Sun Wukong/Quotes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Sun Wukong.


  • Alright! Who's up next for some fun?
  • How about this?
  • I'm on fire!
  • Let's go nuts!
  • Whew! That was fun!
  • Over here!
  • Waha! No one can match the glorious Sun Wukong!
  • Is it my turn?
  • Time to add another notch to Mr. Whacky.
  • I think we all know who's the greatest around here.
  • Wooo! You're going pretty wild, eh!
  • Wooo! You're putting on quite the show!
  • Ha! I knew there was something special about you!
  • Not half bad! I underestimated you.
  • Not bad! Keep it up!
  • Oww... the Heavens seem to have a grudge against me.
  • Sorry to tie you up like this...
  • Whew, you've come at a perfect time!
  • You've got some guts, coming after me!
  • Got a little careless... I'm outta here.
  • At least I had fun...
  • Hey old man, save some for me!
  • Amazing work, old man!
  • Agh... Sorry. Let up your guard for one second, y'know...
  • That girl really knows how to tear 'em up!
  • Not bad for a fox girl!
  • Hey, Da Ji! Over here, over here!
  • Whooa! Monkey see, monkey do, am I right?
  • Way to go, junior! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
  • Monkey boy! Let's take them out together!
  • Whoa! I wouldn't want you angry at me!
  • Ha! Don't let that cute face fool you!
  • Hey, Himiko, come over here and go nuts!
  • Old man... It's about time you showed me what you've got.
  • I knew you were tough! It was fun!
  • There's no shame in losing to you....
  • Yo, Da Ji. Come here for a second!
  • This was a nice work out. Let's do it again sometime.
  • Remember - if it's not fun, it's not worth doing...
  • Whoa, you look like a strong one.
  • You're a tough nut to crack! Let's do this again real soon.
  • Well... at least I had a good time till the very end...
  • Whoa! Taking you on should be a blast!
  • Your skill matches your reputation... Bye bye!
  • Man... Over already...?
  • Try not to strain yourself out there, my lady!
  • Hey! Have I ever told you that you're the greatest?!
  • Thanks! I owe you one!
  • You just don't give up, do you!
  • Haha! Catch me if you can! See ya!
  • So you're the one to finally catch me... Oh well...

  • I hope there's somebody worth fighting out there!
  • Haha! Of course we won! Were you expecting otherwise?!
  • This battle looks like it'll be fun.
  • Hey! I really did some damage out there!
  • Somebody stop me! I'm like an animal out there on the battlefield!
  • Hey there! I'd like for you to have this.
  • Now that's the way to get things done!
  • No, no, no... That'll never do.
  • Yahoo! They don't get any better than me! I must've defeated an entire army of enemy soldiers in that last battle!
  • I've been stuck here for the past few battles. Why would anybody in their right mind keep me from doing what I do best?!
  • There's nothing like running wild amongst the enemy! So that's why I'm eager to get back out there as soon as possible!
  • I'm ready to party like it's going out of style! Come on! Drink up and join me for a laugh!
  • I think we all know who's the greatest around here.
  • Wooo, I'm the greatest!
  • Now that's what I'm talking about!
  • Nice going, Kiyomori! You're no ordinary old man - you're the toughest old man in this world!
  • Wow, you just curdled my blood over here! That was great!
  • Fine work, Monkey Boy! I'm proud of you!
  • Oh yeah! That's my lady for you! Trust me, you don't want to tick her off.
  • Yikes, maybe I should have taken this more seriously...
  • Hey, nice work! You look just like... Wait a second... You are me!
  • That was pretty good!
  • Nice hustle out there!
  • Shoot, sorry 'bout that!
  • Hey, thanks for coming!
  • You'll spar with me?
  • Okay, I think it's time to retreat.
  • You're doing great, Kiyomori!
  • Thanks, Kiyomori!
  • Wow, Da Ji, it's painful just to watch you.
  • You saved me, Da Ji!
  • Good work out there!
  • Boy, you're a sight for sore eyes!
  • That was beautiful, my lady!
  • Oh shoot, my lady's here!
  • That was pretty good! I guess you're just a cut above the rest.
  • Nice hustle out there! I knew I kept you around for a reason!
  • Sorry 'bout that! I'll pay you back for this someday!
  • Hey, thanks for coming! Now let's do some major damage!
  • You'll spar with me? Excellent. I couldn't ask for a better partner!
  • Okay, I think it's time to retreat. You're really tough!
  • You're doing great, Kiyomori! It's inspiring to watch!
  • Thanks, Kiyomori! We can really clean up now that you're here!
  • Wow, Da Ji, it's painful just to watch you. I almost feel sorry for your enemies.
  • You saved me, Da Ji! I'll have to treat you to something tasty later!
  • Good work out there! You don't know how proud I am to watch you, Monkey Boy.
  • Boy, you're a sight for sore eyes! I couldn't ask for a better follower!
  • That was beautiful, my lady! I could watch you fight all day!
  • Uh-oh, my lady's here! I better shape up!
  • Woo! Look at you go! I love it!
  • Now that's what I like to see! Together we'll be unstoppable!
  • Uh-oh, guess I shouldn't be taking a break. Sorry you had to see that.
  • Well, you sure took your sweet time. You know how long I've been waiting?
  • Woo! I think I'm gonna have fun with this fight!
  • That was truly amazing. Let's have a rematch sometime.
  • You're doing great, old man! But you know, it's okay to ask me for help if you need it.
  • There you are, old man! It's just not the same out here without you!
  • Ouch! Remind me to stay on your good side, Da Ji.
  • Aww, were you worried about me? You were, weren't you?
  • Way to go, Monkey Boy! You're doing me proud out there!
  • Good to see you here, Monkey Boy! What do you say we show them a thing or two?
  • You're so incredible, my lady. You're kind, strong, beautiful... The Mystic Realm couldn't ask for a better princess!
  • Aw no... I'm sorry about this, my lady. I guess I'm still just a silly monkey to you...
  • I've decided you'll be my opponent for today!
  • Nice! Now things are starting to get exciting!
  • That's the spirit! I'm gonna have to open up my whole bag of tricks!
  • Kiyomori, this is where I surpass you, grandpa!
  • That physique of yours is no joke! My staff is looking worse for wear!
  • Way to go, old man! You're probably the only one who can take my best punch!
  • You little vixen, I'll throw in some fried tofu if you do battle with me!
  • Thanks for the laughs, Da Ji! That's two more pieces of fried tofu for you!
  • Boy, you can't get enough of this fried tofu! If you take me down at full strength, I'll toss in an extra huge piece!
  • Monkey Boy, want to see if you can topple your master?
  • I like your enthusiasm, Monkey Boy. You really are my favorite student!
  • It takes a mighty climb to rise above the master. If you go any further, Monkey Boy, I won't have any mercy for you!
  • Yikes! I might have made a mistake here...
  • My lady, the thing is... Wait! You're not even listening to me!
  • Here we are at the moment of destiny. My lady, I'll have to quiet you down the old-fashioned way!
  • This time, will my opponent be up to the task?
  • What's that? Monkey Boy, you got the screech down perfectly!
  • This will be the greatest battle of all time. We should enjoy it!
  • Old man Kiyomori, you're gonna break your neck with all this horsing around!
  • Let's see how I fight my way out of this one!
  • My lady?! I better head for the trees!
  • Ultimate

    • Hey, there's no need to show off like that. Try leaving some enemies for the rest of us!
    • Wow, you're something else!
    • Huh? You're here to help?
    • Wow, you're something else! I don't plan on letting you outdo me though.
    • Huh? You're here to help? Alright, I'll leave everything up to you!
    • Oops! This isn't good! I was so caught up in watching you fight that I lost track of the battle.
    • Hey! I was waiting for you! How about we go out there and show the enemy just how unstoppable we are?
    • Amazing, Nezha! Your potential is frightening.
    • Hey! Not bad, Nezha!
    • Yeaah! Great timing, Nezha!
    • Hey! Not bad, Nezha! You've got me fired up as well! Haha!
    • Yeaah! Great timing, Nezha! Let's show these guys what we're made of!
    • Alright! That's the spirit, Nezha! I might as well sit back and relax... Hey, just kidding!
    • Yeah! I was wondering when you'd show up, Nezha! Now, let's clean up this mess together!
    • Huh? What's that smell?
    • If it wasn't me... Then it must be you!
    • I don't care who you are. I'm ready to give it one last struggle!
    • That's right! And now I'm going to unleash all of my pent-up frustrations!
    • Hey, Nezha! How about you try facing me in a duel?
    • Alright! That's the way to do it! You'll still never beat me, but go ahead and try anyway!
    • Yikes! This isn't good... Haha! Just kidding! I'm just getting started, Nezha!
    • Come on, Nezha! Let's see just how tough you really are!

  • I want to fight someone really, really strong!
  • All right! I'm pumped up!
  • That's right, so don't go attacking me, okay?
  • Woo-hoo! Wandering around freely and going wild on my own felt really great! Ulp, I'd better not say that too loudly.
  • Yes! I worked up a real sweat on that trip of training! It almost makes me want to go travelling with my mistress again-- hold on, what am I saying!
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