Kingdom of Wu Walkthrough

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Note: As you unlock more characters, your lineup will change during replays, so only allies who are always present in each stage will be listed. Generals and officers whose appearance is determinant are marked with asterisks.

Chapter 1: The Tiger of Jiang Dong

Yellow Turban Menace: Han Forces VS Yellow Turbans

"The Yellow Turbans have surrounded Xia Pi Castle. Defeat their commander Zhang Liang!"

Commanders: Huangfu Song VS Zhang Liang

Han Forces Yellow Turbans
Huangfu Song
Cao Cao (+2 playables)
Sun Jian (+2 playables)
Liu Bei (+2 playables)
Zhang Liang (+ Han Xian)
Zhang Man Cheng
Huang Shao
Deng Mao
Liu Pi
Guan Hai
Gao Sheng
He Yi
Yan Zheng

Defeat Guan Hai and Liu Pi in the east land so Sun Jian's army can advance. After helping Liu Bei in the south with Gao Sheng, Zhang Liang will summon a rainstorm. Huangfu Song will pass through the castle only to be ambushed by He Yi. Go ahead and bail him out, then wait for Yan Zheng to ambush him when Huangfu Song arrives outside of the castle at the northeast. Defeat Yan Zheng and head for Zhang Liang to end his attack on the Han forces. Completing this level will prevent him appearing in the last battle, but only if he is defeated before he can retreat, which happens once every Yellow Turban officer on the map, including Zhang Liang's sub-officer Han Xian, are defeated, though he will stay and fight if already engaged by Han forces.

Yellow Turban Fortress: Han Forces VS Yellow Turbans

"Dispel Zhang Bao's sorcery and take down the Yellow Turban Fortress!"

Commanders: Zhu Jun VS Zhang Bao

Han Forces Yellow Turbans
Zhu Jun
Cao Cao (+2 playables)
Sun Jian (+2 playables)
Liu Bei (+2 playables)
Zhang Bao
Cheng Yuanzhi
Pei Yaun Shao
Zhou Cang
Bo Zhang
He Yi

Sun Jian will advance from the west and Cao Cao with Liu Bei attack in the east. May as well go ahead and defeat Bo Zhang to get inside the fortress. After you get inside, a phantom army will appear to stop your advance. Destroy the two large cauldrons in the south and defeat Zhou Cang to advance toward the castle where Zhang Bao is holed up. You can always take the other path as well. The other path in the east is where Pei Yuan Shao will use the windmills on you. Destroy the windmills, then head for the castle and defeat Cheng Yuanzhi to gain entrance. Defeating Zhang Bao here will prevent him from appearing in the final battle, but only if he is defeated before he can retreat, which he does once the nearby enemy Gate Captain is defeated along with every other Yellow Turban officer on the map.

Yellow Turban Rebellion: Han Forces VS Yellow Turbans

"Defeat Yellow Turban leader Zhang Jiao and bring an end to their rebellion!"

Commanders: He Jin VS Zhang Jiao

Han Forces Yellow Turbans
He Jin
Cao Cao (+2 playables)
Sun Jian (+2 playables)
Liu Bei (+2 playables)
Zhang Jiao (+ Huang Shao, Liu Pi, Han Xian & Zhou Cang)
Zhang Bao*
Zhang Liang*
Zhang Man Cheng (+ Guan Hai)
Bo Zhang (+ Deng Mao)
Pei Yuan Shao (+ He Yi & Yan Zheng)
Cheng Yuanzhi (+ Gao Sheng)

If you completed the other stages then Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang won't be in this level. Sun Jian will attack from the west, Cao Cao advances in the east, and Liu Bei will move up north through the center. If Zhang Bao is alive in this level, he will use the flame geyser on your forces in the west. If Zhang Liang is in this level, he will use the rocks against your army in the east. Once you make it to the top, Zhang Jiao will send explosive rocks rolling at you if both of his brothers are not in this battle. Take no moment to rest and put his rebellion down. He will retreat if every Yellow Turban officer on the map and the enemy Gate Captain next to him are defeated first.

Wu Tales: The Two Qiaos

The Two Qiaos: Sun Jian's Forces VS Dong Zhuo's Forces

"Rescue the Qiao sisters from the clutches of Dong Zhuo!"

Commanders: Sun Ce VS Dong Zhuo
How to get it: Clear Wu's story mode once and then replay it. In Chapter 1, select the Yellow Turban Fortress first then pick the Yellow Turban Rebellion second.

Sun Jian's Forces Dong Zhuo's Forces
Sun Ce
Zhou Yu
Da Qiao
Xiao Qiao
Dong Zhuo
Li Jue
Guo Si
Hua Xiong
Xu Rong
Niou Fu
Li Ru

This is basically a suicide mission in the dead of a storm-filled night as Sun Ce and Zhou Yu attempt to save their wives, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, from He Fei Castle with no support, save for your bodyguards if you bring any with you, no troops, no reinforcements, and very low defense. That being said, if any of them are routed, you lose the stage. Worse, if any of the Two Qiaos or their respective husband are routed, you'll get a cutscene of the defeated sister being recaptured by Dong Zhuo, so you want to avoid that at all costs.

First, depending on your starting position if you're playing as Zhou Yu or anyone else but Sun Ce or one of the Two Qiaos, you should get Xiao Qiao rescued as she is being pursued down the center left path by several squads of Dong Zhuo troops, then head up to the castle to save Da Qiao, who's surrounded by more troops from Dong Zhuo, though Sun Ce should meet up with her before you do. Niou Fu will then appear with some defense troops, including archers, so deal with him, and then the main army will appear, consisting of Dong Zhuo himself, along with Hua Xiong, who is powered up for this stage like at Si Shui Gate, Li Jue, and Xu Rong. Dong Zhuo will go down the middle and if he sees you, the whole army will come after you with a load of men. Once you sneak past him, head for the escape point, where Guo Si will appear at, with Li Ru as an ambush party when Guo Si spots you. Defeat him and claim the point as any surviving enemy troops will flee once he's gone, including the Gate Captain. (Clearing this stage as Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, Da Qiao, or Xiao Qiao will trigger a cutscene at the end of the stage of the two couples as they reunite before returning home.) Not only can you unlock the Two Qiaos as playable characters by clearing this stage, you can also obtain the Survival Guide, which appears near the center bridge when the sisters are reunited, so be sure to collect it.

Wu Tales: Return of the Yellow Turbans

Return of the Yellow Turbans: Sun Jian's Forces VS Yellow Turbans

"Defeat Zhang Jiao before he joins with Zhang Lu's forces!"

Commanders: Sun Jian VS Zhang Jiao
How to get it: Skip the Yellow Turban Fortress in Chapter 1 and allow Zhang Jiao to escape in the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

Sun Jian's Forces Yellow Turbans
Sun Jian
Sun Shang Xiang
Huang Gai
Zhang Jiao (+ Zhang Bao & Zhang Liang)
Pei Yuan Shao
Bo Zhang
He Yi
Zhang Lu

Although this battle is similar to that of the other factions, Huang Gai and Sun Shang Xiang will be the officers under Sun Jian instead. Stop Zhang Lu's Army then defeat the real Zhang Lu. Once Zhang Jiao has cast the spell on your army, head for the fortress up north where he is at and destroy the three cauldrons to break the spell. Put Zhang Jiao down and end his rebellion once again.

Chapter 2: The Alliance Against Dong Zhuo

Battle of Si Shui Gate: Allied Forces VS Dong Zhuo's Forces

"Attack Luo Yang's defensive stronghold at Si Shui Gate and defeat Li Jue!"

Commanders: Yuan Shao VS Li Jue

Allied Forces Dong Zhuo's Forces
Yuan Shao (+ Zhang He)
Yuan Shu
Gongsun Zan
Cao Cao (+2 playables)
Sun Jian (+2 playables)
Liu Bei (+2 playables)
Li Jue (+ Li Meng & Yang Feng)
Hua Xiong (+ Zhao Cen & Hu Zhen)
Fan Chou (+ Wang Fang)
Guo Si
Li Ru
Li Su
Niou Fu
Gao Shun
Zhang Liao/Dong Min

Yuan Shu will be in charge of the supplies. The player can raid the enemy supply depot or head for Si Shui Gate to defeat Hua Xiong and his officers, forcing Li Jue to consider retreating. If you are playing as Sun Jian, you have the opportunity to face Hua Xiong in a duel and claim the credit he deserved after seizing the supply depot. However, if the player skips this stage, then Hua Xiong will appear near Yuan Shao in the next battle once Luo Yang has been set ablaze by Dong Zhuo.

Battle of Hu Lao Gate: Allied Forces VS Dong Zhuo's Forces

"Break through Hu Lao Gate, evade Lu Bu and defeat Dong Zhuo!"

Commanders: Yuan Shao Vs. Dong Zhuo

Allied Forces Dong Zhuo's Forces
Yuan Shao (+ Yan Liang & Wen Chou)
Yuan Shu
Gongsun Zan
Cao Cao (+2 playables)
Sun Jian (+2 playables)
Liu Bei (+2 playables)
Dong Zhuo (+ Fan Chou, Niou Fu & Wang Fang)
Li Jue (+ Jia Xu)
Diao Chan
Zhang Liao/Dong Min (+ Gao Shun)
Guo Si (+ Li Meng)
Li Ru (+ Xu Rong)
Lu Bu
Hua Xiong*

As you figured, if you got the supplies in the last battle or prevented Sun Jian from retreating (especially if you played as him), then he should attack the enemy normally while the Allies get a morale boost at the start of the stage from clearing Si Shui Gate first. Sun Jian will attack from the east on Qing Long Gate, Liu Bei from the north on Xuan Wu Gate, and Cao Cao from the south on Zhu Qiao Gate, dealing with an archer ambush from Li Ru immediately. Once you've cleared the gate, a siege ram will appear to tear down Hu Lao Gate. Take the moment to beat up Cao Cao's or Liu Bei's enemy general while you wait. After the gate is destroyed, head inside to meet Lu Bu who will challenge you to a duel. Accept his offer or run from him to take on Diao Chan. Moreover, defeat Dong Zhuo or weaken him to the point of retreating, and you will have yourself a victory once more for Sun Jian's army.

Wu Tales: The Symbol of the Mandate

The Imperial Seal: Sun Jian's Unit VS Dong Zhuo's Forces

"Evade enemy officers and find the hidden Imperial Seal at Luo Yang!"

Commanders: Sun Jian VS Dong Zhuo
How to get it: In Chapter 2, go straight to Hu Lao Gate.

Sun Jian's Forces Dong Zhuo's Forces
Sun Jian Dong Zhuo (+ Hu Zhen & Li Ru)
Zhang Liao
Diao Chan
Li Jue
Lu Bu

Finding the Imperial Seal can be short or long, but many of you want to do this the short way. To start off, break open a few boxes but be careful since Zhang Liao, Diao Chan, and Li Jue are moving about. Once you manage to break up to 50 or more boxes, you will see a cut scene where Dong Zhuo's officers find the Seal. After the pig Dong Zhuo has the Seal, he will try to get away so make sure that he knows where you are and that you have lured him towards the area where Sun Jian's unit is at. Give Dong Zhuo a beat down and you will have claimed the Imperial Seal for Sun Jian to have as his own.

If done the long way, as you destroy the crates in the area where Sun Jian starts, Zhang Liao, Li Jue, and Diao Chan will send small scout units to look around. If you can avoid them until they finish their patrols and return to their main force, each officer will give up and retreat once you've destroyed enough crates, but if you're spotted, they will return to investigate the report of enemy forces when Dong Zhuo himself arrives, making things a little harder to find the Seal. Once each officer has left, you're free to clear out their area of the boxes, but still be wary of the scouts from the remaining officers when they start their patrols. If you can avoid being spotted by all three officers until they leave, Lu Bu will show up to battle Sun Jian's troops. Ignore him and continue looking for the Seal (If you happen to be playing as Sun Jian, engage and dispatch Lu Bu, as that will earn you his level 10 weapon, but make sure not to break more than 50 boxes before this). However, if you chose to blow your cover and reveal yourself to Diao Chan, Li Jue, and Zhang Liao, they will call for backup and engage Sun Jian's troops directly. Once they've been eliminated, Lu Bu appears, but if you avoid engaging him, he will leave the area, at which point a soldier will state he was apparently just passing through. However, that's when Dong Zhuo himself then appears to claim the Seal, along with Zhang Liao, Li Jue, and Diao Chan if they gave up and left earlier, so deal with them now before resuming the search.

At several points, reports of the Seal will cause more decorative boxes to appear in certain parts of the map. Only once all 99 of the boxes, 96 regular and 3 decorative, are destroyed will the Seal appear in one final decorative box for you to claim, or if you fail to destroy all 99 boxes until about 3 minutes are left on the stage timer. Once 3 minutes are left, the Seal's box will appear automatically.

Chapter 3: The Little Conqueror

(Note: Playing the latter two stages as Sun Jian will make him commander instead of Sun Ce.)

Assault on Liu Biao: Sun Jian's Forces VS Liu Biao's Forces

"Take down enemy officers and defeat Liu Biao at Xiang Yang."

Commanders: Sun Jian VS Liu Biao

Sun Jian's Forces Liu Biao's Forces
Sun Jian (+ Cheng Pu)
Sun Ce
Zhu Zhi (+ Han Dang)
1 other playable
Liu Biao
Kuai Liang
Lu Gong
Huang Zu
Chen Sheng
Cai Mao
Zhang Hu
Yan Liang
Yuan Shao

The quickest way to save your commander is by usually staying with him, but if you want to win this battle quick then I suggest you go straight for Liu Biao himself. If you beat this level quickly, you will receive an interesting surprise in the next few battles. More or less, just head straight for Liu Biao and you will not have to worry about the enemy reinforcements that appear during this battle. (HINT: Make sure that the gate is open so you can save Sun Jian.) Of course, if you happen to be playing as Sun Jian, you know what to do: don't enter the fortress first, otherwise you will be trapped. Eliminate the other officers outside the fortress, then take out the guard captain to open the gates.

If the Campaign for the Wu Territory is done first, and you just unlocked Taishi Ci as a playable character, Taishi Ci will warn Sun Jian of Lu Gong's ruse, thus allowing Sun Jian to remain with Sun Ce and Zhu Zhi's forces while Taishi Ci is tasked with chasing down Lu Gong and falls into Lu Gong's trap instead.

Campaign for the Wu Territory: Sun Jian's Forces VS Allied Forces

"Lay a siege on Liu Yong's castle and retake the Wu Territory!"

Commanders: Sun Ce VS Liu Yong

Sun Jian's Forces Allied Forces
Sun Ce (+ Cheng Pu)
Zhou Yu (+ Han Dang)
2 other playables
Liu Yong (+ Xue Li)
Taishi Ci/Zhang Yi
Fan Neng (+ Chen Heng)
Zhang Ying (+ Yu Mi)
Yan Baihu (+ Yan Yu)
Wang Lang (+ Zhou Xin)
Yuan Shao*

As you and the army advance towards the first fortress, Yu Mi, Zhang Ying's sub-officer, will flee inside the fortress to take cover while the gates are closed to prevent Sun Ce's army from entering. Sun Ce will hold his army back till the enemy is done with their retreat. Although you can get inside the place, you should not worry about it since Sun Ce's officer, Jiang Qin, will infiltrate the fort and open the gates to let you in. Once Zhang Ying sees how sneaky Sun Ce is, he will abandon Niu Zhu Fortress and head elsewhere, but he will come back later on. As your forces slaughter the allied forces, you will come towards the next fort, Shen Di Castle. (HINT: Do not travel towards the supply depot located directly below the first fortress unless you want to be surprised by the ambush party in the path.) At Shen Di Castle, Taishi Ci stands ready to take you on in a duel. After you beat him, he will fall to the earth in shame, but you will convince him to join your side. He will take his leave but return some time later on.

Once you manage to gain entrance into Shen Di Castle, a massive army of enemy reinforcements will appear. (HINT: If you did complete the first battle before any reinforcements could arrive then Yuan Shao will be in this battle with both of his best generals along with Yan Baihu and Wang Lang.) Liu Yong will decide to secure the rear guard while the enemy reinforcements attack your army. After Liu Yong gets safely inside of Mo Ling Castle in the south, Zhang Ying appears right beside him to offer protection. During all the fighting, Zhou Yu says there is a supply depot that should be attacked first. Sun Ce agrees with him and advises everyone to attack there. Zhou Yu also adds that the enemy is using a gong to let each other know when to open the gates. You can leave the main army to defend against the massive reinforcements to hit the gong or stay and kick the crap out of the allied soldiers, though tricking Fan Neng into opening the supply depot by ringing the gong and defeating him will lower Allied Forces morale. Either one you pick will lead to your success. After Liu Yong is left all alone, Sun Ce will later on encounter Taishi Ci once again and this time, he is ready to join your side. Put Liu Yong out and win yourself another victory.

Unlocking Taishi Ci after completing this stage will have him assist in discovering Lu Gong's ploy in Assault on Liu Biao if this stage was played first, allowing Sun Jian to remain with Sun Ce and Zhu Zhi while tasking Taishi Ci with going after Lu Gong instead, thus causing Taishi Ci to fall into Lu Gong's trap instead of Sun Jian. Also, if you replay this stage on Musou Mode and Taishi Ci is unlocked, he will be replaced by Zhang Yi, a generic officer you won't have to worry about. It is best to aim for Taishi Ci's level 10 weapon on Musou Mode (so that you won't have to fight yourself, considering how powerful he is), and for that you have to eliminate Yu Mi and Zhang Ying in Niu Zhu Fortress (that is, before they retreat).

Unification of Jiang Dong: Sun Jian's Forces Vs. Liu Xun's Forces

"Attack Yuan Shu's ally Liu Xun and take down Huan Castle!"

Commanders: Sun Ce VS Liu Xun

Sun Jian's Forces Liu Xun's Forces
Sun Ce (+ Ding Feng & 1 playable)
Zhou Yu (+ Han Dang & Cheng Pu)
1 other playble (+ Zhu Zhi)
Liu Xun (+ Liu Ye)
Yuan Yin (+ Han Xian & Yang Feng)
Yuan Shu (+ Lei Bo & Chen Lan)
Ji Ling
Liang Gang
Li Feng
Yue Jiu (+ Chen Ji)
Huang Zu*

Although Sun Ce is the default commander, choosing Sun Jian as the leader for this battle will lead to some dialogue changes. Other than that, this stage is pretty much straight forward. The only thing you got to do here is make sure the supply depot does not fall. The good thing about it is the supply depot won't fall unless Zhou Yu is routed so you have plenty of time to do what you need to do. Advance towards the large castle where Liang Gang is at. Defeat him and witness the cut scene of Yuan Shu guarding Liu Xun's rear flank, putting him and his sub-officers into powered up states. Yuan Shu may have many troops but they are no match for Sun Ce's army. After you kill Yuan Shu and his officers off, you can either make sure that the supply depot doesn't fall or you can head for Liu Xun since he is trapped in the corner. After you manage to get the gates open, head south towards Ji Ling and put his unit out of the way. (HINT: If the supply depot does fall then Liu Xun will retreat there later on once you approach Ji Ling.) If you did not eliminate Huang Zu in the first battle then he will appear in the south west area to get some pay back for Liu Biao. After you manage to rid the field of the enemy generals, head for Liu Xun and end his rule over Jiang Dong.

If you are playing as Sun Ce, you can earn his level 10 weapon here by clearing out the supply depot after the enemies have taken it and before Liu Xun arrives. The crucial part is the race against Liu Xun, so don't kill Ji Ling until the supply depot falls, otherwise you won't get the weapon.

Wu Tales: The Tiger's Adversary

Unification of Jing: Sun Jian's Unit Vs. Allied Forces

"Defeat the four regional leaders of the Jing Province!"

Commanders: Sun Jian Vs. Liu Biao, Yan Baihu, Wang Lang, and Liu Yong
How to get it: In Chapter 3, go straight to the Unification of Jiang Dong.

Sun Jian's Forces Allied Forces
Sun Jian (+ Sun Ce & Sun Quan) Liu Biao (+ Kuai Liang, Lu Gong & Huang Zu)
Liu Yong (+ Zhang Ying)
Yan Baihu (+ Yan Yu)
Wang Lang (+ Zhou Xin)

This stage is pretty fun because all the generals will gang up on you once you eliminate two of these three (Liu Yong, Wang Lang, and Yan Baihu) so go defeat them. Also, if you go for Liu Biao first, he will tell whoever else is still alive to gang up on you as well. Next, Liu Biao will come out of the castle with his three sub-officers, so defeat him to win the stage or set your bodyguards by him to keep him occupied. More or less, it is fairly an easy stage that you can't lose. Sun Jian has the support of a small unit of troops, alongside his two sons, Ce and Quan, so taking down the guys skipped over in Act Three should not be too hard.

You may want to eliminate Zhou Xin (Wang Lang's sub-officer) first, because that will cause a supply unit to appear. Defeat the supply captain and you will be given fire arrows! Cool, huh? So the strategy is similar to the Campaign for Jing in the Shu campaign (which is set in the same location where there are four commanders to defeat): start from the southeast and move northwest as you defeat the commanders one by one.

Chapter 4: Showdown at Chi Bi

Battle of Xia Kou: Sun Jian's Forces Vs. Huang Zu's Forces

"A fleet has attacked at Xia Kou! Defeat their commander Huang Zu!"

Commanders: Sun Jian Vs. Huang Zu

Sun Jian's Forces Huang Zu's Forces
Sun Jian (+ Dong Xi)
Zhou Yu
Ling Cao
2 other playables
Ling Tong
Huang Zu
Su Fei
Gan Ning/Chen Sheng
Deng Long
Chen Jiu
Cai Mao
Zhang Hu

First go up and kick the crud out of Deng Long and Chen Jiu, then Zhou Yu will tell you to drive a wedge through Huang Zu and Gan Ning. As Huang Zu retreats back to the ships, Ling Cao will make a dangerous charge for Huang Zu, but he did not count on the famous pirate Gan Ning. As you aid your fellow Wu general, Huang Zu will advance his ships towards Sun Jian's area. After a while, Huang Zu will appear at the camp of Sun Jian with his two generals, Zhang Hu and Cai Mao, to back him up. Zhou Yu will let you know that Huang Zu's ships are carrying gunpowder so you know that this means. After you search the ship near the dock of Huang Zu's supply boat, you will find a small pot that is ready to be smashed. Once you've crushed it, get off the ship and head back for Huang Zu's position. (HINT: If you managed to keep Ling Cao alive and allowed him to struggle long enough then Ling Tong will appear in this battle as reinforcements to aid his father. Ling Tong will also be riding a Nanman elephant if the Defense of Nanman stage was done before this one.) Once Huang Zu's supply ship crashes into his other ship, he will talk trash to Gan Ning about how he could not protect the ship. Once Gan Ning appears again, take him out when he challenges you to another duel, but not in a powered up state like before, and witness the cut scene of how Su Fei saves the life of the famous pirate. (NOTE: If you defeated Su Fei before Gan Ning, you won't be able to unlock him here, so you will have to complete the chapter to unlock him.) After Gan Ning surrenders, put Huang Zu in his place and claim victory.

If Gan Ning is unlocked after playing this stage, he will participate in the Battle of Chi Bi alongside the rest of the Wu forces in that stage. If you replay this stage on Musou Mode, Gan Ning will be replaced by Chen Sheng (Strangely, it is Su Fei who's tasked with protecting the ships), who is as tough as Gan Ning was, then again he's still a generic officer, so he shouldn't pose too much of a problem.

Defense of Nanman: Sun Jian's Forces Vs. Nanman Forces

"Defend against the furious attack of Meng Huo and his elephant troops!"

Commanders: Sun Jian VS Meng Huo

Sun Jian's Forces Nanman Forces
Sun Jian (+ Lu Su)
Zhou Yu
Zhuge Jin
2 other playables
Meng Huo
Meng You
King Duosi
King Mulu
Wu Tugu
Dailai Dongzhu
Zhu Rong

Head over to King Mulu and take his elephant then destroy the barriers that block the gates. Do not go up to Meng You or Zhu Rong will then appear, which means trouble as if she defeats Zhuge Jin, she'll set fire to the main camp, forcing Sun Jian to abandon it to advance with the rest of the army. Take her out and go defeat Wu Tugu and King Duosi, then defeat Dailai Dongzhu and Meng You and go after Meng Huo. Don't worry about Wu Tugu too much as he does not have his elite Armor Troops with him in this battle, just standard Nanman infantry. Also, completing this level will add more soldiers for the final battle.

Doing this stage first before the Battle of Xia Kou will have Ling Tong show up with him and his Elite Guards riding on Nanman elephants to assist Ling Cao and the rest of Sun Jian's army.

Battle of Chi Bi: Allied Forces Vs. Cao Cao's Forces

"A naval showdown. Make the strategy succeed, and Cao Cao will fall!"

Commanders: Sun Jian Vs. Cao Cao

Allied Forces Cao Cao's Forces
Sun Jian (+ Lu Su & Xu Sheng)
Zhou Yu (+ Han Dang, Pan Zhang & Zhu Huan)
Cheng Pu (+ Zhu Ran & Zhuge Jin)
Gan Ning*
Ling Tong
Zhuge Liang (+Mi Zhu & Pang Tong)
Huang Gai
Cao Cao (+ Jia Xu & Cheng Yu)
Cao Ren (+ Zhu Ling)
Xu Zhu
Cao Hong
Zhen Ji (+ Xun Yu)
Yu Jin (+ Xun You)
Cai Mao
Cao Pi (+ Man Chong & Xu Shu)
Yue Jin (+ Li Dian)

This battle is similar to the Shu mode except Lu Meng and Gan Ning are not in this battle, unless Gan Ning was just unlocked after playing the Battle of Xia Kou (or if you play on Free Mode), then he will be in this fight. If you completed the Defense of Nanman then additional troops will be here; moreover, make the strategy here work by allowing these people to do the following actions:

If you happen to be playing as Huang Gai himself, remember to get into position after helping Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang (there will be two task leaders waiting for you). You will need to deal with Zhen Ji who will try to stop you. You can also earn his level 10 weapon here, and for that you have to seal all the enemy strongholds and defeat all the other Caos (Pi, Hong and Ren) before pulling off the fire attack. In the end result, Cao Cao and his generals will no longer have a high morale and will be easy for the other officers to defeat. (HINT: Zhuge Liang will be the person who determines what kingdom you fight depending on if he calls the wind or not.) Put Cao Cao down and make the alliance successful.

Also, depending on which parts of the Allied Forces' plan are successful will affect the course of the battle:

  • If Pang Tong and Huang Gai complete their tasks, but Zhuge Liang is forced to abandon his prayer to call the wind, the fires will end up consuming both Cao Cao and the Allied fleets as the winds would have protected the Allied fleet from meeting the same fate.
  • If Zhuge Liang and Huang Gai complete their tasks, but Pang Tong fails to chain Cao Cao's ships together, Cao Cao can avoid having his ships completely consumed by moving the ones on fire out of formation to prevent the flames from spreading.

Chapter 5 (Ideal Route): The Fall of Shu

If Zhuge Liang's wind prayer is successful, then the player will fight the Kingdom of Shu first. (Note: Playing the Nanman Campaign as Sun Jian or one of his children will make them commander instead of Lu Xun.)

Race for Nan Territory: Allied Forces Vs. Wei Forces

"Occupy Jing and the Nan Territory before Shu does!"

Commanders: Zhou Yu Vs. Cao Ren

Allied Forces Wei Forces
Zhou Yu (+ Cheng Pu & Lu Su)
1 other Wu playable (+ Jiang Qin)
Zhao Yun
Guan Yu
Zhang Fei
Cao Ren
Zhang Liao
Xiahou Dun
Xu Huang
Cao Hong
Wang Lang
Man Chong

Time to put your weapon to work as you race to claim this land. Who is the competition? Shu. Your only goal here is to take at least one land; however, if you want to really upstage Shu then take them all. First make sure Zhou Yu can get inside the castle so defeat Wang Lang quickly because Zhao Yun will be moving twice as fast as you do with taking out Man Chong. Once Zhou Yu falls back after his arrow event, Cao Ren will come charging at him to claim his victory. (HINT: If you've played the Nanman Campaign first then choose Race for Nan Territory second, Meng Huo will attack an area of Shu causing Zhang Fei to fall back.) As for Xiang Yang and Jing Province, defeat Xiahou Dun and Zhang Liao as quick as you can before the Shu generals take your work; moreover, just take one land and you will win this battle easily. Completing Zhou Yu's lure to get Cao Ren out of his castle will put the Wei officers guarding the provinces into a powered-up state, thus making it harder for the Shu officers to steal the kills so you can still claim the areas yourself.

Should you manage to claim all three areas, Zhou Yu will say he'll not let anything go Zhuge Liang's way. Only if Shu manages to wrest all three areas will you lose the stage, and there will be a cutscene where Zhou Yu angrily curses Zhuge Liang for it. Taking all three territories will cause Guan Yu to show up in the Battle of Yi Ling some time after Zhuge Liang does to try and trap Sun Jian in a pincer move in his main camp, seeking vengeance for the disgrace Zhou Yu and the Wu forces dealt Shu in this stage by beating them to all three territories. Taking all three territories is a requirement for achieving Wu's 4th ending. You can also earn Sun Shang Xiang's level 10 weapon here by taking out Cao Ren after Zhou Yu lures him out of his castle.

The Nanman Campaign: Wu Forces Vs. Nanman Forces

"Make the Nanman King Meng Huo bow before the might of Wu!"

Commanders: Lu Xun Vs. Meng Huo

Wu Forces Nanman Forces
Lu Xun (+ Zhu Huan & 1 playable)
1 other playable (+ Ling Tong & Quan Zong)
Meng Huo (+ Meng You, Mang Yachang & Dailai Dongzhu)
Zhu Rong
Wu Tugu
King Mulu
King Duosi
Jinhuan Sanjie
Dong Tu Ne
Ahui Nan
Yong Kai (+ Gao Ding & Zhu Bao)
Yang Feng

This battle is also pretty much the same as the Shu campaign so you know what to do. Playing as Lu Xun or one of the Sun Family members will make things easier. To start off there will be Yong Kai and his sub-generals, and there will be Meng Huo. Defeating Zhu Bao and Gao Ding, followed by Jinhuan Sanjie will get Ahui Nan and Dong Tu Ne to defect to the Wu forces. As always, keep the morale high so you don't get overwhelmed by the constant morale decrease throughout the battle. If you get 1000 K.O. then don't even worry about Lu Xun any more. More importantly, keep an eye out for your commander and you will win. Also, defeating Meng Huo the fourth time after Wu reinforcements show up to deal with Meng's ambush troops will convince Yang Feng to defect to the Wu forces as well.

Clearing this stage will have Meng Huo arrive with a small Nanman escort to help the player out of the Stone Sentinel Maze in the Battle of Yi Ling if they get stuck in there for some time. If everything is done right, you should be able to unlock the Nanman story (this can be done in either the Shu or Wu campaign). You can also earn Zhou Tai's level 10 weapon here, but for that you have the ardous task of dispatching Wu Tugu by yourself (armor troops, remember?) and entering the Nanman HQ before the climate starts affecting your army's morale.

Battle of Yi Ling: Wu Forces Vs. Shu Forces

"Make the fire attack succeed and defeat Zhuge Liang!"

Commanders: Sun Jian Vs. Liu Bei

Wu Forces Shu Forces
Sun Jian (+ Cheng Pu and Ding Feng)
Lu Xun (+ Zhu Ran)
Ling Tong (+ Han Dang)
Playable 1 (+ Zhu Huan & Jiang Qin)
Playable 2 (+ Pan Zhang)
Liu Bei (+ Wu Lan & Lei Tong)
Yan Yan
Huang Zhong (+ Guan Suo)
Yue Ying (+ Guan Xing)
Wei Yan (+ Zhang Bao)
Ma Dai
Ma Liang
Wang Ping
Zhuge Liang

Once the battle begins, head straight for the camp of Shu and start killing the archers. Zhu Ran should be getting ready and all you need to do is eliminate 4 or 5 certain archers in their watchtowers to make it where the infiltration is successful. This task can be difficult so pay close attention to it. Do not worry about your allies in the back. They will be fine once the Shu camp is burning. After the camp is set on fire, Liu Bei will retreat back into Bai Di Castle and seal the gate.

Sun Jian will then tell everyone to go around the back and attack from there, but that isn't a very nice idea. Head for the Stone Sentinel Maze and try to move through it. It can be quite easy once you know it or if you have the Red Hare then you can run over the rising stones just as they come up. Should you fail to clear the maze in 3 minutes, there will be a cutscene which shows you got lost (which is what you want to avoid if you are aiming for Lu Xun's level 10 weapon, in addition to pulling off the fire attack). In case you completed the Nanman Campaign, Meng Huo will appear in this battle to offer his support and to bail you out of the maze.

Once you get a bit close to Liu Bei's fort (or if Zhu Ran is routed and the fire attack fails), Zhuge Liang will appear and have a waterway arrive to give them access straight for Sun Jian. The maze will stop working if you still fail to get out after some time, but by then the entire enemy force will be assaulting Sun Jian's camp, so it is best to head back the way you came and rush to your commander's rescue immediately. (HINT: if you manage to prevent some of your generals from getting lost in the stone maze then they will turn about to go back to Sun Jian. Also, if you took over all the territories at the Nan Territory, then Guan Yu will appear here to get his revenge for the disgrace you caused him. If any!) Head back to Sun Jian's position and eliminate the last remaining generals around him then take care of Liu Bei to win your battle.

Wu Tales: Guan Yu, God of War

Battle of Mai Castle: Wu Forces Vs. Shu Forces

"Guan Yu has taken up position in Mai Castle. Eliminate him!"

Commanders: Sun Jian VS Guan Yu
How to get it: Clear Wu's story mode once then replay it. In Chapter 4, skip the Battle of Xia Kou and ensure the fire attack and wind calling at Chi Bi are successful. In Chapter 5, make the fire attack at Yi Ling a success.

Wu Forces Shu Forces
Sun Jian (+ Zhuge Jin)
Lu Meng (+Jiang Qin & Han Dang)
Zhu Ran
Playable 1 (+ Ding Feng)
Playable 2 (+ Xu Sheng)
Pan Zhang
Guan Yu
Guan Ping
Zhou Cang
Jiang Wei (+ Wang Fu)
Liao Hua
Liu Feng* (+ Meng Da*)
Zhang Fei (+ Zhang Bao)
Guan Suo
Jian Yong

A common misconception is that you have to clear Yi Ling with Guan Yu present, but that's not necessary. In case you do have him present though, you have to leave him alive. When the battle starts, Guan Yu will send Liao Hua to get reinforcements. You can stop him, but that would take away all the fun, so let him go, and he will return with Liu Feng and Meng Da after some time. After a while in battle, Lu Meng, acting both strategist and advisor, will say that Guan Yu will try to escape. There are a total of four escape points in this level so do your best to seal them. Two of them are inside the fortress while one lies in the north and another in the far south. After the cut scene of Guan Yu's roar, be ready to eliminate the Gate Captains in the north and south of Mai Castle (That's if you got rid of the Gate Captains inside the castle located in the far north and south west.) After Guan Yu realizes he can't escape, he will try to head straight at Sun Jian, and to make matters worse, Zhang Fei with his son will also appear here too to assist Guan Yu in what was basically the Shu Army's last stand, not to mention their high morale combined will allow them to tear through the Wu officers like lightning. Although things can look grim for you, do not let them get the best of you since you too will receive reinforcements. Pan Zhang will appear in the south where Zhang Fei is to keep him busy so that gives you time to deal with the other generals. (HINT: If you enter the castle after while, enemy reinforcements will appear and the gates will lock you in. Defeating the enemy reinforcements will reopen the gates.) Once you've dealt with all the generals on the field, show Guan Yu that you are the God of War.

Chapter 5 (Default Route): The Fall of Wei

If Zhuge Liang's wind prayer at Chi Bi fails (or you clear the stage before it happens), then the player will fight the Kingdom of Wei first. (Note: Playing the Siege of Fan Castle or the Battle of Shi Ting as Sun Jian or one of his children will make them commander instead of Lu Meng or Lu Xun.)

Siege of Fan Castle: Wu Forces Vs. Wei Forces

"Take Fan Castle from Wei by effectively utilizing siege weapons!"

Commanders: Lu Meng Vs. Cao Ren

Wu Forces Wei Forces
Lu Meng (+ Cheng Pu)
Lu Xun
Pan Zhang
2 other playables
Cao Ren (+ Man Chong)
Sima Yi
Xu Zhu
Zhen Ji
Xu Huang

Go and defeat the two enemy generals that are near the siege ramps (Zhen Ji and Xu Huang). Once they are dead, just wait and watch out for the ramps since it takes them so long to set up. (HINT: If you attacked Shi Ting first then came to Fan Castle second, Zhou Fang will appear here to offer his support in the east area, but only if the trap regarding Cao Xiu was successful. Also, do not worry too much about the siege catapults. They will do just fine.) After 5 to 9 minutes, the siege ramps will connect to the castle and you can swarm in to meet with the last remaining generals of Wei. Later on, a supply captain will appear in the north east of the land to reinforce Cao Ren. You can eliminate him for an extra item during the post-stage rewards (doing so as Zhou Yu will earn you his level 10 weapon), but he will hardly be of any help to Cao Ren since he lost all his morale stars. Defeat the last Wei generals and you will have won the battle. Also, Sun Shang Xiang will appear in the final battle with a catapult to attack He Fei Castle's south gate.

Battle at Shi Ting: Wu Forces Vs. Wei Forces

"Entrap Cao Xiu's forces through effective use of your moles!"

Commanders: Lu Xun Vs. Sima Yi

Wu Forces Wei Forces
Lu Xun (+ Zhuge Jin)
Huang Gai
Zhu Huan
Quan Zong (+ Ding Feng)
Zhu Zhi (+ Xu Sheng)
Sima Yi (+ Xin Pi)
Cao Xiu (+ Zhang Pu)
Jia Kui (+ Hu Zhi)
Zhou Fang
Zhang He
Han Hao
Man Chong
Cao Zhang
Zhen Ji*

Don't go near Zhou Fang or Cao Xiu. When Jia Kui becomes wary of the plan, defeat him, then Zhou Fang should defect once Cao Xiu is close enough to the castle. Defeat Cao Xiu, then the entire army will advance to the south. At the same time, ambush parties will appear in the west and east (also if you did Fan Castle first, then Zhen Ji will take part in the ambush parties). Take care of them then continue to the south where the others are waiting. Zhang He will be guarding the bridge so defeat him and go for Sima Yi. An easy battle. Also, Cao Xiu will appear in the final battle to get some pay back for the events at Shi Ting.

HINT: You can rescue Zhu Huan from Cao Xiu by eliminating him before he falls into Zhou Fang's trap, after which everything will proceed as normal. Even if you did not eliminate Jia Kui in time and he met up with Cao Xiu, you will still have your ambush parties, so it's not really a big deal. However, it would be a very bad idea if you crossed the bridge before the ploy happens, as not only will you not have your ambush parties, the enemy reinforcements will appear, which puts Lu Xun in grave danger, so you need to take out Cao Xiu quickly to open the castle gates, then rush to your commander's rescue immediately.

Battle of He Fei: Wu Forces Vs. Wei Forces

"Surround the Wei Army at He Fei Castle and defeat Cao Cao!"

Commanders: Sun Jian Vs. Cao Cao

Wu Forces Wei Forces
Sun Jian (+ Han Dang, Jiang Qin & Ling Tong)
Lu Su (+ Ding Feng)
Pan Zhang (+ Xu Sheng)
Cheng Pu
Zhu Ran (+ Dong Xi)
Taishi Ci
Lu Xun
Gan Ning
Sun Shang Xiang*
Cao Cao (+ Xun You, Sima Zhao, Pang De & Li Dian)
Cao Pi (+ Yu Jin)
Cao Hong
Xiahou Yuan
Xiahou Dun (+ Jia Kui)
Zhang Liao
Cao Zhang (+ Yue Jin & Cheng Yu)
Cao Xiu*
Xu Huang*
Zhang He*

Zhang Liao will go on the other side of the bridge and lure Sun Jian to the other side. This can be prevented by either playing as Sun Jian or by defeating Zhang Liao as soon as possible. Sun Jian will be safe so don't worry. (HINT: If you play as Sun Jian, you can control the time the bridge event will happen. In other words, Zhang Liao may attack your army near the bridge but he won't retreat until he challenges you to a duel and after you either accept or decline. This gives you plenty of time to eliminate the other generals on the field.) After you have made your choice to cross the bridge or not, expect to see Zhang Liao appearing later on near the Wu camp. If Siege of Fan Castle was cleared beforehand, a soldier will pass on a message from Lu Meng warning Sun Jian of the trap on the Xiao Shi Bridge that Zhang Liao tries to lure him across. If Sun Jian falls for it (either because you cleared Fan Castle or are playing as him and choose to cross), he quickly calls in his sub-officers, Jiang Qin and Ling Tong, for support to deal with Cao Cao's sub-officer who ambushes him, Li Dian, before Zhang Liao reappears to deal with Sun Jian himself. However, should you skip straight to this stage, expect Xu Huang and Zhang He to appear as reinforcements from the stages you bypassed. Also, if you skip straight to this stage and aren't playing as Sun Jian, he'll jump back across the bridge, which puts him in a more dire situation, as you have to find a detour to rescue him from Zhang Liao when he returns.

Once you defeat Zhang Liao yet again, he will retreat from battle and will no longer bother your army. Sun Jian will call forth an all-out attack, and more reinforcements of Wu will show up. Lu Xun will appear in the west, but he won't last long once Cao Xiu comes to get his revenge if Shi Ting was cleared previously. Gan Ning will also show up in the east to offer his support, and if you meet up with him, you'll see he's powered up for this battle as he's crackling with orange lightning. Later on, Sun Shang Xiang will appear near the front gate of He Fei with a catapult if you cleared the Siege of Fan Castle beforehand, but only after you defeat Cao Zhang or Pang De, otherwise you have to open one of the side gates by eliminating the guard captain. Once you've taken care of all the other generals on the field, head for Cao Cao and eliminate him.

You can earn Sun Quan's level 10 weapon here, and for that your targets are Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan and Zhang Liao.

Wu Tales: Dong Zhuo Lives

Battle of Chang Jiang: Wu Forces Vs. Dong Zhuo's Forces

"Evade Dong Zhuo's attacks, and escort the supply units to their ships!"

Commanders: Sun Jian Vs. Dong Zhuo
How to get it: In Chapter 2, let Dong Zhuo go, then in Chapter 4, skip the Defense of Nanman and ensure the wind calling at Chi Bi is not successful.

Wu Forces Dong Zhuo's Forces
Sun Jian
Xu Sheng
Ling Tong
Sun Ce
Sun Quan
Dong Zhuo
Li Jue
Guo Si
Li Ru
Dong Min
Li Su
Meng Huo
Zhu Rong

A common misconception is that this stage comes with the Unification of Jing, as both stages involve going straight to the Unification of Jiang Dong in Chapter 3, but that's not true. Anyway, in this battle, all you got to do is escort some supply captains to Sun Jian's boat, but there are elephants in the area. Seems Dong Zhuo has allied with the Nanman for this fight and they lent him some of their elephants to use against Sun Jian (Yes, this is why you have to skip Defense of Nanman in Ch 4). As you begin, eliminate the men near you on the elephants so they don't cause you much trouble as the elephants can easily break through the small defenses set up to protect the Supply Captains. Losing more than 10 of the Supply Captains loses the stage. Once that is done, head for Dong Zhuo himself. He is located in the south. If you take out any of Dong Zhuo's generals before him then he will just surprise you with ambush parties near the boat of Sun Jian. So get him first. Once he is gone, take care of the generals in the land but you won't win right away due to yet another surprise again. (HINT: If you leave one of the enemy generals alive, then you will receive additional support from Sun Ce and Sun Quan once they arrive.) Meng Huo and Zhu Rong will then arrive to attack Sun Jian. Take them both out to end the stage.

Final Chapter: The End of the Three Kingdoms

The final battle will only appear on the last chapter and will be different depending on which kingdom is fought last.

Battle of Xu Chang: Wu Forces Vs. Wei Forces (Ideal Route)

"Attack Xu Chang Castle and defeat Cao Cao!"

Commanders: Sun Jian Vs. Cao Cao

Wu Forces Wei Forces
Sun Jian (+ Xu Sheng)
Zhou Yu
Sun Ce (+ Zhang Cheng)
Zhuge Jin
Han Dang (+ Zhu Zhi & Sun Shao)
Cheng Pu (+ Zhu Huan)
Cao Cao (+Jia Xu & Jia Kui)
Sima Yi (+ Sima Zhao)
Dian Wei (+ Deng Ai & Hu Zhi)
Xiahou Dun (+ Cao Hong)
Man Chong
Zhen Ji
Cao Xiu
Xu Zhu (+ Cao Zhang)
Pang De (+ Xin Pi)

This battle is also the same as the Shu and Nanman version. Go and defeat the generals in the south to open the lower paths. Next, eliminate Xiahou Dun and Man Chong to ensure the safety of the siege ramp then head for the rear fortress to protect it when Xu Zhu and Cao Zhang arrive to assault it. This is made easier by using two players to accomplish both tasks simultaneously. Don't forget about the gunpowder event in the west courtyard of Xu Chang and be careful of the ambush parties located in the south courtyard. Defeat Cao Cao to clear the story. You can earn Da Qiao's level 10 weapon here, and for that your targets are Dian Wei and his sub-officers, Deng Ai and Hu Zhi.

Battle of Cheng Du: Wu Forces Vs. Shu Forces (Default Route)

"Break through Shu's lines and defeat Liu Bei at Cheng Du!"

Commanders: Sun Jian Vs. Liu Bei

Wu Forces Shu Forces
Sun Jian (+ Lu Su, Zhang Cheng & Sun Shao)
Lu Xun (+ Zhuge Jin, Zhu Ran & Cheng Pu)
Xu Sheng
Ling Tong
Pan Zhang (+ Han Dang)
Zhu Zhi (+ Zhu Huan)
1 other playable
Liu Bei (+ Ma Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Yi & Guan Ping)
Zhuge Liang (+ Jiang Wei)
Yue Ying (+ Li Yan)
Ma Su (+ Guan Xing & Guan Suo)
Ma Dai (+ Mi Zhu)
Wang Ping (+ Liao Hua & Gao Xiang)
Zhang Fei (+ Zhang Bao)
Ma Chao

This battle is similar to the Wei and Nanman version with only a few differences. Zhang Fei will be in the south land with his son, Zhang Bao, and knock out the bridge in the south. After the cutscene of Luo Castle's defense, Wu catapults will appear to destroy the arbalests so the damage is reduced; moreover, the plan is still the same. Take Luo Castle, head down south (where, like the Wei version, you will have reinforcements in the form of Zhu Ran and Cheng Pu) and take out Yue Ying (HINT: It is better to face the juggernauts than to take the other path where Li Yan is at, unless you would rather get blown to near death by the mines there) then head for Cheng Du to meet with Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang. If you manage to reach Cheng Du early, you will notice that Liu Bei hasn't appeared yet, so you have to trigger the ambush of one of his sub officers in the forest for him to appear. If you didn't go into the forest but dealt with Zhuge Liang and all the other generals on the field, Liu Bei will appear with his sworn brother, Guan Yu (so all three sworn brothers will be here for you to fight). His peasant militia will appear once you approach him. Defeat him to end the stage and the campaign. You can earn Xiao Qiao's level 10 weapon here, and for that your targets are Guan Yu and Guan Ping (in the south and north side of the forest respectively), who must be eliminated before Ma Chao arrives.

Ending Summaries

Includes summaries for full run (playing all stages) and speedrun (playing the last stages of each chapter only)

Full Ideal Run

Zhang Jiao, the founder of the Way of Peace, led his Yellow Turbans in an armed rebellion against the Han Dynasty that would spread across the land.
The brave Sun Jian joined the task force against the Yellow Turbans, and by quelling numerous uprisings throughout the land, he was quickly revered as a hero.
In the wake of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the heinous Dong Zhuo seized power over the weakened Imperial Court. Soon thereafter, Sun Jian joined an allied force to depose this villain.
The Allied Forces penetrated Si Shui Gate, and after effectively foiling Lu Bu's attacks at Hu Lao Gate, Sun Jian and the others succeeded in thwarting Dong Zhuo's evil ambition.
In addition to his trusted veteran officers, Sun Jian saw his son Sun Ce and his friend Zhou Yu grow into fine warriors. This invigorated force now sought to form a base in Jiang Dong.
Sun Jian regained his lands in the Wu Territory, and expanded his influence over Jiang Dong. When the final warlord Liu Xun was defeated by him, Sun Jian gained the foundation for his Kingdom of Wu.
With Jiang Dong under their control, the Sun Family now concentrated on defending their territory. It would be Sun Quan, the second son, and the officers of Wu who would take charge here.
By systematically eliminating neighboring enemies, Wu had become a force to be reckoned with. When Cao Cao invaded from the north, Wu overcame the odds through strategy and routed his massive fleet.
After Cao Cao's defeat at Chi Bi, Liu Bei declared his independence at Jing. Seeing this as a betrayal of trust, Sun Jian prepared to take Jing back by force.
Liu Bei's Forces advanced into Wu Territory through the Chang Jiang, and the Wu Forces intercepted them at Yi Ling. Through superior strategy, Wu achieved total victory, and Liu Bei's dreams of restoration were crushed to dust.
After Liu Bei's defeat, the land was divided between Wu and Wei. Finally, Sun Jian began his campaign to the north by crossing the Chang Jiang and surrounding He Fei Castle.
Both sides fought bravely, but it was Wu that maintained the momentum, and prevailed. Sun Jian then marched on Xu Chang, and crushed Cao Cao's ambition to dust.
So it was that the Sun Family unified the land with the help of their brave officers. Their tales of valor would later come to be known as "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Ideal Speedrun

Zhang Jiao, the founder of the Way of Peace, led his Yellow Turbans in an armed rebellion against the Han Dynasty that would spread across the land.
The brave Sun Jian joined the task force against the Yellow Turbans, and by defeating the leader Zhang Jiao, he was quickly revered as a hero.
In the wake of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the heinous Dong Zhuo seized power over the weakened Imperial Court. Soon thereafter, Sun Jian joined an allied force to depose this villain.
The Allied Forces outmaneuvered the enemy, and after effectively foiling Lu Bu's attacks at Hu Lao Gate, Sun Jian and the others succeeded in thwarting Dong Zhuo's evil ambition.
In addition to his trusted veteran officers, Sun Jian saw his son Sun Ce and his friend Zhou Yu grow into fine warriors. This invigorated force now sought to form a base in Jiang Dong.
Sun Jian regained his lands in the Wu Territory, and and to gain further influence over Jiang Dong, he fought and defeated the powerful warlord Liu Xun. Sun Jian had now gained the foundation for his Kingdom of Wu.
With Jiang Dong under their control, the Sun Family now concentrated on defending their territory. It would be Sun Quan, the second son, and the officers of Wu who would take charge here.
Cao Cao formed a massive fleet and invaded Wu from the north. However, the Sun Family overcame tremendous odds through strategy and routed their mortal enemy.
After Cao Cao's defeat at Chi Bi, Liu Bei declared his independence at Jing. Seeing this as a betrayal of trust, Sun Jian prepared to take Jing back by force.
Liu Bei's Forces advanced into Wu Territory through the Chang Jiang, and the Wu Forces intercepted them at Yi Ling. Through superior strategy, Wu achieved total victory, and Liu Bei's dreams of restoration were crushed to dust.
After Liu Bei's defeat, the land was divided between Wu and Wei. Finally, Sun Jian began his campaign to the north by crossing the Chang Jiang and surrounding He Fei Castle.
Both sides fought bravely, but it was Wu that maintained the momentum, and prevailed. Sun Jian then marched on Xu Chang, and crushed Cao Cao's ambition to dust.
So it was that the Sun Family unified the land with the help of their brave officers. Their tales of valor would later come to be known as "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Full Default Run

Zhang Jiao, the founder of the Way of Peace, led his Yellow Turbans in an armed rebellion against the Han Dynasty that would spread across the land.
The brave Sun Jian joined the task force against the Yellow Turbans, and by quelling numerous uprisings throughout the land, he was quickly revered as a hero.
In the wake of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the heinous Dong Zhuo seized power over the weakened Imperial Court. Soon thereafter, Sun Jian joined an allied force to depose this villain.
The Allied Forces penetrated Si Shui Gate, and after effectively foiling Lu Bu's attacks at Hu Lao Gate, Sun Jian and the others succeeded in thwarting Dong Zhuo's evil ambition.
In addition to his trusted veteran officers, Sun Jian saw his son Sun Ce and his friend Zhou Yu grow into fine warriors. This invigorated force now sought to form a base in Jiang Dong.
Sun Jian regained his lands in the Wu Territory, and expanded his influence over Jiang Dong. When the final warlord Liu Xun was defeated by him, Sun Jian gained the foundation for his Kingdom of Wu.
With Jiang Dong under their control, the Sun Family now concentrated on defending their territory. It would be Sun Quan, the second son, and the officers of Wu who would take charge here.
By systematically eliminating neighboring enemies, Wu had become a force to be reckoned with. When Cao Cao invaded from the north, Wu overcame the odds through strategy and routed his massive fleet.
After Cao Cao's defeat at Chi Bi, Wu's power grew equal to that of Wei's. Seizing opportunity, Sun Jian formed a massive army and began his campaign north.
The armies of Wu and Wei clashed at He Fei. Cao Cao himself arrived in support, but Wu emerged victorious, and Cao Cao's ambition was crushed to dust.
After the fall of Wei, Wu and Shu stood on equal ground. Wu only needed to take the Southwest to achieve total conquest, but it was the cornered Shu Forces who took initiative first and crossed the Chang Jiang.
The two armies collided at Yi Ling, and through the use of superior strategy, the Wu Forces achieved total victory. Sun Jian then marched on Cheng Du, and Liu Bei's dreams of restoration were crushed to dust.
So it was that the Sun Family unified the land with the help of their brave officers. Their tales of valor would later come to be known as "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Default Speedrun

Zhang Jiao, the founder of the Way of Peace, led his Yellow Turbans in an armed rebellion against the Han Dynasty that would spread across the land.
The brave Sun Jian joined the task force against the Yellow Turbans, and by defeating the leader Zhang Jiao, he was quickly revered as a hero.
In the wake of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the heinous Dong Zhuo seized power over the weakened Imperial Court. Soon thereafter, Sun Jian joined an allied force to depose this villain.
The Allied Forces outmaneuvered the enemy, and after effectively foiling Lu Bu's attacks at Hu Lao Gate, Sun Jian and the others succeeded in thwarting Dong Zhuo's evil ambition.
In addition to his trusted veteran officers, Sun Jian saw his son Sun Ce and his friend Zhou Yu grow into fine warriors. This invigorated force now sought to form a base in Jiang Dong.
Sun Jian regained his lands in the Wu Territory, and and to gain further influence over Jiang Dong, he fought and defeated the powerful warlord Liu Xun. Sun Jian had now gained the foundation for his Kingdom of Wu.
With Jiang Dong under their control, the Sun Family now concentrated on defending their territory. It would be Sun Quan, the second son, and the officers of Wu who would take charge here.
Cao Cao formed a massive fleet and invaded Wu from the north. However, the Sun Family overcame tremendous odds through strategy and routed their mortal enemy.
After Cao Cao's defeat at Chi Bi, Wu's power grew equal to that of Wei's. Seizing opportunity, Sun Jian formed a massive army and began his campaign north.
The armies of Wu and Wei clashed at He Fei. Cao Cao himself arrived in support, but Wu emerged victorious, and Cao Cao's ambition was crushed to dust.
After the fall of Wei, Wu and Shu stood on equal ground. Wu only needed to take the Southwest to achieve total conquest, but it was the cornered Shu Forces who took initiative first and crossed the Chang Jiang.
The two armies collided at Yi Ling, and through the use of superior strategy, the Wu Forces achieved total victory. Sun Jian then marched on Cheng Du, and Liu Bei's dreams of restoration were crushed to dust.
So it was that the Sun Family unified the land with the help of their brave officers. Their tales of valor would later come to be known as "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".