Samurai Warriors 5

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

Samurai Warriors 5 (戦国無双5, Sengoku Musou 5) is the fifth main entry in the Samurai Warriors series. Announced on the February 17th Nintendo Direct of 2021, the game is slated for a summer 2021 release. This installment is designed to be a revamp of the Samurai Warriors series, with character designs, visuals, and interactions vastly overhauled from previous incarnations.

The Treasure Box will include a postcard set, a character illustration book, an original soundtrack CD, and a cloth poster. The Ikki Tousen Box includes all the aforementioned bonuses plus a set of mini acrylic stands. The downloadable-exclusive Deluxe Edition provides players with additional in-game items to start with.


As this is a re-imagining of the franchise, character movesets, and gameplay have been changed. Most characters now wield different weapons, even sharing and swapping weapons at will like in Dynasty Warriors 7 and Dynasty Warriors 9. Characters equipped with their preferred weapons will be able to perform combo attacks unique to them. Personal skills and hyper attacks also make a comeback. Musou attacks now have unique finishers with rendered portrait effects.

Downloadable content includes Samurai Warriors costumes for Nobunaga and Mitsuhide, Taiga drama costumes for Nobunaga and Mitsuhide, alternate color palettes for Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, Ieyasu, and Nō, as well as 6 scenarios, weapon packs and BGM packs. A season pass will be available.

  • Ultimate Skills is a new mechanic that replaces the special R1 skills of previous entries. Up to four different Ultimate Skills can be assigned to a face button (Square, Triangle, Circle, or X), and are activated by pressing R1 and a face button. These skills include but are not limited to active attacks as well as passive status buffs. Every character has multiple Ultimate Skills that they have access to, though only a maximum of four can be equipped and used in battle. These can be customized/assigned to any R1 input.
    • Each Ultimate Skill has its own gauge. The gauge must be full before the Ultimate Skill can be performed. Using the Ultimate Skill will deplete its gauge, and it can be refilled by attacking enemies.
    • Each Ultimate Skill has a rating that denotes the amount of damage it does.
  • Hyper Attacks make a return in this entry, though they have been reduced to a single string with no inverted Square finishers. Pressing Square during a Hyper Attack sequence will initiate the regular Square string, allowing characters to continue juggling enemies.
  • Aeriel Attacks are a new addition that certain characters have access to. These characters can perform their normal and hyper attack strings while airborne.
  • A camera lock-on mechanic has been introduced. Pressing R3 will lock the camera onto the nearest named enemy.


Story Mode

The story mode this time around is heavily inspired by the original title, with Nobunaga and Mitsuhide as the main focus, both each having their own main story route. Other daimyo and perspectives on a conflict will be represented in a side branch of either story route. The story itself ends at Honnōji rather than covering the Toyotomi and Tokugawa reigns like the rest of the series had done. Free Mode is not its own individual mode this time, instead being an option within the story mode after you have completed any given stage.

Citadel Mode

The side mode for this game consists of a tower defense like mode. The player chooses two characters to defend a vital base on a small map. The base's health is on the top screen. The player can summon friendly troops to help defend a vital point or launch an ambush on unsuspecting enemies. Winning battles with your chosen characters will unlock extra interactions and bonuses for the castle base in Story Mode.

My Castle

My Castle is the stylized menu where characters can be prepared before entering any battle of Story or Citadel Mode. It is accessible once either mode has been selected. Character skills, levels, mounts, weapon mastery, ultimate skills, items, weapon skills, mount skills, and troops can be equipped, purchased, upgraded, or sold depending on the resource and its functions. Completing chapter 1 of the story mode unlocks all of My Castle's features.


Samurai Warriors 5 will feature 39 playable characters, though two of them are the older iterations of Nobunaga Oda and Mitsuhide Akechi.


New Characters

Supporting Characters

These characters, while playable, do not have their own signature moves and Musou art.


Icon Name Unlock Method Type
The Greatest in the Land Obtain all trophies. Platinum
Distinguished General Obtain S-Rank in all Musou Mode battles. Gold
The Great Unifier Claim victory in all Musou Mode battles. Silver
Inseparable Bonds Watch all character events. Silver
The Most Famous Castle in the Land Upgrade all buildings to max level. Silver
Tides of War Obtain the highest rank in all Citadel Mode battles. Silver
Treasure Trove Obtain all rare weapons. Silver
Steed of Legend Obtain the mount Hoshōtsukige. Silver
The Essence of War Achieve 10,000 KOs using Musou Attacks. Silver
Peerless Legend Attain an objective clearance rate (as displayed in the Vault) of 100%. Silver
Seen It All Unlock 100% of events for viewing in the Vault. Silver
The Greatest Musician of Our Time Unlock 100% of background music tracks for listening to in the Vault. Silver
First Blood Clear an objective. Bronze
Auspicious Beginnings Claim victory in a battle. Bronze
Before the Dawn Clear Chapter 1 of Nobunaga's Path in Musou Mode. Bronze
The Vow Clear Chapter 2 of Nobunaga's Path in Musou Mode. Bronze
Soaring Clear Chapter 3 of Nobunaga's Path in Musou Mode. Bronze
In Flux Clear Chapter 4 of Nobunaga's Path in Musou Mode. Bronze
The Demon Clear Chapter 5 of Nobunaga's Path in Musou Mode. Bronze
Dawn's First Light Clear all Chapters of Nobunaga's Path in Musou Mode. Bronze
Promising Beginnings Clear Chapter 1 of Mitsuhide's Path in Musou Mode. Bronze
The Quest for Truth Clear Chapter 2 of Mitsuhide's Path in Musou Mode. Bronze
The Morning Star Clear Chapter 3 of Mitsuhide's Path in Musou Mode. Bronze
Resolve Clear Chapter 4 of Mitsuhide's Path in Musou Mode. Bronze
A Crescent Moon Clear Chapter 5 of Mitsuhide's Path in Musou Mode. Bronze
Eternal Rain Clear all Chapters of Mitsuhide's Path in Musou Mode. Bronze
The Best Defense Claim victory in a Citadel Mode battle. Bronze
Impregnable Defense Claim victory in all Citadel Mode battles. Bronze
Genius Tactician Summon a unit 100 times in Citadel Mode. Bronze
Little Castle on the Hill Upgrade a building. Bronze
Castle of Great Renown Upgrade one building to max level. Bronze
Getting to Know You Watch a character event. Bronze
Close Ties Watch 20 character events. Bronze
The Greatest Minds of Our Time Unlock all playable characters. Bronze
Consummate Warrior Raise the level of any playable character to max. Bronze
Going Above and Beyond Increase a character's abilities beyond their max level. Bronze
Enlightenment Unlock a character's skill. Bronze
My Word Is My Bond Unlock all of Nobunaga's and Mitsuhide's skills. Bronze
To Each Their Own Unlock every character's ultimate skill. Bronze
Practiced Hand Raise a character's weapon mastery to S-Rank. Bronze
National Treasure Obtain a rare weapon. Bronze
Exceptional Craftsmanship Upgrade a weapon's skills, and obtain an S-Rank weapon. Bronze
To Hell and Back Clear a stage in Musou Mode on "Nightmare" difficulty. Bronze
Great Warrior Achieve 1,000 KOs in a single battle. Bronze
Legendary Warrior Achieve 2,000 KOs in a single battle. Bronze
Merciless Achieve a combo count of 1,000 or more. Bronze
Unstoppable Rampage Achieve a combo count of 10,000 or more. Bronze
Deadly Blade Use an Ultimate Skill 500 times. Bronze
Anger Management Unleash a Musou Frenzy Attack 50 times. Bronze
You Can Never Be Too Prepared Use items 100 times. Bronze
Big Spender Spend more than 300,000 gold. Bronze
Horse Whisperer Conduct Equestrian Drills and Skill Drills with a mount at least 20 times. Bronze
No Sacrifice Too Great Attain a total KO count of 100,000. Bronze
Accomplished Hero Attain an objective clearance rate (as displayed in the Vault) of 50% or higher. Bronze
Unraveling History Unlock 50% of events for viewing in the Vault. Bronze
Music Maestro Unlock 50% of background music tracks for listening to in the Vault. Bronze

Related Media

Early information on Samurai Warriors 5 was revealed live on February 25 with Eiji Takemoto as the emcee and Hisashi Koinuma providing myriad details. Three of the game's voice actors appeared in the segment as guests. A second livestream was broadcasted with Ieyasu's new voice actor Ryōta Ōsaka joining Takemoto and Koinuma.

From March 2 to 21, the developers teamed up with Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs in holding a special limited event to promote the game at the Osaka Museum of History. The event featured original goods and merchandise of the characters. Nobunaga Shimazaki appeared in the second-to-last day for a meet and greet with fans.

A tie-up promo with Central Japan Railway Company allows Samurai Warriors and Nobunaga's Ambition fans to participate in a mystery game where they must visit various locations and solve quizzes based on the area's history. The event ends on July 31 with the Nobunaga no Yabou Shinsei quizzes already starting since March 30 and the Samurai Warriors 5 quizzes beginning on April 26. More details can be found on the mystery game's site. Winners may receive minor goods for joining the event.


External Links

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Samurai Warriors
Main Titles Samurai WarriorsSamurai Warriors 2Samurai Warriors 3Samurai Warriors 4Samurai Warriors 5
Expansions 4-IIEmpires (2)Empires (3)Empires (4)SpecialSpirit of SanadaXtreme Legends (1)Xtreme Legends (2)Xtreme Legends (3)
Spin-Offs 100man-ninChroniclesChronicles 2ndChronicles 3DerbyKatanaPachislotShootState of War
Samurai Warriors Goemon IshikawaHanzō HattoriHideyoshi ToyotomiInaKeiji MaedaKenshin UesugiKunoichiMagoichi SaikaMasamune DateMitsuhide AkechiNobunaga OdaOichiOkuniRanmaru MoriShingen TakedaTadakatsu HondaYoshimoto ImagawaYukimura Sanada
Samurai Warriors 2 Ginchiyo TachibanaGraciaIeyasu TokugawaKanetsugu NaoeKatsuie ShibataKojirō SasakiKotarō FūmaMitsunari IshidaMotochika ChōsokabeMusashi MiyamotoNagamasa AzaiNeneSakon ShimaToshiie MaedaYoshihiro Shimazu
Samurai Warriors 3 AyaHanbei TakenakaKaiKanbei KurodaKiyomasa KatōMasanori FukushimaMotonari MōriMunenori YagyūMuneshige TachibanaNaotora IiTakatora TōdōUjiyasu Hōjō
Samurai Warriors 4 ChachaHidetada TokugawaHisahide MatsunagaKagekatsu UesugiKatsuyori TakedaKojūrō KatakuraKoshōshōLady HayakawaMasayuki SanadaNaomasa IiNobuyuki SanadaSasukeTakakage KobayakawaToyohisa ShimazuYoshitsugu Ōtani
Samurai Warriors 5 Dōsan SaitōFujihide MitsubuchiKazuuji NakamuraMitsukiMotoharu KikkawaMotonobu OkabeNobuyuki OdaSandayū MomochiSenaShikanosuke YamanakaTerumoto MōriToshimitsu SaitōYasukeYoshiaki AshikagaYoshikage AsakuraYoshitatsu Saitō
Other Characters Non-Playable CharactersBodyguardsEdit CharactersKatana ProtagonistChronicles ProtagonistTakamaru
Prominent Clans AkechiAzaiChōsokabeDateHōjōImagawaKurodaMōriOdaSaitōSanadaShimazuTachibanaTakedaTokugawaToyotomiUesugi
Alliances Eastern ArmyHonganji RiotersSaika RenegadesWestern Army