User:Jerrycuff/Shingetsu Kazama

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Shingetsu Kazama is a Fictional Ninja Character and is one of the 8 Furious White Tiger Generals of the Baisetsu clan that appears on Samurai Warriors 2: Empires, he is the nephew of Kaimei's ninja bodyguard Kenzuki Kazama and is the loyal ninja who serves Shouzen Baisetsu, one of Raima's two sons. After Raima's death, Shingetsu helped defend Zangetsuyama Castle from the invading army of the Jinpachi clan, they survived the entire siege but all of Shouzen and Maigekiyu soon found out was a trap, they knew that Jinpachi army was a diversion set by Mitsunari Ishida which gave the Hashiba army enough time to set the castle aflame and explode, causing the disappearance of Genji Hongikyo and Setsuna-Hime which led the Baisetsu clan to a major defeat, Zangetsuyama soon was destroyed by the Hashiba army and Shingetsu along with Shouzen, Maigekiyu, and the remaining white tiger generals of the Baisetsu were captured and recruited in the Hashiba ranks shortly after. A week later after Zangetsuyama Castle fell, Shingetsu was ordered to assist the Tachibana army at the Conquest for Kyushu to fight the Shimazu army led by Yoshihiro Shimazu, they emerged victorious and the land was united under the Toyotomi rule. Soon after Hideyoshi's Death, he fought alongside Maigekiyu and Shouzen at Sekigahara to fight the Eastern Army led by Ieyasu Tokugawa, but the western army was routed when Hideaki Kobayakawa and the Mori defected to the Eastern army and Mitsunari was captured and executed. In the year 1614, Shingetsu was ordered to help the Toyotomi to stop the Tokugawa army at the Osaka Campaign,