Portgas D. Ace/Quotes

From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Portgas D. Ace.


  • Who do you think you can beat?
  • Well, let's get started!
  • We better get this area under our control.
  • This is the Whitebeard Pirates' territory now.
  • I am fire itself. You can't even touch me.
  • I am a free man. The Marines could never catch me.
  • My fire burns everything... A truly invincible ability.
  • That's the way! Keep supporting Luffy, okay!
  • I bear the mark of Whitebeard. I could never lose.
  • Once I start a fight, neither side ever escapes.
  • Cross me, and I'll never let you live.
  • I aim to be top pirate! I stop for no one!
  • I sure do get hungry after a big victory!
  • I'm outta here. I'm gonna make Whitebeard king.

  • If you think you can run, you're wrong. You've no choice but to fight me.
  • I'm "fire". Not that it matters.
  • I guess we ought to nip this in the bud right here.
  • I won't let you go once you're here.
  • This territory is ours now. You got something to say about it?
  • We're done here... Let's move on to the next target!
  • Starting now, this territory is property of the Whitebeard Pirates.
  • Why don't you quit running your mouth and come at me?
  • I won't let you take Whitebeard out! I'll make Pops the Pirate King!
  • Oh come on, I'm telling you to stop.
  • I guess I'll have to show my trump card. This'll decide the match...!
  • Don't make a fuss. I don't run from anyone.
  • Once the battle has begun, I won't run, and I won't let you get away.
  • I can't use my technique like this...
  • Let's back off for a moment...
  • Victory sure makes me hungry!
  • Whoa! Not good, I was in the middle of eating.

  • Let's give this fight all we've got...! Don't let your guard down.
  • Wait a second. I'll go too.
  • I'm Flame Fist Ace... and don't forget it.
  • Oh, sorry to butt in.
  • I carry Whitebeard's Mark. I can't lose.
  • They were pretty damn tough. But that's to be expected from Luffy's crew.
  • I'm "fire". Not that it matters.
  • I won't let you go once you're here.
  • There! Shushhhh!
  • I'm glad I was able to beat you.
  • Sorry 'bout that. I couldn't hold back.
  • I can't believe I beat you. I wonder if I'm as great a pirate as Pops now...
  • Are you feelin' okay?! Otherwise, there's no way I'd win.
  • Victory is mine today, but it seems this isn't over between us.
  • You've committed the worst crime you can commit on a pirate's ship. Now I have to deal with you, as commander.
  • The enemy should've known better. No sword can cut "fire".
  • I don't owe anything to anyone, not even a god. That's what it means to be a pirate right?
  • We're done here... Let's move on to the next target!
  • I guess we ought to nip this in the bud right here.
  • My flame burns all to nothing... That makes it a peerless power.
  • I'm aiming for the Pirate's Summit! And until I get there, I'm not stopping!
  • Luffy, always doing such ridiculous things! But I'm surprised! You've really gotten strong!
  • Pwahaha... You sure it's okay to leave him?
  • You've gotten stronger huh, Luffy!
  • Sorry 'bout that! You saved me.
  • You and your pain in the ass skill... I'm gonna take you down for sure!
  • Fire and ice... Which one won't be left behind?!
  • I remember you nearly killing me, but I'm winning this round!
  • You think you can catch me...?!
  • Glad that's finally taken care of.
  • Um, I'm the 2nd division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates... If you lose to me you'll never win against the old man!
  • Everything I get, I pay back in full!