Cao Cao/Quotes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Cao Cao.


  • All who oppose me shall die!
  • I'm afraid I'll have to kill you!
  • You truly think to challenge me?
  • Retreat! Retreat, I say!
  • I must not waste my life here!
  • Losing... to such as you...
  • My dream... my empire...
  • The true battle is not fought with men, It is fought with this.
  • Wu will fall before my might.

  • You're too deep! Be careful!
  • We will crush them today!
  • Did you think we would let you through!!
  • More... Insects!
  • I defeated an officer!
  • I will show you the path to the spirit world.
  • It is unfortunate to kill one of such skill...
  • I shall destroy all who get in my way!
  • I cannot die yet.
  • Do not think this is the end! I'll be back.
  • This is not the end. Until next time.
  • It cannot end here! Not yet!

  • Die!
  • Perish!
  • Mindless fodder!
  • It will take a greater man than you to defeat Cao Cao!
  • I will not falter again!
  • I will once again prove you are nothing.
  • The stalemate will be broken this time!
  • My ambition will not easily be crushed!
  • My ambition still burns strong!
  • Do not think that this is the end!
  • My destiny... has not yet...
  • All who defy me will die!
  • They are strong, but do not falter!
  • The enemy is strong!
  • Did you think you could break through our forces?
  • Crush them in one blow!
  • This does not look good!
  • We cannot hold them...
  • We will not last...
  • Where are the reinforcements?
  • Please be cautious!
  • Enemy officer defeated!
  • Impressive!
  • I bow to your skills!
  • You are a hero without equal!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • We must all follow your example!
  • We must not fall behind!
  • You will not get away with this!
  • You're in too deep! Control yourself!
  • Fall back, Xiahou Dun! You are vulnerable!
  • Impressive as always, Xiahou Dun!
  • I have been waiting!
  • Reinforcements! Thank Heaven!
  • I am glad to see you!
  • I am in your debt!
  • We must persevere!
  • We must get through this!
  • Our chance will come soon!
  • We must continue fighting.
  • We put our fate in your hands!
  • Charge!
  • Finish this!
  • Let us finish this!
  • We must end this!
  • Xiahou Dun, you are finally here!
  • Xiahou Dun, you have saved me!
  • I leave the rest to you, Xiahou Dun.
  • Let us do this together, Xiahou Dun!
  • Xiahou Dun, I'm depending on you.
  • Crush them, Xiahou Dun!
  • Xiahou Dun, finish them!
  • I will be your opponent!
  • I will defeat you!
  • I challenge you!
  • Don't get cocky!
  • I will stop you!
  • You'll go no further!
  • Attacking alone? Do you want to die?
  • Remarkable confidence...
  • Away with you, fodder!
  • Quite impressive...
  • Do you really think you can defeat me?
  • I will not lose!
  • My blade shall deal with you!
  • I will not falter!
  • Only one hero can unite the land!
  • Virtue alone cannot quell the chaos!
  • I shall hunt down the Tiger of Jiang Dong!
  • One era does not require two kings!
  • Kneel before me!
  • Such loyalty must be admired... and sought!
  • This era has no need for the likes of you.
  • Get out of my sight, you Han lap dog!
  • Xtreme Mode

    • Think yourself my equal? Interesting...
    • You must learn to deal better with adversity!
    • We are on the cusp of total domination!
    • Let us achieve total domination together!
    • Total domination was within my grasp...
    • You must... continue my quest...
    • Great achievements begin with small deeds.
    • If you are able to carry the burden, then do as you will.
    • You shall learn what it means to oppose Cao Cao!
    • Fool! Do you wish to be captured as well?
    • Take what you want by force, eh? Not on my watch!
    • Intruder! You shall not escape!
    • You mean to take my life?
    • Scoundrel! I shall destroy you!
    • The dragon must be slain before it ascends!
    • I will not yield power to the likes of you!
    • I will assist you. Consider my debt to you repaid.
    • We are in need of support!
    • Well done!
    • Perhaps we can achieve total domination together...
    • Take this.
    • You there! Yes, you!

    Empires Mode

    • A splendid sight. Victory is already ours.
    • Our forces are well matched. The rest is up to us.
    • Numbers do not mean victory! We shall prove that!
    • Our forces have taken over the stronghold!
    • This is no good. Someone lend us a hand!
    • What fool has left the rear open to attack?
    • This is not over yet! I will return!
    • Only fools rush in without thinking!
    • Hah! I will personally move to assist.
    • No! I must see to the defense of that stronghold!
    • Charge! Take over the stronghold!
    • Come! Join me in destroying the enemy.
    • You are in charge here. I will take the offensive.
    • This is the chance to seize victory! Charge!
    • We will give you a hand.
    • We will regroup here.
    • We shall wait here for the enemy!
    • There will be other chances. We will retreat.
    • You cannot escape me!
    • Damn you! Feel the wrath of my blade!
    • Did you really believe such a childish taunt would move me?
    • As promised, I will join your forces.
    • I have come to help!
    • With my help, you cannot lose! The honor of the Cao family demands it!
    • I will not be defeated until I've achieved my ambitions!
    • My ambition will not end here! I am not finished yet!
    • You shall pay dearly for your past impertinence!
    • This victory would not have been had without your help!
    • Now! Attack!
    • The Emperor commands us to quell the Yellow Turbans? It shall be as he commands! I shall crush them!
    • And so these little warriors come, flocking to the banner they call justice.
    • They are here for only one reason. Ambition.
    • The time has come. The land is ready... The world calls for a new order. I shall create that order!
    • A vast land calls... We must first bring order to these Central Plains!
    • They shall soon see that numbers mean nothing!
    • To battle! Let us show the world our valor!
    • Let us swear an oath. Let us swear to end chaos and usher in a new era!
    • With this, our fame is assured. Now, the true fight begins!
    • Let us show the prowess of our men! Charge! Crush all those who defy me!
    • We have come a long way. Prepare! The land will soon be ours!
    • Humph. Easy enough.
    • There are only two true heroes. You and I. Why don't we join forces?
    • Excellent. Friends are very hard to come by these days.
    • You refuse my proposal? Then be warned. I will consume all who are in my path!
    • I will judge for myself whether you are worthy of my service.
    • I have come with a proposal. All you have to do is nod.
    • There are few astute enough to judge the true worth of an offer. I know of only two. Me and now you.
    • A crow cannot understand the aspirations of a Falcon. I have wasted my time with you. Farewell.
    • The rats are attempting to sneak in on us. Help me crush them under foot!
    • The time is right. Let us sweep the lands of these rats!
    • This battle has proven one thing beyond doubt: We two are the only heroes in the land!
    • I thank you. With you at my side, I shall win the world!
    • So the Yellow Turbans have been destroyed. Our fame will spread throughout the land.
    • I, Cao Cao, have slain Dong Zhuo! Now I shall force a path through chaos... to power!
    • This victory has set me on my path to glory. It will be a long road. Still, it will be worth it.
    • Setbacks are unavoidable on the path to ambition... But it will not stop me. Nothing will stop me.
    • Does it all end here... Will my ambition not be realized? I can no longer see what path to take.
    • There is no such thing as good or evil. There is only power and ambition. The end is everything.
    • Doing good is the fastest road to power. Acclaim and glory will follow soon enough.
    • This is where the road to ambition has led me... Now, where do I go from here?
    • Allow me to fulfill my ambition with my own hands! I gain nothing if I am never allowed on the battlefield!
    • You obviously do not recognize true worth when it is shown you. You will never get anywhere if you do not listen to me!

  • All who defy me will die!
  • They are strong, but do not falter!
  • The enemy is strong!
  • Crush them in one blow!
  • This does not look good!
  • We will not last...
  • I have crushed (Officer)!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • You are a hero without equal!
  • Impressive!
  • I bow to your skills!
  • Our forces have taken over the area!
  • We have to take the enemy supply depots quickly!
  • Get me the enemy supply depots, now!
  • I will get (Officer) easily!
  • Has nobody the guts to take (Officer)?!
  • Our main camp is in danger! We have to assist at once!
  • Our main camp is at risk! Provide support immediately!
  • The troops will calm down.
  • This (Officer)'s battle skills are without equal!
  • My name shall echo across the battlefield!
  • Impressive as always, Xiahou Dun!
  • We must get through this!
  • Our chance will come soon!
  • Charge!
  • I will stop you!
  • I will not falter!
  • Virtue alone cannot quell the chaos!
  • One era does not require two kings!
  • Such loyalty must be admired... and sought!
  • Get out of my sight, you Han lap dog!

  • Kneel before me!
  • Insolent fools!
  • Perish!
  • Nobody shall stop Cao Cao from achieving his ambitions!
  • The enemy is strong! Proceed with caution!
  • The enemy formation is crumbling! Forward!
  • Perhaps it is time to withdraw...?
  • Urgh, where are the reinforcements?
  • My ambition cannot be stopped!
  • That is why I am called a Hero of Chaos!
  • You shall pay for that with your life!
  • This is excellent news! Everybody, follow their lead!
  • I have occupied this base!
  • It is our strength that shall quell the chaos!
  • Lure the enemy in and attack!
  • Fight with everything you got! Those that don't... die!
  • Speed is of the essence! Follow me!
  • Don't leave any of the base guards standing!
  • Fools! You shall make excellent bait for our fire attack!
  • Our defenses were inadequate...
  • Are you trying to kill yourself?! Fall back!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Now is the time to show them what we can do!
  • You are even more impressive than they say!
  • One must not stray on the path towards conquest...
  • Has my time come as well...
  • Xiahou Dun, you must have patience!
  • Xiahou Dun, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Xiahou Dun, you are the embodiment of our spirit!
  • Xiahou Dun, I leave the rest to you...
  • Don't be so impatient, Cao Pi! Restrain yourself!
  • My son Cao Pi is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Cao Pi, I could not have done better myself!
  • Cao Pi, you must go on without me...
  • Reinforcements! I've been waiting for you!
  • So help is finally here...
  • We must overcome this adversary!
  • We must find a way to come back!
  • Attack without mercy!
  • So our army is at full strength.
  • Ah, Xiahou Dun!
  • Xiahou Dun, I knew I could count on you.
  • Now we strike, Xiahou Dun!
  • Cao Pi, you're here with the reinforcements!
  • Cao Pi... How can we defeat this foe...?
  • Let's run them through, Cao Pi!
  • I shall deal with you!
  • The enemy commander...
  • Time to end this battle!
  • You dare try that right in front of me?!
  • Alone...? I shall teach you about battle!
  • Those who stand in my way shall be cut down!
  • Those who oppose me shall suffer the consequences!
  • Someday, you shall pay for this...
  • Is my ambition... not enough to conquer the land?
  • Guan Yu! I shall face you!
  • I shall be the one that puts an end to your life!
  • Should we finish this once and for all?
  • Impressive, Guan Yu. I see these fodder are no match for you!
  • You're by yourself? That is quite bold of you, Guan Yu!
  • Guan Yu... Forgive me, but I cannot let you live!
  • I do not care who you are, I shall not die today!
  • Such strength... If only it could be mine...
  • To die by your hand... Perhaps this is fate...
  • Liu Bei, come and face me!
  • Your life is mine!
  • Time to bring an end to this war as well as the battle!
  • Are you trying to make me angry?
  • You had best go back and get your brothers!
  • You dare interfere with my ambition!
  • You shall not take my life so easily!
  • I shall be the last one standing!
  • So the land has chosen virtue over cunning...
  • Sun Quan, I do not show mercy to vermin such as you!
  • It should not be too difficult to take your life!
  • Quit running, Sun Quan! Come and fight like a man!
  • Why you impudent little whelp...
  • Coming here alone... I thought you were smarter than that...
  • So you are trading on your father's glory... How admirable!
  • You must be pretty fearless if you dare go up against me!
  • Perhaps I underestimated him...
  • It looks like the son of the tiger caught up with me...
  • Yuan Shao, I shall be your opponent!
  • I shall seal your fate!
  • Let us bring an end to this.
  • That was a fluke, Yuan Shao, nothing more!
  • Humph... That's pretty daring of you.
  • I shall show you how worthless your pride really is!
  • Did you think I would just give you my head?!
  • I'll let you have this battle...
  • Perhaps I was wrong about the strength of the Yuan Family...
  • The flames! Somebody stop the flames!
  • These blasted flames! Even they do not burn like the fire of my ambition!
  • Xtreme Mode

    • There are only two heroes in the world, you and I.
    • Swine! Do not lay a hand on me!
    • This shall be the first step on our road to conquest!
    • The end of our path is in sight! Let us go!
    • It looks like I overestimated you!
    • You shall learn what it means to oppose me!
    • So you seek power? It is mine! All mine!
    • You! Will you stand in my way?!
    • I owe you. I shall lend you aid.
    • Crashing about mindlessly through this world will get you nowhere.
    • Hey you! Yes, you!
    • Will someone lend me a hand?
    • Well done!
    • Take this.
    • Where is there one who will walk the victor's path with me.
    • Or perhaps it is I who am blocking my own path...
    • You have defeated me. I am impressed.
    • It cannot be helped. Do as you will.
    • Small good acts will add together into one big opportunity.
    • If you are prepared to pay the price, then walk what path you will.
    • We have made great strides in our quest, but domination of this land is still a long way off. There are no others who I can trust like you. I will hold you to very high expectations.
    • We have made great strides in our quest, but domination of this land is still a long way off. However, as long as you and I are together, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish.
    • A territory to call our own... This is just the beginning. This whole land shall fall before us!
    • I never doubted this day would come. Now then... what to do with the land now that we have it?

    Destiny Mode

    • Follow me! We shall crush them beneath us!
    • We must hurry to assist our allies! Understood?
    • Stay close to me if you wish to see another day.
    • Follow them! We shall show them no mercy!
    • You shall regret coming to attack us here...
    • Retreat for now! We are at a disadvantage.
    • Everybody, halt! We must rest for a moment.
    • This should be sufficient. Time to move to the next objective.
    • At this rate, we shall finish them off in no time.
    • Urgh... We cannot keep this up much longer.
    • Humph! It appears you are in danger...
    • You must be quite foolish to have fallen for this ambush!
    • Humph! You must be desperate to come here alone!
    • Damn you! How dare you spring an ambush on me!
    • Did you think you could catch me off guard?! Imbecile!
    • What do you hope to accomplish by yourself? Come back at once!
    • Why you... You shall pay for deceiving me with your life!
    • Am I always going to have to save your pathetic hide?!
    • Take this. And don't tell me you don't need it.
    • There you are! I've been waiting for you!
    • Those who betray me shall die slow and painfully!
    • I am leaving this up to you. Do not let me down.
    • The way you dealt with the enemy troops was most impressive.
    • If only that strength could be mine...
    • Now is the perfect time! What are you waiting for?!
    • Huh?! You dare turn your back on me?!
    • Who could've expected the enemy in such a place...
    • Ah... At last we have found the enemy's weakness.
    • I haven't seen you around here before. You must be our latest recruit. I am Cao Cao. I trust you will do your best in our efforts to bring an end to the chaos.
    • And you are... Ah yes, I remember fighting against you on the battlefield. I am honored that such a splendid warrior has come to serve our cause.
    • We must occupy the enemy base. Although a base is immobile, it has a large effect on the entire battle. Taking it down quickly is of the utmost importance.
    • We are to rush the enemy camp and eliminate their officer. Officers are vital to any army. I'm counting on you for this mission.
    • Rather than participating in the main battle, we must concentrate on rescuing our allies who are trapped behind enemy lines. We cannot just abandon them.
    • We will take up position at our base and defend it against enemy attack. Just because it is our territory doesn't mean it will be easy. We must remain on guard.
    • Our duty is to slay the enemy commander. Doing so will surely throw their forces into chaos. I'm counting on you to accomplish this mission.
    • According to reports from our scouts, the enemy has prepared a number of ambush troops for this battle. I need not stress the danger of being caught off guard.
    • Our sources indicate that the enemy is busy constructing a supply base. They must be digging themselves in... Destroying it will surely crush their spirits.
    • Hmm... It seems the enemy camp is filled with its best troops. If we're not careful, they could get the best of us. We must not let down our guard.
    • According to our scouts, the enemy has focused its efforts on increasing defenses. It will be difficult to sneak into their camp and gather reconnaissance...
    • Our vision for the land has no room for error! We must focus on achieving victory to realize our objectives. Now, let's go!
    • Begin preparations to march. Your might may be the key to our eventual control of the land. I am depending on you to ensure our victory.
    • You seem to be adept at motivating those around you and getting the most out of them. I want you to use that strength to lead our forces to victory!
    • This battle will finally bring an end to this longstanding chaos. You have done well by my side. Now, let us march together towards victory!
    • Your efforts today were clearly above and beyond those required of a normal soldier. From the next battle on, I shall entrust you with even more important tasks. Be ready.
    • You were most impressive. Surely your military skills will help guide us on the path to victory. I look forward to your continued efforts.
    • I see you relied on strategy for this battle. That intellect will surely prove useful for you in the future. You must continue to train and perfect your skills.
    • Well done! The effort you showed on the battlefield today clearly demonstrated your ability to motivate our troops to action. You truly are a match for the heroes of lore.
    • Hmm... While there was nothing overtly wrong with your performance, it was clearly lacking in effort... If you wish to continue to serve beneath me, you had best try harder.
    • War is not such a simple thing that cretins like yourself can just get ahead without even trying. Perhaps you don't realize the importance of victory.
    • You should feel privileged. I am going to teach you a valuable lesson in tactics. Watch and learn how Cao Cao approaches a battle.
    • Here, take this. With this blade, you should be able to perform even greater deeds on the battlefield than ever before. Do not let me down.
    • I see you were successful in carrying out your mission. It was a large responsibility. I believe this goes without saying, but your loyalties lie with us now.
    • I did not suspect that you were an enemy spy... However, now that you swear loyalty to us, you and your talents are more valuable to us alive. I trust that you will not stray again.
    • It is the nature of people to deceive and be deceived. However, if you cannot trust those who fight alongside you, then there will never be an end to the chaos.
    • So the enemy has come to steal away one of my most trusted lieutenants... Perfect. What do you say we use that to allow you to infiltrate the enemy camp?
    • You will pretend to go and serve them and join their ranks. When the time comes, you will rise up and turn against them. Can you handle this task?
    • To turn the tide of the war in our favor, we must destroy the enemy from within. I feel you are the perfect candidate to carry out this plot.
    • Yes, I believe that you can successfully carry out this mission. Our future depends on your success.
    • So you're not up to it... Either you don't want to leave my army, or you are uncertain of your loyalty being tested. Bah! Either way, so be it.
    • I am honored that such a splendid warrior has come to serve our cause. I trust you will do your best in our efforts to bring an end to the chaos.

    Empires Mode

    • Hmph! This will be an easy win!
    • Their forces rival my own... We shall have to be patient.
    • Outnumbered, hmm? This may take a while.
    • Calm down! This will not change my eventual victory!
    • I shall break the enemy attack! Be thankful!
    • With my help, victory is assured!
    • You saw our strength and power, did you not?
    • You fought well. I was impressed.
    • They were lucky! I need help!
    • Do you really think you can beat my best strategies?
    • Do you have a plan behind all that talk? Let us see.
    • Such foolish words? Was that supposed to move me?
    • Hmph... You need to plan better.
    • This capture belongs to me!
    • My forces have taken this base!
    • All right! I'll join your side!
    • This base is in the way! Destroy it!
    • We will attack the enemy! Follow me!
    • We cannot ignore the danger to our allied base!
    • My force will move to reinforce the rear!
    • I shall personally patrol the base!
    • All right! Get ready for the attack!
    • The fatigue shows clearly. We need to rest!
    • Attack!
    • Fortify the defenses!
    • Join me here!
    • Follow the commands of your leaders!
    • I don't care who! Someone cover my rear!
    • Understood! I'll be right there!
    • It looks like I'll have to do it!
    • Come with me! Let us grasp victory together!
    • You are to join me in the attack!
    • I will attack! I will leave the base to you!
    • Guard the base! I am moving to the attack!
    • Let us go, too! I will see the end of this!
    • This base will be the bait to bring the enemy within my reach!
    • Let us pull back. We may be able to split up the enemy!
    • You think to escape from me? How absurd!
    • I must congratulate someone of your pitiful talents for having gotten this far.
    • So my ambitions are to go left unfulfilled...
    • Hmmm... Do you have what it takes to command me?
    • My ambition cannot end...
    • I am the leader now! From here on out, we shall walk the path of the conqueror.
    • You dare to make a fool of me? You shall regret it!
    • I am Cao Cao! Any who get in the path of my ambition will be destroyed!
    • I shall handle it.
    • All right!
    • Fool. Leave me!
    • I am honored.
    • Thank you.
    • Hmph... These things happen.
    • I surrender. Do you know what that means?
    • So, will you join forces with me or not? You do not want me as your enemy.
    • This is my first step towards greatness. I shall realize my ambition to rule this land.
    • Ah... Victory is ours once again. Nobody shall stand in my way towards conquest.
    • Somebody dares to get in my way... Very well. We shall return to fight another day.
    • They can do or say what they will. I will realize my ambitions by any means necessary.
    • A ruler's ambition is built on the loyalty of his followers. And that is achieved by making sure the people are content.

  • The enemy is ready to go! Do not drop your guard!
  • The enemy is strong! Do not face him frivolously!
  • Now is the time to destroy the enemy camp! Push!
  • Should we retreat...?
  • Rats! What happened to the reinforcements?
  • I have defeated (Officer)!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I guess I too am unrivaled in the Three Kingdoms!
  • You are a warrior among warriors!
  • Show me more spark in your strength!
  • What dazzling maneuvers!
  • We have dominated this stronghold!
  • We must seize the enemy's supply depot immediately!
  • Seize the enemy's supply depot immediately!
  • We shall destroy (Officer)!
  • Can nobody defeat (Officer)?!
  • (Officer)! Curses!
  • This will settle the unrest of the officers and soldiers as well.
  • That's what I'd expect of (Officer)! Outstanding technique!
  • My name courses through the battlefield!
  • Yes! I knew you could do it, Xiahou Dun!
  • Yes! And not to leave my son out!
  • You have harmed my son. Unacceptable!
  • That is my son!
  • Don't push your luck!
  • I will cut down all who get in my way!
  • Such loyalty must be admired... and sought!
  • Virtue alone cannot win out over chaos!
  • One land does not require two kings!
  • Get out of my sight, you Han lap dog!

  • What an eyesore!
  • Begone!
  • I give no quarter!
  • Humor me!
  • I was hoping for more from you!
  • My ambition cannot be stopped!
  • I hereby claim this base as my own!
  • Everybody, follow me! This battle is ours to win!
  • Hmm. The enemy forces are well prepared. This battle may prove to be difficult.
  • Ugh! Is there nobody out there that can assist me?
  • Perhaps I have overestimated our chances in this battle.
  • Now you see why I am known as the Hero of Chaos!
  • I am willing to concede this one battle but not the war.
  • It appears that ambition can only take you so far.
  • Run them through! I don't want a single enemy left alive!
  • Stand your ground! It is essential that we hold this position!
  • Hmph! This one shows promise. I think I shall get a closer look!
  • Tighten the defenses around the base's perimeter. We cannot win this battle without it!
  • Ready your blades men! I want the enemy's main camp by sundown!
  • All units, we must hold out until an opening presents itself!
  • Hmph! I had no idea that there were such capable strategists amongst the enemy ranks!
  • So you desire the honor of dying by my blade? Then allow me to oblige you.
  • What? How come nobody saw this attack coming?
  • They've lured me out in the open! How could I be so careless?
  • I see you have confidence in your abilities. Too bad it is going to cost you your life!
  • We shall take a moment to review our ranks before we march.
  • Let's go! The enemy base does not stand a chance against our might!
  • Forward! Those that cannot keep up will be cut down where they stand!
  • All units, halt! Patrol the area and begin setting up a defensive perimeter!
  • Battles cannot be fought when one's troops are exhausted. We must retreat for now and rest.
  • Chase them down! Show them what happens to those that oppose us!
  • My orders exist to be followed. I have no need for those who think they can go it alone.
  • I seek the future! None shall stop me!
  • Ah...Is this how it ends?
  • Impressive. It's always inspiring to view such talent!
  • Well met. Let me see what you are capable of!
  • Excellent! Your skill was the stuff of legends!
  • You would have me fight for you? Fine, I will do so.
  • You have potential and it is potential that I seek.
  • Very good. I shall remember your efforts.
  • Let's go! You come with me!
  • I am impressed! You are an inspiration to us!
  • I thank you for your timely assistance.
  • Charging the enemy and overwhelming them singlehandedly...Speechless.
  • Remove them? Understood. You may consider it done!
  • You were able to keep up with me. I had not expected that.
  • Excellent. Your fighting was truly heroic.
  • Now let us go forward! I assume you will accompany us.
  • Well done, Xiahou Dun! You have brought life to my troops!
  • Well met, Xiahou Dun.
  • Xiahou Dun! The sight of you fighting was truly impressive!
  • You lead enemies to me? You should know better than that!
  • Who else could work as well together as you and I?
  • Excellent, Xiahou Dun.
  • Let's go, Xiahou Dun! Together let us grasp victory!
  • Well done, Dian Wei. Your spirit has inflamed my troops.
  • Dian Wei! You have come to aid me in my troubles?
  • As always an impressive display! Now come with me and we will fight together!
  • I had not expected this of you, Dian Wei. But very well. Lead them to me.
  • Dian Wei, you did well.
  • Well done, Dian Wei! Indeed worthy of the legends of old!
  • Let us go on. With Dian Wei at my side there is nothing to fear!
  • That was you son? Well, I cannot allow you to outshine me!
  • My thanks. I must be getting old to be aided by my son!
  • You cut open your own path relying on no one else. I am proud.
  • You have people following you? As your father, I must aid you.
  • We work well together. I am proud of you son.
  • Well done son!
  • Come with me son! I shall show you the path of conquest!
  • You dare to stand before me? Pay for your presumption!
  • You sought glory. You will only find death instead.
  • You have done much and I applaud you but if you are not for me then you are against me.
  • You have become a danger to my ambition! That must end here!
  • My head is the most difficult of targets!
  • It seems that my head is a most valued commodity.
  • I must pull back here. My ambition is not yet extinguished!
  • The new world...should have been now...
  • So you would surpass me would you, Sima Yi?
  • You who pride yourself on cunning rides alone. Have you a plan or a wish to die?
  • Sima Yi, have you done what you set out to do? Then be glad of that for you shall go no further.
  • To find myself chasing you on the battlefield. Sima Yi! Are you ready to die?
  • You know what it means to stand against me. Then Sima Yi, I accept your challenge!
  • Well done, Sima Yi. You have surpassed me.
  • So it is not me that must lead into the future... I entrust you with that dream, Sima Yi.
  • Guan Yu! So you refuse to join me in the end!
  • Alone? Have you grown vain in your strength?
  • I applaud your deeds Guan Yu but coming alone will be your death!
  • Guan Yu! I see so much in you and yet for that reason you must die!
  • You would stand against me, Guan Yu? That I shall face you myself!
  • You are everything I imagined! I shall give this victory to you.
  • So the blade of your duty destroys even my ambition...
  • Liu Bei! Perhaps it may be interesting matching blades with you.
  • Liu Bei. What can you do alone without your brothers to side you?
  • It appears I underestimated you but this time, Liu Bei, I shall give you no quarter.
  • Liu Bei, halt! I shall not allow you to go on!
  • You think yourself my equal? You think highly of yourself, Liu Bei.
  • You have surpassed me! Liu Bei, you too have the makings of a hero.
  • Gentle ignorance cannot change the world...
  • Hmph! So you are the son of the tiger! Let us see what you are made of.
  • So the wisdom of Wu is to charge like a wounded boar!
  • Excellent skills I see but no further! It is time to make the tiger the hunted.
  • Son of the tiger! Your fate has come!
  • The future I see is clear! What of you? What future do you have to offer the land?
  • How could I do this? I have underestimated the strength of Jiang Dong!
  • I hope the future you see is worth the future you've just killed...
  • Yuan Shao! I can show you no quarter from past friendship!
  • Yuan Shao! Where are those armies you are so proud of?
  • You are stronger than I had known! Then I shall not underestimate you. Face this, Yuan Shao!
  • Halt, Yuan Shao! Out of friendship, I shall end this personally.
  • You think to stand against me with your antiquated values? Yuan Shao! The past is dead!
  • You have bested me. You are different than you once were.
  • Yuan Shao...a world for nobles will change nothing...

  • You are powerless before me!
  • I grow weary of your presence!
  • Surrender or die!
  • My ambition cannot be stopped!
  • I hereby claim this area as my own!
  • Everybody, follow me! This battle is ours to win.
  • Hmm... The enemy forces are well-prepared... This battle may prove to be difficult.
  • Ugh... Is there nobody out there that can assist me?!
  • Perhaps I have overestimated our chances in this battle...
  • Now you see why I am known as the Hero of Chaos!
  • I am willing to concede this one battle, but not the war...
  • It appears that ambition... can only take you so far...
  • Run them through! I don't want a single enemy left alive!
  • Stand your ground! It is essential that we hold this position!
  • Hmph... This one shows promise... I think I shall go and get a closer look.
  • Tighten the defenses around the perimeter or else we cannot win this battle!
  • Ready your blades, men! I want the enemy main camp by sundown!
  • All units, we must hold out until an opening presents itself!
  • Hmm... I had no idea that there were such capable strategists amongst the enemy ranks.
  • You'll have to do better than that if you want to surprise me.
  • What?! How come nobody saw this attack coming?!
  • How dare they ruin my battle formation?!
  • They've lured me out in the open... How could I be so careless...
  • I see you have confidence in your abilities... Too bad it is going to cost you your life.
  • We shall take a moment to review our ranks before we march.
  • Let's go! The enemy does not stand a chance against our might!
  • Forward! Those that cannot keep up will be cut down where they stand!
  • We must go to the assistance of our allies! Follow me!
  • All units, halt! Patrol the area and begin setting up a defensive perimeter.
  • Battles cannot be fought when one's troops are exhausted. We must retreat for now and rest.
  • Chase them down! Show them what happens to those that oppose us!
  • We can surprise the enemy camp from here! Everybody, follow me!
  • My orders exist to be followed. I have no need for those that think they can go it alone.
  • I am left with no choice but to wait for reinforcements to arrive...
  • It shall be my pleasure to face you in battle.
  • We can't afford to lose any more of our allies...
  • We must use the terrain to our advantage. Follow me!
  • Our allies are in trouble. We must help them if we are to win this fight.
  • It's very easy to lose focus. We must be on our guard at all times.
  • We must focus now on regrouping and maintaining our ranks.
  • Show the enemy what my brave troops can do!
  • This is the perfect opportunity to strike!
  • Retreat is not an option! We will fight to the last man if we have to!
  • This battle will soon be over. Follow my lead!
  • This is our chance to turn the momentum in our favor! Destroy the enemy!
  • We must not let ourselves fall behind!
  • Don't give up yet! We are very close to victory!
  • Know your enemy, and know yourself, and you'll win a hundred battles!
  • Nothing can stand in our way so long as we work together!
  • The fate of the land depends on this battle! We can't afford to lose!
  • Now to make my mark on this battle.
  • Such a pity you fight for the enemy...
  • No one will stand in the way of my ambition!
  • Impressive. It is always inspiring to view such talent.
  • Well met! Let me see what you are capable of!
  • Excellent. Your skill will be legendary.
  • You require assistance? Very well, I shall enter the battle.
  • You have potential. And it is potential that I seek.
  • Very good. I shall remember your efforts.
  • Let's go. You come with me.
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Hm.
  • Very well.
  • I am impressed. You are an inspiration to us all.
  • I thank you for your timely assistance.
  • You're overwhelming the enemy single-handedly? Your valor is most impressive.
  • You are being pursued? Allow me to assist you.
  • You were able to keep up with me. I had not expected that.
  • Excellent! Your prowess in battle is extraordinary.
  • Now let us go forward! I assume you will accompany us?
  • Indeed, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I understand.
  • Leave it to me.
  • Well done! You have brought life to my troops!
  • Well met, Xiahou Dun!
  • Xiahou Dun! The sight of you fighting was truly impressive!
  • You lead enemies to me? You should know better than that!
  • Who else could work together as well as you and I?
  • Excellent, Xiahou Dun!
  • Let's go, my loyal compatriot! Together, we shall be victorious!
  • Xiahou Dun, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Well done, Dian Wei! Your spirit rejuvenates my troops!
  • Dian Wei! You have come to aid me in my troubles?
  • As always, an impressive display! Now, come with me and we will fight together!
  • I had not expected this of you. But very well. Leave them to me.
  • Dian Wei, we have thwarted our enemy yet again!
  • Well done, Dian Wei. A deed worthy of the legends of old!
  • Let us get moving. For as long as you are with me, there is nothing that I need fear.
  • Understood.
  • Yes.
  • That was you, son? Well I cannot allow you to outshine me!
  • My thanks, son! Now, let us turn the tide of this battle.
  • You cut open your own path, relying on no one else. I am proud!
  • You have people following you? As your father, I must assist you.
  • We worked well together. I am proud of you, son.
  • Well done, son!
  • Come with me, son! I shall show you the path of conquest!
  • My son is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I understand, my son.
  • Leave it to me, son.
  • You dare stand before me! You shall pay for your audacity!
  • You seek glory? Hah! You will only find death!
  • You have done much and I applaud you. But if you are not for me, then you are against me!
  • I sense you are a threat to my vision. You won't leave this battlefield alive!
  • Prepare to face the deadliest opponent you've ever stood against!
  • I must pull back here! But my ambition is not yet extinguished!
  • The new world... It should have been mine...
  • You would seek to surpass me, Sima Yi? Your ambition knows no bounds.
  • You pride yourself on cunning, yet you ride alone. Have you a plan, or merely a wish to die?
  • Sima Yi, have you done what you set out to do? Then be glad of that, for you shall go no further!
  • To find myself chasing you on the battlefield... Sima Yi! Are you ready to die?
  • You know what it means to stand against me? Then I accept your challenge!
  • Well done, Sima Yi. You have surpassed me.
  • So it is not I who will determine the future of the land. I entrust you with that dream, Sima Yi.
  • So, you refuse to join me to the end...
  • You're alone? Have you grown vain in your strength?
  • I applaud your deeds, Guan Yu! But coming alone will be your downfall!
  • Guan Yu, I see so much in you. And yet, for that reason, you must die!
  • You would stand against me? Then I shall face you myself!
  • You are everything I imagined. I shall give this victory to you.
  • So the strength of your conviction trumps even my ambition...
  • Liu Bei? Perhaps it may be interesting to cross blades with you.
  • What can you do alone without your brothers to aid you?
  • It appears I underestimated you. But this time, I shall give you no quarter!
  • Liu Bei, halt! I refuse to let you go any further!
  • You think yourself my equal? You think too highly of yourself.
  • You have surpassed me? You too have the makings of a hero...
  • Gentle ignorance cannot change the world...
  • Hmph! So you are the son of the Tiger. Let us see what you are made of.
  • So the wisdom of Wu is nothing more than to charge like a wounded boar?
  • I see you are quite skilled. But the time has come for the Phoenix to hunt the Tiger!
  • Son of the Tiger! Come and accept the destiny that awaits you!
  • The future I see is clear! What of you? What future do you have to offer the land?!
  • How could I do this? I underestimated the strength of Jiangdong.
  • I hope the future you see is worth the one you have just killed...
  • Yuan Shao! I can show you no quarter for past friendship.
  • You are alone, Yuan Shao? Where are those superior numbers you are so proud of?
  • You are stronger than I anticipated... I shall not underestimate you again! Prepare yourself!
  • Halt! Due to our previous friendship, I shall end this personally!
  • You think to stand against me with your antiquated values? Don't you see, the past is dead!
  • You have bested me. You are not the same man you used to be...
  • A world made for the nobility will change nothing...
  • Conquest Mode

    • I am the only one worthy enough to walk the realm of ambition!
    • This sword is capable of piercing the very heavens themselves! There is nothing it cannot cut!
    • Let's ride, Shadow Runner! We shall fly across the battlefield like the wind!
    • I shall agree to help you.
    • There is no room for defeat in our quest. We must pile up victories until they reach the heavens!
    • Xiahou Dun, you need not worry about your rear flank in battle while I am here.
    • Dian Wei! Show me why you have earned such a fearsome reputation!
    • My son, what has gotten into that you would actually come to trust your father?
    • Sima Yi, it is quite bold of you to summon me here.
    • Guan Yu, never did I expect that you would one day come to require my strength.
    • Two heroes of the land, side by side... I cannot say that this is a bad thing.
    • The Tiger of the Sun family... I am confident the roar of my ambition shall echo across the land.
    • Yuan Shao, do you miss the days when we were young? If so, then let us join together.
    • Your mind, body and soul... I shall protect them all with my life.
    • You must be tired. Here, this should make things easier on you.
    • An impressive display of strength. I am relieved to know you are on our side.
    • You there! Would you lend me a hand?
    • Thank you. You did well.
    • I shall not allow you to pass!
    • Did you honestly think I did not have a strategy prepared for this moment?!
    • Do you really think you have what it takes to defeat me?
    • Any who oppose me will be removed eventually. Even if they happen to be a friend of mine.
    • Ahh, you dare to stand against me, Xiahou Dun?
    • You need not hold back, Dian Wei. For I will not against you!
    • My son, allow me to show you the true meaning of ambition.
    • Xu Zhu, have you grown tired of serving as my bodyguard?
    • Just as I expected, Xiahou Dun... You are one man I do not want as an enemy.
    • So you have defeated me... Dian Wei, you are a match for the warriors of old.
    • Congratulations, my son. Your talent will be a worthy successor to my ambition.
    • To beat me in battle, there is more to you than just kindness, Xu Zhu.
    • I came to meet you. I wanted to see if all these rumors I've been hearing are true.
    • The rumors pale beside the reality. I am overjoyed to meet such talent.
    • You stood out on the battlefield. You may be the one I need to aid me on my path to conquest.
    • I would be foolish to overlook such talent. I shall aid you on the field of battle.
    • There are many people, but few heroes. What would you say are the qualities of a hero?
    • Possibly. But such sentiment alone cannot rule the land.
    • I agree. Only one who treads the path of the conqueror can truly be called a hero.
    • The end of the chaos is still far off. Still, it is amazing how far we have come.
    • I shall depend on you in the future as well. Without you, my goals will never come to fruition.
    • Stay with me until the land is conquered. In truth, a peaceful world is meaningless without you.

  • Although the future is unclear, I am grateful the two of us have managed to survive this long. I cannot imagine a future without you. I will always look out for you, no matter what the situation.

  • A new world of my design... shall emerge from the chaos.
  • You are powerless before me!
  • I grow weary of your presence.
  • Are you ready? Die!
  • Surrender or die!
  • In the name of ambition!
  • This is the path I walk! Your end, draws near.
  • Fool.

  • My ambition cannot be stopped!
  • Now you see why I am known as the Hero of Chaos!
  • Perhaps I have overestimated our chances in this battle...
  • Nothing can stop me from fulfilling my ambition!
  • No! I cannot allow things to end like this!
  • What?! How come nobody saw this attack coming?!
  • You'll have to do better than that if you want to surprise me.
  • I am willing to concede this one battle, but not the war.
  • It appears that ambition... can only take you so far...
  • I hereby claim this area as my own!
  • This is the perfect opportunity to strike!
  • Retreat is not an option! We will fight to the last man if we have to!
  • Hmph... This one shows promise... I think I shall go and get a closer look.
  • We must go to the assistance of our allies! Follow me!
  • Let's go! The enemy does not stand a chance against our might!
  • We shall take a moment to review our ranks before we march.
  • Forward! Those that cannot keep up will be cut down where they stand!
  • All units, halt! Patrol the area and begin setting up a defensive perimeter.
  • Battles cannot be fought when one's troops are exhausted. We must retreat for now and rest.
  • Such a simple feat.
  • Show no mercy to those who try to invade my territory!
  • I shall not allow you to pass!
  • Did you think I wouldn't have a strategy prepared for this moment?!
  • Hmm... The enemy forces are well-prepared... This battle may prove to be difficult.
  • Run them through! I don't want a single enemy left alive!
  • Stand your ground! It is absolutely essential that we hold this position!
  • We can surprise the enemy camp from here! Everybody, follow me!
  • I have no choice but to wait for reinforcements to arrive...
  • Indeed, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Excellent! Your prowess in battle is extraordinary.
  • I thank you for your timely assistance.
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Very good. I shall remember your efforts.
  • Well met! Let me see what you are capable of!
  • Xiahou Dun, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Excellent, Xiahou Dun!
  • Well met, Xiahou Dun!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Well done, Dian Wei. A deed worthy of the legends of old!
  • Dian Wei! You have come to aid me in my troubles?
  • My son is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Well done, son!
  • My thanks, son! Now, let us turn the tide of this battle.
  • Impressive, Guo Jia! You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Very well done, Guo Jia! I fortunate to have a strategist like you.
  • Guo Jia, don't put yourself in harm's way to save me. I need you alive.
  • Well done, nephew! You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Truly impressive, nephew. You bring honor and pride to our family name.
  • I knew I could rely on you, nephew. You bring honor to our family name.
  • You dare stand before me! You shall pay for your audacity!
  • You seek glory? Ha! You will only find death!
  • I must pull back here! But my ambition is not yet extinguished!
  • The new world... It should have been mine...
  • So, you refuse to join me to the end...
  • You're alone? Have you grown vain in your strength?
  • You are everything I imagined. I shall give this victory to you.
  • So the strength of your conviction trumps even my ambition...
  • Liu Bei? Perhaps it may be interesting to cross blades with you.
  • What can you do alone without your brothers to aid you?
  • You have surpassed me? You too have the makings of a hero...
  • Gentle ignorance cannot change the world...
  • Yuan Shao! I can show you no quarter for past friendship.
  • You are alone, Yuan Shao? Where are those superior numbers you are so proud of?
  • You have bested me. You are not the same man you used to be.
  • A world made for the nobility will change nothing...
  • I have something to request of you. Will you lend me your aid?
  • That's perfect timing. Do you mind if I ask you something?
  • Thank you so much. I look forward to your results.
  • Good. I'm counting on you.
  • I see. Very well.
  • It can't be helped. You are busy, I understand.
  • You there! Would you lend me a hand?
  • Hey, you there! Come help me!
  • Hummm. Impressive. This is for you. Please, accept it.
  • Yes, well done. This should be a fitting reward.
  • I love and treasure the talent of men. Rank means nothing when compared to ability. I will foster all I find with true potential.
  • I've come to see how you are doing today. When we are in public, we always have to be on our guard. So when we are here, let's just relax and be ourselves.
  • Today I want to hear about your daily life. Your joys, your sorrow, your pain. I hope to compose it into a poem.
  • One's home is a reflection of the self. Being here shows me who you are. I'm starting to get inspiration for poetry!
  • The talk of your deeds is rapidly spreading. I'd expect no less from one standing with me. Together, we will lead this world into glory.
  • Everyone in the world knows your deeds now. Of course I'm proud, but have mixed feelings. What I really feel is that I want you all to myself.
  • I have been waiting for you. Worry not, it is nothing important. I simply wished to see your face.
  • Ahh, you've returned. I happened to be nearby, so I thought I would wait for you to return home. I am glad to see you are looking well.
  • I did not recognize you for a moment. I am glad that I took the time to come see you.
  • You are back at last. There are not many in this land who would make me wait for them. No matter, let me simply look at you for a moment.
  • Do you have anything like this particular item? It appears to be of good quality. Consider it yours for the taking.
  • This is for you. I consider it to be a necessity for those that live in such chaotic times as these.
  • I have prepared this item especially for you.
  • You should have this. I consider it one of the finest objects in my possession. I think you know why I want you to be the one to have it.
  • I wish to spend some time with you today. I would like to hear your thoughts on what is needed to quell the chaos other than strategy and bravery.
  • You seem quite capable in battle. I wish to train together with you. I look forward to seeing you wield your weapon in person.
  • The selection here is fine, but nothing special. I am looking for a weapon that speaks to my very soul.
  • There appears to be plenty of stock in the marketplace. I only wish they had some more special goods for my perusal.
  • Hmm... There are many people about. I take it as a sign that this region is finally at peace.
  • I enjoy eating a meal in town every so often. They tend to use an interesting blend of flavors I don't often come across.
  • Hmm... I did not know this street was here. I find its downtrodden appearance to be a good source of poetic inspiration.
  • There is much that needs to be done today. I wish there were more of me to help carry out my tasks.
  • I am reminded of my youth when I walk about the town. Yuan Shao and I caused no small amount of trouble between the two of us.
  • The Yellow Turbans are no longer people fed up with the system. They are drunk with power and only seek to sow chaos. The land they desire can now only be built upon their deaths.
  • Dong Zhuo, it was awfully clever of you to run straight for the Emperor... However, it was out of greed, not a desire for peace. People like you must be eliminated.
  • The warlords from around the land have bared their fangs in an attempt to seize the land. It is natural with the Han's power waning... That leaves me with only one thing to do.
  • Yuan Shao in Hebei is the only force capable of opposing me. However, he is no match for my might. How should I deal with him...
  • I have taken control of the Central Plains and Hebei, but there is still much to be done. If I take custody of the Emperor, the land will be mine. My quest is just beginning.
  • Liu Bei has teamed with the Sun family of Jiangdong to oppose me. We have the numbers, but they know the terrain. I must try not to make the same mistakes as Yuan Shao.
  • I never expected to meet such a defeat at Chibi... Furthermore, the warlords in the west are likely to seize this opportunity. I will need to keep my eyes open.
  • Liu Bei in the west, and Sun Quan in the east... So this is what they were planning... The battle to come is sure to prove difficult.
  • We shall use Jing Province to drive a wedge between Wu and Shu. Although I desire Guan Yu's strength, he stands in my way. He must die if I am to end the chaos.
  • It is good to see you.
  • Hello.
  • It is an easy thing to know when a battle draws near. I can see it in the face of everyone I meet.
  • All people want is to live their lives in peace. They have little interest in much else if that basic need is not met.
  • It is about time we made our move. I must go over the battle plans with my generals.
  • Hm? It's starting to rain... I feel a poem coming upon me while gazing at these darkened clouds.

  • Perish!
  • Come to me!
  • Kneel before me!
  • Insolent fools!
  • I'll do it myself!
  • My ambition will not be thwarted!
  • That is why I am called the Hero of Chaos!
  • You and I share the same ambition!
  • Perhaps I am witnessing the rise of a new hero.
  • You are even more impressive than they say!
  • Do not lose this momentum!
  • This is excellent news! Follow their lead!
  • I explicitly called for reinforcements...!
  • So help is finally here...
  • What took you so long!?
  • Any who stand in my way shall be cut down!
  • I cannot afford to be profligate with my life.
  • Is my ambition... not enough to conquer the land?
  • I knew I could rely on my faithful retainer!
  • You embody everything good about my army.
  • Thank you, my friend.
  • This is a proud moment for this old man...
  • My son, you will soon surpass me.
  • Such filial piety...
  • You are the true hero of your age!
  • Your ambition rivals even my own.
  • Thank you, Demon King.
  • Inscrutable and incomparable!
  • You rage like a cornered tiger!
  • I owe you a favor, masked man.
  • Your inner determination must be remarkable.
  • You can't judge a book by its cover, can you?
  • Your strength is needed.
  • I'm afraid I cannot let you live.
  • If only he would fight for me...
  • Perhaps this is fate...
  • Only one can rule!
  • I shall have the last laugh!
  • The heavens have chosen virtue over ambition...
  • So you are treading on your father's glory... How noble!
  • Perhaps I underestimated you...
  • The Tiger's son has dangerous fangs...
  • Even a famous family will falter when its head is a fool.
  • I will allow you to win - this time...
  • Your ancestors would be proud...
  • There is not room for both of us in this land.
  • The next time we meet shall be your demise.
  • The path to glory is yours.
  • You obstruct my ambition, and therefore you must go.
  • Such stubbornness...
  • Your courage has won the day...
  • You certainly don't look anything special.
  • You are unexpectedly proficient...
  • I shall not forget your name, warrior...

  • Any who stand in my path will be cut down!
  • I am here!
  • Don't resist!
  • I conquer all!
  • Any who turn their backs to the enemy will suffer my wrath!
  • You've shown me something splendid, woman.
  • Hmph, you're quite the enchantress.
  • Nu Wa, help me.
  • Your tiger's spirit outshines us all.
  • The ferocity of a wild tiger is a fearful thing.
  • The hungry tiger is greedy even for the prey of others, it seems.
  • Your evil presence is an unwelcome hindrance.
  • You are neither man nor demon. Just a pathetic apparition.
  • Just what is it you see on this bloody path of yours?

  • My ambition shall alleviate this land of the chaos.
  • Watch as the masses crumble before me!
  • My ambition shall be realized!
  • Hmph. Not bad.
  • Satisfactory results.
  • Here, this is a gift for you. I prepared it especially for you.
  • I am proud of what you have accomplished!
  • Is that all you are capable of?
  • I took matters into my own hands and defeated numerous officers. It is only natural that we achieved victory.
  • I haven't been in too many battles lately... We must be conserving our strength, or perhaps...
  • I have been in numerous battles recently... It seems my strength is sorely needed by our forces.
  • Ahh, this is a wine of the finest vintage.
  • My ambition cannot be stopped!
  • Now you see why I am known as the Hero of Chaos!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Xiahou Dun, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Dian Wei, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • My son is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Nobunaga, you are a hero without rival!
  • Ugh... Is there nobody out there that can assist me?!
  • The only way to deal with an obstruction is to cut through it... even when that obstruction is me.
  • Well done!
  • Fine work!
  • Thank you for your help.
  • You came at just the right time.
  • I cut down anyone who stands before me!
  • We must fall back.
  • Excellent work, Xiahou Dun!
  • Well met, Xiahou Dun!
  • Impressive as always, Dian Wei.
  • Dian Wei, I'm glad you're here!
  • Great job!
  • Your timing couldn't be better, my son!
  • Nobunaga, you have demonstrated your might yet again!
  • Ahh, I see the Demon King has come to help me...
  • That was a fine showing. Your bravery goes without saying.
  • Well done! Your efforts will not be forgotten.
  • You've come to save me... Your assistance is appreciated.
  • You've come just in time. Show me what you've got!
  • No matter who they are, those who stand before me will be cut down!
  • And now I make my escape. Consider this victory a small gift from me.
  • Fine work! Seeing a warrior like you only makes my ambition grow stronger!
  • Xiahou Dun! Together we shall turn the tide of this battle!
  • Well fought. With you by my side, there is nothing that I fear.
  • Thanks, Dian Wei. Strike fear into the hearts of our enemies!
  • Impressive, my son. I must not let you outdo me.
  • My thanks, son! Now, let us turn the tide of this battle.
  • Most impressive, Nobunaga! The Demon King clearly stands a cut above the rest.
  • Ahh, the Demon King has come to help the Conqueror. I shall accept your aid.
  • Excellent! Your prowess in battle is extraordinary.
  • Good work! I'm relieved to have you on our side!
  • I thank you for your support.
  • I have been waiting for you. It is time to turn this battle around!
  • So it's you... You will find no mercy from me!
  • To be able to defeat me... Your skills are impressive.
  • My ambition soars when I see you fight like that!
  • Xiahou Dun! You are here to help me in my time of need!
  • Well done, Dian Wei. A deed worthy of the legends of old!
  • Dian Wei! You have come to aid me in my troubles?
  • Son, you make me proud. Together, we'll lead this land to a new age.
  • I did not realize my boy was so strong. Son, I leave it to you!
  • I must say the Demon King is a fitting name. Oh how I love to watch you fight!
  • Nobunaga, I knew you would come. Let's show them the extent of our combined might!
  • I shall fight you. I imagine I shall prove to be more than a worthy adversary.
  • I see the enemy also possesses warriors of ability.
  • My path of conquest shall not end here!
  • I never expected that this day would come.
  • So this is the strength that has safeguarded my path of conquest. Most impressive, Xiahou Dun.
  • My blade has been sharpened by walking the path of conquest. See if you can withstand its bite, Xiahou Dun!
  • Show me exactly what kind of warrior you are.
  • I knew I chose well with you. You are indeed worthy of the praise you receive.
  • Dian Wei, prepare to face my full strength. Consider this your reward for such steadfast loyalty!
  • There is no need to hold back just because I am your father.
  • Hmm... Your efforts with a blade show just how much you've grown, my son.
  • My son! Now is the time for you to know of the severity of the path I have traversed!
  • Demon King, do me the honor of being my opponent.
  • Whom will the heavens choose? Me, or you...?
  • I have no desire to settle this here... but shall we let our blades discuss the matter for a while longer?
  • You understand what it means to face me?
  • Very well. You shall soon see it up close and personal, Xiahou Dun!
  • Dian Wei, you need not hold back against me.
  • Xu Zhu, I wish to see the extent of your strength for myself.
  • My son, you shall soon learn that the walls of conquest are high and harsh!
  • You have no greatness, not now, not ever.
  • You are indeed cursed by the fates. Fear not, I will end it all for you.
  • I would rather share a drink with you than exchange blows.
  • Nobunaga, I fear that we shall never see eye to eye.
  • You will never defeat me if hesitation lingers behind your blade.
  • Nuwa, so you have finally come to eliminate me?
  • I shall be the one to put an end to you personally!
  • I was not expecting such strength from you...
  • I let down my guard... but I'm not finished yet!

  • I will create the world beyond this chaos.
  • I need your intellect. Come with me.
  • We shall forge a new path. together.
  • A journey with no destination can sometimes be nice. Just wandering wherever I please! I plan to compose my experiences into a series of poems.
  • I gave a lecture on the way of the world during our training, but I do wonder how well the others understood it. No matter. The times will eventually turn in my favor.

  • Attack them!
  • You fool! You're going to fight me?!
  • No one shall return alive.
  • Charge! Take them down and destroy them!
  • Hmph! They weren't worth the trouble.
  • Ugh... Something's wrong.
  • Taste the strength of my army! Victory!
  • You who defy the Mandate of Heaven, learn your lesson well.
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