Talk:Weapon Fusion

Discussion page of Weapon Fusion
Revision as of 07:46, 15 February 2016 by SneaselSawashiro (talk | contribs) (→‎Warriors Orochi 3: Element Translations: new section)
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Warriors Orochi 3: Element Translations

  • Note: Going to add in the multipliers from the Japanese wiki at some point
  • 炎/Flame
    • Honō/En (Flame; no difference)
  • 氷/Ice
    • Kōri/Hyō (Ice; no difference)
  • 雷/Bolt
    • Ikazuchi/Rai (Thunder)
  • 風/Wind
    • Kaze/Fū (Wind; no difference)
  • 斬/Slay
    • Kiri/Zan (Slash/Slay/Behead; no difference)
  • 吸生/Absorption
    • Kyūsei (Sucking Nature)
  • 吸活/Osmosis
    • Kyūkatsu (Sucking Life)
  • 神速/Agility
    • Shinsoku (Godspeed)
  • 伸長/Reach
    • Shinchō (Extension/Elongation)
  • 連鎖/Chronos
    • Rensa (Connecting/Catena)
  • 地撃/Brawn
    • Chigeki (Earthly Attack/Strike)
  • 天撃/Might
    • Tengeki (Heavenly Attack/Strike)
  • 乱撃/Destruction
    • Rangeki (Random Shooting//Wild Attack/Strike)
  • 騎撃/Cavalier
    • Kigeki (Riding Attack/Strike)
  • 極撃/Frenzy
    • Gokugeki/Kyokugeki (Extreme Attack/Strike//Polar Attack/Strike)
  • 破天/Flak
    • Haten (Crushing/Blasting/Breaking Heaven)
  • 波撃/Blast
    • Hageki (Wave Attack/Strike)
  • 勇猛/Courage
    • Yūmō (Daring/Bravery/Valor)
  • 速攻/Celerity
    • Sokkō (Swift Attack/Speed Offense)
  • 蒐集/Prosperity
    • Shūshū (Collection/Accumulation)
  • 奪取/Providence
    • Dasshu (Usurpation/Dispossession); NOT TO BE MIXED UP WITH "DASH" IN KATAKANA
  • 報奨/Guerdon
    • Hōshō (Bonus/Compensation)
  • 武勲/Wisdom
    • Bukun (Deed of Arms/Martial Deed)
  • 練磨/Diligence
    • Renma (Cultivation)
  • 習熟/Industry
    • Shūjuku (Mastery/Proficiency)
  • 調和/Harmony
    • Chōwa (Harmony; no difference)
  • 炎雷/Flamebolt
    • Enrai (Flamethunder)
  • 氷雷/Icebolt
    • Hyōrai (Icethunder)
  • 炎風/Flamewind
    • Enfū (Flamewind; no difference)
  • 氷風/Icewind
    • Hyōfū (Icewind; no difference)
  • 雷風/Boltwind
    • Raifū (Thunderwind)
  • 炎斬/Flameslay
    • Enzan (Flameslash/Flameslay; no difference?)
  • 氷斬/Iceslay
    • Hyōzan (Iceslash/Iceslay; no difference?)
  • 雷斬/Boltslay
    • Raizan (Thunderslash/Thunderslay)
  • 風斬/Windslay
    • Fūzan (Windslash/Windslay; no difference?)
  • 三極/Tri-Element
    • Sankyoku/Sangoku (Three Extremes/Tri-polar)
  • 空撃/Aerial
    • Kūgeki (Air Attack/Strike)
  • 恵石/Divination
    • Keiseki (Favoring Stone)
  • 恵桃/Harvest
    • Keitō/Keimomo (Favoring Peach)
  • 恵酒/Merriment
    • Keishu/Keisake (Favoring Sa'ke)
  • 天舞/Brilliance
    • Tenbu (Heaven Dance; same name and effect as the original Tenbu)
  • 誘爆/Echo
    • Yūbaku (Induced Explosion)
  • 旋風/Typhoon
    • Senpū (Whirlwind)
  • 収斂/Confluence
    • Shūren (Astringency)
  • 分身/Multi
    • Bunshin (Clone)
  • 天活/Verity
    • Tenkatsu (Heavenly Life)
  • 進撃/Aggression
    • Shingeki (Advance)
  • 堅甲/Bastion
    • Kenkō (Strict Armor)
  • 快癒/Alacrity
    • Kaiyu (Recovery/Convalescence)
  • 気炎/Bombast
    • Kien (High Spirits/Big Talking/Ki Flame)
  • 重崩/Potency
    • Jūhō (Heavy Crumbling)
  • 重砕/Precision
    • Jūsai (Heavy Smashing)
  • 猛崩/Dominance
    • Mōhō (Fierce Crumbling)
  • 猛砕/Rigor
    • Mōsai (Fierce Smashing)
  • 調達/Procurement
    • Chōtatsu (Supply/Provision)
  • 烈風/Storm
    • Reppū (Gale)
  • 天攻/Wrath
    • Tenkō (Heavenly Offense)
  • 天佑/Grace
    • Ten'yū (Divine Aid/Grace//Providential Help)

--SneaselSawashiro (talk) 07:46, February 15, 2016 (UTC)