Zhou Cang/Quotes

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A list of quotes commonly spoken by Zhou Cang.


  • One down! Next!
  • I'll squash you flat!
  • I am the one true Dynasty Warrior! That's me!
  • Hold on. I don't like the way this is going.
  • This is bad. Real bad.
  • I can run away fast, too.
  • Heh, that feels good.
  • Incredible! You're shining like a star!
  • Amazing! You're sparkling, aren't you!
  • Hold it, you look pretty tired! I don't think you should push yourself too hard.
  • Hey! Hey, can you even hear me? It looks like you're dead on your feet!
  • Wow, really sorry about all the trouble.
  • Sorry, really sorry about that. I owe you one.
  • I'm Zhou Cang. Fancy a battle?
  • You can't catch me! Bye!
  • Uwah, Master Zhao Yun! Watching you makes me tremble with anticipation!
  • Yeah, I didn't think I could win this. You don't hold back, do you Master Zhao Yun.
  • Hey, you're like the dragon reborn!
  • You don't hold anything back, do you Master Zhao Yun? You're so cool, for so many reasons.
  • Master Zhao Yun!
  • Hey, Demon! Master Lu Bu!
  • You are the ultimate Demon, Master Lu Bu! I'm with you until the end!
  • Master Lu Bu!
  • Hey, beautiful princess!
  • All that punishment, with such a calm face! You're incredible!
  • Lady Wang Yuanji!
  • Yukimura, your daily training is paying off.
  • Fighting based on your conviction is a fine thing. I hope you'll stick with me, Yukimura.
  • Yukimura!
  • Mitsunari, even an idiot can see what a difference you make.
  • Mitsunari, now just listen to this. You're a warrior with true intellect and power.
  • Mitsunari!
  • Naotora, you should be proud of this!
  • You've got nothing to be ashamed about. You've done something truly great.
  • Naotora!
  • You clearly know how to fight, Arima. I'll be counting on you.
  • I just love seeing you in action, Arima. I guess you don't want to hear that from a guy?
  • Arima!
  • Hey, handsome! You've got some skills, Darius!
  • Darius, you work harder than anyone else. Are you trying to work up an appetite?
  • Darius!
  • Master Nobunyaga, your glistening fur is so lovely!
  • You are a shining hero! Master Nobunyaga, let me fight alongside you!
  • Master Nobunyaga!
  • Ōka, you're a great fighter.
  • Ōka, you've practically won this battle alone. Having someone to protect makes you strong.
  • Ōka!
  • Horō, I can see what makes you so arrogant.
  • You've got incredible power, I'll give you that. I guess a little arrogance can be accepted.
  • Horō!
  • Hey, hero! Tokitsugu!
  • Tokitsugu, you are a fine hero. There's no mistaking that!
  • Tokitsugu!
  • Kasumi, you handle yourself like I can't believe.
  • You're in top form! Watching you work is so thrilling, Kasumi.
  • Kasumi!
  • Marie, you're far stronger than you look.
  • Those small hands do such big things. I can't believe how strong you are.
  • Marie!
  • Honoka, you look soft but then hit so hard.
  • Honoka, so this is what you can really do? Wow, I'm impressed.
  • Honoka!
  • Is this what sacrificing souls means?
  • Just how many souls do you want to sacrifice? Frightening, but so thrilling!
  • Laegrinna!
  • Millennia. Those traps look really useful, actually.
  • Those traps are incredible! You've gone through cruelty into grace!
  • Millennia!
  • Ninjas are just so cool!
  • You are a ninja among ninjas, Hayabusa. On a totally different level.
  • Hayabusa!
  • You kunoichi are so fast and strong!
  • Mugen Tenshin Ninjutsu is something else. Your ninja arts are invincible, Ayane.
  • Ayane!
  • Seems like you've seen your fair share of trouble, William.
  • Just how strong are you, William? I sense something inhuman from you, almost!
  • William!
  • Sophie, just don't get too excited and lose your footing!
  • Sophie, I can't take my eyes off you in battle! Just what are you going to do next?
  • Sophie!
  • Plachta, you really are strong.
  • Plachta. You're so strong. Never underestimate alchemy, that's the lesson here.
  • Plachta!
  • Arnice, I just love that expression on your face when you fight.
  • I feel safe fighting alongside you, Arnice. Allies you can trust are worth holding onto.
  • Arnice!
  • Chris, you're the star of this little show.
  • This is like a solo performance, Chris. No one can stop you, or even turn away.
  • Chris!
  • Anything becomes a weapon in your hands, Rio!
  • You are truly the Goddess of Victory, Rio. Just watching you makes me feel luckier.
  • Rio!
  • Tamaki. You really are doing so well.
  • Tamaki, just how far are you going to take this? All for the sake of your world! I'm so impressed!
  • Tamaki!
  • Setsuna, that sword of yours is so cool.
  • Setsuna, look how strong you've become! You will be able to protect everything precious to you now.
  • Setsuna!
  • Shiki, you are just so cool. I like it.
  • Yes, you settled it! Shiki, you're so good to have around.
  • Shiki!
  • I'll run as far as it takes to succeed!
  • Anybody else up for a quick run?