Zhang Jiao/Quotes

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A list of quotes commonly spoken by Zhang Jiao.


  • Feel the judgement of Heaven.
  • Follow me!
  • I am the Great and Wise teacher Zhang Jiao...
  • My spirit will never die!
  • The time for change is upon us! The time of the Blue Dragon is over! Let all who believe wear my symbol upon their heads! Let them fight by my side! The Yellow Dragon has come!

  • When all else fails... attack!
  • The Han is dead! Long live the Yellow Dragon!
  • Witness the miracles of The Way of Peace!
  • I shall punish all those who defy Heaven's will!
  • This is but another trial for me to overcome!
  • I will not forgive this slight.
  • The next time we meet, you will perish.
  • Though my body may die, my spirit will live forever!
  • Fool, You challenge me with trickery, I don't believe in magic, Onward!
  • Go! Ye children of the Yellow Turban!

  • Heavens!
  • Witness the miracle!
  • No!
  • Feel the wrath of the heavens!
  • The Han is dead! Long live the Yellow Turbans!
  • Your training is over! Now face the trial!
  • It is useless to defy the Heavens!
  • This time, you will be judged!
  • The Heavens cannot be touched by mere mortals!
  • You will soon regret defying the Heavens!
  • The next day we meet will be your last!
  • My spirit shall prevail in the Heavens!
  • Let judgment begin!
  • The enemy is strong! Exercise caution.
  • Mm... They are strong...
  • You will not break through our forces!
  • Crush them with one blow!
  • This does not bode well...
  • We cannot hold.
  • This may be the end...
  • Where are the reinforcements?!
  • Be careful! You are in danger!
  • Another soul has been judged!
  • Impressive!
  • I bow to your skills!
  • You are a hero without equal!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • The Way of Peace prevails again!
  • We must not fall behind!
  • Let us go as well!
  • You will not get away with this!
  • You are overextended! Control yourself!
  • I have been waiting!
  • Reinforcements! Thank Heaven!
  • We have long been awaiting you!
  • I am in your debt!
  • We must endure this!
  • We must prevail.
  • Our chance will come soon enough.
  • We must continue fighting!
  • I place my faith in you.
  • Begin the attack!
  • Let us finish this.
  • We must attack now!
  • We must finish this now.
  • I shall be your opponent!
  • Prepare yourself!
  • I challenge you!
  • You have gone too far!
  • I shall stop you!
  • You shall be thwarted!
  • Charging alone? How foolish!
  • One soldier cannot make a difference!
  • You think to do battle with me?
  • You seem quite skilled.
  • You are not worthy to face me.
  • I will not be defeated easily.
  • If you value your life, leave now!
  • In battle, strength alone will not save you!
  • Xtreme Mode

    • The Way of Peace must be spread throughout the land!
    • The Heavens shall protect you. Go forth!
    • There is no turning back now. Heavens, protect us!
    • Have no fear!! We two have been blessed by the Heavens!
    • Thus is the Will of the Heavens... I leave the rest to you...
    • May the Heavens protect you...
    • Yes... yes! The Heavens have borne witness to your benevolence!
    • The Heavens shall not forgive you for this!
    • Only those willed by the Heavens may pass!
    • The Heavens do not desire this one to go free...
    • Thievery is a sin! I shall smite you in the name of the Heavens!
    • Intruder! You shall feel the Wrath of the Heavens!
    • You wish me harm?
    • What!? Do you not fear the Wrath of the Heavens?
    • I foresee that you shall soon defy the Heavens!
    • Infidels! Your time of judgement is at hand!
    • The Heavens have guided me to your assistance!
    • Heavens! I ask for a miracle!
    • Well done!
    • Let us preach the Will of the Heavens together!
    • Take this gift from the Heavens.
    • Halt! I would have a word with you...

    Empires Mode

    • Heretics are no match for us!
    • Work together. Trust in the Heavens!
    • Do not falter! The Heavens are with you!
    • We have taken over this stronghold!
    • This is not good. Lend us a helping hand.
    • Our backs are in danger! Someone please help us!
    • I cannot die until I witness the Age of Peace.
    • The Heavens weep at the loss of our fellow men.
    • I am on my way.
    • Our stronghold is unprotected!
    • The time has come. Prepare to attack!
    • The Heavens seek your help!
    • I shall go. Defend this place during my absence!
    • Push them back!
    • We must not fall behind!
    • Tired voices will not reach the Heavens. Let us rest.
    • The enemy is bound to strike here. I shall remain for them.
    • We cannot hold them anymore. Withdraw!
    • Do not let them get away! After them!
    • You dare insult me? You shall feel the wrath of the Heavens!
    • Words cannot harm me when the Heavens are on my side.
    • I have come to join you.
    • The Heavens are with you!
    • Let us vanquish the enemy!
    • You defy the Heavens when you defy me!
    • We must retreat!
    • The Heavens beckon for my return!
    • The Heavens will reward you for your efforts!
    • Mmmmmm... Witness a true miracle in action!
    • The Emperor has ordered the quelling of the Yellow Turbans? If they are a menace, they must be stopped.
    • Leaders have gathered in the capital. They all intend to put an end to Dong Zhuo.
    • May the Heavens punish the infidels!
    • A lamentable state of affairs... We must rise to save these forsaken souls!
    • A vast land awaits to be saved... Let us spread our teachings throughout the land!
    • Fools! They shall suffer the wrath of the Heavens!
    • Let us go! The age of peace is near!
    • Let us make an oath... To bring forth an age of peace!
    • This is only the beginning.
    • We have nothing to fear! The Heavens are on our side! Go forth my children! The Heavens protect you!
    • I can soon send my followers back to their families. The age of peace is right around the corner!
    • The Heavens have decided.
    • This is Heaven's will. Won't you join us in creating a new world?
    • A wise decision! May the Heavens bless us both.
    • You defy the will of the Heavens? Infidel! May the Heavens punish you!
    • I am the mighty Zhang Jiao. Let us create the new world of peace together.
    • I make this offer by the will of the Heavens!
    • This deal pleases myself and the Heavens! May we both prosper from this.
    • You dare defy the will of the Heavens! Expect to be punished!
    • Infidels have come to make our people suffer! Let us both punish them!
    • We must destroy those who stand in our way. Join me in my crusade!
    • The people rejoice in your honor! I offer you this as a token of my gratitude.
    • Thanks to you, we are one step closer to the new world! May rewards from the Heavens be forthcoming!
    • The Heavens have punished the infidels! The world shall be cleansed by the Way of Peace!
    • The Heavens have come down on the evil oppressor! Remember! Any who defy the will of the Heavens will share the same fate!
    • The Heavens are with us, my children! This victory is proof of this!
    • This defeat is a test from Heaven! Endure this agony and the rewards will be forthcoming!
    • Strange... I cannot read the will of Heaven anymore! Could it be that the Heavens have forsaken me?
    • I am doing no evil! I am only acting out the will of the Heavens! These times call for endurance, my children!
    • The Heavens have been merciful to the people. Come. Pray and give thanks!
    • The age of peace has finally dawned. Children, give thanks to the Heavens!
    • Humph! Leaving me behind... again? But my teachings are best spread on the battlefield!
    • The Heavens speak through my words. Defy me and you shall receive divine punishment!

  • Let judgment begin!
  • The enemy is strong! Exercise caution.
  • Mm... They are strong...
  • Crush them with one blow!
  • This does not bode well...
  • This may be the end...
  • (Officer), rest in peace!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • The Way of Peace prevails again!
  • You are a hero without equal!
  • Impressive!
  • I bow to your skills!
  • We have taken over this area!
  • The enemy supply depots will contribute to our cause, take them!
  • My children, quickly take the enemy supply depots!
  • We will destroy (Officer) with our might!
  • Heaven, why is (Officer) not falling?!
  • Our main camp is in danger, we must help our brothers, quickly!
  • Our main camp is threatened, defend our cause at all cost!
  • The Yellow Turbans will regain faith soon.
  • Look at (Officer), my children! This is the true spirit of the rebellion!
  • My name shall bring faith to all combatants!
  • We must prevail.
  • Our chance will come soon enough.
  • Begin the attack!
  • I shall stop you!
  • In battle, strength alone will not save you!

  • Heavens rejoice!
  • Heavens, hear me!
  • Providence!
  • Heavens!
  • All the lands under Heaven shall belong to Zhang Jiao!
  • We're just using this battle for spiritual training!
  • My followers... Rise and defeat the enemy!
  • Those who oppose us... shall be punished!
  • We are in need of a miracle...
  • That's one more disbeliever converted!
  • I am the General of Heaven!
  • Why you... You shall pay for your sins!
  • We too must devote ourselves to our faith!
  • I have occupied this enemy base!
  • Those who stand against the Heavens shall perish!
  • The shield of Heaven shall not be so easily broken!
  • Believe in me and I shall deliver a miracle!
  • The Heavens are on our side. We have nothing to fear!
  • Show these infidels the extent of our wrath!
  • These flames shall lead us to victory!
  • The wrath of Heaven shall strike you down...
  • Do not turn your back on the will of the Heavens!
  • You are truly a warrior that the Heavens can be proud of!
  • Oh! Such a pious soul!
  • The Heavens are with us!
  • I entrust you with... my mission...
  • The Heavens shall watch over you in my absence...
  • Reinforcements! The Heavens have not forsaken us!
  • At last, our savior has emerged!
  • We must overcome this test of our faith!
  • Believe in the power of the Heavens!
  • We shall show them the will of the Heavens!
  • The time of their judgment has arrived!
  • You dare resist the Way of Peace?!
  • Suffer the wrath of Heaven!
  • Heaven has brought us together! Prepare yourself!
  • You shall harm my followers no more!
  • You're fighting alone? You overestimate your abilities!
  • I shall show you the miracle that is the Way of Peace!
  • Those that oppose us, oppose the Heavens!
  • Eventually, your sins will be punished...
  • Ugh... My soul... shall not ascend to Heaven...
  • Xtreme Mode

    • Together let us ponder the wisdom of the heavens!
    • You dare do this to me?! You shall face divine punishment!
    • We must push forward! Heaven is on our side!
    • Finally, the world shall know the Way of Peace.
    • It appears you cannot hear the voice of the heavens.
    • Only those who are chosen may pass.
    • No sane world allows banditry! Prepare for heaven's curse.
    • We meet again. We have truly been blessed from above.
    • The heavens have said that I must repay my debts.
    • Oh you of evil intent! Flee my wrath!
    • You there. Wait!
    • Ye heavens! Bless me with aid!
    • You did well!
    • Receive the blessings of heaven!
    • I can hear it... The call of a new land...
    • But the voice has stopped. I suppose my calling is here.
    • I see you have the favor of heaven.
    • Stay with me! Your power shall grow tremendously.
    • Yes, yes... The heavens will bless your actions this day.
    • Heaven is watching. Do not tempt its power again!
    • I have no doubt in my mind that the great heavens above fated our meeting. You possess a strong and unwavering heart. You truly have the power to change this land!
    • I have no doubt in my mind that the great heavens above fated our meeting. May the gods forever bless us with their protection and good fortune!
    • Our path is clear! From this new base we shall spread our sacred teachings!
    • From this day forward, peace shall reign over this land. All praise the benevolence of the heavens!

    Destiny Mode

    • Don't let them escape! The heavens are on our side!
    • They shall be punished for befouling the land!
    • To successfully complete our trials, we must retreat for now!
    • Come and feel the wrath of heaven!
    • How dare you cast a suspicious eye towards our proceedings!
    • Hrah! Surprise attacks are for the wicked and deceitful!
    • The eye of heaven sees all. Come and face your destiny!

    Empires Mode

    • There is no reason to fear the enemy! Forward children of the Yellow Turban!
    • Forward! It is time for them to feel the judgments of heaven!
    • This battle is trial of your faith! Believe in the Yellow Dragon!
    • The heaven's cry out for a retreat! Pull back!
    • Do not falter! You, too, are under the protection of heaven!
    • Do not fear! Attack! You follow the will of heaven!
    • Observe! This is the miracle of the heavens!
    • See! This victory was a blessing of the heavens!
    • No! Someone please save me!
    • All right! Let us show them the power of heaven!
    • Allow me to seal such a blasphemous mouth!
    • Foolish son of the blue dragon! Why will you not understand?!
    • Come now! The heavens see through all!
    • I have captured a scion of darkness!
    • Through the will of heaven, I have taken this base!
    • Fine, let us build the world of the Yellow Dragon together!
    • My sons! Let us take that base!
    • My sons! Let us punish those sinners!
    • I cannot abandon that base! We will protect it!
    • This cannot be! Hurry, we must save our brother!
    • A vision from heaven! We must patrol this area!
    • My sons! Let us prepare for the next attack!
    • I cannot hear the voice of heaven! I must do something!
    • My sons! Attack!
    • My sons! You must endure this!
    • My sons! Let us gather under the heavens!
    • My sons! Turn your ears to the guiding voice of heaven!
    • Someone! You must guard my back!
    • You may depend on me!
    • Leave it to me!
    • My sons! Help me to find the path!
    • My proud sons! Let us fight together!
    • I shall go! I leave the protection of this base to you!
    • I shall go! You shall protect this base!
    • My sons! We must follow!
    • I can see it! We shall await the enemy here!
    • We are being pushed back! We must retreat!
    • Stop! You cannot escape the judgment of heaven!
    • Can you only stop and tremble before the miracles of heaven?!
    • Something's wrong... I cannot hear the heavens...
    • I shall cause a miracle!
    • Is this... The will of heaven?
    • This force will follow the will of the heavens. My friends! Believe in my words!
    • The heavens shall punish such atrocities.
    • It is the time of the Way of Peace! Let the wicked beware Heaven's Will!
    • Easily done.
    • Understood.
    • I will not follow anything that goes against the will of Heaven.
    • I follow the will of heaven.
    • Heaven is rejoicing.
    • This too is a trial from the heavens.
    • Heaven has forsaken me.
    • Now is the time to show the true extent of your power! Join me and we shall punish all of those who oppose us!
    • The heavens have granted us our first victory. Everybody, prepare to welcome the world of the Yellow Turbans.
    • This victory was preordained by the heavens. The dawn of a world run by the Yellow Turbans is close at hand!
    • Heaven has given us the sign to withdraw. We must wait for our chance to retaliate... Farewell!
    • My followers, these burdens are mere tests of your faith! You must endure until the world knows the Way of Peace!
    • Children of the Yellow Turbans, the heavens smile upon us! The Way of Peace has given us much to be thankful for.

  • The enemy is strong! We must work together!
  • This battle is a trial of experience!
  • Comrades, annihilate them!
  • It is a mistake to push my army!
  • We need a miracle...
  • I have defeated (Officer)!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am unrivaled in the Three Kingdoms!
  • You are an unrivaled warrior!
  • Hey! Good to have you as an ally!
  • We have the gods on our side!
  • We have gained control of this stronghold!
  • We must take the enemy's supply depot immediately!
  • Take the enemy's supply depot now!
  • We will destroy (Officer)!
  • Can nobody defeat (Officer)?!
  • (Officer)! I will wreak havoc upon you!
  • (Officer)! You will pay dearly!
  • This will settle the unrest of the Yellow Turbans.
  • I would only expect such excellence from (Officer)!
  • My name will be feared throughout the battlefield!
  • I will stop you.
  • Witness the miracle of heaven!

  • Heavens grant me strength!
  • You heathens!
  • Heavens!
  • Behold a miracle!
  • I shall guide you to the light!
  • This is providence!
  • The heavens have spoken!
  • The structure shall serve as a strong foundation for my teachings!
  • We must not spurn this gift from the heavens! Now is the time to drive back the heathens!
  • If you place your faith in me, miracles will happen!
  • This is but a test of our faith! We must not fail!
  • It appears my prayers never reached the heavens!
  • Bear witness! I am a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • The gods have not forsaken us yet! I must withdraw for the time being.
  • Oh! It seems that the heavens have sided with another...
  • The gods require a sacrifice! I propose we offer them the enemy!
  • The heavens will look favorably upon us if we protect this base! Have faith and we shall prevail!
  • I shall deliver divine punishment to that heretic!
  • This base is a sanctuary of the faithful! It must be defended!
  • My brothers, it is time for us to overcome these hardships! Attack the enemy's main camp!
  • This is a test of our dedication! Brothers, we must maintain a steady defense!
  • What? The heretics are capable of their own miracles?
  • We are not so stupid as to fall for your ambush!
  • Your dishonorable methods shall deliver a divine wrath onto you!
  • Impossible! This must be another trial!
  • You lover of war! I hope you have made your peace!
  • The time is not yet right! We must wait for the others!
  • It is time! Head out and advance on the enemy base!
  • It is time for us to show them our strength! Forward!
  • The gods have revealed that the enemy will attack here! Prepare the defenses!
  • We have been shown the consequences of our haste! Fall back, so we may regroup our forces!
  • There can be no escape! Your fate has already been written!
  • Do not be hasty! Follow my teachings and stay within our flock!
  • The day of the Yellow Turbans draws near!
  • Will the land never know the magnificence of the Yellow Turbans?
  • Your courage is the gift from the heavens! We are blessed!
  • Thank you! You are indeed sent by the heavens to aid me.
  • Even the gods admire your work but do not let your devotion flag!
  • You have successfully drawn the nonbelievers out. Now I shall bring the wrath of the gods down upon them!
  • We are but one soul bound in our faith!
  • I stand in awe! Surely you have found favor with the heavens!
  • I am going to punish the nonbelievers. You shall follow me.
  • Oh! Such valor can only be the will of the gods! May they grant me the same strength!
  • Oh! The gods send aid! I thank you!
  • You think nothing of the danger to yourself. The gods are pleased at your selflessness.
  • You have led the savages to me? I shall have to teach them the harshest of lessons!
  • Our cooperation is a light to guide our spirits!
  • Brilliant! You are blessed by the heavens!
  • I am going to punish these foolish commoners! Follow me!
  • I shall lay heaven's fury upon you!
  • A single person cannot overturn the will of heaven!
  • I cannot allow you to ignore the will of heaven any longer!
  • Your deeds cannot be forgiven! Face heaven's will!
  • Your death shall further the cause of the Yellow Turbans!
  • And still they come! I shall pass judgment on them all!
  • I am being tested!
  • The Yellow Turbans have fallen...
  • The Heavens have spoken!

  • The Heavens have spoken!
  • This area shall serve as a strong foundation for my teachings!
  • We must not spurn this gift from the Heavens. Now is the time to drive back the heathens!
  • If you place your faith in me, miracles will happen.
  • This is but a test of our faith. We must not fail!
  • It appears my prayers never reached... the Heavens...
  • Bear witness! The punishment I mete out is divine and absolute!
  • We are not forsaken yet. I must withdraw for the time being!
  • Ahh... It seems that the Heavens have sided with another...
  • A sacrifice is required! I propose we offer the enemy!
  • The Heavens will look favorably upon us if we can protect this place. Have faith and we shall prevail!
  • I shall deliver divine punishment to that heretic!
  • This is a sanctuary of the faithful! It must be defended!
  • My brothers, it is time for us to overcome these hardships! Attack the enemy's main camp!
  • This is a test of our dedication... Brothers, we must maintain a steady defense!
  • What? The heretics are capable of their own miracles?!
  • We are not so stupid as to fall for your ambush!
  • Your dishonorable methods shall deliver a divine wrath unto you!
  • This must be a trial. May the Heavens grant me the strength to overcome it!
  • Impossible... This must be another trial...
  • You lover of war, I hope you have made your peace!
  • The time is not yet right... We must wait for the others.
  • It is time! Head out and advance on the enemy's area.
  • It is time for us to show them our strength... Forward!
  • Let us fight together! Please, join us!
  • The Heavens have revealed that the enemy will attack here. Prepare the defenses!
  • We have been shown the consequences of our haste. Fall back so we may regroup our forces!
  • There can be no escape! Your fate has already been written.
  • The Heavens are my ally! Now you shall experience their wrath!
  • Do not be hasty! Follow my teachings and stay within our flock.
  • We will need reinforcements to survive this! May the Heavens have mercy on us!
  • It is a greater purpose that drives us!
  • Fallen brethren... Your deaths will be avenged by our hand!
  • We must capture and dedicate that area to our cause!
  • Our brethren are in need of assistance!
  • We must patrol the area for enemy activity!
  • We will receive guidance from above... In the meantime, we must regroup our forces.
  • The advantage is ours! This is clearly divine intervention on our behalf!
  • Those that resist our will must be eliminated!
  • Yet another trial has presented itself to us! We must be strong and overcome!
  • Rise up without fear of retribution! For it is our enemies that shall be struck down!
  • I have been told that this is where the tide of the battle will turn!
  • Follow our brethren towards the glory that we all seek!
  • Do not give up, my brothers! The Heavens will never forsake you!
  • Believe in the greater cause we all pursue and you shall prevail!
  • We are strong because we are together... We must all work to destroy those who are against us!
  • It is preordained that we are to emerge as the victors of this battle!
  • Feel the wrath of the Yellow Turbans!
  • You would defy the will of the land?! Then you shall pay with your life!
  • The days of the Han are finished! The Yellow Turbans will bring peace back to the land!
  • Your courage is a gift from the Heavens! Our forces are blessed!
  • Thank you. You are indeed sent by the Heavens to aid me.
  • Your efforts are admired by all, but do not let your devotion flag.
  • You have successfully drawn the non-believers out. Now I shall deliver their punishment!
  • We are but one soul bound in our faith!
  • I stand in awe! Surely you have found favor with the divine!
  • I am going to punish the non-believers. You may follow me in order to absorb my teachings.
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Very well.
  • Leave it to me!
  • Ohhh! Such valor can only be the will of the Heavens! May they grant me the same strength.
  • Ohhh! This aid has come at a most opportune time! I thank you.
  • You think nothing of the danger to yourself! The Heavens are pleased at your selflessness!
  • You have led these savages to me? I shall have to teach them the harshest of lessons!
  • Our cooperation is a light to guide our spirits!
  • Brilliant! You are blessed by the heavens!
  • I am going to punish these foolish commoners. Come with me!
  • The heavens smile upon thee as a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Hm-hm.
  • It shall be done!
  • I shall lay Heaven's fury upon you!
  • A single person cannot overturn the divine will of the land!
  • I cannot allow you to ignore the will of the Heavens any longer!
  • Your soul can no longer be forgiven!
  • Your death shall further the cause of the Yellow Turbans!
  • It is clear that my faith is being tested.
  • The Yellow Turbans have fallen...
  • Conquest Mode

    • Those that defy the will of the Heavens must suffer their wrath!
    • This is a divine staff that shall punish all nonbelievers!
    • I shall offer my assistance so that you may smite your opponents!
    • Ahh, my fellow companion! Let us build together a world ruled by the Yellow Turbans!
    • Hero of Chaos! At the end of your ambition lies a world ruled by the Yellow Turbans!
    • Tiger of Jiangdong! Let us go forth and hunt the vile beasts of the Han together!
    • Man of Virtue! One who walks the path of righteousness surely belongs with me and my flock!
    • Feel the grace of Heaven as it showers its love upon you to heal your wounds.
    • Impressive! I feel blessed to have been given the right to fight alongside you!
    • You there, I beseech you! I am in need of salvation!
    • I thank you. Your good deed shall be rewarded when the end is nigh.
    • You foul creature... You shall not pass this point!
    • Now is the time for me to strike down upon my enemies!
    • You must display your strength to the Heavens for judgment!
    • The teachings say that one must not lament the loss of past friendships!
    • You are a mere trickster capable of manipulating the wind! That is not looked kindly upon by the Heavens!
    • I shall act as the arbiter in determining the consequences of your sins!
    • Zhuge Liang... I know not whether you are human... or demon.
    • Curse you... Someday you will pay for your transgressions.
    • Ah, you! You have nothing to fear from me. It is fate that brought me to this place.
    • Hmm. You show strength. I can see why the Heavens have recognized you.
    • I have seen something incredible in the way you fight! You have been sent to join me!
    • It is my calling to give aid to those ordained by fate. I shall appear before you again.
    • I have come to warn you! Danger shall befall you in the near future.
    • You fool! You dare set yourself against the Heavens? You shall be punished!
    • My friend, do not worry! Leave everything to me and I shall protect you!
    • The Heavens have brought us this far. The power of truth has taken root across the land.
    • All is possible with enough faith. Soon we will see the rise of the Yellow Turbans!
    • Let us press forward! We shall seek our destiny under the skies of the Yellow Turbans!

  • The Heavens have guided us here and we have managed to deliver their teachings to the masses. Let us proceed together! A shining new world under the influence of the Yellow Turbans!

  • Heavens!
  • Divine punishment!
  • Rejoice!
  • Heavens, hear me!
  • Providence!
  • As the heavens wish!
  • That's one more disbeliever converted!
  • I am the General of Heaven!
  • You are the greatest warrior under the heavens, comrade!
  • Undoubtedly the finest of your land!
  • The heavens are with us!
  • Oh! Such a pious soul!
  • We too must devote ourselves to our faith!
  • What are you waiting for? Save me!
  • At last, our savior has emerged!
  • Reinforcements! The heavens have not forsaken us!
  • Punishment for the infidels, miracles for the faithful!
  • Eventually, your sins will be punished...
  • O, my soul... It ascends to the heavens...
  • You are a fine warrior, Yoshimoto!
  • Your work will be noted by the heavens.
  • Show me what you can do with that ball!
  • Your wrath is punishment for the infidels!
  • Fine work, my unorthodox friend!
  • Hurry up and save me, you fool!
  • Nobunaga, there is none to rival you!
  • Your strength is a gift from the heavens.
  • Ruin to the infidel!
  • Too stupid to even bother with...
  • How...? But I am favored by the heavens!
  • Sinful soul... Surrender yourself to heaven's judgment!
  • Brace yourself for divine retribution!
  • Heavens, grant me strength...
  • I shall show you the miracle that is the Way of Peace!
  • ...The day will come when you will be punished!
  • Your strength... It is miraculous...

  • Behold, a miracle!
  • Salvation!
  • A miracle!
  • Comrades, we must strike down those who turn their back on the heavens.
  • The heavens favor you, Kojirō.
  • You are truly a gift from the heavens!
  • You seem lost, my son. You must save me, then I will show you the way.
  • The heavens have spoken - you are the chosen one, Sakon.
  • The Yellow Turbans are behind you all the way, my son.
  • Save me, Sakon, or a terrible fate will befall you.
  • You must devote your soul to a true cause.
  • Poor boy... You have lost your way...
  • The heavens will punish you for this...

  • The Will of the Heavens is on my side!
  • We owe this victory to the heavens!
  • Those that go against the will of the Heavens shall be punished!
  • We should offer our thanks to the Heavens!
  • This is the true strength of divine will!
  • I would like for you to have this. Consider it a gift from the Heavens.
  • The Heavens are smiling upon you.
  • It seems you are lacking the necessary faith.
  • I punished many infidels during the last battle. Those that turn their backs on the Heavens cannot know salvation.
  • Recently, I have not been summoned to battle. I must be on the battlefield in order to spread the teachings of the Heavens...
  • Recently, there are many voices clamoring for a miracle from the Heavens. I must guide these souls on the path forward.
  • Fellow followers of the Way of Peace... Wait...! My sermon is not finished yet!
  • The Heavens have spoken!
  • Bear witness! The punishment I mete out is divine and absolute!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Your skill in battle makes you an Unrivaled Warrior!
  • Yoshimoto, you are an Unrivaled Warrior!
  • Masamune, you are an Unrivaled Warrior!
  • Sima Yi, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • This is but a test of our faith. We must not fail!
  • Hm? Is this a miracle?
  • You think nothing of the danger to yourself! The Heavens are pleased at your selflessness!
  • The Heavens gaze down upon your good works.
  • I appreciate your assistance.
  • You have done well to come to my aid.
  • I am here to serve as your opponent.
  • The Heavens have not yet forsaken me.
  • Your skill is evident. The Heavens have aligned themselves with you.
  • You truly lend me your hand in this time of need?
  • Yoshimoto, your actions are the work of the Heavens.
  • Let us face this test together, Yoshimoto.
  • A brilliant display, Masamune...
  • Masamune, are you here in my aid?
  • Hmph, not bad.
  • My savior appears in this time of peril...
  • Your efforts are admired by all, but do not let your devotion flag.
  • I thank you for assisting me in this time of need. I also must thank the Heavens for this miracle.
  • You did well to come to my aid. It was not my time to die today.
  • I will face you, and you will feel the punishment that awaits you, heathen!
  • The Heavens have not forsaken me yet... I shall retreat for now and wait for my next opportunity.
  • You are skilled. The Heavens are on your side.
  • Go forth and unleash your true potential!
  • Thank you for your hand in this desperate time. The Heavens will surely remember your good deed this day.
  • Yoshimoto, you fight for the will of the Heavens. Let us cleanse this land of the evil that plagues it!
  • Let us face this test together, Yoshimoto. Together we can overcome this adversity!
  • Your skill is evident, Masamune. Let us fight together for the will of the Heavens!
  • Masamune, are you here to aid me? Your sacrifices will not go unnoticed by the Heavens.
  • Hmph, not bad. Join with me and let us focus our efforts!
  • Cornered by death, my savior appears. You have shown that I have the Heavens on my side!
  • The will of the Heavens flows through you, my friend.
  • Brilliant! You are blessed by the Heavens!
  • Your coming was foreseen by the Heavens. Yet, the true miracle has only just begun!
  • Your aid is nothing more than fate. Heavens, grant me the strength to fight back against these odds!
  • You have taken sides with the enemy? This must be yet another test of my divine strength.
  • This can only be the will of the Heavens... I pray that the next time we meet that I shall fare better.
  • Oh, very impressive! The power of the divine is within you.
  • You being here was foretold by the Heavens. Let us cleanse the heathens of their evil!
  • Very good, Yoshimoto! You must be blessed.
  • Ah, Yoshimoto! I was waiting for your aid. I see it all so clearly now! Now behold as the true miracle begins!
  • Ah, Masamune! Your skill is a sight to behold. Continue along this blessed path to the Heavens.
  • It is quite admirable of you to assist me like this, Masamune. You are worthy of a blessing.
  • Such a brilliant display of strength and valor! Keep it up, and let us punish the heathens for their sins!
  • I knew that only you could save me. We survive only by the blessings of the Heavens.
  • Any who turn their backs on the Heavens shall be struck down by divine punishment!
  • Urgh... Do you know not of the wrath of the Heavens?
  • I pray to the Heavens to grant me strength!
  • I am a conduit to the heavens! What is it that you desire, child?
  • But you are a mere child...! Is this a test from the Heavens? Or is this nothing more than a trick?
  • I have no choice but to leave you to the will of the Heavens themselves!
  • This is a test of my faith sent from up above...
  • What an evil endeavor this is! It is distracting me from carrying out the work of the Heavens.
  • I will not be tempted. I must deliver punishment unto the wicked!
  • Listen to the voice of the Heavens if you want to find your way there.
  • You fool! How dare you speak such blasphemy to me!
  • I hear thee, voice of the Heavens! I have been granted new strength to strike down this foe!
  • Commoners such as you who do not believe shall be punished!
  • The Heavens shall punish the infidels without fail!
  • Perhaps the Heavens have turned against me... No! Your divine punishment is yet to come, and it shall be fierce!
  • This must be another test given to measure my faith...
  • Believe in the divine and anything is possible!

  • The will of the Heavens is with us!
  • I will lead you, my brother, in accordance with the will of the heavens!
  • Let's go, Himiko! Strike out toward a new world!
  • I travelled alone, and listened to the voice of the Heavens. Now I have divine will on my side, I am free of all confusion. It's time for me to bring peace to this world!
  • I took a few days and instructed everyone in the will of the Heavens. This will surely free them from confusion as well, and bring us all together.
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