Dynasty Warriors DS: Fighter's Battle/Character Cards

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

In Dynasty Warriors DS: Fighter's Battle, Character Cards are a prominent part of the game's battle system. These cards feature a particular officer from one of the four different factions of the main series. By including them into the battle deck, the characters they represent will appear and defend the player's bases until the opponent forces them to withdraw. Likewise, the enemy will also use their own deck which may vary for each stage and difficulty level.

The difficulty setting also determines how players may strategically select their own cards. Choosing Easy enables the player side to see what type of deck the opposing side has in their arsenal whereas Normal reveals it after players have already arranged their deck. By contrast, Hard adds an element of uncertainty by keeping the enemy's deck hidden right before the beginning of battle.

Only three types of cards are available in this game: attribute cards, obstacle cards, and rare cards. Though players start out with a few from each faction, more can be earned by winning battles or completing certain objectives. Additional rare cards may also be obtained by inserting a cartridge of Dynasty Warriors Advance into the player's Nintendo DS.

The following chart below lists down the full stats and attributes of every card used by the main characters. It also summarizes the secondary differences of each card type. With the exception of rare cards, the listed stats of both attribute and obstacle cards are based on their three stars form.

Attribute Cards


Decked in red, attribute cards help increase the user's overall stats during battle. They also gain experience and level up each time the player wins several times. However, do note that these cards have less officer stats than the other types. Some card which gives player defense +50%, their stats are grow higher than normal ones.

Character Card Card Number Officer Type War HP Men ATK DEF HP (Bonuses) Location
Xiahou Dun 001 Unique 87 515 20 16 4 0 Xu Chang, Hua Bei, Great Wall (Easy), Xu Chang (Hard)
Sima Yi 003 Unique 43 349 30 0 23 69 Xu Chang (Hard)
Zhang Liao 005 Unique 80 503 30 11 3 37 He Fei, Xu Chang, Xi Liang (Easy)
Xu Zhu 007 Unique 102 695 10 14 0 60 Great Wall (Easy), Xu Chang, Hua Bei (Normal), Xu Chang (Hard)
Cao Cao 009 Unique 77 713 41 6 14 62 Hu Lao (Hard)
Dian Wei 011 Unique 102 659 10 28 0 0 Xu Chang, Great Wall (Easy), Xu Chang (Normal), Wan Cheng (Hard)
Zhang He 013 Unique 80 467 20 9 3 45 Hua Bei (Easy), Xu Chang, Xi Liang (Normal)
Xiahou Yuan 015 Unique 80 551 25 11 0 0 Hua Bei (Easy), Chi Bi, Hu Lao, Shu (Normal), Xu Chang (Hard)
Cao Ren 017 Commander 78 455 27 6 0 55 Xu Chang (Normal)
Cao Pi 019 Commander 50 424 41 0 4 0 Chi Bi (Normal)
Xu Huang 021 General 77 503 20 14 0 0 He Fei, Xu Chang, Hua Bei (Easy), Chi Bi, Shu, Xu Chang, Xi Liang (Normal), He Fei, Xu Chang (Hard)
Guo Jia 023 Strategist 28 279 15 0 9 0 Xu Chang (Normal)
Xun Yu 025 Strategist 30 279 15 0 6 0 Xu Chang (Normal)
Yu Jin 027 General 72 479 21 0 0 79 He Fei (Easy), Shu (Normal), He Fei (Hard)
Sun Ce 034 Unique 93 679 29 20 0 0 Jian Ye (Normal), Hu Lao (Hard)
Gan Ning 036 Unique 102 659 10 14 0 60 Jian Ye, Great Wall (Easy), He Fei, Hua Bei (Normal), He Fei (Hard)
Sun Shang Xiang 038 Unique 78 479 17 9 6 0 Jian Ye (Normal)
Zhou Yu 040 Unique 61 489 30 8 7 27 He Fei (Normal), He Fei (Hard)
Lu Xun 042 Unique 64 559 25 6 11 0 Jian Ye (Easy)
Sun Jian 044 Unique 80 730 29 9 0 53 Hu Lao (Easy), Wan Cheng (Hard)
Zhou Tai 046 Unique 80 599 15 19 0 0 Chi Bi (Easy), Jian Ye (Normal), He Fei, Jian Ye (Hard)
Sun Quan 048 Commander 65 696 35 0 6 89 Jian Ye (Normal)
Lu Meng 050 Commander 75 479 27 0 5 47 Jian Ye (Easy)
Taishi Ci 052 Commander 96 659 10 6 0 90 Hua Bei (Normal)
Lu Su 054 Strategist 40 279 25 0 14 0 Chi Bi, Jian Ye (Easy), He Fei (Normal)
Huang Gai 056 General 80 527 25 14 0 0 Jian Ye (Easy), Wan Cheng, He Fei (Normal)
Zhuge Jin 058 Strategist 35 349 15 0 8 41 Jian Ye
Zhao Yun 065 Unique 96 539 30 19 10 0 Hu Lao, Shu, Nanman (Normal)
Zhang Fei 067 Unique 105 671 10 25 0 0 Chi Bi, Shu, Cheng Du, Great Wall (Easy), Cheng Du (Normal), Shu, Cheng Du (Hard)
Ma Chao 069 Unique 99 539 25 14 0 75 Great Wall (Easy), Nanman (Normal), Cheng Du, Xi Liang (Hard)
Zhuge Liang 071 Unique 40 349 25 0 26 0 Chi Bi (Hard)
Guan Yu 073 Unique 102 599 25 19 3 45 Cheng Du, Great Wall (Easy)
Liu Bei 075 Unique 56 679 23 0 12 0 Chi Bi (Easy)
Huang Zhong 077 Unique 83 455 20 20 3 0 Great Wall (Easy), Normal (Normal), Shu, Cheng Du (Hard)
Wei Yan 079 Unique 80 635 20 19 0 0


Pang Tong 081 Strategist 33 279 15 0 23 0 Chi Bi Hard Mode only


Jiang Wei 083 Commander 82 639 29 9 4 75 Nanman Normal Mode only


Xu Shu 085 Strategist 38 349 20 0 12 0 Cheng Du Easy Mode only


Zhou Cang 087 General 78 539 21 6 0 63


Guan Ping 089 Commander 72 503 21 0 2 47 Cheng Du Normal Mode Only


Ma Dai 091 General 82 539 21 0 0 95 Always available in start of game


Lu Bu 098 Unique 148 1119 17 40 4 75 Hu Lao Hard Mode only, cannot be obtained in Easy and Normal Mode


Zhang Jiao 100 Unique 62 679 29 0 6 80 Easy Mode only


Dong Zhuo 102 Unique 65 679 41 0 0 125 Unavailable in Hard Mode


Meng Huo 104 Unique 93 1019 35 14 0 107 Unavailable in Easy Mode


Yuan Shao 106 Unique 68 696 41 0 4 53 Unavailable in Hard Mode


Zhang Bao 108 Strategist 62 419 27 0 0 63 Xi Liang Easy Mode only


Zhang Liang 110 Commander 68 479 21 6 2 0 Xi Liang Easy Mode only


He Jin 112 General 59 645 29 0 0 53 Wan Cheng Normal Mode only


Yuan Shu 114 Commander 65 679 35 0 3 35 Unavailable in Normal Mode


Ma Teng 116 General 77 798 35 14 4 0 Unavailable in Normal Mode

Obstacle Cards

Colored in blue, obstacle cards offer additional effects that can be invoked with the Obstacle Wheel. Players may even stack the same obstacle effect to raise the likelihood of obtaining it during the roulette. Like attribute cards, they may also level up after multiple uses.

Character Card Card # Officer Type War HP Men Obstacle Note/Unlock Method


Xiahou Dun 002 Unique 102 730 23 Fog


Sima Yi 004 Unique 54 500 38 Stun
Hard Mode only, cannot obtained in Normal Mode.


Zhang Liao 006 Unique 94 713 35 Great Freeze


Xu Zhu 008 Unique 121 985 23 Stone Barrage


Cao Cao 010 Unique 99 923 55 Rally


Dian Wei 012 Unique 121 934 17 Earthquake Wan Cheng Normal Mode


Zhang He 014 Unique 117 740 27 Confuse


Xiahou Yuan 016 Unique 94 781 29 Drain Musou


Cao Ren 018 Commander 95 645 32 Freeze
Throw Stone
Unavailable in Easy Mode


Cao Pi 020 Commander 60 549 55 Whirlwind
Unavailable in Easy Mode


Xu Huang 022 General 90 713 23 Earthquake Unavailable in Normal Mode


Guo Jia 024 Strategist 29 400 19 Stun
Insert Dud
Normal Mode only, cannot obtained in Easy Mode, unavailable in Hard Mode


Xun Yu 026 Strategist 33 400 19 Confuse


Yu Jin 028 General 86 679 25 Steal Coins


Sun Ce 035 Unique 121 879 39 Whirlwind
Insert Dud
Hard Mode only


Gan Ning 037 Unique 121 934 17 Fog
Steal Coins
Hard Mode only


Sun Shang Xiang 039 Unique 92 569 20 Stun


Zhou Yu 041 Unique 82 700 38 Earthquake
Cannot be obtained in Easy Mode


Lu Xun 043 Unique 87 800 32 Confuse
Stone Barrage
Unavailable in Easy Mode


Sun Jian 045 Unique 103 945 39 Rally
Drain Musou
Unavailable in Easy Mode


Zhou Tai 047 Unique 94 849 17 Freeze You get this card automatically if you pick Blue Hero for the first time after deleted your data


Sun Quan 049 Commander 82 901 47 Freeze
Drain Musou


Lu Meng 051 Commander 90 679 32 Confuse (2x) Unavailable in Easy Mode


Taishi Ci 053 Commander 113 934 17 Stone Barrage


Lu Su 055 Strategist 50 400 32 Whirlwind
Unavailable in Easy Mode


Huang Gai 057 General 94 747 29 Rally


Zhuge Jin 059 Strategist 41 500 19 Whirlwind Unavailable in Easy Mode


Zhao Yun 066 Unique 113 764 35 Great Rally Unavailable in Easy Mode


Zhang Fei 068 Unique 125 951 17 Insert Dud Unavailable in Easy Mode


Ma Chao 070 Unique 117 764 29 Stone Barrage Unavailable in Easy Mode


Zhuge Liang 072 Unique 50 500 32 Stun
Hard Mode only, cannot be obtained in Normal Mode, unavailable in Easy Mode


Guan Yu 074 Unique 121 849 29 Freeze
Drain Musou


Liu Bei 076 Unique 69 879 31 Stun


Huang Zhong 078 Unique 98 645 23 Earthquake


Wei Yan 080 Unique 94 900 23 Steal Coins (2x)


Pang Tong 082 Strategist 37 400 19 Fog
Great Freeze
Cannot be obtained in Easy Mode


Jiang Wei 084 Commander 97 759 34 Great Earthquake
Insert Dud
Unavailable in Easy Mode


Xu Shu 086 Strategist 46 500 25 Confuse
Unavailable in Easy Mode


Zhou Cang 088 General 95 764 25 Earthquake This card is automatically given


Guan Ping 090 Commander 86 713 25 Freeze


Ma Dai 092 General 99 764 25 Fog
Insert Dud
Unavailable in Easy Mode


Lu Bu 099 Unique 179 1329 20 Whirlwind
Dud (2x)
Nanman Hard Mode only, cannot be obtained in Normal Mode, unavailable in Easy Mode


Zhang Jiao 101 Unique 77 879 39 Confuse
Insert Dud


Dong Zhuo 103 Unique 82 879 55 Steal Coins (2x)


Meng Huo 105 Unique 121 1319 47 Stone Barrage Nanman Hard Mode only, cannot be obtained in Easy Mode, unavailable in Normal Mode


Yuan Shao 107 Unique 86 901 55 Freeze
Throw Stone
Unavailable in Normal Mode


Zhang Bao 109 Strategist 73 594 32 Confuse


Zhang Liang 111 Commander 82 679 25 Earthquake


He Jin 113 General 73 835 39 Insert Dud (2x)


Yuan Shu 115 Commander 82 879 47 Steal Coins Unavailable in Normal Mode


Ma Teng 117 General 99 1033 47 Musou Drain (2x) Xi Liang Normal Mode only


Rare Cards

These golden-colored cards are the rarest among the three types. Players are often required to do certain tasks and achievements before unlocking them. Though few in number, they offer both stat bonuses and obstacle effects. But in exchange, they cannot gain any levels no matter what.

Character Card Card # Officer Type War HP Men ATK+ DEF+ HP+ Obstacle Unlock Method


Xiahou Dun 029 Unique 112 740 25 35 2 80 Fog
Stone Barrage
Clear the Easy Mode and must win in Final Battle


Zhang Liao 030 Unique 107 700 25 30 8 70 Great Freeze
Play Hard Mode first time (Wan Cheng)


Zhang He 031 Unique 102 640 25 22 5 60 Confuse
Musou Drain


Sima Yi 032 Unique 46 600 35 12 22 50 Stun
Great Earthquake
Play Hard Mode first time and Get Combo Bonus (Wan Cheng)


Xu Zhu 033 Unique 140 850 20 43 3 130 Stone Barrage
Steal Coins
Play Normal Mode first time (Wan Cheng)


Sun Ce 060 Unique 110 700 25 25 7 40 Whirlwind
Insert Dud
Great Rally
Clear the Normal Mode and must win in Final Battle


Gan Ning 061 Unique 115 800 20 25 5 60 Steal Coins
Stone Barrage
Get more Combos and KOs in He Fei (regardless of difficulty, maybe you need more action by killing most enemies)


Zhou Yu 062 Unique 76 550 30 14 16 30 Great Earthquake
Play Hard Mode first time and Get KO Bonus (Wan Cheng). You must get ALL Bonus in one game HARD mode in order to unlock it.


Zhou Tai 063 Unique 97 700 25 17 5 80 Great Freeze


Sun Shang Xiang 064 Unique 71 450 25 30 10 30 Stun
Play Hard Mode first time and Get Time Bonus (Wan Cheng). You must get ALL Bonus in one game HARD mode in order to unlock it.


Zhao Yun 093 Unique 122 680 30 27 14 100 Great Rally
Clear the Hard Mode and must win in Final Battle


Zhang Fei 094 Unique 153 780 20 40 3 60 Stone Barrage
Insert Dud


Ma Chao 095 Unique 125 770 25 22 6 120 Stone Barrage
Great Earthquake
Get first Combo Bonus in Normal Mode (Wan Cheng)


Guan Yu 096 Unique 128 720 30 27 6 80 Great Freeze
Drain Musou


Zhuge Liang 097 Unique 56 450 30 9 25 30 Great Freeze
Great Earthquake
Great Rally
Play Second time in Hard Mode (Wan Cheng) and must get rare Zhang Liao, Sima Yi, Zhou Yu, Ma Chao, Sun Shang Xiang.


Lu Bu 118 Unique 179 1000 20 51 5 200 Whirlwind
Insert Dud
Get >90 coins at the end of the game and must have Rare card Meng Huo and Dong Zhuo


Dong Zhuo 119 Unique 84 680 70 12 2 120 Steal Coins (2x)
Drain Musou
Get >70 coins at the end of the game and must have Rare card Meng Huo


Meng Huo 120 Unique 115 800 30 25 4 100 Great Rally
Stone Barrage
Get >50 coins at the end of the game