to her actions, role and intentions, she is the main antagonist of the Whole Cake Island Arc and one of the central antagonists of the Four Emperor Saga.


Big Mom is known for her love of sweets and her ruthlessness. 




Keys Square Normal Attack • Triangle Ranged Attack Circle Special Technique X Evade

Type: Power

Note: whenever Big Mom takes an enemy's soul, she regains a bit of health.

Ground moveset

Square, Square, Square, Square, Square: Big Mom punches with her right hand, hits the ground with her left, uppercuts with her right, stomps forward, and finally hits the ground with her right hand.
Triangle: Big Mom grabs Zeus and Prometheus and uses them to spray fire and lightning in front of her for a few seconds.
Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle: Big Mom has Prometheus circle in front of her clockwise, then has Zeus do the same counterclockwise. She then draws out any enemy's souls and takes them.
Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle: Zeus grows gigantic and emits a lightning storm while Big Mom walks forwards. He then shrinks, is grabbed by her, and sprays lightning forward.
Square, Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle: Big Mom grabs Napoleon as he becomes his sword form. She slashes three times: down, then up, then left-to-right. Each strike produces a beam.
Square, Square, Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle: Prometheus floats higher, then rains fire onto enemies. He then sprays fire in an arc from left to right. Finally, Linlin grabs him and throws him to the ground, making a pillar of flame.
Square, X: Big Mom jumps while punching upwards with both hands.

Aerial moveset

Square: Big Mom thrusts her body forwards.
Triangle: Big Mom stomps the ground heavily.
Special Skills
  • Hungry Queen: Big Mom's Full-Force Burst
  • Conqueror's Haki: Big Mom releases a wave of Conqueror's Haki, stunning all enemies around her.
  • Life or Dance?: Big Mom draws out enemies souls while dancing. She then slams the ground, turning it into a homie for a second before it erupts.
  • Life or Treat?: Big Mom draws out enemies souls, then uses them to create four cannonball homies. They zip around for a few seconds before convening and exploding.
  • Eating Disorder: Big Mom becomes enraged while her homies fly away. She punches twice, stomps twice, and then punches again. Afterwards, her homies return with cake, which heals her.
  • Lightning Blast: Musou Attack. Big Mom takes hold of Zeus and makes him grow with energy, before having him shoot a powerful bolt of lightning in front of her.
  • Heavenly Feuer: Musou Attack. Big Mom grabs Prometheus, charges him briefly, then throws him to the ground, creating a massive pillar of fire.
  • Ikoku Sovereignty: Big Mom grabs Napoleon as a sword, jumps onto Zeus, and slashes, producing a large spinning slash.
  • She Who Rules the Weather: Transformation. Big Mom jumps onto Zeus, takes hold of Napoleon, and places Prometheus on her head, joining with her hair. This form is Sky-type.
Square, Square, Square, Square, Square: Using Napoleon, Big Mom slashes up-left, up-right, right-to-left, down-left, and then stabs forward.
Triangle: Big Mom rises a bit before quickly slashing down, then up.
Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle: Prometheus grows huge and switches places with Zeus. Big Mom rides him for a distance, then raises her arms to have Zeus strike in front of her with lightning.
Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle: Zeus raises a bit and sprays forwards with lightning 4 times. Big Mom then grabs Prometheus and throws him, creating a pillar of flame.
Square, Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle: Big Mom lights Napoleon on fire, then slashes down-left. She then electrifies him and slash down-right. Finally, she slashes forward in a spinning motion.
Square, Square, Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle: Prometheus rains fire around Big Mom, then Zeus emits lightning around himself. Big Mom then slashes rapidly ten times while moving forwards.
Special Skills:
  • Zeus: Zeus zips diagonally forward for a short time before zapping in front of himself.
  • Prometheus: Musou Attack. Prometheus grows huge and is pushed into the ground by Big Mom. The ground grows hot for a moment before a pillar of flame briefly rises.
  • Cognac: Blade of Destruction: Musou Attack. Big Mom extends Napoleon and lights him ablaze. She then slashes horizontally, producing a massive burning slash.

Fighting Style

Big Mom possesses extreme superhuman strength, able to throw punchs with enormous destructive power. She also has greatly enhanced durability, mostly thanks to her extremely hardned skin. She is able to withstand cannon and gunfire without any scratches, and it is said that no weapon can pierce her skin.

Big Mom ate a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit called the Soul-Soul Fruit. With it, she is able to manipulate the souls of living beings. She can extract soul energy out of the victim and absorb it into herself, or she can take the soul energy and inject it into inanimate objects to bring them to life and give them human-like qualities. These animated objects are called Homies, and they serve their creator, Big Mom. When Big Mom uses fragments of her own soul to reanimate objects, they are called Special Homies, and they are far more powerful than Homies created from other people's souls.

Big Mom wields three Special Homies in battle:

  1. Prometheus, a miniature sun that has fire and heat powers.
  2. Zeus, a thundercloud with power over lightning.
  3. Napoleon, who normally rests as the bicorne on her head, but can transform into a large sword when needed.

Big Mom posseses all three forms of Haki. Her Armament Haki is extremely strong, and when coupled with her hard skin, makes her defenses almost impenetrable. She can combine her Conqueror's Haki with her loud screams to incapacitate opponents.

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