
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Sanzang.


  • Hahaha! Leave it to me!
  • Follow me!
  • Now watch this!
  • Let's dance!
  • What did you think?
  • Leave it to me!
  • This should do it!
  • Everybody! Allow me to lend you my strength!
  • Finally!
  • Trust me, I'm a lot tougher than I look.
  • Each of us must do what we can to ensure victory.
  • With you on our side, I can work on my routine.
  • I've traveled far and wide, but I've never seen anybody like you.
  • Hahaha... You've inspired me to try even harder!
  • Alright! That's what I like to see!
  • Thank goodness you're on our side!
  • Forgive me, but could somebody give me a hand?
  • Over here! Would you mind cutting in?
  • Thanks for coming! I owe you one!
  • I don't mean to be rude; would you mind getting lost?
  • Wow! Such incredible strength! I'm impressed!
  • Everyone, please forgive me... And thank you...
  • Nice work, Wukong! That's my boy!
  • Wukong, there's a treat for you when we get home.
  • Thanks, Wukong. I know you're always there for me.
  • Hahaha... You've bested me yet again, Taigong...
  • Looking good as always, Taigong...
  • Taigong! Help!
  • Hahaha... You really have changed!
  • You sure do pack quite a punch for such a small package!
  • Himiko, you're pretty sharp, you know that?
  • You're the man, Fu Xi!
  • I know I can always count on you, Fu Xi.
  • Thank heavens you're here, Fu Xi.
  • Wukong! I'm not letting you get away from me this time!
  • I'll need to reflect on where I went wrong here...
  • Even after I'm gone... I want you to behave yourself...
  • For the sake of Wukong, I refuse to be beaten by you!
  • How can I ever face Wukong now?
  • Please tell Wukong that I'm sorry...
  • I look forward to freeing you from your suffering.
  • Forgive me... I will not fail next time.
  • Don't worry... Somebody will come and save your soul.
  • You possess such grace! Mind if I join in?
  • Thank you, that was most entertaining.
  • I had hoped that we could continue our dance.

  • Hahaha! I will give you my best!
  • Now let's have some fun!
  • Ahahaha! Let's get out there and dance!
  • That was a most enjoyable dance!
  • I haven't had this much fun in a long time!
  • Here, I'd like for you to have this. I hope you'll take good care of it.
  • Ahaha! I'm impressed!
  • Ahaha! Looks like you failed us!
  • I defeated numerous enemy officers in the previous battle. A true achievement.
  • Lately, I haven't been summoned to battle... I think I feel kind of lonely... Wukong...
  • Recently, I'm so happy that I've been called to participate in so many battles! It just makes me want to dance!
  • Ahaha! This is a fabulous party! And it's going to be even better once I start dancing!
  • Trust me, I'm a lot tougher than I look.
  • Lovely. It looks like I'm helping out a little.
  • Wow, I didn't know you were quite this incredible. Impressive, impressive!
  • You're my best student, after all. I'd expect no less!
  • Hideyoshi, my friend, that's amazing! You resemble Wukong in more than just looks, I see.
  • Goemon, you are truly unrivaled! The due reward for all your hard work!
  • Ling Tong, you are truly peerless! And so handsome as well!
  • I'm sorry, my companions. I fear this may be my end...
  • You're me, aren't you? Shall we dance?
  • Oh, superb.
  • That's the way!
  • My thanks!
  • Thank you.
  • Why do you stand in my way?
  • I lost... Catch you later!
  • Wukong! Don't get too carried away!
  • Wukong, you came to my aid!
  • Wow, Hideyoshi, you're too smart for me!
  • Thank you, Wu... ah, sorry, Hideyoshi.
  • Goemon, you're so wild!
  • Come on, Goemon, quick, quick!
  • Perfect, Ling Tong!
  • Ling Tong, I'm here, over here!
  • Oh, very nice. It makes a big difference, having you along.
  • That's the way! I'm counting on you, so don't mess up!
  • You came! May I have this dance, then?
  • Thank you! I hope to help you out, next time.
  • You plan on stopping me, do you? This could be awkward...
  • I lost... Time to get out of here, then. Don't show your face to me again, understand?
  • Wukong! Oh, you always get so carried away...
  • Wukong, you came to my aid! I'll scratch your back for you later!
  • Wow, Hideyoshi, you're too quick for me! Like a real monkey!
  • Thank you, Wu... ah, sorry, Hideyoshi. You're just as strong as that monkey!
  • Goemon, you've really gone wild! Time for me to dance too!
  • Come on, Goemon, quickly, quickly! Help me with my dance!
  • Perfect, Ling Tong! I want to see more of you in action!
  • Ling Tong, I'm here, over here! You always come to save me, don't you?
  • You're always fighting on the front lines. If you need some relaxation, I'd be happy to dance for you.
  • You're always fighting so hard. So I'll dance as best I can, for you.
  • Finally! I can't wait to dance alongside you!
  • I knew it. I knew you would come to save me.
  • Can't we just all get along?
  • We can be friends again, one day... Right?
  • You're lovely, Wukong, when you work so hard.
  • When you are really needed, you always show up... Thanks, Wukong.
  • Hideyoshi, amazing! You might be more agile and nimble than even Wukong!
  • Thank you, Hideyoshi. I always rely on you so much.
  • Great work, Goemon! I always love to watch you dance.
  • Goemon, you're just a big ball of warmth and happiness!
  • I cannot hope to compete with you, Ling Tong. You get things done, no messing about!
  • You came for me, Ling Tong. I was actually hoping you might.
  • Watch me, as I dance like no one else!
  • Fantastic! You're really strong!
  • Guess I can't just be on the defensive all the time, huh? Okay, my turn!
  • There you are, Wukong! Time to go back home.
  • Wukong, wait! Do you really hate being around me that much?
  • Now you've done it... Do you really want me to chant the forbidden curse?
  • Where are you off to now, Wukong?
  • I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean any harm. It was an honest mistake!
  • Oh wow, you're really upset, aren't you? Don't worry, my dancing will calm you down...
  • Would you like to dance with me, Goemon?
  • Hahaha! Goemon, your dancing is all over the place. It's great!
  • This is gonna be pretty tough, okay Goemon? Do you think you can keep up?
  • Want to dance with me, Ling Tong?
  • Haha, you're so nimble, Ling Tong! I think you're even making me look bad...
  • I'm so glad I'm able to dance with someone skilled like you, Ling Tong. Want to pick up the pace even more?
  • Show me how you feel!
  • I'd be glad to. It's much more fun with two people.
  • No one said we had to fight. Let's just enjoy dancing, okay?
  • Okay, Okuni! But you won't out-dance me easily!
  • Come on. We may as well dance - we're here now.
  • You're not up to something again, are you, Wukong?

  • Hahaha! Let me cheer you up!
  • And I will dance to the rhythm of your beat!
  • Come on, Diaochan! Try to be more cheerful!
  • I've been away for quite a while. I totally lost myself in my dancing.
  • We all went out dancing together. Without a break, from morning to night! I'm exhausted, but it was great fun!
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