Jinnan High School (神南高校, Jin'nan-kōkō) is a fictional high school introduced in Kiniro no Corda 3. It is located near Kobe's scenic mountain areas; Ikuta Shrine and Mount Rokkō are close landmarks. Kobe's other famous tourist attractions are often included in events with this school.
Jinnan roughly translates as "southern gods". Characters from this school have a naming motif which suggests transient or natural Japanese aesthetics.
Role in Games
The player only sees the high school within the games, yet Jinnan is a branding name for a chain of schools. Primary and secondary education facilities are shared within a spacious lot. Its college is located near the industrial bay area with numerous professional connections available for attending students. Students often grow up with one another to take advantage of Jinnan's three step program. 2,200 students attend each year.
Known as a school for the wealthy or young celebrities, the four-story Jinnan oozes with luxury. Rooms set aside for extracurricular activities have air conditioning and a miniature refrigerator. The school is not religious, but a prestigious two floor campus chapel serves as its auditorium. Every spring, students attend a formal ball within the school's grand dance hall. A simple outside footpath leads to a vast garden peppered with seasonal flowers. Even the children's playground provides accommodations for outside tea parties. Students wander as they please without restrictions.
Tourists flock to the school's buildings and admire its everyday beauty. Formal meetings with third party business partners and weddings are a common sight within the school chapel. The chapel attracts the most attention from visitors due to its tall stained glass windows. Due to its popularity, a security guard is stationed within the building.
One of the first sights to greet visitors is the mermaid fountain in front of the school area; its water system is linked along the walkway towards the school entrance. Students nicknamed the statue "Ms. Mermaid" and regard her as a good luck charm. A popular school belief is to toss a coin into the fountain whilst facing away from it. If the coin lands in the fountain's water, Ms. Mermaid will grant the person's wish. Since every student knows about it, it is a popular place to name for arranging meetings.
Jinnan has a prestigious history of excellence with its extracurricular clubs, many of them winning local and national competitions with flying colors. Representatives from the school's Orchestra Club are entering the national high school music tournament.
School front entrance