Kakyō Academy (花響学園, Kakyō Gakuen) is a fictional high school introduced in Kiniro no Corda Starlight Orchestra.
Characters from this school have a naming motif that inspire imperviousness.
Role in Games
A private school dedicated to raising top-quality musicians, Kakyō Academy attracts potential students from all over Japan and abroad. Its prestigious history is said to rival that of Seiso Academy while exuding an affluential atmosphere similar to Jinnan and Amane Gakuen. The campus itself is also built to resemble a castle with white roses blooming in front of the main entrance.
The school goes by a semester system and grants its elementary students the privilege of studying under high school teachers. It also features a good number of skillful orchestra groups including the Glanz Symphony Orchestra led by Eiichi Tatsumi. Within the school building are seven rehearsal halls that provide humidity control for musicians concerned with keeping their instruments in top condition.
Academy front entrance