Talk:Guan Yinping

Discussion page of Guan Yinping

wut SneaselSawashiro (talk) 21:39, July 22, 2015 (UTC)

Her name

Admin, as I know, her real name is not Guan Yinping, it's Guan Feng (鳯), Yingping is just the style name which Zhang Fei gave to her.
Duy goby (talk)

No, she has no "real name" that we are sure of. Historically, she is only called "Guan Yu's daughter" in a throw-away line. If you hear stories that she "has a real name," that's folklore. It's not addressing what little we actually know about her. Sake neko (talk) 06:04, February 17, 2017 (UTC)

World Cosplay Summit 2014

Because why not? Sake neko (talk) 16:14, April 11, 2017 (UTC)