Lu Bu/Quotes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Lu Bu.


  • Mosukīto doni nani mi ten no ka? - How a mosquito like you can hope to stand a chance against me?
  • Chousei kono tenoka! - It seems you can't match my skills!

  • I am the mightiest man alive!
  • You insects dare to oppose me!
  • You fools! Die!
  • ...I cannot have lost!

  • I have no time for the likes of you!
  • Ragh! Get out of my way!
  • I defeated an officer!
  • I am Lu Bu! Bow down before me!
  • Die, you scum!
  • You dare stand in my way?! You pitiful worm!
  • An even match with Lu Bu? How interesting!
  • You haven't beaten me yet!
  • I will not forget this insult!
  • Impossible! I, I...

  • Cao Cao! I will bury you!
  • Die!
  • Worthless scum!
  • Why even try?!
  • You dare face the mighty Lu Bu?
  • Flukes do not happen twice!
  • Ha! Worthless scum!
  • This time we will finish this!
  • Just keep barking!
  • An even match? How interesting!
  • This humiliation... will not stand!
  • This... cannot be!
  • You will all perish!
  • The enemy's strong! We have to fight harder!
  • Tch! They're pretty good!
  • You won't break through here!
  • Crush them!
  • This doesn't look good!
  • We can't hold them...
  • We won't last here...
  • Where's the reinforcements?
  • Be careful! It's dangerous out there!
  • Who else seeks death?
  • Good job!
  • Impressive!
  • You fight well.
  • Not bad...
  • I am the Greatest Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • We must all seek glory as well!
  • We can't fall behind!
  • You won't get away with this!
  • You're too far out! Control yourself!
  • Diao Chan, you're in danger! Fall back!
  • Ah... well done, Diao Chan!
  • It's about time!
  • Reinforcements! What a relief!
  • Thank you for coming.
  • You've saved us!
  • Hold out!
  • We have to hold!
  • Tough it out!
  • We must continue fighting.
  • We're counting on you!
  • Wipe them out!
  • We finish this now!
  • Let's wipe them out!
  • Let's finish this now!
  • Diao Chan! You have come!
  • Diao Chan! To think you would save me!
  • Diao Chan! We must push through!
  • Do not be concerned, Diao Chan!
  • Leave it to me, Diao Chan!
  • We will crush them, Diao Chan!
  • Diao Chan, let us finish this!
  • Diao... Chan...
  • I'll take you on!
  • Say your prayers!
  • Right, let's settle this!
  • Don't get all cocky now!
  • I'll take care of you!
  • You'll pay for what you did!
  • You're alone? What are you, stupid?
  • You're brave, I'll give you that!
  • Out of my way, scum!
  • This could be interesting!
  • Get out of my way!
  • I can take you!
  • You will all perish!
  • Stay out of my way if you want to live!
  • Xtreme Mode

    • Humph! Enough dawdling!
    • Humph! Don't die!
    • There is no room for insects like you in my kingdom!
    • A fine woman... to have fought this far with me.
    • I suppose I was never meant to know peace...
    • If I die... who will protect you?
    • Humph! Why do you meddle in such petty affairs?
    • Do what you will. I only live to slay my enemies.
    • Do you wish to pass so badly that you would face me?
    • Fools! Why bother rescuing a useless prisoner?
    • You can take all you want if you can get by me.
    • You! Have you come to die?
    • You dare challenge me!?
    • It appears that you seek death!
    • This is the perfect battle to prove my might!
    • You will die!
    • I will repay my debt to you!
    • Hey, you! Help me!
    • You were helpful.
    • I suppose I'll go with you.
    • Here, take this.
    • Hey, you!

    Empires Mode

    • I'll wipe out these insects in one blow!
    • If two forces are equal in strength, the side with me shall be victorious!
    • We're at a disadvantage? So long as I'm here, we can't lose.
    • This stronghold is mine!
    • Send us reinforcements!
    • Fall in behind me. Hold your ground!
    • You'll not have my life so easily. Retreat!
    • I can keep going, but my men...
    • I will go!
    • Can't even protect one simple stronghold?
    • We'll take the enemy stronghold!
    • Let's go! Don't fall behind!
    • I'll lead the charge. You protect the stronghold.
    • I mustn't fall behind!
    • I guess we must stop here for a while.
    • The enemy is coming. I'll take care of them.
    • Retreat. We'll get them next time.
    • Pursue them!
    • Scum! Do you wish to die?
    • I don't answer to the likes of you.
    • As arranged, I am here to lend you my blade!
    • I have arrived! Do not falter!
    • I'm here. Victory is guaranteed!
    • I will send you all to the afterlife!
    • We can't spare any more men to these scum!
    • This time, you will not escape with your life!
    • Humph... It looks like you were of some use.
    • Charge! Wipe them out!
    • The Emperor wants me to slay the Yellow Turbans? Alright. It's a good chance to test my skills!
    • It's hard for me to believe that it will take this many people to slay only one man.
    • Only the strongest will survive!
    • This is interesting... I'll crush anyone who dares get in my way!
    • A vast land awaits us... I've come to dominate the land!
    • They cannot defeat me! No matter how many of them there are!
    • Crush them in one blow!
    • You shall be my witnesses. Watch as I put an end to the chaos!
    • Our empire has come a long way.
    • My men are invincible! Crush every last one of them!
    • There is no one left who could possibly challenge me. I shall rule all the land with my strength!
    • Easy enough!
    • If you want to live long through this chaos, I suggest you join me.
    • All I ask is that you don't slow me down. Got it?
    • You will regret not allying with me.
    • With me in your service, there is nothing you cannot do.
    • I have a proposal. What do you think?
    • Alright. It's decided.
    • Coward! You will regret this decision.
    • We're being overrun by a swarm of insects! Deal with them for me.
    • Follow me. We'll crush these pathetic whelps.
    • You had the honor of me asking you. You should be grateful to serve me.
    • You fought bravely. I'll give you this. Keep it.
    • Ha! All you did was crush some insects! You have not seen my skills yet!
    • That stuffed pig wasn't even worth the effort! Is there a warrior fit to fight me?
    • Eliminate the vermin and victory is assured! This is too easy. I'm getting sleepy.
    • Humph! Got carried away with my little game... Do not think this is the end!
    • Can I not attain supremacy? This can't be happening!
    • We're doing it my way! Nobody dares oppose the mighty Lu Bu!
    • Even hypocrisy is better than doing nothing. After all, even the pathetic have feelings.
    • Is that what you wanted? Let's see what it's all about!
    • Are you really so stupid to keep me off the battlefield? Have you gone mad?
    • For my proposals to be rejected... are you toying with me?

  • You will all perish!
  • The enemy's strong! We have to fight harder!
  • Tch! They're pretty good!
  • Crush them!
  • This doesn't look good!
  • We won't last here...
  • I have squashed this (Officer)!
  • Not bad...
  • I am the Greatest Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • You fight well.
  • Good job!
  • Impressive!
  • This area is mine!
  • Ah... well done, Diao Chan!
  • We have to hold!
  • Tough it out!
  • Wipe them out!
  • I'll take care of you!
  • Stay out of my way if you want to live!

  • I fear no man!
  • Get lost, you scum!
  • Give it up!
  • Move!
  • Enough!
  • Bah! So you need Lu Bu to finish things!
  • Humph! They're not bad!
  • It's time to put an end to this!
  • You're actually driving us back... How interesting!
  • Impossible... Me, lose?
  • Can anybody provide me with a decent challenge?!
  • As long as you keep sending 'em, I'll keep knocking 'em down!
  • Worthless scum, don't get so cocky!
  • We must aim for even greater heights!
  • I have captured this base!
  • Here I go! Try and stop me if you can!
  • Retreat is unforgivable! Fight to the death!
  • You've got me with you. There's no way you can lose!
  • Attack with the swiftness of Red Hare!
  • Go and smash the enemy base!
  • Roast them with a wall of flames!
  • Damn! What were the guards doing?!
  • Are you trying to get yourself killed?! Get back here!
  • Someday, you may even be a match for me!
  • Humph... You're not without some skill.
  • Not bad... for starters.
  • Imp... impossible...
  • How... could this be?!
  • Diao Chan, it's too dangerous! Don't ever leave my side!
  • Hah, with their tails between their legs. Pathetic.
  • Diao Chan, word of your name shall spread across the land!
  • Such lovely dancing, Diao Chan!
  • Diao Chan... go and live another day!
  • It's about time...
  • Thanks...
  • I'll get us through this!
  • Watch this!
  • Drive 'em back!
  • Victory is ours!
  • Diao Chan! You came for me...?!
  • Diao Chan, I will not let you down!
  • Now let's finish 'em, Diao Chan!
  • Worthless scum... I'll stomp you into a bloody mess!
  • Come and fight me!
  • Come and show yourself!
  • My might will put an end to this!
  • Humph... You seem pretty confident!
  • Heh... You thought you stood a chance against me?!
  • Humph, you're by yourself? Against me?!
  • Don't worry, this won't take very long.
  • Cowards! Run back to your homes and hide!
  • Did you really think you could take me on?!
  • Now I'm really angry... I'll remember this!
  • I can't die... I...
  • Liu Bei! You're mine!
  • Today is a good day to die!
  • You really think you can stand against me?
  • Humph! Let's not get carried away, Liu Bei!
  • You'll receive no mercy from me!
  • Liu Bei! You shall be sacrificed to my blade!
  • Did you think I could lose to scum like you?!
  • I shall never... lose to the likes of Liu Bei.
  • I lost to Liu Bei... This can't be...
  • Zhang Liao! Stand and fight me!
  • Zhang Liao! You have drawn your last breath!
  • Humph, let us test our skills in battle.
  • Zhang Liao, are you trying to make me angry?
  • Did you think you could take me by yourself, Zhang Liao?!
  • I will show you what True Might is!
  • You think you can take me?! Don't make me laugh!
  • Next time, it'll be different! I promise you!
  • You defeated me... Your name will go down in legend, Zhang Liao...
  • Xtreme Mode

    • I might be willing to accompany you.
    • This humiliation! I will never forget it!
    • We have no need in our land for worthless drivel! Drive them away!
    • I shall show the world that I am the greatest!
    • Humph. It angers me just seeing your face!
    • You think you can pass by me? You worthless rubbish!
    • You can take what you want... After you beat me!
    • It's you. I'm sure you remember me!
    • I pay my debts! Let's fight!
    • Rebels, hmm? You are going to make it worth my time, right?
    • Hey, you!
    • Hey, you! Shut up and help me!
    • You served your function well.
    • Take this.
    • Why am I serving someone like that? How annoying!
    • But wait. I just need to eliminate those that don't see things my way!
    • I lost? Me, lose...?
    • If you think you can hold me, then go ahead and try!
    • I see you're one of those who likes to stick your nose where it doesn't belong!
    • Do what you will. I just need someone to fight!
    • I never thought I'd find someone who'd stick with me like you have. C'mon! With you around, it's a blast even reaping through these weak, pathetic grunts!
    • I never thought I'd find someone who'd stick with me like you have. I admit, I figured you were just another weakling when we first met... but you're really quite a gal.
    • You take what you want and want what you take. Hah! I like that about you!
    • Whatever you want to make of this world now, you've got my might to make it happen!

    Destiny Mode

    • Don't let any of them get away! Not a single one!
    • Humph! Your pathetic lives will finally reach their end.
    • We must retreat. However, we will be back.
    • Humph... So they finally decided to show up.
    • What kind of fool would come here alone?
    • To be caught off guard by these pathetic whelps...
    • Hiding will do you no good. Come out and fight!

    Empires Mode

    • Pathetic! I could win this with my eyes closed!
    • Well matched? Any side with me on it will win without question!
    • Outnumbered? Hah! It just means I'll have more fun!
    • I cannot die here! Pull back!
    • I will defend! Attack them!
    • I will fight with you! We'll scatter them!
    • It seems I must thank you.
    • Hmph. Well done.
    • Send reinforcements! Are you trying to get me killed?!
    • This is my plan! Disregard it at your own peril!
    • Do you have any idea who you are talking to?!
    • The furtive howling of a beaten dog! How pathetic!
    • Little tricks will not work against me!
    • I have captured an officer!
    • This base is mine!
    • I will lend you my help for a time!
    • Any bases that get in my way will be destroyed. Now advance!
    • I can see my prey before me. Let's go!
    • You fools! Can't you even guard one little base?!
    • Damn! Next time do it yourself!
    • Do not let any vermin get past you!
    • Be ready to march at any time!
    • I guess there's a limit to how much this fodder can take. I guess they need a rest!
    • Attack!
    • Strengthen the defense!
    • Come here!
    • I'll leave each of you in charge!
    • Give me some troops to guard my back!
    • I'll go!
    • Can't anything be done without my help?
    • If you march with me, the enemy is sure to flee!
    • Come! We'll finish them once and for all!
    • I will attack! You defend!
    • I'm going out! Defend this place or die trying!
    • Hey! Leave some of the fun for me!
    • We'll wait here! We'll catch them all!
    • Damn, it's just not going right. Pull back!
    • You won't escape me! I'll follow you to the end of the earth!
    • Run and hide when a real man passes, vermin!
    • So might alone is not enough to conquer the land...
    • Interesting... You think you can truly control my spear?
    • Me die?? Never...
    • I will lead this force! Now shut up and follow me!
    • I will not serve a fool!
    • Get out of my way, weaklings! This land belongs to me, Lu Bu!
    • Hmph. Leave it to me.
    • Fine!
    • Get out of my way!
    • I shall not disappoint you.
    • That is how it should be.
    • Damn! Why is this not working?!
    • Hmph! This cannot be!
    • You'd better get used to how I do things. Now shut up and join me.
    • Humph, did you think we'd lose this battle?! With me fighting, of course we were going to win.
    • Another battle, another victory. Where is the challenge?
    • Do not think that I will forget this defeat. I will not go so easy on you next time!
    • I will not listen to the squabbling of vermin. Your role is to be silent and follow my orders!
    • I pity those that prefer peace over war... But so be it. I don't care as long as victory is mine!
    • It doesn't matter how many troops you have, they are no match for me!

  • Stay sharp! Your opponent is on the move!
  • Hm! Not bad!
  • Here, I shall be gentle with you!
  • You're going to crush my army, hm? Interesting!
  • Me... lose a battle?
  • I have defeated (Officer)!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I guess I too am unrivaled in the Three Kingdoms!
  • You are a warrior among warriors!
  • Seems like you know what you are doing!
  • Let's just say that I knew you could do it.
  • I have gained control of this stronghold!
  • (Officer)! You!
  • Huh... not bad, Diao Chan!
  • Diao Chan! Who did this to you?!
  • Do you really think you can beat me?
  • Begone maggots!

  • Weakling!
  • Don't push your luck!
  • Out of my sight!
  • Come get some!
  • Think you can beat me?
  • A waste of my time!
  • Can anybody provide me with a decent challenge?
  • This base is all mine!
  • We have an opportunity to seize this battle! Do not waste it!
  • Hmph! They're not bad!
  • These guys are much tougher than they look!
  • How could this be? I have never known defeat, never!
  • You keep sending them, I'll keep knocking them down!
  • This battle bores me! I shall take my leave now!
  • lose...
  • Attack with the swiftness of Red Hare!
  • Retreat is unforgivable! Fight to the death!
  • Let's see if you're worth my time! HA!
  • Do not let our base fall to the enemy!
  • All units, charge the enemy main camp! That is your only task!
  • Forget about those peons! I want everybody to focus on defense!
  • Hah! Their only hope against me is to try and use such dirty tricks!
  • Did you really think that would work against me? Do you even know who I am?
  • You may have got the jump on me, but it won't matter in the end!
  • Hah! Did you really think it would help if you got me alone?
  • I respect your courage for coming this far alone! However, you are still going to die!
  • Hmph! I hate waiting around but I suppose we have no choice.
  • Go and smash the enemy base!
  • Forward! I don't want to see a single enemy left standing!
  • We'll stay here for awhile. Just sit back and wait for the enemy to arrive.
  • The men are getting tired. I suppose I have no choice but to return to base for now.
  • Do not let the enemy get away! After them!
  • Your skills pale before mine. Get back here and fall in with the rest of the unit!
  • There are none who can stand before me!
  • Impossible! I have never known the taste of defeat.
  • Hmm! You're fighting pretty well. I'm just getting warmed up!
  • You! Let's destroy these weaklings together!
  • Oh! You fight well. Even if it's a poor impression of me, it's not too bad.
  • You brought more for me? Good! I'll smash them all at once!
  • Woah! You must be pretty good if you kept up with me!
  • The weaker they are, the louder they howl!
  • Good! Keep going! Don't stop!
  • Let's go! I can trust you to guard my back!
  • Oh! You're good but I'm better! Watch!
  • You've brought reinforcements? Don't make me laugh! Lu Bu doesn't lose!
  • Hmm. You're a much better fighter than you appear to be.
  • Hmph! Harried by the enemy? Good! Leave them to me!
  • Hmph! You must be pretty good if you can keep up with me.
  • Woah! That's how it's done! Press the attack!
  • Let's go! Quit standing around, you're coming too!
  • Well done, Zhang Liao, but I won't fall behind you!
  • Zhang Liao? Don't worry about me. The stronger the enemy, the more fun I have!
  • Good, Zhang Liao! I will join in your rampage!
  • Zhang Liao! Why have you allowed them to follow you? Ah! Is this part of your plan?
  • Excellent, Zhang Liao! You are the only one who can keep up with me this long!
  • Excellent, Zhang Liao! Show them how it's done!
  • We advance, Zhang Liao! I'll let you guard my back!
  • Diao Chan, was that you? Ah, I will have to take it up a notch!
  • Diao Chan? Come on you weaklings! There's no such thing as a hard fight to Lu Bu!
  • Diao Chan! You mustn't put yourself at such needless risk! Be at my side, that is enough!
  • Argh! You cretins! Get away from my Diao Chan!
  • Hmph! Diao Chan, I expected that you could keep up. You are a fine woman, indeed.
  • That's it, Diao Chan! But don't overdo it.
  • We are going, Diao Chan. I will protect you.
  • You dare stand before me? You have courage!
  • Alone? You will make it worth my while, won't you?
  • Did you enjoy yourself? Now come and suffer the consequences!
  • Stop! I will cut you down!
  • You want to beat me? Then let us see what you can do!
  • Enemy reinforcements? Bring them on! I welcome the challenge!
  • Tch! You're good. I shall remember your face.
  • How can this be? To lose to one like you...
  • Pig! Have you come to be slaughtered?
  • Alone? So all your men have left you, have they?
  • Do not get in my way swine! The crows will pick at your flesh!
  • Halt! Pigs should stay quiet in their pens!
  • What did you come for? There is no longer a place for you here!
  • What? Me lose to one as weak as you?
  • I never imagined being beaten by you...

  • Can anybody provide me with a decent challenge?!
  • This area is all mine!
  • We have an opportunity to seize this battle... Do not waste it!
  • Hmph! They're not bad...
  • These guys are much tougher than they look...
  • How could this be?! I have never known defeat! Never!
  • You keep sending 'em, I'll keep knocking 'em down!
  • This battle bores me. I shall take my leave now!
  • Impossible! Me, lose?
  • Attack with the swiftness of Red Hare!
  • Retreat is unforgivable! Fight to the death!
  • It looks like there is finally somebody worth my time.
  • Don't let the enemy anywhere near this area! Protect it at all costs!
  • All units, charge the enemy main camp! That is your only task!
  • Forget about those peons! I want everybody to focus on defense!
  • Hah! Their only hope against me is to try and use such dirty tricks!
  • Did you think that would work against me?! Do you even know who I am?!
  • Your little tricks aren't going to stop me!
  • There are more?! Bring 'em on! I welcome the challenge!
  • Hmph! Did you really think it would help if you got me alone?
  • I respect your courage for coming this far alone. However, you still are going to die!
  • Hold it! We're going to wait and see how the enemy responds...
  • We're taking over that area! Now get out there!
  • Forward! I do not want to see a single enemy left standing!
  • Looks like they've started without me... Of course, they still need me to finish it!
  • We'll stay here for a while. Just sit back and wait for the enemy to arrive!
  • The men are getting tired... I suppose I have no choice but to go back!
  • Do not let the enemy get away! After them!
  • Launch a surprise attack on the enemy! Everybody, follow me!
  • Don't go it alone! Do you really want to die that badly?
  • What a bother... Isn't there anybody that can handle these fodder for me?
  • I'll bring a quick and decisive end to this battle!
  • Cowards. I see they only attack wherever I am not.
  • We're going to secure that area! Let's go!
  • I suppose I have no choice but to go and help those fools.
  • Stay alert! The enemy can come from anywhere!
  • Don't let up your guard! Always be in a position to move!
  • I grow bored of this battle... I'm putting an end to it!
  • We'll crush them to a pulp! Let's go!
  • We're going to defend this place to the death! Slaughter any that come near!
  • Cut through their formation! Show them the strength of our forces!
  • This is the moment we've been waiting for! Everyone, launch the attack!
  • I won't be outdone! Everyone, follow me!
  • Show the enemy our resolve! Those that don't fight to the end will have to face me!
  • Show no mercy to the enemy! I do not want to see a single prisoner!
  • I'm the only one who can win a battle on my own! You troops fight together in your unit!
  • If there's anything you want, you take it through battle! Got that?
  • Hmph! I wish the enemy would try a little harder.
  • There's no one out there who can beat me!
  • No one can surpass me! Not now, not ever!
  • Hmph... You're fighting pretty well. But I'm the greatest warrior alive!
  • You're running away? Bah! Let's destroy these weaklings together!
  • You fight well. Even if it's a poor impression of me, it's not too bad.
  • You brought more for me? Good! I'll take them all on at once!
  • Hmph, you must be pretty good if you can keep up with me.
  • Good! Keep going! Don't stop!
  • Let's go. I can trust you to guard my back!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Hm.
  • Leave it to me!
  • Oh, you're good! But I'm better! Watch!
  • You've come as reinforcements? Don't make me laugh! Lu Bu doesn't lose!
  • Hmm... You're a much better fighter than you appear to be.
  • Hmph! That lot is giving you trouble? Leave them to me!
  • Hmph, you're pretty good in combat. Almost as good as me.
  • Yes! That's the spirit! Press the attack!
  • Let's go. Quit standing around, you're coming too!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Very well.
  • Leave it to me!
  • Well done, Zhang Liao! But I won't fall behind you!
  • Don't worry about me. The stronger the enemy, the more fun I have.
  • Good, Zhang Liao! I will join in your rampage.
  • Zhang Liao, why have you allowed them to follow you? Ah, is this part of your plan?
  • Outstanding! You are one of the few men able to fight alongside me.
  • Excellent, Zhang Liao! Show them how it's done!
  • We advance, Zhang Liao. I'll let you guard my back.
  • Zhang Liao, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Very well.
  • Leave everything to me.
  • Fine work, my love. I will have to take it up a notch!
  • Don't worry, Diao Chan! I will turn this fight around!
  • Diao Chan, you mustn't put yourself at needless risk! Be at my side. That is enough.
  • You cretins! Get away from my Diao Chan!
  • Diao Chan, I knew you'd be able keep up. You are a fine woman, indeed!
  • That's it, Diao Chan! But don't overdo it.
  • We are going, my beloved. I will protect you.
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms, my beloved!
  • Very well, Diao Chan.
  • You stand before me? You have courage!
  • Alone? You will make it worth my while, won't you?
  • Did you enjoy yourself? Now come and suffer the consequences!
  • Stop! I will cut you down!
  • You want to beat me? Then show me what you can do!
  • Tch. I won't forget this!
  • How can this be?! How could I lose to one like you?
  • Pig! Have you come to be slaughtered?
  • Alone? So all your men have left you, have they?
  • Do not get in my way, swine! The crows will pick at your flesh!
  • Halt! Pigs should stay quiet in their pens!
  • Why are you here, you gluttonous swine? You won't leave this place alive.
  • What?! How could I ever lose to one as weak and pathetic as you?!
  • I never imagined being beaten by you...
  • Conquest Mode

    • There is nobody in this land that can stop me!
    • It is time to make a sacrifice to my Lunar Spear!
    • Come, Red Hare! For only I am capable of bringing out your true ability!
    • Be sure to stay out of my way.
    • Hmph! I'm here to help. You can make even the most boring battles interesting.
    • Zhang Liao, I'm here to lend you my strength. With the two of us together, the enemy is already dead.
    • The punishment for any who threaten my Diao Chan is death!
    • Hmph! You can protect your own worthless hide! I've got other things to do.
    • So you've finally realized that my might can seize the land you so eagerly seek!
    • Don't even think of slowing me down! Take this and get back on your feet!
    • I should've known that you're the only one that can keep up with me.
    • You over there, help me. Now!
    • I suppose I should thank you.
    • Turn back, for only death awaits you beyond this path!
    • You fools would fall for anything!
    • What a waste of my time... You're not even worth soiling my blade!
    • Ahh, it's you... At least I should get some enjoyment out of this battle.
    • Zhang Liao, allow me to show you what true might really is!
    • Diao Chan?! You're to be my opponent?!
    • Guan Yu... Come and I'll prove that I am the superior warrior!
    • Hmph... I see you are not without some skill.
    • Diao Chan... As long as you are by my side, I do not fear death.
    • Guan Yu has beaten me?! It cannot be!
    • So you're the one they're all talking about...
    • I guess you are a notch above the other vermin. At least, I hope so.
    • A fight well fought! You truly aren't like the rest of the weaklings that litter my path.
    • Someday I'll test you to see if you have what it takes to fight at my side.
    • Not that it really matters, but... What do you think of me?
    • Oh! So you like it, too, huh?
    • Hmph! Is that so?
    • I've been fighting for quite a while and I have yet to meet anyone that scares me.
    • But there has to be someone somewhere in the land. You have to help me find him.
    • I doubt you have any interest in pathetic weaklings. So look at me, and only me.

  • I have traveled this land far and wide... And I have yet to find an opponent that can scare me... I know that you too have no interest in the weak and timid. Which is why I want you to have eyes for me, and no one else.

  • Move!
  • Die!
  • I fear no man!
  • Get lost, you scum!
  • Give it up!
  • Challenge me!
  • Can nobody provide me with a decent challenge?!
  • As long as you keep sending 'em, I'll keep knocking 'em down!
  • Someday, you may even be a match for me!
  • Not bad for a foreigner!
  • Not bad... for starters.
  • Hmmph... You're not without some skill.
  • Follow on, and claim glory!
  • Me, lose...? Impossible!
  • Thanks...
  • It's about time...
  • Don't worry, it'll be over before you know it!
  • Now I'm really angry... I'll remember this!
  • I can't die... I...
  • Diao Chan, word of your name shall spread across the land!
  • Such lovely dancing, Diao Chan!
  • Diao Chan! You came for me...?!
  • Finally, a warrior worthy of sharing the battlefield with me!
  • Good work, Tadakatsu.
  • Where have you been?!
  • I suppose you think you're tough now, huh?
  • Arrogance is never warranted in others...
  • I don't need your help, boy!
  • Liu Bei! Bleed on my blade!
  • I'm not beaten yet...
  • Me, lose to Liu Bei... Unthinkable...
  • Watch, and you might learn something!
  • This won't happen again!
  • You've really made a name for yourself this time, Zhang Liao...
  • This could actually be interesting.
  • I refuse to accept defeat... We will meet again!
  • You were the one... The only one who ever matched me...
  • Cocky young fool!
  • Not bad... But you will get no second chances.
  • How could I lose... To such an upstart...?
  • Come on Demon King, live up to your name!
  • It seems you are not just bluster after all...
  • My body... It won't... move...

  • Step in my way and be crushed!
  • Out of my way!
  • Quiet!
  • Pests!
  • Die!
  • Cower before my wrath!
  • How can this be? Orochi, your skills surpass my own.
  • Impressive, Orochi... But you will not surpass me.
  • Lend me a hand.
  • You think you're untouchable, don't you?
  • Defeating these weaklings is nothing. Don't get cocky.
  • Here! Sharpen your blade on these fools.
  • I am Lu Bu! Do you not fear me?
  • The next time we meet, that sword will be your tombstone.
  • Perhaps I was not the best after all...
  • Stop, Diao Chan! I don't want to fight you!
  • You... have betrayed me.
  • Farewell... Diao Chan...

  • Step in my way and be crushed!
  • No one can stop me!
  • All I see are worthless peons lined up for slaughter!
  • I managed to enjoy that somewhat.
  • I am the mightiest warrior in the land!
  • Here. I no longer have a need for this.
  • Hmph! Looks like you're not as pathetic as I thought.
  • It seems you're just another worthless maggot.
  • I defeated scores of the enemy troops in the last battle. Those fools must not have valued their lives very highly.
  • You haven't been taking me to battle lately... Just what are you thinking?!
  • I've been in many battles lately. I must use this chance to display my might to the land.
  • Hmph! This is some good wine. What's that? It's gone already?!
  • Can anybody provide me with a decent challenge?!
  • You keep sending 'em, I'll keep knocking 'em down!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Zhang Liao, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms, my beloved!
  • Hahaha! Not bad for someone so young!
  • Hmph! What kind of freak are you...
  • These maggots are much tougher than they look...
  • I cannot claim to be the strongest if I cannot beat myself!
  • Hmm, impressive.
  • Pretty good.
  • Stay outta my way...
  • Huh, why are you here?
  • You stand before me? You have courage!
  • I don't believe it...
  • Not bad, Zhang Liao!
  • Don't worry about me Zhang Liao!
  • Diaochan, you did it!
  • Diaochan, you came for me? Be careful out there!
  • Nicely done, boy!
  • Ahh, there you are, boy!
  • What pride is there to be had in dealing with such maggots?
  • Why are you here?
  • Oh, you're good! But I'm better! Watch and learn!
  • Hmph... You're fighting pretty well. I guess I should put a little effort into this.
  • I won't stop you if you want to help. Just stay out of my way!
  • You're here, huh? Let's put these maggots in their place!
  • You've got a lot guts to face me. Now, let's enjoy this battle!
  • I can't believe I lost... I won't let it happen again!
  • Well done, Zhang Liao! But I won't fall behind you!
  • Don't worry about me. The stronger the enemy, the more fun I have.
  • Fine work, my love. I will have to take it up a notch!
  • What are you doing here, my love?! Stay close if you want to protect me... and be careful!
  • Well done, boy! But that wasn't your best, was it?
  • There you are, boy! Come and fight beside me!
  • What pride is there to be had in dealing with such maggots? Hurry up and finish them off.
  • What are you doing here? Go somewhere else if you're looking for an easy fight.
  • Yes! That's the spirit! Press the attack!
  • Good! Keep going! Don't stop!
  • Well, get moving if you're coming with. I know you won't hold me back.
  • I thought you might show up. If it's game you're looking for, hunt away.
  • Ahh, it's you... At least I should get some enjoyment out of this battle.
  • You took it to me. Nicely done.
  • Not bad, Zhang Liao! Not bad at all!
  • Zhang Liao?! I've been waiting for you! Watch my back!
  • To show up just for me... Diaochan, you are quite a woman.
  • Diaochan, you came for me?! Now I am invincible!
  • I guess praise is in order... Nicely done, boy.
  • Hey boy, over here! Together we'll push them back!
  • Why should I praise you for simply doing your job?
  • There you are... Fine, we can exterminate these maggots together!
  • Give up. This is the end of the road for you.
  • Hmph, it's pointless to resist the inevitable.
  • It's been fun, but that all ends now!
  • It's time I show you what true strength is, Zhang Liao!
  • Hmph, you've improved, but you're still no match for me...
  • I underestimated you! However, I've achieved levels of strength that you could only dream of!
  • Diaochan... What are you doing here?!
  • Stop this, Diaochan! I cannot bear to harm you!
  • Diaochan... Aargh!
  • Stop following me, you gnat!
  • Hmph, not bad, but you're still way out of your league.
  • Get serious, kid! You and I will never be on the same level!
  • Nezha, today you die!
  • Hmph, is that it? The real fight has just begun!
  • I cannot lose! I am Lu Bu, the mightiest man alive!
  • You would truly seek to challenge Lu Bu?
  • I will crush every last bone in your body!
  • Diaochan... What is the meaning of this...?
  • Shut up! I have no words for pigs like you!
  • Hmph, you mean to waste the life you've been given?
  • I'm the only human alive who can defeat you!
  • No, and I really don't care. Soon you'll be dead!
  • Hmph! Looks like you're not as pathetic as you thought.

  • No one can stop me!
  • Hmph. You will see who is truly the mightiest.
  • Just you watch, Orochi. I am the strongest!
  • I cut a swathe across the land, alone, but it still wasn't enough. Let's start the next battle at once.
  • I personally have no need of training with others. It may have been of use to them, however, to experience my raw might firsthand.

  • All such enemies shall fall to my hand!
  • Come on! I still thirst for battle!
  • Hah! I am the one and only Dynasty Warrior!
  • You cling on most persistently, for a weakling.
  • Impossible! How are they pushing me back?
  • This is pointless. And boring! I'm leaving!
  • Ah, excellent!
  • Well done! Now carry on!
  • Quit before you start holding me back.
  • You think I need reinforcements? From you? Hah! I won't lose to anyone!
  • So you dare stand in my way? You've got guts.
  • Hah. Not bad. Maybe I'll remember your face.
  • Hummm. You handle that spear well.
  • Well done, Zhao Yun! Just tear across the battlefield!
  • Zhao Yun!
  • Interesting. You handle yourself well.
  • Good, Wang Yuanji! Give these grunts a beating!
  • Wang Yuanji!
  • Impressive. You wield that sword like it's nothing at all.
  • Good, Zhou Cang! You are almost as fast as Red Hare!
  • Zhou Cang!
  • Hummm. An interesting spear technique.
  • Good, Yukimura! I can leave the small fry to you!
  • Yukimura!
  • So you aren't all talk.
  • Good, Mitsunari! Great heights lie ahead for you!
  • Mitsunari!
  • Your kicks are most impressive.
  • Good, Naotora! No need to hold back! Kick them some more!
  • Naotora!
  • Hummm. I like how you fight!
  • Good, Arima! Go ahead and cut them all down!
  • Arima!
  • Huh. I don't like you much, but you're definitely strong.
  • Good, Darius! I would like to fight you myself one day.
  • Darius!
  • You're a strange creature, but also a strong one.
  • Good, Nobunyaga! Keep the peons off my back!
  • Nobunyaga!
  • Well. You do have some skill.
  • Good, Ōka! Oni, these grunts, nothing can stand in your way!
  • Ōka!
  • You don't give scum any quarter, do you.
  • Good, Horō! Crush all of these fools for me!
  • Horō!
  • You're stronger than you look.
  • Good, Tokitsugu! Show me the power of a hero!
  • Tokitsugu!
  • You've got some powerful techniques.
  • Good, Kasumi! None of these grunts can hope to touch you!
  • Kasumi!
  • Hummm. You fight well, for one so small.
  • Good, Marie! Scatter them before you!
  • Marie!
  • You move in a strange way, but it seems effective.
  • Good, Honoka! Your techniques are as sharp as ever.
  • Honoka!
  • You bury your enemies without regard. Not bad.
  • Good, Laegrinna! That's the famous Devil's daughter.
  • Laegrinna!
  • Hummm. So calm and collected.
  • Good, Millennia! Continue to destroy them just like that.
  • Millennia!
  • You've seen a lot of combat, clearly. Interesting.
  • Good, Hayabusa! Your skills are wasted on these small fry!
  • Hayabusa!
  • Hummm. You crush them as though dancing.
  • Good, Ayane! No one can hope to keep up with you.
  • Ayane!
  • Hummm. I like the way you fight.
  • Good, William! Clean up these grunts and then come fight me!
  • William!
  • You fight in a very strange way, but it works.
  • Good, Sophie! Just roll over them all!
  • Sophie!
  • Hummm. You're good.
  • Good, Plachta! All the techniques you use are most interesting.
  • Plachta!
  • So this is the power of a half-demon? Interesting.
  • Good, Arnice! Show me more of the power of your blood!
  • Arnice!
  • Hummm. I like your taste in music.
  • Good, Chris! Make them dance for you more!
  • Chris!
  • Hummm. You really throw yourself into the game.
  • Good, Rio! They call you the Goddess of Victory for a reason.
  • Rio!
  • Huh. Your resolve seems real enough.
  • Good, Tamaki! Just don't push yourself too hard.
  • Tamaki!
  • Hummm. You fight pretty hard.
  • Good, Setsuna! Eradicate all who stand in your way!
  • Setsuna!
  • Hah! You are so cold in battle.
  • Good, Shiki! Forge your own path forward!
  • Shiki!
  • None can stand in the face of my might!
  • Can anybody provide me with a decent challenge?!

  • You shall feel the wrath of the greatest warrior in the land!
  • Charge!
  • You realize you have one of two choices left to you! Yield or die!
  • You've got quite some fire! How about it? Yield to me!
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