Template:DW9 Unique Moveset

Template page

{{{name}}} is affiliated with the [[Dynasty Warriors 9/Weapon Movesets#{{{weapon1}}}|{{{weapon2}}}]] in this title. When equipped with it, {{{name}}} can perform the following unique attacks listed below.

Unique Attacks
Unique Flow Attack Finisher: Enemy {{{flow1}}} + Square Square Square Square: {{{flow2}}}
Unique Trigger Attack: R1 + {{{trigger1}}}: {{{trigger2}}}
Special Technique: R1 + Circle: {{{special}}}
Musou Attack: Circle: {{{musou1}}}
Aerial Musou Attack: X Circle: {{{musou2}}}
Horse Maneuvers
Summon Horse: L2: Summon horse to the battlefield. Holding L2 as the horse approaches will allow the character to automatically mount them.
Auto-Run: Riding Mode + L2: Automatically runs towards a specified destination. If a destination has not been set, the horse will instead run towards the location of the player's currently selected mission.
Sprint: Riding Mode + Direction + R1: Causes horse to run at a faster pace. Doing so depletes their stamina each time.
Jump: Riding Mode + Direction + R2: Causes horse to jump high while running.
Horse Fast Attack: Riding Mode + Square: Performs a fast and seamless attack while mounted. The attack itself varies depending on what type of weapon is equipped and whether the enemy is grounded or airborne.
Horse Trigger Attack: Riding Mode + Triangle: Performs an attack that sends enemies flying into the air. May vary depending on what type of weapon is equipped.
Horse Musou Attack: Riding Mode + Circle: Causes horse to sprint by consuming Musou instead of stamina.
Dismount Horse: Riding Mode + X: Dismounts from horse and resumes default fighting stance.
Bow Maneuvers
Shooting Mode: 🡻: Pulls out bow and assumes archery stance. Can be cancelled by tapping 🡻 again.
Switch Arrows: 🡸 or 🡺: Switches between different types of arrows.
Bow Attack: Shooting Mode + Square: Fires current arrow at a target. Can lock on targets by tapping R3.
Lower Bow: Shooting Mode + X: Lowers bow while squatting down.


{{DW9 Unique Moveset
|name = 
|weapon1 = 
|weapon2 = 
|flow1 = 
|flow2 = 
|trigger1 = 
|trigger2 = 
|special = 
|musou1 = 
|musou2 = }}