
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Setsuna.


Warriors All-Stars

  • Another enemy falls at my hands!
  • There you go. That's what I can do.
  • Think I'm worthy to be called the ultimate warrior?
  • This is bad. I have to turn this around somehow.
  • This isn't funny anymore.
  • I can't do anything else. I'm sorry.
  • Yes! It went perfectly!
  • Amazing! This is the power of a Hero?
  • You really are this strong? That's amazing.
  • Just don't push yourself too hard. It might not seem like much, but I'll try my best too.
  • Don't overexert yourself. You can count on me, too!
  • Sorry for all the trouble. Thank you.
  • Sorry about that. Thanks!
  • Sorry, but I can't hold back!
  • Gah. I dropped my guard. I've no choice but to retreat.
  • Tamaki... You should really just stay in the castle.
  • Tamaki... Next time, I will make you step down.
  • Shiki. Stay out of my way!
  • Gah! You're too strong! But I'll defeat you next time!
  • Your spear is the best, Zhao Yun! The ultimate!
  • You're just too cool, Zhao Yun! You truly are the personification of the dragon.
  • Zhao Yun!
  • You are so incredible, Lu Bu. Truly a Demon.
  • What incredible strength! I'm so glad you're on my side, Lu Bu.
  • Lu Bu!
  • Your punishments are just so effective, Wang Yuanji!
  • To be punished by you, Wang Yuanji! I feel sorry for the enemy, but also... jealous.
  • Wang Yuanji!
  • Zhou Cang, you're just so strong!
  • You're strong, Zhou Cang. And fast, and powerful! I want to be just like you!
  • Zhou Cang!
  • Well done, Yukimura!
  • You are so bold in battle, Yukimura. I hope I can be just like you one day.
  • Yukimura!
  • Mitsunari, that all worked out nicely!
  • You achieved so much, Mitsunari, but remain so calm. That air of intelligence is just so cool!
  • Mitsunari!
  • Naotora, your kicks are something else!
  • You are so strong, Naotora! And so beautiful, too. I don't think you have anything to be embarrassed by.
  • Naotora!
  • You are so fast and bold in battle, Arima.
  • Your sword skills are amazing, Arima. I see why you hold the rank of Captain.
  • Arima!
  • Is there nothing you can't do, Darius?
  • That was so elegant, Darius. I bet the ladies go completely crazy for you.
  • Darius!
  • You keep your claws out all the time, Nobunyaga!
  • Nobunyaga, you settled that in style! You really do look like a Great Devil.
  • Nobunyaga!
  • You look so cool using that sword, Ōka.
  • You are incredible, Ōka. Strong, elegant, and so beautiful too.
  • Ōka!
  • Your gun can shoot through anything, Horō.
  • Such impressive results, and yet so calm and cool. You really are lovely, Horō.
  • Horō!
  • You handle that massive gun so easily! Amazing!
  • You look so brave in battle, Tokitsugu. So this is a real hero!
  • Tokitsugu!
  • The way you move, Kasumi, is just captivating.
  • Kasumi, you're lovely! Strong, and so beautiful! You're the best!
  • Kasumi!
  • Marie, I can't read a single move you make!
  • You really are so strong, Marie. But when I see your smile, it just makes me want to protect you.
  • Marie!
  • Honoka, you have such a range of attacks!
  • You always look like you're having fun in battle, Honoka. Yet you are so demure at other times! That gap is wonderful!
  • Honoka!
  • I find your cold demeanor so thrilling, Laegrinna!
  • Your traps are so beautiful, yet deadly, yet humiliating! Perfect for the Devil's daughter!
  • Laegrinna!
  • Millennia, you just hunt down every enemy don't you!
  • Your traps are so striking, Millennia. And with that impassive look on your face as you use them! Ah!
  • Millennia!
  • So this is a super ninja. I see where the name comes from.
  • All the Dragon Ninja's moves are so cool! I can't take my eyes off you, Hayabusa!
  • Hayabusa!
  • You look like a beautiful butterfly, Ayane.
  • Ayane, you're so lovely! I'm blessed to have met a Hero like you.
  • Ayane!
  • William, you are just so capable!
  • William, what incredible power. Samurai really are something else!
  • William!
  • Your alchemy is incredible, Sophie!
  • Sophie, you look wonderful in action. An alchemist who gets things done, that's you!
  • Sophie!
  • Plachta. So cute and yet so powerful!
  • Plachta, you settled that with such grace. You really are a capable Hero.
  • Plachta!
  • What strength. Is this the power of the Blue Blood?
  • Arnice, you look so graceful in battle! I'll continue to count on you going forward.
  • Arnice!
  • Chris, what an incredible performance!
  • Your music is so mysterious and beautiful, Chris. I just want to listen to it forever.
  • Chris!
  • The way you fight is such fun, Rio.
  • The Goddess of Victory indeed! We can't lose with you along, Rio!
  • Rio!
  • Tamaki, well done! Just don't overdo things!
  • Tamaki. You've grown so strong. I'm happy to be able to fight alongside you like this.
  • Tamaki!
  • Shiki, I knew you would pull this off!
  • Shiki, you really are strong. I hate to admit it, but you're cool.
  • Shiki!
  • I vow to create the future that we all dream of!
  • I'll cut down my enemies with this mighty sword!