Romance of the Three Kingdoms: The Legend of Cao Cao/Passives

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Passives in Romance of the Three Kingdoms: The Legend of Cao Cao are special perks that bolster a commander's performance in battle or enhance their ability to govern territories. The effects of each passive vary greatly and may be limited by class type or artifact availability.

Passive Effect List

Passives that primarily increase combat abilities. They are innately available to commanders or invoked from items and artifacts. Some passives work well with one another while others may be hampered if paired together. Commanders that are superior in rank usually come with better passives, so deploying them is a must in difficult battles.

Combat Passive Description
HP Boost % Increases HP by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
HP Boost Increases HP by a specified amount.
Type: Accessory
MP Boost % Increases MP by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
MP Boost Increases MP by a specified amount.
Type: Accessory
ATK Boost % Increases ATK by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
ATK Boost Increases ATK by a specified amount.
Type: Accessory
DEF Boost % Increases DEF by a specified percentage.
Type: Defense
DEF Boost Increases DEF by a specified amount.
Type: Defense
WIS Boost % Increase WIS by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
WIS Boost Increases WIS by a specified amount.
Type: Accessory
AGI Boost % Increases AGI by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
AGI Boost Increases AGI by a specified amount.
Type: Accessory
MRL Boost % Increases MRL by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
MRL Boost Increases MRL by a specified amount.
Type: Accessory
SPD Boost Increases SPD by a specified amount.
Type: Accessory
Rough Terrain Move Decreases SPD cost on all terrains by 1.
Type: Accessory
Charge Move Allows the user to bypass enemy reach while moving.
Type: Accessory
Fly Move Decreases SPD cost on all terrains by 1 and allows the user to bypass enemy reach while moving.
Type: Accessory
Physical Attack +% Increases physical damage by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Mounted Attack +% Increases physical damage to cavalry by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Offensive Tactics +% Increases tactical damage by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Azure Dragon: Offensive Tactics +% Channels the power of the Azure Dragon to increase the user's tactical damage by 20%.
Attack ACC+ Increases physical attack accuracy by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Tactics ACC+ Increases tactical attack accuracy by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Physical Certain Hit Ensures that physical attacks always hit while sacrificing damage output.
Type: Accessory
Tactics Certain Hit Ensures that tactical attacks always hit.
Type: Accessory
Piercing Attack Attacks ignore enemy's DEF and inflict a specified percentage of maximum HP as physical damage.
Type: Attack
Piercing Tactics Tactics ignore enemy's WIS and inflict a specified percentage of maximum HP as tactical damage.
Type: Attack
Expand ATK Range Expands attack range as indicated.
Type: Accessory
Expand Area of Effect Expands damage range as indicated.
Type: Accessory
Item Range+ Expands item range as indicated.
Type: Accessory
Long-Range Archery Expands indirect attack range by 1 tile. However, attacking at the expanded range decreases accuracy by 15%.
Type: Attack
Unit EXP Boost % Increases EXP gained by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Unit EXP Gain Gains a sum of EXP per specified turn.
Type: Accessory
Weapon EXP Boost Increases weapon EXP gained by a specified amount.
Type: Accessory
Weapon EXP Gain Gains a sum of weapon EXP per specified turn.
Type: Accessory
Armor EXP Boost Increases armor EXP gained by a specified amount.
Type: Accessory
Armor EXP Gain Gains a sum of armor EXP per specified turn.
Type: Accessory
Combat Passive Description
Status Effect Attack % Attacks have a specified chance of inflicting a random status effect on the target.
Type: Attack
Poison Attack % Attacks have a specified chance of inflicting poison on the target.
Type: Attack
Deadly Poison Attack % Attacks have a specified chance of inflicting deadly poison on the target.
Type: Attack
Burn Attack % Attacks have a specified chance of inflicting burn on the target.
Type: Attack
Confusion Attack % Attacks have a specified chance of inflicting confuse on the target.
Type: Attack
Immobilization Attack % Attacks have a specified chance of inflicting immobilize on the target.
Type: Attack
Silence Attack % Attacks have a specified chance of inflicting silence on the target.
Type: Attack
Blind Attack % Attacks have a specified chance of inflicting blind on the target.
Type: Attack
Daze Attack % Attacks have a specified chance of inflicting daze on the target.
Type: Attack
Dragon's Wrath Inflicts electrocute on nearby targets after being defeated.
Type: Accessory
Azure Dragon's Roar Has a 50% chance of inflicting freeze on all targets present.
The Names We Leave Behind Changes the user's location to fire terrain after being defeated.
Vermilion Bird: Fire Attack % Attacks have a 100% chance of dealing 40 damage and changing the target's location to fire terrain.
Type: Attack
Vermilion Bird: Scarlet Dagger Attacks deal 30 damage and inflict 1 mark of flame per hit. Inflicts 50% more damage while standing on fire terrain.
Type: Accessory
ATK- Attack Attacks decrease the target's ATK.
Type: Attack
DEF- Attack Attacks decrease the target's DEF.
Type: Attack
WIS- Attack Attacks decrease the target's WIS.
Type: Attack
AGI- Attack Attacks decrease the target's AGI.
Type: Attack
MRL- Attack Attacks decrease the target's MRL.
Type: Attack
SPD- Attack Attacks decrease the target's SPD.
Type: Attack
Random- Attack Attacks have a specified chance of inflicting one random stat debuff on the target.
Type: Attack
Abnormality Attack % Attacks have a specified chance of inflicting two random stat debuffs on the target.
Type: Attack
Attack DEF Rate Pierce Attacks decrease the target's physical defense by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Tactics DEF Rate Pierce Tactics decrease the target's tactical defense by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Self Concentrate Increases ATK at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Concentrate Increases ATK of nearby allies at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Self Holdfast Increases DEF at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Holdfast Increases DEF of nearby allies at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Self Focus Increases WIS at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Focus Increases WIS of nearby allies at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Self Drill Increases AGI at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Military Drill Increases AGI of nearby allies at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Self Enhance Increases MRL at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Enhance Increases MRL of nearby allies at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Self Hasten Increases SPD at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Hasten Increases SPD of nearby allies at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Self Inspire Increases ATK, DEF, WIS, AGI, and MRL at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Inspire Increases ATK, DEF, WIS, AGI, and MRL of nearby allies at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
White Tiger: Reach Inspire Channels the White Tiger's power to increase ATK, DEF, WIS, AGI, and MRL of nearby allies at the start of every turn.
Quantify Increases ATK by a specified percentage per nearby ally.
Type: Accessory
MRL Surge Increases MRL by a specified percentage per nearby ally.
Type: Accessory
Unstoppable Increases ATK by 10% if no allies are nearby.
Type: Accessory
Union Increases ATK by 3% per nearby ally and decreases combat performance of surrounding enemies by 3%.
Type: Accessory
Match for a Hundred Strong Increases ATK by 1% per nearby enemy.
Type: Accessory
Type: Accessory
Give and Take Increases ATK by 15%. However, recovering HP through supply tactics reverses the buff's effect for 2 turns.
Type: Accessory
Good from Evil Increases stats by 1% for every 2% of missing HP. In Annihilation Mode, it activates when HP is at 50% and increases stats by 1% for every 1% of HP lost.
Type: Accessory
Veteran Increases ATK and DEF by 35% if HP falls below 35%. Effect stops after recovering HP.
Type: Accessory
Second Wind % Increases ATK by 100% if HP falls below 15%. Effect stops after recovering HP.
Type: Accessory
Hero of the Ages Increases ATK by 100% if HP falls below 25%. Effect stops after recovering HP. Allows the user to survive a finishing blow once per battle.
Type: Accessory
Peerless % Increases WIS by 100% if MP falls below 20%. Effect stops after recovering MP.
Type: Accessory
Impose Increases physical and tactical damage if MRL is higher than that of the enemy. Damage inflicted is half of the difference in MRL between the user and target.
Type: Attack
Dignity Increases physical and tactical defense if MRL is higher than that of the enemy. Damage mitigated is half of the difference in MRL between the user and target.
Type: Defense
Elusive Increases ATK and/or WIS by a specified percentage during the user's turn and DEF during the enemy's turn. Effect resets at the end of each side's turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Threaten Decreases ATK of nearby enemies at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Insult Decreases DEF of nearby enemies at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Interrupt Decreases WIS of nearby enemies at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Hamstring Decreases AGI of nearby enemies at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Demoralize Decreases MRL of nearby enemies at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Deterrence Decreases SPD of nearby enemies at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Suppress Decreases ATK, DEF, WIS, AGI, and MRL of nearby enemies at the start of every turn. Works best with a melee commander.
Type: Accessory
Stop Move Prevents a nearby target from acting.
Type: Accessory
Stop Move % Prevents nearby enemies from acting. However, the user's HP and MP decreases by 5% every turn until the effect fades.
Type: Accessory
Awaken Increases all stats to their highest potential momentarily.
Type: Accessory
Ally Inspire Increases the stats of every ally momentarily.
Type: Accessory
Enemy Stat Reduction Decreases the stats of every enemy momentarily.
Type: Accessory
Combat Passive Description
Enhanced Double Attack % Increases Double Attack damage by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Leading Attack Hits twice in a row when attacking first.
Type: Attack
Chain Attack Hits twice in a row when attacking or counterattacking.
Type: Attack
Deadly Attack Attacks inflict 50% more damage. Prevents the use of Double Attacks.
Type: Attack
Comeback Ensures that the second hit of a Double Attack connects if the first one misses.
Type: Attack
Critical Attack+ Increases Critical Attack damage.
Type: Accessory
Critical Attack Always inflict Critical Attacks even when counterattacking. Can bypass Critical Attack Immunity by participating in a Joint Attack with another ally initiating it.
Type: Attack
First Strike Counterattacks an enemy first before they can land a physical hit. Does not apply to Joint, Guiding, Penetration, and Desperate Attacks.
Type: Attack
Counterattack+ Increases damage caused by counterattacking.
Type: Accessory
Double Counter Counterattacks twice in a row.
Type: Attack
Reversal Counterattacks against an enemy's counterattacks. Damage inflicted is 75% of the user's normal damage output.
Type: Attack
Unlimited Counterattack Counterattacks an enemy regardless of distance or range.
Type: Attack
Guiding Attack Attacks a nearby enemy after defeating another one first. Only activates on the user's turn.
Type: Attack
Infinite Guiding Attack An improved version of the Guiding Attack passive which allows Chain Attacks to be done against another enemy. Only activates on the user's turn.
Type: Attack
Penetration Attack 1 Runs towards an enemy within moving range and attacks them after defeating another one first. Only activates on the user's turn.
Type: Attack
Penetration Attack 2 An improved version of the Penetration Attack passive which allows Chain Attacks to be done against another enemy. Only activates on the user's turn.
Type: Attack
Desperate Attack Attacks all nearby enemies simultaneously. Only activates on the user's turn.
Type: Attack
Phalanx Strike Inflicts 60% damage on a nearby enemy if an ally attacks them first. Does not apply to Joint, Guiding, Penetration, and Desperate Attacks.
Type: Attack
Smash Decreases the target's DEF by 30% upon being hit with Joint, Reversal, Guiding, Penetration, Desperate, and Phalanx Strike attacks.
Type: Accessory
Oathkeeper Inflicts 50% more damage with Joint Attacks and Phalanx Strike Attacks.
Type: Attack
Ally Joint Attack All nearby allies join in on Joint Attacks.
Type: Accessory
Lifesteal Attack % Transfers a specified percentage of physical damage inflicted to the user's HP.
Type: Attack
Massacre Transfers 5% of physical damage inflicted on each enemy within range to the user's HP.
Type: Accessory
MP Attack Increases physical damage by using current MP as an additional power source. Each hit reduces the user's MP by 10%. Effect stops once MP is fully depleted.
Type: Accessory
Azure Dragon's Blessing Attacks decrease MP instead of HP. Once MP is fully depleted, HP will then be damaged. Decreases physical damage taken by 3%.
Rage +% Increases ATK by a specified percentage each time the user receives physical damage during the enemy's turn. Effect resets once the user's turn ends.
Type: Accessory
Overwhelm Increases damage and accuracy of attacks if STR is higher than the enemy's. Damage is 25% of the difference in STR. Only applies to the main target for area of effect hits.
Type: Attack
Charge Attack % Attacks inflict more base damage based on the amount of tiles moved multiplied by a specified percentage. Effect resets once the user's turn ends.
Type: Attack
Wheel Upgrade % This passive is similar to Charge Attack % with the addition of damaging adjacent enemies as well for damage worth 50% of the user's ATK.
Type: Attack
Surprise Attack Attacks pierce the target's defense rate based on the amount of tiles moved multiplied by a specified percentage. Effect resets once the user's own turn ends.
Type: Accessory
Forceful Blow Attacks knock the target 1 tile back. If the enemy cannot be moved, then the first hit of a Double Attack will inflict 30% more damage.
Type: Attack
Raking Blow Attacks pull the target 1 tile forward. If the enemy cannot be moved, then the first hit of a Double Attack will inflict 30% more damage.
Type: Attack
Vermilion Bird: Fire Weapons Increases damage dealt and decreases damage received by 20% while standing on fire terrain.
Azure Dragon: Spectral Weapon Channels the power of the Azure Dragon through the Infernal Gate, energizing physical attacks with lightning that deal 150 points worth of damage.
Vermilion Bird: Might When the Vermilion Bird performs Ascend and Blink Slash, all affected targets receive additional damage based on 35% of their maximum HP.
Ignore Mounted Attack+ Ignores Enhanced Mounted Attack and Mount Slayer research effects. Only applies when competing against other players directly.
Type: Attack
Ignore Type Advantage Changes all unit type advantages to 100% momentarily.
Type: Accessory
Terrain Effect+ Allows the user to ignore any negative effects from the terrain.
Type: Accessory
Naval Battle+ Receives terrain advantages on water-related locations. Increases physical attack damage and accuracy by 10%.
Type: Accessory
Mountain Battle Specialization Receives terrain advantages on mountainous locations. Allows the user to cast Rockslide and Tectonic.
Type: Accessory
Combat Passive Description
Fire Tactics +% Increases effectiveness of fire tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Water Tactics +% Increases effectiveness of water tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Earth Tactics +% Increases effectiveness of earth tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Wind Tactics +% Increases effectiveness of wind tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Elemental Tactics +% Increases effectiveness of all four elemental tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Interrupt Tactics +% Increases effectiveness of interrupt tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Supply Tactics +% Increases effectiveness of supply tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Fire Tactics Specialization % Increases the effectiveness of fire tactics. Also raises the damage and accuracy of Crimson Lotus Shot.
Type: Accessory
Wind Tactics Specialization % Increases the effectiveness of wind tactics by 20%.
Type: Accessory
Fire Tactics Synergy % Increases effectiveness of fire tactics by 90%. Prevents the use of Double Tactics.
Type: Accessory
Wind Tactics Synergy % Increases effectiveness of wind tactics by 90%. Prevents the use of Double Tactics.
Type: Accessory
Interrupt Tactics Synergy % Increases effectiveness of interrupt tactics by 90%. Prevents the use of Double Tactics.
Type: Accessory
Wind Tactics Mastery % Increases effectiveness of wind tactics by 20%. Enables the user to cast wind tactics on any terrain.
Type: Attack
Interrupt Tactics Mastery % Increases the effectiveness of interrupt tactics when used together with Double Tactics.
Type: Accessory
Ignore Status Effect Reflection % Gives the user a specified chance to bypass the enemy's Status Effect Reflection passive when using interrupt tactics.
Type: Accessory
Seduce +% Increases Seduce's damage output by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Seduce ACC + Increases Seduce's accuracy by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Embrace Grants an HP regeneration effect to the target when using recovery tactics.
Type: Accessory
Double Tactics +% Increases tactical damage inflicted by Double Tactics.
Type: Accessory
Double Tactics Casts offensive tactics that hit twice in a row.
Type: Attack
Deadly Tactics Tactics inflict 50% more damage. Prevents the use of Double Tactics.
Type: Attacks
Godly Tactics Increases damage and accuracy of single elemental tactics if WIS is higher than the enemy's. Damage inflicted is 25% of the difference in WIS.
Type: Attack
Summon the Four Gods Allows the user to cast the Four Gods tactics.
Type: Accessory
Four Gods Orb Master Allows the user to equip the Four Gods orbs.
Type: Accessory
Hell Gate Allows the user to cast Azure Dragon freely without being restrained by its weather and passive requirements. Also changes the tactic's lightning bolt count to 4.
Type: Attack
Azure Dragon: Infernal Gate Channels the power of the Azure Dragon to allow the user to cast Azure Dragon freely. Also changes the tactic's lightning bolt count to 4.
Song and Dance Allows the user to cast song tactics.
Type: Accessory
Imitate Tactics Allows the user to cast tactics known by surrounding allies or enemies. Borrowed tactics yield a maximum of 2 EXP.
Type: Accessory
Learn Offensive Tactics Allows the user to cast all offensive tactics momentarily.
Type: Accessory
Learn Recovery Tactics Allows the user to cast all supply tactics momentarily.
Type: Accessory
Learn Reduction Tactics Allows the user to cast all stat debuff tactics momentarily.
Type: Accessory
Learn Buff Tactics Allows the user to cast all stat buff tactics momentarily.
Type: Accessory
Learn Weather Tactics Allows the user to cast all weather changing tactics momentarily.
Type: Accessory
Ignore Tactics Weather Allows the user to cast elemental tactics regardless of weather conditions.
Type: Accessory
Ignore Tactics Terrain Allows the user to cast elemental tactics regardless of terrain.
Type: Accessory
Ignore Tactics Condition Allows the user to cast elemental tactics regardless of weather or terrain conditions.
Type: Accessory
MP Saving % Decreases MP cost of tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
EP Saving % Decreases EP cost of tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Accessory
Attack Stat Switch Uses the higher stat between ATK and WIS automatically when attacking.
Type: Accessory
Defense Stat Switch Uses the higher stat between DEF and WIS automatically when being attacked.
Type: Accessory
Combat Passive Description
Physical Damage -% Decreases physical damage taken by a specified percentage.
Type: Defense
Ranged Damage -% Decreases ranged damage taken by a specified percentage.
Type: Defense
Tactics Damage -% Decreases tactical damage taken by a specified percentage. Does not apply to the effects of the Four Gods tactics.
Type: Defense
Decrease Fire Tactics Damage % Decreases damage from fire tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Defense
Decrease Water Tactics Damage % Decreases damage from water tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Defense
Decrease Earth Tactics Damage % Decreases damage from earth tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Defense
Decrease Wind Tactics Damage % Decreases damage from wind tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Defense
White Tiger: Max Damage Defense % Channels the power of the White Tiger to bolster the user's defenses, reducing damage by 30% of maximum HP.
Attack DEF Rate+ Increases chance to block physical attacks by a specified percentage.
Type: Defense
Tactics DEF Rate+ Increases chance to block harmful tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Defense
All DEF Rate+ Increases chance to block physical attacks and harmful tactics by a specified percentage.
Type: Defense
MP Defense Decreases MP instead of HP when physically attacked. Effect stops once MP is fully depleted.
Type: Defense
Mental Exhaustion Decreases MP instead of HP when physically attacked. Increases WIS by 20% as long as MP still remains. Effect stops once MP is fully depleted.
Type: Defense
Guard Takes in damage and harmful effects dealt to nearby allies, decreasing them by 10%. Does not apply to area of effect damage, Overrun, Guiding Attacks, or Desperate Attacks.
Type: Defense
Redirect Damage % Redirects half of damage received to a random ally nearby.
Type: Defense
First Strike Immunity Neutralizes the enemy's First Strike passive when launching an attack.
Type: Defense
Azure Dragon's Protection Neutralizes the enemy's First Strike passive and any effects that inflict confuse. Decreases physical damage taken by a specified percentage.
Narrow Escape Enables the user to survive a finishing blow, leaving them with only 1 HP as well as dramatically increased DEF and AGI. Only works once per battle.
Type: Defense
Critical Hit Damage -% Decreases damage from Critical Attacks by 75%.
Type: Defense
Critical Attack Immunity Minimizes damage caused by Critical Attacks. Does not apply to Joint, Reversal, Guiding, Penetration, Desperate, and Phalanx Strike Attacks.
Type: Defense
Double Attack Immunity Minimizes the second hit of Double Attacks. Does not apply to Joint, Reversal, Guiding, Penetration, Desperate, and Phalanx Strike Attacks.
Type: Defense
Physical Attack Immunity Blocks all forms of physical attacks.
Type: Defense
Double Tactics Immunity Minimizes the second hit of Double Tactics.
Type: Defense
Offensive Tactics Immunity Blocks all offensive tactics.
Type: Defense
Special Attack Immunity Minimizes Critical Attacks, Double Attacks, and Double Tactics. Does not apply to Joint, Reversal, Guiding, Penetration, Desperate, and Phalanx Strike Attacks.
Type: Defense
Tactics Immunity Blocks all forms of harmful tactics including debuffs.
Type: Defense
Decrease Area Tactics Damage Decreases damage from area of effect tactics by 70%. Does not apply to Four Gods tactics.
Type: Defense
Ranged Attack Immunity Blocks ranged attacks from bows and catapults. However, effects that cause confusion will not be impeded.
Type: Defense
Oppressive Assault Blocks counterattacks when attacking first. Often used with First Strike to neutralize single melee units.
Type: Attack
Vermilion Bird: Quick Reflexes Prevents Joint Attacks by using quick reflexes. Decreases Phalanx Strike and Phalanx Strike Reversal damage by 30%.
Vermilion Bird: Wall of Fire Grants wall of fire to the user, allowing them to block physical and tactical damage for a specified number of times.
Poison Immunity Blocks effects that cause poison.
Type: Defense
Confusion Immunity Blocks effects that cause confuse.
Type: Defense
Immobilization Immunity Blocks effects that cause immobilize.
Type: Defense
Silence Immunity Blocks effects that cause silence.
Type: Defense
Vermilion Bird: Fire Affinity Blocks effects that cause mark of flame and ignores terrain damage.
Type: Accessory
Status Effect Immunity Blocks effects that cause regular status ailments.
Type: Defense
Status Effect Reflection Reflects effects that cause regular status ailments back at the enemy.
Type: Defense
Physical Damage Reflection % Reflects a specified percentage of physical damage back at the enemy.
Type: Defense
Tactics Damage Reflection % Reflects a specified percentage of tactical damage back at the enemy. Does not apply to Four Gods tactics.
Type: Defense
Damage Transfer Transfers 30% of all physical damage taken to a nearby enemy with the lowest HP.
Type: Attack
Keep Blocks all harmful tactics excluding fire.
Combat Passive Description
HP Recovery % Recovers HP by a specified percentage every turn.
Type: Accessory
HP Recovery Recovers HP by a specified amount every turn.
Type: Accessory
MP Recovery % Recovers MP by a specified percentage every turn.
Type: Accessory
MP Recovery Recovers MP by a specified amount every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach HP Restore % Restores HP of nearby allies by a specified percentage every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach HP Restore Restores HP of nearby allies by a specified amount every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach MP Restore % Restores MP of nearby allies by a specified percentage every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach MP Restore Restores MP of nearby allies by a specified amount every turn.
Type: Accessory
Self Awaken Recovers from status ailments at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Reach Awaken Cures nearby allies of status ailments at the start of every turn.
Type: Accessory
Auto Use Consumables Automatically uses a specified recovery item after receiving damage.
Type: Accessory
Charge Recovers HP when physically attacked by an electrocuted enemy.

Passives gained through artifact upgrades. Effects beyond the first level are randomly assigned by spending silver coins to imbue them unto an artifact with the appropriate level. Players may choose to imbue their choice of artifact repeatedly until they obtain their desired passive.

Available when an artifact's upgrade level reaches 6 and above. These passives are the same for all artifact types.

Upgrade Passive Description
Physical Attack +% Deals 1~3% physical damage to all enemies.
Enhanced Physical Attack Deals 1~10 physical damage to all enemies.
Offensive Tactics +% Deals 1~3% tactical damage to all enemies.
Enhanced Offensive Tactics Deals 1~10 tactical damage to all enemies.
Decrease Physical Damage Decreases damage taken from physical attacks by 2~20.
Decrease Tactics Damage Decreases damage taken from tactical attacks by 2~20.
HP Boost % Boosts maximum HP by 2~6%.
HP Boost Boosts maximum HP by 10~40.

Upgrade Passive Description
Level 1 Upgrade Passives
MRL Boost Increases MRL based on the artifact's current upgrade level.
Level 12 Upgrade Passives (For Physical Weapons)
Fire Weapons % Attacks have a 40% chance of summoning a scorching flame to deal 8~26 additional damage.
Fire Weapons % Attacks have a 35% chance of summoning a scorching flame to deal 10~30 additional damage.
Water Weapons % Attacks have a 30% chance of summoning a torrent of water to deal 12~35 additional damage.
Water Weapons % Attacks have a 25% chance of summoning a torrent of water to deal 20~42 additional damage.
Earth Weapons % Attacks have a 15% chance of summoning a barrage of stones to deal 28~72 additional damage.
Earth Weapons % Attacks have a 10% chance of summoning a barrage of stones to deal 36~108 additional damage.
Wind Weapons % Attacks have a 55% chance of summoning a razor wind to deal 5~18 additional damage.
Wind Weapons % Attacks have a 50% chance of summoning a razor wind to deal 4~20 additional damage.
Explosive Weapons % Attacks have a 60% chance of dropping a bomb to deal 45 additional damage.
Explosive Weapons % Attacks have a 75% chance of dropping a bomb to deal 40 additional damage.
Spectral Weapons % Physical attacks have a 30% chance of summoning a bolt of lightning to deal 150 additional damage.
Poisoning Weapons % Attacks have a 20% chance of inflicting poison to deal 18 additional damage.
Poisoning Weapons % Attacks have a 18% chance of inflicting poison to deal 1~15 additional damage.
Poisoning Weapons % Attacks have a 15% chance of inflicting poison to deal 5~25 additional damage.
Deadly Poison Weapons % Attacks have a 8~12% chance of inflicting deadly poison to deal 5~40 additional effects.
Immobilization Weapons % Attacks have a 20% chance of stopping the enemy, inflicting immobilize and dealing 18 additional damage.
Immobilization Weapons % Attacks have a 18% chance of stopping the enemy, inflicting immobilize and dealing 1~15 additional damage.
Immobilization Weapons % Attacks have a 15% chance of stopping the enemy, inflicting immobilize and dealing 5~25 additional damage.
Blind Weapons % Attacks have a 10% chance of destroying the enemy's weapons, inflicting blind and dealing 5~15 additional damage.
Silence Weapons % Attacks have a 10% chance of erasing the enemy's commands, inflicting silence and dealing 5~15 additional damage.
Confusion Weapons % Attacks have a 8% chance of striking especially hard, inflicting confuse and dealing 20~40 additional damage.
Blinding Weapons % Attacks have a 12% chance of creating chaos among the enemy soldiers, inflicting blind and dealing 15 additional damage.
Blinding Weapons % Attacks have a 10% chance of creating chaos among the enemy soldiers, inflicting blind and dealing 10~18 additional damage.
Blinding Weapons % Attacks have a 8% chance of creating chaos among the enemy soldiers, inflicting blind and dealing 15~30 additional damage.
Burning Weapons % Attacks have a 12% chance of causing a powerful explosion to inflict burn and deal 15~25 additional damage.
Burning Weapons % Attacks have a 10% chance of causing a powerful explosion to inflict burn and deal 12~40 additional damage.
Burning Weapons % Attacks have a 8% chance of causing a powerful explosion to inf‌lict burn and deal 5~30 additional damage.
Absorb Attack % Attacks have a 35% chance of dealing 12~32 additional damage and absorbing HP of the same amount.
Absorb Attack % Attacks have a 30% chance of dealing 18~36 additional damage and absorbing HP of the same amount.
Deadly Strike % Attacks have a 15% chance of increasing ATK by 2 and decreasing DEF, WIS, AGI, MRL by 2 and SPD by 1 before landing.
Deadly Strike % Attacks have a 20% chance of increasing ATK by 2 and decreasing DEF, WIS, AGI, MRL by 2 and SPD by 1 before landing.
Deadly Strike % Attacks have a 25% chance of increasing ATK by 2 and decreasing DEF, WIS, AGI, MRL by 2 and SPD by 1 before landing.
Desperate Movement % Attacks have a 15% chance of increasing AGI by 2 and decreasing ATK, DEF, WIS, MRL by 2 and SPD by 1 before landing.
Desperate Movement % Attacks have a 20% chance of increasing AGI by 2 and decreasing ATK, DEF, WIS, MRL by 2 and SPD by 1 before landing.
Desperate Movement % Attacks have a 25% chance of increasing AGI by 2 and decreasing ATK, DEF, WIS, MRL by 2 and SPD by 1 before landing.
Level 12 Upgrade Passives (For Tactical Weapons)
ATK+ Tactics % Tactics have a 15~40% chance of increasing ATK before casting.
DEF+ Tactics % Tactics have a 15~40% chance of increasing DEF before casting.
WIS+ Tactics % Tactics have a 15~40% chance of increasing WIS before casting.
AGI+ Tactics % Tactics have a 15~40% chance of increasing AGI before casting.
MRL+ Tactics % Tactics have a 15~40% chance of increasing MRL before casting.
SPD+ Tactics % Tactics have a 15~40% chance of increasing SPD before casting.
All Stats+ Tactics % Tactics have a 4~15% chance of increasing all stats before casting.
Poison Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 2~20% chance of inflicting poison on the target. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
Deadly Poison Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 3~15% chance of inflicting deadly poison on the target. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
Silence Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 2~20% chance of inflicting silence on the target. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
Confusion Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 7~15% chance of inflicting confuse on the target. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
Immobilization Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 2~20% chance of inflicting immobilize on the target. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
Blind Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 2~20% chance of inflicting blind on the target. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
Daze Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 2~20% chance of inflicting daze on the target. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
Blind Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 6~12% chance of inflicting blind on the target. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
Burn Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 6~12% chance of inflicting burn on the target. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
Vampiric Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 40% chance of absorbing 13~25% of the damage dealt as HP. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
Vampiric Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 25% chance of absorbing 24~40% of the damage dealt as HP. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
ATK- Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 6~25% chance of decreasing the target's ATK. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
DEF- Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 6~25% chance of decreasing the target's DEF. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
WIS- Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 6~25% chance of decreasing the target's WIS. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
AGI- Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 6~25% chance of decreasing the target's AGI. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
MRL- Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 6~25% chance of decreasing the target's MRL. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
SPD- Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 6~25% chance of decreasing the target's SPD. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
Stat- Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 6~15% chance of decreasing all of the target's stats. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
Fire Tactics Preparation % Fire tactics have a 20~25% chance of being 8~20% more effective.
Water Tactics Preparation % Water tactics have a 20~25% chance of being 8~20% more effective.
Earth Tactics Preparation % Earth tactics have a 20~25% chance of being 8~20% more effective.
Wind Tactics Preparation % Wind tactics have a 20~25% chance of being 8~20% more effective.
Interrupt Tactics Preparation % Interrupt tactics have a 15~20% chance of being 14~30% more effective.
Supply Tactics Preparation % Supply tactics have a 30~35% chance of being 10~35% more effective.
Elemental Tactics Preparation % Elemental tactics have a 20~25% chance of being 18~20% more effective.
Offensive Tactic Preparation % Offensive tactics have a 30% chance of being 20% more effective.
Upgrade Passive Description
Level 1 Upgrade Passives
Decrease Tactics Damage Decreases tactical damage based on the artifact's current upgrade level.
Level 12 Upgrade Passives
Defense: Max Damage Defense % Defending has a 30% chance of only receiving up to 25% of maximum HP as damage.
Defense: Decrease Physical Damage % Defending has a 30% chance of decreasing physical damage by 10~35%.
Defense: Decrease Physical Damage % Defending has a 20% chance of decreasing physical damage by 17~24%.
Defense: Decrease Physical Damage Defending has a 30% chance of decreasing physical damage by 50~80.
Defense: Decrease Physical Damage Defending has a 20% chance of decreasing physical damage by 90~150.
Defense: Decrease Tactics Damage % Defending has a 30% chance of decreasing tactical damage by 10~35%. However, Four Gods Tactics damage is not reduced.
Defense: Decrease Tactics Damage % Defending has a 20% chance of decreasing tactical damage by 17~24%. Does not apply to Four Gods tactics.
Defense: Decrease Tactics Damage Defending has a 30% chance of decreasing tactical damage by 50~80. Does not apply to Four Gods tactics.
Defense: Decrease Tactics Damage Defending has a 20% chance of decreasing tactical damage by 90~150. Does not apply to Four Gods tactics.
Defense: Decrease Ranged Damage % Defending has a 60% chance of decreasing ranged attack damage by 7~25%.
Defense: Decrease Ranged Damage % Defending has a 50% chance of decreasing ranged attack damage by 12~30%.
Defense: Physical Damage Reflection % Defending has a 12% chance of reflecting 20~60% of physical damage back at the enemy.
Defense: Physical Damage Reflection % Defending has a 15% chance of reflecting 8~45% of physical damage back at the enemy.
Defense: Tactics Damage Reflection % Defending has 12% chance of reflecting 20~60% of tactical damage back at the enemy. Does not apply to Four Gods tactics.
Defense: Tactics Damage Reflection % Defending has 15% chance of reflecting 8~45% of tactical damage back at the enemy. Does not apply to Four Gods tactics.
Defense: Decrease Fire Tactics Damage % Defending has a 80% chance of decreasing fire tactics damage by 20~30%.
Defense: Decrease Fire Tactics Damage % Defending has a 60% chance of decreasing fire tactics damage by 25~40%.
Defense: Decrease Water Tactics Damage % Defending has a 80% chance of decreasing water tactics damage by 20~30%.
Defense: Decrease Water Tactics Damage % Defending has a 60% chance of decreasing water tactics damage by 25~40%.
Defense: Decrease Earth Tactics Damage % Defending has a 80% chance of decreasing earth tactics damage by 20~30%.
Defense: Decrease Earth Tactics Damage % Defending has a 60% chance of decreasing earth tactics damage by 25~40%.
Defense: Decrease Wind Tactics Damage % Defending has a 80% chance of reducing wind tactics damage by 20~30%.
Defense: Decrease Wind Tactics Damage % Defending has a 80% chance of reducing wind tactics damage by 20~30%.
Defense: Poison Fortification % Defending has a 4~18% chance of inflicting poison on the attacker.
Defense: Immobilization Fortification % Defending has a 4~18% chance of inflicting immobilize on the attacker.
Defense: Blind Fortification % Defending has a 3~12% chance of inflicting blind on the attacker.
Defense: Silence Fortification % Defending has a 3~12% chance of inflicting silence on the attacker.
Defense: ATK Reduction Fortification % Defending has a 7~15% chance of decreasing the attacker's ATK.
Defense: WIS Reduction Fortification % Defending has a 7~15% chance of decreasing the attacker's WIS.
Defense: AGI Reduction Fortification % Defending has a 6~18% chance of decreasing the attacker's AGI.
Defense: Poison Immunity Defending has a 10~85% chance of blocking poison.
Defense: Immobilization Immunity Defending has a 10~85% chance of blocking immobilize.
Defense: Silence Immunity Defending has a 10~85% chance of blocking silence.
Defense: Confuse Immunity Defending has a 10~85% chance of blocking confuse.
Defense: Damage Transfer Defending has a 35~80% chance of transferring 30% of all physical damage taken to a nearby enemy with the lowest HP.
Upgrade Passive Description
Level 1 Upgrade Passives
DEF Boost Increases DEF based on the artifact's current upgrade level.
Level 12 Upgrade Passives
Grassland: ATK Boost % Increases ATK by 1~4% while on grasslands.
River: ATK Boost % Increases ATK by 1~4% while on rivers.
Desert: ATK Boost % Increases ATK by 1~4% while on deserts.
Snow: ATK Boost % Increases ATK by 1~4% while on snow.
Mountain: ATK Boost % Increases ATK by 1~4% while on mountains.
Courtyard: ATK Boost % Increases ATK by 1~4% while on courtyards.
Grassland: ATK Boost Increases ATK by 12~64 while on grasslands.
River: ATK Boost Increases ATK by 12~64 while on rivers.
Desert: ATK Boost Increases ATK by 12~64 while on deserts.
Snow: ATK Boost Increases ATK by 12~64 while on snow.
Mountain: ATK Boost Increases ATK by 12~64 while on mountains.
Courtyard: ATK Boost Increases ATK by 12~64 while on courtyards.
Grassland: DEF Boost % Increases DEF by 1~4% while on grasslands.
River: DEF Boost % Increases DEF by 1~4% while on rivers.
Desert: DEF Boost % Increases DEF by 1~4% while on deserts.
Snow: DEF Boost % Increases DEF by 1~4% while on snow.
Mountain: DEF Boost % Increases DEF by 1~4% while on mountains.
Courtyard: DEF Boost % Increases DEF by 1~4% while on courtyards.
Grassland: DEF Boost Increases DEF by 12~64 while on grasslands.
River: DEF Boost Increases DEF by 12~64 while on rivers.
Desert: DEF Boost Increases DEF by 12~64 while on deserts.
Snow: DEF Boost Increases DEF by 12~64 while on snow.
Mountain: DEF Boost Increases DEF by 12~64 while on mountains.
Courtyard: DEF Boost Increases DEF by 12~64 while on courtyards.
Grasslands: WIS Boost % Increases WIS by 1~4% while on grasslands.
River: WIS Boost % Increases WIS by 1~4% while on rivers.
Desert: WIS Boost % Increases WIS by 1~4% while on deserts.
Snow: WIS Boost % Increases WIS by 1~4% while on snow.
Mountain: WIS Boost % Increases WIS by 1~4% while on mountains.
Courtyard: WIS Boost % Increases WIS by 1~4% while on courtyards.
Grasslands: WIS Boost Increases WIS by 12~64 while on grasslands.
River: WIS Boost Increases WIS by 12~64 while on rivers.
Desert: WIS Boost Increases WIS by 12~64 while on deserts.
Snow: WIS Boost Increases WIS by 12~64 while on snow.
Mountain: WIS Boost Increases WIS by 12~64 while on mountains.
Courtyard: WIS Boost Increases WIS by 12~64 while on courtyards.
Grassland: AGI Boost % Increases AGI by 1~4% while on grasslands.
River: AGI Boost % Increases AGI by 1~4% while on rivers.
Desert: AGI Boost % Increases AGI by 1~4% while on deserts.
Snow: AGI Boost % Increases AGI by 1~4% while on snow.
Mountain: AGI Boost % Increases AGI by 1~4% while on mountains.
Courtyard: AGI Boost % Increases AGI by 1~4% while on courtyards.
Grassland: AGI Boost Increases AGI by 12~64 while on grasslands.
River: AGI Boost Increases AGI by 12~64 while on rivers.
Desert: AGI Boost Increases AGI by 12~64 while on deserts.
Snow: AGI Boost Increases AGI by 12~64 while on snow.
Mountain: AGI Boost Increases AGI by 12~64 while on mountains.
Courtyard: AGI Boost Increases AGI by 12~64 while on courtyards.
Grassland: MRL Boost % Increases MRL by 1~4% while on grasslands.
River: MRL Boost % Increases MRL by 1~4% while on rivers.
Desert: MRL Boost % Increases MRL by 1~4% while on deserts.
Snow: MRL Boost % Increases MRL by 1~4% while on snow.
Mountain: MRL Boost % Increases MRL by 1~4% while on mountains.
Courtyard: MRL Boost % Increases MRL by 1~4% while on courtyards.
Grassland: MRL Boost Increases MRL by 12~64 while on grasslands.
River: MRL Boost Increases MRL by 12~64 while on rivers.
Desert: MRL Boost Increases MRL by 12~64 while on deserts.
Snow: MRL Boost Increases MRL by 12~64 while on snow.
Mountain: MRL Boost Increases MRL by 12~64 while on mountains.
Courtyard: MRL Boost Increases MRL by 12~64 while on courtyards.

Passives derived from relics owned by the Four Gods. On their own, they invoke unique effects that scale according to one of the user's stats. When combined in a particular fashion, these items may create a more potent passive that simulates the traits of the deity they represent.

Relic Passive Description
Relic: Melee Attack+ Melee attacks deal 0~4 additional damage. Effect scales with the wearer's STR.
Type: Attack Prefix: Powerful
Relic: Ranged Attack+ Ranged attacks deal 0~4 additional damage. Effect scales with the wearer's STR.
Type: Attack Prefix: Fierce
Relic: Melee Attack DEF Rate Pierce Decreases the target's attack defense rate by 0~0.4% before dealing a melee hit. Effect scales with the wearer's DEX.
Type: Accessory Prefix: Cunning
Relic: Ranged Attack DEF Rate Pierce Decreases the target's attack defense rate by 0~0.4% before dealing a ranged hit. Effect scales with the wearer's DEX.
Type: Accessory Prefix: Precise
Relic: Tactics DEF Rate Pierce Decreases the target's tactical defense rate by 0~0.4% before using a tactic. Effect scales with the wearer's LCK.
Type: Accessory Prefix: Calm
Relic: Status Effect Attack % Physical attacks have a 0~0.6% chance of inflicting a random attribute-based status debuff on the target. Effect scales with the wearer's STR.
Type: Accessory Prefix: Subtle
Relic: Abnormality Attack % Physical attacks have a 0~0.6% chance of inf‌licting two random stat debuff effects on the target. Effect scales with the wearer's STR.
Type: Accessory Prefix: Mystical
Relic: Lifesteal Attack % Physical attacks heal for 0~1% of damage dealt. Effect scales with the wearer's STR.
Type: Attack Prefix: Covetous
Relic: Lifesteal Tactics % Single target offensive tactics heal for 0~1% of the damage dealt. Effect scales with the wearer's INT.
Type: Attack Prefix: Elated
Relic: Amplify Offensive Tactics Increases the effectiveness of offensive tactics by 0~4. Effect is improved for stronger tactics and scales with the wearer's INT.
Type: Attack Prefix: Radiant
Relic: Supply Tactics+ Increases the effectiveness of supply tactics by 0~4. Effect scales with the wearer's INT.
Type: Accessory Prefix: Noble
Relic: Melee Damage- Decreases damage from melee attacks by 0~8. Effect scales with the wearer's CMD.
Type: Defense Prefix: Solid
Relic: Ranged Damage- Decreases damage from ranged attacks by 0~8. Effect scales with the wearer's CMD.
Type: Defense Prefix: Flexible
Relic: Tactics Damage- Decreases damage from tactical attacks by 0~8. Effect is improved against stronger tactics and scales with the wearer's INT.
Type: Defense Prefix: Clever
Relic: Melee Attack DEF Rate+ Increases melee attack defense rate by 0~0.4%. Effect scales with the wearer's DEX.
Type: Defense Prefix: Svelte
Relic: Ranged Attack DEF Rate+ Increases ranged attack defense rate by 0~0.4%. Effect scales with the wearer's DEX.
Type: Defense Prefix: Agile
Relic: Tactics DEF Rate+ Increases the chance of blocking harmful tactics by 0~0.4%. Effect scales with the wearer's LCK.
Type: Defense Prefix: Delicate
Relic: Melee Attack Damage Reflection % Reflects 0~1% of melee damage back at the enemy. Effect scales with the wearer's LCK.
Type: Defense Prefix: Sharp
Relic: Ranged Attack Damage Reflection % Reflects 0~1% of ranged damage back at the enemy. Effect scales with the wearer's LCK.
Type: Defense Prefix: Smooth
Relic: Tactics Damage Reflection % Reflects 0~1% of tactical damage back at the enemy. Does not apply to Four Gods tactics. Effect scales with the wearer's LCK.
Type: Defense Prefix: Shining
Relic: HP Recovery Recovers 0~4 HP every turn. Effect scales with the wearer's CMD.
Type: Accessory Prefix: Vigorous
Relic: HP Boost Increases maximum HP by 0~6. Effect scales with the wearer's CMD.
Type: Accessory Prefix: Tough
Relic: MP Boost Increases maximum MP by 0~3. Effect scales with the wearer's INT.
Type: Accessory Prefix: Fine
Relic Passive Description
Relic: Confusion Immunity Blocks effects that cause confuse.
Relic: Decrease Physical Damage % Defending has a 35% chance of decreasing physical damage by 10%.
Relic: Decrease Physical Damage % Defending has a 35% chance of decreasing physical damage by 30%.
Relic: MP Destruction Attack % Physical attacks deal additional damage and decrease the target's MP by half of the damage dealt.
Relic: Charge % Absorbs 25% of the damage taken as HP when attacked by electrocuted enemies.
Relic: Charge % Absorbs 75% of the damage taken as HP when attacked by electrocuted enemies.
Relic: Dragon's Wrath Electrocutes nearby enemy units upon being defeated.
Relic: Electrocute Attack % Physical attacks have a 35% chance of inflicting electrocute on the target.
Relic: Electrocute Tactics % Offensive tactics have a 50% chance of inflicting electrocute on the target. Does not apply to area of effect tactics.
Relic: Electrocute Immunity Blocks effects that cause electrocute.
Relic: Dragon Claw Weapons % Physical attacks have a 50% chance of inflicting electrocute on the target.
Relic: Dragon Fang Weapons % Physical attacks have a 30% chance of dropping up to 5 lighting-infused swords on random enemies nearby. Each sword deals 50 additional damage.
Relic: Energy Wave Weapons % Physical attacks knock the target 1 tile back. If the enemy cannot be moved, then the first hit of a Double Attack will inflict damage equal to 5% of the user's maximum HP.
Relic: Outrage Weapons % Physical attacks strike up to 2 targets nearby with lightning, dealing 7% additional damage on the main target.
Relic Passive Description
Relic: Silence Immunity Blocks effects that cause silence.
Relic: Decrease Tactics Damage % Defending has a 35% chance of decreasing tactical damage by 10%. Does not apply to Four Gods tactics.
Relic: Decrease Tactics Damage % Defending has a 35% chance of decreasing tactical damage by 30%. Does not apply to Four Gods tactics.
Relic: Fire's Wrath Encases the surrounding area with fire upon being defeated. Enemies caught in the attack will be immobilized and receive terrain damage.
Relic: Fire's Vengeance Dancing flames prevent position changes from relics. The full damage of preventing movement is transferred to the attacker.
Relic: Quick Reflexes % Decreases Phalanx Strike damage by 25%. Also applies to Phalanx Strike Reversals.
Relic: Quick Reflexes % Decreases Phalanx Strike damage by 50%. Also applies to Phalanx Strike Reversals.
Relic: Wall of Fire % Has a 15% chance of protecting the user with a wall of fire. Can be invoked twice. Does not apply to Double Tactics.
Relic: Fire Attack % Physical attacks have a 50% chance of dealing 70 additional damage on the target and inflicting 1 mark of flame.
Relic: Mortal Blaze Attacks clear all marks of flame on the target while dealing 15% damage per mark. Applies to enemies with 2 or more marks. Extra damage cannot exceed 10% per mark.
Relic: Spread Plan % Non-area of effect offensive tactics knock the target back 1 tile. If unable to move, then it will inflict 10% more damage. Does not apply to the second hit of Double Tactics.
Relic: Claw Plan % Non-area of effect offensive tactics pull nearby targets 1 tile. If unable to move, then it will inflict 6% more damage. Does not apply to the second hit of Double Tactics.
Relic: Fire Plan % Offensive tactics instantly turn the target's location to fire terrain.
Relic: Scorching Lightning Plan % Offensive tactics instantly create fiery blossoms that add 1 mark of flame and turn the target's location to fire terrain.
Relic: Eruption Plan % Offensive tactics have a 50% chance of dealing 50 additional damage each and turn the target's location to fire terrain in a cross formation.
Relic: Flame Sword Plan % Offensive tactics create blades of flame that attack up to 2 enemies nearby. The blades deal 3% additional damage and add 1 mark of flame.
Relic: Evolution Decreases 3 mark of flames whenever a mark is attached to the user. Applies to effects, tactics, and tools inflicted by enemies.

Passives that involve managing territories and resources, they serve to further distinguish commanders from one another. These have a maximum of 5 levels which go up via class promotion.

These passives are mainly useful for increasing the amount of silver coins and rations a city can generate. Placing prefects in charge of their preferred facilities is essential in order to make full use of them.

Prefect Passive Description
Silver Coin Tax Specialization Increases silver coin taxes when assigned to any area.
Base Percentage: 2%
Ration Tax Specialization Increases ration taxes when assigned to any area.
Base Percentage: 2%
Master Tax Collector Increases silver coin and ration taxes when assigned to any area.
Base Percentage: 2%
Treasury Specialization Increases silver coin storage when assigned to any area.
Base Percentage: 7%
Stockpile Specialization Increases ration storage when assigned to any area.
Base Percentage: 7%
Master Storage Increases silver coin and ration storage when assigned to any area.
Base Percentage: 2%
Absolute Protection Specialization Increases absolute protection when assigned to any area.
Base Percentage: 7%
Market Specialization Increases silver coin taxes when assigned to a Market area.
Base Percentage: 3%
Lumbermill Specialization Increases silver coin taxes when assigned to a Lumbermill area.
Base Percentage: 3%
Tailor Specialization Increases silver coin taxes when assigned to a Tailor area.
Base Percentage: 3%
Pottery Works Specialization Increases silver coin taxes when assigned to a Pottery Works area.
Base Percentage: 3%
Port Specialization Increases silver coin taxes when assigned to a Port area.
Base Percentage: 3%
Farm Specialization Increases ration taxes when assigned to a Farm area.
Base Percentage: 3%
Fishery Specialization Increases ration taxes when assigned to a Fishery area.
Base Percentage: 3%
Pig Farm Specialization Increases ration taxes when assigned to a Pig Farm area.
Base Percentage: 3%
Fruit Grove Specialization Increases ration taxes when assigned to a Fruit Grove area.
Base Percentage: 3%

These passives not only serve to complement prefect passives, they also make siege raids more inexpensive and profitable. Past versions of the game required the player to manually activate these skills for a limited time, but this is no longer the case in the current update.

Warlord Passive Description
Warlord Govern Passives
Silver Coin Tax+ Increases silver coin taxes from all owned areas.
Base Percentage: 2%
Ration Tax+ Increases ration taxes from all owned areas.
Base Percentage: 2%
General Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from all owned areas.
Base Percentage: 4%
Bingzhou Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from Bingzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Jiaozhou Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from Jiaozhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Jingzhou-N Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from North Jingzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Jingzhou-S Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from South Jingzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Jizhou Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from Jizhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Liangzhou-N Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from North Liangzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Liangzhou-S Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from South Liangzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Qingzhou Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from Qingzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Sizhou Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from Sizhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Xuzhou Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from Xuzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Yanzhou Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from Yanzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Yizhou-C Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from Central Yizhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Yizhou-N Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from North Yizhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Yizhou-S Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from South Yizhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Yongzhou-E Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from East Yongzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Yongzhou-W Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from West Yongzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Youzhou Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from Youzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Yuzhou Tax+ Increases silver coin and ration taxes from Yuzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Premium Shop+ Decreases the amount of gold coins required to refresh the Premium Shop.
Base Percentage: 2%
Trader+ Decreases the amount of gold coins required to refresh the Trader.
Base Percentage: 2%
Warlord Battle Passives
Silver Coin Loot+ Increases the amount of silver coins looted in siege battles.
Base Percentage: 2%
Ration Loot+ Increases the amount of rations looted in siege battles.
Base Percentage: 2%
All Loot+ Increases the amount of silver coins and rations looted in siege battles.
Base Percentage: 2%
Yizhou Pillage Boost+ Increases the amount of silver coins and rations looted in siege battles on Yizhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Bingzhou Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging Bingzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Jiaozhou Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging Jiaozhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Jingzhou-N Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging North Jingzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Jingzhou-S Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging South Jingzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Jizhou Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging Jizhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Liangzhou-N Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging North Liangzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Liangzhou-S Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging South Liangzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Qingzhou Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging Qingzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Sizhou Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging Sizhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Xuzhou Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging Xuzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Yanzhou Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging Yanzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Yizhou-C Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging Central Yizhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Yizhou-N Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging North Yizhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Yizhou-S Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging South Yizhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Yongzhou-E Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging East Yongzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Yongzhou-W Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging West Yongzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Youzhou Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging Youzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Yuzhou Loot+ Increases silver coin and ration loot when sieging Yuzhou.
Base Percentage: 4%
Battle Rations+ Decreases the amount of rations used in deploying units to battle.
Base Percentage: 4%
Occupation+ Increases occupation rate by a certain amount regardless of siege battle results.
Base Percentage: 4%
Scout+ Decreases the amount of silver coins spent on switching opponents while scouting enemy territory.
Base Percentage: 4%
Practice Battle+ Increases the waiting time for practice battles.
Base Percentage: 4%

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