Zhao Yun/Quotes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Zhao Yun.


  • Doushite shizu koto ga dekiyo. - Why can't we end this quietly?
  • Itsudemo oaite shimasho. - I'm always up for a rematch.

  • I am Zhao Yun!
  • For truth and honor!
  • I shall not fail!
  • I never expected someone this good...
  • We shall meet again another day!
  • I must pull back...
  • Has my time finally come?
  • Bring it on!
  • Do not worry, Hiyaaah!

  • We must not fall behind!
  • Just as I expected!
  • We can't hold them...
  • Things can't go on like this!
  • Hold out until reinforcements come!
  • The enemy officer has fallen to my blade!
  • Behold the spear of Little Dragon!
  • At last. A worthy opponent!
  • Watch my spear and learn.
  • Such incredible strength!
  • I cannot fall here. My Lord needs me.
  • Impressive. I shall retreat... for now.
  • Death in battle is honorable...

  • Attack!
  • Stand back!
  • I challenge you!
  • My spear shall answer all!
  • I will not lose this time!
  • I will still show no mercy!
  • Let all doubt be cleared today!
  • I accept your challenge!
  • For the sake of my lord, I cannot fall here!
  • You fight well! I shall withdraw for now.
  • A warrior's death... I could not ask for more!
  • Zhao Yun, at your command!
  • They are strong, but do not falter!
  • The enemy is strong!
  • Did you think you could break through our forces?
  • Crush them in one blow!
  • This does not look good!
  • We cannot hold them...
  • We will not last...
  • Where are the reinforcements?
  • Please be cautious!
  • Enemy officer defeated!
  • Impressive!
  • I bow to your skills!
  • You are a hero without equal!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • We must not fall behind!
  • Now you're asking for it!
  • You're too far out! Control yourself!
  • I have been waiting!
  • Reinforcements! Thank Heaven!
  • I am glad to see you!
  • I am in your debt!
  • We must persevere!
  • We must get through this!
  • Our chance will come soon!
  • We must continue fighting.
  • We put our fate in your hands!
  • Charge!
  • Finish this!
  • Let us finish this!
  • We must end this!
  • Fortune be with you, my lord...
  • I will be your opponent!
  • I will defeat you!
  • I challenge you!
  • Don't get cocky!
  • I will stop you!
  • You'll go no further!
  • Attacking alone? Do you want to die?
  • Remarkable confidence...
  • You do not stand a chance!
  • A worthy opponent!
  • You still have much to learn.
  • A worthy opponent! I'll take you on!
  • My spear shall deal with you!
  • I will not falter!
  • Xtreme Mode

    • My spear shall protect you on your journey!
    • Are you all right? Please try harder!
    • We fight for a new world, a new era!
    • Nothing can get in the way of our future!
    • I would have liked to have seen the new age...
    • You must... live through this...
    • It is most rewarding to help someone in need...
    • That... left quite a bitter taste...
    • You shall not pass here without a fight!
    • They're here for the prisoner! They shall not get their way!
    • You shall not take our supplies!
    • Halt, intruder! Stand and fight!
    • Wh... what are you doing?
    • What!? You mean to fight me?!
    • My spear shall vanquish the lord's enemies!
    • Traitors! I, Zhao Yun, shall vanquish you!
    • I shall repay my debt to you on the battlefield!
    • I kindly ask for your assistance!
    • You have my thanks.
    • Henceforth, I shall fight for you.
    • Please accept this gift.
    • A word with you, if you will!

    Empires Mode

    • The advantage is ours! Crush them in one blow!
    • Our forces are equal to that of the enemy! Stay focused!
    • The enemy is strong. Do not falter!
    • We have taken the enemy stronghold!
    • We need reinforcements!
    • Someone please cover our rear!
    • We mustn't push it... Troops, fall back!
    • They outnumber us... A retreat may be wise.
    • I will be there shortly!
    • Attack the enemy stronghold!
    • We shall take down the enemy!
    • Join me in this attack!
    • I will attack the enemy. You defend our stronghold!
    • Now is the time! Begin the counterattack!
    • We must not fall behind!
    • We will regroup here.
    • We will wait for the enemy here.
    • We cannot hold them! Withdraw at once!
    • Pursue them! Do not let them escape!
    • I must rise to the challenge or be disgraced!
    • We must keep our composure in battle at all times.
    • I shall join you, as promised!
    • I, Zhao Yun, have arrived with reinforcements!
    • I shall lend you a hand in crushing the enemy!
    • I cannot lose this battle.
    • All troops, retreat!
    • I, Zhao Yun, have returned to the battlefield!
    • Good! Our joint effort has succeeded!
    • Follow my lead!
    • The Emperor would like us to suppress the Yellow Turbans? Very well. I, Zhao Yun, will fight for the glory of the Han!
    • Men have gathered here to kill Dong Zhuo. However, taking a battle into the imperial city is unprecedented!
    • One can only speculate on their true intentions.
    • Look at what this world has come to... Let us put an end to the chaos immediately!
    • A vast land awaits us... Let us begin by making the Central Plains ours!
    • Do not falter! Victory is ours for the taking!
    • Show them what we've got! Attack!
    • Let us make an oath. The three of us shall put an end to this chaos!
    • Our empire continues to grow!
    • Our forces are invincible! Let us show them our might!
    • The day approaches when my troops shall return home. I will vanquish the chaos with my very hands!
    • Witness the effects of my plans!
    • Let us join forces to put an end to this chaos. I propose an alliance.
    • It is reassuring to have an ally like you. Especially in times such as these.
    • You refuse? Why must we be enemies?
    • I will bring the chaos to an end. May my spear guide me!
    • I propose a deal. I believe it to be mutually beneficial.
    • I'm glad we could come to an agreement. May we both benefit from this deal.
    • My offer does not interest you? This is very regrettable.
    • The enemy has begun their onslaught! Please assist us!
    • Let us join our forces against the enemy. We shall wipe them all out!
    • Words cannot express my gratitude. Please take this as a token of my appreciation.
    • I am blessed to have an ally like yourself. Take this as a token of my gratitude.
    • We have destroyed the Yellow Turbans! Let us hope that order will now be restored.
    • I've slain that tyrant, Dong Zhuo! However, I feel may only propel us into further chaos.
    • Our first victory! Let our names be known throughout the land!!
    • A terrible battle... A defeat such as this must not be repeated!
    • I tried to find my place in this chaos. Perhaps it is beyond me to put an end to it.
    • Even if history were to call me a villain... I must do as I believe!
    • The smiles on the faces of my people... Are the greatest of rewards.
    • It is a great honor for me... To witness such remarkable achievement.
    • My spear is not for mere decoration. It beckons to be used in battle.
    • I wish you would consider my proposals. I only ask that you give them a chance.

  • Zhao Yun, at your command!
  • They are strong, but do not falter!
  • The enemy is strong!
  • Crush them in one blow!
  • This does not look good!
  • We will not last...
  • I have defeated (Officer)!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • You are a hero without equal!
  • Impressive!
  • I bow to your skills!
  • We have taken the enemy area!
  • We must get through this!
  • Our chance will come soon!
  • Charge!
  • I will stop you!
  • I will not falter!

  • No, my lord! Our enemy is Wei! It would not be just to attack Wu!
  • Take this!
  • I challenge you!
  • Witness the power of Zhao Yun's spear!
  • The enemy is strong! Tighten your defenses!
  • Show them the strength of our forces!
  • We must stop the enemy advance!
  • Are the flames of justice to be extinguished...?
  • Another has fallen to my spear!
  • I am a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • You shall pay for your actions!
  • Don't fall behind! The glory is ours!
  • This base belongs to Zhao Yun!
  • Break through the enemy forces!
  • There is no going back! Stand your ground!
  • Fear not! Victory is the realm of the brave!
  • This battlefield belongs to us!
  • The base is ours! Attack!
  • The wind is perfect! Set the fires!
  • Urgh... We've lost the base...
  • You are too far out! Be careful!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Now it's my turn!
  • Such impressive skill!
  • This is the end... Farewell...
  • My lord... Please... forgive me...
  • Reinforcements! Just in time!
  • Your assistance is much appreciated!
  • This battle shall determine all!
  • We must rally the troops!
  • Drive them back!
  • Let us finish this battle!
  • I shall be your opponent!
  • The enemy commander's head is mine!
  • Let's settle this between the two of us!
  • You will not get away with that!
  • You're all alone?! I shall spare no mercy!
  • You dare face the Dragon of Chang Shan?!
  • I will not be defeated so easily!
  • Impressive... Next time I shall emerge victorious!
  • Is this the end of my journey...
  • Xtreme Mode

    • Allow me to spearhead your attacks.
    • Let me go! I must not be captured here!
    • And now, we fight for the birth of a new country!
    • Finally! True peace is within our grasp!
    • I can no longer follow where you lead...
    • You shall not get past me without a fight!
    • Who are you? You must be after our supplies!
    • I never thought the day would come when I faced you in battle.
    • Allow me to repay all you've done for me!
    • You shall not set foot on our land!
    • Excuse me there!
    • Excuse me, but might I ask for your assistance?
    • You have my thanks.
    • Let me give you this.
    • Have I chosen the wrong lord to serve?
    • Being untrue to others is the same as being untrue to yourself. Let us forget the matter!
    • I must admit defeat.
    • I shall follow your decision.
    • How good of you to help your fellow man.
    • This truly leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
    • We've come a long way together, haven't we? You've been a good friend. There's still a lot of work for us to do. Let's keep at it together!
    • We've come a long way together, haven't we? You've been a good friend. In fact, I'm not sure I can even imagine my life anymore without you by my side.
    • You've become the ruler of a territory all your own now. You have my congratulations.
    • Your accomplishments are truly amazing... I can't conceal how proud I am of you.

    Destiny Mode

    • Let's go! We shall lead the attack!
    • We must assist our allies! Hurry!
    • If you want to live, stay close together.
    • After them! This battle will be ours!
    • They're here... We must put a stop to their advance!
    • We can't hold on... We must retreat!
    • Alright, let's take a break here.
    • Okay, mission accomplished. Let's get moving.
    • Excellent work! That is what I like to see!
    • This isn't good... If this keeps up...
    • What?! We must hurry or else!
    • We've got them! Launch the surprise attack!
    • How dare you snoop around our camp?!
    • What?! Ambush troops, here?!
    • Did they think that I'd fall for their ambush?!
    • Where are you going?! Get back here at once!
    • You would try and betray me? What is the meaning of this?!
    • Don't worry. You're safe now.
    • This should help you out.
    • That was a close one... I thank you!
    • To think that we would meet under such circumstances...
    • I'm leaving it up to you. Don't let me down.
    • Oh! You move with such swiftness! Impressive!
    • Impressive... Your army moves with the swiftness of a dragon!
    • What?! What is the enemy doing there?!
    • Alright, we shall take advantage of this weakness.
    • So you are our latest recruit. I hope that you will join me in assisting Lord Liu Bei to create a world of virtue.
    • Ah, so you have come to serve us instead. Together, let us help Lord Liu Bei to realize his ambitions.
    • We have been ordered to secure the enemy base. This will clearly give our forces an advantage in the coming battle.
    • Our orders are to take out the enemy general. There is no greater honor for a warrior. We must do our best to complete this mission.
    • We have allies in need of assistance. We cannot just leave them stranded in their time of need. We must help them!
    • This time, our orders are to set up camp at our base and assist in its defense. The enemy attack will be fierce. Our defenses must remain strong.
    • We have been entrusted with the enormous task of taking out the enemy commander. We must live up to our lord's expectations and lead our forces to victory!
    • Our scouts report that a number of enemy ambush troops have stationed themselves throughout the battlefield. You must be prepared at all times.
    • The enemy is making preparations for the battle ahead. There must be a supply base somewhere. Destroying it is our best strategy.
    • It is said that the enemy features a number of elite troops in addition to their regular army. Although it may be difficult, we cannot let them gain the upper hand.
    • The enemy army appears to be on high alert. Perhaps there is a reason, or perhaps it is just a trap... Scouting the enemy camp will likely be tough.
    • Let's move! The fate of Lord Liu Bei and the entire land rests on this battle! I am counting on you!
    • It is our strength that shall bring victory to this battle. Now, get ready to move out.
    • With one of your ability, we should be able to easily take out the enemy camp. Go and show me what you can do.
    • You and I have fought many battles together. Now, our chance to finally bring an end to the fighting has come. Let's go!
    • I was quite impressed with your deeds on the battlefield. One with your talent deserves to be more than just a mere soldier.
    • Your deeds of valor played a great role in this victory. I am extremely proud of your accomplishments.
    • Your strategies in battle shone brightly above all else. I was most honored to lead you into battle.
    • The sight of you on the battlefield was unbelievable! The way you dealt with officer after officer caused even me to take notice.
    • It seems you were not able to live up to your potential in this battle. However, I know that you will not miss out on such an opportunity again.
    • There is nothing positive I can say about your performance out there... In battle, the orders of one's superiors are above all else. You must not forget that.
    • You are a warrior after my own liking. Would you care to learn one of my skills?
    • I would like to present you with this spear for your performance. I am sure that you will be able to make use of it.
    • I see... You managed to avoid detection by me once. It shall never happen again since you will be fighting right alongside me!

    Empires Mode

    • We have the advantage! Let us end this fight now!
    • We are a match for them! We can win this battle!
    • Our skill shall make up for our fewer numbers!
    • Do not give up your lives needlessly! Retreat quickly!
    • You shall go no farther! I swear it!
    • I offer my aid in this battle. Forward!
    • I thank you for your aid!
    • Well done! I shall not forget this!
    • This cannot keep up! We must call for help!
    • Now! Carry out our plans!
    • Tch. You shall regret those words!
    • Did you think I would rise to such nonsense?!
    • Did you think that I would fall for such a simple trick!
    • I've captured an enemy officer!
    • This base is ours!
    • From here on out, I shall fight for you!
    • Now is the time to attack! Take the enemy base!
    • Drive them away!
    • Our base is in danger! We must strengthen the defenses!
    • We move to aid our ally!
    • Our duty is to protect this base.
    • We must ready ourselves and prepare for attack.
    • We must reform our ranks.
    • Charge!
    • Guard your posts with your lives!
    • Assemble here!
    • Fight as you think best!
    • Our rear line has thinned! Can someone aid us?
    • Understood! I will move out at once!
    • Right! I'll be there soon!
    • Now! Let us attack!
    • I shall stop the enemy! Please protect the base!
    • Leave the enemy to me! You guard the base!
    • Let us follow!
    • So they're headed here? Let us strengthen the defenses.
    • It's too dangerous! We must pull back!
    • You will not escape from me!
    • You, coward! Are your hands shaking so badly you can't even hold onto your weapon?
    • So, my strength was not enough to overcome the chaos...
    • I am Zhao Yun of Chang Shan! I will serve you to the best of my ability!
    • Does it end here...?
    • This force is now under my control! Let the world tremble at our coming!
    • You expect me to accept this disgrace without a word?
    • I am Zhao Yun of Chang Shan! I will bring order to this land!!
    • Allow me to handle it.
    • Leave it to me.
    • Understood.
    • I cannot allow that.
    • I am undeserving of this honor!
    • My thanks!
    • This isn't the end of everything... but still.
    • It's all over...
    • Now is not the time for us to fight, but to join forces instead. Lend me your aid!
    • Very good! Our first victory! We have taken the first step on our road to peace!
    • Victory is ours! Let this spur us on to greater heights!
    • We can fight no more... But we shall win the next one!
    • If this will lead us to a better future... I will willingly play the villain!
    • Look at the smiling faces of the people! Those smiles are what lend strength to our arms and speed to our feet.
    • For honor! For duty!

  • He is tough! Exercise caution!
  • He is tough... fight with your wits about you!
  • I will make you see the strength of my army!
  • We are being pushed back, put a stop to it!
  • We are already in a tight situation...
  • I have defeated (Officer)!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I am unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms!
  • You are the hero among heroes!
  • And I will follow!
  • What phenomenal skill!
  • We have gained control of this stronghold!
  • Lord (Officer)! Curses!
  • Guan Ping is truly unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms!
  • I will continue your in your footsteps, Lord Guan Ping!
  • Xing Cai is a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Xing Cai will be remembered forever!
  • I will stop you!
  • Can you stand up to my spear?

  • And now you lose!
  • I'll hold nothing back!
  • I am the dragon!
  • Fight me!
  • Flee while you still can!
  • Another has fallen to my spear!
  • This base belongs to us now!
  • Now is our chance to turn the tide. Follow me to victory!
  • The enemy is strong. Everybody, we must give it our all in this battle!
  • I can't hold out much longer. Somebody! I am in need of assistance!
  • I don't see any way out of this. Perhaps this battle is to be my last.
  • I am a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • I have failed you my lord. Please forgive me.
  • I must keep fighting...
  • Everyone get ready! We must capture the enemy base at all costs!
  • There is to be no retreat. Everybody, let's show them what we got!
  • That enemy warrior appears to be a formidable opponent. I relish the challenge.
  • Protect the base! We cannot afford to lose it in this battle.
  • I want everybody to attack the main camp! Drown it in a sea of fire!
  • All units, take up defensive positions! I want you to form a ring in order to hold off the enemy.
  • I am not afraid of such lowly trickery!
  • You will see that it takes more than this to get an advantage over me!
  • An ambush! Everybody, we must hurry to meet their attack!
  • I think I may have overextended myself...
  • I've been waiting for you. Come and face me!
  • We shall wait here for our allies to arrive.
  • It is up to us to take out the enemy base. Everybody, follow me!
  • Forward! Attack with the power of the dragon and the swiftness of the eagle!
  • All units halt! This is where we will make our stand!
  • The men are getting tired. Okay, we will fall back to the base for now!
  • After them! Don't let them get away!
  • Fall back in with the unit! You are too important to just throw away your life carelessly!
  • I wield my spear in the name of justice!
  • I cannot believe this is happening.
  • Hey good job! I can't let myself fall too far behind you!
  • Oh! Are you going to lend a hand? We need the help. Let's cut down the enemy together!
  • I could hardly believe you could do that alone, but do not overextend yourself. I will cover your flank.
  • You drew the enemy out here? Good. Now leave the rest to me.
  • Yes! Together we were brilliant!
  • You are a truly amazing warrior!
  • I am going to move ahead. It would really help if you came with me.
  • What a stunning display of strength. You have earned by respect.
  • Thank you for your help. Together, let us annihilate the enemy.
  • What a ferocious warrior! It seems you may not need my help after all.
  • This is what they call the hit and run? Then run and leave the hitting to me!
  • Thank you for your cooperation. We cannot be beaten when we work together!
  • Woah! What an amazing fighter!
  • There is only one path to victory and the way is forward. Let's go!
  • Most impressive, Master Liu Bei! Now I must follow your example!
  • It pains me to have troubled you, Master Liu Bei, though I thank you for your help.
  • Master Liu Bei! It is too risky to fight alone! I will join your fight!
  • Master Liu Bei, what you do is reckless! Leave the enemy to me and quickly get to a safer position!
  • I am honored to fight with you, Master Liu Bei! It is all that I could ever ask for!
  • Master Liu Bei! Your swordsmanship is unrivaled!
  • Let's go master! I will defend you with my spear!
  • I will fight you!
  • You thought you could do it alone?
  • I shall defeat you and end this battle!
  • Stop! I will let you go no further.
  • Others depend on me! I cannot lose!
  • What? Enemy reinforcements have arrived?
  • Neither my heart nor my spear have broken. We shall meet again!
  • It cannot end here...

  • Another obstacle in the path of justice has fallen before me!
  • This area belongs to us now!
  • Now is our chance to turn the tide! Follow me to victory!
  • The enemy is strong... Everybody, we must give it our all in this battle!
  • I can't hold out much longer... Somebody, I am in need of assistance!
  • I don't see any way out of this... Perhaps this battle is to be my last...
  • My devotion and commitment have taken me to the top!
  • I have failed you, my lord. Please forgive me...
  • I must... keep fighting...
  • Everybody, get ready! We must destroy the enemy at all costs!
  • There is to be no retreat! Everybody, let's show them what we've got!
  • That enemy warrior appears to be a formidable opponent... I relish the challenge!
  • Strengthen your defenses! We cannot afford to lose our position!
  • I want everybody to attack the enemy main camp! Drown it in a sea of fire!
  • All units, take up defensive positions! I want you to form a ring in order to hold off the enemy!
  • I am not afraid of such lowly trickery!
  • You will see that it takes more than this to get an advantage over me!
  • An ambush... Everybody, we must hurry to meet their attack!
  • This isn't good... We can't even catch our breath...
  • I think I may have overextended myself...
  • I've been waiting for you! Come and face me!
  • Everyone, stop! We'll regroup and go over our battle plans here.
  • It is up to us to secure the area! Everybody, follow me!
  • Forward! Attack with the power of the dragon and the swiftness of the eagle!
  • Join up with the allied forces and crush the enemy resistance!
  • All units, halt! This is where we will make our stand!
  • The men are getting tired... Okay, we will fall back for now!
  • After them! Don't let them get away!
  • Charge the enemy camp! Everybody, I want you to give it your all!
  • Fall back in with the unit! Don't throw away your life so carelessly!
  • Where are the reinforcements?
  • I've come to help!
  • I'll take care of the tougher enemies for you!
  • We'll take control of that area!
  • Time to go and assist our allies!
  • We'll patrol the area!
  • Make sure you've made your preparations!
  • We'll make quick work of the enemy!
  • Nothing can stop our momentum now!
  • We must do everything we can to defend this area!
  • Now is the time to show the enemy what we've got!
  • This is our chance! Start the counterattack!
  • We won't be left behind!
  • Show the enemy what we're truly capable of!
  • Always try to find and exploit an enemy's weakness!
  • We can get through this if we all work together!
  • Concentrate on fulfilling your duty and you will find your path.
  • Just try and stop me!
  • Well done, but the battle isn't over yet!
  • May our ambitions prevail!
  • Hey! Good job. Now let me show you what I can do!
  • Are you here to lend a hand? You have my thanks. Now, let's push the enemy back together!
  • I can hardly believe you could do that alone! But do not overextend yourself. I will cover your flank.
  • You drew the enemy out here? Good, now leave the rest to me!
  • Yes! Together, we were brilliant!
  • You are a truly amazing warrior!
  • I am going to move ahead. It would really help if you came with me.
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Okay!
  • Leave it to me!
  • What a stunning display of strength! You have earned my respect!
  • Thank you for your help. Together, let us annihilate the enemy!
  • What a ferocious warrior! It seems you may not need my help after all.
  • Ah, excellent! You've lured the enemy straight into an ambush.
  • Thank you for your cooperation! We cannot be beaten when we work together!
  • Whoa! What an amazing fighter!
  • There is only one path to victory, and the only way is forward! Let's go!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Understood!
  • As you command!
  • Most impressive, my lord! Now I must follow your example!
  • It pains me to have troubled you, my lord... though I thank you for your help.
  • My lord! It is too risky to fight alone! I will join your fight!
  • My lord, what you do is reckless! Leave the enemy to me and quickly get to a safer position.
  • I am honored to fight with you, my lord! It is more than I could ever ask for.
  • My lord, your swordsmanship is unrivaled!
  • We should get moving, my lord! I promise to defend you with my life, if necessary!
  • My lord, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Yes, my lord!
  • My lord, please leave it to me!
  • It is an honor to face you on behalf of my lord!
  • Did you honestly think you could win this battle alone?
  • I shall defeat you and end this battle!
  • Stop! I cannot let you go any further!
  • Others depend on me! I cannot lose!
  • Neither my heart nor my spear have broken! We shall meet again!
  • It cannot end here... Not yet...
  • Conquest Mode

    • I challenge any and all comers to test me in the art of battle!
    • My spear shall deliver justice to this battlefield!
    • Fear not, for I am here to assist you!
    • It is a pleasure to be able to accompany you. Let us fight, together!
    • Lord Liu Bei, I shall do what I can to help you realize your goal!
    • Lord Liu Shan, it is my solemn duty to protect you from any and all foes!
    • Xing Cai, it seems you have grown accustomed to the battlefield. I look forward to seeing you in action.
    • You appear to be hurt. Use this to help you feel better.
    • The image of your heroism has been etched in my mind.
    • Excuse me! I am in need of your kind assistance!
    • Thank you for your kindness.
    • That is as far as you shall go!
    • Let us see if you are able to avoid this!
    • I shall measure the extent of your abilities in battle!
    • Ugh! You are the one person that I never hoped to fight!
    • Lord Liu Bei! So the day has come that you would turn your blade on me...
    • Lord Liu Shan... You would oppose me, after all that we have been through?
    • Lord Liu Bei, your spirit is strong. I cannot overcome it on my own...
    • Lord Liu Shan, you have become much stronger than I could ever have imagined...
    • I had heard the rumors... But I never imagined someone like this.
    • I am overjoyed to meet a hero with such aspirations.
    • Your fighting style is incredible! It was like watching a dragon ascend to heaven.
    • I would very much like to see you again. Perhaps even ride through the battlefield together.
    • You came at a good time. Will you join me in playing with these children?
    • Thank you! I'm sure the children will enjoy it as well.
    • Is that so? And yet, the smile of a child is a wonder to behold...
    • We've worked hard to fulfill our aspirations. I despaired at times, but it has been worth it.
    • And the path continues on! I hope you will stay with me for the rest of the journey.
    • It is you who have kept me going. Please stay at my side, while life yet remains in me.

    Legend Mode

    • Honorable Prefect, I am known as Zhao Yun. I am here to assist you as your Adjutant. The people have abandoned this castle due to the chaos. You can bring them back by making a name for yourself in battle. You bring a shining ray of hope to this darkened land. Please continue to lend your strength to our cause.
    • Behold! The people have returned in support of your rule!
    • I am impressed with how many have flocked to your cause... I am glad that you are the one I chose to serve.
    • We've received word that the Emperor has been driven from the capital. We must welcome him to our castle at once!
    • I never thought this day would come... You are a true hero of the land!
    • Please leave the defense of this castle to me.
    • I enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of this castle. It allows you to forget all the war and suffering out there.
    • I shall be there to protect you from any harm. Please feel safe knowing that you are free to give your all in each battle.
    • I find it difficult to concentrate when thinking of you. Oh, did I say that out loud? Forgive me!
    • To the battlefield!

  • We have fought hard to realize our dreams for the land. Although difficult at times, I do not regret any of it. You are the rock upon which my heart is built. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you.

  • Another obstacle in the path of justice has fallen before me!
  • My devotion and commitment have taken me to the top.
  • I don't see any way out of this... Perhaps this battle is to be my last...
  • May this victory bring us closer to our goals!
  • Hah... This is not what I expected...
  • An ambush... Everybody, we must hurry to meet their attack!
  • You will see that it takes more than this to get an advantage over me.
  • I have failed you, my lord. Please forgive me...
  • I must... keep fighting...
  • This area belongs to us now!
  • Nothing can stop our momentum now!
  • We must do everything we can to defend this area!
  • That enemy warrior appears to be a formidable opponent... I relish the challenge!
  • Join up with the allied forces and crush the enemy resistance!
  • It is up to us to secure the area! Everybody, follow me!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Whoa! What an amazing fighter!
  • Thank you for your help. Together, let us annihilate the enemy!
  • You are a truly amazing warrior!
  • Are you here to lend a hand? You have my thanks. Now, let's push the enemy back together!
  • My lord, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • My lord, your swordsmanship is unrivaled!
  • It pains me to have troubled you, my lord... though I thank you for your help.
  • You have become very strong, my lord! You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • My lord, your skills have improved greatly! I am speechless!
  • To think that you would come to my aid, my lord! I am moved by your benevolence!
  • It is an honor to face you on behalf of my lord!
  • Did you honestly think you could win this battle alone?
  • Neither my heart nor my spear have broken! We shall meet again!
  • It cannot end here... Not yet...
  • I shall own the battlefield!
  • Now's my chance! Take this!
  • Here I come!
  • Face me, if you dare!
  • Fear the dragon's roar!
  • Witness my strength! This ends now!
  • Too slow!
  • What!
  • Empires Mode

    • I know I can make it through this chaos if you are with me. Please, stand at my side. I'm not going to force you, of course! I look forward to your answer next time we meet.
    • I shall protect you, protect your everything. Let us proceed together into the future!
    • Simply thinking of you gives me strength. My heart sings in hopes of presenting you a world that finally knows peace.

  • Here I come!
  • Test your strength!
  • Take this!
  • I challenge you!
  • The dragon rises!
  • Victory is mine!
  • My dedication raises me to new heights!
  • You are the greatest in the Three Kingdoms!
  • You are a legend in your own time!
  • Such impressive skill!I shall match your exploits!
  • A contest - which of us can claim greater glory?
  • The enemy's momentum is taking its toll...
  • Your assistance is much appreciated!
  • Reinforcements?! Excellent timing!
  • Face me, and test your worth!
  • Impressive... But next time I shall emerge victorious!
  • My quest... It ends here...
  • Even my spear has never reached such heights!
  • Never has a spear moved so fast!
  • Will you fight with me?
  • Your swordsmanship is beyond compare!
  • Your sword leaves none standing in its wake.
  • I am in your debt!
  • You are the true synthesis of power and passion!
  • Such raw power... Astonishing!
  • Oh, it's you! Help me out!
  • A new spearman for me to tackle.
  • The new wave brings new skills...
  • I have found a worthy successor...
  • You think that sword can cut me?
  • To linger any longer would mean death...
  • You have rendered my spear quite useless...

  • For the good of the land!
  • I will assist!
  • Prepare yourself!
  • The spirit of the dragon will fly through the enemy!
  • Very impressive, my lord. Your skills far surpass my own.
  • Your skill is an example for us all.
  • Lord Taigong Wang, your assistance is greatly appreciated.
  • Very impressive, Xing Cai! Your skill is unmatched!
  • You've improved! I'll have to watch you.
  • You've come for me! Thank you, Xing Cai.
  • I will show you one spear can triumph over two!
  • Dual spears... and a sword...?
  • My spear has failed me...

  • I challenge any and all comers to test me in the art of battle!
  • Victory belongs to us!
  • Zhao Yun has come to claim this battlefield!
  • A satisfactory result.
  • I could not have asked for anything more!
  • Here, this for you. I trust that you will find it to your liking...
  • A most impressive display of skill!
  • That was most disappointing...
  • I defeated numerous enemies in the last battle. My spear already yearns for the next one!
  • It seems I have been called to many battles lately. I must keep up my training to ensure I am ready to answer the call.
  • I was not able to perform very well in the last battle... Next time, I must strive to defeat even more enemies!
  • It is good to enjoy a fine party every once in a while.
  • Another obstacle in the path of justice has fallen before me!
  • My devotion and commitment have taken me to the top!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • My lord, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • My lady, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Yukimura Sanada, you are an Unrivaled Warrior!
  • I can't hold out much longer... Somebody, I am in need of assistance!
  • How curious... I seem to be fighting myself.
  • An incredible display of skill!
  • Well done.
  • Thank you for your assistance.
  • My thanks for your help.
  • Come and face me if you dare!
  • My spear has failed me...
  • Well done, Master Liu Bei!
  • It pains me to need your help, Master Liu Bei.
  • Fine work, Xingcai!
  • Xingcai, you came to help me?
  • Lord Liu Shan, what a show!
  • Might I ask for your assistance?
  • Your ability with the spear is awe-inspiring, Master Yukimura!
  • Master Yukimura, will you fight together with me?!
  • Very impressive! That was mesmerizing.
  • Nice work! There will be no losing for us!
  • I am grateful for your help! I promise this favor shall be repaid!
  • Many thanks for your assistance! Now, let's turn the tide!
  • Ah, a challenge! I must give this battle my all!
  • Such strength... My spear was not equal to this task...
  • Well done, Master Liu Bei! I see your strength comes by way of your conviction.
  • It pains me to need your help, Master Liu Bei. It's my job to support you...
  • Nice work, Xingcai. I see you have developed into a fine young warrior.
  • Thank you. I appreciate your help.
  • An impressive display, Lord Liu Shan! You've become quite strong!
  • You're here to support me? What a kind and virtuous heart you have.
  • What great skill you have with your spear! There is no excuse for me to lose now.
  • Master Yukimura, you've come to fight beside me? With you here, we will turn them back.
  • Great work as always! It is an honor to fight beside you.
  • Great! I can always rely on your courage!
  • With your support comes hope! Let's turn this around!
  • Thank you for coming! I feel as if a thousand troops have joined me!
  • So you're my enemy now... I had hoped to avoid this encounter...
  • Impressive... There is no shame in losing to you.
  • Master Liu Bei, your benevolent blade sings! I am impressed!
  • Master Liu Bei, you fight for virtue, so it is no surprise that you are here to help.
  • Your skills have grown, Xingcai. You are no longer in need of my instruction.
  • I can always count on you for help! Now, let's take care of these enemies!
  • Lord Liu Shan, you truly are magnificent.
  • You put yourself in danger for me? My thanks are not enough.
  • Fantastic! You are the champion of the day!
  • I always believed that you would come! We shall cut open a path with our spears!
  • I, Zhao Yun, stand before you! Prepare yourself!
  • You're strong... I need to commit everything to this battle.
  • My spear is not broken yet!
  • Please forgive me for the discourtesy of turning my spear against you!
  • So this is the blade of virtue... I never imagined that I would be opposing it in battle...
  • Even if you are my foe, Lord Liu Bei, I shall not retreat! You will face the full power of the dragon!
  • Show me how much you have learned!
  • That's still not enough, Xingcai! You must work so that your might shines even brighter!
  • I can see that it will take all of my strength to defeat you... You have become a fine warrior, Xingcai.
  • Lord Liu Shan, prepare to fight me!
  • To think that you are that babe I once carried in my arms... You have grown into a mighty warrior!
  • Much time has passed since Changban... but my spear remains as fast and as sharp as it was that day!
  • Master Yukimura, let us face each other in glorious battle!
  • Most impressive, Master Yukimura... you leave no opening for my attacks...
  • Excellent! However, the outcome of this battle is not decided yet!
  • Having to fight on my own makes no difference to me!
  • My heart has been yearning for the opportunity to face you in battle, Master Yukimura!

  • I will fight for what I believe in!
  • Very well. Together, we can handle anything!
  • Our spears!
  • Just honing my skills, out on a solitary journey. It has further heightened my spear skills, too, I'm sure.
  • We all shared the things we do best with each other. I taught them how to ride a horse while carrying a baby, but I'm not sure how often they'll actually need to do that.

  • Another obstacle in the path of justice has fallen before me!
  • I am Zhao Yun of Changshan! Face me!
  • I am a true Dynasty Warrior!
  • Things look bad. Is there no one who can lend me some aid?
  • I see no way out of this. Is it my fate to be defeated?
  • I am not yet strong enough to overcome this. I have to retreat.
  • Good, that went well.
  • The perfect battle!
  • Are you still with me? You can count on me, don't worry.
  • Ah, you're here to lend me a hand? Thank you so much. Let's defeat these enemies together!
  • Now! Prepare to fight Zhao Yun!
  • My passion is not extinguished yet! We shall fight again!
  • I have nothing against you personally, Master Zhou Cang. If we must fight, though, I will hold nothing back!
  • Master Zhou Cang. You have become even stronger.
  • Impressive indeed, Master Lu Bu. You have overawed me again.
  • You truly are the Demon! It is an honor to fight alongside you, Master Lu Bu.
  • Master Lu Bu!
  • Lady Wang Yuanji, a brilliant performance.
  • You settled that with style. Your calm demeanor is most impressive.
  • Lady Wang Yuanji!
  • Ah! Most impressive, Master Zhou Cang!
  • I'd expect no less from you, Master Zhou Cang! No one can keep up with your speed.
  • Master Zhou Cang!
  • Master Yukimura, how fierce you are!
  • Your bravery is striking indeed, Master Yukimura. I am glad to have met such a wonderful comrade.
  • Master Yukimura!
  • You are most impressive, Master Mitsunari!
  • Your head-on approach to battle is impressive, Master Mitsunari. I hope you achieve your ideals, one day.
  • Master Mitsunari!
  • Who could hope to defend your techniques, Lady Naotora?
  • You are strong, and yet so humble. I could learn much from you!
  • Lady Naotora!
  • Master Arima, you are most impressive!
  • Strength, elegance, speed and bravery. You have it all, Master Arima.
  • Master Arima!
  • Your techniques are the best, Master Darius.
  • Master Darius, impressive! I knew I could rely on you.
  • Master Darius!
  • Master Nobunyaga. What incredible bravery!
  • Master Nobunyaga, you fight with great ambition. I'm sure you can obtain the world.
  • Master Nobunyaga!
  • Miss Ōka, you are so elegant in battle.
  • Your skills are highly honed, Miss Ōka. I'm happy to be able to fight alongside you.
  • Miss Ōka!
  • Your aim is always accurate, Miss Horō.
  • Miss Horō, that was another impressive shot. Fighting all those Oni has paid off.
  • Miss Horō!
  • You are so reliable, Master Tokitsugu.
  • Master Tokitsugu, you are brave indeed. You are a true hero.
  • Master Tokitsugu!
  • No one can keep up with your movements, Miss Kasumi.
  • Miss Kasumi, you fight so well! I'm in awe of how incredible your skills are!
  • Miss Kasumi!
  • Miss Marie, that's the way.
  • I can't read any of your movements, Miss Marie. Both your enemies and allies are in awe.
  • Miss Marie!
  • Miss Honoka, you fight so hard.
  • Honoka-style is most impressive. There's no way I could copy such a variety of techniques.
  • Miss Honoka!
  • Miss Laegrinna, you look gorgeous in battle.
  • Miss Laegrinna, you settled that brilliantly. No one can escape from your traps.
  • Miss Laegrinna!
  • Miss Millennia, you complete your duty with grace.
  • Miss Millennia, you defeat your enemy with such precision. Your traps have saved me again.
  • Miss Millennia!
  • Ah! You have such sharp skills, Master Hayabusa!
  • Your bravery is truly flawless, Master Hayabusa. The result of your tireless training, of course.
  • Master Hayabusa!
  • Miss Ayane, you fight so wonderfully.
  • You don't waste a single movement, Miss Ayane. I see why they call you a genius.
  • Miss Ayane!
  • Master William, you are simply incredible.
  • There's a lot I can learn from you, Master William. I'm glad for meeting with such a wonderful warrior.
  • Master William!
  • Miss Sophie, your alchemy is most impressive.
  • You have grown up so much, Miss Sophie. I will continue to rely on you.
  • Miss Sophie!
  • Miss Plachta, your deeds have moved my heart!
  • Your bravery and intellect are something else, Miss Plachta. I'm happy to have found such a trustworthy ally.
  • Miss Plachta!
  • Miss Arnice, you are truly incredible!
  • Miss Arnice, you've impressed me most deeply. I have to try and keep up.
  • Miss Arnice!
  • Miss Chris, how elegant you are in battle!
  • The music you play is so beautiful, Miss Chris. Being able to enjoy it while fighting is amazing.
  • Miss Chris!
  • Ah! Well done, Goddess of Victory!
  • Master Rio, you are wonderful indeed. With you along, how can we lose?
  • Master Rio!
  • Lady Tamaki. You are such a hard worker.
  • Lady Tamaki, that is most impressive work. If things get too much for you, though, you can count on me.
  • Lady Tamaki!
  • Master Setsuna, your valor is incredible.
  • Master Setsuna, you've made all the difference again. I can't help but watch your sword in motion.
  • Master Setsuna!
  • Master Shiki, your calculating nature is such an asset.
  • Master Shiki, you are incredible. That's the mark of your determination.
  • Master Shiki!
  • I take to the battlefield to fight for my beliefs!
  • I shall become a mighty dragon that soars across the battlefield!

  • Ready! Now, attack!
  • Your order, my lord?
  • Forward march!
  • You have my word that I will not let you down.
  • I will always help a friend when he is in need.
  • To battle!
  • Move it or I'll end your miserable life!
  • It'll take more than that to stop Zhao Yun.
  • Justice is on our side. We shall not fail.
  • Don't try to hide! Feast your eyes on the great might that people call Zhao Yun!
  • And remember: justice walks by my side.
  • Bring it on!
  • Take this!
  • The sword of justice is always right.
  • Ugh... The world, it is darkness...
  • Justice prevails, what did I tell you!?
  • Tch. When I come back, I'll be twice as strong!
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