Uncharted Waters: New Horizons/Legend

From Koei Tecmo Wiki


Resources Description
Trade Raised by accomplishing guild missions and making allied ports through trade.
Piracy Raised by defeating fleets, hunting pirates, and collecting debt.
Adventure Raised by discovering new locales, fulfilling contracts, and collecting debt.


Commodore's Commands

  • Fleet - Commands involving management of the player's fleet.
    • Fleet Info - List ships in current fleet, enabling the player to view each of their status.
    • Rearrange - Change the order of ships within the fleet.
    • Scrap - Dispose an unneeded ship. Any cargo remaining will be lost alongside the ship unless they are transferred beforehand. Only the flagship cannot be scrapped.
  • Mate - Commands involving management of the player's mates.
    • Character Info - View information status on current mates.
    • Wages - Check and modify monthly wages per individual. Preferred minimum wage varies between mates.
    • Appoint - Change job duties of mates depending on their qualifications.
  • Cargo - Commands involving management of the player's cargo.
    • Cargo Info - List available cargo of each ship.
    • Transfer - Transfer cargo between ships. Unnecessary cargo can be scrapped by leaving it unloaded.
    • Log of Goods - Display the amount and content of current cargo. Selecting goods with a bookkeeper allows the player to know which known port offers the highest price for a particular product.
  • Crew - Commands involving management of the player's crewmen.
    • Transfer Crew - Transfer crewmen between ships.
    • Assign Crew - Adjust the ratio of crewmen needed to perform navigation, lookout, and combat.
    • Ration - Set rations for the crew. Low rations allow supplies to last longer, but will cause health conditions to worsen.
  • Record - Commands involving management of the player's inventory and records.
    • Discoveries - View all discoveries found by the player.
    • Items - List all current items in the player's inventory. Can be used to bring out special supplies or change equipment.
    • Journal - Review record of the player's journey.
  • Chart - View the world map. Shows areas the player has already explored.
  • Port Location - Locate a known port on the map. Indicated as a +.

Sea Commands

  • View - Inspect visible fleets and ports.
  • Gossip - Interact with passing fleets for information or advice.
  • Battle - Initiate battle with a fleet.
  • Auto Sail - Sail to a known port without manually steering the ship. Can only be done if the player's first mate has the celestial navigation skill.
  • Go Ashore - Drop anchor and explore a nearby shore for ports or villages.
    • Sail - Resume sailing.
    • Wait - Wait at the shore. Can help weather through storms or other natural disasters.
  • Quick Sail - Sail to a selected destination within sight. To do so, simply move the cursor to a chosen point on the screen.

Shore Commands

  • Repair - Use current lumber to repair ships.
  • Search - Find a clear spring to stock up on water. Depends on the player's luck and cannot be used to find water in deserts. Also serves as a way to find hidden treasure marked by a cartographer.

Village Commands

  • Search - Seek out a rare discovery near the village outskirts. May reduce the player's crewmen depending on the type of discovery found. Can only work if friendship levels with the villagers is sufficient enough.
  • Entertain - Befriend native villagers by holding a banquet. Costs 2 barrels of food per attempt. Can be done repeatedly to ensure a discovery's appearance.
  • Plunder - Plunder village for food. May lose crewmen if villagers fight back. The player's friendship levels and charm stat will plummet as a result of this action.

Below is a list of experience points needed to level up in battle and seafaring.

  • Level 1 - 0
  • Level 2 - 30
  • Level 3 - 150
  • Level 4 - 420
  • Level 5 - 900
  • Level 6 - 1,650
  • Level 7 - 2,730
  • Level 8 - 4,200
  • Level 9 - 6,120
  • Level 10 - 8,550
  • Level 11 - 11,550
  • Level 12 - 15,180
  • Level 13 - 19,500
  • Level 14 - 24,570
  • Level 15 - 30,450
  • Level 16 - 37,200
  • Level 17 - 44,880
  • Level 18 - 53,550
  • Level 19 - 63,270
  • Level 20+ - 72,990

Battle Commands

  • Move - Propel ship forward or change direction. Mobility points are calculated based on the ship's power and tacking stats.
  • Attack - Attack enemy ships in range.
    • Fire - Fire the enemy with guns from either side of the ship. One barrel of gunpowder is used per shot.
    • Rush - Storm an adjacent enemy ship with melee attacks. Targeting the opposing flagship may result in a duel.
  • Info - View status data on both fleets.
  • Order - Command allied ships to perform strategic tasks.
    • Individual Orders - Orders employed individually.
      • Chase/Escape - Pursue the enemy or flee from them.
      • Rush/Fire - Rush at the enemy directly or attack them with guns.
      • Delegate/Target - Leave command to the captain or have the ship target a specific opponent.
    • Common Orders - Orders employed as a group.
      • Fight/Flee - Fight to defeat the opposing fleet or escape if the situation grows dire.
      • Spread/Gather - Spread own ships apart or keep them close together.
      • Chase/Defend - Pursue enemies aggressively or retaliate when approached instead.
    • List - Display current orders enacted by the player.
  • Item - Change equipment in preparation for a duel.
  • Flee - Escape from battle. A ship must reach the edge of the map in order to use this command.

Crewmen Duties

Resources Description
New Horizons icon Navigation Serves as the default task for all crewmen since a minimal amount is required to properly move a ship. Increases sailing speed.
Gaiden icon
New Horizons icon Lookout Helps locate ports, villages, and other fleets from a distance. Range effect is proportionate to the number of men assigned.
Gaiden icon
New Horizons icon Combat Crewmen relegated to this task are charged with firing guns or charging against enemy ships during naval battles.
Gaiden icon


Resources Description
Water Used with food to maintain health. Costs nothing to replenish.
Food Used with water to maintain health. Costs gold to replenish.
Lumber Used for repairs outside of ports. Costs gold to replenish.
Gunpowder Used for reloading guns. Costs gold to replenish.
Cargo Represents the amount of cargo a ship carries.
Price Represents the price index of a port's market.


Disasters continue to be a hindrance for players. However, a few of their effects can now be dealt with using special items.

  • Calm - Winds cease blowing the sails of the player's ship, keeping it from moving for a brief moment.
  • Flaming Bird - One of the player's ships is set on fire by a flaming bird.
  • Fog - A fog obscures the player's vision, preventing the lookout crew from spotting ports or ships. Occurs somewhere near Northern Europe.
  • Ghost Ship - Lowers the player's luck by 30 upon witnessing an ominous-looking ship.
  • Giant Squid - The attack of a giant squid leaves the entire crew terrified, lowering the player's courage by 10.
  • Giant Whale - One of the player's rear vessels is capsized by a group of giant whales, leaving its durability halved.
  • Manta Ray - A giant manta ray is found swimming underneath the player's ship, only escaping upon being discovered.
  • Mermaid - The alluring sounds of sirens singing entice 25% of the player's crewmen to throw themselves overboard and drown.
  • Rats - Causes the player's fleet to lose more supplies due to rat infestations. Occasionally happens based on luck and the number of voyaging days spent.
  • Scurvy - Worsens health conditions of the player's fleet, swiftly killing off crewmen until none are left. Occurs after spending too much time at sea without visiting a port.
  • St. Elmo's Fire - A strange luminous phenomenon frightens the player's crew, lowering their courage.
  • Storm - Damages the player's ships by making them drift recklessly back and forth during a typhoon. Occurs more often in Africa and Asia.
  • Tornado - A tornado threatens to swallow up the player's fleet, causing the crew to panic and discard all of their cargo in hopes of escaping.
  • Vanishings - A thick mist envelopes the player's fleet, making one of their ships disappear forever.
Disaster Coordinates
Flaming Bird
N15, W1 N17, E41 S6, W64
N24, E64
Ghost Ship
N69, E10 N14, W72 S58, W99
N2, W139
Giant Squid
N16, E72 N1, E135 N76, W61
N69, W168
Giant Whale
S35, E176 N61, W163 S3, E81
N76, E173 S59, E167
Manta Ray
N5, W0 S23, E151 N28, E128
N6, W82
N64, E20 N44, E24 N45, W64
N21, W117
St. Elmo's Fire
N52, W13 S23, E13 S51, W73
N86, E100 N20, W157 N78, W115
N10, E51
N17, W94 N21, E89 N14, E143
N22, W83
S13, E42 S0, E117 S16, W82
N44, E147


Nation Merchant Fleet Convoy Voyaging Fleet
Portugal Nao (3x~4x)
Carrack (1x~2x)
Brigantine (1x~2x)
Flemish Galleon (4x~5x)
Light Galley (1x~2x)
Galleon (4x~5x)
Carrack (1x~2x)
Spain Nao (3x~4x)
Carrack (1x~2x)
Brigantine (1x~2x)
Flemish Galleon (4x~5x)
Light Galley (1x~2x)
Galleon (4x~5x)
Carrack (1x~2x)
Turkey Nao (1x~2x)
Carrack (4x~5x)
Venetian Galeass (2x)
Flemish Galleon (4x~5x)
Xebec (4x~5x)
Carrack (1x~2x)
England Nao (3x~4x)
Carrack (1x~2x)
Redonda (1x~2x)
Galleon (2x)
Carrack (4x~5x)
Galleon (4x~5x)
Carrack (1x~2x)
Italy Buss (5x~6x)
Tallette (1x~2x)
Venetian Galeass (2x)
Flemish Galleon (4x~5x)
Buss (3x~4x)
Carrack (1x~2x)
Nao (1x~2x)
Holland Nao (3x~4x)
Carrack (1x~2x)
Caravela Latina (1x~2x)
Galleon (2x)
Carrack (4x~5x)
Galleon (4x~5x)
Carrack (1x~2x)


Factions Ships
Buccaneers Galleon (1x)
Carrack (3x~4x)
Nao (1x~2x)
Privateers Galleon (4x~5x)
Nao (1x~2x)
Corsairs Venetian Galeass (4x~5x)
Flemish Galleon (1x~2x)


Represents the overall strength of a port's economy. It dictates local prices and causes markets to thrive.
Represents the overall strength of a port's industry. It affects the production of materials used for constructing ships and other vessels.

Facility List

Facilities vary between ports, though capitals such as Lisbon or Istanbul are guaranteed to have most if not all of the following areas listed below.

* only available in the Japanese version.
** only available in the Gaiden spin-off.
Facility Hours Description
Harbor 24 Hours Serves as an entryway or exit for navigators.
Market 4:00 am - 7:30 pm Area where goods are imported or exported.
Tavern * 8:00 am - 3:30 am An establishment filled with active or vagabond sailors. Provides refreshments, crew, and gossip.
Guild 4:00 am - 7:00 pm An organization where sailors can do odd jobs.
Shipyard 4:00 am - 7:30 pm Sells or remodels various ships for a high price.
Item Shop 4:00 am - 7:00 pm Provides an array of different items for sale.
Shylock Bank * 4:00 am - 7:30 pm This facility is used for storing large sums of money or borrowing emergency funds.
Marco Polo Bank
Lodge 24 Hours Houses navigators for the night without any cost.
Cartographer 24 Hours A studio used by mapmakers to set up contracts.
Collector 24 Hours Residence where famous individuals are found.
Fortune Teller 4:00 am - 11:30 pm Allows navigators to see their current fortune.
Church * 4:00 am - 11:30 pm Special area used for praying or studying. Those labeled as Christians cannot pray in mosques nor can Muslims make use of churches.
Mosque *
Round Earth Society
Palace 4:00 am - 7:30 pm Residence where local rulers hold audiences.
Miranda's Home ** Serves as the home of Miranda Verte and Salvador Leis. Entered for story purposes only.
Pirate's Hideout **
Juliano's Den ** Building used by Professor Juliano for research.


  • Sail - Set sail and depart from the port.
  • Supply - Load ships with supplies. Can automatically fill free space with food and water.
  • Moor - Moor ships in the dock when not in use. Has no cost.
    • Store - Store a ship in capital ports. Can leave up to 5.
    • Commission - Assign stored ships to the player's fleet.
    • Exchange - Exchange docked ship with one from the player's fleet.


  • Buy Goods - Buy goods. Players are required to pay a 20% tax on top of the price unless they obtain a tax free permit from the port's affiliated country. Obtained from rulers, permits only work for 6 months and are very expensive.
  • Sell Goods - Sell goods.
  • Invest - Raise a port's economy by investing in the market. Cannot be done in capital ports.
  • Market Rate - View selling and buying prices for all goods traded.


In English console ports, taverns are replaced with cafes, though they serve the same function.

Tavern Owner Commands
  • Treat - Treat sailors with a tavern's specialty to earn their trust. Makes recruiting crewmates much easier.
  • Recruit Crew - Recruit new crewmen. The cost of hiring them as well as the amount gathered depend on the port itself.
  • Dismiss Crew - Dismiss excess crewmates from selected ships.
Waitress Commands
  • Tell Stories - Regale waitress with tales of the player's discoveries.
  • Give Gift - Give accessory item as a gift.
  • Investigation - Ask the waitress to investigate a fleet's location and objective. Is more likely to cooperate if her affection for the player is high.
  • Ask Info - Commands involving information collected by the waitress.
    • Job Info - Glean for information that may help with the player's mission.
    • Port Info - Inquire the current state of the port.
Sailor Commands
  • Meet - Meet sailors and chat with them. Mates already part of the player's fleet have an asterisk beside their names.
    • Treat - Treat navigator with a tavern's specialty to raise their trust levels.
    • Gossip - Obtain information about other sailors.
    • Hire - Recruit navigator. Is more successful after treating them enough times. Can be used to negotiate for a lower wage. Does not apply to sailors already working for other nations.
  • Gamble - Play Blackjack with other sailors. Bet from 10 to 500 gold pieces and gain more of that amount back by winning. Draws are counted as a loss for the player. The Dice game has similar rules to Poker, yielding higher rewards with more risk involved.


Rules are the same as the first title. However, the player can earn more gold by following special house rules.

House Rules Stakes Combination
Blackjack 2x Present any A together with J, Q, or K.
Triple Sevens 3x Present three 7 cards.
Sequence 3x Present 6, 7, and 8 together.
Five Cards 3x Present five cards that do not exceed 21.
Redjack 5x Present Heart A and Heart J together.


Both taverns and cafes have their own specialties when using the treat command.

Mate (Price: 3 Gold)
Cayenne Pernambuco Rio de Janeiro
Tea (Price: 4 Gold)
Algiers Antwerp Barcelona
Lisbon Madeira Nantes
Santa Cruz Seville Tunis
Coffee (Price: 5 Gold)
Aden Basra Beirut
Cairo Diu Jaffa
Massawa Mecca Muscat
Nicosia Quatar Quelimane
Shiraz Trebizond
Fish and Chips (Price: 6 Gold)
Bristol London
Cider (Price: 3 Gold)
Danzig Dublin
Grape Juice (Price: 3 Gold)
Athens Bordeaux Candia
Genoa Marseille Naples
Palma Pisa Ragusa
Salonika Syracuse Venice
Steamed Crabs (Price: 2 Gold)
Amsterdam Bergen Copenhagen
Hamburg Lubeck Oslo
Riga Stockholm
Hot Cocoa (Price: 2 Gold)
Caracas Cartegena Guatemala
Havana Maracaibo Margarita
Panama Santiago
Fried Plantain (Price: 1 Gold)
Abidjan Argin Hormuz
Malindi Mombasa Mozambique
Coconut Milk (Price: 1 Gold)
Bathurst Bissau Jamaica
Luanda Mogadishu Porto Velho
San Jorge Santo Domingo Sofala
Timbuktu Veracruz
Mint Tea (Price: 3 Gold)
Alexandria Azov Ceuta
Istanbul Kaffa Tripoli
Green Tea (Price: 2 Gold)
Nagasaki Sakai
Oolong Tea (Price: 3 Gold)
Changan Zeiton Macao
Mango Juice (Price: 2 Gold)
Amboa Banda Bankao
Calicut Ceylon Cochin
Dili Goa Malacca
Pasei Sunda Ternate
Rum (Price: 3 Gold)
Cayenne Havana Lisbon
Jamaica Santiago Santo Domingo
Wine (Price: 4 Gold)
Barcelona Bordeaux Ceuta
Genoa Madeira Naples
Palma Pisa Santa Cruz
Seville Syracuse Tripoli
Valencia Venice
Gin (Price: 3 Gold)
Amsterdam Antwerp Bergen
Whiskey (Price: 5 Gold)
Algiers Bristol Dublin
London Pernambuco Ragusa
Rio de Janeiro
Vodka (Price: 2 Gold)
Lubeck Oslo Riga
Beer (Price: 3 Gold)
Athens Candia Danzig
Hamburg Salonika
Brandy (Price: 6 Gold)
Marseille Nantes
Palm Wine (Price: 1 Gold)
Abidjan Argin Bathurst
Bissau Luanda Malindi
Maracaibo Massawa Mogadishu
Mombasa Mozambique Quelimane
San Jorge Sofala Tunis
Kumis (Price: 1 Gold)
Tequila (Price: 2 Gold)
Caracas Cartegena Guatemala
Margarita Panama Porto Velho
Mint Tea (Price: 3 Gold)
Aden Alexandria Azov
Basra Beirut Cairo
Calicut Ceylon Cochin
Diu Goa Hormuz
Istanbul Jaffa Kaffa
Mecca Muscat Nicosia
Quatar Shiraz Trebizond
Shōchū (Price: 2 Gold)
Nagasaki Sakai
Huangjiu (Price: 3 Gold)
Changan Zeiton Macao
Raw Alcohol (Price: 2 Gold)
Amboa Banda Bankao
Dili Malacca Pasei
Sunda Ternate


This table displays the amount of crewmen the player can recruit and how much it costs to do so. There is a strong correlation between a port's economy and the number of men who join. Depending on the player's progress and choice of protagonist, a large crew may not be necessary at all.

* will increase to this amount if player has a royal rank.
Economy Unit Cost Crew Cap João Catalina Otto Ernst Pietro Ali
50 7 10 2 3 2 3 2 2
100 10 20 5 6 5 6 5 5
200 15 40 11 12 10 12 10 10
300 20 60 17 18 16 18 16 15
400 25 80 23 24 21 24 21 20
500 30 100 29 31 27 30 27 26
600 35 120 * 34 * 37 * 32 36 * 32 * 31 *
700 40 140 * 40 * 43 * 37 42 * 37 * 36 *
800 45 160 * 46 * 49 * 43 48 * 43 * 41 *
900 50 180 * 52 * 55 * 48 54 * 48 * 46 *
1,000 55 200 * 58 * 62 * 54 60 * 54 * 52 *


  • Job Assignment - Undertake a mission for the guild. The employer will provide instructions as well as the stated time remaining to complete them. Only one mission can be taken at a time. Finishing it before the deadline will yield gold and fame. Failing to do so will damage the player's fame rating, but completing it past the deadline only results in the reward being reduced. There are five types of missions available.
    • Deliver Letter - Deliver a letter within one month. Rewards the player with 700 gold and 50 fame points for trading.
    • Buy Goods - Purchase and bring a specified amount of goods.
    • Transport Goods - Buy goods at one port and bring them to another port.
    • Collect Debt - Collect gold from a debtor.
    • Defeat Pirates - Locate and defeat pirates in battle.
  • Country Info - Display the status of a particular country for 100 gold. Shows the selected country's economic influence from allied ports, friendship levels with other nations, diplomatic relations, and whether it has issued an alliance or blockade.
  • Port Location - Pay a fee to learn the coordinates of a specific port as well as its approximate location on the map.

Job List

Assignment Rank Days Reward Fame
Buy Goods Commoner ~ Squire 30 1,000 Trade: 200
Knight ~ Baron 60 10,000 Trade: 700
Viscount ~ Duke 90 30,000 Trade: 1,500
Transport Goods Commoner ~ Squire 30 2,000 Trade: 200
Knight ~ Baron 60 10,000 Trade: 700
Viscount ~ Duke 90 30,000 Trade: 1,500
Collect Debt Commoner ~ Squire 30 5,000 Piracy: 150
Adventure: 300
Knight ~ Duke 90 20,000 Piracy: 500
Adventure: 1,000
Defeat Pirates Commoner ~ Squire 30 10,000 Piracy: 300
Knight ~ Baron 60 20,000 Piracy: 700
Viscount ~ Duke 90 30,000 Piracy: 1,500

Port Location Fees

Port Area Fee
Europe 500
West Africa 1,500
Americas 2,500
East Africa 3,500
Middle East 4,500
India 5,500
Southeast Asia 6,500
East Asia 7,500


  • New Ship - Order a custom-made ship. To do so, select a material for the hull then allocate space for crew, cargo, and guns.
  • Used Ship - Buy a used ship. Prices are affordable and there is no construction time imposed. However, customization is more limited and durability may be lower than a brand new ship.
  • Repair - Repair ship. Cost depends on the degree of damage suffered. Constantly damaged ships will have their maximum durability lowered.
  • Sell - Sell ship. Flagship cannot be sold.
  • Remodel - Commands involving the installation of figureheads, guns, and bunks.
    • Figurehead - Install figurehead to protect ship from disasters.
    • Guns - Install guns to ship.
    • Load Capacity - Adjust a ship's maximum capacity for holding crewmen and guns. The total capacity and price for modifying each type of ship varies.
    • Rename - Change ship's name.
  • Invest - Raise a port's industry by investing in the shipyard. Cannot be done in capital ports.

Item Shop

  • Buy - Buy items. Some shops may offer special goods during certain hours.
  • Sell - Sell items.

This facility can only be found in the following ports.

  • Alexandria
  • Algiers
  • Amsterdam
  • Antwerp
  • Argin
  • Athens
  • Azov
  • Barcelona
  • Beirut
  • Bordeaux
  • Bristol
  • Cairo
  • Calicut
  • Caracas
  • Cartegena
  • Ceylon
  • Changan
  • Copenhagen
  • Danzig
  • Dublin
  • Genoa
  • Goa
  • Hamburg
  • Hanoi
  • Istanbul
  • Jamaica
  • Lisbon
  • London
  • Lubeck
  • Macao
  • Margarita
  • Marseilles
  • Massawa
  • Mecca
  • Mozambique
  • Nagasaki
  • Nantes
  • Naples
  • Panama
  • Pernambuco
  • Pisa
  • Ragusa
  • Rio de Janeiro
  • Sakai
  • Salonika
  • San Jorge
  • Santiago
  • Santo Domingo
  • Seville
  • Stockholm
  • Syracuse
  • Timbuktu
  • Trebizond
  • Tripoli
  • Valencia
  • Venice
  • Zeiton


  • Deposit - Deposit gold for storage. The player will earn 3% interest per month until their account is full.
  • Withdraw - Withdraw money from account.
  • Borrow - Borrow gold. Credit line increases according to the player's rank. While there is no repayment due, a 10% monthly interest will be accumulated until the loan has been repaid. This command is only effective for short-term situations, so it may be best to pay the amount back before the monthly interest takes place.
  • Repay - Repay debt plus interest. Can be paid in installments.

This facility can only be found in the following ports.

  • Aden
  • Alexandria
  • Amsterdam
  • Antwerp
  • Argin
  • Athens
  • Azov
  • Barcelona
  • Beirut
  • Bordeaux
  • Cairo
  • Calicut
  • Caracas
  • Ceylon
  • Changan
  • Cochin
  • Copenhagen
  • Danzig
  • Genoa
  • Goa
  • Hamburg
  • Havana
  • Istanbul
  • Jamaica
  • Lisbon
  • London
  • Lubeck
  • Macao
  • Marseille
  • Mecca
  • Mombasa
  • Mozambique
  • Naples
  • Panama
  • Pernambuco
  • Pisa
  • Sakai
  • San Jorge
  • Santo Domingo
  • Seville
  • Shiraz
  • Stockholm
  • Valencia
  • Venice
  • Zeiton


  • Check In - Stay for the night. The standard check out time is 8:00 am (4:00 am in PC versions), but the player can decide what hour they wish to wake up.
  • Port Info - View a port's relationship with the six major countries. A port is classified as an ally if its support level towards the player's nation is 75% or higher.
Sailor Commands
  • Gossip - Talk to navigator in the lobby to hear news or information.
  • Hire - Recruit navigator.


  • Contract - If the player has the cartography skill, they can sign a contract to exchange geographical information for money. Can only sign with one studio at a time; starting a contract with another studio will abort the previous one. It is recommended to use this command early on before doing some major exploring.
  • Learn - Learn cartography if the character is qualified enough. Fee depends on fame and rank.
  • Report - Report new discoveries from the player's journey. Reward is proportionate to the distance of the discovery itself.
  • Locate - Upon obtaining a treasure map, the player can request the cartographer to calculate its coordinates.


  • Contract - Sign a contract with a private collector who will pay for rare discoveries. Similar to contracts with cartographers, but does not require the cartography skill.
  • Report - Report discoveries from voyage. Payment depends on the value of the discoveries and the collectors themselves.
  • Rumor - Inquire the location of villages from the collector.

Fortune Teller

  • Life - Ask what the player's primary objective should be.
  • Career - Ask for suggestions on navigation, battles, and rank promotions.
  • Love - Receive advice on how to win over a waitress.
  • Mates - Learn more about the luck and loyalty of a particular mate.
Luck Message
0~24 "Ohh, I see an ominous shadow across your face. You may be doomed to have a difficult life."
25~49 "Your future doesn't look very bright. Be careful, and watch out for accidents."
50~74 "You have an average fortune. But remember, you are the one who carves out your destiny."
75~99 "You have a good fortune. Have more self-confidence."
100 "What a strong fortune! You have nothing to fear in this life."
Loyalty Message
0~24 "He'll leave you soon if you're not careful."
25~49 "He doesn't have very good feelings toward you."
50~74 "He is beginning to trust you."
75~99 "He is beginning to feel loyal to you."
100 "He's very loyal to you."
Affection Message
0~49 "As long as you are in this port, you won't have good luck in love."
50~79 "Take actions. No one gained love by just waiting for it to happen."
80~100 "It seems a girl called (Waitress) is in love with you. Continue your effort, and your love will be accepted."

This facility can only be found in the following ports.

  • Abidjan
  • Alexandria
  • Algiers
  • Amboa
  • Antwerp
  • Athens
  • Azov
  • Banda
  • Basra
  • Bathurst
  • Beirut
  • Bergen
  • Bissau
  • Cairo
  • Calicut
  • Cartegena
  • Ceylon
  • Changan
  • Cochin
  • Copenhagen
  • Danzig
  • Dublin
  • Genoa
  • Guatemala
  • Havana
  • Hormuz
  • Istanbul
  • Jaffa
  • Jamaica
  • Kaffa
  • London
  • Luanda
  • Macao
  • Madeira
  • Malacca
  • Malindi
  • Maracaibo
  • Marseille
  • Massawa
  • Mecca
  • Mombasa
  • Muscat
  • Nantes
  • Palma
  • Porto Velho
  • Quelimane
  • Riga
  • Rio de Janeiro
  • Santa Cruz
  • Santiago
  • Santo Domingo
  • Seville
  • Shiraz
  • Sofala
  • Stockholm
  • Sunda
  • Syracuse
  • Ternate
  • Timbuktu
  • Trebizond
  • Valencia
  • Venice
  • Zeiton



Places of worship are separated into churches and mosques, with only their respective denominations allowed to use them. The player's defection to Turkey will convert them to Islam while associating with the other nations changes their religion to Christianity. These areas are replaced by institutes known as the Round Earth Society in English console ports.

  • Pray/Study - Pray for good fortune or study geography with scholars. Has a chance of increasing luck by 1, but only works once a day if successful.
  • Donate - Donate gold. Increases luck based on the amount provided below.
    • Less than 10% - None
    • 10% - 1 point
    • 11% - 2 points
    • 12% - 3 points
    • 13%~14% - 4 points
    • 15%~16% - 5 points
    • 17%~20% - 6 points
    • 21%~25% - 7 points
    • 26%~33% - 8 points
    • 34%~50% - 9 points
    • 51% and up - 10 points

The following ports below have churches.

  • Amsterdam
  • Antwerp
  • Argin
  • Athens
  • Barcelona
  • Bordeaux
  • Bristol
  • Calicut
  • Candia
  • Cartegena
  • Ceylon
  • Cochin
  • Copenhagen
  • Danzig
  • Dublin
  • Genoa
  • Goa
  • Guatemala
  • Hamburg
  • Jamaica
  • Kaffa
  • Lisbon
  • London
  • Luanda
  • Lubeck
  • Macao
  • Madeira
  • Margarita
  • Marseille
  • Mogadishu
  • Mombasa
  • Mozambique
  • Nantes
  • Naples
  • Pernambuco
  • Pisa
  • Ragusa
  • Riga
  • Rio de Janeiro
  • San Jorge
  • Santa Cruz
  • Santiago
  • Santo Domingo
  • Seville
  • Sofala
  • Stockholm
  • Syracuse
  • Valencia
  • Venice
  • Veracruz
  • Zeiton

The following ports below have mosques.

  • Alexandria
  • Basra
  • Beirut
  • Cairo
  • Hormuz
  • Istanbul
  • Massawa
  • Mecca
  • Muscat
  • Quatar
  • Shiraz
  • Trebizond
  • Tripoli


  • Meet Ruler - Make requests to a local ruler.
    • Sphere of Influence - Inquire the status of a nation's influence over ports around the world.
    • Letter of Marque - Request a letter of marque which authorizes attacks on fleets owned by rival nations. The letter is free, though it requires a higher fame in piracy than in trading and adventure. Brings extra fame upon winning battles.
    • Tax Free Permit - Request a permit for tax-exempt status. Cost decreases as rank rises.
  • Defect - Request permission to defect to another country and change nationality. Take caution when using this command as it may prevent the player from clearing their chosen scenario.
  • Gold - Request financial aid in the form of gold.
  • Ship - Request for additional crewmen.

Faction Relationships

This table displays data on the initial relationship between countries. Is subject to change during the course of the game.

Portugal Spain Turkey England Italy Holland Piracy
Portugal 55 0 20 40 20 10
Spain 55 5 15 35 20 10
Turkey 0 5 25 -5 20 40
England 20 15 25 20 30 30
Italy 40 35 -5 20 20 0
Holland 20 20 20 30 20 30
Piracy 10 10 40 30 0 30


Royal Ranks

Icon European Rank Ottoman Rank Fame Discount National Foreign Loan
Commoner Reala 0 5% 70,000 110,000 1,000
Page Asukeri 500 10% 60,000 100,000 11,000
Squire Darughachi 2,000 15% 50,000 90,000 41,000
Knight Alai Bey 4,500 20% 40,000 80,000 91,000
Baronet Sancak Bey 8,000 25% 30,000 70,000 161,000
Baron Raja 12,500 30% 20,000 60,000 251,000
Viscount Rana 18,000 35% 0 50,000 361,000
Earl Bey 24,500 40% 0 40,000 491,000
Marquis Pervane 32,000 45% 0 30,000 641,000
Duke Sadrazam 40,500 50% 0 20,000 811,000

Pirate Ranks

Below is a list of ranks that only Salvador Leis can earn in his scenario.

Icon Pirate Rank Gold
Soledad None
Guerrero 30
Veterano 50
Valiente 120

Character Reference

First Mates




Gaiden Characters

Uncharted Waters
Uncharted WatersUncharted Waters: New HorizonsDaikoukai Jidai GaidenDaikoukai Jidai IIIDaikoukai Jidai IVUncharted Waters Online100man-nin no Daikoukai JidaiDaikoukai Jidai VDaikoukai Jidai VIUncharted Waters: Origins
Uncharted Waters
Leon FrancoRocco AlemkelNavigators
Uncharted Waters: New Horizons
Ali VezasCatalina ErantzoErnst Von BohrJoão FrancoOtto BaynesPietro ContiNavigators
Daikoukai Jidai Gaiden
Khayr ad-DinMiranda VerteSalvador Reis
Daikoukai Jidai III
Daikoukai Jidai IV
Abraham Ibn ad-DīnHodrum Joachim BergstromLille ArgotMaria Huamei LiKotarō SaikiRafael CastorTial Guaman ChaskaNavigators
Uncharted Waters: Origins
Anne BonnyChand BibiGim MandeokGrace O'MalleyHong Gil DongMasamune DateNui HokuSaki ImaiSayyida al HurraNavigators