User talk:Humble Novice/Archive 1

Discussion page of User:Humble Novice/Archive 1
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Categorize images

Please take the time to categorize the images you upload. What takes me 10 minutes to do on my end literally takes you only seconds to do before you upload. For example if you were uploading more Pokemon images, you would categorize them by simply typing [[Category:Pokemon Conquest Images]] in the summary box. Kyosei 09:40, April 25, 2012 (UTC)

Can you do quotes for Generics in DW3 too?

~Sereniama~ | PageTalkWiki Contributions | 05:35, April 26, 2012 (UTC)

Be careful with uploading 100man Sengoku images. Sometimes Japanese fans throw several hissy fits when someone takes their screenshots without asking, even if the game is a free service for cellphone users. But it does take time to grind and unlock those characters, so they may get upset about that. Especially characters like Yoshitsugu, since he's a rare character. Sake neko 06:38, May 7, 2012 (UTC)
Oh, I see. If that's the case, then I'll try not to upload any images taken by those fans without their consent. Humble Novice 07:00, May 7, 2012 (UTC)

Re:Power icon

It's either your personal internet browser cache or wikia's system cache. With the former clearing your browser cache should show the changes. In the case of the latter it tends to vary, sometimes it takes only a few minutes to a few hours. Sometimes it doesn't update at all the image needs to be re-uploaded, this tends to be a rare case though. I personally see the different icon you uploaded though with the file's image history so it might just be a matter of the various wikia image caches needing time to update. Kyosei 02:55, May 10, 2012 (UTC)

your efforts these last couple of days

have been wonderful, truly wonderful! you've been putting so much hard work and effort into the things you've been doing, its amazing your able to get such high quality images. Thank you so much for all of your hard work!

Question, will you be doing this for the Warriors Orochi characters as well? we could use some weapon image updates for the past WO characters, as well as the weapons of the WO3 characters. Of course when you finish your current objectives of course. Again awesome work buddy, keep it up!
Ixbran 07:13, May 15, 2012 (UTC)

Thank you, but this is just the beginning of it all. I'm planning to add a few more things to this wiki in the near future. If there's something I see worth sharing, I'll be sure to upload it here for everyone to look at. Humble Novice 14:18, May 15, 2012 (UTC)


Depends. Two images for the default appearance is the norm. It's a fight to the finish for that second image most of the time. An easy way of looking at it is this:

  • Treasure Box artwork + 3D render = complete; no more is needed
  • Treasure Box artwork but no 3D render = concept artwork okay
  • No Treasure Box artwork; two images of same character attire/weapon acceptable
  • Main visual or any available image given for said character in other Koei franchises (but you primarily upload Warriors related things, so this might not apply to your question directly)

Any more than two –especially for the always-changing-their-looks-anyways-in-their-series-Warriors-characters– is prone to deletion. That's to prevent over flooding the character galleries for one game, since image spam isn't really the point of this wiki. Usually one image per alternate outfit or non-Warriors game appearance is acceptable.

So, say if you were to upload any Warriors concept artwork for Zhou Tai, Xiahou Dun, Goemon, Yukimura, and so on right now, they would likely get deleted. These characters already have more than enough images to display their default and differing appearances throughout the Warriors franchises, and they doesn't need any more to establish that fact. Concept art for any alternate outfits/downloadable outfits they have as well would likely be deleted at this point, as they would be considered too excessive.

The only exceptions to this so far would be the collaboration characters, ala Ryu Hayabusa and company. Multiple images for them are allowed to reflect that they have been a guest in "so-and-so" many games. Sake neko 04:36, May 21, 2012 (UTC)

By default appearances, you mean the character designs used in each game, right? If that's the case, then I think I know what to do now. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my question here. Humble Novice 07:23, May 21, 2012 (UTC)


If you are able, do you think you can upload high res images of the weapons used by the Hero and Heroine in Samurai Warriors Chronicles? It would really help out their pages if you could. Also, possibly images of their alternate costumes, as well as the Head, Chest, Arm and Hip accessories they can get? Help flesh the pages out a bit more.
Ixbran 04:49, May 25, 2012 (UTC)

I have been meaning to say this for awhile, but I was reminded of it again. Please refrain from uploading early Famitsu scans for anything. Whatever it is, these early scans are rendered completely obsolete by a clearer official online render in mere days (sometimes hours) after initial reader reports. And as it has been multiple times in the past, it tends to mess up Wikia's memory log having to reupload multiple revisions of varying sizes.

It is not a race to put up the image first nor is it a matter of "proving that it exists"; it never has been. What matters in the end is that the subject matches and clearly shows what it is supposed to represent. Magazine scans are on the same level as screenshots: last resort, not the first. Sake neko (talk) 01:00, June 29, 2014 (UTC)

RE:Concept Artworks

I only posted those because I thought they'd be beneficial to the Wiki. if it turns out the mods and admins don't like them, they can freely delete them.I wont get upset, only trying to help. though the fact that the Admin for the Koei Wiki, Kyosei, hasn't deleted them him self yet possibly means he doesn't mind them being here. We will just have to wait and see how things turn out.
Ixbran 20:37, May 27, 2012 (UTC)

Please don't try to upload magazine scans. It may take a few days (or maybe only one day), but better renders and images of these characters will be available once the "Famitsu exclusive" day limit wears off. What I mean by that is whenever Famitsu reports on something in their magazine productions, all other news outlets usually have to wait for a day or so (sometimes weeks) to report on it. It's done that way to get people to clamor for their copy of that particular Famitsu issue. This is how it has been for years for several franchises. It's how Famitsu continues to stay on top for the Japanese video game news source for home consoles and crushes many Japanese video game news publications, for better or worse.
Expect to see better images once Japanese online news sites get the chance to report on it, usually when the Japanese official website updates. Sake neko 04:39, May 30, 2012 (UTC)
Oh, I didn't know about that rule. My mistake then. But still, you've got me curious now. Is Famitsu the only gaming publication that does these exclusive magazine deals with companies like Koei? Humble Novice 04:56, May 30, 2012 (UTC)
Short answer: no, of course not. That's not how business works. Famitsu doesn't cover them out of curiosity; companies pay Famitsu to highlight them for recognizable publicity. It's one of the most celebrated and popular publications known to video game fans, one of the ones which is practically guaranteed to be spread as gossip by the Japanese online community –as you have may well noticed already. They occasionally do these type of deals with Jump, Dengeki, and Itmedia. But, in reality, that's how it goes for most Japanese video game companies in general. Not just Koei. Sake neko 05:04, May 30, 2012 (UTC)


Why are you uploading them? Is something wrong with just linking the official website and youtube channel? I'm not really accusing, I'm just more curious than anything else. Wikia's formatting has never handled them well in the past or the present, so that's why I'm asking. Sake neko 18:22, June 11, 2012 (UTC)

Well, I thought it'd be nice to make use of this new convenient feature by adding videos related to each article instead of just placing the link below. If I've done something wrong, you and everyone else are always free to correct me. After all, don't I have a responsibility to make up for my own mistakes? Humble Novice 19:11, June 11, 2012 (UTC)

I wasn't saying it was wrong, I'm just saying it looks garish and a bit appalling for small pages on this wiki. It looks even worse for users who aren't logged in, with those overwhelming flash and video ads all over the place. That isn't your fault though, that's Wikia's fault. I'm not sure what to do really. Like I've said, Wikia's never really handled videos well in the past or present. Sake neko 20:44, June 11, 2012 (UTC)

If that's the case, then wouldn't it be better to have the video section minimized or removed entirely? Or is that solution impossible now? Humble Novice 21:28, June 11, 2012 (UTC)


No idea. It just happens sometimes. Kyosei 07:12, June 27, 2012 (UTC)

I see. So it might be a minor bug in the system. I'm just glad the changes in the achievement section don't look so glitchy anymore. Humble Novice 07:20, June 27, 2012 (UTC)

DW6E costume images

If its alright with you, I'm going to mark the DLC costumes you uploaded as candidates for deletion. we already have images of those costumes in the DLC Subpage for DW6E, so having them up on two pages seems a bit redundant. also thanks for all your hard work, its awesome.
Ixbran 01:45, July 1, 2012 (UTC)

DW5 Card Game

Depends on how good the manual scans are. If it's any bit blurry or small, I can't make any promises. If it's like 100 something pages, then don't expect it to be done anytime soon. I can give it a shot, even if I have never played the silly thing before. It'll take time but yeah, that's all good. Please don't upload the manual scans on the wiki to show me. Give me an image gallery link of some sort which has all the pages and I'll see what I can do. Sake neko 04:43, July 6, 2012 (UTC)

Thanks for the link and active interest. The images are a little tiny, but the text is clear so I can work with the scans. It's going to take me sometime to read and understand how this game plays though. If you're fine with that, I can write the rules and other mumbo jumbo for the TCG. All I've see from Japanese fans usually is a complete card list, which I will also translate and include once the rules are down. Don't know where to put it though, we'll see when we get there. Sake neko 05:10, July 6, 2012 (UTC)
Oh, that's fine with me. If you have trouble reading some of the pages in the gallery, please let me know so I can sharpen the quality in Photoshop. Humble Novice 05:17, July 6, 2012 (UTC)

After breezing through the basic rules and taking a brief glance at the advanced rules, the game's glossary is pretty expansive and unique to itself, meaning that there isn't a lot which can be reused for other franchises or Warriors games even if we were to put it here. I think the summary style/simple charts commonly found on this wiki wouldn't quite do it justice. And there's over 300 cards with their own set of conditions and cost rates that's rather hard to ignore. It's been discontinued since 2006, so it probably wouldn't hurt to give the TCG its own concise wiki. Sake neko 06:20, July 6, 2012 (UTC)

Even if the information is too much for this wiki to handle, are you still willing to translate the rules and terms of the game? I'll understand if you decline since crafting a new wiki takes up so much more time than just writing a whole article. Humble Novice 06:49, July 6, 2012 (UTC)
Well, that's the plan. I was going to translate them either way. As I've said before, though, I think it would be better off in its own wiki rather than giving it a brief summary. It wouldn't be bad to start a wiki from scratch for a card game, because it would feel that way anyways if we were try to make it easy to learn and comprehensible for even curious visitors or fans on this wiki.
Provided, I'm still trying to wrap the rules around my head, but I can tell you right now that it's more complex and convoluted than say "press square for a normal attack", like most Warriors things. Sake neko 19:45, July 6, 2012 (UTC)
Now that sounds like a good plan to me. If you'd like, I could try and ask other people at Koei Warriors if they have some knowledge about this game so they can help create your potential wiki. Humble Novice 20:01, July 6, 2012 (UTC)

So after mulling over it for awhile, I've got a good grasp of the card game's rules. It's just a matter of getting the right scans to explain it better. Do you own the actual book? If you do have the book and can provide additional scans, I'm requesting bigger versions of the following pages (going by the numbers of bottom right hand corner in scans themselves): 39, 20-21, 10-11, 8-9, 6-7, 5-4. About 200% or so bigger than the existing versions please. Just update the image gallery with these bigger versions if you can.

If you don't have it and/or can't scan, that's cool too. The scans are functional as is now, but they might be a little hard to see or blurry for some of the explanation segments. Sake neko (talk) 21:18, July 19, 2012 (UTC)
Sorry, but I don't have the actual book for the card game itself. I just found the scans online. However, I'll let you know if I see more information about it in the near future. Humble Novice (talk) 21:45, July 19, 2012 (UTC)

Okay then, that's fine. Then the wiki's primary concern is getting images of the 300+ cards. That's the most important thing for the wiki before it can even begin. If it doesn't generate enough public interest, Wikia has the right to forcibly merge anything everything about the TCG onto this wiki or close it. Quite literally.

If anyone on Koei Warriors actually owns a few cards and can scan, that'll be a life saver. It doesn't have to all of them, just whoever is willing to share is fine. I'd rather not try to rely on scouring online auctions in the vain hope of getting a card picture. You appear to have an account there, so could you please ask around for me? Might get lucky, never know. Sake neko (talk) 22:02, July 19, 2012 (UTC)

Well, I managed to make this thread on Koei Warriors. Let's just hope there's someone generous enough to share what info and experience they have with the card game itself. Humble Novice (talk) 22:39, July 19, 2012 (UTC)
Indeed. Thanks for the help. If nothing shows up after a month or so, then we might have to try something else instead. Or I could just go ahead and make it anyways. But I'd rather not do that. :P Sake neko (talk) 22:43, July 19, 2012 (UTC) hits? Anyone wanting to help out? Sake neko (talk) 02:03, August 25, 2012 (UTC)

Sadly, there doesn't seem to be much response from the forum in regards to this trading card game for DW5. I'll try reviving the thread later in case other people haven't seen it yet. Humble Novice (talk) 14:57, August 25, 2012 (UTC)

If there's no interest for helping a wiki for the card game at this point, then I'll do a so-so summary of it and its rules on this wiki. It's a shame though... Sake neko (talk) 22:29, January 24, 2013 (UTC)

I'm sorry things didn't turn out so well. But then again, it's understandable since only a small handful of English-speaking fans are aware of the card game's existence. Say, do you plan to add info about it on the Dynasty Warriors 5 page or will you be making a new article for it? Humble Novice (talk) 09:42, January 25, 2013 (UTC)
Giving it its own page. It's in the same boat as the mahjong game, just not in a digital format. It wouldn't make sense to make it a subpage or what have you of DW5 if they don't even play the same. Sake neko (talk) 09:50, January 25, 2013 (UTC)

Re:Rotk images

We only use the newer installments, older ones are still on the wiki due to laziness on my part haha. I have to individually delete them and that's already over 50 images. Kyosei 09:36, July 12, 2012 (UTC)

New npc articles

I hope you will take the time to go back and fill these in instead of leaving them as they are. There are already enough skeleton articles and incomplete pages as is to add even more. Given that you didn't even bother to take the time to categorize these pages as actual character articles, I'm somewhat concerned you're only making these pages for the sake of having their ROTK 12 portraits on the wiki. The images are nice, but I'd rather not have readers click on a page only to have them inevitably disappointed to see there is basically nothing or even less on a subject than what they could've found from a basic Wikipedia or Google search. Kyosei 03:17, July 14, 2012 (UTC)

On a somewhat related note: pinyin. Easy way to find it is to copy and paste each Chinese character separately at Wiktionary in the search box. Go down to the Mandarin section and you'll find the pinyin there. For example, for E Huan (鄂煥) you would look at these two pages in their respective sections here for E (鄂) and here for Huan (煥). To get a capitalized version of an accented character that you would see in someone's name like E Huan you can copy and paste it from here. Kyosei 03:39, July 14, 2012 (UTC)

Zhang Chunhua

We don't know if she's going to do anything more than be a generic npc and player avatar. Wait for the game to come out first. Don't make her page because it'll give the impression she'll do something unique or important when we don't know for sure. I repeat, wait for the game to come out first so we know for sure. Kyosei (talk) 03:54, July 19, 2012 (UTC)

But isn't she already an existing character in Romance of the Three Kingdoms? After all, she's got stats of her own like all of the female characters in that particular series. Humble Novice (talk) 04:01, July 19, 2012 (UTC)
She shouldn't be made for the sake of being a Romance of the Three Kingdoms character. There are plenty of those figures who do nothing in any game much less series. We strive for at least multiple game appearances if they're historical figures who at least do something somewhat unique or different in Koei games. Kyosei (talk) 04:06, July 19, 2012 (UTC)
Ah, okay then. But if Zhang Chunhua does have something unique to offer in future Koei titles, will you allow me or anyone else to recreate her page? Humble Novice (talk) 04:40, July 19, 2012 (UTC)

Should be able to edit it now. Kyosei (talk) 02:36, December 19, 2012 (UTC)

MO2 Special

Hey there sorry to butt in but I couldn't help but notice your edit on Semei and Rachel's pages. Assuming you have the game, how and in which chapter do you unlock them please?Yuki Z (talk) 20:43, July 19, 2012 (UTC)

According to one of the videos I just saw, Seimei's stage becomes available in Chapter 1 after recruiting Yuanji and Ginchiyo whereas Rachel's is unlocked in Chapter 2 when Lianshi, Ding Feng, and Ryu are on your team. Fortunately, none of those 2 stages require any bond grinding whatsoever. Humble Novice (talk) 20:59, July 19, 2012 (UTC)
Hmmm, strange as I already have Yuanji and Ginchiyo unlocked in the game :/ Thank you still though.Yuki Z (talk) 21:05, July 19, 2012 (UTC)

Re:Related videos

The related videos tool seems to be rather fickle. Sometimes it'll work like it's supposed to and other times it won't. The best I can do is just move the video to appropriate article and delete the changes to the global list. Kyosei (talk) 05:31, September 4, 2012 (UTC)

Just in case you didn't see it, by October 3, all of the page specific related video pages will be disappearing and will be merged to the global list. This is a change being enforced by Wikia to "encourage" directly embedding page specific videos into the article itself for more page views essentially. This is why you ended up adding to the global list instead of the page specific list. This was a preemptive move made by towards that direction without really informing anyone in a global announcement. Details, comments, feedback and questions can be left here. Kyosei (talk) 19:44, September 21, 2012 (UTC)

Changing/moving articles

Not a problem. Though just for your future reference you can do this yourself by using the drop down menu that opens with the edit this page button you see on every page. Click the downwards arrow and use the Rename option you see and you'll be able to change the article's name. Kyosei (talk) 23:46, October 16, 2012 (UTC)

I already said this on the page history, but I'll say it to you as well. If a game has just been announced and the total sum of information for the game is at best one or two sentences, then wait on making its page. I think Kyosei has said this somewhere before, but pages like Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper and Pokémon Conquest were deleted when they were in "just announced!" status. There's no doubt in anyone's minds that more will be known when time passes, so just be more patient for the information. That's why I haven't tried to make a Geten no Hana page, a game which is essentially in the same boat. Sake neko (talk) 21:09, October 30, 2012 (UTC)


Yea that's fine. Kyosei (talk) 02:07, November 1, 2012 (UTC)

I just find the names unnecessarily long, especially since the images are already categorized by game and what type of image it is. Also, since the images are already categorized by the game it's from I find it less important to put the game first before the character name. Kyosei (talk) 03:31, November 1, 2012 (UTC)

Huche'er profile

Thanks a bunch for helping me with the profile, really appreciate it. By the way, where do you keep getting these awesome ROTK12 art work images, i could barely find hi ROTK11 image, let alone his 12 one.
Ixbran (talk) 08:57, November 10, 2012 (UTC)

Just simply type "三國志12" or "三國志XII" in Google and you're bound to find plenty of character images for Romance of the Three Kingdoms XII. Humble Novice (talk) 19:32, November 10, 2012 (UTC)



Thanks, but I already made another one just like that a few moments before you did. It's this one right here: Template:SW1 Weapon
If you don't mind, I think I'll go ahead and form a different template out of the one you just created. I'm sure you'll come to like it once I'm finished. Humble Novice (talk) 00:04, November 17, 2012 (UTC)

Re:Vids again

I'd rather the external links section not be used for videos that I don't really feel add much to the related page. Again, as I've already said before to Ixban, many of the videos uploaded here basically boiled down to: teaser/trailer, intro cinematic and music/character theme song. None of things were really that important to feature on the articles themselves. They added nice touches but again not really essential. Just something extra on the side. We can still do it the old fashioned way but it means doing it in a more manual fashion. Simply create a new related videos page for the article in question and add it that way. Any videos added to the global list can be manually removed. Kyosei (talk) 12:32, November 17, 2012 (UTC)

Yea just manually edit it onto the appropriate Related Videos page. The blacklist/whitelist headings are pretty self-explanatory. Whitelist will only show the videos listed under the heading on the side bar. Any videos listed under the blacklist heading will not. Kyosei (talk) 11:24, November 19, 2012 (UTC)
Seems like to me that they were just lazy and never actually fully implemented the system the way they blog post suggested as the only different between the old system and the new one is that instead of directly uploading to the article specific Related Videos list, it just uploads to the global one. Though this is only based on my impressions. Kyosei (talk) 18:05, November 19, 2012 (UTC)

Don't really see the need to link the vids again on the article itself when we already have them on the sidebar. Kyosei (talk) 21:08, December 3, 2012 (UTC)

Not sure I really understand what you're confused about but what I said before (manually editing related video pages with the appropriate vids) is still how it is at this moment. Whether or not that changes in the future I don't know. The way how I understood your previous question was you wanted to change/organize the related video page for a given page and then re-link it under the gallery. To which I didn't agree with because you'd be essentially linking the same thing twice since the related videos for the given article can already be seen on the sidebar. Kyosei (talk) 21:42, December 3, 2012 (UTC)

Re:Animal symbolism

I just dont think what he did was fair to you, or the effort you had put into what you had done. As an admin one is meant to step back and leave the editing of the wiki to people like us, and only make major edits when necessary. Admins are meant to prevent the Quick-Deletes of pages. Also I dont consider it "disrespecting" someone when you call them out on doing something stupid. Yes Admins are people who have worked on wikis a long time, and usually know what they are doing. But if they do something that you consider stupid or something they had rushed without thinking it through, its our job to call them out on that. As the saying goes, "Power Corrupts". Oh well, at least hes not as bad as Sake when it comes to undoing other peoples edits. At least Kyosei will, in most situations, listen to reason.
Ixbran (talk) 06:34, November 23, 2012 (UTC)

Murasame Castle

Thank you for the pictures of the demon lords in their demon forms. I saw them and was wondering, if it is possible, if you can get higher quality screen shots, with a clear view of the full front of their forms, i can edit the backgrounds out of the pictures so its just their bodies.
Ixbran (talk) 09:17, November 28, 2012 (UTC)


Already done. Kyosei (talk) 19:13, November 30, 2012 (UTC)


is mainly an aesthetic that I don't really care much for. Ixbran prefers it all the time, I'm focusing more on putting the information down and little else. Sometimes centering things looks distracting to me, like the image takes precedence over everything else regarding the said topic. There really isn't a set standard regarding galleries. Plus it looks really bad on monobook view, but that's just me. If it bothers you, you can re-add it. Sake neko (talk) 18:40, December 13, 2012 (UTC)

Re:Videos again

I was never really a fan of how Wikia's implemented videos into the base code, especially since it's still obviously flimsy coding that was never not fully debugged and can/will crash web browsers. In principle I'm not fully against videos being added to the articles, I'd just rather they'd be original videos created by fans as opposed to just trailers released by Koei themselves. It kind of goes back to the whole idea of why I don't like Wikipedia copy/paste. I'd rather there be original and instructive material over something a visitor will most likely have already seen, especially if they are a dedicated follower/fan. It especially starts to get a bit into overkill territory at this point with this game if they're going to release a trailer for every character. That's going to be over 70 videos. Ixban argues he'd want them for page views for the wiki but I'd rather those hits go to Koei's official venues themselves. I'm pretty sure they use those hits to gauge consumer interest and I personally would rather not take away from that if it can be helped. Kyosei (talk) 15:41, January 31, 2013 (UTC)


Thank you for all your help Humble, I really appreciate it.
Ixbran (talk) 08:31, February 7, 2013 (UTC)

You're welcome. I can see that you're trying hard as well. Two or more heads are better than one, wouldn't you agree? Humble Novice (talk) 08:36, February 7, 2013 (UTC)


you think you could help out with getting info on this game on the wiki. i dont understand japanese at all, yet you seem to have a grasp on it. All i can do really is provide pics and videos and minor info, but I cant really do anything big like this on my own.
Ixbran (talk) 01:04, February 10, 2013 (UTC)

Truth be told, my skills in Japanese are mediocre at best. And besides, Sake Neko has already included relevant information regarding this game into the site. It's best to have him or her handle it for the time being. Humble Novice (talk) 01:40, February 10, 2013 (UTC)

Marc and Georges

I haven't played the game too extensively so I need to ask: do they do the same exact things throughout the game? Are they like Zhang Fei's Kessen daughters or these twins? If so, then why not merge their pages and images together? They sound like from your descriptions that they're an inseparable pair, and they don't have much going for them by being apart. Sake neko (talk) 02:43, February 10, 2013 (UTC)

Merging their pages together sounds fine to me. The two of them always appear together in the same battles minus a few request missions with other characters and their temporary fallout with one another. By the way, I also marked Sonic2479's images for deletion since this individual seems to upload stuff while not writing articles about them. Is that okay with you? Humble Novice (talk) 02:56, February 10, 2013 (UTC)
I don't know, it depends on the person. I'd ideally like to give them time to make the pages (if they are going to). If it's just pictures and there's nothing indicating that they'll actually do the pages, then yeah. Especially if it's a lot of pictures at once. Lazy pic spam with no context to back it up isn't really something that should be encouraged at any wiki really. Sake neko (talk) 03:20, February 10, 2013 (UTC)
So far, he or she hasn't made a single article in this site for almost a week now. Say, you've played this game before, right? Are any of those characters from the images playable in the first title? Or are they exclusively available in the sequel? If you're interested, perhaps you might consider writing about them like you did with the rest of the main cast. Humble Novice (talk) 03:41, February 10, 2013 (UTC)
I've played it, but I have a little rule I want to follow with myself with second party collaborations like this. I don't write for something I haven't watched/read because that isn't respectful to the original work.
I haven't watched all the Gundams featured in Gundam Musou, so I've only touched on the ones I have personally seen (the original, most of Zeta and Double Zeta, Char's Counterattack, Unicorn, Stardust Memories, Double O). One Piece is a mixed beast with me as well, in that I have only seen select sections of it. I have read certain arcs ages ago, but they aren't in Kaizoku Musou. So there isn't a lot I can write about these characters. I do know somethings about it through osmosis, like the crew hearing the spirit of Going Merry while it "dies" and Ace's and Whitebeard's deaths.
I have watched and read all of Hokuto no Ken before, so that's why I could whip out those pages so quickly. I might go through and finish the rest of the Hokuto no Ken characters just because, but One Piece isn't on the table for me. And given the length of catching up I would have to do, it probably won't be for awhile. Sake neko (talk) 04:14, February 10, 2013 (UTC)
I might try to write this articles later, but you'll have to make a grammar check, then. ````
Thank you very much, Anton. Your help is greatly appreciated. Humble Novice (talk) 16:04, February 10, 2013 (UTC)



Because they're not really needed in her character page. Like I said before, more than two dialogue samples from a single game is just too excessive. Humble Novice (talk) 15:27, February 14, 2013 (UTC)


Just thought of something else. I'm doing this too, starting now. Whenever you select a squad in-game, look in the bottom left corner near where level is displayed, and make a note of whether or not it's light, normal, or heavy armor. This seems to vary based on the individual squads, like special abilities. But I can't seem to find to find a listing of that property anywhere EXCEPT the HUD when you are controlling them. It's certainly not in the Diary. I'll start adding armor info to Unit Types (Bladestorm) within the next week. SinisterSamurai (talk) 22:56, February 15, 2013 (UTC)

Thanks for the tip. I'll be sure to put in some additional stuff into the unit page as well. Humble Novice (talk) 21:00, February 16, 2013 (UTC)

Zuo Ci

Thank you for the video. Please try to be more polite, I was not rude to you and would appreciate the same courtesy. We are likely to encounter each other in the future and I would rather be friendly than not. Lance Colonel Ligre (talk) 02:46, February 22, 2013 (UTC)

I would like to thank you once again for the video, as I could not find it ANYWHERE! Lance Colonel Ligre (talk) 02:10, February 23, 2013 (UTC)
You're welcome. I too am looking forward to the game's release. We only have less than a week left before it becomes available in Japan. Humble Novice (talk) 04:45, February 23, 2013 (UTC)

Weapon Names

Just so you know –because I'm seeing it in the Recent Changes– your logic regarding the Lu Bu weapon is flawed if you're including the English localization changes for the SW characters you're adding. Their weapon names are the same in Japanese and their weapon models even are the same regardless of the English translated name. Exactly the same in many cases. So I don't understand your reasoning for undoing Lu Bu at all. Sake neko (talk) 06:12, February 23, 2013 (UTC)

Oh, I know that. It's simply because the weapon level between the first and latest Samurai Warriors games are different from one another. Isn't that why the info box has sections for 4th and 5th weapons? And also, Lu Bu's Royal Halberd and Sky Scorcher are both halberds with the same Japanese name and weapon level despite differences in appearance. Isn't that enough to classify them as the same weapon? In Oichi's case, however, I separated her 5th weapons from SW2 and SW3 since the two differ in design and function despite having identical kanji characters. Does that make any sense to you? Humble Novice (talk) 06:23, February 23, 2013 (UTC)
Sorry about that. After I bothered to look at Lu Bu's weapons page, I agree with you. We should go by whatever the Japanese kanji says because it clearly identifies that they're the same exact bloody weapon regardless of the game. The only thing that is different is how they chose to localize said weapon into English and the rendered background for the weapon image. Plus, if the older Warriors titles are anything to go by, they're really all over the place about how they choose to translate them anyways, so the idea of following only English localization is fallible.
But, even if I said this to Ixbran with the most logical and nicest approach that I know, they'll just throw a surly insult like "you're not the admin so shut up" or "you don't care about Warriors things so stay out it". Frankly speaking, I'm too sick of reading that type of response right now. I would say you're better off waiting for Kyosei's opinion on the matter. Sake neko (talk) 06:30, February 23, 2013 (UTC)
Thanks. It's a relief to know I'm not the only one who feels the same way about organizing pages. Truth be told, I'd rather have this "mountain out of a molehill" argument with Ixbran end as soon as possible so I can focus more on other stuff that needs to be done. Humble Novice (talk) 06:41, February 23, 2013 (UTC)

If the localization was even the slightest bit consistent, there wouldn't be really a problem using the English names for all the weapons. Unfortunately this isn't really the case and would agree trying to denote a different English translation for a weapon that hasn't actually changed as an actual new weapon is silly. Kyosei (talk) 05:28, February 26, 2013 (UTC)


Listen I appreciate you attempting to help me with my grammar. But please, the next time you need to point something out, send it to me on my talk page alright. That post of yours is always going to be within the history section of that page.

I understand that being literate and punctual is needed on a site such as a Wiki, but please if you notice I have spelling or grammatical errors in the future, let me know in a PM on the KW Forum or here on a talk page. Because it is very embarrassing and humiliating for that to be there. And knowing it will always be there makes it hurt even more.
Ixbran (talk) 06:13, February 25, 2013 (UTC)

Hi I'm requesting an approvel to print out your picture of ma chao to be put on a shirt for my brother birthday gift .. Http://

Kmaysareth (talk) 08:45, February 27, 2013 (UTC)

DW8 Art

Why are you uploading the Photos of the Artwork from the book? why not wait until high quality scans show up? As of now you can see where the pictures bend near the spine of the book, as well as light glare on the images from the flash of the camera. I guess they will make decent temps until they are scanned in, but still dont you think it would have been better to wait?
Ixbran (talk) 03:55, March 1, 2013 (UTC)

Ma Su

I'm not questioning you, I'm just wondering if you can give me a link or excerpt to something in english? Please? Lance Colonel Ligre (talk) 23:22, March 1, 2013 (UTC)

Just watch this stream and you'll understand:
That's almost 20 hours long! A little help please? Lance Colonel Ligre (talk) 00:14, March 2, 2013 (UTC)
Go to 13:28:18 of the video and watch the scene unfold before your very eyes. Even if you can't understand Japanese, there's no indication that Ma Su is going to be executed (since, after all, it's an alternate story event). Humble Novice (talk) 03:54, March 2, 2013 (UTC)
     Thank you so much! I'm so happy you can save Ma Su this time! He is my favorite npc, and I think he deserved to be unique more than *shudder* Guan Yinping... Anyway, thank you again for the video. Sorry for taking your time! Lance Colonel Ligre (talk) 04:34, March 2, 2013 (UTC)

Re:Upload bug

I've personally never seen this happen before, trying to edit it also gives me a weird error. I can try deleting it so you can re-upload it. Kyosei (talk) 10:10, March 2, 2013 (UTC)


You do have a point, guess i got a little too excited. Sorry if i caused any trouble Humble. Ill see if i can get my hands on any of the other costumes that are more of a change, aside from just re-colors.
Ixbran (talk)

DW8 Weapon images

I was thinking, since in DW8 every character has their own move set, and that its been confirmed that the game is going to keep with the classic of 4th and 5th weapons, rather than making a Weapons Page like we did with DW7, and 7XL, we should just put the weapon images on the characters pages, like we are doing now with the WO3 weapons. I think it would be a lot easier, and since no one is sharing a weapon type there's no need for a page to show off the different versions of a weapon. Sure if there are DLC weapon skins we can easily just put those on the DLC Page with the necessary info put on it.
Ixbran (talk) 00:14, March 21, 2013 (UTC)


Not too bad, not too good. Just right. I didn't do much to really brag about, but that's life. Plus, it gave me time to connect again with three of my other loves: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, cooking, and Sudoku. Sake neko (talk) 18:45, March 29, 2013 (UTC)

To be completely honest, I don't really like TRINITY. It feels like an Omega Force version of a Tri-Ace or Tales of game with crunched and awkward camera angles. I can't even say that I liked the story or characters this game introduces since the original Zill O'll is eons richer and stronger in that department. In fact, this game somehow made the dungeons and skill learning feel like more of a chore than before despite its faster system. What I did enjoy was too far and few in between Areus's melodrama for me to latch onto this game. It's superior in graphics, speed, and action compared to Zill O'll, but that's it. Sake neko (talk) 05:09, March 30, 2013 (UTC)


  • Video 1: didnt freeze enemies like you claimed, in fact it actually caused FIRE Damage, you can tell by the RED FLASHING. Possibly an item which allows true musou at any times is equipped or something.
  • Video 2: there were juggernauts or something running around on stage blasting ice at everyone, the frozen characters in that video could easily be attributed that.
  • Video 3 + 4: One enemy was frozen in each. Those could easily be attributed to an element such as ice attached to the weapon, and even so no enemies were pulled towards Dan, they were only blown away.

I am willing to bet that the chances of freezing enemies with that move is possible, but Very low. So that is something I am willing to accept. also that first video, not everyone has access to a niconico account. Your lucky that i have access to a Nico video converter site. Provided the video i saw to show for your self. the video was posted recently, and im willing to bet the reasons i didnt see any ice in it could be because of one of the two patches that the game has. One of the patches did include character balancing, and the Ice effect could have been taken away. Which would explain why it didn't show up in the video
Ixbran (talk) 00:14, April 3, 2013 (UTC)

You know i just realized something, each time he uses his Musou in this video he glows red and not the traditional soft blue, perhaps in the video the player has an item equipped to make it so he always uses his True Musou. Maybe thats why i never saw any ice in the video, because true musous always inflict fire damage. Also i noticed something interesting i hadn't before, when using his alt ground musou when he summons the winds, there are always 4 foot soldiers that rush by him in a straight line charging enemies, then disappear when the move is finished. Maybe the winds them self dont damage enemies but the 4 men who charge in front of him?
Ixbran (talk) 01:31, April 3, 2013 (UTC)
  • I NOT UNDERSTAND !!!!!!!!

Why ? The rōmaji of Sun Quan is same the rōmaji of Sun Jian ? Sun Jian's romaji is Son Ken, Sun Quan's romaji is Son Ken ??? I think the romaji of Sun Quan is Son Sen because the romaji of Huang Quan is Kousen :) 

Sweet Haul

Score. Where on earth did you find all that Bladestorm concept art? SinisterSamurai (talk) 16:35, April 16, 2013 (UTC)

I got them from the game's official artbook which contains more than 90 pages worth of various images and data. Humble Novice (talk) 21:10, April 16, 2013 (UTC)

Do you own Dynasty Warriors 8 Japanese Version??

SHUT UP! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

help with another wiki

I'm sorry for bothering you, but i need your help. Some time ago I started up a Dragon's Crown Wiki, and I have been finding my self struggling with it since I'm building it from the ground up, with little help. One of my major problems with dealing with this is that i have little knowledge when it comes to coding. things like templates and navigation tables are very hard for me to make. If you ever have the time, I would hope you'd consider helping out a little bit. But if you are not interested, that is fine too. sorry for bothering you.
Ixbran (talk) 08:47, May 27, 2013 (UTC)

Dynasty Tactics Pics

Hi there, I just wanted to ask if you got those DT pics from a specific website. Would be cool to know what characters feature there who do not appear in the regular Dynasty Warriors so that character pages don't get deleted because the character doesn't feature in many games (Mao Jie for example does not appear in DW). - Hero of Chaos (talk) 10:08, May 27, 2013 (UTC)

I got those from the first Dynasty Tactics game. Before I can say which characters appear in that title, I would suggest that we finish expanding the current articles in this site so that we won't have anymore stubs piled up. It's easier that way unless you're absolutely certain of writing a new article with enough content not to label it a stub. Humble Novice (talk) 16:55, May 27, 2013 (UTC)
Yeah, I just wanted to ask for future references. Expanding existing articles should be the priority for now. - Hero of Chaos (talk) 19:36, May 27, 2013 (UTC)


I know. I play the social game and saw it as such, and that confused me as well. I looked a little more into it, and it appears that characters do a Russian roulette with their portraits if they are somewhat secondary. Like Kaihime using an edit character portrait from an old game in the social game. I really wasn't sure if I was seeing straight, so I double checked myself by looking at the generic wiki and there she is. I don't know what else to tell you other than that. Sake neko (talk) 15:37, July 8, 2013 (UTC)

Toukiden Protagonist

I remember that rule, i just thought since they have multiple renders of them depicted with the different weapons, perhaps those would be allowed? I dunno, just thought it would be nice to have, seeing as the page feels very blank without some sort of gallery involved. I mean after all, we have other pages with protagonists depicted them with different appearances. Then again, these are weapons, not costumes.
Ixbran (talk) 06:53, July 10, 2013 (UTC)

We usually allow renders of characters wearing the same outfit (while also wielding different weapons) so long as they're from separate games or enhanced ports. Also, some pages don't really need a gallery to be complete if they contain enough information to not classify them as a stub. Humble Novice (talk) 07:00, July 10, 2013 (UTC)
Ahh, alrighty then. Maybe I'll make a new protagonist image with all the different weapons. that way it fills out the page a bit more. also, i was wondering, will you be making a navigation template for Toukiden? with all the different monster types, weapon skins, and armor types the game is gonna have, i have a feeling this game is definitely going to need one. I would also advise in making multiple pages for the different weapon skins. Not just putting all the different weapon designs on one page. If this game turns out to be anything like Monster Hunter, in terms of weapons, we will definitely have over the 100's, with various designs and type differences.
Ixbran (talk) 08:21, July 10, 2013 (UTC)
Normally, we only make navigation templates for a game series, and there are no current plans to make a Toukiden sequel or spin-off title since it's just been released. Also, it's not necessary to make separate pages for every weapon type since each one only has more than 20 different models. Instead, it would be better to make individual pages for weapons, defensive gear, and materials. Humble Novice (talk) 20:03, July 10, 2013 (UTC)

Warriors Orochi Battles

are mostly fakey-fake, original, dream battles. So you shouldn't think that any of them are close to being historical. Ideally, it should at least put down a stage when so-and-so first appears. And, in the case of the latest games, the only stage after their first appearance when said character appears to have any significant impact/focus during the main story. WO characters as a whole all apply for this, since they tend to not have any battles in the series which are based on anything remotely like their historical counterparts. They are either mythological, from a completely different time era, or not even from Earth to begin with. Sake neko (talk) 18:17, July 18, 2013 (UTC)


can come from/be farmed from particular places, which aren't always based on the same time period they were alive. For instance, you get Ieyasu's soul the first time from Bu which is based on the Kamakura and Muramachi periods. Don't bother trying to categorize the charts that way. It's misleading, and it's not how the game bothers to do it either. Sake neko (talk) 05:12, July 19, 2013 (UTC)

Ah, sorry about that. I thought it would be a good idea to mention that small bit since the game allows you to sort out souls based on their property type or period. Humble Novice (talk) 05:19, July 19, 2013 (UTC)
True, but those translations aren't really appreciated. Just go by the romanji of the area for now, since these are going to change anyways with localization. Sake neko (talk) 05:32, July 19, 2013 (UTC)
Okay then, I'll revert the names back until the game has been localized. Humble Novice (talk) 05:34, July 19, 2013 (UTC)


I already told Sake I would let things be because im not in the mood for dealing with him right now. I dont see how it wouldn't be the pre-existing Generic. They have made generics playable in the DW and SW series. how you guys could think this is a completely different hundon/hammerjaw is beyond me. Though you do have a point, his name might end up being changed in future western releases. I guess i never thought of that, so my bad on that. But untill that possible name change does happen, ill tell you what I told sake. If it does indeed turn out to be the same Hundun that served Yuan shao, then I expect the proper name change to the article to reflect his current western style name. In the event it is changed to something else in future WO games, that's fine. and if it turns out to be a completely different hundun all together, then thats fine too.
Ixbran (talk) 05:31, September 4, 2013 (UTC)

help with Samurai Warriors 3 quotes

I know we have our differences in quotes, but I need help in finding all the battle quotes of Samurai Warriors 3. soundrip the audio if you have to.

I'd like to help, but I only have the Japanese version of the game. You'll have to find someone else to assist you in this endeavor. How about asking Ixbran? I believe he has a copy of the English version since he knows so much about Murasame Mode. Humble Novice (talk) 03:14, October 15, 2013 (UTC)
I'd like to suggest getting the English copy of Samurai Warriors 3, that way you can help get the battle quotes from that game.{{SUBST:User:Hiromichi/sig2}} (talk) 20:29, June 29, 2014 (UTC)

Hyakuman-nin no Sangokushi portraits

Hey there, could you look up Song Xian's portraits in this game again? I'm pretty much 100% sure that the first and second portraits in his gallery belong to Xu Sheng. At least they do in RoTK, I don't know if that new game switched around some things. - Hero of Chaos (talk) 08:15, November 15, 2013 (UTC)

Oh, you're right. It looks like I misnamed three of the portraits there. Thanks for the heads up, I'll fix that right away. Humble Novice (talk) 08:45, November 15, 2013 (UTC)

Could you please just limit your future uploads to new portraits which only appear in the social game? The majority of these portraits, and I know because I played them, are just reused ones from previous games in the main series (V~IX usually). The same goes for 100man Nobunaga. Sake neko (talk) 16:57, November 20, 2013 (UTC)

Truth be told, I've never understood the logic in not allowing previous images from Sangokushi and Nobunaga no Yabou to be uploaded while doing the opposite for the Warriors series. Doesn't that seem kind of hypocritical? Are we not supposed to give other series the same treatment? There's nothing in the style guide that prevents the inclusion of older artworks or renders from past installments. I can understand why you'd be so concerned about adding them here since there's so many to begin with, but look at it this way: the image section for the Warriors characters is just as numerous if not more. Graphical information is still information after all. We already have a feature that allows us to organize images from different games into one page, so what reason could everyone have in denying the inclusion of the older images from the two aforementioned series? Humble Novice (talk) 17:49, November 20, 2013 (UTC)
If you want to take the time to upload ALL of the available portraits for EVERY single character in every single entry of those two series, be my guest. If you're willing to be that thorough about it then go ahead. Sake neko (talk) 17:57, November 20, 2013 (UTC)
I'll gladly take that challenge head on. Know that I do this because I want to see the wiki grow as much as you do. Humble Novice (talk) 18:26, November 20, 2013 (UTC)

Geten no Hana Infobox

To sum up the reasons why:

  1. There could still be something else that could be added based on whatever Yumeakari does/something I'm forgetting to add to it so it's a work in progress.
  2. Red and orange are key colors in Geten no Hana; the gradient and uniformed changes made to match other templates caused it lose its identity. It looked way too similar to the Samurai Warriors template.
  3. The gradients in general are kinda more like a polish and really not that necessary to focus on, especially at this stage.

Maybe once everyone is done, which is kinda close, but not while I'm still working on them. It's a bit distracting because then I'm mulling on an aesthetic when I should be really focusing on putting down the information first. Sake neko (talk) 15:12, November 26, 2013 (UTC)

Also please never upload Neoromance event stills onto the wiki. Those are reserved for actual endings and character routes you actually have to work for and aren't readily available in the default script. It's something that would be better to actually play and experience the game for than have featured on a character page. Sake neko (talk) 22:01, November 26, 2013 (UTC)
Well, alright then. Just one question though, is Oichi mentioned in this game? Humble Novice (talk) 00:03, November 27, 2013 (UTC)
No. And to answer future inquiries, any female relative of the main characters you'd think could be in the game are not in it. Sake neko (talk) 01:17, November 27, 2013 (UTC)

jpg vs png

Quite frankly, I like keeping the filetype in whatever format I find it in when I first saved it. If the news report I got said image from is a jpg (and they usually are), then I would leave it as that. This is for four simple reasons:

  1. it's respectful to the original uploader and source to keep it as that.
  2. jpg almost always loads faster than a png on the web, regardless of the visitor's browser speed.
  3. jpg is generally universal, and not every visitor can read pngs from their browsers.
  4. converting a jpg (or whatever file type it is) to png just for your reasons of having consistency actually loses image quality of the original image, unless the image was originally saved as a png in the first place.

But, if you must know, I only prefer png for small images or sprites, because they take little to no time to load and average users prefer the transparency benefits found in those type of pngs. Otherwise, I would always go for jpg for the reasons stated above. All the fancy Wikia coding in the world can do nothing to reverse or slow the time it takes to load 20+ pngs on a character page, especially if they are bigger than 30px. Sake neko (talk) 02:13, December 1, 2013 (UTC)

Technically speaking, I was referring to the conversion/image compression issue that you brought up. I am aware that pngs are commonly known for being the "kings" so to speak of loseless image quality. But they're also not perfect, and really more cumbersome to work with if the image is not loseless to begin with. The absolute best method for image conversion anyone can do is work from the raw data (which we obviously cannot do) and then render it from an actual rendering program set aside focusing solely on image quality (another thing which we obviously cannot do), rather than rely solely on Photoshop wizardry for the web (which is what we get in official websites/news reports). What I'm saying is that caring about an image's preservation/quality is somewhat moot when we're not even getting "the bestest" anyways. I'd say it's just better to be modest about it and play the games. Sake neko (talk) 05:20, December 1, 2013 (UTC)
Also, go back and upload the full images of the cards if you want to put up card images. It's like you're saying you don't care when you crop it like that. Sake neko (talk) 06:07, December 1, 2013 (UTC)

Re:Layout change

The fluid layout is part of a Wikia wide change and something I can't really do much about. Kyosei (talk) 23:16, December 4, 2013 (UTC)

I've played around with the css a little bit and made the font smaller. If it seems too small I can make it bigger again. Kyosei (talk) 23:53, December 4, 2013 (UTC)
Thanks for changing the text size, Kyosei. While I don't personally like the sudden increase in page width, I'll get used to it somehow. Humble Novice (talk) 02:49, December 5, 2013 (UTC)


Hmm I haven't found anything which lets you directly do it within the nav template itself. I'd essentially have to make a new template to use css code from the common.css to use the specific color called for, for the specific template that needs it. Which really is a lot of work for a trivial aesthetic change. Kyosei (talk) 00:20, December 10, 2013 (UTC)


The gradient coding does not always show up for mobile browsers; you either get an empty box with floating text or an approximation of the gradient's possible color base. At least with a solid web safe color, something shows up rather than a counterproductive result. If it gets to the point where I have to squint or if it stings my eyes to even read the text, it's kinda defeating the purpose of having an infobox on the side for quick and easy information.

As for the PC browsing side, I was only concerned with removing the gradient for the navigation templates since that much concentrated color in such a condensed space subconsciously made the font look inferior and much harder to read then it needed to be, even with the font size boost. I wasn't really thinking of touching the infoboxes, but honestly I could go either way at this point. The changes made since then are interesting to say the least. Sake neko (talk) 06:15, December 15, 2013 (UTC)

If you can't see what I am seeing on your mobile device, then I guess I am in the minority here. I don't mind going along with the gradients then as long as you keep the aesthetic changes to a minimum. And please stick with it the first time; it's unsettling to see the template do a rainbow loop every time I refresh it. Sake neko (talk) 19:44, December 17, 2013 (UTC)
A request for you since you've made it your mission on doing this. Can you please choose colors which aren't so vibrant/hot/saturated for the DW template and future template changes? It really stings my eyes to look at it. A slightly duller or neutral shade to the colors you are using would be preferred. Sake neko (talk) 23:03, December 18, 2013 (UTC)
Alright then. Though it'll take me a while, I'll see what I can do to make the colors more subdued. Humble Novice (talk) 00:13, December 19, 2013 (UTC)

Delete Photo

delete photo as well, I`ve misread it, it`s Iehisa unfortunately. 


Re:Copied Articles

It's like déjà vu all over again. Well, first off, I think it's a bit odd that people are even blindly coping from Koei wiki. Does that mean this place is better than Wikipedia now? In some way, I think we should feel a little flattered.

Here's my serious answer for addressing your concerns: if the issue really bothers you and the other party remains obstinate, you need to first speak to Kyosei about this. If the Wikia user continues to be adamant about the issue even with Kyosei's intervention, this is a matter which should be presented to the actual Wikia community directly. You can read more about the standard procedures for doing so here. Wikia staff can then help you on the issue by either wagging their finger at the perp or banning them. Depends on whether they believe it's an admin or an user offense.

As for my personal opinion, I am not bothered by it and I didn't even know this existed until you brought it up. The other party can say whatever they want to justify themselves; Wikia page history can always prove which was written first. A link of Koei wiki somewhere and/or a public statement that "copying from [here]" is a standard on their wiki would be a simple courtesy/my wishful thinking for resolving any sort of conflict.

Rather than the copying, the attitude they're taking to defend themselves is disheartening to me; I think it's understandable yet unfortunate that they believe it's okay. On one hand, that's like they're saying they're proud to continue being lazy for the deeper inspirations for their interests, and they refuse to put in least a sliver of their own pizaz to it. The developer/historical information for these figures will not change much, but the manner it is told can always fluctuate. On the other hand, maybe they really don't want to put in the effort because they really want to focus on the new features in DWO in their wiki, and that's okay. That's where the courtesy link would be an honest way of conveying that position to readers. I don't know the user/their Wikia community well enough to point fingers and I want to give them the benefit of doubt for now.

That's my two cents on that. Now you get to decide what you want to do about it. Sake neko (talk) 12:39, February 13, 2014 (UTC)

Hmm, I don't see how this really affects the integrity of our articles. It's fairly harmless. Based on the article visits for that wiki, most of them are centered on material specific to the online game as one would naturally assume. Technically there is nothing really wrong with what they are doing so long as they are not profiting from it. All material written on Wikia, unless we explicitly state on our wiki, is free to copy and reuse elsewhere based on the CC-BY-SA license provided the said website also shares the same license. This is why Wikipedia copy-paste isn't necessarily wrong here but I'd prefer our contributors not to so as to allow visitors a more unique experience.
This is not the first time someone's copied work from here and pasted it on their own wiki and it won't be the last time. The most courtesy one can ask for is a simple link back to the wiki as not only acknowledgement but also credit to the original writers. If it really bothers you I can try and contact the admin and work out something. Kyosei (talk) 16:58, February 13, 2014 (UTC)

Re:Disambiguation Sub-Category

There is a reason why I stopped/haven't bothered categorizing redirects hehe. However on the same page, I don't see any reason to really worry about any consistency though when it comes to redirects as to whether they are categorized or not. Deleting the category now means going back and uncategorizing the ones already categorized to prevent a red link. Kyosei (talk) 18:04, February 19, 2014 (UTC)

thank you

Thank you for the help with uploading the SW4 videos, I hadn't noticed till just a little while ago though. I knew something was off when videos I was uploading had a "-0" at the end of the title, I just never thought about it.

Anyway, i was wondering, since the galleries in character pages now support gallery tabs, do you think it would be alright putting character vids on their pages, within a video tab in the gallery at the base of character pages? It would be nice if the character specific vids could finally go onto said character pages, ya know?

Again, thanks for the help.
Ixbran (talk) 08:49, February 25, 2014 (UTC)

I think that'd be a good idea, but you'll have to ask Kyosei about it first since he's the one running things here. Humble Novice (talk) 09:05, February 25, 2014 (UTC)
Done, brought it up too Kyosei, and now we just have to wait and see what he says. Again, thank you for helping me with the videos.
Ixbran (talk) 09:31, February 25, 2014 (UTC)

Kyosei gave the go-ahead, e said as long as they have their own tab, videos can be put in character galleries now.
Ixbran (talk) 20:39, February 25, 2014 (UTC)

Character Height

Im SO sorry! I don't have that very good of a computer. If I open up or go back a page it will make edits to wiki I never wanted. But I did mean to change Cao Cao, Lei Biu, and Cao Ren ONCE.

Upon playing the game I noticed that Cao Cao and Lei Biu were both shorter then Zhuge Liang. Who is also listed at 5'8.50. it would be impossible for Cao Cao and Lei Biu to be 5'8.50 because Zhuge Liang is taller. Cao Ren in cut scenes is also MUCH shorter then Cao Cao, who is 5'8". 123wiki (talk) 02:58, February 27, 2014 (UTC)

In regards to numbers involving height and weight, we only use those provided by official sources like Koei. Merely estimating their height is subject to speculation which goes against the objective aims of the site. Humble Novice (talk) 03:44, February 27, 2014 (UTC)


I don't know if you're paying attention or not, but visually centering everything makes the captions themselves very disorienting in the gallery section if the caption is too long or too short. It only looks decent if the caption is at least twenty characters, and that's not always a guarantee. It's easier to follow when it is at default.

I can gather from your edits that you crave uniformity, but not everything has to be centered like the DLC pages. Sake neko (talk) 11:27, March 10, 2014 (UTC)

Somehow, I doubt that. Centering the caption isn't an issue when viewers who have trouble with it can simply adjust the size of their PC with the zoom feature. Aligning the names to the left just seems unprofessional. And also, the reason why I changed the image size is to help accommodate it with the minimum width. I already checked it with other browsers like Internet Explorer. Humble Novice (talk) 11:43, March 10, 2014 (UTC)
Next time post a reply on my talk page. I didn't know you responded to this until now.
As for my impressions, I still stand by idea that uniformity is not always the best idea. I'm talking about the pages where you put a collapsible gallery for characters who have a few amount of images in their gallery. I consider the feature to be conditional really, if the character has at least a handful of images from an assorted number of IPs. If it's only the historical sims and maybe one other game, I think that's misleading to readers into thinking that character has prolific appearances in a variety of IPs.
Compare Keiji or Liu Bei even to someone like Naotaka Ii or Yellow Turbans Zhang Bao. It just seems really unnecessary to conceal something which didn't take a lot of space to even load and one extra click from distracting from the section's objective. You can argue that it can be added once more images are found, but it seems excessive coding to try and do this in their page's current stages. Sake neko (talk) 16:20, March 10, 2014 (UTC)


Hey there, just a small question. How are we going to do it now, [[ ]]'s or [[ | 's]]? I'd like to keep it consistent. A year or so ago, I used the former and it was always corrected by someone else to the latter, now it seems to be the other way round. - Hero of Chaos (talk) 15:37, April 10, 2014 (UTC)

Truth be told, I used to think that the latter was more convenient, but the former actually takes up less space and fits the format used by more prominent wiki sites. Humble Novice (talk) 21:58, April 10, 2014 (UTC)
Alright then. I think the format that includes the 's in the link looks better, but that's just personal preference. I think I'll use the more prominent format then as well. - Hero of Chaos (talk) 08:42, April 11, 2014 (UTC)

4Th Weapon Acquisition Videos

PeJ of the KWForums has claimed that since he is going to be doing videos to acquire all the 4th weapons of the game, we on the Koei wiki are permitted to post said videos on the wiki for those who need visual aid when it comes to meeting all quest requirements to unlock said weapons. Do you think this would be a good idea, posting the videos here on the wiki?
Ixbran (talk) 02:32, April 13, 2014 (UTC)


May I ask why you delete the quotes on some pages? It's not like they're wrong or so, they are spoken in the camps before a battle. Hero of Chaos (talk) 09:39, May 12, 2014 (UTC)

Those quotes were deleted because they had nothing to do with the speaker at all. A character's dialogue should be more about themselves and those they interact with. Humble Novice (talk) 10:14, May 12, 2014 (UTC)
I see. Well, that could be said about quite a few quotes on the generics' pages, e.g. the officers of the 4 Jingnan lords such as Bao Long or Xing Daorong, who might have a somewhat unique quote in that particular game, but it still doesn't say anything about them, nor do they interact with someone. Should they be deleted as well? Hero of Chaos (talk) 16:35, May 12, 2014 (UTC)

Naming peeve

I can understand for Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors, but really. Why do you have to put unnecessary acronyms for game titles that are already easy to type? I'm talking about Toukiden (TKD) and Guntama (GT). It's one of those things that has always bugged me about how you name files. Same with putting the full character's name in the image name itself.

That just says laziness to me more than anything else. I wanted to hear your opinion about it. Sake neko (talk) 20:11, May 14, 2014 (UTC)

I wasn't demanding a change, merely your thoughts. I'd say I got what I wanted, though I admit I am slightly disappointed by what I got. Sake neko (talk) 20:45, May 14, 2014 (UTC)


  1. lack says on Twitter that he/she is "a part of a team of illustrators". So yes and no. It'd be wiser to credit which ones lack drew rather than putting that on the game's page. Unfortunately, lack is rather brief on which characters were part of his/her freelancing. Perhaps you can ask directly.
  2. If I do a summary that comic on the wiki, I'd say it's only fair that I do the rest of Koei's comics first. Namely all the Neoromance ones. If you want my ghetto summary version of what you gave me, then this is it.

It's the same as usual, almost nearly verbatim at times with the game. Flashback: Shizugatake ⇒ Oshi Castle ⇒ Recruitment to Hideyoshi ⇒ Hideyoshi's death. Reflects on devotion for Hideyoshi and how "his father" has always been kind to him. Muses that "his family" (Kiyomasa and Masanori) have abandoned him at Sekigahara. Surprised to see Yoshitsugu come to his side. Dedicated to fighting for Sakon and Yoshitsugu in battle.

I don't see why this would need a wiki article since the file does not include Masamune or the Sanada brothers' chapters. I would prefer waiting for a comic volume scan instead. Sake neko (talk) 17:41, May 16, 2014 (UTC)

I just realized that, sorry! I won't change anymore names. At least I didn't really got that far. There might have still be names I got really confused at. Pardon my confusion.  Mintsy Winter (talk) 00:33, May 26, 2014 (UTC)

Re:Magazine covers

Generally we don't. I think the magazine cover for Zelda was just as a sub for an actual game cover. Kyosei (talk) 11:44, May 28, 2014 (UTC)

Article Correction

I thank you for the article correction :) I've just been trying to play some of the games to get screen caps I haven't seen present. You're a warrior worth a thousand on this wiki, my friend. I'll have to get refreshed on some of the updated policies :) Regards, Whopper user talk 04:37, June 5, 2014 (UTC)

Ah, you must be the founder of this wiki. Thank you for the complement, but I believe other editors like Sake and Hero of Chaos are more deserving of your praise than I. Humble Novice (talk) 05:00, June 5, 2014 (UTC)

Weapon Name Changes

Hello. Quick question, in Dynasty Warriors 7, Xiao Qiao (however you spell it, sorry.) her final weapon is Deadly Grace, aka Dragon Fan. Is it only in Warriors Orochi that it's named Dragon Fan? Thanks! Mintsy Winter (talk) 00:01, June 7, 2014 (UTC)

What are you talking about? Xiaoqiao uses the Dragon Fan as her fourth weapon in both games. I think you really need to read the kanji more carefully next time. Humble Novice (talk) 04:53, June 7, 2014 (UTC)

Hyrule Warriors Weapon Movesets

So according to what people are saying that have played the demo at E3, every character will have multiple weapons, but they will be the only ones with access to the weapons they unlock. Link is confirmed to have 6 separate move sets, with the fire rod and sword/shield combo. Midna will have two and Zelda will have two. Rather than using the set up we have now, do you want to move the individual move sets to character specific moveset pages? Ixbran (talk) 09:06, June 12, 2014 (UTC)

I believe that would be best since the characters have access to different weapons and fighting styles. Humble Novice (talk) 11:53, June 12, 2014 (UTC)


Good idea, im gonna go ask him now.
Ixbran (talk) 05:27, June 14, 2014 (UTC)

Real People

=shrug= Just 'cause really. Had to get the feat. Jinnan CD for it, so might as well. I mostly wanted to do it for MASA —more so than say the voice actors or the producers— because he usually avoids photos. I think it's strange you only brought this up with MASA since I already did the same for Ogasawara beforehand.

Because I know you're extremely sensitive for having image consistency for some reason, I personally think it's funner to put the quirky or Koei related publicity photos up for real life people. I'd be personally annoyed, for instance, if you'd put up the publicity photos found in every voice actor's official profiles since those are easy to find for obvious reasons. But Koinuma's TGS SW Ujiyasu cosplay or Okiayu's Akram or Sima Shi cosplay or Umeka's Hanbei cosplay would be a little more creative and focused for this wiki.

For courtesy's sake and to avoid copyright conflicts for "stealing" the original work, regardless of whether you agree with my opinions or not, avoid using the photos of real life people used in Japanese news reports or official profiles at all costs because they don't always credit the original photographer; the action is also considered an insult towards the original author's live experience with the individual/interview/event. The candid photos that voice actors/developers deliberately share on Twitter or Facebook are more respectful and fair game for sharing as long as a link is placed within it. Sake neko (talk) 00:09, June 16, 2014 (UTC)


  • Cao Pi - Performance of Annihilation = think already talked about this double meaning on his page.
  • Pang De - Indestructible Diamond = already talked about on Jindam's page.
  • Ling Tong - Storm of Rage (roughly) = nothing really; you could argue that it may be a reference to him wanting to avenge his father but that's stretching it.
  • Guan Ping - Horsecutter Heavenly Dragon = Tianlong is said to be one of the eight guardian dragons of heaven in Chinese/Japanese Buddhism; said to protect the palace of heaven. Tends to be practiced and accepted more in Japan than China.
  • Xingcai - Thunder Emperor = thunder (as in the sound itself) was thought to be the anger of the gods and feared superstition throughout the medieval ages around the world. This character for thunder is commonly translated as "lightning" nowadays. There isn't anything else that I can really think to say about that, and it doesn't seem very particular to just her character so I don't see the point of really putting it down on her page.
  • Zuo Ci - Charm of Common Heaven (roughly) = like it says. If you stretch it, it could be a reference to his status as an immortal hermit, but that's already on his page.

Real fast analysis, but there isn't much you can say about the newer weapon names in general. Most of them tend to superficial colors and not distinctly related to a DW particular character lately. Sake neko (talk) 18:45, June 23, 2014 (UTC)

Meh, maybe not even Guan Ping. If Guan Yu has the same weapon name (which he likely does), then it's just repeating the concept already written on his page. Sake neko (talk) 18:59, June 23, 2014 (UTC)
I'd be skeptical because Guan Ping has always followed his father's naming scheme when he had unique weapons. Check Guan Yu's weaponry first and see if he has the same characters (天竜 or 天龍). If he does, then it should be on the father's page instead. If not then, Guan Ping can have it.

You mean for every single character then? Because they do have them. These parts screenshots do not reflect that however. Sake neko (talk) 17:10, July 14, 2014 (UTC)

I'd only bother putting up the noticeably different ones (i.e: female character -> male avatar) rather than the ones which are up. Because those are the ones really exclusive to Online to begin with. Sake neko (talk) 17:20, July 14, 2014 (UTC)

Re:Hyrule Warriors Renders

Just because I'm uploading them to my own gallery doesn't change the fact that they are, indeed, official renders developed for the game. They are official art works and are to be treated as such, even if they aren't going onto the character profiles. The main reason I am uploading them here is so the Wiki will have access to the games artworks. I have always thought that the "one Render/Artwork per game" rule was kind of wierd, and figured that since Hyrule Warriors was going to feature characters with multiple weapons, its obvious they were going to get multiple renders as a result, and I wanted to make sure these artworks were available on the Koei Wiki for user browser purposes. It may be a user gallery, but I am treating it as a public gallery for others to see. Again, their official art works, so I am going to tag them as such.
Ixbran (talk) 19:52, June 28, 2014 (UTC)

So far the only person who seems to have a problem with the way I'm tagging those images is you. If Kyosei didn't want them tagged as official artworks he would have told me him self. Until he him self claims I need to stop tagging them with the Hyrule Warriors Images, I am going to tag them as such.
Ixbran (talk) 20:15, June 28, 2014 (UTC)

Hi, I am not sure exactly what I am deleting when I have been editing, would hyou mind explaining? thank you SonsofZeruiah (talk) 22:25, July 1, 2014 (UTC)SonsofZeruiah

I am sorry that I keep causing you frustration. As you have probably guessed, these last few days are my first ever attempt at helping contribute to a wikia site. I honestly thought I had completed the Danzo page, sorry that was not the case. The same goes for the photo, I mistakenly believed it was from Koei. I will do my best to step up my game and will aim more at filling in as you have requested. SonsofZeruiah (talk) 15:13, July 3, 2014 (UTC)SonsofZeruiah

HW Render names

While its appreciated you uploaded the images as you have, from now on can you please try to get the naming styles for the files matched up. I am terribly OCD about this sort of thing. and the fact you have them labled as "Name (HW)" while all the other files are "Name - HW" is driving my OCD mad, and im trying to fight off the urges to just re-upload them my self. Please, take this into account from now on when uploading them? I know it might not seem like much to you, but it upsets my OCD and gives me a headache. Now if youll excuse me, I am going to ask Kyosei if he can re-name the images so my headache will go away.
Ixbran (talk) 08:59, July 10, 2014 (UTC)

I'm just asking both you and him as a favor to prevent my OCD from flaring up in the future. He has every right to chose not to rename the images if he doesn't want, I just figured it wouldn't hurt to ask him to re-name 8 images so they can match the other 24 that came before them. I mean when naming the images while Uploading them I made the naming file themes pretty simple and easily to remember. If anyone comes off as petty, its you for assuming i'm using my OCD as a crutch. As i said, he doesn't have to do it, but i would be thankful if he did. If not I'll just learn to deal with it.
Ixbran (talk) 09:34, July 10, 2014 (UTC)
Working on the Wiki gives me a sense of validation and purpose. Due to a medical condition I am not comfortable telling you, I am stuck at home almost 24/7 (No its not the OCD its something else entirely, so dont start thinking their connected because its not). For me Wiki editing gives me something to do to pass time, deal with stress, as well as something to do while I am home alone. If you want the full explanation, look here, as I've already explained my situation to Sake once before.

I think I'm going to head to bed early, a lot has happened the last few days at the house and my usual means of deal with my stress aren't working. Good night, and sweet dreams to you when you do the same.
Ixbran (talk) 09:56, July 10, 2014 (UTC)

Site of latest picture's name:

Site the pic's source came from:

Site wher ethe pic was taken:

I had to use Google Translate to understand the webpages. SonsofZeruiah (talk) 03:45, July 14, 2014 (UTC)SonsofZeruiah

Literal translations

Is it possible to add in literal translations for the kanji of the characters' weapons and named Musou attacks? If not then nevermind. SneaselSawashiro (talk) 23:50, July 20, 2014 (UTC)

Taigong Wang

Hi! I'm a bit of a lurker on the wiki, and i was wondering why Taigong Wang is under Other NPCs when he's playable in WO3. I was considering moving him, but due to my status as a lurker I wanted to check with someone more experienced than myself. Rionko (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 05:12, July 26, 2014 (UTC)

Guntama story

Personally speaking, no. The game is abhorring to play, and its story is horribly bland. Its only lasting appeal is the changing artwork, and even that gets old. You couldn't ask for a more generic social game experience.

If you think it adds something to the wiki, I could translate. Sake neko (talk) 08:13, July 27, 2014 (UTC)

I have played the game and the general premise for every single chapter was the same. Limited time events have no story, only objectives to fulfill for a chance to win rare cards.
You, the player, are a wandering strategist. Yuki directs you to "clients" (famous daimyou) to assist a famous battle or campaign for them. They thank/chase you away so you can offer your services to another famous daimyou. Rinse and repeat. You and Yuki are the only important characters. Every now and then some other NPC will chime in, but none of them are reoccurring enough to count as being imperative to the bare bones plot.
I suppose I could look over the screenshots, but I will be surprised if any of the newer chapters (since I stopped at stage 7) have changed the formula since then. Upload to Photobucket if you wish. Sake neko (talk) 08:31, July 27, 2014 (UTC)
Those "stories" amounted to nothing but "We must win!"/"Reenact this historical event proper!". Hence the reason why I said they have no story. Sake neko (talk) 08:49, July 27, 2014 (UTC)
Not particularly from what I remembered. The character interpretations I saw were shallow rehashes of Edo period folklore, most of which was retold Nobunaga's Ambition style. They weren't SW characters if that's what you were hoping for, and they were barely fleshed out beyond a very basic stereotype. Again, would have to check the screenshots to see if they are significantly different or unique for typical Koei interpretations.
Like I have said before, I stopped playing it. I wouldn't be knowledgeable about any new features. And I do not want to touch this game again just to check either. 2chan mentions something about a "War" feature which roughly sounds like banding together with befriended players to fight another faction. Sake neko (talk) 09:15, July 27, 2014 (UTC)

Look, I don't want to get your hopes up. I will not translate anything if what is offered is not unique for Koei. If a game they published twenty years ago did it, I will not bother putting it up on the wiki or even mentioning it. That includes anything which occurs in Blast as well. They say "new" stories for Blast, but they also said the same for 100man Orochi. All those stories were verbatim reenactments of the WO series up to that point. Sake neko (talk) 09:31, July 27, 2014 (UTC)

After looking over the all the screenshots you gave me, it's exactly as how I remembered. There's no need to really mention the "stories" if they're basically reenacting said battle based on Edo period folklore. The only new things are said stereotypes, and they are not anything new for the historical figures already on the wiki. Shoot has more original if wackier stories than Guntama, though they aren't really groundbreaking for said characters either.
The feature you were questioning in the game info folder is basically limited time event related information. Given how no two events are presented the same and the tutorial for it is already explained to players within the game itself, I don't see the point of putting this on the wiki. Social games are like that by general nature. It's better to focus on something that is constant (base gameplay). Sake neko (talk) 09:49, July 27, 2014 (UTC)
I doubt Omega Force will muster the effort to give every character card a unique story like some people are hoping. I'm predicting that they will take the Daikoku Jidai V approach. Have the main playable characters star in the "main plot" and offer unrelated short stories to the sub cast (the multiple cards for decks). Then they will routinely add more sub stories every so update to keep registered players from getting too bored. We'll see. Sake neko (talk) 10:03, July 27, 2014 (UTC)

I am up for such a plan, as my editing tools are limited and out of date. here is a link to my photobucket collection. It has the customization item photos in it and a lot of items I would like to build a page for. It is not compreensive yet as I have to still unlock some of the items. I also want to look into the map images, but am still working on unlocking those as well.

SonsofZeruiah (talk) 06:19, July 30, 2014 (UTC)SonsofZeruiah

Re:Uploaded Images

I will soon have an items page up for Samurai Warriors Chronicles, I have taken photos from the game via iphone and also uploaded them all at this website:

If the quality of the photos I uploard seems too poor please let me know and I'll take them down. Thank you, SonsofZeruiah (talk) 16:08, August 1, 2014 (UTC)SonsofZeruiah

HW Renders

found some more Hyrule Warriors Renders. they can be found here. I would upload them my self, but for this past week i've been without a computer. Been using my Wii U for internet. I cant save images with my Wii U, so I can't do it my self. So I figured I'd let you know about this so you can upload them when you've the chance.
Ixbran (talk) 10:27, August 5, 2014 (UTC)

you're welcome, thank you for uploading them. Tho, I wanted to let you know, ull body pics of Ganondorfs DLC Costumes can be found here.
Ixbran (talk) 01:57, August 6, 2014 (UTC)

Battles Question

Would the battle of Xinye in more recent games be considered something different from the older battle Bowanpo? I wouldn't want to make a redunentent page. SonsofZeruiah (talk) 01:37, August 11, 2014 (UTC)

Hyrule Warriors boss Monster page

I was thinking, instead of indevidual pages, we make a single page for the monster bosses in hyrule Warriors.

Hyrule Warriors/Monster Bosses

This way they can be all in one place, sans Beast Ganon since hes just a transformed ganondorf. We can list what items are effective against them, tactics for taking them down, and what stages they appear in in Story mode. Since the game also features an element system, we could also do an elemental weakness system, to show what elements they would be wakest too (IE: king dodongo being weak to water, the imprisoned being weak to light, ect). what ya think?
Ixbran (talk) 00:02, August 16, 2014 (UTC)

Ahh, alrighty. Should we make a separate one for Beast Ganon, and focus Ganondorfs page just on his appearance as his human form? After all Zelda and sheik are the same person and they still have split pages. Or would you rather have them both on the same page?
Ixbran (talk) 01:10, August 16, 2014 (UTC)

HW Weapon base stats

I've been watching game play videos and I've noticed something, some times weapon powers tend to fluctuate. such as Links Hylian Sword move set. the Knights Blade having the base attack of 80, but some times going up to 95, 100, and even 130. My theory is that each weapon has the base attack of the previous weapons highest attack.

IE Links weapons would look somehting like this:

Weapon Information (Element: Light)
(騎士の剣) (ホワイトソード) (マジカルソード)
Base Attack
Base Attack
Base Attack

This would make it so getting the weapon of the next highest rank type would benefit due to the previous weapons limit in attack power bases. Would it be alright if I went ahead and edited the template to fit this kind of layout? Once I get my hands on the game I will be able to change the 300+ one to the actual highest attack percentage in game.
Ixbran (talk) 22:03, August 16, 2014 (UTC)

Yes I did, but that doesn't change the fact weapon attack stats fluctuate. I've seen 1 star knight swords have 80~90 attack stats, so rather than focusing on the weapon stars, I think we should just focus on the weapon attack stat fluctuations since they all share the same base (80/150/280), but can still be higher than that regardless of star counts on each weapon.
Ixbran (talk) 22:12, August 16, 2014 (UTC)
Oh wow, thats amazing. I figured it would have been easier to just keep it to two numbers and a dash, but you went all out. Kudos on that man.
Ixbran (talk) 22:36, August 16, 2014 (UTC)
Has anyone ever told you how amazing you are?!


I wouldn't have the patients to do that my self, again, kudos to all your hard work hon!
Ixbran (talk) 22:44, August 16, 2014 (UTC)
Sure hon, ill help. i'll get on that.
Ixbran (talk) 23:09, August 16, 2014 (UTC)
Sorry for only getting Links weapons done today. It was family BBQ night at the house and i sorta got dragged away a while. I intend on filling out more tomorrow.
Ixbran (talk) 09:02, August 17, 2014 (UTC)

HW Weapons

Can you please not do that. Its been confirmed that DLC weapons are going to be a thing, so characters will be getting new move sets. Also it causes an inconsistency since some pages will show weapon type names for some characters, but then not others.
Ixbran (talk) 23:11, August 17, 2014 (UTC)

According to those who translated the E-shop info, it simply said "characters, costumes, scenarios, and weapons". If it was weapon skins, it would have said so given the fact Koei has done both, weapons and weapon skins. They know what to tell their fans when talking about DLC based on how things are done in the past. and as I said before it creates an inconsistency having some character pages show weapon type names, and some characters not. It's best to simply make it so they all have the same type of format/layout, so their both easier to maneuver when browsing, as well as when editing.
Ixbran (talk) 23:42, August 17, 2014 (UTC)

Zelda/Sheik page merge

I've been watching story mode game play and as in OoT, Sheik is indeed just Zelda in disguise. sheik only acts as a 'separate' entity from Zelda for 4 stages of the games story mode, after it's discovered that she's really Zelda, when Zelda is unlocked Sheik basically disappears from the story line. From that point any stage where Zelda plays an important role, players have the option to chose Sheik along side others. any storyline based dialogue that Zelda would say, if the player is Sheik in that stage, Sheik will say it instead. So having them be separate pages seems rather redundant at this point. I make this suggestion based on the fact that we usually do merge character articles when they are either the same person, or two separate characters who are always togehter. like how we did with the Orochi/Orochi X character articles for WO. And how we merged Marc and Georges for Bladestorm.
Ixbran (talk) 07:33, August 19, 2014 (UTC)

HW Material

I was on miiverse and found this gold HW Material, but since i cant read japanese, i figure you might wanna upload it so you can give it the proper name file.
Ixbran (talk) 09:50, August 25, 2014 (UTC)

I found another gold ranked one.
Heres another one.
Ixbran (talk) 07:02, September 5, 2014 (UTC)

Hyrule Warriors DLC Weapons

So it seems that the DLC weapon skins seem to fall under 3rd weapon level stats. As shown in this image. For the DLC weapons name, heres this image for the kanji. I figure your going to want to do DLC Weapon skins in templates like the Master sword. so im just going to do that for now. Feel free to make what ever changes you need.
Ixbran (talk) 08:12, September 1, 2014 (UTC)

To be honest I've been avoiding unlocking the 8-bit weapons simply because I find them, aesthetically, clashing with the rest of the game. So I haven't bothered to unlock any of them, not even from the MQ Pack. I'll take a look around the EN and JP Miiverses my self to see if I can find them. Because I simply do not want them, nor do I want to deal with them randomly showing up as weapon drops after unlocking them.
Ixbran (talk) 05:48, December 2, 2014 (UTC)
Alrighty, you too hon.

Also, I wanted to thank you for uploading those DLC costume images. with them being .png files, it will make rendering high quality screen shots of them, then uploading them, far easier. Don't have to worry about having to take down .jpgs to put up the .pngs
Ixbran (talk) 06:08, December 2, 2014 (UTC)

Seems Koei is doing another Warriors style collaboration. This time with Square Enix's Dragon Quest series.Just wanted to give you the heads up for when readying the wiki.
Ixbran (talk) 08:40, September 1, 2014 (UTC)

Please use rename

Please use the rename article/move option rather than creating a new page for the old page to redirect to. Renaming preserves the page's history of edits from the old article name and transfers it to the new article. The redirect route doesn't. I have to delete and recreate pages to merge page histories when that happens. Kyosei (talk) 05:50, September 7, 2014 (UTC)


Hi there. I'm from the MobyGames staff. Here is the page for Duke:,650495/ (I just organized it). Duke also appears in Kessen 3 (In cooperation with), while Kip is from "Localization Staff".

Thanks for the additional info. I'll fix it up right away. Humble Novice (talk) 04:54, September 16, 2014 (UTC)

why do all my edits get removed?


especially the ones you are very fond of using, are distracting and cumbersome to work with when the pivotal information is absolutely simple. It makes sense for the main Toukiden series because there are multiple attributes and so forth.

When another soul is added to the social game, I have to copy and paste all the coding again to add more to an already giant page. The older way was straight to the point and didn't try to grid and separate information which is told and shared in the same manner. You're trying to add color fluff for something that is very basic. How is that easier to work with? Sake neko (talk) 19:32, September 26, 2014 (UTC)

Thank you for belittling my criticism. I already see that no matter what I want to say, you would still think visuals takes precedence over universal user convenience.
We're not having a discussion if your only stance is to stick to your guns. I fail to see why I should have bothered just because no else has tried. Sake neko (talk) 20:20, September 26, 2014 (UTC)
That stance alone, that idea that only you and I will be doing the editing, is enough for me to be polarized to using these tables. How can other people edit it when you carry that presumption? When you add complex coding, you're isolating the ones who might want to but can't due to lack of understanding. Have ever once considered that? Sake neko (talk) 21:14, September 26, 2014 (UTC)
I don't think the issue is truly resolved because you are being so dismissive of it. Even now. You can keep your tables there, but you do have to realize they are still not very accessible to a casual editor. Sake neko (talk) 22:02, September 26, 2014 (UTC)

All I know is that it would be woeful to assume that everyone is willing to take the time to learn wikia coding in general. Be it new perspective members or eavesdroppers. And I think it's arrogant to assume or think that even an active small community can do everything by themselves. I don't know about you, but I appreciate even the casual visitors who fix a spelling, continuity, or grammatical error.

You're right. Perhaps I am biased towards the idea that a public, free-to-edit wiki community should try to reach to a majority rather than a focal minority. Sake neko (talk) 23:05, September 26, 2014 (UTC)


Without the Master Quest DLC, players cant get Cia and Co.s second and 3rd weapons, or their heart containers/pieces. Do you think the stars don't need to be there? Personally I feel it doesn't get the message across if they arent.
Ixbran (talk) 09:49, October 3, 2014 (UTC)


Should you be an admin? RaiderZ (talk) 02:25, October 6, 2014 (UTC)

No, because we already have a capable administrator. And besides, I'm simply content being an editor of this wiki. Nothing more, nothing less. Humble Novice (talk) 04:23, October 6, 2014 (UTC)

sorry to bother you but

could you help me? in my Hyrule Warriors User Gallery im trying to do the tab within tabs thing in order to separate the midna images. Make it so the Midna tab has an Imp and Twili Tab, to keep her images apart, while still being under Midna, but I can't seem to get the coding to work right. Do you think you could help when you have the time?
Ixbran (talk) 02:35, November 24, 2014 (UTC)

Thank you, I appreciate it.
Ixbran (talk) 04:52, November 24, 2014 (UTC)

Re: File deletion

Eh don't worry about it. It happens to the best of us. Kyosei (talk) 03:23, November 28, 2014 (UTC)


I must protest to being treated like a guinea pig and to be given this link without prior consent. Like I am going to translate them for the sake of "public interest" and "Wikia completionism".

I don't care for this game or its stories because they're generic character rubbish which I have long stopped caring for since they decided a single trait and character gimmick determined the "uniqueness" for each and every DW character. By comparison, I like the Shoot stories but have never thought of translating them or even mentioning them —even if they are unique to the social game— because I found them equally as diminutive and rubbish as the ones I have seen in BLAST. These stories are not Quiz Battle stories which add to their continuity; they're fanservice episodes that do little to nothing that will surprise even casual fans of the series.

So, why should I be talked into editing for something I have no love for? Please consider that in the future. Thank you. Sake neko (talk) 05:35, December 9, 2014 (UTC)


Did you not read my description when making the edit?

"ive a character who has the skill and she was added to the skill description. going with '&' instead of 'and' so as to keep it all on one line"

Going with 'and' results in Twili Midna's name being split into two lines, resulting in the 'midna' part of the name taking up an entire line by it self, making it look tacky. I went with '&' in order to keep it all on a single line. I know the rules regarding 'and'/'&' I just went with what I thought was the better looking of the two due to the limited space in the description box.
Ixbran (talk) 00:20, December 12, 2014 (UTC)


English: 4 or 5 because there are admittedly not a lot of English dubbed Koei works
Japanese: at least 5 characters (5 different IPs is ideal) because Koei hires from Aoni Production with substantial frequency

The reason why I'm having such a beef with your voice actor pages in particular is because they don't feel genuine. Like you barely have a grasp about who you're writing about. Sake neko (talk) 01:00, December 31, 2014 (UTC)

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 quotes

i've been trying to find a lot of the quotes from One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 said by the playables (Zoro for instance) and the npcs (Vista for instance). When said in battle, the quote is said in English subtitles. but when listened to in the quotes gallery in the game, no subtitles Some quotes may have been left unused. Can you help with the translations? Hiromichi (talk) 15:36, January 16, 2015 (UTC)