Zhou Yu/Quotes

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A list of quotes commonly spoken by Zhou Yu.


  • Shi wo kakuru suru to iu no ka. - Are you saying you're prepared for death?
  • Onore no muryoku sa wakate arou. - Realize your futile effort.

  • Learn the truth of your folly!
  • You think to challenge me? Ha.
  • You won't live to regret it!
  • I never expected someone like you!
  • We will decide this later!
  • I cannot fail now!
  • Why! Why did Heaven send him... 
  • You mean this?
  • I'm counting on you, Lu Xun.
  • Preparations are now completed, We are ready for march!
  • We must put an end to Cao Cao once an for all!

  • I cannot forgive those who harm innocent people.
  • Impressive!
  • You're a better general than I have heard!
  • Don't be outdone! Fight!
  • We will not let them through!
  • The enemy general has fallen to my blade!
  • You dare challenge me.
  • Unnecessary bloodshed... yet again.
  • Behold the dance of my sword!
  • Why do you discard your life so foolishly?
  • You are very skilled!
  • Retreat is the best plan here.
  • For my master, I must not die today!
  • I can't die here! Not me!

  • Begone!
  • Prepare yourself!
  • My blade shall dance you to your grave!
  • I never lose a second time.
  • Is death the only way you will learn?
  • It is time for a decisive duel.
  • Actions speak louder than words...
  • Retreat is the best course of action here...
  • I cannot die yet. Not while my lord still needs me...
  • It all ends... here?
  • I will go.
  • The enemy is strong! Exercise caution.
  • Mm... They are strong...
  • You will not break through our forces!
  • Crush them with one blow!
  • This does not bode well...
  • We cannot hold.
  • This may be the end...
  • Where are the reinforcements?!
  • Be careful! You are in danger!
  • Enemy officer defeated!
  • Impressive!
  • I bow to your skills!
  • You are a hero without equal!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • We must not fall behind!
  • Let us go as well!
  • You will not get away with this!
  • You are overextended! Control yourself!
  • Sun Ce! How many times must I tell you! Fall back!
  • I knew you could do it, Sun Ce!
  • I have been waiting!
  • Reinforcements! Thank Heaven!
  • We have long been awaiting you!
  • I am in your debt!
  • We must endure this!
  • We must prevail.
  • Our chance will come soon enough.
  • We must continue fighting!
  • I place my faith in you.
  • Begin the attack!
  • Let us finish this.
  • We must attack now!
  • We must finish this now.
  • Sun Ce, I've been waiting!
  • Sun Ce! you are here!
  • All is well now that you are here, Sun Ce.
  • Sun Ce, we must do something!
  • I'm counting on you, Sun Ce!
  • Sun Ce, we're breaking through!
  • Sun Ce, we finish this now!
  • Seize the day, Sun Ce!
  • I shall be your opponent!
  • Prepare yourself!
  • I challenge you!
  • You have gone too far!
  • I shall stop you!
  • You shall be thwarted!
  • Charging alone? How foolish!
  • One soldier cannot make a difference!
  • You think to do battle with me?
  • You seem quite skilled.
  • You will regret this.
  • I must be careful...
  • If you value your life, leave now!
  • In battle, strength alone will not save you!
  • Zhuge Liang, you are a dangerous man...
  • You will no doubt become a threat to Wu one day...
  • Xtreme Mode

    • You wish to go with me? Very well!
    • Come on! Pull yourself together!
    • Victory is almost at hand! We must be vigilant!
    • Let us welcome in the new age together!
    • We were so close... Why...?
    • I... was unable to protect the ones I love...
    • You are good natured to a fault, but that is your appeal.
    • Such acts of villainy are beneath me!
    • How unfortunate for you that I stand in your way!
    • Humph! You shall soon join your friend here!
    • Despicable! You shall die by my blade!
    • Who are you? Answer me!
    • Mm? What do you think you are doing?
    • You would fight me? Very well, come forth!
    • You shall not live to fulfill your potential!
    • Foul villains! I shall oppose you!
    • I shall repay my debt to you!
    • You! Could you assist me?
    • I thank you.
    • My skills and strategies are at your disposal!
    • I give this to you.
    • You there!

    Empires Mode

    • The advantage is ours!
    • Victory can still be ours! Stay focused!
    • This battle may prove difficult...
    • We have taken over the enemy stronghold!
    • Please send reinforcements!
    • Someone please cover our rear flank!
    • We will pull back for now.
    • Retreat is a plan...
    • I will be there shortly!
    • The stronghold is unprotected. Rush to its defense!
    • We will force them to retreat! Charge!
    • Let us prevail by joining our efforts.
    • Defend this stronghold while I attack.
    • We must attack now!
    • I will show you what I am made of!
    • We shall take the opportunity to regroup here.
    • We shall stay and defend here.
    • To risk death here would be foolish. Retreat!
    • You will not escape!
    • You will pay for that with your life!
    • Your taunts are meaningless.
    • Allow me to bring victory to you.
    • Bolster our defenses!
    • I am here. Now is the time to advance!
    • We cannot afford to make any mistakes.
    • A shame that retreat is the best course of action...
    • I shall repay you for what you have done!
    • It was a good battle, thanks to your help.
    • The time is perfect! Attack now!
    • The Emperor wants the Yellow Turbans stopped? Very well! I, Zhou Yu, will wield my sword for the Han!
    • All these leaders have gathered here. Do they really intend to put an end to Dong Zhuo?
    • Who knows what ambitions they harbor.
    • The chaos has begun... Let us go and conquer!
    • A vast land awaits us... Let us begin by making the Central Plains ours!
    • They shall soon see that numbers mean nothing!
    • Let us begin! Victory shall be ours!
    • Let us make an oath. We will end the chaos and bring forth a new era!
    • I cannot believe the greatness of our empire.
    • They shall regret coming here! Crush them!
    • I will soon reward you all for your hard work. I ask for all of your support!
    • Observe.
    • I can either be a friend or a foe. The choice is yours.
    • Your enemies are now our enemies.
    • There are those who fail to see their imminent doom. You are one of them.
    • I feel I can put my skills to good use if I work with you. May our efforts prevail over the chaos.
    • I have an offer for you. What do you say?
    • So you agree to make a deal! A wise decision.
    • You have let pride get in your way. As a result, you fail to make sensible decisions.
    • My land has been invaded! I ask that you quickly send reinforcements!
    • Let us bring order and prosperity to this world! We are taking to the field! Will you join us?
    • This is a token of my gratitude. Please accept it.
    • I value your friendship. Please accept this as a token of my gratitude.
    • We have defeated the Yellow Turbans! This battle has bestowed great fame upon us!
    • We can stand tall after defeating Dong Zhuo. However I feel that his defeat will only make the chaos worse.
    • Let us celebrate our first victory! Ahh, victory... How sweet this word sounds.
    • Me... defeated? I was much too careless. I will have to be more careful when facing the enemy again.
    • We have fought this far but to no avail... Perhaps I am unfit to rule.
    • I am left no other choice. I must do as I believe.
    • The most important of things is often the most simple. As the saying goes, "You reap what you sow."
    • How fortunate I am to witness the birth of a new age!
    • Do you doubt my skills in battle? I must have you observe my swordplay.
    • I present my proposals to you with confidence. Please tell me if they displease you in any way.

  • I, Zhou Yu, will show you my prowess!
  • The enemy is strong! Exercise caution.
  • Mm... They are strong...
  • Crush them with one blow!
  • This does not bode well...
  • This may be the end...
  • I, Zhou Yu, have slain (Officer)!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • You are a hero without equal!
  • Impressive!
  • I bow to your skills!
  • We have taken over the enemy area!
  • I knew you could do it, Sun Ce!
  • We must prevail.
  • Our chance will come soon enough.
  • Begin the attack!
  • I shall stop you!
  • In battle, strength alone will not save you!
  • You will no doubt become a threat to Wu one day...

  • Begone!
  • Had enough?
  • You're mine!
  • Get real!
  • Zhou Yu shall prevail over the enemy!
  • A formidable opponent... We must stay alert.
  • Let us show them the strength of our forces!
  • Stand and fight! Drive them back!
  • It appears our best is not enough...
  • Enemy officer defeated!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • This could change the tide of battle...
  • Alright, let's finish this!
  • Another base has been conquered by Zhou Yu!
  • Victory is close at hand! Attack!
  • We must hold this position!
  • Overcome your fear and believe in victory!
  • I am famous for my ability to strike swiftly!
  • The base's defenses are thin... Now is our chance!
  • This wind, that land... Perfect for a fire attack!
  • I must come up with another plan...
  • You are walking on dangerous ground! Be careful!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Such impressive strength!
  • What exceptional skill!
  • So this is to be my fate...
  • I was unable to realize my destiny... Forgive me...
  • Sun Ce, you are too far out! You can't do it alone!
  • Sun Ce! You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I never grow tired of watching you fight!
  • Sun Ce, forgive me. I could not assist you...
  • Don't overexert yourself, Xiao Qiao!
  • Xiao Qiao, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Xiao Qiao! You always continue to surprise me!
  • Xiao Qiao... I'm afraid I must leave you now...
  • Reinforcements?! Excellent timing!
  • It is like we have a million men on our side!
  • This shall be the difference between victory and defeat!
  • Let us cut our way through their forces!
  • Now, attack them!
  • We shall push them back!
  • Sun Ce! Thank you for the reinforcements!
  • Sun Ce, together, we can overcome this hardship!
  • Let's finish this, Sun Ce!
  • Thanks for coming, Xiao Qiao!
  • Xiao Qiao, let us fight together as one!
  • Xiao Qiao, let's drive them back!
  • Come and face me!
  • You are quite brave to come out here by yourself.
  • Let us compare our skills in battle!
  • You'll not have it so easy with me around!
  • You're alone... Just who do you think we are?!
  • You shall speak of my blade in the afterlife!
  • Zhou Yu knows not of defeat!
  • Retreat is a strategy in itself. Until next time!
  • Fair lands and rivers of Jiang Dong... Farewell!
  • Zhuge Liang, come and face me!
  • Zhuge Liang! I'm coming for your head!
  • We shall see who is the better strategist!
  • I should have been more careful with you!
  • You're alone... Is this one of your tricks?
  • Zhuge Liang, I've been waiting for this!
  • You shall not take my life so easily!
  • You saw through my plan... I shall return!
  • Heavens! Why do you choose Zhuge Liang over me...
  • Xtreme Mode

    • My strategies shall be under your employ.
    • I cannot believe it. How could I have been so blind...?
    • Our ultimate goal lies just before us. Just a little more!
    • This new age we are creating... is almost upon us.
    • It appears that you and I were not meant to be.
    • You may curse the fates that you ran across me.
    • How disgraceful. I shall punish you for that!
    • I had not expected to meet you again, especially not like this.
    • Allow me to repay your assistance from the other day.
    • If you have come to disturb the peace of our land, you shall find no mercy here!
    • Excuse me!
    • Hey, you! I need your help!
    • I offer my thanks.
    • Let me give you this.
    • I cannot see a new age... Not like this.
    • But maybe there is something to be found along this path as well.
    • I did not know that such talent existed.
    • I shall leave my fate in your hands.
    • You are too kind. Still it's what I like about you.
    • I cannot believe I am helping a criminal!
    • In all my travels, I've never felt better than when fighting at your side. I hope that you and I can continue this relationship for years to come.
    • In all my travels, I've never felt better than when fighting at your side. We have much to accomplish yet, but we can do it as long as we remain together.
    • This territory may seem small, but this is the start toward building your own kingdom.
    • To see the land reborn like this at last... It is a magnificent revelation.

    Destiny Mode

    • Prepare to attack. Everybody, follow my lead!
    • We must rescue our friends in danger! Let's go!
    • Life is precious. Stay by my side if you want to survive.
    • Pursue them! We must keep driving them back!
    • The enemy's here... Prepare to hold them off!
    • We must regroup! Everybody, prepare to fall back!
    • We could use a rest. Okay, pull back for now.
    • That should do it. Time to move on.
    • Alright! I knew we could do it!
    • Urgh... I must do something...
    • What?! This news is most troubling...
    • How careless of them! Prepare to attack!
    • Sending out spies is sound strategy... Letting them escape is not!
    • Where did they come from?!
    • We've spotted your ambush! Come out at once!
    • Wait. You must fulfill your duties before going it alone.
    • You... You would turn your back on our dream?!
    • That was close. I'm glad you are okay.
    • Here, take this. Don't be shy.
    • Thanks for the help. I am in your debt.
    • Those that stray from the path shall face my blade!
    • I am leaving that up to you. Go and take care of it.
    • Impressive! That should dampen the enemy's spirits.
    • To dominate our troops like that... Such freakish strength!
    • What are you waiting for?! Make your move!
    • To think that you would betray my trust...
    • We've managed to locate the enemy position!
    • This should give us a decisive advantage.
    • My name is Zhou Yu and I'll be leading your unit. It is going to take every bit of your strength, courage and wisdom to achieve victory for the Sun Family.
    • Nice to have you. Although you did provide considerable trouble for our troops, I consider myself fortunate to have you join our ranks.
    • We have been asked to overtake the enemy base. This is sure to give us the advantage. We must hurry and carry out this mission.
    • This time our orders are to take out the enemy officer. Armies are based on authority. If they lose their leader... You know the rest.
    • We must set out to rescue an allied unit that has been stranded! This should not be viewed as orders, but rather our duty to our friends of the Sun Family!
    • We have been tasked with protecting our base. Use the land to your advantage and bring us the sweet taste of victory!
    • We are heading to face the enemy commander! Our goal is clear. However, it will not be easy and will take all of the effort you can muster.
    • According to our scouts, the enemy is preparing numerous ambush parties throughout the battlefield. Take care not to be caught off guard.
    • We've received reports that the enemy is constructing a supply base. That base is the source of their resolve. If we cannot take it, then this battle will prove difficult.
    • The enemy has prepared its best troops for this battle. Therefore we must fight hard to overcome their advantage and show them the glory of the Sun Family!
    • Our scouts bring word that the enemy is on high alert. This is going to make it difficult to obtain the necessary information on them...
    • The kingdom of Wu knows not of cowardice! If everybody gives their all, our victory here is assured! Now, let's finish them!
    • Victory in battle is not decided by the heavens. It is our bravery and effort that lead us to success. Have faith in that and we shall not fail. Now let's go.
    • You seem to possess an unwavering desire to be the best. That passion could be the key to our victory in this battle. I am counting on you.
    • It has been a long road... It is because of you that we have come this far. And now I must ask for your assistance this one last time for the sake of the Sun Family!
    • You have proven yourself to me. From now on, I can trust you with even more responsibilities. I hope you can live up to my expectations.
    • Your might was most impressive! I'm fairly confident in my abilities, but after seeing your performance, I think I had better train harder.
    • Your intellect really shined through. Although Wu is known for its bravery, your efforts were a large part of our victory. I am quite impressed.
    • I shall never forget how you proclaimed victory and made it so! Words cannot express how moved and proud I am of you...
    • I don't want to say this... but you were simply average out there. If you are not going to realize your true potential, then I have little use for you...
    • What were you thinking?! Going out by yourself and disobeying orders! How will that further the Wu Kingdom?! You had best reflect on your miserable showing.
    • I have developed my skills and intellect beyond the abilities of most men. I would like to share some of what I've learned. Are you interested?
    • I applaud your efforts and would like to reward you with this blade. Perhaps someday we can fight side by side on the field of battle...
    • I am happy to see you have returned after completing such a difficult task. I honor your devotion and loyalty to Wu with all my being!
    • What?! You were sent here by the enemy? But... you did remain here by my side. That is all I can ask. From now on, let us fight our common enemy together.
    • Huh... The enemy presented you with an offer to defect? Hmm... In that case, what do you say we use this opportunity to our advantage?
    • You will feign allegiance to their army, and when the time comes, you will destroy their ranks from within. You can handle this task, right?
    • You are well schooled in the art of war... In order for us to win this battle, will you agree to plant yourself within the enemy ranks? They won't know what hit them.
    • Yes, I have faith in you to carry out this important mission. For the sake of Wu, your loyalty and bravery shall lead us towards victory!
    • Is that so... No, I'm not blaming you. Such a strategy has no place amongst the honor of the Wu Kingdom. Please forget I even mentioned it.
    • I knew you would join us! I thank you with all of my heart. I ask that you continue to help us in our quest to unite the land in the name of Wu!

    Empires Mode

    • This will take even less time than I had thought.
    • And only the heavens know the outcome.
    • This fight will test our skill...
    • I do not want to admit it but we are beaten. Pull back!
    • Together we will maintain our defense. Our chance to attack will surely come.
    • I have come to join you! Let us attack!
    • I thank you for your assistance!
    • If we work together, there is none that can stand in our way.
    • We are in an untenable position! Is there none to aid us?
    • It is time to unveil my great strategies.
    • You dare to make a fool of me?
    • Is that it? Certainly you can do better than that.
    • Something so obvious can not be called strategy!
    • I have captured an officer!
    • My forces have taken this base!
    • The time is now. As promised, I will join you!
    • We will rush that base! Forward!
    • Now's the time! They will crumble before our attack!
    • We cannot leave such an important place empty! Prepare to defend!
    • We cannot leave our ally to be wiped out!
    • We shall patrol the vicinity of this allied base!
    • Join ranks and prepare for the next attack!
    • We must gather information. Stand down and get some rest.
    • Forward to the attack!
    • We must concentrate on defense!
    • Gather to me here!
    • Move as the situation demands!
    • My back is wide open! Is there anyone who will guard it?!
    • Understood! Leave it to me!
    • You have permission to use my forces.
    • Join forces with me and we will eradicate the enemy!
    • Will you not join me? Let us show them our strength!
    • Leave the attack to me!
    • I attack. You defend. The perfect combination!
    • We must not allow ourselves to be outshined!
    • We shall remain. I believe the enemy is headed here.
    • We cannot stop the enemy advance. Pull back!
    • We cannot allow a fleeing enemy to escape!
    • Are those your knees I hear knocking there in fright? Pathetic!
    • Where did I go wrong...
    • I offer you all my strategies.
    • Not here...
    • I accept control of this force. With this hand, I will calm the chaos.
    • I can no longer turn a blind eye to this.
    • I am Zhou Yu! And I will conquer the land!
    • Allow me to handle it.
    • Leave it to me.
    • Understood.
    • You thought I would agree?
    • I am grateful for your words.
    • My thanks!
    • I cannot quite forget about this.
    • I give up! Do what you will...
    • Do you know who your true enemy is? We would be best served to join forces.
    • The first victory is always important. But the real battle has just begun.
    • At last, we are victorious! We must begin preparing for the next battle.
    • Defeat... How could this happen?! Could my strategies be to blame...?
    • I seem to have lost my path... But there is no turning back now.
    • If the people are able to live in prosperity, then clearly it is a sign that our victory is near.

  • He is tough! Exercise caution!
  • A powerful adversary... we must not drop our guards.
  • You shall all witness my military prowess!
  • Do not retreat! Strike back!
  • Fight a good fight, do what you can...
  • I have defeated (Officer)!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms!
  • You are an unrivaled warrior hero!
  • Your power is encouraging!
  • Brilliant display of skill!
  • We have taken the enemy's territory!
  • I must win this battle in the name of (Officer)!
  • I will win this battle in the name of Lord (Officer)!
  • I knew you could do it, Sun Ce!
  • Wait Sun Ce! Do not leave like this!
  • Xiao Qiao, I am always surprised by you.
  • Curses... My beloved Xiao Qiao!
  • I will stop you.
  • You will regret ever meeting me!
  • You will no doubt become a threat to Wu one day...

  • Watch this!
  • Stay out of my way!
  • Victory is assured!
  • Come to me!
  • You're not worth my time!
  • Enemy officer defeated!
  • Okay. The enemy will be at a disadvantage without this base.
  • Everybody, follow me! We can still turn things around!
  • The enemy army appears determined to win this battle!
  • Keep up the fight! We must endure this enemy onslaught!
  • It appears that my strength was not enough to deliver us victory.
  • I am a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Forgive me! I must retreat for now!
  • I so wished to see the land united under the banner of the Sun family...
  • Let's move! Flood the enemy like a violent storm!
  • Our army refuses to flee! Everybody, we must fight as if there is no tomorrow!
  • Hmm. It would seem that there is one amongst the enemy who can see through my strategies.
  • Send the troops to the base at once! We cannot afford to lose the advantage it provides us.
  • This is the chance we've been waiting for! All units, strike the enemy main camp!
  • We must wait for the enemy to tire themselves out. Everybody, focus on defending our main camp until they do!
  • They were waiting for us here! I should have seen this one coming!
  • Did you think I didn't know you were there? I hope you're equally prepared for me!
  • It's a sneak attack! Everybody, to your battle stations at once!
  • What am I doing? I was so caught up in the battle, I lost sight of the big picture!
  • I've been waiting for you. You should know better than to venture into enemy territory alone!
  • We must wait here to join up with our allies. Patrol the area until they arrive.
  • Our orders are to take down the enemy base. Forward!
  • Any enemy that stands in our way is to be cut down!
  • If we cannot hang on to this position, we will never win this battle.
  • Everybody, fall back to the base for now. We must rest if we are to continue.
  • We mustn't let that one get away!
  • Do you not have faith in your allies? You must work together with the unit if we are to accomplish anything!
  • I only know how to win!
  • I should have been able to prevent this...
  • We must not allow them to have all the glory. Fight!
  • You have come! Many thanks!
  • Fighting alone? That is a bad habit. However, the result was superb.
  • You have brought the foe here! Now it is my turn.
  • I believe they now realize the stupidity of their actions.
  • Well done. You performed admirably.
  • Now forward. I would ask that you accompany us.
  • Fight on! We must not fall short!
  • This was not according to plan. I thank you for your aid.
  • I have been drawn to your skill. I will accompany you.
  • Allow me to deal with them!
  • Well done! You had no need of my aid.
  • An incredible display of skill!
  • We must forward for victory! Let us go.
  • We must not be outdone by Sun Ce!
  • I knew you would come, Sun Ce!
  • You appear to be having fun. You truly do shine in battle!
  • This is not like you, Sun Ce, but fine. Let me deal with it.
  • There is no one who can withstand you and I!
  • Well fought, Sun Ce!
  • Let us go! Our victory lies yet ahead!
  • The sight of you always inspires me, Xiao Qiao.
  • Xiao Qiao, I cannot lose while you are watching!
  • I had no idea you could fight so well, Xiao Qiao, but I beg you to be careful.
  • Vermin! You shall pay for chasing my beloved!
  • I enjoy fighting at your side, Xiao Qiao.
  • Well done, Xiao Qiao!
  • Let us go! Do not leave my side.
  • Stop and face me if you dare!
  • You come before me alone? Ignorant fool!
  • You shall not decide this battle alone!
  • You must fall!
  • My friends are depending on me! I cannot fail!
  • The enemy just keeps coming wave after wave!
  • I shall someday repay this disgrace in kind!
  • This is my fate? Farewell, friends. Farewell, my love...
  • Zhuge Liang! I shall bring you down!
  • Zhuge Liang! You have come alone or do you have troops hidden nearby?
  • You have done too much already but that ends now, Zhuge Liang!
  • Wait! Zhuge Liang, I cannot let you go free!
  • Though I command this force, my duty is clear. You shall fall by my hand!
  • Ugh! Was he playing with me?
  • Heavens! Why must we have been placed here together?
  • Empires

    • Enemy officer within sight. Move to the attack!
    • Stay out of my way!
    • Victory is assured.
    • I've captured an officer!
    • Ok the enemy will be at a disadvantage without this base!
    • From this base it is but a single enemy strike to the heart of the enemy!
    • Hah, such pointless resistance!
    • I am a true warrior of The Three Kingdoms!

  • Proper strategy can overcome any obstacle!
  • My mind will illuminate the battlefield!
  • My spirit burns with passion!
  • The fires of hell shall engulf you!
  • Okay! The enemy will be at a disadvantage without this area!
  • Everybody, follow me! We can still turn things around!
  • The enemy army appears determined to win this battle...
  • Keep up the fight! We must endure this enemy onslaught!
  • It appears that my strength was not enough to deliver us victory...
  • I am proof that intellect can triumph over sheer strength in any arena!
  • Forgive me... I must retreat for now.
  • I can't die now... The land... has yet to be unified...
  • Let's move! Flood the enemy like a violent storm!
  • Our army refuses to flee! Everybody, we must fight as if there is no tomorrow!
  • Hmm... It would seem that there is one amongst the enemy who can see through my strategies...
  • Send the troops to that area at once! We cannot afford to lose the advantage it provides us!
  • This is the chance we've been waiting for! All units, strike the enemy main camp!
  • We must wait for the enemy to tire themselves out! Everybody, focus on defending our main camp until they do!
  • They were waiting for us here! I should've seen this one coming...
  • Surely you didn't think I wouldn't know you were there?
  • It's a surprise attack! Everybody, to your battle stations at once!
  • Such cowardice to attack while our troops are in disarray.
  • What am I doing? I was so caught up in the battle, I lost sight of the big picture.
  • I've been waiting for you! You should know better than to venture into enemy territory alone!
  • Patrol the area until further orders!
  • We have received our orders! Forward!
  • Any enemy that stands in your way is to be cut down!
  • Okay, it's time to move! We must meet up with our allies and crush the enemy resistance!
  • If we cannot hang on to this position, we will never win this battle!
  • Everybody, fall back for now! We must rest if we are to continue.
  • We mustn't let that one get away!
  • The time is now! This is our chance to finish off the enemy for good!
  • To go out alone like that... Do you not have faith in your allies?
  • The enemy is tougher than I thought... If only we had reinforcements...
  • I've come to assist you in this fight!
  • No, our troops! We won't let the enemy get away with this!
  • We've been ordered to take control of that area over there! Let's go!
  • Helping our allies takes top priority!
  • Stay alert! The enemy can come out from anywhere!
  • Everyone, get into battle formations!
  • We'll keep pressing on like this until victory is ours!
  • We hold the advantage in this battle! Keep moving!
  • We will fight this battle to the last man if we have to!
  • It's time to put our skills to the test!
  • This is our chance to initiate a counterattack!
  • I must follow the example you set for us all!
  • Now is the time to show the enemy what we've got!
  • Look for the enemy's weak spot and concentrate your attack there!
  • We must all work together and as a single unit. No going out on your own.
  • Our futures depend on the outcome of this battle! We must win by any means necessary!
  • Ahh, a worthy foe to test my abilities!
  • The battle is getting quite tense. I must remain focused!
  • All of my strength and wisdom, I devote to those I love and care about!
  • We must not allow them to have all the glory! Fight!
  • You have come to aid me? My thanks!
  • Fighting alone is a bad habit. However, the result was superb!
  • You have brought the foe here. Now, it is my turn.
  • I believe they now realize the stupidity of their actions.
  • Well done! You performed admirably!
  • Now, forward! I would ask that you accompany us.
  • You're a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Hm.
  • It will be my pleasure!
  • Fight on! We must not fall short!
  • This was not according to plan. I thank you for your aid.
  • I have been drawn to your skill. I will accompany you!
  • Allow me to deal with them.
  • Well done. You had no need of my help!
  • An incredible display of skill!
  • We must move forward for victory! Let us go!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Right away!
  • Please leave it to me.
  • Everybody, we must not be outdone by Sun Ce!
  • I knew you would come, Sun Ce!
  • You appear to be having fun. You truly do shine in battle.
  • This is not like you. But fine, let me deal with them.
  • There is no one who can withstand you and I together!
  • Well fought, my dear friend!
  • Let us go! Our victory lies yet ahead!
  • Sun Ce! You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Yes, my friend!
  • I understand, my lord!
  • The sight of you always inspires me, Xiao Qiao.
  • Xiao Qiao! I cannot lose while you are watching!
  • I had no idea you could fight so well! But, I beg you to be careful.
  • Vermin! You shall pay for chasing my beloved!
  • I enjoy fighting at your side, my dear!
  • Well done, my darling!
  • Let us go. Do not leave my side!
  • Xiao Qiao! You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Okay!
  • My dear, leave it to me!
  • Stop and face me if you dare!
  • You come before me alone? You ignorant fool.
  • You shall not decide this battle alone!
  • I will not rest until you have fallen!
  • My friends are depending on me. I cannot fail.
  • I shall someday repay this disgrace in kind!
  • This is my fate? Farewell, my friends. Farewell, my love.
  • Zhuge Liang, today I prove that I am your superior!
  • Zhuge Liang, you have come alone? Or do you have troops hidden nearby?
  • You live up to your reputation, Zhuge Liang. Even so, you are no match for me!
  • Stop, Sleeping Dragon! I cannot let you go free!
  • Though I command this force, my duty is clear. You shall fall by my hand!
  • Tch. Was he simply toying with me?
  • Heavens! Why must we have been born during the same age...?
  • Conquest Mode

    • My intellect shall deliver victory in this battle to our forces.
    • I shall augment your forces! Leave the guard of your rear flank to me!
    • I do not do this for just anybody, but I shall assist you here.
    • Let's go, Sun Ce! Together, the two of us can run wild on the battlefield!
    • I shall protect you, Xiao Qiao. Nobody shall lay as much as a finger on you!
    • Although we may be mortal enemies, Zhuge Liang, I shall lend you my strength.
    • My sister, allow me to protect you on behalf of Sun Ce.
    • Since I have been hired to do a job, I am willing to look past any previous grudges...
    • Here, use this. You can repay me by your deeds on the battlefield.
    • You are a most amazing warrior. It is an honor to know you.
    • Would you mind assisting me for a short while?
    • Thank you. I am relieved that you answered my request.
    • I am afraid I cannot let you pass here.
    • It is the duty of a strategist to always remain one step ahead of the enemy!
    • Show me everything you've got! I wish to measure your abilities for myself!
    • Never did I expect to see the day when we would cross blades...
    • So you are my opponent, Sun Ce... It is good to test ourselves now and again.
    • My dear, please do not put me in this position. I cannot bear to face you in battle...
    • Please forgive me, my sister. For I have no choice but to continue.
    • May we find the reason for this beautiful, yet sad, melody that plays in our hearts...
    • You are strong, Sun Ce. There is no way I can best you in a test of strength.
    • Sometimes I wish you weren't such a capable warrior, but that is also one of the things I love about you.
    • I had no idea you were so strong... I am speechless.
    • You have shown me the strength behind your melody. May all your dreams come true.
    • What a wonderful day! To meet such a famous warrior as yourself.
    • Rumors have a way of bending the truth. It seems you, however, are the real thing.
    • I am extremely impressed. Such a keen intellect and true vitality. Simply outstanding.
    • It would be a shame to lose your potential here. When I can, I will aid you!
    • I can hear the faintest melody from somewhere. Do you hear it too?
    • Hmm... It seems to be a bit off. I had hoped you would understand. How unfortunate.
    • It seems you can hear the call as well. Shall we share a drink to the music?
    • You have stayed by my side. You don't know how much that has helped me.
    • My dear friend, I hope to tread this path with you forever.
    • My dear, while breath is in this body I shall not leave you.

  • You've always remained by my side. I can't tell you how much that has meant to me. I will always be with you, my love... For as long as I shall live.

  • Proper strategy can overcome any obstacle!
  • I am proof that intellect can triumph over sheer strength in any arena!
  • It appears that my strength was not enough to deliver us victory...
  • I expect to be victorious in every battle I fight!
  • How could I have been so careless...
  • It's a surprise attack! Everybody, to your battle stations at once!
  • Surely you didn't think I wouldn't know you were there?
  • Forgive me... I must retreat for now.
  • I can't die now... The land... has yet to be unified...
  • Okay! The enemy will be at a disadvantage without this area!
  • We hold the advantage in this battle! Keep moving!
  • We will fight this battle to the last man if we have to!
  • Hmm... It would seem that there is one amongst the enemy who can see through my strategies.
  • Okay, it's time to move! We must meet up with our allies and crush the enemy resistance!
  • We have received our orders! Forward!
  • Patrol the area until further orders!
  • Any enemy that dares to stand in our way is destined... to be cut down!
  • If we are unable to hang on to this position, then I fear... we will never win this battle!
  • Everybody, fall back for now! We must rest if we are to continue.
  • That went very well, didn't it?
  • I will do everything in my power to protect this land!
  • I am afraid I cannot let you pass here.
  • It is the duty of a strategist to always remain one step ahead of the enemy!
  • The enemy army appears determined to win this battle...
  • Let's move! ...We must flood the enemy... like a violent storm!
  • Our army refuses to flee! Everybody, we must fight as if there is no tomorrow!
  • The time is now! This is our chance to finish off the enemy for good!
  • The enemy is tougher than I thought... If only we had reinforcements...
  • You're a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • An incredible display of skill!
  • This was not according to plan. I thank you for your aid.
  • Well done! You performed admirably!
  • Oh, you have come to aid me? My thanks!
  • Sun Ce! You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Well fought, my dear friend!
  • I knew you would come, Sun Ce!
  • Xiaoqiao! You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Well done, my darling!
  • Ah, Xiaoqiao! I cannot lose. Not while you are watching!
  • Lu Su, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Impressive, Lu Su! You have performed just as I had anticipated... No, better even!
  • Lu Su, I knew I could count on you. You have never failed me.
  • Stop and face me if you dare!
  • You come before me alone? You ignorant fool.
  • I shall someday repay this disgrace in kind!
  • This is my fate? Farewell, my friends. Farewell, my love.
  • Zhuge Liang, today I prove that I am your superior!
  • Zhuge Liang, you have come alone? Or do you have troops hidden nearby?
  • Tch. Was he simply toying with me?
  • Heavens! Why must we have been born during the same age...?
  • I know this is asking a lot, but I have something I need your help with.
  • There's something I need to ask you. Do you have a moment?
  • You'll do it? My thanks for your aid.
  • How reassuring that sounds. I look forward to hearing of your deeds.
  • I asked too much of you, of course. I'll await another opportunity.
  • I see, then it can't be helped. I'll ask you another time.
  • I could really use a hand if you are free.
  • Would you mind assisting me for a short while?
  • My thanks for all of your aid. This is for you.
  • You've been such a big help. Please accept this.
  • I enjoy music, drinking, dance and theatre! These entertainments are why I live. They bring joy to my busy existence.
  • I want to talk with you today about music. We cannot let this chaos reach our hearts. Some time to relax is always required.
  • I talk so much when I spend time with you. About music, this world, and my ambitions. Ah, it's wonderful to have a true friend.
  • I'm here to visit, but I don't really have any real reason. I just wanted to see your face, that's all. That's what gives me energy for tomorrow.
  • Our bond of friendship can never be severed. Let us together wipe the chaos from the world. The two of us can achieve just such a dream.
  • If possible, I want to sing of you all day. But first we must bring peace to this world. I will end this chaos, all for you.
  • I must apologize for stopping by without an appointment. I was simply hoping to speak with you for a moment.
  • I am sorry for the sudden intrusion. I heard that you were out and decided to wait here for your return. I was hoping to speak with you for a spell.
  • Ahh, there you are. I imagine you have had yet another busy day. I respect your work ethic and am honored to call you my friend.
  • Ahh, I was honing to see you here. I have been thinking about you all day. Come, let us enjoy a quiet moment together.
  • I brought this gift for you. I believe it to be of exceptional quality. I hope you will find it to your liking.
  • This is for you. I selected it especially for you, so I am certain you will find it useful.
  • I brought something special for you today. I think you will get much more use out of it than I ever would.
  • I have prepared a special gift for you. Please consider it a simple token of my affection. I hope that you like it.
  • Would you care to practice music with me today? I imagine a person like yourself is often in a position to entertain others.
  • I shall teach you how to play the flute. The benefits of tone and tempo are not just limited to music; they are important in battle as well.
  • The selection and quality of this inventory are beyond reproach. I think I will look to outfit our new recruits here.
  • Hmm... The prices have increased slightly. It seems the state of uncertainty is having an effect on the market. We must look to resolve this situation quickly.
  • Look at all of the people out and about... If I were to play my flute right now, I wonder if they would stop and listen.
  • I like to eat at places like this from time to time. Maybe I will bring my friends here one day.
  • I do not feel comfortable on these streets. I should hurry about my business and be on my way.
  • The decorations in this place are tastefully done. I should like to play the flute here once my official duties are done.
  • Seeing the people inspires me to write new music. I wonder if there is somewhere around here where I can play my flute.
  • I had to stay behind during the Yellow Turban Rebellion, so I insist on participating in the campaign against Dong Zhuo. This is a chance for Sun Ce and I to prove ourselves.
  • The chaos continues, despite Dong Zhuo's death. Various warlords have been seduced by the possibility of power. Is this a threat, or perhaps an opportunity...
  • Sun Ce is currently waiting for his chance to make a move. As his friend, I could not be happier. I must do what I can to support him and Wu.
  • I never thought that Sun Ce would meet such a fate... However, there is no time to mourn. We must aid Master Sun Quan's transition.
  • We are joining forces with Liu Bei to oppose Cao Cao... I support that move, but I am worried what will happen afterwards. What could Zhuge Liang be up to...
  • We won the battle at Chibi. However, Cao Cao survived and Liu Bei has set off on his own. I'm afraid that Wu will continue to be in danger...
  • Ahh, forgive me.
  • Hello.
  • The people look rather glum. I imagine it is due to the constant fighting. I must do what I can to help alleviate their suffering.
  • Ahh, this place is at peace. I feel as if I can forget the war that rages on around us, if only for a moment.
  • The next battle is likely to be upon us before we know it. I must begin preparing stratagems for when it begins.
  • I wasn't expecting it to rain today... I suppose the weather is one thing that doesn't always go the way we want it to.

  • There is no escape!
  • Your time is up!
  • Scatter to the winds!
  • Had enough?
  • It is my duty.
  • Add that to the tally!
  • Calm accumulation is the way to excellence.
  • You have mastered your mind and your body!
  • A true warrior, skilled in all respects!
  • What exceptional skill!
  • Such impressive strength!
  • Alright, let's finish this!
  • Withdrawal will ruin my strategy... I must hold out!
  • It is like we have a million men on our side!
  • All assistance is gratefully accepted!
  • You shall speak of my blade in the afterlife!
  • Retreat is a strategy in itself. Until next time!
  • Fair lands and rivers of Jiang Dong... Farewell!
  • Perhaps act first, think later is a motto that can work!
  • It's always refreshing to watch you fight!
  • Sun Ce! What a happy surprise!
  • Beautiful, my love. And surprisingly deadly!
  • You never cease to amaze me, my love!
  • See, you're not just another pretty face!
  • The honor that drives you must be powerful indeed.
  • I don't understand you, but I can use you.
  • Honor is a useful thing sometimes.
  • A true master of the art of war!
  • There is much I can learn from your leadership.
  • You have read the battlefield to perfection.
  • Patience always brings reward!
  • You are holding out admirably...
  • How did you get here so fast?
  • Long have I waited for this moment to arrive!
  • Out-thought again! Curses!
  • Heavens! Why do you choose Zhuge Liang over me...?
  • You spout dogma without a thought to what it means!
  • My match in mind and body...
  • Unbelievable... I never would have thought it...
  • You wish to challenge me in a battle of wits?
  • You are my better...
  • I cannot believe I would be so overshadowed...
  • You, sir, are far too big for your boots!
  • Those horns suit you well...
  • I wasn't supposed to lose to you...

  • Intelligence will open the path.
  • I will help!
  • Turn them to ash!
  • By my hand!
  • My wisdom will lead us to victory. Everyone, after me!
  • A strength that surpasses all others... Very impressive!
  • So this is the true power of a warrior.
  • Please lend me your strength for a moment!
  • Brilliant, Ranmaru! You may call yourself the world's finest!
  • Even in such grave situations, I can rely on you.
  • How gallant of you, Ranmaru.
  • You seem like you will provide a worthy challenge.
  • Well played, Taigong Wang... But I will triumph next time.
  • Perhaps, I will cross paths with that man again in the next world...

  • Let's see if we can go out and win this.
  • Let us sing the song of victory!
  • Allow me to demonstrate the extent of my talent!
  • We could have done better in that battle.
  • That battle went exceptionally well!
  • Here, this present is for you. I hope you like it...
  • I am impressed with what you have managed to achieve.
  • Perhaps I expected too much out of you...
  • I was able to defeat numerous enemy officers in the last battle. I hope to do equally as well next time.
  • It has been a while since I've seen the battlefield. I wonder if I am no longer trusted...
  • Lately, I have been called to battle rather frequently. I must live up to these expectations.
  • I find this party to be most enjoyable. Perhaps I should play a song...
  • Proper strategy can overcome any obstacle!
  • I am proof that intellect can triumph over sheer strength in any arena!
  • You're a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Sun Ce! You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Xiaoqiao! You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Ding Feng, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Master Hanbei! Your intellect is unrivaled beneath the heavens!
  • Keep up the fight! We must endure this enemy onslaught!
  • How can I hope to outsmart my enemy when my enemy is myself?!
  • An incredible display of skill!
  • Well done! You performed admirably!
  • This was not according to plan.
  • My thanks for coming to help!
  • Stop and face me if you dare!
  • No! How could I be such a fool...?
  • Well fought, my dear friend!
  • I knew you would come, Sun Ce!
  • Well done, my darling!
  • Xiaoqiao! Thank you for coming!
  • Very well done!
  • Ding Feng, you are a welcome sight!
  • A supreme showing, Master Hanbei!
  • Master Hanbei! It's good to see you!
  • Outstanding! You are an inspiration to us all!
  • Amazing! But, I will not be outdone!
  • I thank you for your aid.
  • Thank you for your assistance! Together we shall destroy our enemies!
  • So, you wish to challenge me... Okay, show me what you've got!
  • I was not ready for that. I will not underestimate you again...
  • That was brilliant, Sun Ce! I must try and keep up with you!
  • Well met, Sun Ce! With you by my side, we can turn this around.
  • Nicely done, Xiaoqiao! You truly know how to fight.
  • Xiaoqiao! I cannot lose while you are watching!
  • Thank you for your help in protecting this beautiful land!
  • Ding Feng! Somehow you knew that I was in distress.
  • Fine work! One cannot help but bask in the radiance of your intelligence!
  • Master Hanbei! With our combined genius, nothing can stand in our way!
  • An impressive display! I see there is no need for my efforts here.
  • Excellent work! Victory would elude us if you were not on our side.
  • I'm so glad you're here. You bring more to this fight than a whole battalion could!
  • I always believed that you would come. Let us join together to crush our enemies!
  • You stand before me with blade in hand. It matters not.
  • I will not run from this fight!
  • It seems you were too much for me...
  • It's always fun to watch you fight, Sun Ce! It makes me want to try even harder myself!
  • Sun Ce, I knew you'd come! Nothing is more encouraging than to have you fighting by my side!
  • Xiaoqiao, your fighting style is like a flower... as it blooms across the battlefield, it brings inspiration to all.
  • Xiaoqiao, this is no place for you. I promise to keep you safe no matter what!
  • Ding Feng, you are like a winter swell, sweeping away all who stand before you.
  • I knew you would come, Ding Feng. Our rally begins now!
  • Well done, Master Hanbei! No one can match your skills as a strategist!
  • I appreciate your assistance, Master Hanbei! Together, we shall turn the tide of this battle!
  • Surely I am the only one who can provide you with a challenge!
  • Your attacks are as powerful as they are relentless. Fighting you is always a pleasure, Sun Ce.
  • Do not think you have won yet, Sun Ce! My blade will find an opening in your guard before you know it!
  • Xiaoqiao, you are absolutely the last person I ever wanted to fight...
  • Xiaoqiao... I feel the same way. How could I ever seriously fight against you?
  • I do not want to hurt you any further, my love. Allow me... to finish this!
  • Come then, Ding Feng. Show me your strength.
  • Most impressive... I can rest easy knowing the future of Wu is safe.
  • If I lose here, then the stain upon my honor will never be cleansed! I must rise before you like a perilous mountain!
  • Master Hanbei, I had a premonition that I would fight you.
  • I cannot read your true intentions. You are so much like Zhuge Liang, it's frightening...
  • Master Hanbei, you have talent that rivals Zhuge Liang. I must give this battle my all if I am to win.
  • I accept your challenge!
  • I cannot refuse a request from you.
  • Xiaoqiao, please do not make this more difficult than it already is...
  • I expect that this fight will make an epic poem.

  • I shall play the music of victory on the battlefield!
  • I am ready to listen to the deadly melody you will play.
  • We shall play a victorious tune together.
  • For a while, I simply forgot battle and practiced my flute. The flow of music has something in common with movements in battle, meaning this should also have honed my combat abilities.
  • Training alongside other people can be quite nice. I wasn't expecting to be asked to play every night, but that was also very pleasant.

  • Let's go. We'll blow them away!
  • My army has never lost. We won't start now!
  • I can't believe this! Idiots!
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