Seimei Abe/Quotes

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A list of quotes commonly spoken by Seimei Abe.


  • Yin and Yang shall forge a path.
  • The shikigami deserve praise for this victory.
  • It is time. The shikigami are becoming restless.
  • I hope I haven't disappointed you.
  • I think we've done more than enough.
  • This is for you. I can promise you it will be of great use to you.
  • A fine effort indeed.
  • I see... I overestimated you.
  • My shikigami are doing well. I must remember to encourage them now and again.
  • I yearn for the battlefield... Peace is all very well, but this is mere stagnation.
  • I am in high demand recently. The shikigami must be glad to have so much to do.
  • Back home, banquets are an occasion for political maneuvering, but here, I really feel I can relax.
  • I have rid this land of another hindrance.
  • One who stands unmatched, is one who stands in solitude.
  • Your strength is unparalleled.
  • Such slender arms... such overwhelming power.
  • Just what I would expect from one who bears their family honor.
  • The famed warrior Kanetsugu Naoe... Magnificent.
  • So this is the power of the vixen...
  • The might of our enemy is considerable.
  • This land needs but one Seimei.
  • Magnificent skill.
  • Truly outstanding.
  • You have come to my assistance?
  • Would you lend me your aid awhile?
  • So you are to be my opponent?
  • It is inconceivable that I should be defeated.
  • Such captivating skill, Lady Yuanji.
  • Lady Yuanji, you sensed my predicament?
  • Excellent work, Lady Ginchiyo.
  • Lady Ginchiyo, would you lend me your assistance?
  • An outstanding effort, Master Kanetsugu.
  • Master Kanetsugu, you arrive just in time.
  • Da Ji, you fight with ferocity.
  • How rare it is to see a vixen offering her aid.
  • Magnificent. Any opponent must tremble before such strength.
  • Outstanding. Such strength is most welcome on the battlefield.
  • You came here to assist me? I should like to emulate such adaptability in my shikigami.
  • Would you please lend me your assistance? I should like you to help me strike back at the enemy.
  • So you are to be my adversary? Though a familiar face, I take it you will not be expecting clemency.
  • That I should be bested is most alarming. I must resolve to train harder.
  • Splendid work, Lady Yuanji. Those who seek to fulfill their responsibilities are deserving of praise.
  • Lady Yuanji, you sensed my predicament? Your insight serves to save us all.
  • Excellent work, Lady Ginchiyo. Just what I would expect from someone of such fine stock.
  • Lady Ginchiyo, could you lend me your assistance? I feel it would be advantageous to strike at the enemy together.
  • Formidable martial skill, Master Kanetsugu. That pentagram you wield is most impressive.
  • Master Kanetsugu, you arrived just in time. You've spared me the indignity of using the black arts to resurrect myself.
  • Da Ji, you fight with ferocity. Though I spy no tail upon you, in spirit you truly are a vixen.
  • How rare it is to see a vixen offering her aid. A somewhat unnatural presence, though a welcome one.
  • As ever, such brilliant technique. Even my shikigami would wilt in your presence.
  • Such technique surpasses even that of my shikigami. Hmm, perhaps it is rather inapt to compare the two though...
  • I am overjoyed to see you. There is no-one I would rather have by my side.
  • You have come to my aid. It is almost as if you read my mind. My heartfelt thanks to you.
  • You are to be my opponent...? It would appear that some things in life cannot be predicted.
  • For me to have been defeated by you... Regrettable, but I must accept this.
  • Lady Yuanji, your efforts exceed even my expectations. With you on our side, we have nothing to fear.
  • Lady Yuanji, I always believed you would come. With you here, we may now strike back.
  • Lady Ginchiyo, of the famed Tachibana. Your presence here would be a welcome sight for anyone.
  • Excellent timing. The sight of you gives strength to us all.
  • Love and honor reverberate across the battlefield... Who else but Master Kanetsugu could achieve this.
  • Master Kanetsugu, you have come. Such aid, rooted in the love of all things, I shall gladly accept.
  • The vixen truly has the power to captivate the soul. It is as if our enemy is helpless, at the mercy of your dance.
  • For me to wish for the help of a vixen... It seems I have changed somewhat since I came to this land.
  • I shall amuse myself by testing your might.
  • Well, then. It seems you have more than a little fight in you.
  • Hmm... your ability may be close to that of my own. Why not show me what you are capable of?
  • Let us see your true might.
  • Excellent... though I sense you are capable of still more. An interesting opponent indeed.
  • A truly formidable foe... I had not anticipated having to use my full strength.
  • I should like to learn the secret of your strength, Lady Ginchiyo.
  • So it is your noble spirit which affords you such power... To be proud of one's lineage is not such a bad thing, I suppose.
  • It is time for me to strike back. After all, I should reveal myself as the great Onmyōji I am now and again.
  • As a practitioner of the art of Onmyōdō, I wish to test your strength.
  • So this world, too, houses those skilled in the art... Then let us see how you cope with this.
  • Yes, it seems you are not to be trifled with. Perhaps I should unleash my true power...
  • Vixen, you must yield before me.
  • It would seem you have the skill to back up your words. This battle becomes intriguing.
  • If only such formidable foes existed in my old world, I would never have become so bored.
  • My shikigami shall be your opponents.
  • How unfortunate for you that your duty will lead to your demise.
  • Certainly. I hope my talents live up to your expectations.
  • Hmm, direct and to the point. There is nothing quite so chilling as honesty.
  • Will you now? I'm afraid I am not in the habit of kneeling.


  • Your strength appears to be boundless. I should like to know the source of your power.
  • You are performing well, Tamamo.
  • Tamamo, you have come here to help me?
  • You are performing well, Tamamo. I believe my shikigami could learn from your example.
  • Tamamo, you have come here to help me? Hehe... I shall take you up on your offer.
  • Tamamo, your technique is most impressive. I would like to challenge you myself one day.
  • I knew you would come eventually, Tamamo. I suppose I have come to rely on your strength somewhat.
  • You are a spirit without equal in any realm. I may be left with no choice but to seal you away at some point.
  • You have shown us all what you are capable of.
  • I was not expecting to rely on your assistance.
  • You have shown us all what you are capable of. I fear your strength could prove to be most dangerous.
  • I was not expecting to rely on your assistance. However, I am in no position to refuse it now.
  • You fight on sheer instinct. Although it is unthinkable for a human, it definitely has its uses.
  • Did you recognize that I was in danger? It is unlike a fox to save another with no discernable advantage to itself.
  • Come, Tamamo. It is time you returned to your stone.
  • It is only natural that you be confined. Why do you oppose me?
  • You still wish to oppose me? I did not want to have to resort to such tactics, but you leave me no choice.
  • Being trapped by your hatred can only serve to bring harm unto yourself.
  • I shall be the one to banish you from this realm, evil spirit.
  • So you are aware of my abilities... However, that still will not do you any good against me.
  • I can see it will take higher level techniques to deal with you. As such, I must hold nothing back.
  • Perhaps, but that is one question you will never find the answer to.

  • Time to unleash the powers of Onmyō.
  • Hehe... I will do what I can not to disappoint.
  • I had a most productive stroll. This world has changed so many things I believe in. It really is most interesting.
  • I normally avoid socializing with others, but spending time with my companions in this world has proven to be very welcome. My shikigami seems to have enjoyed it, too.