Inabayama Castle

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Inabayama was named Gifu after Nobunaga Oda took it in 1567. The castle was owned by the Dōsan Saitō during the 1550s, serving as his headquarters for his rule over Mino. However, his son Yoshitatsu Saitō took it when he rebelled against his father. Legendarily, Hanbei Takenaka is said to have captured the castle and returned to Tatsuoki Saitō as a warning against his poor leadership. Hideyoshi Hashiba proved his ability in this siege, leading a small strike force over the wall and opening the gates for Nobunaga.

Role in Games

Samurai Warriors

In Mitsuhide and Ranmaru's first stage in Samurai Warriors, they start by defending the castle. The Saito leader is Yoshitatsu Saito. At first, they start by defending the castle by defeating two Oda retainers. In the mean time, Nobunaga tries to steal the Saito's lumber and the player has to defeat the officer who is stealing the lumber. When the officer is defeated or has successfully stolen the lumber a cutscene appears that Hideyoshi has built a castle at Sunomata. Then, the player will get an objective to take Sunomata. Once the castle is taken, Noh will approach Mitsuhide or Ranmaru, stating that they are her childhood friends. Once she is defeated, Hanbei Takenaka betrays the Saito and attacks their main camp.

In Kenshin Uesugi's story mode, the castle name is Gifu instead of Inabayama. If the player is slow to take the castle it will unlock the lower ending where Kenshin faces Shingen Takeda at Anegawa but if the player quickly takes the castle it will unlock the upper ending where he Kenshin faces Shingen at Kawanakajima.

In Samurai Warriors: Xtreme Legends, Hideyoshi has the Oda version in his story, but with a few differences. Firstly, the player has to wait at Sunomata and personally allow the castle to be built. Secondly, Tatsuoki serves under Yoshitatsu and both must be defeated and thirdly, it is possible to get the Mino three to defect to the Oda in the castle, if they are defeated in the same order, where they will attack Yoshitatsu on the top floor.

Inabayama is absent in Samurai Warriors 2, but the battle returns in the third title. it is the first Chapter of Hanbei's story who serves under the Saitō clan. Unlike the first title, Tatsuoki Saitō commands the Saitō forces as Yoshitatsu is already dead. Only Hanbei gets the Saito side as part of his story, while Oichi, Hideyoshi, and Nagamasa gets the Oda side as part of their story. In the Moushouden expansion, only the Oda side is available, as Noh and Katsuie gets the stage as part of their story.

In Samurai Warriors 4, Inabayama castle appears as the stronghold for the Saito, who are joined by the Miyoshi and other clans that are opposing Yoshiaki Ashikaga's march to the capital. He begs Nobunaga for help and Nobunaga agrees, departing for Mino to face them head on. The Oda forces begun to construct Sunomata to the north and help get the supplies to the castle for construction despite interferance from Goemon Ishikawa. Then the Oda advance on both Hanbei in the castle and Kanbei further afield, their strategies manage to slow the Oda down but cannot stop their momentum or the likes of Hideyoshi being able to predict their movements, making both strategists impressed with their opposition. Munenori Yagyū appears to protect Tatsuoki Saito, but it's readily apparent that they are no match for the Oda's fervor, which he reports to his boss, Hisahide Matsunaga. Once Inaba has fallen, Hisahide appears with the Miysohi forces in hiding and Koshōshō lures out Yoshiaki to Hisahide's camp. Defeating her averts the peril and defeating Hisahide ends the stage.

Gifu Castle appears in Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 where after Mitsuhide defeats Hideyoshi at Yamazaki, both Katsuie Shibata and Ieyasu Tokugawa ally themselves and hole up in the castle to avenge Nobunaga and oust the traitor Mitsuhide. After a difficult battle, Mitsuhide eventually wins.

Inabayama Castle receives increased prominence in Samurai Warriors 5 due to the prominence of the Saito army. The outskirts of Mino first appear in a clash between Nobunaga and Dōsan Saitō. Nobunaga leaves his brother Nobuyuki Oda and Oichi to guard the main camp while the rest of his army faces many obstacles including one very persistent enemy by the name of Mitsuhide Akechi. This becomes their first meeting and where their fates become intertwined. Though Nobunaga wins the raid, Dosan reasons he is not ready to challenge him yet and Nobunaga's exhausted forces agree. As a reward, Dosan agrees to an alliance and marries off his daughter Noh, to him. When Nobunaga arrives to Inaba's interior, he is ambushed during the ceremony by Yoshitatsu Saito and other discontent Saito retainers, Mitsuhide helps Nobunaga and Noh escape due to it being ordered by Dosan not to harm Nobunaga. Later that night, Noh attempts to kill him and Nobunaga figures out Dosan's scheme, but lets Noh stay with him nonetheless to let Noh figure out how she wants to live her live instead of being a political tool. After Dosan's death at Nagara River, Yoshitatsu seizes the Saito clan much to the chagrin of many, including Mitsuhide Akechi and Toshimitsu Saitō who leave the clan in disgust.

After Okehazama, Nobunaga is ready to besiege the castle and hand Yoshitatsu the defeat he deserves. He enlists the help of Sandayū Momochi and the Iga ninjas in order to do so, and they begin constructing Sunomata Castle right on the Saito's doorstep, as per Hideyoshi's orders who was a former student of Sandayu. After a tense skirmish, they are able to build the castle overnight and this causes Nobunaga to send in the main forces to relieve the castle and it's surrounded troops. In awe of the sheer spectacle, the Saito will charge the castle in waves, allowing Nobunaga's forces to quickly encroach through the southern parts of Mino. The Mino Three can also defect if their troops are defeated but not them. Once the Oda secure the castle and defend valiantly against the Saito, they advance towards Hanbei Takenaka. Upon his defeat, Hanbei is impressed with the Oda forces and defects, showing a secret backroad to the once impregnable Inabayama Castle, and Yoshitatsu left with nowhere to go, tells Tatsuoki to escape and he fights to the end against Nobunaga and his sister, Noh, who he commends for having the courage to stick up for herself now, unlike when they were children.


Historical Information


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