Edit Characters (Dynasty Warriors)/Weapons

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

List of weapons for the edit characters in the Dynasty Warriors series.

Dynasty Warriors 4


Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 4
Level 1 Base Attack: 14
Level 2 Base Attack: 17 (1,000 EXP)
Level 3 Base Attack: 20 (3,000 EXP)
High Sword
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 5
Level 4 Base Attack: 24 (6,000 EXP)
Level 5 Base Attack: 27 (10,000 EXP)
Level 6 Base Attack: 30 (15,000 EXP)
Phoenix Sword
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 6
Level 7 Base Attack: 39 (21,000 EXP)
Level 8 Base Attack: 42 (28,000 EXP)
Level 9 Base Attack: 45 (36,000 EXP)
Phoenix Tail
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 6
Level 10 Base Attack: 54

Level 10 Weapon Acquisition

  • Stage: Yellow Turban Fortress
  • Requirements: In under 6 minutes defeat Bo Zhang, Zhou Cang, and Cheng Yuanzhi. Alternatively defeat He Yi, Pei Yuan Shao, and Cheng Yuanzhi in under 6 minutes


Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 4
Level 1 Base Attack: 15
Level 2 Base Attack: 18 (1,000 EXP)
Level 3 Base Attack: 21 (3,000 EXP)
Force Spear
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 5
Level 4 Base Attack: 25 (6,000 EXP)
Level 5 Base Attack: 28 (10,000 EXP)
Level 6 Base Attack: 31 (15,000 EXP)
Sonic Spear
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 6
Level 7 Base Attack: 40 (21,000 EXP)
Level 8 Base Attack: 43 (28,000 EXP)
Level 9 Base Attack: 46 (36,000 EXP)
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 6
Level 10 Base Attack: 55

Level 10 Weapon Acquisition


Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 4
Level 1 Base Attack: 16
Level 2 Base Attack: 19 (1,000 EXP)
Level 3 Base Attack: 22 (3,000 EXP)
War Pike
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 5
Level 4 Base Attack: 26 (6,000 EXP)
Level 5 Base Attack: 29 (10,000 EXP)
Level 6 Base Attack: 32 (15,000 EXP)
Star Pike
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 6
Level 7 Base Attack: 41 (21,000 EXP)
Level 8 Base Attack: 44 (28,000 EXP)
Level 9 Base Attack: 47 (36,000 EXP)
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 6
Level 10 Base Attack: 56

Level 10 Weapon Acquisition


Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 4
Level 1 Base Attack: 13
Level 2 Base Attack: 16 (1,000 EXP)
Level 3 Base Attack: 19 (3,000 EXP)
Swift Rapier
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 5
Level 4 Base Attack: 23 (6,000 EXP)
Level 5 Base Attack: 26 (10,000 EXP)
Level 6 Base Attack: 29 (15,000 EXP)
Celestial Blade
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 6
Level 7 Base Attack: 37 (21,000 EXP)
Level 8 Base Attack: 40 (28,000 EXP)
Level 9 Base Attack: 43 (36,000 EXP)
Nu Wa's Rapier
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 6
Level 10 Base Attack: 52

Level 10 Weapon Acquisition

  • Stage: Yellow Turban Menace
  • Requirements: Defeat He Yi and Yen Zheng after their ambush attack.

Great Sword

Great Sword
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 4
Level 1 Base Attack: 17
Level 2 Base Attack: 20 (1,000 EXP)
Level 3 Base Attack: 23 (3,000 EXP)
Crusher Sword
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 5
Level 4 Base Attack: 27 (6,000 EXP)
Level 5 Base Attack: 30 (10,000 EXP)
Level 6 Base Attack: 33 (15,000 EXP)
Holy Avenger
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 6
Level 7 Base Attack: 42 (21,000 EXP)
Level 8 Base Attack: 45 (28,000 EXP)
Level 9 Base Attack: 48 (36,000 EXP)
Fu Xi's Sword
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 6
Level 10 Base Attack: 57

Level 10 Weapon Acquisition

  • Stage: Yellow Turban Rebellion
  • Requirements: Defeat all enemy officers. Slaying the sub-generals under them is optional.

Dynasty Warriors 4: Xtreme Legends


Phoenix Wing
Base Attack: 60
Number of Hits: 6
Tiger Amulet: 16 Speed Scroll: 16
Nanman Armor: 13 Herbal Remedy: 19

Level 11 Weapon Acquisition

  • Stage: Dong Zhuo and the Alliance
  • Restrictions: None
  • Requirements: Same as Sun Jian's legend mode except that all of the gates must be sealed.


Base Attack: 60
Number of Hits: 6
Dragon Amulet: 18 Wing Boots: 16
Horned Helm: 11 Elixir: 20

Level 11 Weapon Acquisition


Base Attack: 60
Number of Hits: 6
Tiger Amulet: 20 Huang's Bow: 10
Cavalry Armor: 19 Seven Star Sash: 17

Level 11 Weapon Acquisition

  • Stage: Siege of Mai Castle
  • Restrictions: None
  • Requirements: Exactly the same as Lu Meng's fourth weapon requirements. It is recommended to have a second player control Lu Meng for easier completion.


Fengshen Rapier
Base Attack: 60
Number of Hits: 6
Dragon Amulet: 14 Wing Boots: 17
Huang's Bow: 13 Seven Star Sash: 18

Level 11 Weapon Acquisition

  • Stage: Encounter at Yi Province
  • Restrictions: None
  • Requirements: Same as Zhen Ji, except that all of the gates must be sealed.

Great Sword

Fengshen Sword
Base Attack: 60
Number of Hits: 6
Peacock Urn: 19 Speed Scroll: 19
Wing Boots: 14 Elixir: 15

Level 11 Weapon Acquisition

  • Stage: Battle of Niu Zhu
  • Restrictions: None
  • Requirements: Same as Zhou Tai except that all of the gates must be sealed and the player must achieve 500 KOs. A second player can assist in sealing the gates as soon as possible.

Rapier Shields

Dynasty Warriors 5: Xtreme Legends


Weapon Length:
Hits: 4 Base Attack: 3
High Sword
Weapon Length:
Hits: 5 Base Attack: 7
Phoenix Sword
Weapon Length:
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 11
Phoenix Tail
Weapon Length:
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 34
Weight: Medium Charge: 19
Bow: 15 Attack: 16
Luck: 15 Speed: 16


Weapon Length:
Hits: 4 Base Attack: 3
Force Spear
Weapon Length:
Hits: 5 Base Attack: 7
Sonic Spear
Weapon Length:
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 11
Weapon Length:
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 34
Weight: Medium Charge: 16
Horse: 15 Musou: 18
Fill: 20 Speed: 16


Weapon Length:
Hits: 4 Base Attack: 3
War Pike
Weapon Length:
Hits: 5 Base Attack: 7
Star Pike
Weapon Length:
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 11
Weapon Length:
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 34
Weight: Medium Charge: 15
Horse: 19 Attack: 20
Luck: 17 Bow: 15


Weapon Length:
Hits: 4 Base Attack: 4
Swift Rapier
Weapon Length:
Hits: 5 Base Attack: 7
Celestial Blade
Weapon Length:
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 11
Nu Wa's Rapier
Weapon Length:
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 34
Weight: Medium Charge: 15
Fill: 19 Bow: 16
Speed: 15 Attack: 19

Great Sword

Great Sword
Weapon Length:
Hits: 4 Base Attack: 5
Crusher Sword
Weapon Length:
Hits: 5 Base Attack: 10
Holy Avenger
Weapon Length:
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 16
Fu Xi's Sword
Weapon Length:
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 38
Weight: Medium Charge: 16
Fill: 16 Defense: 16
Attack: 16 Life: 17

Dynasty Warriors Online

While Dynasty Warriors: Online offers every weapon used in the fifth, seventh, and eighth games, it also features exclusive ones not seen anywhere else.