
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Gyūki.


  • I can't get enough of the enemy's screams.
  • You bring such beautiful pain and suffering to this world.
  • We must not fall behind!
  • You fight well! The enemy cowers from you!
  • All right, let's make these pitiful humans quake in their boots!
  • No retreat! No surrender!
  • Please crush these impudent flies!
  • Let's smash these little pests!
  • I'm going to enjoy having you for dinner!
  • I'll crush you and send your soul to the netherworld!
  • I'll chew you up and spit you out!
  • Grr... How could this happen...?
  • I'll remember your face...
  • Aaarghh...

  • Gyūki smash!
  • Give up! Resistance is futile!
  • Roar!
  • I'll smash those that get in my way!
  • I live to hear the enemy squeal!

  • All will be crushed in my path!
  • Wooo! Victory is ours!
  • I shall devour any enemy that gets in my way!
  • Knocked 'em all over!
  • Man, am I stuffed!
  • I thought I would keep this as a snack, but... I think you should have it instead.
  • Great job!
  • Haha! There's nothing as sweet as watching others fail!
  • I devoured numerous enemy troops in the previous battle. However, I still hunger for more!
  • I've not been given a chance to go to battle lately... This must be some kind of mistake.
  • Nothing makes me happier than fighting! I long to bring destruction to all!
  • It's a party! All I can eat! I'm so happy! No pork for me though...
  • Enemy officer devoured!
  • Hahaha! Cry! Scream! Tremble in terror!
  • Hahaha! Chaos is king!
  • Defeat means death... I'm not going anywhere!
  • This one looks pretty tasty!
  • Such fierce and violent fighting...
  • Excellent!
  • You saved me!
  • Thanks for coming!
  • I'll crunch you, bones and all!
  • That's enough for now...
  • Such fierce and violent fighting... The enemy falls back in terror!
  • Great work. I can't get enough of the enemy's screams.
  • I'll owe you for this. Crush these dogs, smash them!
  • Thanks for coming! Let us crush and pulp these dogs together!
  • I'll crunch you, bones and all! I'm getting all slobbery just at the thought!
  • I like to savor my meals... I'll keep you for another day...
  • Most impressive, great leader! Next I hope to receive such praise myself...
  • Go wild, go wild! This battlefield is where you belong!
  • My apologies...! I will do better next time! Please, have mercy...
  • You came! Why, I could eat you up right now!
  • It'd be a shame to just kill such a warrior... I'm gonna slice, dice and eat you all up!
  • Too strong... I just wanted... a little taste...!
  • I'll flatten you!
  • Now you've done it!
  • I'll break you! I'll crush you! I'll smash you!
  • Hahaha! You'll be a pushover!
  • Hyper

    • Crush them, crush them! ...But don't crush me, okay?
    • No mercy! I like it!
    • Hunh? You're here to save me?
    • No mercy! I like it! And if you have any strength to spare, give it to me!
    • Hunh? You're here to save me? Surely not...
    • Brilliant! The enemy will soon be flat as a pancake!
    • We'll do better, I promise. Just don't turn on us, okay?
    • Hmph! I'm going to crush you!
    • Hoho... not bad!
    • Ha! I will destroy you!
    • It is you who will be crushed!


    • Hah! At last, we can enjoy the chaos you seek!
    • Haha! Lord Hundun, you're super strong!
    • Urk! Lord Hundun... I... Y-You see...
    • Haha! Lord Hundun, you're super strong! I don't think anybody can oppose you!
    • Urk! Lord Hundun... I... Y-You see... I created an environment of chaos here just for you.
    • Hah! I'm getting chills! This battlefield is awash in chaos!
    • Thank you, Lord Hundun! Your kindness knows no equal!
    • Gwahaha... You look delicious, Lord Hundun!
    • Gwah! You're tough... But I'm not giving up until I devour you whole!
    • Argh! At this rate, I'll be the one getting eaten! No! It's supposed to be the other way around!
    • Hrah! I don't mind if I do!

  • I'll trample everything!
  • Hehe, so let's finish this one quick!
  • Sounds good to me, Great King! Let's win this!
  • A journey of blood and flesh! All you can eat, all you can drink, table for one! Oink oink! It was kinda lonely...
  • Oink! Eating all together makes meals taste even better! I'm alive again, in body and brutal soul!
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