Zhao Yun/Weapons

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Here is a collection of Zhao Yun's weapons in the Warriors series.


Dynasty Warriors

Dynasty Warriors 3

Weapon Level: 1
Hits: 4 Base Attack: 14
Long Spear
Weapon Level: 2
Hits: 5 Base Attack: 29
Dragon Spear
Weapon Level: 3
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 43
Fierce Dragon
Weapon Level: 4
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 43
Fire (C5~C6) HP Max: 74
Attack: 25 Defense: 52
Musou Max: 80

Fourth Weapon Acquisition

  • Hard or Very Hard Difficulty
  • Stage: Battle of Chang Ban (Liu Bei's Forces)
  • Supply Team: Starts at the entry point by Zhang He. (Moves to northeast)
  • Requirements: The following must be done in any order before Liu Qi's ships arrive in the southwest:
    • Defeat Xiahou Dun, Zhang Liao and Zhang He.
    • Trigger the cutscene where the player on horseback will rush into the crowd of enemy troops to prevent them from harming Liu Bei any further.

Strategy and notes

Triggering Cao Cao's appearance may cause a shift in morale and/or Liu Bei's position to have extra enemies. After that happens around the 80 minute mark be sure to head over to where Liu Bei currently is to fight off surrounding units to trigger the horseback cutscene.

The said cutscene CAN ONLY BE TRIGGERED WHILE ON HORSEBACK and CANNOT be triggered if Liu Bei has already reached his destination by Liu Qi's ships.

It is suggested that you save defeating Zhang He for last so that you are close to the supply team's spawning point.

Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends

War Dragon
Weapon Level: 5
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 43
Lightning (C4, C6) Musou Max: 78
HP Max: 75 Reach: 25
Musou Charge: 20

Fifth Weapon Acquisition

  • Very Hard Difficulty
  • Stage: Nanman Campaign (Shu Forces)
  • Precious Item Location: South of the Shu HQ, near the left/west bridge.
  • Requirements: Defeat all enemy generals, with sub-officers not required.
Strategy and notes

Defeating Meng Huo throughout his recurring encounters is likely among the requirements, and because of the increased difficulty of the stage on Very Hard Mode, either a second player is recommended to be either Zhuge Liang or Liu Bei to have them camp somewhere safe, or being aware to often clear the area around the HQ for breathing room.

Since you have to defeat all the enemy generals, it's wise to take this stage slowly to ensure you take out officers (while ignoring the sub-generals) to essentially ease up the stage gradually for your allies so long as they don't steal your kills.

Dynasty Warriors 4

Bronze Spear
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 4
Level 1 Base Attack: 15
Level 2 Base Attack: 18 (1,000 EXP)
Level 3 Base Attack: 21 (3,000 EXP)
Great Spear
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 5
Level 4 Base Attack: 25 (6,000 EXP)
Level 5 Base Attack: 28 (10,000 EXP)
Level 6 Base Attack: 31 (15,000 EXP)
Dragon Spear
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 6
Level 7 Base Attack: 40 (21,000 EXP)
Level 8 Base Attack: 43 (28,000 EXP)
Level 9 Base Attack: 46 (36,000 EXP)
Fierce Dragon
Weapon Length:
Number of Hits: 6
Level 10 Base Attack: 55

Level 10 Weapon Acquisition (base game)

  • Hard or Expert Difficulty
  • Stage: Battle of Bo Wan Po (Liu Bei's Forces)
  • Requirements: Follow Zhuge Liang's plans to make sure they all succeed (including defeating the generals caught by said said plans), and have Zhuge Liang enter the castle to trigger the cutscene between him and Cao Cao.

It is important that Zhao Yun defeats all the victim-generals for each of Zhuge Liang's traps. Also, if you wish to make sure he gets the weapon, defeat the generals inside of the castle as well.

You don't need to actively stay close to the generals to lure them to the spots, and all you need to do in that regard is to merely attract their attention via their dialogues when they first discover you, and then run all the way back towards/past the designated ambush points. The respective enemy generals will take some time to get there but you can just wait.

All Zhuge Liang needs to do is to merely enter the castle instead of needing to directly approach Cao Cao, so while it can be hard to push him into the castle with a horse of your own depending on chance, you don't have to go too far.

Or, you can have a second player controller play as Zhuge Liang on standby so then you can manually have him encounter Cao Cao on their own via walking into the castle gate.

Note that if you attempt this weapon on Expert Mode in the expansion, be very wary of Xiahou Dun, Han Hao and Yu Jin already being in Hyper Mode by default on this stage.

Level 10 Weapon Acquisition (Xtreme Legends)

  • Hard or Expert Difficulty
  • Stage: The Chang Ban Run
  • Restrictions: No bodyguards
  • Requirements: Defeat Xu Huang, Cao Ren, Cheng Yu, Xu Zhu and Xiahou Yuan all in under 5 minutes.
Strategy and notes

Recommended to find Liu Chan/Shan as soon as possible, via saving the game right away first off and then spending time to look for him, ignoring Xu Huang and/or Cao Ren if you wish, but Liu Chan must be found + Xu Huang and Cao Ren must be defeated in order to open the castle gate (thus you can aim for the rest of the other required generals' heads).

It's noted that the box messages only spawn if you happen to be near a box location, so you'll have to do some sweeping around the whole fortress in tandem with regularly checking the messages for the exact spots.

Once you find Liu Shan/A-Dou, remember the location as you soft reset to exit the game to reload from your intermission save to get to him ASAP, giving you plenty of time to then kill Xu Huang and Cao Ren, open the gates and aim for Cheng Yu, Xu Zhu and Xiahou Yuan (Xiahou Dun and Xun Yu can be ignored).


Dynasty Warriors 4: Xtreme Legends

Raging Dragon
Base Attack: 60
Number of Hits: 6
Dragon Amulet: 18 Cavalry Armor: 14
Elixir: 20 Herbal Remedy: 13

Level 11 Weapon Acquisition

  • Expert Difficulty
  • Stage: The Chang Ban Run
  • Restrictions: No bodyguards
  • Requirements: The entire stage must be completed within 13 minutes with these conditions fulfilled:
    • First find Liu Chan within 2 minutes.
    • Around 200 KOs or 300 KOs must be achieved.
    • Defeat all enemy generals; this likely will include sub-officers as well.
      • Once Liu Bei successfully retreats, you will receive the Level 11 weapon message if the stage is completed like so.
Strategy and notes

Note that the only time requirement that is tight regarding the weapon requirements is finding A-Dou in 2 minutes. If you can achieve that, then it's fine to take time with everything else.

  • It's best to use the save/load trick so that you find Liu Chan/Shan in the first box you open in order to save time; save the game at the start of the battle first, spend time finding Liu Shan to then remember his designated spawn. Reload your save to immediately save time by saving him without an time wasted.
    • When escaping the castle after defeating Xu Huang and Cao Ren to open the gates, you can take your time to fulfill the KO requirement if needed, and taking your time killing enemies before heading to Liu Bei will still improve overall army morale + Zhuge Liang's arrival will do so as well.
    • Even then, it's also a bit wise to head towards Liu Bei as soon as you can to defend him and have everyone else come to you to take them out one by one, especially with Zhuge Liang around to help as well. Be aware of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang possibly stealing your officer kills however.
      • If you don't want to risk Liu Bei or Zhuge Liang stealing your kills, or Liu Bei escaping too soon, you can just instead take your time to defeat the remaining enemy officers you run into without needing to rush to Liu Bei.
  • Zhao Yun's C1/first charge attack hits hard and becomes unblockable when backed by max attack stats, max Tiger Amulet, max Herbal Remedy and max Fire/Lightning/Blast/Poison Orb (especially compared to his other charge attacks). Since none of the generals are in Hyper Mode, it's easy to spam this move for relative safety as a reversal option ESPECIALLY when picking up a x2 Attack War God Axe. Be wary of the dispersing/smash knockback that may cause your kills to be stolen, so isolate nearly-finished generals if you must (or chunk/finish them off with C5/fifth charge).

Marking scheme: You lose 20 points if you did not rescue Liu Chan within 2 minutes, -10 points if you did not get 300 KOs, -20 if you did not complete the stage within 13 minutes, -10 for each of Yue Jin, Yu Jin, Xu Zhu, Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Dun who you did not kill.

Dynasty Warriors 5

Bronze Spear
Weapon Length: 230 cm (7'7")
Hits: 4 Base Attack: 4
Great Spear
Weapon Length: 256 cm (8'5")
Hits: 5 Base Attack: 8
Dragon Spear
Weapon Length: 295 cm (9'8")
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 12
Fierce Dragon
Weapon Length: 320 cm (10'6")
Hits: 6 Base Attack: 36
Weight: Medium Charge Attack: 16
Attack: 17 Defense: 17
Life: 17 Musou: 17

Fourth Weapon Acquisition

  • Hard or Chaos Difficulty
  • Stage: Battle of Cheng Du
  • Requirement: Defeat Liu Xun's three sub-generals then defeat Liu Xun himself, and capture Luo Castle.

Dynasty Warriors 6

Dragon Spike
Weapon Type: Standard
Dragon Fang
Weapon Type: Strength
Dragon Talon
Weapon Type: Skill

Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce

Zhao Yun uses spears as his main weapon in the game.

Dynasty Warriors 7

Zhao Yun uses the spear as his default weapon in the game. But starting in Xtreme Legends, his new weapon of choice is the dragon spear.

Dynasty Warriors Next

Iron Spear
Base Attack: 30+
Number of Hits: 4~5
Great Spear
Base Attack: 40+
Number of Hits: 5~6
Dragon Spike
Base Attack: 50+
Number of Hits: 6

Dynasty Warriors 8

Zhao Yun still uses the dragon spear as his default weapon in this title.

Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers

Dragon Fang
Base Attack: 37~74
Rank: 1 ★
Dragon's Tail
Base Attack: 58~115
Rank: 2 ★
Nostalgic Dragon's Tail
Base Attack: 72~115
Rank: 2 ★
Attributes: Thunder
Dragon Spike
Base Attack: 95~178
Rank: 3 ★
Rising Dragon
Base Attack: 149~277
Rank: 4 ★
Heavenly Dragon
Base Attack: 231~429
Rank: 5 ★
Dark Dragon Spear
Base Attack: 350~537
Rank: 6 ★

Warriors Orochi 1 & 2

Bronze Spear
Weapon Level: 1
Base Attack: 10
Great Spear
Weapon Level: 2
Base Attack: 20
Dragon Spear
Weapon Level: 3
Base Attack: 40
Fierce Dragon
Weapon Level: 4
Base Attack: 80

Warriors Orochi 3

Long Spear
Base Attack: 7
Compatibility Bonus: 7
Stalwart Spear
Base Attack: 11
Compatibility Bonus: 11
Dragon Spike
Base Attack: 19
Compatibility Bonus: 14
Rising Dragon
Base Attack: 33
Compatibility Bonus: 18

Big Star Weapons

Zhao Yun uses the following big star weapons in the game.

  • Ether Piercer
  • Savage Trident
  • Mystery
  • Dragon Slayer
  • Draconian Might
  • Virtuous Agony
  • Dragon's Maw
  • Merciless Might
  • Bug Catcher (DLC)
  • Clean Sweeper (DLC)
  • Moptop (DLC)

Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate

Rising Dragon X
Base Attack: 67
Compatibility Bonus: 18
Mystic Dragon
Base Attack: 61
Compatibility Bonus: 18

Acquiring Mystic Weapon

  • Chapter 3: Battle of Shizugatake - Defeat Sima Yi and 500 enemies in under 11 minutes.
  • Chapter 3: Battle of Fan Castle (Redux) - Defeat Cao Pi and Zhenji in under 11 minutes.
  • Chapter 3: Ambush at Yangping Gate - Defeat Yukimura Sanada and 800 enemies in under 10 minutes.
  • Chapter 7: War in the Mystic Realm - Defeat Nuwa and 800 enemies in under 11 minutes.

Warriors Orochi 4

Dragon Spike
Attack: 12~33 Bonus: 6
Rank: 1 ★ Max: 5
Rising Dragon
Attack: 16~42 Bonus: 10
Rank: 2 ★ Max: 10
Heavenly Dragon
Attack: 25~56 Bonus: 13
Rank: 3~5 ★ Max: 15
Light Dragon
Attack: 47 Bonus: 19
Rank: 5 ★ Agility: 10
Wind: 8 Aggression Rigor
Dark Dragon Spear
Attack: 47 Bonus: 19
Windslay: 10 Wrath
Agility: 10 Reach: 10 Destruction: 10
Echo Steadfast Rigor

Rare Weapon Acquisition

  • Stage: The Liberation of Zhao Yun