Wei Yan/Quotes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Wei Yan.


  • Joined them...
  • Don't fall behind!
  • Officer... defeat!
  • I... you... destroy...
  • Out... of... my... way!
  • Hmph... you worm...
  • This is ... futile...
  • You... strong...
  • Impossible... I lost...
  • Death... I... Ahhh...

  • Come...
  • Die!
  • Enemy... Die...
  • Again...
  • Hmm... Scum...
  • Last... Fight...
  • You... Die...
  • Retreat...
  • Next time...
  • Death...? Impossible...
  • Humph...
  • Strong... Must... Hold...
  • Strong... Enemy...
  • You... Weak...
  • Destroy...
  • No... Good...
  • Cannot... Hold...
  • We... Die...
  • Need... Help...
  • Must... Be... Careful...
  • Enemy... Dead...
  • Good...
  • You... Strong...
  • You... True Warrior...
  • Cannot... Stop... Me...
  • No... Fall... Behind...
  • Must... Fight...
  • I... Kill... You...!
  • You... Too... Far...
  • You... Late...
  • Thank... You...
  • Saved...
  • Hold...!
  • Must... Hold...
  • You... Hold!
  • We... Hold...
  • You... Help!
  • Die...
  • All... Die...
  • We... Attack...
  • Must... Attack...
  • Lord... forgive... me...
  • Fight... Me...
  • You... Die...
  • Kill... You...
  • Must... Destroy...
  • I... Stop... You...
  • You...  Will... Pay..
  • Stupid... You... Die...
  • Brave... But... Stupid...
  • You... Die...
  • Kill... You...
  • Die...!
  • I.. Serious...
  • You... All... Die...
  • Destroy... All...
  • Xtreme Mode

    • Travel... good...!
    • You... die...?
    • Build... kingdom... enemy... die...
    • Fight... together...
    • Not... yet...
    • You... must... live...
    • You... good...
    • You... scum...
    • No... pass... die...
    • You... all... die...
    • Thief... die...
    • Intruder... you... die...
    • You...?
    • Urggh... Kill... you!
    • I... defeat... you...
    • I... defeat... evil...
    • I... fight...
    • Assist...
    • Thank... you...
    • Your... enemy... my... enemy...!
    • Gift...
    • You... come...

    Empires Mode

    • Kill... All!
    • Must... Focus...
    • Enemy... Strong!
    • Stronghold... MINE!
    • Send... Reinforcements...
    • Protect... Rear...
    • Pull... Back...
    • I... Run...
    • Coming...
    • Guard... Stronghold...
    • Attack... Enemy...
    • Attack... Together...
    • You... Defend...
    • Attack... Now...
    • I... Attack...
    • Rest...
    • Enemy... Coming...
    • Retreat...
    • No... Escape...
    • I... Kill... You...!
    • Humph...
    • I... Friend...
    • I... Defend...
    • I... Attack...
    • Only... Victory...!
    • I... Retreat...
    • I... Fight...!
    • We... Strong...!
    • I... Attack...!
    • Stop... Yellow... Turbans... I... Crush... Them...
    • Many... warriors... Destroy... Dong... Zhuo?
    • I... Kill... Enemy...
    • Fighting... Start... I... Conquer!
    • Vast lands... for us! Destroy... Enemies...!
    • They... will... die!
    • Destroy... Enemies!
    • Make... Oath... We... End... Chaos!
    • The beginning...
    • Kill... Enemies... Fighting... EVERYTHING!
    • Few... Enemies... Go! End... Near...
    • I... Do...
    • Ally... Me...?
    • You... Yes... No kill... You...
    • You... Enemy... You... Kill...
    • I... Fight... Strategy... Make...
    • My... Deal...
    • You... Ok...
    • I... Kill... You...
    • Enemy... Coming... We... Destroy... Enemy...
    • Kill... Enemy... We... Destroy... Enemy...
    • Thank... You... Gift... For... You...
    • All Over... Take.. Gift...
    • I... Kill... Turbans... I... Fight... Kill... Everything...
    • I... Kill... Tyrant... I... Fight... Still...
    • I... Win... Continue... Victory...
    • I... Lose... Win... Next... Time!
    • No... Conquer... Tired... Fighting...
    • People... Suffering... I... Bad...?
    • I... Good... People... Happy... I... Happy...
    • New... Era... Very... Happy...
    • I... Fight... Grrrr! I... Want... Battle!
    • Again... Hate... Strategy...

  • Grrr... Meee, fight!
  • Strong... Must... Hold...
  • Strong... Enemy...
  • Destroy...
  • No... Good...
  • We... Die...
  • Me... finished... (Officer)...
  • You... True Warrior...!
  • Cannot... Stop... Me...
  • You... Strong...
  • Good...
  • Area... MINE!
  • Must... Hold...
  • You... Hold!
  • Die...
  • I... Stop... You...
  • Destroy... All...

  • Die...!
  • Smash...!
  • Wei Yan'll smash... all in his path...
  • Strong...
  • Crush...
  • Urgh... trouble...
  • Defeat... near...
  • Enemy officer... defeated...
  • Me... True Warrior... Three Kingdoms...
  • Impressive... Try... me...
  • My... turn...
  • Your... base... belong... me...
  • Destroy... all...
  • Defense... focus...
  • Victory... near...
  • Increase... pace...
  • Capture... base...
  • Burn...
  • Our... base... fell...
  • Come... back...
  • You... True Warrior... Three Kingdoms...
  • Impressive...
  • Me... too...
  • Good... luck...
  • Forgive me...
  • You... came...
  • Thanks...
  • Still... have... chance...
  • Stand... firm...
  • It's... over...
  • Now...
  • Fight... me...
  • Your... head... mine...
  • Let's... finish this...
  • Stop... at once...
  • Foolish...
  • I... want... fight...
  • Fight... to... death...
  • How... Impossible...!
  • My... death... has come...
  • Xtreme Mode

    • Your... enemy... My... enemy.
    • Oww... Ropes... tight...
    • Make... kingdom... Defeat... enemies...
    • Me... finish battle...!
    • You... fool... Me... leave.
    • No pass... You... die...!
    • Die... thief...
    • You...?!
    • Repay... debt...
    • Rebel... leave...
    • You... Wait...
    • Help...
    • Thank you...
    • Present...
    • He... no trust... me...
    • I... fight...!
    • Me... lose...!
    • Finish... me...!
    • Good... Not bad...
    • You... bad...
    • Me... you... friends... I... trust... you! We... fight... together...!
    • Me... you... friends... I... need... you... If... betray... you... die!
    • Territory... dream... realized...
    • Chaos... gone... Good!

    Destiny Mode

    • Forward...! Destroy... enemy...!
    • Help... allies...!
    • New recruit... stay... close...!
    • Pursue... Attack...!
    • Destroy... enemy... now...!
    • Impossible... Retreat...!
    • Halt...! Rest now...!
    • Next... Go...!
    • Impressive...!
    • Grr... This... no good...
    • Grr... Friends... danger...
    • Enemy... die...!
    • Spy... Must... stop...
    • Grr...! Ambush...!
    • Ambush... spotted... Come... Fight...!
    • Return... now...!
    • Grr... Traitor... Me... sad...
    • Careful...
    • Use... this...
    • You... came...
    • I... kill... traitor...
    • Me... stay... You... go...!
    • Impressive... Show more...
    • Grr...! Enemy... impressive...
    • Enemy... found...!
    • Target... weak point...
    • Me... Wei Yan... Your... leader...
    • Welcome... Me... happy...
    • We... destroy... base...
    • We... destroy... enemy... officer...
    • Friends... surrounded... They... in danger... We.. help... them...
    • We... guard... base... Enemy... many... Destroy... all...
    • We... destroy... enemy... commander... You... try... hard...
    • Enemy... ambush... many... Everyone... take... care.
    • Enemy... build... supply base... Destroy enemy... morale... fall...
    • Enemy... strong... Enemy... many... Be... careful... Fight...
    • Enemy... camp... defense... strong... Scouting... difficult...
    • Go... We... win...!
    • Go...
    • You... strong... Show... me... power...
    • You... me... fight... together... Me... happy...
    • You... soldier... but... strong... Next battle... you... promoted...
    • You... very... strong... Me... surprised...
    • Oohhh...! What... do...?! Strategy... me... no... understand...
    • Me... impressed... Your... strength... no... equal...
    • Victory... But... you... fail... Must... try... harder...
    • Hrahhh! You... worthless...! Me... sad...
    • I... teach... new... skill...
    • This... yours... You... can use...
    • You... betray... enemy... Come... serve... me... Good...

    Empires Mode

    • This... battle... mine!
    • Even... fight. I... win!
    • They... Strong! No fear!
    • Must live. Retreat!
    • We relief! Protect!
    • We attack with you!
    • Help thanks!
    • Fight together again!
    • Need relief!
    • Use tactic!
    • You... die!
    • Who cares!
    • Easy tactic!
    • Enemy caught!
    • Base mine!
    • Promise made. Change sides.
    • Base conquer!
    • Enemy destroy!
    • Base open! Protect!
    • Help allies!
    • Patrol base!
    • Attack comes. Get ready!
    • Difficult. Reform!
    • Attack!
    • Defend!
    • Gather!
    • Do what want!
    • Protect rear!
    • Understood.
    • Right.
    • March together!
    • Come!
    • I attack. You defend.
    • I attack. You here.
    • I help!
    • Enemy come here. I wait!
    • Enemy strong. I retreat!
    • You run? I chase!
    • You... Fool!
    • The... end...
    • I... Fight!
    • I... End... here...
    • I... Lead... Force... We... Take... Land...
    • I... You... No...
    • This land... mine... No one... take!
    • Right...
    • Impossible.
    • I... Thank...
    • Thank you...
    • Too... bad...
    • I... lose...
    • Enemy... strong... Strength... Lend me...
    • First... victory... Me... strong...
    • We... win... Defeat... more enemy...
    • Me... lose... Next... battle... win...
    • People... fear... me... Me... evil...?
    • People... happy... Me... happy...

  • Strong... Careful.
  • ...Strong..?
  • Crush... Enemy...
  • Not Good... Disadvantage...
  • ...No... Strong...
  • I... Beat... (Officer)!
  • You... True Warrior...!
  • I... True Warrior...!
  • You... True... Hero...
  • Amazing...
  • I... Too...
  • Enemy... Stronghold... MINE!
  • (Officer)... GAAAAH!
  • I... Stop... You...
  • You... Die...

  • Die!
  • You die!
  • Defeat you!
  • You weak!
  • Enemy officer defeated!
  • Capture...Base!
  • Difficult...battle. Fight...back!
  • Enemy...strong! Me...crush!
  • No! Enemy strong! Me win!
  • Game...over?
  • Me true warrior...Three Kingdoms!
  • Me...withdraw!
  • Me...lose...
  • Attack!
  • Defend!
  • Enemy dangerous. Me chase!
  • Base important. Protect!
  • Everybody attack! Defeat enemy!
  • Defend...No die!
  • Rgh! Trap!
  • No...surprise...Wei Yan!
  • You surprise me. Me defeat you!
  • Me...go...too far.
  • You...fool!
  • Me...stop.
  • Me attack base. Me capture base.
  • Go...smash...enemy.
  • Stop! Here important! Protect!
  • Need...regroup. Return base!
  • Me...catch you!
  • Stay here! Join...allies!
  • Victory! Ours!
  • We...lose...
  • You...strong. Me strong too.
  • You...save me.
  • Alone...lonely. Me...fight too.
  • Enemy...comes. I smash!
  • Team...good!
  • Good!
  • Going...now! You come too!
  • You...strong! Me...stronger!
  • You...save me. Me...sorry.
  • Alone. Danger. Fight...together.
  • Danger. I smash enemy!
  • Team...finish!
  • Strong!
  • I go! You follow!
  • Liu Bei fights! I fight too!
  • Liu Bei...save me!
  • Liu Bei...grave!
  • Liu Bei...danger! I stop enemy!
  • Liu Bei...fight together! Me...happy.
  • Liu Bei...impressive!
  • Liu Bei...come!
  • Me...defeat you!
  • You...alone? You...die!
  • You...strong! Me...stop you!
  • Halt! You...no escape...me!
  • Me...commander! Me...beat you!
  • Many...enemy! Me...defeat all!
  • Me...defeated. Me...retreat.
  • Me...die...here...

  • Enemy officer... defeated...
  • This... place... mine!
  • Difficult... battle... Fight... back...
  • Enemy... strong... I... crush...
  • Noooo! Enemy... Strong... I... Win...
  • Game... over...?
  • Me... True... Warrior... Three... Kingdoms...
  • I... withdraw...
  • I... lose...
  • Attack!
  • Defend!
  • Enemy... dangerous... I... chase...
  • Position... important... protect!
  • Everybody... attack! Defeat... enemy...
  • Defend! No... die!
  • Grrr... Trap...
  • Hm?
  • You... stop!
  • Grrr... Too... many!
  • I... go... too far...
  • You... fool...
  • I... rest...
  • I... attack that... position... I... capture!
  • Go... smash... enemy!
  • We... help... friends... Let's go!
  • Stop... Here important... Protect...
  • Need... regroup... fall... back...
  • I... catch you...
  • Let's go... Grrr...
  • Stay... here... Join... allies...
  • Need... help...
  • I... destroy!
  • Stop!
  • Take... position... Now!
  • Help... friend... Now!
  • Keep... watch...
  • Regroup!
  • We... winning...
  • Good... Go!
  • I... kill... deserters... Stay... here... Defend!
  • Destroy... all... enemy!
  • Counterattack!
  • Follow... me...
  • We... winning! Do... more!
  • Find... weakness!
  • Friends... important!
  • Fight! Finish... everything!
  • You... die!
  • You... strong...
  • I... fight! I... destroy!
  • You... strong. Me... strong too.
  • You... save me...
  • Alone... Lonely... I... help... you...
  • Enemy... comes... I smash.
  • Teamwork... good.
  • Good...
  • Going... now... You... come too.
  • You... True Warrior... of... Three Kingdoms...
  • Hmph!
  • As you wish...
  • You... strong. Me... stronger...
  • You... save me... I sorry.
  • Alone... danger... Fight... together.
  • Danger... I smash... enemy.
  • Team... Good...
  • Strong!
  • I go... You follow.
  • You... True Warrior... of... Three Kingdoms...
  • Understood.
  • Leave... to... me...
  • Liu Bei... fights. I fight too.
  • Liu Bei... save me.
  • Liu Bei... brave.
  • Liu Bei... danger... I stop... enemy...
  • Liu Bei... fight together... Me... happy.
  • Liu Bei... impressive.
  • Liu Bei... come.
  • Liu Bei... True Warrior... of... Three Kingdoms...
  • Yes... Liu Bei...
  • You... depend... me...
  • I... defeat you...
  • You... alone... You... die...
  • You... strong... I... stop you...
  • Halt... You... no escape... me...
  • I... commander... I... beat you...
  • I... defeated... I... retreat...
  • I... die here...
  • Conquest Mode

    • Destroy... enemy...
    • I... friend...
    • I... help... you...
    • Liu Bei... summon me... Me... happy!
    • You... silent... Like me!
    • I... no like... you... Strange...
    • Ding Feng... look... strong... I... help... you...
    • You... use... this...
    • You... do well... Me... happy...
    • You... help... me...
    • I... thank you...
    • You... no pass... here...
    • I... do...!
    • You... show me... strength!
    • You... betray me... I... punish you!
    • Liu Bei... enemy... Me... sad!
    • Nobody... defeat... me...
    • Zhuge Liang... hate... me... I... hate... Zhuge Liang!
    • I... escape... Liu Bei... friend...
    • You... no... defeat me...
    • Zhuge Liang... cruel...
    • You... famous. Show... face.
    • Wow... You fight... well.
    • You... strong. I... like.
    • Come... again! I fight... too.
    • I... alone always. Why?
    • Show... face? Never...
    • You... sure? So... happy.
    • Always... together... Happy.
    • Friends... never end. Never forget.
    • You... important to me. If betray me... you die!

  • You... I... together long time... I... happy! I... take off... mask... For you... only...!

  • Smash...
  • Die...
  • Mine...
  • Me... enemy... defeat...
  • Me... most... strong... all!
  • Most... strong... warrior...
  • Most... good... soldier...
  • Me... too...
  • Good...
  • My... turn...
  • Defeat... near...
  • Safe...
  • You... come...
  • Me... crush... you...
  • No... can't...!
  • Me... die...
  • Fūma... most... strong...
  • You... I... crazy...
  • Together... kill...
  • Hanzō... most... fast...
  • Good... friend...
  • You... I... together...
  • Smash... enemy...
  • Big... hammer...
  • You... come... Me... happy...
  • Fight... me...
  • Strong...
  • Me... die...?
  • I... want... fight...
  • Fast...
  • No...! I... die...

  • This will be a chance... to express myself...
  • Help...
  • Gone...
  • I fight... Enemy... die...
  • Your ball... greatest...
  • Look stupid... Fight well...
  • Help me...
  • Tiger... mightiest...
  • I... match you...
  • Together...
  • Stop... noise...
  • Strange sounds... Run...
  • I... die....

  • I... fight...!
  • I... win...!
  • Destroy... enemy...
  • I... satisfied...
  • Grrrr...! I... do... well...!
  • Take... this... You... happy... I... happy...
  • Impressive...
  • You... failed...
  • I... defeat... many... enemies... Grrrr...! I... strong...!
  • I... not... go to... battle... I... fight...! I... defeat... all enemies...!
  • Recently... I... fight... many battles... I... fight... for friends...!
  • Friends... together... I... happy...!
  • Enemy officer... defeated...
  • Me... True... Warrior... Three... Kingdoms...
  • You... True Warrior... of... Three Kingdoms...
  • Liu Bei... True Warrior... of... Three Kingdoms...
  • Ma Dai... True Warrior... of... Three Kingdoms...
  • Meng Huo... True Warrior... of... Three Kingdoms...
  • Kojirō... Unrivaled Warrior...
  • Noooo! Enemy... Strong... I... Win...
  • Huh...? I... see me...
  • Good...
  • Strong...!
  • Reinforcements...
  • You... save me...
  • Prepare... yourself...
  • I... withdraw...
  • Liu Bei... impressive...
  • Liu Bei...
  • Ma Dai good...
  • Ma Dai here...
  • Meng Huo good...
  • Meng Huo here...
  • Kojirō good...
  • Kojirō here...
  • Good... I... not fall... behind...
  • You... strong. Me... strong too.
  • Reinforcements... I saved...
  • You... save me... I... sorry.
  • I... defeat... you...
  • I... retreat... Next time... I... win...
  • Liu Bei... good work... I... also... try harder...
  • Liu Bei...? I... thankful...
  • Ma Dai... good work... I... not... fall behind...
  • Ma Dai... here... I... saved...
  • Meng Huo... good work... I... crush enemy... too...
  • Meng Huo... save... me... I... sorry...
  • Kojirō... good... work... Cut... enemy... good?
  • Kojirō... save... me... I... sorry...
  • You... strong... You... great...!
  • You... great... I... impressed...
  • I... survive... because of... you...
  • You... here... I... happy...!
  • I... defeat... you...! I... cannot lose...!
  • I... lose... You... strong...!
  • Liu Bei... strong...! I... respect...!
  • Liu Bei... kind... I... here... for... Liu Bei...
  • Ma Dai... do good... I... happy...!
  • Ma Dai... here... We... friends...!
  • Meng Huo... strong... He... Nanman... King...!
  • Meng Huo... save... me... I... happy...
  • Kojirō... very... good... I... happy...
  • Kojirō... save... me... Very... kind...
  • I... fight...!
  • You... strong... I... strong too...!
  • I... cannot lose...!
  • Why... Liu Bei...?!
  • Liu Bei... important... I... cannot... kill...!
  • Liu Bei... serious...? Grrr...!
  • Nobody... can defeat... me...!
  • I... cannot... lose...!
  • I... will... defeat... Ma Dai...!
  • Meng Huo... Prepare... yourself...!
  • Meng Huo... strong... I... try harder...!
  • No! I... will not... be defeated...!
  • I... cut... you...
  • You... cannot... cut me...
  • Stop...! Do not... come... closer...!
  • I... will... defeat... you...!
  • I... will... win...!
  • I... defeat... Meng Huo...!
  • I... will... not... lose...!
  • Wild... beast...?
  • You... talk... too much...!

  • I... fight. Enemy... die!
  • I... rampage!
  • Raaaah! Me too!
  • Training... done. I... fight!
  • Trained... with... friends. I... happy!

  • I can take ya, ha!
  • Ha! No autographs from me!
  • Huh? You're in that big of a hurry to die?
  • Yeah.
  • Yowwowwee~!
  • That was not my day...
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