Princess Ruto/Quotes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Princess Ruto.


Hyrule Warriors

  • The keep is ours!
  • I'll make this a Zora keep!
  • I don't mean to brag, but capturing keeps just comes easy to me. Don't be jealous!
  • Hah, I try my best!
  • Excellent! The keep is ours!
  • You should be so lucky to engage me in battle!
  • So, you believe you can beat me? Hah! Hardly!
  • I never knew I had it in me!
  • With you on our side, it's as if we've already won!
  • My, my... Are you proposing? Ha! I'm only kidding!
  • Never underestimate the might of the Zora!
  • The floodgates are open! Now we should be able to enter the Water Temple.
  • Don't you dare lay a hand on my friends!
  • Did you see me take down that officer? Wasn't it perfect? I sure thought so!
  • Do you know who I am? No? Then let me show you!
  • Do you yield to me? I can't blame you. Not many would dare defy a Zora princess!
  • You insolent creatures... Learn some respect!
  • Show some manners! You're in the presence of royalty!
  • Yes! We've won!
  • See what happens when you get in my way?
  • Can you appreciate my talent?
  • Excuse me, my rage on the battlefield was very unladylike. It... Actually, it was rather enjoyable. Shall we do it again?
  • Pretty good! I'd even go so far as to say that was great!
  • It's time for me to take my leave. Somebody carry me!
  • Goodness, that was tiring. Everyone, good job! Now let's rest up for the next battle!
  • I'll... I'll tell on you to daddy!