Sweet Ange/Recipes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

Recipes in Sweet Ange are used to come up with desserts and beverages. A few of them can be purchased from Dia; the rest are earned during the board game sequence. Reaching the goal first rewards the player with two different recipes while second to fourth place contestants can only choose one. The lottery mini-game provides different prizes depending on the type of matched pair being drawn.

  • Angelique - Unlocks a new recipe. Awards hearts if all recipes have been collected.
  • Rosalia - Offers a rare ingredient.
  • Collet - Gives away a fixed amount of hearts.
  • Rachel - Yields a normal ingredient.

The final recipe of every snack type is given by a Sweet Knight during class once all of the other recipes have been obtained beforehand; the player is also given the opportunity of naming it however they want. Unlocking a certain amount of recipes will have Dia reward the player with a generous sum of hearts: 10,000 hearts for 100 recipes and 30,000 hearts for all of them.


In order to use a recipe, the protagonist needs three ingredients: the base material, the main flavor, and the decoration. Ingredients are assigned to cards which can be found by going into town or buying them at the shop. The quality of each card affects the dessert's scoring. The player can visually check an item's quality by counting the number of red stars () on their card; the more stars, the better the final grade.

More rare ingredients are exclusive to each knight's board and the snack of their specialty. Since this is the only method of obtaining better items, it is often recommended for players to make several rotations in the same area before completing the board.

Image Ingredient Price 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ 5★
Pie Dough Buy Price 80 160 320 640
パイきじ Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Pie
Tart Dough Buy Price 80 200 400 800
タルトきじ Sell Price 16 40 80 160 240
Recipe Type: Pie
Explosive Tart Dough Buy Price 300 600 900 1,200
サクレツタルトきじ Sell Price 60 120 180 240 300
Recipe Type: Pie
Gorgeous Pie Dough Buy Price None
ごうかなパイきじ Sell Price 100 200 300 400 500
Recipe Type: Pie
Flour Buy Price 60 120 240 480
こむぎこ Sell Price 12 24 48 96 192
Recipe Type: Cookies, Wagashi
Light Flour Buy Price 100 200 400 800
ふんわりこむぎこ Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Cookies
Erupting Flour Buy Price 300 600 900 1,200
バクハツこむぎこ Sell Price 60 120 180 240 300
Recipe Type: Cookies
Flour Special Buy Price None
こむぎこスペシャル Sell Price 100 200 300 400 500
Recipe Type: Cookies
Ice Milk Buy Price 80 160 320 640
アイスミルク Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Juice
Soda Buy Price 80 200 400 800
ソーダ Sell Price 16 40 80 160 240
Recipe Type: Juice
Spark Soda Buy Price 300 600 900 1,200
スパークソーダ Sell Price 60 120 180 240 300
Recipe Type: Juice
Super Soda Buy Price None
スーパーソーダ Sell Price 100 200 300 400 500
Recipe Type: Juice
Ice Cream Buy Price 80 200 400 800
アイス Sell Price 16 40 80 160 240
Recipe Type: Parfait
Kakigōri Buy Price 100 200 400 800
かきごおり Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Parfait
Mystery Ice Cream Buy Price 320 640 960 1280
ミステリーアイス Sell Price 64 128 192 256 320
Recipe Type: Parfait
Ultra Ice Cream Buy Price None
ウルトラアイス Sell Price 104 208 312 416 520
Recipe Type: Parfait
Gelatin Buy Price 80 200 400 800
ゼラチン Sell Price 16 40 80 160 240
Recipe Type: Jelly, Cake
Egg Yolks Buy Price 100 250 500 1,000
たまごのきみ Sell Price 20 50 100 200 400
Recipe Type: Jelly
Heartbeat Gelatin Buy Price 320 640 960 1280
どっきりゼラチン Sell Price 64 128 192 256 320
Recipe Type: Jelly
Deluxe Gelatin Buy Price None
すてきなゼラチン Sell Price 104 208 312 416 520
Recipe Type: Jelly
Coffee Beans Buy Price 100 200 400 800
コーヒーまめ Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Coffee
Magical Coffee Buy Price 320 640 960 1280
マジカルコーヒー Sell Price 64 128 192 256 320
Recipe Type: Coffee
Rainbow Coffee Buy Price None
レインボウコーヒー Sell Price 104 208 312 416 520
Recipe Type: Coffee
Sponge Cake Buy Price 100 200 400 800
スポンジ Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Cake
Chocolate Sponge Cake Buy Price 120 240 480 960
チョコスポンジ Sell Price 24 48 96 192 384
Recipe Type: Cake
Bomb Sponge Cake Buy Price 340 680 1,020 1,360
バクダンスポンジ Sell Price 68 136 204 272 340
Recipe Type: Cake
Sponge Cake Super Buy Price None
スポンジスーパー Sell Price 108 216 324 432 540
Recipe Type: Cake
Dango Powder Buy Price 100 200 400 800
だんごのこな Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Wagashi
Glutinous Rice Buy Price 100 200 400 800
もちごめ Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Wagashi
Agar Buy Price 120 300 600 1,200
かんてん Sell Price 24 60 120 240 480
Recipe Type: Wagashi
Mysterious Glutinous Rice Buy Price 340 680 1,020 1,360
なぞのもちごめ Sell Price 68 136 204 272 340
Recipe Type: Wagashi
Wondrous Powder Buy Price None
すばらしいこな Sell Price 108 216 324 432 540
Recipe Type: Wagashi
Black Tea Buy Price 100 200 400 800
こうちゃ Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Tea
Green Tea Buy Price 120 300 600 1,200
りょくちゃ Sell Price 24 60 120 240 480
Recipe Type: Tea
Dynamite Tea Buy Price 340 680 1,020 1,360
ダイナマイトティー Sell Price 68 136 204 272 340
Recipe Type: Tea
Miracle Tea Buy Price None
ミラクルティー Sell Price 108 216 324 432 540
Recipe Type: Tea
Image Ingredient Price 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ 5★
Orange Buy Price 60 120 240 480
オレンジ Sell Price 12 24 48 96 192
Recipe Type: Pie, Cookies, Juice, Parfait, Jelly, Coffee, Tea
Orange Peel Buy Price 120 240 480 960
オレンジピール Sell Price 24 48 96 192 384
Recipe Type: Coffee
Grapefruit Buy Price 80 160 320 640
グレープフルーツ Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Pie, Jelly
Yuzu Buy Price 100 200 400 800
ゆず Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Jelly, Wagashi
Peach Buy Price 100 200 400 800
もも Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Parfait, Cake, Tea
Apple Buy Price 100 200 400 800
りんご Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Pie, Cookies, Cake, Tea
Green Apple Buy Price None
あおりんご Sell Price 600 700 800 900 1,000
Recipe Type: Cookies
Lemon Buy Price 120 240 480 960
レモン Sell Price 24 48 96 192 384
Recipe Type: Pie, Juice, Jelly
Plum Buy Price 120 300 600 1,200
うめ Sell Price 24 60 120 240 480
Recipe Type: Wagashi, Tea
Apricot Buy Price 160 400 800 1,600
アプリコット Sell Price 32 80 160 320 640
Recipe Type: Pie
Pear Buy Price 160 320 640 1,280
ようなし Sell Price 32 64 128 256 512
Recipe Type: Pie, Jelly
Fruit Set Buy Price 480 960 1,440 1,920
フルーツセット Sell Price 96 192 288 384 480
Recipe Type: Pie, Juice, Parfait, Jelly, Cake, Wagashi, Tea
Kiwi Buy Price 60 120 240 480
キウイ Sell Price 12 24 48 96 192
Recipe Type: Parfait
Coconut Buy Price 80 160 320 640
ココナッツ Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Juice, Coffee
Banana Buy Price 80 160 320 640
バナナ Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Pie, Juice, Parfait, Jelly, Cake, Wagashi
Mango Buy Price 140 280 560 1,120
マンゴー Sell Price 28 56 112 224 448
Recipe Type: Jelly
Pineapple Buy Price 160 400 800 1,600
パイナップル Sell Price 32 80 160 320 640
Recipe Type: Cake
Melon Buy Price 380 760 1,140 1,520
メロン Sell Price 76 152 228 304 380
Recipe Type: Pie, Juice, Parfait, Cake
Watermelon Buy Price None
スイカ Sell Price 600 700 800 900 1,000
Recipe Type: Parfait
Papaya Buy Price 540 1,080 1,620 2,160
パパイヤ Sell Price 108 216 324 432 540
Recipe Type: Tea
Lychee Buy Price None
ライチ Sell Price 600 700 800 900 1,000
Recipe Type: Tea
Tropical Fruit Set Buy Price 540 1,080 1,620 2,160
トロピカルセット Sell Price 108 216 324 432 540
Recipe Type: Parfait, Jelly
Raisins Buy Price 100 200 400 800
レーズン Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Cookies
Grape Buy Price 560 1,120 1,680 2,240
きょほう Sell Price 112 224 336 448 560
Recipe Type: Juice, Parfait
Muscat Buy Price None
マスカット Sell Price 600 700 800 900 1,000
Recipe Type: Jelly
Strawberry Buy Price 60 120 240 480
いちご Sell Price 12 24 48 96 192
Recipe Type: Pie, Cookies, Juice, Parfait, Jelly, Cake, Wagashi, Tea
Blueberry Buy Price 80 200 400 800
ブルーベリー Sell Price 16 40 80 160 240
Recipe Type: Cookies, Juice, Parfait, Jelly
Raspberry Buy Price 160 320 640 1,280
ラズベリー Sell Price 32 64 128 256 512
Recipe Type: Pie, Jelly
Cherry Buy Price 100 200 400 800
さくらんぽ Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Pie, Juice, Coffee
Berry Set Buy Price 260 520 780 1,040
ベリーセット Sell Price 52 104 156 208 260
Recipe Type: Pie
Aloe Buy Price 80 160 320 640
アロエ Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Jelly
Pumpkin Buy Price 100 200 400 800
かぼちゃ Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Pie, Jelly, Wagashi
Sweet Potato Buy Price 100 200 400 800
さつまいも Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Pie, Cookies
Carrot Buy Price 100 200 300 400
にんじん Sell Price 20 40 60 80 100
Recipe Type: Cake
Chili Pepper Buy Price 140 280 560 1,120
とうがらし Sell Price 28 56 112 224 448
Recipe Type: Cookies, Juice, Wagashi, Tea
Tomato Buy Price 160 320 640 1,280
トマト Sell Price 32 64 128 256 512
Recipe Type: Pie, Jelly
Cherry Blossoms Buy Price 80 160 320 640
さくら Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Wagashi
Chamomile Buy Price 100 200 400 800
カモミール Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Tea
Perilla Buy Price 100 200 300 400
しそ Sell Price 20 40 60 80 100
Recipe Type: Tea
Mint Buy Price 100 200 400 800
ミント Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Pie, Jelly, Tea
Chestnut Buy Price 100 200 400 800
くり Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Pie, Juice, Cake, Wagashi
Sesame Seeds Buy Price 100 200 400 800
ごま Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Cookies, Wagashi
Milk Buy Price 80 160 320 640
ミルク Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Cookies, Jelly, Coffee, Cake, Tea
Cheese Buy Price 80 200 400 800
チーズ Sell Price 16 40 80 160 240
Recipe Type: Cookies, Cake, Tea
Egg Buy Price 100 200 400 800
たまご Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Pie, Juice, Jelly, Cake, Wagashi
Chocolate Buy Price 60 120 240 480
チョコレート Sell Price 12 24 48 96 192
Recipe Type: Cookies, Parfait, Cake
Ganache Buy Price 140 280 560 1,120
なまチョコ Sell Price 28 56 112 224 448
Recipe Type: Pie, Jelly
White Chocolate Buy Price 420 840 1,260 1,680
ホワイトチョコ Sell Price 84 168 252 336 420
Recipe Type: Cookies, Parfait, Cake, Wagashi
Bitter Chocolate Buy Price 540 1,080 1,620 2,160
ビターチョコ Sell Price 108 216 324 432 540
Recipe Type: Cake
Chocolate Hearts Buy Price None
ハートチョコ Sell Price 600 700 800 900 1,000
Recipe Type: Pie
Chocolate Syrup Buy Price 80 160 320 640
チョコレートシロップ Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Coffee
Cacao Liqueur Buy Price 120 240 480 960
カカオリキュール Sell Price 24 48 96 192 384
Recipe Type: Coffee
Red Wine Buy Price 140 280 560 1,120
あかワイン Sell Price 28 56 112 224 448
Recipe Type: Coffee
Ramune Buy Price 300 600 900 1,200
ラムネ Sell Price 60 120 180 240 300
Recipe Type: Parfait, Jelly, Cake
Cassis Buy Price None
カシス Sell Price 600 700 800 900 1,000
Recipe Type: Juice
Marshmallows Buy Price 80 160 320 640
マシュマロ Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Juice, Coffee
Nata de Coco Buy Price 100 200 400 800
ナタデココ Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Jelly
Konpeitō Buy Price 800 1,600 2,400 3,200
こんぺいとう 160 320 480 640 800
Recipe Type: All
Tofu Buy Price 120 300 600 1,200
とうふ Sell Price 24 60 120 240 480
Recipe Type: Cookies
Tsubu-an Buy Price 80 160 320 640
つぶあん Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Parfait, Wagashi
Shiro-an Buy Price 640 1,280 1,920 2,560
しろあん Sell Price 128 256 384 512 640
Recipe Type: Wagashi
Nori Buy Price 80 160 320 640
のり Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Wagashi
Matcha Buy Price 80 160 320 640
まっちゃ Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Juice, Parfait, Cake, Wagashi, Tea
Tea Leaves Buy Price 180 360 540 720
こうちゃのは Sell Price 36 72 108 144 180
Recipe Type: Cookies, Parfait, Cake
Image Ingredient Price 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ 5★
Whole Strawberry Buy Price 100 200 400 800
まるごといちご Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Parfait, Jelly
Lemon Slice Buy Price 100 200 300 400
レモンスライス Sell Price 20 40 60 80 100
Recipe Type: Pie, Juice, Coffee
Lemon Cup Buy Price 160 320 640 1,280
レモンのうつわ Sell Price 32 64 128 256 512
Recipe Type: Jelly
Watermelon Bowl Buy Price 340 680 1,020 1,360
スイカのいれもの Sell Price 68 136 204 272 340
Recipe Type: Juice
Marmalade Buy Price 100 200 300 400
マーマレード Sell Price 20 40 60 80 100
Recipe Type: Cookies
Apple Jam Buy Price 140 280 560 1,120
りんごジャム Sell Price 28 56 112 224 448
Recipe Type: Pie
Fruity Sauce Buy Price 420 840 1,260 1,680
フルーティソース Sell Price 84 168 252 336 420
Recipe Type: Cookies, Parfait
Berry Sauce Buy Price 240 480 720 960
ベリーソース Sell Price 48 96 144 192 240
Recipe Type: Jelly, Coffee, Cake
Kombu Buy Price 100 200 400 800
こんぶ Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Tea
Hibiscus Buy Price 380 760 1,140 1,520
ハイビスカス Sell Price 76 152 228 304 380
Recipe Type: Parfait, Tea
Mint Leaves Buy Price 80 160 320 640
ミントのはっぱ Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Pie, Cookies, Juice, Jelly, Tea
Cherry Blossom Leaves Buy Price 80 160 240 320
さくらのはっぱ Sell Price 16 32 48 64 80
Recipe Type: Wagashi
Bamboo Leaves Buy Price None
ささのは Sell Price 600 700 800 900 1,000
Recipe Type: Wagashi
Almonds Buy Price 100 200 300 400
アーモンド Sell Price 20 40 60 80 100
Recipe Type: Pie, Cookies
Beans Buy Price 120 240 480 960
まめ Sell Price 24 48 96 192 384
Recipe Type: Parfait, Wagashi
Walnuts Buy Price 140 280 420 560
くるみ Sell Price 28 56 84 112 140
Recipe Type: Cookies, Wagashi
Peanuts Buy Price 380 760 1,140 1,520
ピーナッツ Sell Price 76 152 228 304 380
Recipe Type: Tea
Marron Glacé Buy Price 100 200 400 800
マロングラッセ Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Parfait, Cake
Chocolate Kisses Buy Price 360 720 1,440 2,880
キスチョコ Sell Price 72 144 288 576 1,152
Recipe Type: Cake
Butter Buy Price 80 160 240 320
バター Sell Price 16 32 48 64 80
Recipe Type: Pie, Cookies
Yogurt Buy Price 80 160 320 640
ヨーグルト Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Cookies, Parfait, Jelly
Fresh Cream Buy Price 60 120 180 240
なまクリーム Sell Price 12 24 36 48 60
Recipe Type: Pie, Cookies, Juice, Parfait, Jelly, Coffee, Cake, Wagashi
Whipped Cream Buy Price 80 160 320 640
ホイップクリーム Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Coffee
Custard Cream Buy Price 100 200 400 800
カスタードクリーム Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Pie, Cookies, Cake
Mint Cream Buy Price 140 280 560 1,120
ミントクリーム Sell Price 28 56 112 224 448
Recipe Type: Pie, Jelly, Cake
Sour Cream Buy Price 160 320 640 1,280
サワークリーム Sell Price 32 64 128 256 512
Recipe Type: Cake
Soft Serve Ice Cream Buy Price 120 240 360 480
ソフトクリーム Sell Price 24 48 72 96 120
Recipe Type: Juice, Parfait
Chocolate Ice Cream Buy Price None
チョコアイス Sell Price 600 700 800 900 1,000
Recipe Type: Coffee
Condensed Milk Buy Price 140 280 560 1,120
れんにゅう Sell Price 28 56 112 224 448
Recipe Type: Parfait
Honey Buy Price 80 160 320 640
はちみつ Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Cookies, Juice, Jelly, Coffee, Cake, Tea
Vanilla Essence Buy Price 80 160 320 640
バニラエッセンス Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Pie, Juice, Parfait
Soy Sauce Buy Price 100 200 400 800
しょうゆ Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Jelly, Wagashi
Caramel Buy Price 120 240 480 960
キャラメル Sell Price 24 48 96 192 384
Recipe Type: Jelly
Rose Wine Buy Price 80 160 320 640
ロゼワイン Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Jelly, Tea
Brandy Buy Price 100 200 400 800
ブランデー Sell Price 20 40 80 160 320
Recipe Type: Coffee
Cointreau Buy Price 100 200 300 400
コワントロー Sell Price 20 40 60 80 100
Recipe Type: Pie, Coffee, Tea
Rum Buy Price 300 600 900 1,200
ラムしゅ Sell Price 60 120 180 240 300
Recipe Type: Jelly, Tea
Shichimi Buy Price 180 360 720 1,440
しちみ Sell Price 36 72 144 288 576
Recipe Type: Pie, Cookies, Wagashi, Tea
Cinnamon Sticks Buy Price 140 280 560 1,120
シナモンスティック Sell Price 28 56 112 224 448
Recipe Type: Coffee
Cinnamon Powder Buy Price 80 160 320 640
シナモンパウダー Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Pie, Cake
Cocoa Powder Buy Price 120 240 480 960
ココアパウダー Sell Price 24 48 96 192 384
Recipe Type: Cookies, Parfait, Jelly, Cake
Golden Powder Buy Price 380 760 1,140 1,520
きんぷん Sell Price 76 152 228 304 380
Recipe Type: Pie, Cake
Kinako Buy Price 440 880 1,320 1,760
きなこ Sell Price 88 176 264 352 440
Recipe Type: Wagashi
Love Powder Buy Price None
ラブパウダー 480 560 640 720 800
Recipe Type: All
Snow Powder Buy Price None
スノーパウダー Sell Price 480 560 640 720 800
Recipe Type: Parfait, Cake
Koshi-an Buy Price 80 160 320 640
こしあん Sell Price 16 32 64 128 256
Recipe Type: Wagashi
Senbei Sticks Buy Price 300 600 900 1,200
スティックせんべい Sell Price 60 120 180 240 300
Recipe Type: Parfait
Rabbit's Feelings Buy Price None
うさぎのきもち Sell Price 480 560 640 720 800
Recipe Type: Cookies, Wagashi
Angel's Dream Buy Price None
てんしのゆめ Sell Price 480 560 640 720 800
Recipe Type: Pie, Jelly
Star Pieces Buy Price None
ほしのかけら 480 560 640 720 800
Recipe Type: All
Santa Claus Buy Price None
サンタクロース Sell Price 600 700 800 900 1,000
Recipe Type: Cake


#1: Apple Pie (アップルパイ) #2: Pumpkin Pie (パンプキンパイ)
Base Ingredient: Pie Dough Base Ingredient: Pie Dough
Main Ingredient: Apple Main Ingredient: Pumpkin
Decoration Ingredient: Cinnamon Powder Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#3: Mille-feuille (ミルフィーユ) #4: Cherry Pie (チェリーパイ)
Base Ingredient: Pie Dough Base Ingredient: Pie Dough
Main Ingredient: Strawberry Main Ingredient: Cherry
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Custard Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#5: Marron Pie (マロンパイ) #6: Sweet Potato Pie (スウィートポテトパイ)
Base Ingredient: Pie Dough Base Ingredient: Pie Dough
Main Ingredient: Chestnut Main Ingredient: Sweet Potato
Decoration Ingredient: Almonds Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#7: Full Apple Pie (りんごたっぷりアップルパイ) #8: Napoleon (ナポレオン)
Base Ingredient: Pie Dough Base Ingredient: Pie Dough
Main Ingredient: Apple Main Ingredient: Apricot
Decoration Ingredient: Apple Jam Decoration Ingredient: Custard Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#9: Orange Tart (オレンジタルト) #10: Framboise (フランボワーズ)
Base Ingredient: Tart Dough Base Ingredient: Tart Dough
Main Ingredient: Orange Main Ingredient: Raspberry
Decoration Ingredient: Cointreau Decoration Ingredient: Butter
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#11: Egg Tart (エッグタルト) #12: Fried Banana Tart (やきバナナタルト)
Base Ingredient: Tart Dough Base Ingredient: Tart Dough
Main Ingredient: Egg Main Ingredient: Banana
Decoration Ingredient: Custard Cream Decoration Ingredient: Sour Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#13: Tarte Tatin (タルトタタン) #14: Ganache Tart (なまチョコタルト)
Base Ingredient: Tart Dough Base Ingredient: Tart Dough
Main Ingredient: Apple Main Ingredient: Ganache
Decoration Ingredient: Butter Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#15: Grapefruit Tart (グレープフルーツタルト) #16: Pear Almond Tart (ようなしのアーモンドタルト)
Base Ingredient: Tart Dough Base Ingredient: Tart Dough
Main Ingredient: Grapefruit Main Ingredient: Pear
Decoration Ingredient: Vanilla Essence Decoration Ingredient: Almonds
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#17: Blueberry Tart (ブルーベリータルト) #18: Fire Tart (ファイヤータルト)
Base Ingredient: Tart Dough Base Ingredient: Explosive Tart Dough
Main Ingredient: Berry Set Main Ingredient: Tomato
Decoration Ingredient: Mint Leaves Decoration Ingredient: Shichimi
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Spicy
#19: Heartbeat Mint Tart (ときめきミントタルト) #20: Autumn Deluxe Tart (あきのぜいたくタルト)
Base Ingredient: Explosive Tart Dough Base Ingredient: Explosive Tart Dough
Main Ingredient: Mint Main Ingredient: Chestnut
Decoration Ingredient: Mint Cream Decoration Ingredient: Golden Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual
#21: Full Lemon Pie (たっぷりレモンパイ) #22: Special Mille-feuille (スペシャルミルフィーユ)
Base Ingredient: Gorgeous Pie Dough Base Ingredient: Gorgeous Pie Dough
Main Ingredient: Lemon Main Ingredient: Strawberry
Decoration Ingredient: Lemon Slice Decoration Ingredient: Custard Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#23: Angel Dream Pie (エンジェルドリームパイ) #24: Melon Heart Pie (ハートのメロンパイ)
Base Ingredient: Gorgeous Pie Dough Base Ingredient: Gorgeous Pie Dough
Main Ingredient: Fruit Set Main Ingredient: Melon
Decoration Ingredient: Angel's Dream Decoration Ingredient: Love Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#25: Shooting Star Pie (ながれぼしパイ) #26: Legendary Pie
Base Ingredient: Gorgeous Pie Dough Base Ingredient: Gorgeous Pie Dough
Main Ingredient: Konpeitō Main Ingredient: Chocolate Hearts
Decoration Ingredient: Star Pieces Decoration Ingredient: Sour Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#1: Strawberry Biscuit (いちごビスケット) #2: Chocolate Chip Cookies (チョコチップクッキー)
Base Ingredient: Flour Base Ingredient: Flour
Main Ingredient: Strawberry Main Ingredient: Chocolate
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Butter
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#3: Berry Choux à la Crème (ベリーシュークリーム) #4: Snow Cookies (スノークッキー)
Base Ingredient: Flour Base Ingredient: Flour
Main Ingredient: Blueberry Main Ingredient: Coconut
Decoration Ingredient: Custard Cream Decoration Ingredient: Butter
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#5: Kouign-amann (クイニーアマン) #6: Chocolate Sandwich Cookies (チョコサンドクッキー)
Base Ingredient: Flour Base Ingredient: Flour
Main Ingredient: Milk Main Ingredient: Chocolate
Decoration Ingredient: Butter Decoration Ingredient: Almonds
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#7: Leaf Cookie (リーフクッキー) #8: Éclairs (エクレア)
Base Ingredient: Flour Base Ingredient: Light Flour
Main Ingredient: Sesame Seeds Main Ingredient: Chocolate
Decoration Ingredient: Butter Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#9: Sweet Tea Cookies (スウィートティークッキー) #10: Cocoa Flower Cookies (おはなのココアクッキー)
Base Ingredient: Flour Base Ingredient: Flour
Main Ingredient: Tea Leaves Main Ingredient: Milk
Decoration Ingredient: Honey Decoration Ingredient: Cocoa Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#11: Sesame Cookies (セサミクッキー) #12: Sweet Potato Cookies (おさつクッキー)
Base Ingredient: Flour Base Ingredient: Flour
Main Ingredient: Sesame Seeds Main Ingredient: Sweet Potato
Decoration Ingredient: Sour Cream Decoration Ingredient: Honey
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#13: Brownies (ブラウニー) #14: Smiling Cookies (スマイルクッキー)
Base Ingredient: Flour Base Ingredient: Flour
Main Ingredient: Chocolate Main Ingredient: Raisins
Decoration Ingredient: Walnuts Decoration Ingredient: Butter
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#15: Apple Scones (アップルスコーン) #16: Blueberry Scones (ブルーベリースコーン)
Base Ingredient: Light Flour Base Ingredient: Light Flour
Main Ingredient: Apple Main Ingredient: Blueberry
Decoration Ingredient: Butter Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#17: Healthy Scones (ヘルシースコーン) #18: Popping Berry Cookies (とびだすベリークッキー)
Base Ingredient: Light Flour Base Ingredient: Erupting Flour
Main Ingredient: Tofu Main Ingredient: Berry Set
Decoration Ingredient: Yogurt Decoration Ingredient: Marmalade
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual
#19: Solar Sunflower Cookies (たいようのヒマワリクッキー) #20: Choux à la Crème: Royal Swan (シュークリーム・ロイヤルスワン)
Base Ingredient: Erupting Flour Base Ingredient: Erupting Flour
Main Ingredient: Orange Main Ingredient: White Chocolate
Decoration Ingredient: Cocoa Powder Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual
#21: Spicy Cookies (ゲキカラクッキー) #22: Fruity Scones (フルーツだらけのスコーン)
Base Ingredient: Flour Special Base Ingredient: Flour Special
Main Ingredient: Chili Pepper Main Ingredient: Shichimi
Decoration Ingredient: Berry Set Decoration Ingredient: Fruity Sauce
Recipe Attribute Type: Spicy Recipe Attribute Type: Juicy
#23: Cheese Rabbit Cookies (うさぎのチーズクッキー) #24: Hearty Cookies (ドキドキハートクッキー)
Base Ingredient: Flour Special Base Ingredient: Flour Special
Main Ingredient: Cheese Main Ingredient: Chocolate
Decoration Ingredient: Rabbit's Feelings Decoration Ingredient: Love Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#25: Shooting Star Cookies (ながれぼしクッキー) #26: Legendary Cookies
Base Ingredient: Flour Special Base Ingredient: Flour Special
Main Ingredient: Konpeitō Main Ingredient: Green Apple
Decoration Ingredient: Star Pieces Decoration Ingredient: Mint Leaves
Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#1: Orange Juice (オレンジシェイク) #2: Banana Shake (バナナシェイク)
Base Ingredient: Ice Milk Base Ingredient: Ice Milk
Main Ingredient: Orange Main Ingredient: Banana
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#3: Strawberry Milk (いちごミルク) #4: Fruit Punch (フルーツポンチ)
Base Ingredient: Ice Milk Base Ingredient: Soda
Main Ingredient: Strawberry Main Ingredient: Fruit Set
Decoration Ingredient: Honey Decoration Ingredient: Watermelon Bowl
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Juicy
#5: Matcha au Lait (まっちゃオーレ) #6: Lemon Squash (レモンスカッシュ)
Base Ingredient: Ice Milk Base Ingredient: Soda
Main Ingredient: Matcha Main Ingredient: Lemon
Decoration Ingredient: Honey Decoration Ingredient: Lemon Slice
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#7: Melon Cream Soda (メロンクリームソーダ) #8: Milkshake (ミルクセーキ)
Base Ingredient: Soda Base Ingredient: Ice Milk
Main Ingredient: Melon Main Ingredient: Egg
Decoration Ingredient: Soft Serve Ice Cream Decoration Ingredient: Vanilla Essence
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#9: Blueberry Juice (ブルーベリージュース) #10: Hyper Spark Soda (ハイパースパークソーダ)
Base Ingredient: Ice Milk Base Ingredient: Spark Soda
Main Ingredient: Blueberry Main Ingredient: Chili Pepper
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Lemon Slice
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Spicy
#11: Fluffy Bunny Soda (ふわふわうさぎソーダ) #12: Queen Sapphire (クイーン・サファイア)
Base Ingredient: Spark Soda Base Ingredient: Spark Soda
Main Ingredient: Marshmallows Main Ingredient: Grape
Decoration Ingredient: Lemon Slice Decoration Ingredient: Soft Serve Ice Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual
#13: Matcha Soda (まっちゃソーダ) #14: I Love You (アイ・ラブ・ユー)
Base Ingredient: Super Soda Base Ingredient: Super Soda
Main Ingredient: Matcha Main Ingredient: Cherry
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Love Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#15: Comet Cider (りゅうせいサイダー) #16: Legendary Soda
Base Ingredient: Super Soda Base Ingredient: Super Soda
Main Ingredient: Konpeitō Main Ingredient: Cassis
Decoration Ingredient: Star Pieces Decoration Ingredient: Mint Leaves
Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#1: Simple Vanilla Parfait (バニラのシンプルパフェ) #2: Strawberry Parfait (ストロベリーパフェ)
Base Ingredient: Ice Cream Base Ingredient: Ice Cream
Main Ingredient: Kiwi Main Ingredient: Strawberry
Decoration Ingredient: Vanilla Essence Decoration Ingredient: Whole Strawberry
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#3: Chocolate Parfait (チョコレートパフェ) #4: Banana Parfait (バナナパフェ)
Base Ingredient: Ice Cream Base Ingredient: Ice Cream
Main Ingredient: Chocolate Main Ingredient: Banana
Decoration Ingredient: Cocoa Powder Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#5: Fruit Parfait (フルーツパフェ) #6: Yogurt Parfait (ヨーグルトパフェ)
Base Ingredient: Ice Cream Base Ingredient: Ice Cream
Main Ingredient: Fruit Set Main Ingredient: Fruit Set
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Yogurt
Recipe Attribute Type: Juicy Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#7: Tea Parfait (こうちゃパフェ) #8: Blueberry Yogurt Parfait (プルーベリーヨーグルトパフェ)
Base Ingredient: Ice Cream Base Ingredient: Ice Cream
Main Ingredient: Tea Leaves Main Ingredient: Blueberry
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Yogurt
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#9: Peach Parfait (もものパフェ) #10: Marron Parfait (マロンパフェ)
Base Ingredient: Ice Cream Base Ingredient: Ice Cream
Main Ingredient: Peach Main Ingredient: Chestnut
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Marron Glacé
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#11: Cream Anmitsu (クリームあんみつ) #12: Colorful Melon Parfait (カラフルメロンパフェ)
Base Ingredient: Ice Cream Base Ingredient: Kakigōri
Main Ingredient: Tsubu-an Main Ingredient: Melon
Decoration Ingredient: Beans Decoration Ingredient: Fruity Sauce
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Juicy
#13: Ujikintoki (うじきんとき) #14: Chilled Orange Parfait (つめたいオレンジパフェ)
Base Ingredient: Kakigōri Base Ingredient: Kakigōri
Main Ingredient: Matcha Main Ingredient: Orange
Decoration Ingredient: Condensed Milk Decoration Ingredient: Yogurt
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#15: Strawberry Shirayuki (イチゴしらゆき) #16: Blue Sky Parfait (ブルースカイパフェ)
Base Ingredient: Kakigōri Base Ingredient: Kakigōri
Main Ingredient: Strawberry Main Ingredient: Ramune
Decoration Ingredient: Condensed Milk Decoration Ingredient: Hibiscus
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#17: Tropical Parfait (トロピカルパフェ) #18: Typhoon Parfait (タイフーンパフェ)
Base Ingredient: Ice Cream Base Ingredient: Mystery Ice Cream
Main Ingredient: Tropical Fruit Set Main Ingredient: Tropical Fruit Set
Decoration Ingredient: Hibiscus Decoration Ingredient: Soft Serve Ice Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Juicy Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual
#19: Jumbo Fruit Parfait (ジャンボフルーツパフェ) #20: Mr. Giraffe Parfait (キリンさんパフェ)
Base Ingredient: Mystery Ice Cream Base Ingredient: Mystery Ice Cream
Main Ingredient: Fruit Set Main Ingredient: Banana
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Cocoa Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Juicy Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual
#21: Bitter Matcha Parfait (しぶいね まっちゃパフェ) #22: Beautiful Grape Parfait (ごうか きょほうパフェ)
Base Ingredient: Ultra Ice Cream Base Ingredient: Ultra Ice Cream
Main Ingredient: Matcha Main Ingredient: Grape
Decoration Ingredient: Senbei Sticks Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Juicy
#23: Cool Snowman Parfait (ひんやり ゆきだるまパフェ) #24: Amazing Love Love Parfait (びっくり ラブラブパフェ)
Base Ingredient: Ultra Ice Cream Base Ingredient: Ultra Ice Cream
Main Ingredient: White Chocolate Main Ingredient: Fruit Set
Decoration Ingredient: Snow Powder Decoration Ingredient: Love Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#25: Shooting Star Parfait (ながれぼしパフェ) #26: Legendary Parfait
Base Ingredient: Ultra Ice Cream Base Ingredient: Ultra Ice Cream
Main Ingredient: Konpeitō Main Ingredient: Watermelon
Decoration Ingredient: Star Pieces Decoration Ingredient: Soft Serve Ice Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#1: Grapefruit Jelly (グレープフルーツゼリー) #2: Orange Jelly (オレンジゼリー)
Base Ingredient: Gelatin Base Ingredient: Gelatin
Main Ingredient: Grapefruit Main Ingredient: Orange
Decoration Ingredient: Mint Leaves Decoration Ingredient: Mint Leaves
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#3: Lemon Cup Jelly (レモンカップゼリー) #4: Healthy Aloe Jelly (けんこうアロエゼリー)
Base Ingredient: Gelatin Base Ingredient: Gelatin
Main Ingredient: Lemon Main Ingredient: Aloe
Decoration Ingredient: Lemon Cup Decoration Ingredient: Yogurt
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#5: Whole Strawberry Jelly (まるごとイチゴのゼリー) #6: Nata de Coco Ruby Jelly (ナタデココのルビーゼリー)
Base Ingredient: Gelatin Base Ingredient: Gelatin
Main Ingredient: Strawberry Main Ingredient: Nata de Coco
Decoration Ingredient: Whole Strawberry Decoration Ingredient: Rose Wine
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#7: Blueberry Bavarois (ブルーベリーババロア) #8: Charlotte aux Poires (シャルロットポワール)
Base Ingredient: Gelatin Base Ingredient: Gelatin
Main Ingredient: Blueberry Main Ingredient: Pear
Decoration Ingredient: Yogurt Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#9: Blancmange (ブラマンジェ) #10: Mint Emerald Bavarois (ミントのエメラルドババロア)
Base Ingredient: Gelatin Base Ingredient: Gelatin
Main Ingredient: Raspberry Main Ingredient: Mint
Decoration Ingredient: Sour Cream Decoration Ingredient: Mint Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#11: Tomato Mousse (トマトのムース) #12: Custard Pudding (カスタードプリン)
Base Ingredient: Gelatin Base Ingredient: Egg Yolks
Main Ingredient: Tomato Main Ingredient: Egg
Decoration Ingredient: Mint Leaves Decoration Ingredient: Caramel
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#13: Banana Pudding (バナナプディング) #14: Orange Pudding (プディングオランジェ)
Base Ingredient: Egg Yolks Base Ingredient: Egg Yolks
Main Ingredient: Banana Main Ingredient: Orange
Decoration Ingredient: Caramel Decoration Ingredient: Caramel
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#15: Pumpkin Pudding (パンプキンプリン) #16: Mango Pudding (マンゴープリン)
Base Ingredient: Egg Yolks Base Ingredient: Egg Yolks
Main Ingredient: Pumpkin Main Ingredient: Mango
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Rum
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#17: Pudding à la Mode (プリン・ア・ラ・モード) #18: Glittering Lemon Jelly (キラキラレモンゼリー)
Base Ingredient: Egg Yolks Base Ingredient: Heartbeat Gelatin
Main Ingredient: Fruit Set Main Ingredient: Lemon
Decoration Ingredient: Caramel Decoration Ingredient: Mint Leaves
Recipe Attribute Type: Juicy Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#19: Annin Tofu (あんにんどうふ) #20: Goldfish Bowl Jelly (きんぎょばちゼリー)
Base Ingredient: Heartbeat Gelatin Base Ingredient: Heartbeat Gelatin
Main Ingredient: Milk Main Ingredient: Ramune
Decoration Ingredient: Whole Strawberry Decoration Ingredient: Berry Sauce
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual
#21: Smooth Tokoroten (つるつるトコロテン) #22: Soft Ganache Bavarois (なまチョコふわふわババロア)
Base Ingredient: Deluxe Gelatin Base Ingredient: Deluxe Gelatin
Main Ingredient: Yuzu Main Ingredient: Ganache
Decoration Ingredient: Soy Sauce Decoration Ingredient: Cocoa Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#23: Angel Tropical Jelly (エンジェルトロピカルゼリー) #24: Lovely Jiggling Jelly (ラブリーフルフルゼリー)
Base Ingredient: Deluxe Gelatin Base Ingredient: Deluxe Gelatin
Main Ingredient: Tropical Fruit Set Main Ingredient: Fruit Set
Decoration Ingredient: Angel's Dream Decoration Ingredient: Love Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Juicy Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#25: Shooting Star Jelly (ながれぼしゼリー) #26: Legendary Jelly
Base Ingredient: Deluxe Gelatin Base Ingredient: Deluxe Gelatin
Main Ingredient: Konpeitō Main Ingredient: Muscat
Decoration Ingredient: Star Pieces Decoration Ingredient: Honey
Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#1: Honey Coffee (ハニーコーヒー) #2: Marshmallow Coffee (マシュマロコーヒー)
Base Ingredient: Coffee Beans Base Ingredient: Coffee Beans
Main Ingredient: Milk Main Ingredient: Marshmallows
Decoration Ingredient: Honey Decoration Ingredient: Brandy
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#3: Mocha Java (モカジャバ) #4: Café Borgia (カフェボルジア)
Base Ingredient: Coffee Beans Base Ingredient: Coffee Beans
Main Ingredient: Cacao Liqueur Main Ingredient: Chocolate Syrup
Decoration Ingredient: Whipped Cream Decoration Ingredient: Whipped Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#5: Cappuccino (カプチーノ) #6: Cinnamon Coffee (シナモンコーヒー)
Base Ingredient: Coffee Beans Base Ingredient: Coffee Beans
Main Ingredient: Orange Peel Main Ingredient: Orange
Decoration Ingredient: Whipped Cream Decoration Ingredient: Cinnamon Sticks
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#7: Café Valencia (カフェバレンシア) #8: Café au Lait (カフェオレ)
Base Ingredient: Coffee Beans Base Ingredient: Coffee Beans
Main Ingredient: Milk Main Ingredient: Milk
Decoration Ingredient: Cointreau Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#9: Café Bourgogne (カフェブルゴーニュ) #10: Mazagran (マザグラン)
Base Ingredient: Coffee Beans Base Ingredient: Magical Coffee
Main Ingredient: Red Wine Main Ingredient: Red Wine
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Lemon Slice
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#11: Citrus Café (シトラスカフェ) #12: Berry Good Latte (ベリーグッド・ラテ)
Base Ingredient: Magical Coffee Base Ingredient: Magical Coffee
Main Ingredient: Orange Main Ingredient: Milk
Decoration Ingredient: Lemon Slice Decoration Ingredient: Berry Sauce
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#13: Coconut Cappuccino (ココナッツカプチーノ) #14: Love Café (あいじょうカフェ)
Base Ingredient: Rainbow Coffee Base Ingredient: Rainbow Coffee
Main Ingredient: Coconut Main Ingredient: Milk
Decoration Ingredient: Cinnamon Sticks Decoration Ingredient: Love Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#15: Shooting Star Coffee (ながれぼしパイコーヒー) #16: Legendary Coffee
Base Ingredient: Rainbow Coffee Base Ingredient: Rainbow Coffee
Main Ingredient: Konpeitō Main Ingredient: Cherry
Decoration Ingredient: Star Pieces Decoration Ingredient: Chocolate Ice Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#1: Strawberry Shortcake (いちごのショートケーキ) #2: Banana Cake (バナナケーキ)
Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake
Main Ingredient: Strawberry Main Ingredient: Banana
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#3: Cheesecake (チーズケーキ) #4: Mont Blanc (モンブラン)
Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake
Main Ingredient: Cheese Main Ingredient: Chestnut
Decoration Ingredient: Honey Decoration Ingredient: Marron Glacé
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#5: Peach Cake (もものケーキ) #6: Matcha Cake (まっちゃケーキ)
Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake
Main Ingredient: Peach Main Ingredient: Matcha
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#7: Carrot Cake (キャロットケーキ) #8: Apple Honey Cake (アップルハニーケーキ)
Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake
Main Ingredient: Carrot Main Ingredient: Apple
Decoration Ingredient: Sour Cream Decoration Ingredient: Honey
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#9: Cinnamon Tea Cake (シナモンティーケーキ) #10: Milk Crepe (ミルクレープ)
Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake
Main Ingredient: Tea Leaves Main Ingredient: Egg
Decoration Ingredient: Cinnamon Powder Decoration Ingredient: Custard Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#11: Alcazar (アルカザール) #12: Rare Cheesecake (レアチーズ)
Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake Base Ingredient: Gelatin
Main Ingredient: Pineapple Main Ingredient: Cheese
Decoration Ingredient: Cinnamon Powder Decoration Ingredient: Berry Sauce
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#13: Tiramisu (ティラミス) #14: Swirling Roll Cake (くるくるロールケーキ)
Base Ingredient: Gelatin Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake
Main Ingredient: Cheese Main Ingredient: Milk
Decoration Ingredient: Cocoa Powder Decoration Ingredient: Cocoa Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#15: Gâteau au Chocolat (ガトーショコラ) #16: Chocolate Banana Cake (チョコバナナケーキ)
Base Ingredient: Chocolate Sponge Cake Base Ingredient: Chocolate Sponge Cake
Main Ingredient: Chocolate Main Ingredient: Banana
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Cocoa Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#17: Mint Chocolat (ミントショコラ) #18: Monkey Monkey Cake (サルサルケーキ)
Base Ingredient: Chocolate Sponge Cake Base Ingredient: Bomb Sponge Cake
Main Ingredient: Chocolate Main Ingredient: Banana
Decoration Ingredient: Mint Cream Decoration Ingredient: Almonds
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual
#19: Crackling Fireworks Cake (パチパチはなびケーキ) #20: Gilded Nouveau Riche Cake (キンピカなりきんケーキ)
Base Ingredient: Bomb Sponge Cake Base Ingredient: Bomb Sponge Cake
Main Ingredient: Ramune Main Ingredient: Melon
Decoration Ingredient: Mint Cream Decoration Ingredient: Golden Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual
#21: Classical Bitter Chocolat (クラシカルビターショコラ) #22: Birthday Cake (バースデーケーキ)
Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake Super Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake Super
Main Ingredient: Bitter Chocolate Main Ingredient: Strawberry
Decoration Ingredient: Chocolate Kisses Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#23: Snowman Cake (ゆきだるまケーキ) #24: Love Power Cake (ラブパワーケーキ)
Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake Super Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake Super
Main Ingredient: White Chocolate Main Ingredient: Fruit Set
Decoration Ingredient: Snow Powder Decoration Ingredient: Love Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#25: Stardust Cake (ほしくずのケーキ) #26: Legendary Cake
Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake Super Base Ingredient: Sponge Cake Super
Main Ingredient: Konpeitō Main Ingredient: Chocolate
Decoration Ingredient: Star Pieces Decoration Ingredient: Santa Claus
Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#1: Sakura Mochi (さくらもち) #2: Cream Oshiruko (クリームおしるこ)
Base Ingredient: Dango Powder Base Ingredient: Glutinous Rice
Main Ingredient: Tsubu-an Main Ingredient: Tsubu-an
Decoration Ingredient: Cherry Blossom Leaves Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#3: Matcha Shiratama (まっちゃしらたま) #4: Spicy Okaki (ピリピリおかき)
Base Ingredient: Dango Powder Base Ingredient: Dango Powder
Main Ingredient: Matcha Main Ingredient: Chili Pepper
Decoration Ingredient: Fresh Cream Decoration Ingredient: Soy Sauce
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Spicy
#5: Fruit Mitsumame (フルーツみつまめ) #6: Walnut Manjū (くるみまんじゅう)
Base Ingredient: Agar Base Ingredient: Flour
Main Ingredient: Fruit Set Main Ingredient: Tsubu-an
Decoration Ingredient: Beans Decoration Ingredient: Walnuts
Recipe Attribute Type: Juicy Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#7: Strawberry Daifuku (いちごだいふく) #8: Matcha Manjū (まっちゃまんじゅう)
Base Ingredient: Dango Powder Base Ingredient: Flour
Main Ingredient: Strawberry Main Ingredient: Matcha
Decoration Ingredient: Koshi-an Decoration Ingredient: Koshi-an
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#9: Banana Mushi Manjū (バナナむしまんじゅう) #10: Isobe Maki Dango (いそべまきだんご)
Base Ingredient: Flour Base Ingredient: Dango Powder
Main Ingredient: Banana Main Ingredient: Nori
Decoration Ingredient: Koshi-an Decoration Ingredient: Soy Sauce
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#11: Ume Arare (うめあられ) #12: Goma Dango (ごまだんご)
Base Ingredient: Glutinous Rice Base Ingredient: Dango Powder
Main Ingredient: Plum Main Ingredient: Sesame Seeds
Decoration Ingredient: Shichimi Decoration Ingredient: Koshi-an
Recipe Attribute Type: Spicy Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#13: Yuzu Scented Tart (ゆずのかおりタルト) #14: Cheese Dorayaki (チーズどらやき)
Base Ingredient: Flour Base Ingredient: Flour
Main Ingredient: Yuzu Main Ingredient: Cheese
Decoration Ingredient: Koshi-an Decoration Ingredient: Koshi-an
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#15: Kuri Yōkan (くりようかん) #16: Sakura Yōkan (さくらようかん)
Base Ingredient: Agar Base Ingredient: Agar
Main Ingredient: Chestnut Main Ingredient: Cherry Blossoms
Decoration Ingredient: Koshi-an Decoration Ingredient: Cherry Blossom Leaves
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#17: Pumpkin Daifuku (パンプキンだいふく) #18: Angry Senbei (がんこせんべい)
Base Ingredient: Dango Powder Base Ingredient: Mysterious Glutinous Rice
Main Ingredient: Pumpkin Main Ingredient: Nori
Decoration Ingredient: Koshi-an Decoration Ingredient: Soy Sauce
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual
#19: Chocolate An Monaka (チョコあんもなか) #20: Yakimochi King (やきもちおうさま)
Base Ingredient: Mysterious Glutinous Rice Base Ingredient: Mysterious Glutinous Rice
Main Ingredient: White Chocolate Main Ingredient: Sesame Seeds
Decoration Ingredient: Koshi-an Decoration Ingredient: Kinako
Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual
#21: Fruit Warabimochi (フルーツわらびもち) #22: Round Jumbo Dorayaki (まろやかジャンボどらやき)
Base Ingredient: Wondrous Powder Base Ingredient: Wondrous Powder
Main Ingredient: Fruit Set Main Ingredient: Egg
Decoration Ingredient: Kinako Decoration Ingredient: Koshi-an
Recipe Attribute Type: Juicy Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet
#23: Moon Rabbit Manjū (おつきみうさぎのまんじゅう) #24: Oh My Love Anmitsu (ああいとしのあんみつ)
Base Ingredient: Wondrous Powder Base Ingredient: Wondrous Powder
Main Ingredient: Shiro-an Main Ingredient: Tsubu-an
Decoration Ingredient: Rabbit's Feelings Decoration Ingredient: Love Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#25: Starry Dango (おほしさまだんご) #26: Legendary Wagashi
Base Ingredient: Wondrous Powder Base Ingredient: Wondrous Powder
Main Ingredient: Konpeitō Main Ingredient: Shiro-an
Decoration Ingredient: Star Pieces Decoration Ingredient: Bamboo Leaves
Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#1: Orange Tea (オレンジティー) #2: Apple Tea (アップルティー)
Base Ingredient: Black Tea Base Ingredient: Black Tea
Main Ingredient: Orange Main Ingredient: Apple
Decoration Ingredient: Cointreau Decoration Ingredient: Rose Wine
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#3: Green Tea au Lait (グリーンティーオレ) #4: Perilla Kombucha (しそこぶちゃ)
Base Ingredient: Black Tea Base Ingredient: Green Tea
Main Ingredient: Milk Main Ingredient: Perilla
Decoration Ingredient: Honey Decoration Ingredient: Kombu
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#5: Nut Milk Tea (ナッツミルクティー) #6: Plum Kombucha (うめこぶちゃ)
Base Ingredient: Black Tea Base Ingredient: Green Tea
Main Ingredient: Milk Main Ingredient: Plum
Decoration Ingredient: Peanuts Decoration Ingredient: Kombu
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#7: Mint Tea (ミントティー) #8: Chamomile Tea (カモミールティー)
Base Ingredient: Black Tea Base Ingredient: Black Tea
Main Ingredient: Mint Main Ingredient: Chamomile
Decoration Ingredient: Rose Wine Decoration Ingredient: Mint Leaves
Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh Recipe Attribute Type: Fresh
#9: Strawberry Tea (ストロベリーティー) #10: Green Bomb Iced Tea (グリーンボムアイスティー)
Base Ingredient: Black Tea Base Ingredient: Dynamite Tea
Main Ingredient: Strawberry Main Ingredient: Matcha
Decoration Ingredient: Honey Decoration Ingredient: Rose Wine
Recipe Attribute Type: Sweet Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual
#11: Dandy Iced Tea (おちょうしものアイスティー) #12: Big Bang Iced Tea (ビッグバンアイスティー)
Base Ingredient: Dynamite Tea Base Ingredient: Dynamite Tea
Main Ingredient: Fruit Set Main Ingredient: Chili Pepper
Decoration Ingredient: Rum Decoration Ingredient: Shichimi
Recipe Attribute Type: Unusual Recipe Attribute Type: Spicy
#13: Dream Tea (ドリームティー) #14: Happiness Papaya Tea (ハピネスパパイヤティー)
Base Ingredient: Miracle Tea Base Ingredient: Miracle Tea
Main Ingredient: Peach Main Ingredient: Papaya
Decoration Ingredient: Rose Wine Decoration Ingredient: Love Powder
Recipe Attribute Type: Juicy Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely
#15: Comet Tea (りゅうせいちゃ) #16: Legendary Tea
Base Ingredient: Miracle Tea Base Ingredient: Miracle Tea
Main Ingredient: Konpeitō Main Ingredient: Lychee
Decoration Ingredient: Star Pieces Decoration Ingredient: Hibiscus
Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely Recipe Attribute Type: Lovely

Taste Combination

Every snack and beverage comes with a specific taste attribute, such as "lovely" or "juicy". Ideally, the player should pay attention to which taste combinations work well with one another for the best score during the contest sequence. Each round lasts fifteen trips to the town; there are three rounds in the contest in total.

Sweet Fresh Juicy Spicy Unusual Lovely
Bad Best Mediocre Mediocre Good Best Sweet
Best Bad Bad Good Mediocre Mediocre Fresh
Mediocre Bad Mediocre Best Mediocre Best Juicy
Mediocre Good Best Bad Good Bad Spicy
Good Mediocre Mediocre Good Best Mediocre Unusual
Best Mediocre Best Bad Mediocre Best Lovely


Contains a list of snacks each Sweet Knight favors or detests. Useful for raising their affinity towards the player's character.

Recipe Type Likes Dislikes
Pie Cherry Pie, Ganache Tart Fire Tart, Full Lemon Pie
Cookies Strawberry Biscuit, Cheese Rabbit Cookies Healthy Scones, Spicy Cookies
Juice Fluffy Bunny Soda Hyper Spark Soda
Parfait Strawberry Shirayuki, Mr. Giraffe Parfait Blue Sky Parfait, Bitter Matcha Parfait
Jelly Goldfish Bowl Jelly, Soft Ganache Bavarois Lemon Cup Jelly, Smooth Tokoroten
Coffee Honey Coffee Mazagran
Cake Milk Crepe, Monkey Monkey Cake Cinnamon Tea Cake
Wagashi Chocolate An Monaka, Moon Rabbit Manjū Spicy Okaki, Ume Arare
Tea Green Tea au Lait Big Bang Iced Tea
Recipe Type Likes Dislikes
Pie Full Apple Pie, Fried Banana Tart Pumpkin Pie, Heartbeat Mint Tart
Cookies Smiling Cookies, Apple Scones Leaf Cookie, Sesame Cookies
Juice Fruit Punch Matcha Soda
Parfait Fruit Parfait, Jumbo Fruit Parfait Ujikintoki, Bitter Matcha Parfait
Jelly Mango Pudding Tomato Mousse, Pumpkin Pudding
Coffee Café au Lait Café Bourgogne
Cake Apple Honey Cake, Chocolate Banana Cake Carrot Cake
Wagashi Fruit Mitsumame, Banana Mushi Manjū Goma Dango, Pumpkin Daifuku
Tea Dandy Iced Tea Mint Tea
Recipe Type Likes Dislikes
Pie Fire Tart, Full Lemon Pie Sweet Potato Pie, Ganache Tart
Cookies Healthy Scones, Spicy Cookies Kouign-amann, Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
Juice Hyper Spark Soda Fluffy Bunny Soda
Parfait Yogurt Parfait, Ujikintoki Chocolate Parfait, Jumbo Fruit Parfait
Jelly Lemon Cup Jelly Soft Ganache Bavarois
Coffee Citrus Café Honey Coffee
Cake Rare Cheesecake, Crackling Fireworks Cake Mont Blanc, Milk Crepe
Wagashi Spicy Okaki, Angry Senbei Cream Oshiruko, Chocolate An Monaka
Tea Big Bang Iced Tea Green Tea au Lait
Recipe Type Likes Dislikes
Pie Blueberry Tart, Angel Dream Pie Pumpkin Pie, Marron Pie
Cookies Cocoa Flower Cookies, Solar Sunflower Cookies Chocolate Chip Cookies, Kouign-amann
Juice Queen Sapphire Matcha au Lait
Parfait Tropical Parfait, Beautiful Grape Parfait Peach Parfait, Marron Parfait
Jelly Nata de Coco Ruby Jelly, Mint Emerald Bavarois Healthy Aloe Jelly, Annin Tofu
Coffee Citrus Café Café au Lait
Cake Classical Bitter Chocolat Mont Blanc, Monkey Monkey Cake
Wagashi Sakura Yōkan, Fruit Warabimochi Matcha Manjū, Kuri Yōkan
Tea Dream Tea Plum Kombucha
Recipe Type Likes Dislikes
Pie Pumpkin Pie, Heartbeat Mint Tart Grapefruit Tart, Fire Tart
Cookies Sweet Tea Cookies, Sweet Potato Cookies Popping Berry Cookies, Spicy Cookies
Juice Blueberry Juice Hyper Spark Soda
Parfait Tea Parfait, Blue Sky Parfait Cream Anmitsu
Jelly Tomato Mousse, Pumpkin Pudding Annin Tofu, Smooth Tokoroten
Coffee Berry Good Latte Mazagran
Cake Carrot Cake, Mint Chocolat Crackling Fireworks Cake, Classical Bitter Chocolat
Wagashi Goma Dango, Pumpkin Daifuku Spicy Okaki, Angry Senbei
Tea Chamomile Tea Big Bang Iced Tea
Recipe Type Likes Dislikes
Pie Grapefruit Tart, Full Lemon Pie Egg Tart, Ganache Tart
Cookies Sweet Tea Cookies, Sesame Cookies Éclairs, Sweet Potato Cookies
Juice Lemon Squash Milkshake
Parfait Blue Sky Parfait Simple Vanilla Parfait, Yogurt Parfait
Jelly Grapefruit Jelly, Glittering Lemon Jelly Tomato Mousse, Pumpkin Pudding
Coffee Cappuccino Café Borgia
Cake Cinnamon Tea Cake Milk Crepe, Gâteau au Chocolat
Wagashi Ume Arare, Yuzu Scented Tart Cream Oshiruko, Chocolate An Monaka
Tea Mint Tea Perilla Kombucha
Recipe Type Likes Dislikes
Pie Napoleon, Autumn Deluxe Tart Sweet Potato Pie, Egg Tart
Cookies Blueberry Scones, Choux à la Crème: Royal Swan Sesame Cookies, Smiling Cookies
Juice Queen Sapphire Fluffy Bunny Soda
Parfait Beautiful Grape Parfait Simple Vanilla Parfait, Mr. Giraffe Parfait
Jelly Charlotte aux Poires, Pudding à la Mode Healthy Aloe Jelly, Custard Pudding
Coffee Mazagran Honey Coffee
Cake Gilded Nouveau Riche Cake, Classical Bitter Chocolat Matcha Cake, Monkey Monkey Cake
Wagashi Yuzu Scented Tart, Sakura Yōkan Goma Dango, Angry Senbei
Tea Dream Tea Green Tea au Lait
Recipe Type Likes Dislikes
Pie Sweet Potato Pie, Tarte Tatin Autumn Deluxe Tart, Special Mille-feuille
Cookies Leaf Cookie, Sweet Potato Cookies Popping Berry Cookies, Choux à la Crème: Royal Swan
Juice Matcha au Lait Matcha Soda
Parfait Ujikintoki, Bitter Matcha Parfait Jumbo Fruit Parfait
Jelly Healthy Aloe Jelly, Annin Tofu Mint Emerald Bavarois, Goldfish Bowl Jelly
Coffee Marshmallow Coffee Café Bourgogne
Cake Matcha Cake, Gâteau au Chocolat Cinnamon Tea Cake, Gilded Nouveau Riche Cake
Wagashi Matcha Shiratama, Matcha Manjū Fruit Warabimochi, Round Jumbo Dorayaki
Tea Plum Kombucha Green Bomb Iced Tea
Recipe Type Likes Dislikes
Pie Marron Pie, Egg Tart Napoleon, Autumn Deluxe Tart
Cookies Brownies, Healthy Scones Smiling Cookies, Choux à la Crème: Royal Swan
Juice Banana Shake Queen Sapphire
Parfait Simple Vanilla Parfait, Marron Parfait Beautiful Grape Parfait
Jelly Blancmange, Custard Pudding Nata de Coco Ruby Jelly
Coffee Cinnamon Coffee Coconut Cappuccino
Cake Alcazar, Rare Cheesecake Crackling Fireworks Cake, Gilded Nouveau Riche Cake
Wagashi Matcha Shiratama, Cheese Dorayaki Sakura Yōkan, Round Jumbo Dorayaki
Tea Green Tea au Lait Dandy Iced Tea
Main Titles AngeliqueAngelique Special 2Angelique troisAngelique étoileAngelique Luminarise
Spin-Offs Fushigi no Kuni no AngeliqueAngelique DuetAngelique RetourAngelique Tenkuu no RequiemSweet AngeAngelique Maren no RokukishiAngelique étoile PrologueLovelove ♥ Tenshi-sama Angelique
Sacred Bird Cosmos Characters
Angelique LimogesClavisJuliousLumialeLuvaMarcelOlivieOscarRandyRosalia de CatargenaZephel
Sacred Beast Cosmos Characters
Angelique ColletAriosFrancisCharlieErnstHeuyeLeonardMelRachel HartSei-LanTimkaVictor
Emperor's Cosmos Characters
CainEugeneGerhardGiovanniKa-FaiKiefarLeviath Ragna AlvissRenaudSionnaTeresaWalter
Commanding Owl Cosmos Characters
Étoile Characters
Major Characters
AlphonsiaBrianCatisDiaEllisGerard and SilvanJohannesMariaMasaki SakuragawaMaximilliasMayleathPastha and SaraRoxyThe QueenTian ShiVarn
Other Information
Series TerminologyNeo Angelique