Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII/Character Skills

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In Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII, officers can learn skills to boost their combat abilities, increase management efficiency, or allow them to use special ploys against opposing factions. These should be used as much as possible to gain the upper hand early on.

Skill List

  • Spy - Increases spy command.
  • Invent - Unlocks advanced weapons with the forge command.
  • Tame - Unlocks creation of elephant riders at Yong Chang.
  • Trade - Gives discount when buying from a merchant.
  • Counter - Unlocks counterattacks against ranged attacks.
  • Reversal - Swaps ploys on their user.
  • Aid - Removes effects on allied soldiers.
  • Scout - Removes fog of war and helps find traps.
  • Valor - Prevents units from taking extra damage when surrounded.
  • Charge - Unlocks charge attacks that hit multiple times.
  • Duel - Allows officer to challenge opponent to a duel.
  • Dash - Grants faster movement for a turn at the cost of troops.
  • Repair - Causes officer to repair wall during siege.
  • Navy - Grants warriors bonus when fighting from water tiles.
  • Missile - Gives fire arrow attack.
  • Volley - Creates multi-square hitting range attack.
  • Riot - Unlocks the Riot ploy.
  • Wile - Allows for the Chain, Discord, and Lure ploys.
  • Rumor - Unlocks the Rumor and Falsify ploys.
  • Chart - Unlocks the Wind, Weather, and Lightning ploys.
  • Flood - Unlocks the Flood ploy.
  • Rally - Unlocks the Rally ploy.
  • Jeer - Unlocks the Jeer ploy.
  • Sap - Unlocks the Sap ploy.
  • Mystic - Unlocks the Haste, Lightning, Revive, Illusion, Lure, and Falsify ploys.
  • Bless - Unlocks the use of legendary creatures in battle.
  • Zeal - Increases the amount of AP recovered each month.
  • Sturdy - Increases effectiveness of Train and Tutor commands.
  • Doctor - Heals wounded officer the next month and enables the Revive ploy.
  • Oracle - Causes random effects and foresees when officers are near death.
  • Critic - Randomly evaluates visiting officers and increases fame.
  • Wealth - Increases amount wages are worth and sometimes gives gifts to visiting officers.