
My first memories of KOEI and its games is seeing my older two brothers playing as Fu Xi and Nu Wa on the Nanman Campaign in Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends. After that, I was able to get the game from them and have memories of playing it hours on end, even if for the first few years I didn't have a memory card so I'd just be replaying Hulao Gate or the Nanman Campaign on the Shu side with fresh characters, losing all progress each time I turned the PS2 off. Hell, it sounds weird, but most likely I could play through the latter stage with Wei Yan in my head alone, with every sound effect ringing true and the Exotic Traitors song serenading me sweet. The Warriors franchise has always been my go-to game and the only series I've avidly followed. Thus it has ever been, thus it shall ever be.

I've only recently become fascinated with the history behind the Dynasty Warriors -- the twilight of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period. Easily, I'm not the most knowledgable on the subject nor have the resources to do so (one day, you will be mine, Rafe's Biographical Tome!) but I take what I find. My foremost desire regarding this Wiki is to fill up the Historical and RotK sections of every DW character (as well as the clean-up and completion of select pages), but that's only a dream right now, seeing as unfortunately I'm too lazy to do any of that. Let's hope more enthusiasts will hop aboard the community and help out. I'm entirely thankful to have a handful of friends who know that DW exists and love it.

My favorite characters from each kingdom are Cao Ren, Wei Yan, and Sun Ce. On the topic of DW7, naturally I'm excited, but for now I don't know what to expect. Multiple items point towards the sequel taking the route of a darker direction for the series, including the transformation from the stylized almost cartoony graphics of DW6 to the heavier, more realistic engine of the more solemn Hokuto Musou and how the timeline extends itself over to the unification of China by Jin, and by the end of all of the Kingdom Musous our whole original cast, the characters we've all come to love and care for, will have their efforts crushed -- the saintly heroes of Shu, the necessary antagonists of Wei, and the third-wheel of Wu, all dominated and forcibly absorbed by a fourth party who themselves stemmed from usurpation. The point of a unified China could be a high point at the end, but the journey there would definitely be hard to watch.

Gameplaywise... Hmm. I would rather have individualized weapons for each character instead of a mix-and-match order, and it also seems like DW7 has abandoned the elevation system of DW6 (though that remains to be confirmed). I'm not a fan of KOEI adding both Sima Shi and Zhao as characters; Shi seems to be the one I'll like more, but I do see character potential in Zhao. Please tell me he won't be a static character and stay his youtful self but instead gradually transform into that regicide-committing tyrannical puppeteer the historical one was. As demonstrated in his ending in DW6, the current Sima Yi would never raise his children to be that light-hearted. Similarly, I'm not a fan of Bao Sanniang being added over superior figures, man and woman alike, but she also has the potential to be a fun character (hope the English dub doesn't take its inspiration from Ai Nonaka and make her voice all highlike).

Planning to/Might work on:
