Future Tech Base

From Koei Tecmo Wiki
Future Tech Base's current logo designed to resemble the Egg of Columbus.[1]

Future Tech Base (フューチャーテックベース) is a division of Koei Tecmo in charge of researching and developing propriety software for the company's games. It previously served as more of a technical support team before being rebranded in December 2019. The division is mainly responsible for creating new game engines, artificial intelligence, and CG software used by the in-house development teams.[2]

Touting Future Tech Base as one of its greatest assets, the company hopes to provide new gaming experiences by further expanding its technological capabilities while forming collaboration strategies with other groups.[2] According to an interview with the division's executive officer Hirosato Mishima, Koei Tecmo sought to create their own in-house game engine because those released by other companies are not always suitable for turning the ideas they want into reality. By developing unique engines and training workers to effectively use them, they can theoretically shorten the amount of time needed to produce new games.[3] Aizawa, a programmer for the division, stresses the importance of technology being user-friendly as tools are meaningless if they happen to be too difficult to make use of. He also notes that computer engineers are also given the opportunity to participate in domestic and overseas gaming conventions as part of the training process.[4]

Aside from refining 3D graphics and environments for the company's various IPs, they also hope to integrate AI in a way that expresses individuality more realistically. The engineers sought to demonstrate this through Nobunaga's Ambition: Awakening by creating a multi-faceted AI that accurately replicates the behaviors and personalities of historical warlords across Japan. In regards to generative AI, Future Tech Base is wary about using the technology behind it due to copyright issues. For now, the division firmly believes that humans still have the upper hand when it comes to creating works that touch the hearts of others.[1]
