Talk:Mitsunari Ishida

Discussion page of Mitsunari Ishida

Image Songs - with Mitsunari and Kanetsugu - with Kiyomasa

I have no idea how long this will last so... Sake neko 01:21, April 16, 2010 (UTC)

TGS 2015 Cosplay Contestant

For anyone who cares. I was actually surprised she didn't win a prize. Sake neko (talk) 03:18, September 22, 2015 (UTC)

Mitsunari's hairs

In his last design, his hair are just dyed red. At the end of "Visions of Hope" the rain wash off the red dye off his hair, and they are brown. 14:28, October 17, 2015 (UTC)

Well, his character's "red hair" is a stylized version of his historical counterpart's messy-haired helmet. If his hair is suddenly brown in a SW cutscene, that just means his character took the helmet off some point off screen. An easier way of knowing which-is-which for his SW design is looking for those "horns" that the helmet has. I guess the only exception to that is his SW2 design, since he's wearing more of a stylized circlet or headband in that one. Sake neko (talk) 18:59, October 17, 2015 (UTC)

SW Mitsunari's Age

The page says that his age is 40. Is that solely based on the age when he died, or is there a game-related source that states this? Kazuko (talk) 23:36, February 23, 2017 (UTC)

For future reference, if you see any character past the first Samurai Warriors with any ages in their infobox, they are not official. Please remove them if you see them. Characters introduced in Samurai Warriors 2 and beyond do not have character ages listed in their profile within official databooks. The only acceptable exception to this is Katsuie who outright states his character age in Samurai Warriors 4-II during the gag scenario. Sake neko (talk) 00:10, February 24, 2017 (UTC)