
From Koei Tecmo Wiki

A list of quotes commonly spoken by Owain.


Fire Emblem Warriors

  • Of course!
  • There's more to do.
  • Let's begin.
  • I defeated the enemy? I...I did iiiiiit!
  • No mere mortal stands a chance against Owain Dark!
  • You should have heeded my warning.
  • My name is Owain Dark. It would do you well to remember that.
  • Hundreds of enemies felled by my own hands... By my awesome power!
  • A thousand corpses in my wake... I shall start a new legend.
  • Mother?! I failed to protect you again...
  • A power far greater than my own has awoken within you.
  • Good job, friend with whom I have strong emotional ties!
  • I expect nothing less from one bound to a creature of darkness such as I.
  • To finally witness your true power... It chills me to the core!
  • A cold, relentless blade that cleaves all in its path... That's my mother for you!
  • Very good, Lucina! Now show me your ultimate technique!
  • The very embodiment of a hero! Your form is forever burned in my mind!
  • You fight like one blessed by the god of war. I can feel your burning spirit!
  • O ye of red wings, your martial deeds are worthy of divine praise!
  • Boundless strength that surpasses all reason... I've seen Corrin's might!
  • An overwhelming surge of utter darkness! Tharja... You are... SO COOL!
  • Olivia! I hereby name you...the Glorious Dancing Maiden of Eternal Twilight!
  • I shall tell tales of yon far-flung heroes!
  • Bards shall sing of your glory!
  • I have been graced by the blessed power of words!
  • The darkness I carry within is sated. For the time being...
  • The blessed power of words has helped me achieve this greatness.
  • No, Mother! This is the true power of my heroic blood!
  • You honor me, Lucina. Now let's show them strength born in a dire future!
  • Heh, here's one for you. Special technique 23! I forgot its naaaame!!
  • Have my dark incantations surpassed my sword once again?
  • You were spying on my secret training?! Th-that was no mere stick!
  • This is my true power, Corrin. Spread legends of it in your world.
  • I have allowed you only a glimpse into the inky abyss of my soul.
  • You have peered into the inky abyss of my soul and survived.
  • Allow the darkness within me to assist you!
  • You aren't going alone, are you? Let us forge a new legend together.
  • Allow me to assist you. We'll step into legend side by side.
  • This fight will get my sword hand twitching for sure!
  • To meet such a friend in such a place... The bond we share is truly special!
  • To meet here is no mere coincidence. Our bond transcends fate itself!
  • Reveal your true power and see your enemies driven!
  • I'll always be by your side!
  • I'll always be there for you!
  • The legendary successor to the throne of darkness... Owain has arrived!
  • You keep me at arm's length. Why not rely on me instead?
  • Don't keep me in the dark. You can count on me!
  • Allow me to use your strength as my own!
  • Let us watch each other's backs on this field of battle!
  • Let us cleave through the battlefield as one fearsome warrior!
  • I cannot do this with my strength alone. I need reinforcements!
  • Is someone calling my name? I'll be there with all haste!
  • I'm on my way! You will not die on my watch...
  • I'm on my way! You will not greet death this day.
  • Thank you!
  • Thank you, Mother, but...I am no longer a child. I can handle myself!
  • Sorry to be a bother, Lucina. I vow to pay you back tenfold!
  • Thanks for your help, Niles. Our souls are truly connected!
  • Sorry to be a bother, Anna. I-I'll buy a weapon off you after the battle.
  • Lady Caeda, you saved me! Someday, I'll be your equal.
  • You have my thanks, Lyndis. Your courage emboldens me!
  • I had a feeling you would come for me. The bond of friendship told me so!
  • I had a feeling you would come for me. Our friendship is all-powerful!
  • I just did what came naturally.
  • My vow to protect you is an eternal one, Mother.
  • Past, present, or future--as long as we fight together, we've nothing to fear.
  • Partner? So you have awoken to our bond, Broth-- Hey, don't walk away!
  • It would be a true honor! Its strength shall help save our future!
  • Please, Caeda. The darkness within my soul will grow restless with such praise.
  • Swordswoman of the sky and earth... It's your soul that called me here.
  • I need no reason to help my comrades.
  • I need little reason to come to your aid.
  • Now is my chance to take center stage!
  • The time has come to test our strength against one another.
  • Maybe you know me by my other name: the Commander Killer!
  • I will bring an end to this age of chaos!
  • I will put this chaos to rest!
  • To grow stronger is only natural for the hero of darkness.
  • You could say... my true power has been unleashed.
  • It brings me such joy to sense that our bond has grown ever stronger.
  • I pity you in a way. You know not the enemy you have made in me.
  • Mother... I vowed to protect you, but a cruel fate has made us enemies.
  • Must we fight, Lucina? Maybe we didn't see each other... Let us retreat to safety!
  • An opponent that could subdue a whole army. This fight will ask my true worth.
  • It gives me pause to fight you, Marth. But show me the power of the Hero-King!
  • Watch closely, knight of the exalt. I'll break the seal on my dark power!
  • It seems our fighting is unavoidable. So let's give it all we've got!
  • No matter the hardships... A hero never retreats!
  • My sword hand twitches with regret at facing my own mother in combat.
  • Yes, Lucina. My sword hand longs for battle. I have no choice but to fight.
  • You may be an exalted tactician...but can you handle my special technique?!
  • My sword hand twitches at thoughts of our shared blood!
  • Ugh! You deflected my special technique?!
  • You may silence my dark incantations... but you cannot silence a cool pose!
  • Don't be too hard on yourself. Few can withstand my dark incantations.
  • Punish me as you see fit, Mother. Just don't take away my dinner!
  • Over already? You weren't going easy on me, were you?
  • You're just as dangerous as I expected.
  • At long last... The Dark Swordsman has defeated the Scarlet Sword!
  • I read you like an open book, Niles.
  • You're a fearsome foe, Tiki. You won't catch me with my guard down.
  • What's next for the Dark Swordsman?