Guan Yu/Quotes

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A list of quotes commonly spoken by Guan Yu.


  • Oaite da so. - I will be your opponent.
  • Ware ni shouji ni itase yo. - I have claimed victory.

  • This fight is mine!
  • No mercy in Battle!
  • I am Guan Yu, the brother of Liu Bei!
  • I shall retreat... for now...
  • Ha... You caught me by surprise.
  • We shall fight again some other day.
  • Brother Liu... forgive me...
  • Cao Cao's Troops are overtaken us! Brother, leave them to us!

  • Victory is mine!
  • Where are the reinforcements?
  • Feel the power of the Blue Dragon!
  • In battle, I answer with my blade!
  • I am Guan Yu, brother of Liu Bei. I will prevail!
  • There is no choice. We must retreat!
  • I underestimated you!
  • You have not seen the last of me! Farewell!
  • Augh! I have indeed failed my brothers!
  • Hua Xiong! Face me if you dare! Take this!
  • In battle, I answered it with my blade!

  • Enough!
  • Roar, Blue Dragon!
  • Come forth!
  • I am Guan Yu! Stand and fight!
  • I do not lose twice to the same foe!
  • I salute your effort.
  • Let us fight to the bitter end this time!
  • I shall smite you with my blade of honor!
  • Did I misjudge this foe?
  • We shall meet again! Farewell!
  • I have broken the Oath! Forgive me!
  • I will not fail you!
  • They are strong, but do not falter!
  • The enemy is strong!
  • Did you think you could break through our forces?
  • Crush them in one blow!
  • This does not look good!
  • We cannot hold them...
  • We will not last...
  • Where are the reinforcements?
  • Please be cautious!
  • Enemy officer defeated!
  • Impressive!
  • I bow to your skills!
  • You are a hero without equal!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • We must all follow your example!
  • We must not fall behind!
  • You will not get away with this!
  • You're in too deep! Control yourself!
  • Brother, look out! Fall back!
  • I knew you could do it, brother!
  • You're exposed, Zhang Fei! Fall back!
  • Zhang Fei, I knew you could do it!
  • I have been waiting!
  • Reinforcements! Thank Heaven!
  • I am glad to see you!
  • I am in your debt!
  • We must persevere!
  • We must get through this!
  • Our chance will come soon!
  • We must continue fighting.
  • We put our fate in your hands!
  • Charge!
  • Finish this!
  • Let us finish this!
  • We must end this!
  • I've been waiting, brother!
  • You saved me, brother!
  • Brother, we must break through somehow!
  • Our chance will come, brother.
  • I am counting on you, brother!
  • Strike now, brother!
  • Brother, let us finish this!
  • I've been waiting, Zhang Fei.
  • Zhang Fei, you have come!
  • All is well, now that you are here, Zhang Fei!
  • We must do this together, Zhang Fei!
  • I'm counting on you, Zhang Fei.
  • Strike now, Zhang Fei!
  • Zhang Fei, we finish this now!
  • Brother, Zhang Fei... forgive me!
  • I will be your opponent!
  • I will defeat you!
  • I challenge you!
  • Don't get cocky!
  • I will stop you!
  • You'll go no further!
  • Attacking alone? Do you want to die?
  • Remarkable confidence...
  • Away with you, fodder!
  • You're pretty good!
  • Do you really think you can defeat me?
  • I will not lose!
  • My blade shall deal with you!
  • I will not falter!
  • Xu Huang, I challenge you!
  • Xu Huang, prepare yourself!
  • Xu Huang, we must settle this now!
  • Xu Huang, enough is enough.
  • I shall stop you, Xu Huang.
  • That is quite enough, Xu Huang!
  • Can you do this alone, Xu Huang?
  • I commend your courage, Xu Huang.
  • Is this the extent of your skills, Xu Huang?
  • You are quite skilled, Xu Huang.
  • Xu Huang, you will advance no further!
  • Defeating me will not be easy, Xu Huang!
  • Xu Huang, you will fall by my blade!
  • Let us see who is the better man!
  • Zhang Liao, I challenge you!
  • Zhang Liao, prepare yourself!
  • Zhang Liao, We must settle this now!
  • Zhang Liao, fight me if you dare!
  • I will stop you, Zhang Liao!
  • That's quite enough, Zhang Liao!
  • Are you sure it was wise to come alone, Zhang Liao?
  • You are quite brave to come alone like this Zhang Liao.
  • Zhang Liao, you've still much to learn.
  • Not bad, Zhang Liao.
  • Zhang Liao, you will advance no further!
  • Zhang Liao, you won't defeat me easily!
  • Zhang Liao... No, we are beyond words now!
  • Our blades will speak for us on the battlefield!
  • Xtreme Mode

    • Take heart, for I am with you.
    • I cannot go on... Forgive me...
    • You must endure! We shall survive this!
    • Our goal shall be realized today!
    • Charge! We two shall survive this!
    • Forgive me... I can raise my blade no more...
    • I had hoped to protect you to the end...
    • This was a just and honorable battle...
    • You... Have you no sense of shame?
    • You shall not pass through here so easily!
    • You will not succeed in rescuing your friend!
    • There is no honor in theft, under any circumstance!
    • Halt! Who goes there!
    • What do you think you are doing?
    • You intend to cross blades with me?
    • Such intensity... We must stand strong!
    • I, Guan Yu, shall put an end to your villainy!
    • I shall assist, as I am obliged to you!
    • We require assistance.
    • I thank you.
    • I shall join you, in the name of honor!
    • I offer you this item.
    • Wait! A word with you!

    Empires Mode

    • Let the might of our army be known!
    • Our strength is equal to the enemy! Stay alert!
    • True victory lies in defying odds!
    • We've taken the enemy stronghold!
    • We need reinforcements!
    • Someone cover the rear flank!
    • It is best that we withdraw...
    • A retreat may be necessary.
    • Very well! I will be there shortly!
    • Our stronghold is in danger! Fortify defenses at once!
    • Commence the attack!
    • Join me in this attack!
    • I will take on the enemy. Defend our stronghold!
    • The moment has come! Charge!
    • We shall join you in your attack!
    • We shall wait here for reinforcements.
    • We shall stay here and prepare for the enemy's attack!
    • The enemy is strong... We must pull back for now.
    • Do you think you can get away from me?
    • I will not tolerate such impudence!
    • I am not one to be provoked so easily.
    • I have come to side with you, as I have agreed!
    • We have come to your aid!
    • We shall aid you in the attack! Charge!
    • I cannot be defeated here!
    • You will not get away with this!
    • I, Guan Yu, have returned!
    • Your cooperation is much appreciated.
    • Gods of War, grant us strength!
    • The Emperor has ordered a campaign against the Yellow Turbans? Very well. I, Guan Yu, will quell the rebels!
    • Ridding the land of Dong Zhuo is a noble cause. However, taking a battle into the capital is unprecedented!
    • Who knows the true intentions of these men.
    • The world has slid into chaos... Now, we three must rise for the greater good!
    • A vast land awaits us... Let us first take the Central Plains!
    • We will show them that numbers are not everything!
    • Let us show them our skills!
    • Let us make an oath. The three of us will put an end to this chaos!
    • This is only the beginning!
    • Our forces are second to none! Show them what true strength is! Attack!
    • The day will come soon when my troops will return home. Now, let us fight to bring peace back to the land!
    • At once my Lord!
    • Join us in our cause. Let us fight our way out of this chaos together.
    • Excellent! We are now allies.
    • You will soon regret your insolence. I shall see you on the battlefield.
    • I shall serve in the name of justice.
    • We both have important matters to attend to. Let us take a moment to discuss this.
    • Great! We have reached an agreement!
    • I see. Such a shame.
    • I ask for your assistance! Help us fend off the invaders!
    • I will slay those who oppose me! Join us in our fight for justice!
    • I thank you for your reinforcements.
    • I have you to thank for this victory. However, my fight for justice will not end here.
    • Although we have quelled the Yellow Turban menace, I fear it is not enough to rid this land of chaos.
    • I have eliminated the unruly Dong Zhuo! My noble sword shall vanquish all tyrants!
    • Our skills have brought us our first victory. May we continue our efforts in ending this chaos!
    • The last battle ended in shameful defeat. We must quickly redeem ourselves!
    • I see no end to this chaos. Is this as far as I go?
    • I have been forced to betray the tenets of justice. But I had no other choice.
    • Chaos must be overcome with honor, not bloodshed. I will stay true to my call until the end!
    • We are about to witness the dawn of a new era. This is indeed a joyous day.
    • Why will you not send me to the battlefield? I am aching to put my skills to good use.
    • Do my proposals not meet your standards? Why do you consistently reject them?

  • I will not fail you!
  • They are strong, but do not falter!
  • The enemy is strong!
  • Crush them in one blow!
  • This does not look good!
  • We will not last...
  • (Officer) is no more!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • You are a hero without equal!
  • Impressive!
  • I bow to your skills!
  • We've taken the enemy area!
  • I knew you could do it, brother!
  • Zhang Fei, I knew you could do it!
  • We must get through this!
  • Our chance will come soon!
  • Charge!
  • I will stop you!
  • I will not falter!
  • I shall stop you, Xu Huang.
  • Let us see who is the better man!
  • I will stop you, Zhang Liao!
  • Our blades will speak for us on the battlefield!

  • Stand back!
  • Roar, Blue Dragon!
  • Begone!
  • Guan Yu has arrived!
  • They are strong, but do not falter!
  • This should not be too difficult!
  • We are at a disadvantage... Keep fighting!
  • We must wait for reinforcements!
  • Enemy defeated!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • This enemy is not to be underestimated.
  • Everybody, we must not fall behind!
  • Guan Yu has occupied this base!
  • Now is the time to press the attack!
  • We must stand and face this crisis!
  • Show your resolve! We must not give in!
  • Go and strike the enemy down!
  • This base belongs to us!
  • Now! Engulf the enemy in flames!
  • What?! Our base has fallen to the enemy...?
  • Forget about glory! Be cautious!
  • You truly are a warrior without equal!
  • I refuse to fall behind!
  • You're pretty good!
  • I underestimated the enemy's resolve...
  • Forgive me...
  • Zhang Fei! You're too far out! Control yourself!
  • Zhang Fei, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Impressive, Zhang Fei!
  • Zhang Fei, I'm counting on you...
  • Brother, you must not push yourself too hard!
  • Brother, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Excellent, brother! I bow to your skills!
  • Brother, please forgive me...
  • Reinforcements... Thank Heavens!
  • Thank you for coming!
  • We must hold off the enemy advance!
  • We must change the course of the battle!
  • Crush the enemy forces!
  • Time to crush the enemy's morale!
  • Zhang Fei! I've been waiting for you!
  • Zhang Fei, we must overcome this challenge!
  • Zhang Fei, victory in this battle is ours!
  • Brother! Thank you for your assistance!
  • Brother, now that you're here, we can regroup!
  • Now is our chance to ride this momentum to victory, brother!
  • You dare cross blades with me?!
  • I am here for your head! Prepare yourself!
  • This battle isn't over yet!
  • I shall deal with this insolent whelp!
  • So you're alone... I shall spare no mercy!
  • See how you like the taste of my blade!
  • You shall not take my head so easily!
  • I must fulfill my oath... Fall back!
  • Brother, Zhang Fei... We shall always be brothers!
  • Xiahou Dun, let's finish this!
  • Xiahou Dun! Come and face me if you dare!
  • Let us put an end to this battle once and for all!
  • Xiahou Dun, that is as far as you go!
  • Xiahou Dun! Are you here to challenge me?
  • I have been waiting for you, Xiahou Dun!
  • Xiahou Dun, you've taken your last breath!
  • Xiahou Dun, victory will be mine!
  • Impressive... Xiahou Dun...
  • Zhang Liao, I shall be your opponent!
  • Zhang Liao, are you ready to face me?!
  • Zhang Liao, let's settle this battle once and for all!
  • Zhang Liao, you shall advance no further!
  • Do you think you have what it takes to beat me? Zhang Liao!
  • Zhang Liao, you dare cross blades with me?!
  • I should've known that Zhang Liao would be willing to face me!
  • Zhang Liao, you have won... for now!
  • I have no regrets losing to one of your strength...
  • Xu Huang, do you think you can face me?
  • Xu Huang, prepare yourself!
  • Xu Huang, I challenge you in battle!
  • I shall put an end to this.
  • You should not be so cocky, Xu Huang!
  • Xu Huang, are you here to test your skills?
  • I shall put a stop to you, Xu Huang!
  • Humph! It looks like you've been practicing!
  • Xu Huang... That was most impressive...
  • Xtreme Mode

    • It is my duty. I shall accompany you.
    • Grr... This can't be!
    • Now we shall realize our ambitions!
    • Roar, Blue Dragon! The land will soon be ours!
    • I can no longer justify wielding my blade in your service.
    • I am here and you shall not pass!
    • Theft is not right, no matter what the reason!
    • I had hoped this day would never come.
    • My duty is clear! I will aid you!
    • These uncivilized barbarians! I shall drive them off!
    • Please, wait!
    • Could you please lend me a hand?
    • Forgive me.
    • I ask that you accept this.
    • Perhaps the direction my path leads me is mistaken...?
    • Betrayal is the greatest injustice. I shall not be tempted!
    • Hah! I did not know they had such skill...
    • Do with me as you will.
    • You have truly followed the path of justice!
    • Have you no shame?
    • You know... it's been many years now that you and I have fought together... You are a just warrior. I think it's time that you and I share a drink together, too.
    • You know... it's been many years now that you and I have fought together for justice... And that's how I hope it continues to be, in all our battles yet to come.
    • You've come to rule your own territory now. Perhaps someday, you'll rule the whole land.
    • What a joyous day this is... Our dear but troubled land at last knows peace.

    Destiny Mode

    • It's time for us to drive the enemy back!
    • Time is of the essence! We must assist our allies!
    • It is not wise to go it alone in times such as these.
    • After them! Do not let them escape!
    • Here they come... Do not let them get by us!
    • Urghh... We must pull back for now.
    • It appears we could use a short rest.
    • Hmm... Now seems to be a good time to move on.
    • Excellent. Let's move on to the next objective.
    • Urghh... Things are not going so well.
    • Hmm... It appears they are in trouble.
    • Now! Begin the attack!
    • Enemy scouts... We cannot let them get away!
    • How careless of us! The enemy has sprung an ambush!
    • We know you're out there! Come and face us like men!
    • It is too soon for you to go on your own. Return at once.
    • I am disappointed with your lack of honor...
    • Hmm... I see things went according to plan.
    • It looks like you could use some help.
    • I knew you would come... I am in your debt.
    • I shall teach you to turn your back on honor!
    • This mission is yours. I am counting on you.
    • Splendid! Go and unleash that might on the battlefield!
    • Humph! I must go and deal with this one myself...
    • I see... It appears the enemy is hiding there.
    • Perfect... This will prove to be useful information.
    • I am Guan Yu. I am pleased to hear that you will be joining our army. I want you to prove yourself in battle and fight for the sake of my brother, Liu Bei.
    • Oh, it's you. I am fortunate to have one such as yourself serve beneath me. Together, let us assist in realizing Brother Liu Bei's dream of a world of virtue!
    • In this battle, we have been ordered to take the enemy base. We must swiftly overrun their outpost and lead our forces to victory.
    • We have been asked to eliminate the enemy officer. It is the destiny of warriors such as us to face the best the enemy has to offer! Everybody, we must fulfill our mission!
    • Our mission is to assist our allies who are in danger. With virtue on his side, brother's army shall rescue them without fail.
    • In this battle, we have been ordered to defend our base. It is vital to our army's victory and must be protected at all costs.
    • Everybody, listen up! We have been bestowed with the highest honor a warrior can have. We have been ordered to eliminate the enemy commander. We must do our best to accomplish this mission!
    • Our scouts have spotted a number of enemy ambush troops in the area. We must be prepared for a surprise attack from them at any moment.
    • There are reports that the enemy expects a drawn out war and has prepared a supply base for that purpose. If we destroy it, we can crush their morale and their supplies in one blow.
    • The enemy is formidable and well-prepared. They will likely be hard to deal with. We must mentally prepare ourselves for the battle ahead.
    • There are already a large number of enemy troops deployed on the battlefield. I do not know what they're up to, but our reconnaissance will surely prove difficult.
    • I can use one of your ability! Now, let us go forth and fight as dragons on the battlefield!
    • Let us go. Our efforts shall help Brother realize his dream for the land.
    • Your might shall be the strength that brings victory to our forces. I am expecting great things from you!
    • The world our brother has dreamed of is almost upon us. This shall be our final battle together. Now let us bring an end to this chaos!
    • I was most impressed with your efforts in battle! Your abilities are wasted on such a lowly rank...
    • Your might on the battlefield proved most impressive. With a little more training, you will be right up there with me in no time.
    • The strategies you wielded contributed greatly to our victory. With such talent, I am sure you will eventually surpass me as a strategist.
    • Impressive! Surely the heavens themselves have bestowed upon you such might. You have earned the respect of Guan Yu.
    • Hmm... So your performance was unable to stand out in this battle? I had expected so much more out of you...
    • Your efforts clearly showed a lack of discipline. One who clearly disregards rules and orders has no room in my army, no matter what they achieve.
    • If you are interested, would you like to learn a new skill? I am sure you could pick it up in no time and it will surely prove useful in battle.
    • In recognition of your service, I would like to present you with this blade. I hope that you will continue to train and eventually equal me in battle.
    • Defecting is a cowardly strategy that has no place in a world of honor. If you are to continue fighting alongside me, you are going to have to work extra hard to prove your worth.

    Empires Mode

    • We are clearly the stronger force! Let us push the attack!
    • Our forces are well matched! We must do our best!
    • The size of the enemy does not matter! Do not falter!
    • This is far enough! Sound the retreat!
    • I have come to aid the defense!
    • I have come to join the attack!
    • It's done! I thank you for your aid!
    • It's done! I thank you for your help!
    • No! We need reinforcements!
    • Now is the time to carry out our plan!
    • You dare to ridicule me?! You'll pay for that!
    • I will not respond to such feeble taunts.
    • Why depend on weak strategies? Fight like true men!
    • This officer is mine!
    • We have taken this base!
    • Duty compels me to aid you!
    • Let us go! We must take that base!
    • Let us scatter the enemy!
    • Tighten the defenses! Don't let the enemy near!
    • There is danger! We must move to aid our allies!
    • We shall guard our allied base!
    • Prepare to attack!
    • Careful! Reform the unit!
    • Forward!
    • Defend with your lives!
    • Form up here!
    • Act as you see fit! I trust your judgments.
    • Isn't there anyone who will watch our rear line?
    • Understood! I shall go at once!
    • Right! I'll go!
    • This is the time! Let us go!
    • Now is the time! Let us attack!
    • Allow me to attack! Please protect the base!
    • I shall attack! You protect the base!
    • Don't fall behind! Follow me!
    • We will wait for the enemy here!
    • We cannot hold! Pull back for now!
    • Did you truly believe you could escape me?
    • Is that really the best you can do? Pathetic!
    • I have failed in my quest to unite the land...
    • I am Guan Yu. I will be honored to join you.
    • Do I die here?
    • Follow me! We shall fulfill our duty and bring the land under our control!
    • I cannot stand this any longer!
    • I am Guan Yu! I will bring an end to the chaos!
    • Allow me to handle it.
    • Leave it to me.
    • Understood.
    • I cannot agree.
    • I thank you for your words.
    • You have my thanks.
    • Regrettable, but it cannot be helped.
    • I am left with no other choice...
    • We should face our common enemy together. Let us join forces and face them as one.
    • At last we know the taste of victory! We are well on our way to uniting the land!
    • Our army has seized victory! We must maintain this momentum!
    • How could I be defeated... Perhaps I have overestimated my abilities.
    • Surely this will incur the people's wrath... But I must not waver! The land is in need of our assistance!
    • The people must be able to continue living in peace. We shall double our efforts.

  • They are strong indeed. Give of your best!
  • The opponent is strong! Hit him with all your strength!
  • They are nothing compared to our forces. Crush them!
  • We are at a bit of a disadvantage... But do not give in!
  • We must have faith in the reinforcements!
  • I have defeated (Officer)!
  • You are unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am truly unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms!
  • You are a hero among mighty warriors!
  • Argh, I refuse to lose!
  • Well done as always!
  • We have gained control of this stronghold!
  • We must seize the enemy's supply depot immediately!
  • Take the enemy's supply depot immediately!
  • (Officer), let's crush them!
  • Can nobody defeat (Officer)?!
  • We must make use of (Officer)'s efforts!
  • Do not let the efforts of Lord (Officer) go wasted!
  • This will settle the unrest of the officers and soldiers as well.
  • I would expect that of (Officer)! What an outstanding display of warrior skill!
  • My name shall be feared through the battlefield!
  • Zhang Fei, you an unparalleled warrior!
  • Zhang Fei! I knew you could do it!
  • Zhang Fei! C-curses!
  • That is what I would expect of Zhang Fei! Reliability!
  • Brother, you are a warrior among the warriors!
  • I knew you could do it, brother!
  • My brother! How dare you!
  • That is what I would expect of my brother! Well done!
  • I shall stop you.
  • Can you stand up to my blade?
  • I will stop you, Zhang Liao!
  • Our blades will speak for us on the battlefield!
  • I shall stop you, Xu Huang.
  • Let us see who is the better man!

  • Here I go.
  • Howl for me Blue Dragon!
  • I'll show you justice!
  • Now, a fair fight!
  • Huh? You running away?
  • I claim another victory in the name of my brother!
  • This is an important gain for our cause!
  • They are strong but do not falter! We can overcome them!
  • The enemy is well trained. We must not let up our guard.
  • They are pushing us back! Everybody, this is where we must show our resolve!
  • We shall never give in. If are to die then let it be with honor!
  • I am a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I will not never be able to forget the shame of fleeing from a battle.
  • So my struggle against the chaos is to end in failure...
  • Charge the enemy! Follow me as a cut a path through the enemy ranks!
  • Summon up your inner strength for we will need it to defend this area.
  • A most impressive display of might! Leave this one to me.
  • Shore up the defenses where needed. We must protect the camp at all costs!
  • All units, I want you to attack on my orders. Prepare to take the enemy main camp!
  • Everyone, our defense must be as an iron wall until an opportunity to strike back presents itself.
  • This was a trap? It seems the enemy saw through my plans...
  • Ha ha ha. I have not seen such a pathetic attempt at a surprise attack in quite some time!
  • It was most wise for them to place their soldiers here...
  • I have allowed the enemy to lead me right where they want me...
  • Your passion is admirable yet foolish if you think you can take us by yourself!
  • We are to wait here until reinforcements arrive.
  • Forward! Our objective is to capture the enemy base!
  • Time to move out! Smash the enemy resistance and bring victory to our lord!
  • All units halt! This place is to be where we set up our defenses.
  • I see the men grow weary. We must fall back to the base and rest.
  • My blade has never lost an lost to an enemy it has sent after.
  • This battle cannot be won by you alone! Look at the bigger picture!
  • I have merely fulfilled my obligation to my lord.
  • I was unable to fulfill my promise to my lord.
  • Yes! Spectacular! I will try hard to match you!
  • Thank you for coming! Together we shall annihilate these villains!
  • I am impressed! It takes much courage to fight off so many opponents by oneself.
  • Good! I'll deal with whoever you can't beat.
  • We balance each other well! Your strength is enough to balance mine!
  • Yes! Your deeds shall go down in legend!
  • We are going to begin the advance. Come with us!
  • Excellent! I need to score more victories as well!
  • Your help is more than welcome. Together we shall run them down!
  • Exalted one! You must cease putting yourself in such needless risk. If you insist, I shall not let you fight alone!
  • So, you ask this of me as a favor? Then stand back and keep a careful eye on my blade!
  • Keeping up with me is something to be proud of! You were brilliant!
  • Excellent! I marvel at your skills!
  • Let's go! We must be the tip of the spear that pierces the enemy's lines!
  • That's it Zhang Fei! No less than what I expect from you. I shall have to fight harder!
  • Oh, Zhang Fei! Let us take on the enemy together!
  • You always were one to go charging in, Brother. I will guard your back!
  • You thought to draw the enemy out, didn't you, Zhang Fei? We shall face them together!
  • A satisfying bit of teamwork, eh, Zhang Fei? Alone we are strong but together we are unbeatable!
  • Sometimes I forget you are mere flesh and blood, Brother!
  • Let us continue moving Zhang Fei. Together we will fight for our brother's vision!
  • Excellent Brother! I won't let you get too far ahead of me though.
  • Thank you, Brother. I cannot let my shame get the best of me in this battle. Let us turn the tides of battle!
  • Think of the risk to yourself, Brother! Leave the front lines to me!
  • Putting yourself out there as bait? What a foolhardy thing to do. I will quickly do away with these villains!
  • Brother, you are quite the fighter! You can hold your own against even me!
  • Oh! What a show Brother!
  • Let us go, Brother! We must defeat the enemy before us but never lose sight of our goal!
  • Good work son! You're almost as good as your father!
  • Oh! Son I'm glad you are here! I want to show you what your father is really capable of!
  • Excellent my son! You've nearly overwhelmed them all on you own! I want you to know that you make me proud to be your father.
  • That is good son! Draw out the enemy and then turn and face him! That is the best way to fight a battle!
  • My son! You have improved tremendously! I am often surprised at how strong you've become!
  • Well done Ping! My son has become a brilliant soldier!
  • We move son! We must be the dragon that rules that battlefield!
  • Face the blade of duty!
  • You come alone? Then you will die alone!
  • It is my duty to stop you!
  • Halt! Fight me if you dare!
  • This blade is the symbol of my duty to the entire the army. It shall never fall or be broken!
  • So there are more of them! This battle is proving more difficult than I imagined.
  • I have failed. I will leave now.
  • You fought well. I salute you.
  • Xiahou Dun! Face me!
  • Alone? What has forced you to such a desperate act Xiahou Dun?
  • Xiahou Dun, I am impressed with your skill but I shall not lose!
  • Stop! Xiahou Dun, you shall go no further!
  • Questions of rank have no place with us! Xiahou Dun, let us finish this!
  • Well done, Xiahou Dun. This battle is yours.
  • Farewell, Xiahou Dun. I am glad it was you.
  • Zhang Liao! I will face you!
  • You have come alone? Have you left the path of the warrior, Zhang Liao?
  • Well done Zhang Liao! It was an admirable display of skill. Now, let us fight!
  • Prepare yourself Zhang Liao! You shall not pass me!
  • The army's fate is tied to my own, but I cannot but face such an excellent warrior.
  • Excellent, Zhang Liao! May your path take you even higher!
  • You prevail over even my duty? Farewell, Zhang Liao, warrior of warriors...
  • Master Cao Cao! I can show no mercy on you!
  • You come before me alone? Do you have some plan?
  • You intend to win this battle alone? Then let it be decided here!
  • Master Cao Cao, I will stop you!
  • I must fulfill my brother's will. Master Cao Cao, let us fight!
  • Master Cao Cao, you are talented with a weapon as well. I will fall back!
  • Master Cao Cao, it would seem your principles have surpassed my duty...
  • Master Xu Huang, I shall face you!
  • Master Xu Huang, you wish to fight me alone?
  • Well fought, Master Xu Huang! Now, let us see how well you do against me!
  • Master Xu Huang! I must stop you!
  • You would challenge me, Master Xu Huang? Though I am commander, I accept!
  • Excellently well done, Master Xu Huang! Let us compare skills again!
  • This is a fitting end to a warrior's life. Farewell, Master Xu Huang...

  • I claim another victory in the name of my brother!
  • This is an important gain for our cause!
  • They are strong, but do not falter! We can overcome them!
  • The enemy is well-trained... We must not let up our guard.
  • They are pushing us back... Everybody, this is where we must show our resolve!
  • We shall never give in! If we are to die, then let it be with honor!
  • Tremble before the God of War!
  • I will not be able to forget the shame of fleeing from a battle...
  • So my struggle against the chaos is to end in failure...
  • Charge the enemy! Follow me as I cut a path through the enemy ranks!
  • Summon up your inner strength, for we will need it to defend this area!
  • A most impressive display of might... Leave this one to me!
  • Shore up the defenses where needed! We must protect this area at all costs!
  • All units, I want you to attack on my orders! Prepare to take the enemy main camp!
  • Everyone, our defense must be as an iron wall until an opportunity to strike back presents itself!
  • This was a trap?! It seems the enemy saw through my plans...
  • Hahaha! I have not seen such a pathetic attempt at a surprise attack in quite some time!
  • It seems I underestimated the enemy...
  • They're taking advantage of the situation and attacking us... the cowards!
  • I have allowed the enemy to lead me right where they want me...
  • Your passion is admirable, yet foolish if you think you can take us by yourself!
  • All units, we are to wait here and hold our positions!
  • Forward! Our objective is to capture that area!
  • Time to move out! Smash the enemy resistance and bring victory to our lord!
  • Our allies are currently engaged with the enemy forces... We must go to their aid at once!
  • All units, halt! This place is to be where we set up our defenses!
  • I see the men grow weary... We must fall back and rest.
  • I have never lost an enemy I have set after!
  • Now! Strike the enemy down before they even know what hit them!
  • This battle cannot be won by you alone! Look at the bigger picture!
  • We're going to need reinforcements...
  • I've come to assist you!
  • Our ally has fallen... I won't allow that to happen anymore!
  • We'll go capture that area on behalf of our lord!
  • Your orders are to go and help our allies!
  • All units, stay alert!
  • Don't give the enemy an opening to attack!
  • We have the advantage! All units, attack!
  • Now is our chance to finish off the enemy for good!
  • We must defend this area with our lives! Don't let the enemy get through!
  • Go forward! Nothing can stop us!
  • This is our opportunity to start a counterattack!
  • I will not be left behind!
  • Show me the results of your daily training!
  • You must be aware of your surroundings at all times, not just the enemy in front of you!
  • Fighting the enemy alone will get you nowhere. You must learn to work with everyone else.
  • Use this chaos to hone your skills and bring justice back to the land!
  • Victory will be ours!
  • You seem to be a worthy opponent...
  • We will bring justice back to this world, no matter what the cost!
  • Spectacular! I will try to match your courage!
  • Thank you for coming. Together we will annihilate these villains.
  • I am impressed. It takes courage to fight off so many opponents by oneself.
  • The enemy is giving chase! Let us make them pay for this mistake.
  • You and I fight well together. Your strength is commendable.
  • Yes! Your deeds will go down in legend!
  • We are going to begin the advance. Come with us.
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Hm!
  • Leave it to me!
  • Excellent! I need to score more victories as well!
  • Your help is more than welcome! Together we shall run them down!
  • Exalted one, you must cease putting yourself at such needless risk!
  • So, you ask this of me as a favor? Then stand back and keep a careful eye on my technique!
  • Keeping up with me is something to be proud of. You were brilliant!
  • Excellent! I marvel at your skills.
  • Let's go. We must be the tip of the spear that pierces the enemy's lines.
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Understood!
  • It shall be my pleasure!
  • That's it, Brother! No less than what I expect from you. I shall have to fight harder.
  • Ahh, Brother! Let us take on the enemy together!
  • You always were one to go charging in, Brother. I will guard your back!
  • Zhang Fei! You've drawn the enemy here? Then let us face them together!
  • A satisfying bit of teamwork, Brother. Alone, we are strong, but together we are unbeatable!
  • Sometimes I forget you are mere flesh and blood, Brother.
  • Let us continue moving, Zhang Fei. Together we will fight for our brother's vision.
  • Zhang Fei, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Yes, Brother!
  • Leave it to me, Brother!
  • Excellent, Brother! I won't let you get too far ahead of me though!
  • Thank you, Brother. I cannot let my shame get the best of me in this battle.
  • Think of the risk to yourself, Brother! Leave the front lines to me!
  • Putting yourself out there as bait... What a foolhardy thing to do. Allow me to deal with these villains.
  • Brother, you are quite the fighter! You can hold your own against even me!
  • Ohh! What a show, Brother!
  • Let us go, Brother. We must defeat the enemy before us, but never lose sight of our goal!
  • Brother, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Yes, my brother!
  • I'll take care of it, Brother!
  • Good work, son! You're almost as good as your father!
  • Ohh! I'm glad you are here, son! I want to show you what your father is really capable of!
  • Excellent! You've nearly overwhelmed them all on your own! I want you to know how proud I am to be your father!
  • That is good, son. Draw out the enemy and then turn and face him. That is the best way to fight a battle.
  • My son, you have improved tremendously! I am often surprised at how strong you've become.
  • Well done, son! You are on your way to becoming a brilliant officer!
  • We move, son. We must be the dragon that rules the battlefield.
  • My son Guan Ping is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Very well, Ping!
  • Ping, leave it to me!
  • Suo, you seem to be in high spirits! I must look to match your energy!
  • Excellent timing, my boy. Now together, let us turn the tide of this battle!
  • You needn't overexert yourself, son. It's okay to ask me or your friends for help once in a while.
  • I see you have company, my son. What do you say we go out there and show them they picked the wrong family to mess with!
  • Way to keep up with your old man, son! It truly is a joy to watch you continue to grow!
  • Suo! No father could ask for a more perfect son!
  • Let us go, Suo! For there is no enemy alive that can stand against us on the battlefield!
  • My son Guan Suo is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Very well, son!
  • Leave it to your father!
  • My sense of honor dictates that you must die!
  • You come alone? Then you will die alone!
  • It is my duty to stop you!
  • Halt! Fight me if you dare!
  • This blade is the symbol of my duty to the entire army. It shall never fall nor be broken!
  • I have no choice but to retreat.
  • How could I lose to you? I am sorry Brother...
  • Xiahou Dun, face me in battle!
  • Alone? What has forced you to such a desperate act, Xiahou Dun?
  • Xiahou Dun, I am impressed with your skill. But I shall not lose!
  • Stop, Xiahou Dun! You shall go no further!
  • Questions of rank have no place with us. Xiahou Dun! Let us finish this!
  • Well done, Xiahou Dun! This battle is yours.
  • Farewell, Xiahou Dun. I am glad it was you...
  • Zhang Liao! I will face you here and now!
  • You have come alone? Have you left the path of the warrior, Zhang Liao?
  • Well done, Zhang Liao! It was an admirable display of skill. Now let us fight!
  • Prepare yourself, Zhang Liao! You shall not surpass me on this day!
  • The army's fate is tied to my own. Yet I cannot help but face such an excellent warrior!
  • Excellent, Zhang Liao! May your path take you even higher!
  • You fought bravely and prevailed... Farewell, Zhang Liao, warrior of warriors!
  • My lord Cao Cao! I can show you no mercy!
  • You come before me alone? Do you have some plan?
  • You intend to win this battle alone? Then let it be decided here!
  • Lord Cao Cao! I will stop you!
  • I must fulfill my brother's will. Come, my lord! Let us fight!
  • You are talented with a weapon as well. I will fall back for now.
  • My lord, it would seem your principles have surpassed my sense of duty...
  • Xu Huang! I shall face you!
  • You wish to fight me alone?
  • Well fought, Xu Huang! Now, let us see how well you do against me!
  • You must be stopped!
  • You would challenge me, Xu Huang? Though I am the commander, I accept!
  • Masterfully done, Xu Huang. Let us compare skills again!
  • This is a fitting end to a warrior's life! Farewell...
  • Conquest Mode

    • I am the instrument of justice on the battlefield!
    • Roar, Blue Dragon! Cut down all that would stand in your way!
    • Fly like the wind, Red Hare! Together, we shall conquer the battlefield!
    • Allow me to lend you my strength!
    • I shall wield my blade in order to assist you!
    • Zhang Fei, give your all this battle and not worry about your back!
    • Brother, I shall go to any length in order to help you realize your dream!
    • I am with you, my son. I shall enjoy watching the enemy crumble before us!
    • I am watching over you, my boy. Worry not about failure, and focus on annihilating the enemy!
    • Xiahou Dun, let us forget the past between us and focus on our common enemy.
    • Zhang Liao, eager am I to see the foe that would dare stand before the both of us!
    • Lord Cao Cao! I am here to repay the debt that I owe you!
    • I am anxious to see the might of Xu Huang for myself!
    • I know of your strategies, Lu Meng. You may use my strength to help realize them.
    • Do not overexert yourself. Here, this should help you recover.
    • Most impressive! Together, our might shall deliver victory to our lord!
    • Please wait a moment. There is something I wish to ask of you.
    • I am thankful for your assistance.
    • If you wish to pass, then you will need to defeat me first!
    • Let us see how you deal with my strategies!
    • I wish to test your strength for myself! Prepare yourself!
    • I cannot turn my back on duty... Even though we were once friends, I cannot let you escape!
    • Come with all you have got, Zhang Fei! Despite being brothers, I will show no mercy!
    • My sole duty is to serve my lord. Yet, now I must turn my blade on him?!
    • Do not hold back, boy. You will surpass me eventually; you might as well start now.
    • Come, my son! Challenging your father is something to be welcomed, not feared.
    • How can I face you of all people... I hope Guan Suo can forgive me.
    • You have grown stronger, Zhang Fei. I miss the days when we used to train together.
    • I should have known better than to try and best the one I serve...
    • Guan Ping, your training proceeds well. I shall withdraw for now.
    • My son, you overcame your doubt and are all the better warrior now for it.
    • I am impressed. Please look after my son for me when I'm gone.
    • Finally we meet face to face. Are you the one everyone is talking about?
    • For once, the rumors appear to be true. I am pleased to have met you.
    • You truly are good at fighting. No matter how often I watch you, you still amaze me.
    • If you do not mind, I wish to meet again. I would wield the blade of duty at your side.
    • In this chaotic world... Who is the greatest warrior of all?
    • I have no need for such flattery. I know how much I still need to learn.
    • A bold answer. Is it your confidence that makes you such a powerful fighter?
    • Look at how far we have come together. I give you my heartfelt thanks.
    • No one can stop our skill and determination. We shall fulfill our duty despite the chaos.
    • I would walk this path at your side until the end.

  • You and I have been through much together. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You and I were born at different times, but I know that I wish to spend the rest of my life with you.

  • Begone!
  • You shall fall!
  • Stand back!
  • Roar! Blue Dragon!
  • For my brothers!
  • Blue Dragon strikes!
  • Blue Dragon soars to the heavens!
  • You are a warrior of justice and might!
  • I have never seen the likes of you in all my years.
  • Impressive as always!
  • I refuse to fall behind!
  • Everybody, we must not fall behind!
  • The mighty Guan Yu in such trouble...?
  • You are a noble soldier.
  • Hmph. Fight with me now!
  • See how you like the taste of my blade!
  • I must fulfill my oath... Fall back!
  • Our brotherhood shall last forever...
  • Butcher them, brother!
  • As easy as you like!
  • My brother! A sight for sore eyes!
  • Truly, you are the greatest man I have ever known!
  • I must strive to earn my place beside you.
  • Thank you, my brother!
  • You make battle into an art form.
  • Show no mercy!
  • Lend me your hand, God of War!
  • Truly, there is none to match you on any battlefield!
  • Who knew such a warrior existed?
  • With you on my side, none can stop me!
  • You are the way of the future, I feel.
  • Your weapon interests me...
  • Fall back! A woman's place is not on the front line!
  • You have taken your last breath!
  • This is far from over!
  • It galls me, but you are too good...
  • You dare to cross blades with me?
  • You're not the pushover you once were...
  • I have no regrets... You have bested me.
  • Show me how far your training has taken you!
  • Your training has served you well...
  • You were too good for me in the end...
  • You wish to engage me in glorious battle?
  • I hope we get a chance to meet again...
  • You are the true God of War...
  • You have the aura of a true warrior!
  • Even Lu Bu could not match you...
  • Be proud... I am quite a scalp...
  • Show me what skill that spear possesses.
  • Just like Zhao Yun...
  • You show... great promise...

  • A Blue Dragon will soar!
  • I'm here to help!
  • Farewell!
  • Unity!
  • With my Blue Dragon, I will tear through the enemy!
  • Your ferocity is unparalleled.
  • I am honored to call one such as you a comrade.
  • Zhang Liao, I would gladly have you at my back.
  • So this little girl outshines us all?
  • We shouldn't underestimate this girl's might!
  • Rescued... by a child?!
  • An ideal opponent to test myself on!
  • I cannot match an immortal opponent.
  • My son, this land is yours...

  • My blade serves in the name of duty!
  • Honor and duty come before all else!
  • I shall wield my blade in the name of duty!
  • I achieved what I set out to do.
  • I have no complaints with these results.
  • Please, accept this gift. I know that you will be able to use it better than anybody.
  • I expected nothing less than the best from you.
  • I had such great expectations for you...
  • I defeated a large number of officers in the last battle. I shall ensure that my might is unleashed next time as well!
  • I have not been given a chance to go to battle recently... It is unpleasant when you feel you are not trusted.
  • Lately, I have been summoned to many battles. I must perform well so I do not betray that trust in me.
  • Sharing a drink like this reminds me of the oath I swore with my brothers.
  • I claim another victory in the name of my brother!
  • Tremble before the God of War!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Zhang Fei, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Brother, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am so proud! My son is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Master Kenshin, you are an Unrivaled Warrior worthy of the name God of War!
  • They are pushing us back... Everybody, this is where we must show our resolve!
  • Hmm... It seems that I must face myself in battle...
  • Fine work!
  • Spectacular!
  • Thanks for your help!
  • Thanks for coming!
  • Now you must face me as your opponent!
  • I will not be able to forget the shame of fleeing from a battle...
  • Impressive, Zhang Fei!
  • Thanks for coming, Zhang Fei!
  • Fine work, Brother!
  • I cannot embarrass myself in front of you, Brother...
  • Well done!
  • Ahh, it's good to see you.
  • You fight with such fervor!
  • Many thanks for your help, Master Kenshin!
  • Excellent! I need to score more victories as well!
  • Spectacular! I will try to match your courage!
  • Your help is more than welcome! Together we shall run them down!
  • Thank you for coming. Together we will annihilate these villains.
  • I am to be your opponent. Come and face my blade of righteousness!
  • I have stumbled over my own pride. You were a worthy adversary.
  • Well done, Zhang Fei! Your efforts serve to inspire us all!
  • Zhang Fei, thanks for coming! Time to join forces and tear through the enemy forces!
  • Excellent, Brother! I won't let you get too far ahead of me though!
  • Thank you, Brother. I cannot let my shame get the best of me in this battle.
  • Great work! Time for me to pick things up a bit.
  • It's good to see you. Father and son will now turn this battle around!
  • Such impressive might! You are the light that crushes evil in these dark times!
  • My thanks for your help, Master Kenshin! Our rally begins now!
  • Impressive! I stand in awe of your abilities!
  • What steady fighting! You're coming into form now!
  • Thank you for your help! With your strength, there is no way we will lose!
  • I expected you might come to help. Now we fight back from the brink!
  • I cannot go against my duty. I must face you, even if we were once friends!
  • One cannot expect to win if they have a conflicted heart...
  • Zhang Fei, you fight with such ease. There's no telling how far you will rise...
  • Ahh, Zhang Fei! I could not have asked for finer reinforcements!
  • Fine work as always, Brother! Your fight for benevolence is a sight to behold.
  • Brother, I am grateful for your help! Together, we shall fight our way out of this predicament!
  • How much you have grown! You make your father proud!
  • Thanks for coming. You've become a warrior I can truly rely on.
  • Master Kenshin, you truly are the God of War! I find your fighting style intoxicating!
  • My thanks for your help! Let's break this conflict wide open!
  • Try and withstand my blade of righteousness!
  • You are stronger than I could have hoped. The perfect foil against which to test my prowess.
  • My blade shall not break easily... Defend yourself!
  • Zhang Fei, now we shall cross blades!
  • I did not expect this battle to be so hard-fought... Most impressive, Zhang Fei.
  • Come then, Zhang Fei! As your brother, I cannot lose to you like this!
  • It pains me greatly to have to fight against you of all people, Brother...
  • I cannot do it! I cannot harm you, Brother! Please, call off your attack!
  • This nightmare... I shall end it with my blade! Brother, forgive me for breaking our vow!
  • The bond between a father and son means nothing when in battle.
  • This is how you expect to defeat your father? Put your entire body and soul into your attacks, or nothing at all!
  • You have become strong, certainly... However, do not allow yourself to grow complacent!
  • Allow me to test the extent of your martial prowess.
  • Your face never changes, your rage never shows... Indeed, you are the complete opposite of Zhang Fei!
  • Fighting the Yamato God of War has been an excellent experience indeed. Now, allow me to repay you in kind!
  • See if your attacks can get past my blade, then!
  • I am ready for you, Xiahou Dun!
  • Zhang Liao! You are certainly a worthy opponent!
  • Zhang Fei, you sure like to cause trouble, don't you...
  • Not at all. I would never mock your resolve, Brother.
  • Master Xu Huang, our long friendship means we are free to give our all in this fight!
  • Stand firm, Guan Ping. Come at me with all the strength you can muster!
  • Guan Suo, do not let your emotions get the better of you while in battle.
  • Then may they smile upon our duel!
  • Then I suggest you step forward and try to take it!

  • My blade of justice will cut through this world of chaos!
  • For justice, we will fight together.
  • Turn from selfish desires, and focus only on battle.
  • They may call me the God of War, but I'm still just a single warrior. Training alone is vital to maintaining my abilities.
  • Training with everyone else was wonderful. For some reason I was also asked about beard care, and that turned into another way to deepen our friendship.

  • Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. We must think of a strategy, Brother.
  • My Brother, your order?
  • Don't fall behind there!
  • All right then. Leave it to me.
  • And now crush them where they are!
  • Fear not for I shall be there soon.
  • Retreat!
  • Hawk Troops, go!
  • Do I see cowards here?
  • Charge, Red Hare! Trample anyone in our way!
  • Behold the strength of Guan Yu!
  • Show me what you're made of! Show me that you dare!
  • I'll show you the strength of my army!
  • So then, is there anyone who will fight me here?!
  • Well then, I can only hope that you're not too attached to that head of yours.
  • Weakling! Now even Black Dragon is crying!
  • Okay then, but I'm not done for yet!
  • That's enough! I'll avenge Guan Ping!
  • So it's you! I will stand and cut you down!
  • Zhang Liao! Just you wait...
  • Guan Ping, put your heart into it!
  • We've won here. It's ours, Brother!
  • What's going on here? But I never lose!
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