Talk:Hanbei Takenaka

Discussion page of Hanbei Takenaka

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I have no idea how long these will last but might as well. Sake neko 01:14, April 16, 2010 (UTC)

Height changed for WO3?

[[1]] I couldn't help but notice that Hanbei's height in the WO3 databook is listed as 160 cm despite it being 170 in the SW3 databook. Since we can't be sure if Koei simply changed their minds or if either of his heights was a typo, should the new height be mentioned alongside his previous one anyway?--AngryScorpio 18:52, May 9, 2012 (UTC)

I would think of it as a typo. For me it comes down to which would you trust more, the original series the character was created for or a crossover. In the end I'm going to side with the original series unless Koinuma says otherwise. Kyosei 20:07, May 9, 2012 (UTC)
Heights have changed before, and Hanbei is a character whose youth and stature is pretty emphasised. I don't think Koei would have typoed, but rather they changed his height to make it more consistent with his portrayals in the game. 22:23, May 9, 2012 (UTC)
The only time heights have changed were for characters where changes were obviously made such as Oichi and Masamune. Other than that character heights have stayed pretty consistent. Seeing as nothing would change for a crossover game, I'm more willing to believe it's a typo. It's not the the first time Koei has allowed typos to reach printed format. Kyosei
Heights have changed for the Dynasty Warriors characters, haven't they? There's a list here: 22:45, May 9, 2012 (UTC)
Samurai Warriors characters =/= Dynasty Warriors characters. These were characters designed by Koinuma, I'm not going to trust whatever possible "changes" made by Suzuki for a crossover game. Kyosei 22:49, May 9, 2012 (UTC)
Also those aforementioned changes listed on the website are the very typos I previously mentioned above. I have a Dynasty Warriors fan book that states those Dynasty Warriors 4 height changes are typos. This is why everyone's height goes back to their initial measurements stated in Dynasty Warriors 3 for the fifth game. Kyosei 22:58, May 9, 2012 (UTC) page 106 gives all the corrections for the typos listed in the Dynasty Warriors 4 databook. Kyosei 23:06, May 9, 2012 (UTC)
Does this work as Koinuma saying that it's 160cm?!/koinuma_p/status/200456424252387328 (but 10cm is added for his geta) 17:08, May 10, 2012 (UTC)
According to the comment the 160 is correct. The +10 cm from his shoes are a joke. Kyosei 21:04, May 10, 2012 (UTC)