Jōyō Industrial High School (常陽工業高校, Jōyō Kōgyō-kōkō) is a fictional high school introduced in Kiniro no Corda Starlight Orchestra.
Role in Games
Formally introduced in chapter 2, Jōyō is a public high school that emphasizes more on technical education for career-minded students. Some of its departments include mechanical engineering, information technology, and architecture to a name a few. Much of the student population is taught general education from a practical standpoint in keeping with Jōyō's industrial leanings. The school is coed, though a disproportionate amount of students attending there happen to be male.
While the rules of the school are stringent, young delinquents have been known to outright flout them which further degraded Jōyō's reputation. It had gotten so bad that the student council enforced more draconian policies to keep the delinquents in line while faculty members did little to alleviate the problem. In spite of its marred image, the school hopes to one day promote itself as an institute where youths can better prepare themselves for future careers in various industries.
Near the school is a run-down cafe called Ouroboros where members of the jazz club come to play in their free time. The cafe is later repaired by Starlight Orchestra who use it as one of their concert venues.
School front entrance