
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Achilles.


  • I need no protection from the gods!
  • Behold! Those who challenge me are fated to die!
  • Even the gods themselves cannot save our enemies!
  • Hmph! This victory will never go down in legend.
  • With my sword bathed in blood, I took the glory that was rightfully mine.
  • Take this. I have a feeling you will get some use out of it.
  • I see you have seized the glory as your own.
  • Hmph! You're worthless.
  • I sacrificed many enemy soldiers to Hades in the last battle. Next time, I will ensure that the queue for the Underworld is even longer!
  • Staining his sword in blood is the pride of a Myrmidon! How can you not let me go to battle?!
  • Lately, I've participated in many battles. I assume Ares is satisfied with all of the blood I have offered him.
  • This is quite the party... Hey, you over there! Come by my tent later!
  • I am invincible!
  • I, Achilles, am the ultimate warrior! I shall bring down the gods themselves!
  • You are the ultimate warrior in this world!
  • The piles of dead in your wake are testament to your might. You are like a lion, proud and powerful!
  • Da Ji. One thousand foes are nothing more than hapless prey before you.
  • Your weapon drips with the blood of one thousand... A new legend is born, from a mediocre poet.
  • Lu Bu, you are truly the greatest warrior!
  • You think you can defeat me...?! Never! You'll see what I can do!
  • Apparently I cannot be killed. Now I think I must find out the truth.
  • At least you take part in this farcical hunt.
  • You are quite the brave fighter.
  • I do not get along with anyone. Remember that.
  • If your intent is to aid me then get started!
  • You would do well to curse the fate that placed you before me.
  • Even if it was luck, you may take pride in having defeated me.
  • Very impressive.
  • Show me what you can do, then.
  • I know of other goddesses like you - cruel and jealous.
  • You are on the edge of the pantheon, if that. I need not your protection.
  • Though a poor imitator of Homer, he does have some skill...
  • What have you carried that stupid face here for?
  • Hah! More akin to savage beast than man!
  • So you have come, beast-warrior...
  • At least you take part in this farcical hunt. I've seen lesser leaders just cower behind their men.
  • You have some measure of bravery. That might prove useful.
  • I prefer to fight alone. You may call it arrogance, I call it the pride of a mighty warrior.
  • If your intent is to aid me then get started! Stain your sword with blood if you desire glory!
  • Curse the fate that placed you before me, because it is there that you shall die.
  • Take pride in having defeated me, by luck though it was. I am not finished yet, however...
  • Very impressive. I see why you think so highly of yourself.
  • Show me what you can do. Let us resist the fate laid out by the gods.
  • I know of other goddesses like you, cruel and jealous... yet beautiful.
  • I need not your protection, lesser deity. But if you wish to hunt a little, I will not stop you.
  • Though a poor imitator of Homer, he does have some skill... With his intellect and bravery, maybe he is closer to Odysseus?
  • What a face you have! I suppose I should praise you for having read the battle so well.
  • Hah! Like a wild beast. I never thought I would find a warrior here who could match myself.
  • So you have come, beast-warrior. Let us pile here a mountain of corpses.
  • Impressive. You have the bearing of a born leader.
  • Very good... This much blood would please even Ares, the god of war.
  • Let us drench this battlefield in blood. We shall share the glory between us!
  • Let us escape this deadland, for the sake of the glory we must obtain.
  • Hero from another world, your name shall be carved into legend once my sword has carved into your chest.
  • My legend shall stand firm. It took one such as you to defeat me, after all.
  • Impressive, Nemea. I would wager you could defeat even Hercules.
  • You stand with me, Nemea the hero? Then overturning this fate shall prove simple indeed.
  • You are a fine woman. With the blood splattered on your face... perfection.
  • Da Ji, stand at my side. The smell of blood suits you.
  • He fights well. Even the great Odysseus could do no better.
  • You've come to see me fight, you mediocre poet? I expect your best work in recording my deeds.
  • Hah. With you on the battlefield, I must subsist on scraps.
  • Ah, Lu Bu. There are plenty of them left. Let us divide them between us.
  • You should be honored to die by my hand.
  • It seems you're not the same as these other weaklings.
  • Very well. No more games.
  • You must not have faith in your skills to wear so much armor.
  • Apparently, there is more to you than just good looks.
  • I like your face! Too bad it's not going to survive this battle unscarred!
  • Everybody else, stay out of this. I'll handle her myself.
  • How dare you humiliate me?!
  • Now you've done it! There won't be anything left when I'm through with you!
  • The dead should stay dead!
  • Foolish poet! I'll crush you and your childish toy where you stand!
  • We'll see if you can still make pithy remarks after I've cut out your tongue!
  • Don't you know who I am, foul beast?
  • So you wish to have an honorable battle? I suppose you have something of a warrior's spirit in you after all.
  • Hahahahaha! Very well! I shall harvest your blood and serve it to Ares himself!
  • It won't be long before you're back in Hades.
  • Oh, I thought you were Ajax, but I see I was mistaken.
  • You talk big for such a little man.
  • I'll show you exactly what happens to fools who think they can beat me.