Sima Shi/Quotes

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A list of quotes commonly spoken by Sima Shi.


  • Mwahaha! I shall reign supreme!
  • This area is now under my control!
  • Don't lose this momentum. We'll need it to eradicate the enemy.
  • The enemy are sure to be a nuisance later if we don't stop them now!
  • To struggle like this... Perhaps I'm an imbecile myself...
  • Perhaps I should... accept my destiny?
  • Mwahaha! All others fade into insignificance before my splendor!
  • I suppose I can perfect the art of retreating...
  • Just as I thought... Mwahahaha!
  • Show no mercy! Go and cut the enemy to pieces!
  • We have nowhere to run, so you can focus on this area's defense!
  • We'll put an end to that idiot's actions.
  • I order you to strengthen that area!
  • All units, attack the enemy's main camp!
  • All units, form a defensive perimeter right here!
  • I'll have to admit, that was a brilliant plan.
  • Not a bad attempt, but pathetic nonetheless.
  • I... underestimated the enemy...
  • I dare say... this is almost unfair!
  • How stupid of me to not notice how far out I was...
  • This imbecile will regret coming out so far alone!
  • I order everyone to halt! We'll stay here and see things out.
  • I order everyone to march! We're taking over that area.
  • I order everyone to march! We've only got one objective, don't mess it up.
  • We are to assist our allies... But be sure not to let them steal our glory!
  • All units! We are going to make a stand against the enemy here.
  • All units, fall back! We need to regroup.
  • We have to give chase... What a bother...
  • A surprise attack can be useful in certain situations. Show them no mercy!
  • You're out too far, you idiot!
  • We are finished for sure if we don't get some reinforcements soon...
  • Which one of you needs my help?
  • We have such unreliable allies...
  • I order you to capture that position!
  • We have to rescue our allies... What a nuisance.
  • Don't slack off on your patrol duty.
  • Stay in formation!
  • We'll use our current momentum to finish off the enemy.
  • What are you hesitating for? Get out there and fight!
  • This is it. Defend this place with your lives!
  • Your only focus should be on winning!
  • We'll be closer to victory if we are successful here!
  • We better not fall behind.
  • Follow me and victory shall be yours!
  • Believe in yourself and victory can be yours!
  • Learn from one another and work together in order to succeed.
  • We will reign over this pathetic land!
  • Do you really think you can defeat me?
  • Is that all? Mwahahahaha!
  • Nothing will prevent me from seizing the Mandate once these battles are won!
  • That was somewhat impressive. You have a ways to go before you match me though.
  • You have keen senses to see that I was in danger. I shall remember you.
  • Be at ease. I am not here to steal your glory.
  • Although I am willing to help you out this time, try not to make a habit of it.
  • I am impressed that you were able to keep up with me. I'll have to remember that in the future.
  • Most impressive!
  • I order you to come with me. I know you are smarter than to refuse me.
  • Hmm... A True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Hm!
  • I shall take care of it.
  • You are clearly worthy of your elevated rank. I could learn much by watching you.
  • I expect you to forget that you saw me in such a weakened state.
  • You are a capable warrior. Hopefully you can use that ability to my advantage.
  • I have gotten used to people depending on my abilities. You can leave the rest to me now.
  • When it comes to us working together on the battlefield, practice makes perfect.
  • A most impressive display.
  • Would you mind coming with me? If you can keep up, that is.
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Understood.
  • Leave it to me.
  • I too, share your pride, Father!
  • It appears you share my bad luck, Father... However, I am thankful for your assistance.
  • You seem to be giving it your all, Father. Try not to hurt yourself out there.
  • Impressive, Father. You always were adept at luring the enemy into our traps.
  • It is a relief to see that we still work well together, Father.
  • You never cease to amaze me, Father.
  • Father, now is the time for us to show the strength of the Sima clan! Forward!
  • Father, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Yes, Father.
  • I understand, Father.
  • I'm impressed, Zhao. It looks like you're actually trying. I shan't be left behind!
  • Zhao, this way! Why don't you try and make yourself useful for once?
  • Zhao, it isn't like you to actually try so hard...
  • If I'm going to have to look after you, I'd prefer you didn't bring all these enemies with you.
  • I suppose we should be able to cooperate once in a while. We are brothers after all.
  • Zhao, why don't you try this hard all the time?
  • Follow me, Zhao! It is time to prove the superiority of our clan!
  • My brother, a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms? Mwahahaha!
  • Leave it to me, Brother.
  • It shall be done, Brother.
  • So you are to be my opponent? Surely you don't expect to be able to defeat me?
  • The only reason you would come here alone is that you are an utter fool.
  • I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish by showing off. Other than ensuring your own death, that is!
  • That is far enough. It is time I taught you the limits of your abilities.
  • I aim for a higher purpose than you could ever comprehend. I refuse to ever admit defeat!
  • If I don't withdraw now, then the world is destined to be overrun by imbeciles...
  • So... the fates... are not destined to side with me...

Conquest Mode

  • I shall be the last one standing once the chaos has reached its conclusion!
  • Watch and see how a true genius approaches a battle.
  • I feel motivated whenever I am with you. Come, and let us work together towards our common goal!
  • I shall assist you, Father. Simply let me know where I may serve you best.
  • Zhao, I am here to help. It's nice to see we can get along with each other, Brother.
  • I shall protect you, Yuanji. Don't worry, I'm much more capable than my lazy brother.
  • Here, take this.
  • Your feats of skill and strength have caught my attention and refuse to let it go.
  • Lend me a hand, will you? Don't worry, I won't hurt you.
  • Most impressive. I am truly grateful for your assistance.
  • You cannot pass here. Turn back now before you come to regret it.
  • Let's see how you fare against the likes of a master strategist!
  • Come and prove that you are not the miserable cretin that you appear to be!
  • The world is filled with irony... To think that a friend would be my greatest enemy.
  • This is an excellent opportunity for me to help expedite your retirement, Father.
  • Zhao, you know as well as I do that you're going to actually have to make an effort in this fight.
  • Yuanji... I shall face you on behalf of my worthless brother.
  • I have decided that I would rather let you live for now, Father. Consider it a gift.
  • Zhao, see what happens when you actually put your mind to it?
  • I hope you can see that not all members of the Sima clan are completely worthless.
  • Word has reached me that you are something of a paragon. Now I see why.
  • Yes, you are truly of uncommon stock. It was worth coming here to meet you.
  • Your performance on the battlefield is impressive. Yes, you definitely have talent.
  • I must discover the extent of this talent. We shall meet again.
  • Let me ask you. What do you think of destiny?
  • Oh? An interesting thought. I was right to ask you.
  • You truly think so? I wonder if someday I will have to accept my destiny...
  • We have walked a long road together. Do you think this was destiny?
  • Then let destiny continue to guide us. Our path to the top is not yet finished.
  • If so, then there is none so blessed as I. We shall be tied together for all eternity.

  • One day, this entire land will be under my rule.
  • There is no escape for you.
  • I never miss my target. Accept your fate!
  • You're right where I want you.
  • I shall tear you to shreds!
  • The mandate is with me.
  • I shall destroy all in my path. Yah!
  • Such desperation.
  • That was close.
  • Mwahaha! I shall reign supreme!
  • Mwahaha! All others fade into insignificance before my splendor!
  • Just the results I anticipated.
  • Ambition Mode

    • I shall be the last one standing once this chaos has reached its conclusion!

  • I've spent more time with you than any other person I can remember. Perhaps this is destiny. Which makes me feel like luckiest man alive. I feel that the bond between us will last forever.

  • Let's see what fate has in store for us...
  • Victory was a foregone conclusion.
  • When it's all over, I shall be the last one standing!
  • These results are only natural for me.
  • Ahh... Perfection is near.
  • This is for you. I think it's a match made in heaven.
  • Ahh... I knew you could do it if you really tried.
  • What's wrong? Is that all you're capable of?
  • I seized control of the battlefield, and delivered us the victory that was inevitably ours.
  • Lately, I have not been given many chances to go to battle... It seems people are undervaluing my talent.
  • These days, I find myself in high demand... I suppose it's only natural to want the best.
  • Mwahaha! This food is of the highest quality. The meat buns are some of the finest I have ever tasted.
  • I shall reign supreme!
  • Mwahaha! All others fade into insignificance before my splendor!
  • You are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • Father, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • My brother, a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms? Mwahahaha!
  • Motochika, with your spirit of defiance, you have become an Unrivaled Warrior!
  • Jiang Wei, you are a True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms!
  • To struggle like this... Perhaps I'm an imbecile myself...
  • How can I reach my potential if I cannot overcome myself?
  • You have given me a vision of greatness!
  • You made your presence felt.
  • I expect you to forget that you saw me in such a weakened state.
  • You actually charged straight into this maelstrom?
  • Hmm... So you wish to face me?
  • If I don't withdraw now, then the world is destined to be overrun by imbeciles...
  • Father, you came through for me when I needed you.
  • Misfortune must run in the family, Father...
  • Zhao, nice to see you put yourself on the line!
  • Zhao, over here!
  • That was a fight to remember, Motochika.
  • Motochika, I could not be happier to see you!
  • Jiang Wei, there is much that you bring to the table.
  • Jiang Wei, I find myself in great need of your help.
  • You have showed me a higher level. What secrets I can learn from this?
  • That was a performance of note. I sense some new possibilities...
  • Please forget this mishap. I would hate to be thought of as someone ordinary.
  • You rushed into a situation this hazardous? I will remember you!
  • So you are to be my opponent? Surely you don't expect to be able to defeat me?
  • If I am killed here, I will have proved myself an imbecile. I must avoid such a stigma.
  • You acquitted yourself well, Father. Just remember that age is not on your side.
  • You have found me at an awkward time, Father... However, I am thankful for your assistance.
  • Zhao, you fought with fire. That's what I expect from my brother!
  • Zhao, this way! Why don't you try and make yourself useful for once?
  • Excellent, Motochika. Your uncompromising attitude speaks volumes.
  • Good of you to come, Motochika. Shall we unleash our powers in unison?
  • You have done yourself proud. I hope we are not seeking the same prize.
  • By accepting your assistance, does that mean I owe you proper thanks?
  • That was something to take notice of. I must study your moves carefully.
  • Your feats of skill and strength have caught my attention and refuse to let it go.
  • Thank you for coming. I am very pleased to accept your help.
  • Your appearance is most welcome. Together, we can forge our way through!
  • One day a close friend, the next day a mighty enemy... It's funny how things change.
  • I cannot beat you. You may mock my mediocrity if you like.
  • Father, you fought wonderfully. Although I fear you might strain yourself.
  • Your company is a blessing, Father. Let us show what the Sima family is capable of!
  • Do not begrudge your talents. Those who have not will view you as haughty.
  • This is a great help, Zhao. Have you had enough of playing the lazy wastrel?
  • Ferocity comes easy to you, Motochika. With you as my ally, I could reach the top!
  • Finally, you arrive. Let us pool our strength and rout these plebeians!
  • I must say I'm impressed. I should be grateful now to call you a friend.
  • Thank you for your support. ...I really am deeply grateful for this.
  • Show me the talent that you possess.
  • Perhaps I misjudged your abilities...
  • If this continues, I will be no better than the rest of these imbeciles...
  • Your retirement begins today, Father.
  • You seem so desperate, Father. You cling to your duties as if they are life itself.
  • I shall give this battle my all, Father, so that you can go quietly.
  • Zhao, don't play the fool. Show me some fire!
  • This world is no place for such an attitude. You'll have to prove yourself one day.
  • You still do not show your full strength, Zhao. You must leave nothing behind if you wish to survive this encounter.
  • There is no future for a fool like you.
  • I have my doubts about you. I can't tell if you are a genius, or a mere imbecile.
  • At the very least, it is clear that you are not an imbecile. So I guess I had best adjust my strategy accordingly.
  • Do you have to interfere with me everywhere I go?
  • I see you haven't changed at all. Your attacks are persistent, but not much else.
  • You will not escape defeat if you remain obsessed with your ambitions.
  • Imbeciles such as yourself should know their role!
  • I was not planning to, Father.
  • If you're willing to give it your all, then I welcome you with open arms, Brother!

  • I shall rule all under heaven!
  • This may also be considered destiny. Let's go.
  • Yes. We will claim victory by our own hands.
  • I collected the ingredients in order to cook the ultimate feast. It took a lot of stamina and skill, but I was also able to fully enjoy the results, all on my own.
  • Working together makes gathering ingredients easy. It allows the actual cooking to be divided up, too. My only problem is that you also get less to eat.
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